Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 / There’s a pill that makes you feel like you ran a 10k, Carrie Underwood is making bank on the Sunday Night Football song, big construction projects coming to East Idaho, our house might be haunted by a 70’s hippie, weird animal yoga, Dua Lipa’s Diet Coke recipe sounds pretty interesting, the Spirit Holiday Market, google 100 racoons if you want to see what 100 racoons looks like, Chantel wants to smell her floss, and there’s a bunch of jobs that no one really wants to do.

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

There’s a pill that makes you feel like you ran a 10k, Carrie Underwood is making bank on the Sunday Night Football song, big construction projects coming to East Idaho, our house might be haunted by a 70’s hippie, weird animal yoga, Dua Lipa’s Diet Coke recipe sounds pretty interesting, the Spirit Holiday Market, google 100 racoons if you want to see what 100 racoons looks like, Chantel wants to smell her floss, and there’s a bunch of jobs that no one really wants to do.

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Full show transcript:

This is Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Josh and Chantel. It's Wednesday, October 9th. There's a pill that can make you feel like you ran a 10 k. Woo hoo.

Yeah. Don't you want that? Yes. Carrie Underwood's making bank on the Sunday Night Football song. I want that gig.

But you also said it's a song she didn't even write? No. It's a rip off. Okay. Big construction projects coming to East Idaho.

Finally, our house might be haunted by a seventies hippie. Why a seventies hippie? Figured since the house was built in the seventies, it'd probably be a seventies hippie that's wandering around. Peace and love, man. Yeah.

Peace and love. Yeah. Make make spooky, you know, or whatever. We talk about some weird animal yoga. Dua Lipa's got a diet Coke recipe.

That sounds kinda interesting. We'll try it out. Okay. The Spirit Holiday Market could be opening soon. If you Google 100 raccoons, you'll see exactly what 100 raccoons looks like.

No. Don't feed them. Don't feed the raccoons? So when I call you a raccoon for the fantasy football stuff and I give you no fuel to come at me with your trash, how come you still come at me like a 100 raccoons? Because I am a trash digger.

I find my own fuel. Ugh. I'm unstoppable. Hey. Why don't you stop and smell your floss?

Did you do it? You did? Yeah. So gross. There's a bunch of jobs no one really wants to do as well, and that's just some of what's in today's episode.

Thanks for listening to the show live every weekday morning from 6 to 10 and right here on the podcast. Subscribe wherever you listen and rate the show. It really helps. We hope you enjoy today's show. And check us out on YouTube.

YouTube. Good one. Middle of the week, it's Wednesday. Oh, hey. And good morning, Chantel.

Good morning, Joshua. Today is, Wednesday. As I said, it's 9th October. It is. It is National Emergency Nurses Day.

They're very important. Mhmm. These are the ones that are there, all 247 available when an emergency happens, ready to jump in and take action and help save lives. Big deal. Very big deal.

You could visit your local emergency department or send some gifts or do some fundraising for them. Yes. You could probably send a card or something if you need to. I think that's, I think that's great. Thank you so much.

Yep. Emergency nurses. International Topps spinning day. You need to go to tops? No.

No? Have you have you tried? Yeah. You have? Yes.

I've tried top spinning before. Just a just a, like, flip of the fingers and you spin a top. Yeah. It's not that exciting. I feel bad for the kids who that was their only toy.

Well, it filled some time. They had what? Did they have a top? And then they had A hoop and stick. Hoop and stick.

Oh, boy. And a block of wood. What do they do with a block of wood? Pretend it's anything. You gotta use your imagination.

It's a car. It's an airplane. That's the thing, isn't it? They had a lot of imagination. It's a block of wood.

Let's see. Fire prevention day today, which is good. You should definitely make sure you have an escape plan for your home and practice it with your family. It is pet obesity awareness day. Oh, no.

Yeah? Yeah. There are things you can do to help obese pets cut down on their weight. It's bring your teddy bear to work and school day. Oh.

Yeah. I didn't do that. You don't have a teddy bear. No. So there's that.

Curious events day. Curiouser and curious. Dig your teeth into whatever makes you curious, whether it's the world's greatest mysteries of history or where missing socks could possibly go. Dig into those conspiracy theories. Sure.

Sure. It's curves day. What? It's curves day. Curves?

Curves. I got some of those. That should happen on a Thursday. Why? Because it sort of rhymes.

Curves day. Yeah. Okay. It's world What is it for? Curvy ladies.

Curves. Yeah. Hey. Hey. Hey.

It's my day. It's world post day Post? For the for the mail delivery folks. It's Oh. Scrubs day.

It's national stop bully bullying day. Everybody stop bullying. And today is national moldy cheese day. Why? Why is this a day?

Because a lot of people like it. Oh. I'm not one of them. I don't like the moldy cheese. No.

Thank you. I'll pass. Yeah. Y'all can keep it. That's what's happening today.

Hey. Hey. It's a day. It's a Wednesday. It's a Wednesday.

Have you ever wanted to run a 10 k? Not a 10 k. I've I've, for years years years, made up my New Year's resolution to run a 5 k. I used to run a 5 k pretty much every day when I was in cross country in high school. And I, graduated high school, and then I quit running over 20 years ago.

And I haven't, kept up with that. I know you should because everyone wants I think she wants to run one. I'm not gonna do it. So somebody's gotta do it with her. You see that lady who just said, I'm just gonna do it?

No. She had no training, just showed up And? And ran it. Good for her. Sorta.

Oh, no. Struggled her way through it. She finished. Good for her. But she was like, that was not the right idea.

Good for her. But she just was like, I've never done it. I'm gonna go do it. Let's go. I appreciate the fact that she's like, yeah.

Let's do it on a whim. I like that. Have you ever wanted to lose weight? Well well yeah. No.

Are you gonna are you about to tell me that being active and and prepping to run a race might help me lose weight? Is that what you're about to say? But what I'm also gonna tell you is that they've made a pill that gives you the effects of running a 10 k without running a 10 k. So it makes your heart go real fast. Yes.

It gives you a lactic acid in your legs. You feel like you just wanna nap. I don't know about that part. Oh. Maybe.

Alright. So it does not come with all of the benefits of running. So exam for example, your legs don't get any stronger because you're sitting. K. But it does do all the other thing.

It affects your metabolism. It brings your body into that metabolic state. Metabolic. Metabolic. What did I say?

Metabolic. Metabolic. Clearly, I don't study running things. Metabolism. It offers some of the benefits that you get from fasting before a run.

How about that? And it also releases the hormone that suppresses your appetite and flushes your fatty acids from your blood stream. Yeah. I still think the body probably has built in mechanisms to do most of that when you're just being active. I think so.

A sedentary lifestyle and taking a pill to make you thin, that just doesn't sound right. So That doesn't sound right. They've tested it on rats. They haven't tested it on humans. Skinny buffed out rats.

They said that, like, they're not recommending this for everyone Yeah. But this is, like, for people who are too injured or old Alright. To work out. Fair. I'll take that.

I will say, look. If you are in a position where you physically can't or you are, you know I don't know how old. How old are they saying? I don't know. I'm I'm trying to find out that age.

Or you can't run anymore? Which Because I've seen yeah. But that there are people who are different kind of people Yeah. Who are like That's true. I feel physically able.

I'm gonna get up, and I'm gonna do it. But I think the physical ability thing is probably a good barrier Yeah. To say, look. I I I want to be active. I just physically cannot.

Where a a mental decision to say, can't be bothered, that's a different kind of attitude. I might try it. No. Why? Because I can't be bothered.

Oh, is that why? No. No. I would never. Because I again, I think it's if you are in a position where you can, you should.

Sure. Rather than take the easy way out. But the time involved. And the running involved. It's not so much that.

It is that. I enjoy that part because you get you get to be in your head. You get to you get to work stuff out. It's very therapeutic. Is it?

Yeah. Oh, no. But it's it's physically takes some time. And a toll on my body. When I run, it makes me wanna throw up.

Is that right? Yes. In high school, our our motto was push it till you puke. That was our that was our whole thing. I've never been involved in something that says fat.

You should try cross country running. Not. I'll stick to other things. Like? Sewing.

Oh, taking this pill. Reading. Taking this other pill. Quiet. Yeah.

Sitting down things. Quiet sitting down things. That sounds sounds good. Great. Great.

Yeah. Okay. This is a story that takes kind of a sad little turn, and then I think works out in the end. But let me tell you about Eileen and Bill Turnbull. They're a couple from Australia, and they were married in Aberdeen, Scotland way back in 1967.

So it's 57 years ago they got married. They had their wedding filmed, which is, in 1967, not an easy thing to to do. 8 millimeter and stuff. Right? What's that?

8 millimeter? I don't I think it I don't know. I think they probably had something better than that. I mean, they were making Hollywood movies and stuff in the sixties. Yeah.

But So it was Personal people didn't have Right? That would have been that would have been tough. They didn't have their own personal cameras. Correct. K.

So in a in a terrible twist of fate, the film was lost when they borrowed and returned a projector. Oh, no. So, 57 years later, a man in Aberdeen named Terry Chine found some footage while he was transferring old movie films to DVD, and he posted a still picture from, the film on Facebook. And somehow, that picture reached Eileen and the Turnbulls' now grandparents, were extremely overjoyed to relive their special wedding day and see their younger selves and the loved ones in motion once again. Yeah.

That's great. Isn't that cool? That's really cool. She said seeing the video after 57 years was just absolutely amazing, and I still can't believe it, really. Yeah.

Terry hopes to actually meet the couple if they're able to make it to Aberdeen on vacation or something. He said, I've just been glad to help Aileen and Bill and Bill. To Aberdeen? She said they are delighted 57 years later. It's a very happy ending.

Yeah. It's not Aberdeen, Idaho you're talking about? No. No. No.

This is in Australia. Oh. Well, they were married in Aberdeen, Scotland, and they are from Australia. Scotland or city in Idaho? Correct.

And the film was found in Scotland. So so Terry lives in Aberdeen, Scotland. So they must have filmed it and then watched it while they were still in Scotland, and then they they never had the film, and they've been living their life in Australia doing their thing. They married 57 years, and now Terry found the film. Okay.

So that's good news I love it. To get you going. Good morning. Do you know who sings the Sunday night football theme? Currently, isn't it Carrie Underwood?

It is. Yeah? Do you know how much she makes every time that plays? A dollar? Nope.

$2? Nope. $5? $1,000,000. A $1,000,000 every time that plays.

No kidding. Well, that's what she made last year. So it could be more this year. She might have negotiated a raise. But last year in 2023, she made $1,000,000 every time that plays.

How many Sunday night football games are there? There's 18 weeks in the NFL season. I'm just looking. She does. So what she said is she does the recording for each year all at once.

So she does the whole main version of the song, and then she goes through and picks all the matchups for the regular seasons and playoff footballs. And then she sings every possible combination of teams that could possibly play each other. Really? Even in the back of your mind, if you're like, no. They're probably not gonna make it to the playoffs looking at you Panthers.

Woah. Still listen. I Easy on the shade. The Panthers have won one game. Listen.

Just because your team is 5 and o, doesn't mean you need to put your nose in the air like that. Holy cow. I like it when the Panthers win. I get excited when they win. They won one game, and I was so happy for them.

But you're saying she still has to sing their name. But she still says we make every possible combination that could happen. So that's a lot of hard work. Is it? Sure.

How? That's a lot of singing just to make something like that happen. Something that she enjoys doing. No. I did it.

It's her job, but that's that's a that's a good day's work. Is it worth $1,000,000? No. No. But it's a good day's work that she does once a year.

Yeah. I mean, you put in a lot of hours. Takes a lot of time. I bet it probably does. Yeah.

For sure. But no. No. $1,000,000. Well and that's not that's not what she's paid when she records.

That's just the royalties she receives Correct. When it plays. That's not that's not even how much she gets paid to do the project. The project. Yeah.

No. I'm with you. I understand. So I don't know. Oh, sorry.

Here it is. Here it is. Without doubt. Here it is. $18,000,000.

Yeah. 18 weeks like you said. Oh, yeah. So she gets $18,000,000 just for airing the thing. That doesn't necessarily mean that's the only money she gets.

No. Because she's she's there. They pay her to record to sit down and play. And they probably give her lunch. It's also you know, it's a rip off.

What'd you say? They also give her lunch. Probably. It's a rip off song. It's not even an original song.

Yeah. It's a I hate myself for loving you. Yeah. Every time I hear it, I go rip off. Let's get a little local.

Little not loco. Not like crazy. Let's go. Nope. Go.

Let's go. Get local. Local. Local. Scrolling through the social media pages this morning, and I'm delighted to Delighted.

Yeah. Yeah. Quite delighted to let you know that beginning today, First Street will be closed, between Hit Road and Curlew. Okay. This is right That's a huge stretch.

It's a big stretch. This is one of the worst stretches of roads in in, I'd say East Idaho, but Idaho Falls for sure. Uh-huh. This is, right by Arctic Circle, Taco Time. That horrifying single lane bridge Yep.

Is going to be replaced. How many years have I been saying, and many other people have been saying, that when are they gonna widen this stretch in a row? We also don't drive that stretch very often. I avoid it. But enough that it's it's a problem.

Yeah. So starting today, First Street will be closed between Curlew and Hitt Road for a replacement of that bridge. They are encouraging drivers to use 17th Street, which is busy, Lincoln at the roundabout. Oh, no. Uh-huh.

Get rid of that roundabout. And Get rid of that roundabout. I'm saying here right now publicly, get rid of that roundabout. And there are also, the new John Adams extension, which will allow you to cross it road as well, right by Romaines and Pony Express. Since we're talking about the roundabout, I'm gonna go on on the ramp.

I just mentioned that that's one of the detours. We weren't talking about it, but go ahead. Let's put a roundabout next to a school where kids are learning how to drive. Yeah. So they can learn how to navigate a roundabout.

Smart. No. It's stupid. And I fear for my child's life every day. So, again, that that intersection, that stretch of road, First Street between Curlew Drive and Hit Road closed as of today.

No determination on when this project will end. Detour the area. My daughter said the bus driver honked his horn all the way through the road about through it. I heard that's what my mom does too. She just closes her eyes and Goes.

Drive on through. That's that's the safe way. I feel like that's what most people that go to their roundabout do. Get rid of that roundabout. Okay.

The second thing of note, and I've been talking about this for a long time too, and I hope that this is the beginning of things to come that are gonna alleviate some traffic. So this is really good. K. The Bonneville Metropolitan Planning Organization, we have that. Do we?

I didn't know that. I didn't know that either. They're hosting an open house on October 15th, which is, designed to help shape the future of traffic across Greater Idaho Falls. So this also includes the communities of Yukon, Iona, Idaho Falls, Ammon, all involved in this conversation. But they're talking about putting in a new expressway Okay.

Which would be south of town coming off of I 15, which would give you a another, you know, highway of sorts to connect to the east side of town because it takes 45 minutes to get across town. Yes, it does. So that's kind of a really cool big deal. And, anyway, that open house is gonna be happening October 15th. It's gonna be happening at the Idaho Falls Activity Center on Skyline, 5 PM to 7 PM.

It's a public meeting if you wanna go and learn more about it and voice your opinions and say some things. People are commenting on Facebook, and I wanna just reply and say, go to the meeting. They're not listening to you right now. Go to the meeting, October 15th, 5 to 7. Gonna have a public hearing for people who hate that roundabout?

Probably, John. Hand if you hate that roundabout. No. No. Don't.

You especially if you're in the roundabout. Don't raise your hand. Say I if you hate that roundabout. Listen. I I am refreshed.

It's it's refreshing. It is, very good to hear that these conversations are happening, and that's where this stuff should have been happening 20 years ago. But we're having it now, and I'm excited about that. So that's what I know, and be safe out there on the roads. Okay?

Okay. Be patient. Don't run red lights. Turn into the proper lanes. Don't run over people.

Don't run over people. All good all good advice. All good advice. Do you think our house is haunted? I don't think our house is haunted.

But Well What? Sometimes when what? I don't I don't know this about you. Just say what you're gonna say. Sometimes when it's dark in the night and you go downstairs, which is your favorite thing in the whole wide world to do Spooky.

You ever get the, the feeling that no. Listen. You ever get the stop trying to finish my sandwich. You ever get the feeling that, you might see a shadow run by No. Every now and then?

No. You don't? You don't see shadow people? No. I get, like, creepies on my neck when I'm downstairs by myself, like Mhmm.

Someone's behind me dark. Watching me. That's probably me. Oh, I don't ew. I don't go downstairs in the dark.

I turn on all of the lights. You do. Every day. Run as fast as you can. Yeah.

Why? I don't run. I run up the stairs because they'll catch you on the stairs. And get your ankles. Yeah.

It's not true. And we have a nice fully finished basement. Like, it isn't like a a scary, damp, dark No. Unfinished thing. But do you know, like, when you walk down the stairs, you get toward the bottom?

Yeah. We have the the light switch there on the wall that has the light in it Yeah. So that you can see it in the dark? Yes. You know the one I'm talking about?

Yes. Sometimes it flickers straight. Not like not like, like a flash. Like, it it looks like something brushed past it. Like, the whole thing just goes like some something moved in front of it.

Dark. Ew, Josh. You don't see that? No. Oh, you should see the shadows.

They're fun. I go down stairs again. It's one thing for me to make up this stuff in my mind, but for you, a rational, logical person to do it, then I go, oh. Oh, it's just shadows. It's probably my own shadow.

More than half of homeowners say their house is haunted. I think people want them to be haunted. For these specific reasons. They hear creaky floors. They hear see flickering lights.

They hear told you. Flickering lights. And they hear toilets flushing when they're home alone. I don't I've never had that happen. Creepy.

It's not creepy. I don't think our house is haunted. I don't think so either. Our house was built in the seventies. The 19 seventies.

And it looks the same as every house on our street. Yeah. There's nothing special about our 19 seventies home. Now if I had if we lived in, like, Salem and stuff was built in the 1600, you know, before before this country was founded, Like, that's a little stuff. Yeah.

Yeah. Ours is no. Ours was built on plain ground. Yeah. Probably, the land was a landfill before it had houses.

Probably. Like, that's just the way it goes. Yeah. What year was it built? 72?

72. Something like that. Yeah. It's not, No. It's it's not special.

No. Maybe if it was even in the forties or thirties, you'd be like, this house might have a history. It's it's coming up on a 100 years old. It's weird to think about because there are parts of the world, you know, obviously. But even, you know, you go to Europe, and there's stuff that is way, way older than anything in our country.

Our country is very young. Our country is a baby. Mhmm. You know, compared to stuff that's been around for millennia. Do you think our attic is haunted?

Are you picked up by our attic? Not at all. I never go up there. Have you ever been up there? No.

Why? Because Oh, it's a cool hangout spot. No. Well, 1, it's covered in insulation, and I know that I would trip and fall and be covered in insulation. So I'm not gonna be no tripping.

You mean, you can't really hardly stand up up there. It's not I It's not like a lofty attic from a movie. Like, it's it's a bunch of rafters and, like, you know, the the stuff that supports the the roof is all in there. And, yes, there's there's insulation, but you can still move about. But you've gotta stay on the boards.

Otherwise, you'll fall through the ceiling. See? That's what I would do. See? I would just rather not go in the attic.

Thanks. Fair enough. Do you think the do you think the attic is haunted? No. I don't think the attic is haunted.

Sometimes I hear noises up there, and I go, something's up there. What do you think it is? Probably people. Probably people. So there's all kinds of weird yoga.

Yes. And, like, goat yoga. Goat yoga? Have you seen goat yoga? Seen goat yoga.

Have you seen where the people are, like, ready for yoga and then they release the goats, and the goats run out going And then they just, like, find a person and start climbing on them while they're doing yoga. Yeah. It's a weird thing. They're little baby goats. They're not, like, big, full grown, like, really goats.

They're just little ones. Would you do a goat yoga? Yeah. You would? Yeah.

With the goats walking all over you? Yeah. I don't mind. You you won't even let the dog walk all over you. I do I let the dog walk over me?

Yes. But you don't like it? I don't like the dog in my face. That's the thing I don't like. I see.

She tries to get in my face. Yeah. She tries to get in your mouth. So if I had a face protection, then I would be the same with the goats. You're fine.

Don't get in my face. Okay. I don't like that. Would you be interested in snake yoga? No.

No? What kind of snakes? Snake slithery kinds, reptiles? No. Slithery snakes?

I'm not into it, but I thought maybe you with all your snake, you know, appreciation might like it. I do. I have snake appreciation. I couldn't think of the right word. What is the point of why can't we just have regular yoga?

Why do we have all these animals involved? We gotta make it strange. Puppy yoga. Right. Which puppy yoga?

Come on. Right? Let's go. This is happening in Costa Mesa, California. It's snake yoga.

You do yoga with pythons. No. Pythons? Yeah. Big ones.

No. No. No. No. No.

No. No. No. No. What's the point?

Here's the thing. If you're doing yoga with a puppy, that's gonna release some stress. You're gonna be happier. Yeah. If you're doing yoga with a snake, a python in particular Sure.

That's gonna increase your levels of stress. Now And they are not constrictors, are they? Yes. But not like a big boa style constrictor. No.

But it's still a python. It's just Plus, they probably don't move that quick. Bro. Like, you'd see the snake coming your way. Go for it.

I no. I'm not doing it. I asked if you want it. No. I'm not doing it either.

That's gonna increase that's gonna give you the opposite effect that yoga is intended to do. Let me go relax and meditate. It you it's probably a hot yoga because the snakes like the heat. So it's probably a hot snake yoga. What if you're in the middle of yoga and you're trying to do a pose and the instructor just throws the snake No.

At you? I don't think it's like that. Works. I think it's just in there. Pose your way out of it.

Pose your way out of the snake yoga. Okay. Here's what Tess is, Tess is the owner. Here's what she says. We find them fascinating creatures, and our goal is to help people unlearn everything about the misunderstood creatures.

No. So everything you just said about pythons. She's like, no. You gotta understand. These snakes are great.

The class includes not just handling the snakes, but having them slither all over your body as you do poses. No. No? Nope. No snake yoga for Chantel.

I'll do the goat yoga. I'll do the puppy yoga for sure. What other yogas are there? Oh, I don't know. Should we find weird yogas?

We've done the hot yoga. I like the hot yoga. Yoga was way good. Let's see. Laughter yoga?

Oh, I've heard about that one too. Yeah? I where you I'll do that one. Yeah. Aerial yoga, you're kinda into the idea.

That one. I haven't done it, but I want to. Snowga. No. What?

That's I'd rather do I'd rather do snake yoga than snow yoga. Snowga. Ugh. It's one word. I hate snow.

Tantrum yoga. What's that one? I don't wanna. Is that what it is? Yeah.

You throw a tantrum. Cat yoga. They call it dog yoga, heavy metal yoga. So Now let's not dismiss heavy metal yoga just so quick. Yeah.

While you're trying to stretch and breathe meditate Yes. And be calm. They also have rave yoga, and I know how you feel about EDM music. You love it. Just let's just keep regular yoga, guys.

Just regular yoga. We don't need all the bells and whistles and animals. K. Just regular yo. Namaste.

Alright. Remember when everybody was talking about that pickle Doctor Pepper Yes. Thing? Yes. Did you ever try it?

No. Did did you have interest in trying it? Yes. But you never did? No.

Super. Do you like Diet Coke? Yes. Alright. This is a good conversation.

So far, it's going great. So I like it. Dua Lipa. I like Dua Lipa. Great.

She's great. She Also, her dad Alright. Enough about her dad. Enough about her dad. She has gone viral for her diet Coke recipe.

What is her diet Coke? It online now. What is it? She takes a diet Coke. Good.

Right? Check. Mixes in pickle juice. No. Why?

You said you would do it with Doctor Pepper. Just regular pickle juice? Just some pickle juice. Not bread and butter pickle juice? It just says pickle juice.

Pickle juice. K. Pickle juice. And then a little splash of jalapeno juice What? Yeah.

For a little kick. To create a bizarre little spicy cocktail. She, showed it off online, and it's kinda got some mixed reviews. Some people are like, no. This is it.

Other people are like, no. No. No. No. So, you you gotta try it, I think.

Okay. Diet Coke, a little pickle juice, a little jalapeno juice. I have offered these options at home. I know. I, actually, I don't think I have Diet Coke.

I think we're out. I'll have to get some. Yeah. I do have diet, ginger ale. That's not it.

No. That's not it. I think that diet ginger ale is way fizzier than the nondiet. Oh, yeah? Does it make you a little bit No.

When I pour it into a glass of ice, it's all fizz, and then it goes down and there's, like, an inch of soda at the bottom. And I go, where'd all the soda go? It's very fizzy. Don't pour it in a glass. I know.

But the cans weren't cold. Sad. You see what I'm saying? I do. So, anyway, you gotta try it.

I will try it. Do a leap of diet Coke. I let's try this tonight. I'm gonna put it in the calendar. Oh.

I have to put everything down. Calendar, then it happens. I know. If I don't put it in the calendar, then I'll forget Alright. You see.

No. I know. Diet Coke, pickle juice, jalapenos. Jalapeno juice. I know.

Not jalapenos. K. It's on the calendar. We're gonna try the dua loopa dua loopa. Dua loopa.

Dua loopa? Yeah. Dua loopa diet Coke tonight. Spirit Halloween. You know, Spirit Halloween comes in to deceased businesses, and they take over.

Word. Yeah. They go to Toys R Us. They go to Bed Bath and Beyond. Sure.

They say, we're taking over. I think they first started showing up, and they moved into Circuit City. I think that was that was how long they've been doing that trick. SNL just recently had a skit about this. Did.

Yes. And they did a little bit of a blowback on Twitter. They said Yeah. They weren't super stoked about about the portrayal. I thought the portrayal was fun.

I thought it was funny too. They said we're great at raising things back from the dead, SNL. So you're a relevant 50 year old TV show. We might be able to help you out with your dated references, your unknown cast members, and your shrinking ratings. Yeah.

Woo hoo. I don't know why they got so solved. It's a fight scene. Didn't feel like, I didn't feel like SNL necessarily attacked them. No.

I think they just made a a reference to a business that pops up for 2 months and then disappears. In old building. Like, old Like, that's just their business model. It's what it does. If they look.

I I get Halloween is, like, once a year. But if Halloween City was around more than just 2 months Well they probably would Let's just tell you. Make some money. That they are also doing they're they're trying this on the East Coast. They're gonna see how well this does on the East Coast before they start doing this everywhere.

Their spirit Halloweens are gonna turn into spirit Christmas. Oh. Oh. This is gonna pop up for Christmas. It's gonna pop up in New Jersey on October 18th, which is hurley for Christmas.

Oh. But it is the same situation. It'll be all Christmas all the time, inflatable things, Christmas decor. You can they're gonna have a life size gingerbread village where you can mail your letter to Santa at the North Pole. Okay.

They're also gonna be doing Christmas card photos with Santa. Come on. So spirit Halloween Spirit Christmas. Become spirit Christmas. Calling it spirit Christmas?

Or Yes. They're they're this is kinda where they're sticking with it? Yep. Not Christmas spirit? Nope.

Spirit Christmas. Okay. I kinda like if they would have left it. Wonder if, like, they'll move to all of the holidays. Spirit, Indigenous Peoples Day.

Okay. Spirit Easter. Spirit, 4th July. Spirit what I'm saying? Spirit Cinco de Mayo.

Spirit. Spirit, your birthday. Valentine's Day. Yes. Spirit Saint Patty's Day.

A holiday store year round. That way they don't have to do pop ups. They can create their own store. So then they should just rebrand to spirit holiday There it is. And then, see, spirit holiday shop.

Bingo, baby. And then they can yeah. And then they can, you know, have a storefront. Like I said, these are only going to be happening on the East Coast, and they might make their way here. But for now, it's just on the East Coast to see how well it does.

I like where their heads at. Don't make jokes about Spirit Halloween because they'll Apparently, they get mad at you. Woof. Can't take a joke. There was a woman in Washington.

Yes. I I bet there are many of them. Yes. But this particular woman is the one that we're gonna talk about. Okay.

She has been feeding raccoons around her area for 35 years. What's she been feeding them? I don't know that information. If I know anything about raccoons, which I know one personally, Probably feeding them pretty good food. She said about 6 weeks ago, they'd started to get out of control.

They started surrounding her house day and night demanding food. Last week now did they have little picket signs? How were they demanding food? I don't know. I don't know.

Last week, she called the police because they all started closing in on her and she feared for her life. What? Then she said up on me. Her property was invaded by more than 100 black kids. No way.

And she said she feared for her life. She had to run into her car to get away. She called the police. They said you need to call a specialist to do video of the 100 raccoons. The specialist said they would charge $500 per raccoon to trap and relocate.

$500 per raccoon? And she's got 100? No. You've gotta be kidding me. I kind of feel like this is one of those scenarios where it's like, remember all those stories where people said, hey, don't feed wildlife?

Yeah. So Okay. You might have brought this on yourself. I'm looking at the video, and she's got a lot of raccoons. She's got a raccoon problem.

Where did you see a picture? I don't have a picture. I'm looking at a video. I googled 100 raccoons, and it came up top result. Okay.

I see the video. It's so many raccoons. A 100. It's a lot. Can you I don't know that it's a 100, but it's it's certainly it's certainly more than 20.

I can't get the video to load. You know why? Because the computer that I'm using I know. At work is the best. I can't believe they're gonna charge $500 per rack.

To trap and relocate that. That's I feel like that's That's too much. You should call, like, $500 for the call for you to go out there. You've already got a trap. Just take 99 more traps with you.

Just, you know, just that's easy. Just that easy. Put food it can't be that hard. Put food in a trap. Trap the raccoon.

Doug. Did you say raccoon? A raccoon. Did you call it a raccoon? I don't know.

Did I? I think so, and I like that. I think we need to call them raccoons. I'm looking around at this, video. There's so many.

It's wild. 100. I don't know if there's a 100. It says over 100 raccoons. But Ask him what they were what she was feeding them.

We don't know. Who? The raccoons. The raccoons? The raccoons.

Probably garbage. Lot of raccoons. Are you watching the video? Yeah. It's it's so many.

If you wanna see the video, Google 100 raccoons, and you can see the hungry raccoons surround they are not surrounding the woman, but that's why her property. I can't believe they want $500 a raccoon. Per raccoon. That's too much money. Well, you're not in the business of trapping raccoons.

Maybe they're maybe they're giving her a discount. Maybe it's a lot of work to trap a raccoon and relocate, and they also have to relocate them. And $500 a raccoon is too much money. You don't know. It might they she might be getting a discount.

She's not. That's $50,000 Dude. To relocate raccoons. It's too much fun. Gonna do?

What is she gonna do? What's the solution? Not spend $50,000. But how do you get rid of all those raccoons? You just hold up in your house for a little bit, like, couple weeks?

No more food. Bye. I don't know. I don't know what you do. Because now they've gotten so used to eating that they've forgotten how to hunt.

Oh, what a problem she created. Shouldn't have fed them in the first place. Feed wild animals. There's a there's a moral in here, and it's don't feed 1 raccoon. Well Because one feed 1 raccoon, you'll have to feed a 100.

We feed the birds and the squirrels. Maybe we ought to stop. No. We might end up with a 100 squirrels at our house. Okay.

I don't want a 100 squirrels at our house. I we will not end up with a 100 squirrels at our house. I bet she didn't think she was gonna have a 100 raccoons at our house. We feed the squirrels for years. I've seen 2.

That's it. 2 at once, and they don't like each other. So end of squirrels. There is a dental hygienist who posted a tip on TikTok. What's the tip?

The tip is when you're done flashing your teeth, smell your floss. Ew. Why? She says this is an easy way to track to see if your teeth and your gums specifically are healthy. If you have gum disease, she says it's a really revolting smell when it's right up to your nose like that.

So if you smell your floss and it stinks, then there's a really good chance that maybe you should be taking more better care of your teeth. I don't think I wanna do that. It sounds like it's gonna be gross. Maybe you should smell somebody else's. Would you rather smell your own dental class or somebody else's?

No. No. What is wrong with you? Rather use somebody else's use dental floss? Stop.

It's too early in the morning for this. Hey. Just your daily reminder to floss. And then smell it. No.

It's I mean, if you want to. No. Are you gonna do it? Oh, that silence. I have to know if my thoughts are healthy.

I'll probably just do it once. I have floss right now. Oh, no. Should we floss right now? No.

Hold on. No. I apologize. No. No.

No. Is there a career that you would avoid even for double the pay? Double the pay of the career or double the pay I'm making now? Double the career double the pay of the career. Oh, man.

I've never wanted to be a Roto Rooter guy. Okay. That's kind of been up there on the list of, like, that's a job I'm so glad gets done Yes. But I don't wanna be a part of. All of these jobs are I'm so happy somebody is there to do these.

I have a list of 10 that they've asked people that said, what's a job that you called an undesirable job? Yeah. Somebody's gotta do them, and I'm happy that somebody is there to do them. But most people would not even work there for double the pay. Meat packing work.

Look. Being a butcher is is tough. Yeah. That's one thing. You're receiving, like, meat that you have to cut down and package.

That's a butcher. And the smell. But the processing that you're talking about, the actual packing, that's like, here's an animal that we need to process and turn into meat that goes to the butcher. Yeah. That's something else.

No. Thank you. Commercial fishermen? That's a tough job. That's a very hard job.

Not necessarily gross, but There's there's high risk difficult. Big reward if it pays off. But yeah. You know, you're not always guaranteed that it's gonna pay off. And it's super dangerous, and you've gotta, yeah, you gotta fight for territory to catch whatever the fish you're after.

That's a that's a hard job. Would it be enjoyable? I'm sure it has its moments. No. Because you're always on the you're always on the boat.

You're always gonna get seasick. And Well, I think you probably get used to the boat. Life is always on the line. Skyscraper window guy. So are the fish.

You see? Skyscraper window guy. Yeah. Not for me. No.

No. Electrician? Whatever. Yeah. Fine.

I'm not worried about electrician. Now there's there's a difference between I do I do, like, residential, commercial, electrical work. Lineman? Uh-huh. Totally different type of electricity.

That's wild. I just saw a story that, linemen in North Carolina had to hike Oh, yeah. It's mountainous where Like, trying to get where Helene hit. Mhmm. Oh, yeah.

It's wild. Like, they are hiking mountain With all their equipment and all the stuff to restore how to be able to roads to a lot of that stuff. Superhero work. That's very, very big. Oil rig workers.

Not a desirable job. Roofers, loggers. I've done roofing. Power line workers. Alright.

Which part of logging? Okay. Still workers. Yeah. This is a long list.

Yeah. I just gave you 10. I know. But loggers, now that's a job that seems at face value like I get to carry a chainsaw. No.

No. I'm gonna fell some trees. But then I watch these guys that do, like, the slackline things where they they run these cables. They have like a crane with a cable system, and they drop a cable. They have to pull it.

They hook it over their shoulder, and they lug that thing down the terrain, wrap it around logs, and then they hit a button. It goes, like an air horny thing, and then they shoot them up the hill. I know. It's nuts. No.

No. That is not it. None of these none of these are it. These are all very undesirable jobs. Yep.

Happy that somebody is there to do them. For sure. So thankful for all of you. Yep. Glad it's not me.

Most of those. Yeah. Most on the list, I'm not cut out for. Hey. What's up?

Would you rather this or that? Let's do it. There it is. I was waiting for the music. Okay.

Would you rather go to a haunted attraction or go on a hayride through a pumpkin patch? Pumpkin patch hayride. Oh. Let's go. Boring.

Oh, yeah. Got some apple cider. Okay. You go there with all the other grandmas. Wow.

I will happily hang out with with the grandmas, have an apple cider and the pumpkin patch. To slam on grandmas because I know there's some fun grandmas out there. You're gonna be out there with all the little kids who are too little to go to the haunted house, and they're all gonna be wishing they were at the haunted attraction. They'll be like, we're stuck with this old fuddy duddy. Why am I in charge of the children?

Because nobody else wants to go on a hate ride because boring. Wow. I'll be having fun at the haunted attraction. I'll be having fun without the children doing my own thing, having fall feelings with my apple cider and the pumpkin patch. Having your fall feelings?

Yeah. What are your fall feelings? None of your business because you're too busy getting scared. I'm gonna go have fall feelings with my apple cider by myself in the pumpkin patch. Okay.

Well, now I wanna come have fall feelings with you. No. You chose your choice. No. I wanna have both choices.

You can't. I wanna be scared Nope. And then also come have some fall feelings with you. You made your choice, and then you made my choice sound lame. That's right.

And then I made it sound awesome, and then you went, actually, I kinda want that. But you can't. I do. I want both. You can't.

There's no scares in my fall feelings. There might be. Just wandering around looking at pumpkins, sipping apple cider. There might be some scares. You might happen upon a bug or 2.

Oh, a bug? Oh, but not a whole bug. All the different gourds, gourds a plenty. Sometimes emotions are scary. If you're sitting there in your fall feelings, you might get scared of your feelings.

Sweater, crisp in the air Mhmm. Crunchy leaves under feet. I'm saying fall fall feelings. Or You've made your choice, and I made mine. That's gonna do it for today's show.

I do wanna remind you to come and, get a luxury soft, extremely soft blanket. The best blanket ever. Ceranoni Luxury Blankets warehouse sale is on today, 11 until 1. I'm gonna be at the Brickyard Event Center in Ammon. The event goes until 6.

So if you can't make it out during your lunch hour while I'm there, there's still time. The sale is on until 6 o'clock. You're gonna save up to 70% on the softest blankets around. It's true. They are so They're so nice.

So good. It's so good. It's so good. There's a weight to it as well as it being soft that I just I can't even explain. If you don't know, come find out.

And check it out. If you do know, you know, and you you need to come save some money. But if you don't know, come find out. And then you'll be like, oh, I get it. It's very cool.

So the Serenoni Luxury Blanket Warehouse Sale on, today, 11 to 1. It goes until 6 o'clock at the Brickyard Event Center in Ammon. It's on Ammon Road. So come and hang out. I'm gonna be there during your lunch hour.

Who did you? Who did you? Who did you? Who did you? Who did you?

Who did you? Alright. Check out the podcast, Wake Up Classy 97. The podcast is available everywhere you get podcasts. We're also on YouTube, so subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Check out our videos behind the scenes in the studio, stuff like that. We post all the time so Yeah. You can see what's going on behind the scenes. Like, today, we might even do a video of us trying the doc What is it? The Dua Lipa Diet Coke?

Yes. Yeah. With the pickle juice. Mhmm. Dua Lipa Diet Coke is a thing.

Didn't I record something? I know I recorded your your shirts. You recorded your Krabby Patty. And I have the Krabby Patty. Yeah.

That's that's what I got. Okay. That's what you got. Alright. Well, there you go.

Follow us on YouTube and, subscribe to the podcast and rate it and all that stuff. Helps us grow. And thanks so much for listening. Have a great day. We'll see you tomorrow.

Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.