Clydesdale Media Podcast

On this episode we will talk about the angry mobs, the football season beginning, the Hope Solo Documentary and what ever else happens to come up.  This is a audience participation show so come with your thoughts.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

That's how it went

what's going on everybody

welcome to a brand new show

this is scott schweitzer's

stream of consciousness um

what that means I don't

know kind of like uh

letting you inside my head

So what I wanted to do is

kind of create a show where

I could just kind of come

on here by myself and chat

about what's going on inside my head,

what thoughts I have

throughout the week of

things that have popped up

And not necessarily just in

the CrossFit space,

but that will be part of it.

But also like in pop culture, in the news,

in sports, in music,

all different kinds of stuff.

And I think you'll get kind

of a little vibe as to what

I mean by that in today's show.

It's going to be a little eclectic,

a little mix.

Um, but we'll, we'll jump into it,

see how you like it.

And if you like it, we'll keep doing it.

But really this is a vehicle

for me to be able to hop on

whenever I need to just by

myself to be able to talk

about things I'm seeing

going on in the space, outside space,


Um, but really just, just me,

a chance to talk to you,

the audience and you to

talk to me and just go

through whatever is, is happening.

So the first thing I want to

talk about is if you didn't

see my interview this

afternoon with Matt

Schegeldecker and Kristen Slaper,

they are a part of the nine

eleven climb team.

It started here in Ohio.

It is now being spread more

widely because they've

partnered with Broken Science.

But it's to honor and

celebrate the first

responders and the four

hundred and fifty one first

responders who died at nine

eleven to honor them and

celebrate those first

responders who are

continuing to do those jobs.

But make it aware that

physical and mental.

health is important to them.

And so they have a workout, uh,

the CrossFit workout you

can do on Wednesday.

Um, but essentially what it is,

is do anything that helps

you move for forty one

minutes and twenty seconds.

That's it.

Um, now they, they got mayhem and rich to,

to come up with a workout.

Uh, it, it has some steps.


Yeah, and Seema Boobs says,

the guy who has state-funded parolees.

That is correct.

This is another initiative he has.

Because of his connections

with that program,

he is starting this to

bring awareness to mental

and physical health issues

with first responders.

So that's happening this week.

And it's a short like thirty

minute interview we did

with him and Kristen earlier today.

If you want to go check that

out and the workout is

brought up during that

interview if you want to

check out what that is as well.

The other thing I'm working

on this week is the behind

the scenes of the Masters CrossFit Games.

Episode one will be out Monday morning,

probably eight or nine a.m.

I'm thinking it is pretty much finished.

Just have to add in two

voiceovers and it will be

done and then I'll upload

it and get it ready to launch.

First thing Monday morning,

episode one is check in day.


so it's basically just Ellie Hiller and

myself walking through check-in day,

talking to the athletes,

finding out what's going on with them.

Uh, so that will be episode one.

And then next week will be episode two,

which is event one, the deadlift run and,

uh, the behind the scenes of what, uh,

what was happening there and that.

And Jonathan Ortega killed

it with his videography and editing.

I have to also shout out Caitlin Walters,

who was a videographer for

me at the Masters CrossFit

Games and Holly Dugan,

our stats and info person,

who is always killing it.

Ellie Hiller was amazing.

She was running everywhere,

getting interviews.

It's going to be something special.

I hope you guys check it out.

Because the Masters athletes

definitely have some pretty cool stories.

So now let's get into the

meat of what this program is going to be.

And I'm going to start with

the events of this week

that are related to the

death of Lazar Jukic.

And it starts with Luca

making a statement this

week on Instagram.

And for those of you who did not see that,

I'm going to pull it up.

I want to focus on two main

issues with this.

So, um,

Luca put out a statement basically

saying that a timeline of

events that happened and

the conversation that

happened with him and Dave

Castro with Nicole Carol in the room.

Um, I'm sure you've heard about it, uh,

repeatedly this week,

but I wanted to give a

little bit of input.

And this is later in the statement.

And he says here,

while I won't point fingers

on this post or try to ruin anyone's name,

I feel obligated with my

family to do everything

that is legally in my power

to ask questions,

go deeper into this case

and try to see whose fault

is that there was no

reaction from the

multimillion dollar

organization whose most of

the staff's job is to make

this one word weekend perfect.

He also goes on to say that, um,

even if I did want to go

deeper in this conversation,

I wouldn't because what's,

what's it doing other than

just taking attention away

from where it should be.

And that is,

how could this happen on

competition of this size?

How could this happen on a live stream?

And to someone who was very

easy to keep track of as he

was one of the few people in the lead.


while Luke is mad and I completely,

completely understand that

if anybody has a right to be pissed off,

it is Luka Jukic.

He lost his brother.

I lost my father just a few years ago.

I know what that feeling is

like losing a family member

so close to you is devastating and it,

and it puts you in weird head spaces.

And, um,

if anybody deserves to go out on

the internet and say what

they feel and say, uh,

that they're upset.

It is Luka Jukic.

He has every right to do that.

The reaction to this has

been startling to me, though.

It seems like an angry mob

immediately took the words

of Luka Jukic and made

steps toward whose fault it was,

who's to blame,

whose head needs to be on a platter.

And in Luka's own words, he says,

I'm not ready to point

fingers at this point.

I'm ready to ask more questions.

I'm ready to dig deeper.

Yet, the entire internet, it seems,

has become this angry mob

ready to go after whoever it is.

The other thing I think

that's getting lost in all

of this is we lost a really

great guy in Lazar Jukic.

And that's getting lost with

everybody's agendas around

what has happened.

the PFAA going in this direction.

And none of it has to do

with that event or the

safety of that event,

but what they've wanted to

accomplish for years and

what they're blaming CrossFit of doing.

And it's putting Lazar out

of the story completely, which is wrong,

completely wrong.

And the reaction to this has been,

Luca's reaction was measured

for a guy that should be pissed off.

Yet the internet's reaction

to this is not measured and

has become an angry mob.

And it seems that the more

people that are posting

these angry statements about people,

about organizations,

the more people are jumping

on that bandwagon and going forward.

I find that ridiculous in this case.

So the story moves on with

an apology from Dave Castro

later that day.

I will go ahead and share

that screen as well.

Um, Dave Castro said,

I read Lucas post this

morning and would like to

apologize to him and the

entire Jukic family.

I should never have said

that the decision to

continue the CrossFit games

in August was blessed by their family.

At the time,

the decision was made to

continue the games and

allow our athletes to compete.

and we respected those

athletes who decided to withdraw.

This decision was made by CrossFit,

and I never intended to put

the weight of this decision on Luca,

the Jukic family,

or our CrossFit athletes.

I've never been in a

situation like this before,

and I absolutely made a mistake.

I sincerely regret any pain

that I've caused.

So we have a response from

Dave Castro saying that the

words he used were wrong.

The words that people have

been attacking him for using,

saying it was blessed by

both the athletes and

blessed by the Jukic family.

He says he made a mistake,

he says he was wrong,

and he apologized for that.

Then, almost...

A few hours later,

we then get another news

story from the barbell spin

reporting that an email was

sent to athletes from Dawnfall.

And here is that you can

read the entire email on

the barbell spin.

And it says, hello,

I'm writing to share a few

important updates.

He basically talks about the

third party investigation

and that that is still ongoing.


he wanted everybody to know that if

you're president at present

at the games and despite desire,

desire to speak with an

investigator about the swim

and individual event one to do so,

we will be following up

directly with instructions

on how to reach the investigator.

So he's telling anybody who

wants to speak out about

what happened at the event

that they will put them in

touch with the investigator

or the way to get in touch

with the investigator.

He also then goes into a

community dialogue.

Separate and apart from the investigation,

we've heard many people in

our community across a

range of topics related to

CrossFit as a sport.

Over the past three weeks,

I personally met with many

of our athletes and other

members of the community.

These conversations have

helped me better understand

issues that are top of mind

and different points of view that exist.

And he says he will continue

to do that over the coming weeks.

He finishes with mental

health and trauma support

will be available.

As promised,

we also wanted to share

details regarding mental

health and trauma support

to those who attended the

twenty twenty four CrossFit

Games and were affected by

the death of Lazar Jukic.

This resource will be

serviced through Lira Health,

which offers several

confidential support options,

including therapy,

coaching and unlimited

access to self-care apps.

If you're on site in Fort Worth,

CrossFit is offering access

to eight free coaching or

therapy sessions within a

six-month period starting today.

And I can verify that I,

as an attendee of the CrossFit Games,

got an email stating this

exact same thing.

So that also did happen.

So with all this...

I've been very reserved

about talking about this

and how things should go

until the investigation was complete.


and the full medical examiner report is


I know Luca talks about a

conversation he had with

the medical medical examiner,

but I would like to see the

full report and,

and everything that happened.

But regardless of that, a man died,

a man should not have died.


But the reality is this happens in sport.

There is an assumption of

risk every time an athlete

takes the floor, the field, the track,

the pool, whatever it is,

there is an assumption of risk.

That doesn't mean that you

burned down the building

because somebody messed up.

What it means is you learn

from your mistakes,

you get better at what you did,

and you try to move on.

There have been deaths in

sport all across the world.

And in every case,

the organization that runs

the sport learns from that, what happened,

gets better at what happened,

and then moves on from that.

Hopefully in a much better place.

One large example is the NFL

has been sued and lost a

billions of dollars in

concussion lawsuits.

They've introduced eight new

football helmets this year

alone that are helping

minimize concussions and

the effects of CTE.

This is something that they

were forced into doing

because of things that were happening,

and a lawsuit was filed, they lost,

and now that they are

making things better.

My hope is that CrossFit

takes what happened,

learns from that experience, gets better,

and moves forward.

Because the one thing that

nobody is saying is,

but I've talked to several athletes,

there is no safer place to

compete than the CrossFit Games.

Did they mess up in this case?

Sure they did.

Something went wrong.

But you talk to athletes who

have been around the sport a long time,

The rig setups are better

than Waterpalooza.

They're better than local comps.

They're better than Dubai.

Everything at the games is

done at such a high level

that it is truly the safest

place athletes have felt when competing.

And that's not my words.

That's from other athletes

I've spoken to who have said,

when CrossFit is running the event,

it just feels safer.

Everything is done at a higher level.

They messed up.

They made a mistake.

And they need to rectify

that mistake and do better.

But the truth of the matter is,

I look at events that are

going on even this weekend and think,

oh my gosh.

What are they thinking?

I'm not going to call any names out,

but I've heard things going

on this weekend that were

just shocking to me that

would be allowed at a

competition that would

never happen at the CrossFit Games.

Now, NorCal Classic,

if you saw Hiller's Instagram,

they have had enough people

in the water to make sure

that nothing like what

happened in Fort Worth

happens at the NorCal Classic.

There are lifeguards everywhere.

There are emergency

personnel right on the shore,

ready to act if needed.

End of the story is, yes,

CrossFit messed up.

Yes, they need to fix it.

It's not time to point fingers.

It's not time to divide as a community.

It's time to come together

and give us a sport that is

even safer than it was

before and doesn't allow

something like happened

this year happen again.

But dividing as a community

is not the way to do it.

We need to find a way to come together.

And whatever that is,

I don't know what the

answer is off the top of my head,

but we've got to find a way.

Because right now,

the community itself is split in half,

and that's not going to solve anything.

And we can't just hate on people to hate.

We need to find out a solution,

figure out how to do better, and move on.

So that's what I have to say

about that from that perspective.

And now I'm going to dive

into some other topics that

are less CrossFit related.

So the next thing I'm going

to jump into is the Hope

Solo documentary on Netflix.

If you have not seen this,

Hope Solo was a goalie for the U.S.

women's national team.

It is considered by some to

be the greatest goalie in soccer history,

not just women's soccer,

but overall in soccer.

There's a documentary on

Netflix called Hope Solo

versus USA Soccer,

and it is part of their Untold series.

I know that when documentaries get done,

depending on the

perspective of the subject

and the director and the producer,

that it can go in any direction.

But the way this woman was

treated in the late two

thousands to late teens in

this country was crazy.

She was known for being very outspoken.

And she spoke up when she

didn't think things were correct.

And for that, she got benched.

She got suspended.

And in most cases, in all cases,

I would say,

the things she said would not

even be blinked at if it

was said by a man.

And yet, she gets the boot all the time.

She gets suspended.

And she was the first female

soccer player to question their contract.

and to question the

the equity between men's and

women's soccer in the U.S.

And you have to remember

from nineteen ninety nine

to the mid two thousand

fifteen two thousand teens,

women's soccer was

outdrawing men's soccer by a lot.

And the women's team,

their percentage of what

the men got was probably.

Ten percent, ten, fifteen percent, maybe.

James W. says,

I think we're conflating issues,

backing up a touch.

Who is to blame for the

issues that led to Lazar's death?

And Dave's handling of the

events after the death are

very different.

Dave lied to the athletes

and everyone after.

I think that that's semantics,

but I'm sure that there are

going to be a lot of people

that agree with you, James,

and think that it was an outright lie.

I think using the word

blessing was a mistake.

He should not have said that.

I'm not sure I can go all the way to lie,

but I do understand where

you're coming from.

So anyway, Hope Solo...

pays dearly for a lot of

things and is really the

first female athlete to

question the equal pay for

men and women in soccer in

a sport where the women

were outdrawing the men and

actually probably bringing

in more money than the men.

And she pays very dearly for that.

And if you have time,

it's a great documentary to

kind of check out.

The reason I bring it up

here is it is very eerily

familiar to the Danielle

Brandon documentary.

They both came up...

with very weird,

questionable backgrounds

that I found eerily familiar.

And they both succeeded in spite of that,

both with four point oh GPAs,

both becoming successes in

the sport that they loved

and getting college

scholarships to be able to

get a chance to get out of that.


allergies are really bad today here

in Columbus.

So the next topic I'm going

to talk about is football

season beginning.

I'm a huge, huge football fan.

I could not be more excited

that football is back.

I'm a bigger NFL fan than a college fan,

but I am a Penn State fan.

Today was Penn State looked

like trash on defense,

but their offense kept them in it,

and they were able to pull

out a win against Bowling Green.

But I am a much bigger NFL fan.

And the NFL has kicked off

with two great games with

the Chiefs and Ravens on Thursday night,

the Eagles and Packers last night,

the Chiefs-Ravens game

coming down to a toe.

on the back of the end zone

at the end of their game,

and the Ravens just missing

that touchdown to possibly

tie or go ahead.

And the Eagles-Packers game

almost came down to the end

and a very bad injury that

seems to be not so bad if

reports are correct that

I'm getting right now.


on Jordan love that he's going to be

out three to four weeks

with an MCL sprain.

It looked like it could have

been much worse than that.

Uh, but that's, uh,

that should be pretty

optimistic for Packers fans,

but I'm a bears fan.

And so I hate the Packers.

I was rooting against him last night.


I'm super excited for this season

because Chicago may have a

quarter quarterback for the

first time ever, uh,

And I had a question in my

head that I wanted to pose

to the audience,

and I'm curious what you think.

Do you ever, in any sport,

and your team is playing a rival,

do you ever root for the

other team to sustain an

injury that will help you win games?

Because last night as I'm

watching the Eagles-Packers,

I'm rooting mightily against the Packers.

As a Bears fan, I hate the Packers.

And at the very end of the game,

Jordan Love suffers an injury.

And as much as I hate the Packers,

I hate seeing people get injured.

I think it is...

I don't know.

I think it just crosses a

line to root for that.

But I was curious to find

out if anybody else felt the same way,

or do you root for injury

to occur to your team that

helps you win games?

And just for shits and giggles,

I'm going to make my Super

Bowl pick and tell you that

the forty niners and Ravens

will play in this year's

Super Bowl with the forty

niners winning the game.

And I don't like either one of those teams,

but I just think that this

is their year to do something there.

I'm going to finish up with

a little music thing and maybe, well,

two more things.

Music thing.

If you've been in a CrossFit gym,

you have heard the music of Linkin Park,

I am sure.

Linkin Park was a heavy

rotation on my gym's

playlist when we were

really getting at it.

Uh, Holly, I knew I liked you,

Holly Dugan better to win

against healthy teams the right way.


I will go with that.

And it means more when you get the win.


so Lincoln park has announced that they

are coming back with a new

co-vocalist named Emily Armstrong.


and they announced a world tour and an

upcoming album to come out this fall.

So my question is,

because I'm a huge Linkin Park fan,

I have a couple of their albums on vinyl.

They played in our gym all the time.

I still listen to them.

I still crank it up when

they come on the radio.

If a band replaces a lead singer,

is it really still the band?

So if you don't know,

Chester Bennington was the

lead singer of Linkin Park.

He died a few years ago.

The band has not played since.

They're now coming back with

this new singer, Emily Armstrong.

Should it still be Linkin Park?

is my question.

I can personally only think

of two bands who have

replaced lead singers and

had success after,

and that is Van Halen and Black Sabbath.

Van Halen had David Lee Roth

and Sammy Hagar.

Black Sabbath had Ozzy

Osbourne and Ronnie James Dio.

But in both cases,

many of the fandom believe

that it was still kind of

two separate bands.

Like there is the Hagar era

and the Roth era for Van Halen.

There is the Ozzy and the

Dio versions of Black Sabbath.

And they're very different.

And you can like both,

but they were very

different bands as... Andrew Sten,

thank you.

ACDC as well.

acdc probably the most

successful without people

saying the bond scott era

or the brian johnson era

acdc did it probably the

best of all of them now

that you bring that up

holly said it could work

but it'll never be the same

and they can't try to be

So if you go out on the internet,

you can see they did a, um,

a live stream where they

played a couple songs,

one new song and a couple

of the old songs,

I believe numb and another

song where she sang.

Um, it's definitely not Chester.

It's definitely not.


It wasn't bad, but it's different.

And I'm just not sure.

I'm not sure how I feel.

But gosh,

Andrew Sten just really put a big

wrinkle in this with ACDC

because they really made it work.

ACDC never missed a beat.

And I would say the same

fans stayed with ACDC through both.

Andrew says,

I think it depends on how many

original people are in the band.

Some bands try to continue

when less than half of the

band are original.

That's a great point.

ACDC was pretty much the

same band throughout.

Van Halen and Sabbath were

the same as well.

And Linkin Park, everybody but the drummer,

I think, is back and the lead singer.

helped that the singers of

acdc sounded the same I

would say similar for sure

uh there's definitely a

different tone to both um

but I appreciate both and I

listen to both um and enjoy

that so just wanted to

that's what this show is

going to be about it's just

going to be random thoughts

that I have and posing

questions to you guys about

different things that I'm

seeing throughout my week

The last thing I'm going to

leave you with is the new

fall shows aren't on.

There's no new releases.

And so I'm really watching

two shows right now.

And my question to you is

going to be stream or binge?

So I'm watching two shows.

One is Suits on Netflix.

All nine seasons are there.

I can start from episode one

and I can bang out five,

six episodes a night if I wanted to.

The other show I'm watching is Bad Monkey,

which is great.


but great with Vince Vaughn on Apple TV.

And they release one episode a week,

just like old traditional TV.

So with Suits, I can binge, binge, binge.

And then with Bad Monkey,

I can watch one episode and

then I have to stop and

wait for the next one to come out.

You as a consumer, what do you prefer?

And do you think there's a

better way of doing it?

Either stream it for binge or...

Or put it out one episode at

a time and make you watch

in the traditional way.

I've heard the reason Apple TV does that.

They did it with Ted Lasso.

They're doing it with Bad Monkey.

They do it with some of

their other shows is that

it keeps the conversation

going on great shows longer than a week.



But if you're not watching Bad Monkey,

I'm going to finish up with this.


I remember it better streaming each week.

Bad Monkey is really good if

you're not watching it.

It's a Vince Vaughn show on Netflix.

It's a quirky show that

takes place in the Florida Keys.

He is a former detective

trying to get his way back

into the police department.

and back into being an

active duty policeman or

detective and kind of a

murder happens ish.

And he's kind of thrown in

the middle of it to try to figure out.


and so that's what we're following is

him trying to figure out this, this,

this mystery and,

The best part of the show is the narrator.

There's a narrator over the

top of it that talks about

what's going on as it's happening,

and he makes the entire show.

I would call it a dark comedy.

There are some really funny moments,

but it is about a murder and people dying,

and so it is probably more

of a dark comedy.

Clock says my vote doesn't count.

I steal everything from the pirate sites.

Well, there you go.

That's one way to do it.

So when you do that clock, can you binge?


if you're stealing something from Apple,

can you get the episodes

before they're released?

Or do you have to wait till

they're all released?

I have to say, like,

I do have a site that I use for sports.

to be able to watch the

Chicago Bears because I

don't live in Chicago.

But I'm just curious.

I've never used those for TV or movies,

but I know people who have,

and I've had much success with it.

I just didn't know how the

episodes worked.

Does it have to be active

for you to be able to get it?


I have binged,

but of course you have to

wait until everything's published.

If we're currently running series,

I watch week to week.


So just like us,

you're stuck in the same hole we are.

Well, cool.

Well, again, this is a new show.

Make sure you like,

subscribe to the channel, and notify.

Right now,

I don't have a plan for a

certain time these are going to come on.

This is just when I have

something I want to say

about different subjects

that are going on.

I felt like this week with

everything going on and the

internet blowing up over

the CrossFit thing,

I didn't have an avenue for

me just to come on here and

talk about what I was thinking.

and talk to you guys as an

audience and get your reaction to that?

Or do I just get sucked into

the internet and all that it is?

So that's what this is

designed for so that I can

pop on at any time and do

one of these and just talk

about what's going on.

It could be ten minutes long.

It could be an hour long.

I don't know.

But I wanted to try it.

Maybe we'll hook up the

phone for this show and

I'll put out the phone

number that you guys can

call in and participate.

So I don't have to do all the talking.

But yeah, that's what this is.

It's just going to be this.

It's going to be my stream

of consciousness.

And we'll talk about

whatever is in this brain of mine.

Clark says, for example,

I binge the Sopranos.

For example,

I binge the Sopranos a long time ago,

but I felt my soul turning

dark and never got past season six.

I thought there was only six

seasons of the Sopranos.

I've seen all the Sopranos.

The longer it goes,

the worse I thought it got as a show.

And the ending was atrocious.

I'll never understand the ending.

No matter how many times

they try to explain it to me,

the ending is just atrocious.

But the first season of

Sopranos is some of the

best TV I've ever watched.

When his mother is still alive,

it is insanely good.

But anyway,

and I've watched it a few times through.

Yeah, first few seasons are dazzling.

They are.

First couple seasons of

Sopranos are so good.

So good.

And then I was living that live.

I was watching it as it was

coming out on HBO.

And you'd have to wait

freaking years for the next season.

And I think with all that stuff happening,

it just got out over its

skis and went to places it

shouldn't have went.

Holly says, Carolyn's IV story yesterday.

Is she doing okay?

Do you know?

She's doing fine.

I talked to Lex a little bit yesterday.

I'm sure Carolyn will be on

tomorrow night with our

normal show to fill you in

as to what happened.

But yeah, she's doing okay.


So yeah, that's that.

That's what this show is going to be.

If you guys have any topics

you want to talk about to throw out there,

shoot them at me.

Again, it can be about anything.

We can talk about anything.

Movies, TV, CrossFit, sports, baseball.

If I know about it, I will talk about it.


but thank you everybody for


Uh, this was fun.

That's what this is supposed to be about.

It's supposed to be an

audience engagement show

where we just kind of talk

about the stuff that's

going on and we'll still

have our normal shows.

So the round table on

Tuesdays still have a cross Sunday night,

CrossFit talk tomorrow night, uh,

Sunday night.

With that, tomorrow,

my Bears take the field for

the first time this year.

I could not be more stoked.

I don't know if I'm even

going to sleep tonight.

I love Chicago Bear football

as much as I love anything.

CrossFit, Chicago Bear football.

Those are my two loves, and my wife,

and my daughter.

Yeah, those two.

But those are the loves of my life,

and Chicago Bear football

happens tomorrow,

and I cannot be any more excited.

So I am sure that that will

be some of the subject

matter as we go through this year.

With that, Lynn,

so glad you could join us.

Hope it was not too late and

you got the gist of what

we're trying to do here.

But just trying to have some fun,

talk about stuff that's

going on in a safe environment.

With that, we'll see everybody next time.

And, hey, check us out tomorrow night,

Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

Don't forget to jump on.

We'll talk about NorCal Classic.

We'll talk about all the

stuff I just talked about with the –

Luca letter, the Dave Castro apology,

the CrossFit email,

and the fallout from all that.

With that, we'll see everybody next time.

Bye, guys.