Mettler Marketing

Mettler Marketing Trailer Bonus Episode 11 Season 1

Community Marketing

Community MarketingCommunity Marketing


What does community marketing mean and how and why do we do it? Today on Mettler Marketing, Linda will share ways to get involved in your community and gain valuable marketing awareness from the effort.
Want to contact Linda?
Phone: (303) 246-9954

Show Notes

What does community marketing mean and how and why do we do it?  Today on Mettler Marketing, Linda will share ways to get involved in your community and gain valuable marketing awareness from the effort.

Want to contact Linda?

Phone:  (303) 246-9954

What is Mettler Marketing?

Linda provides dental professionals actionable marketing knowledge they can use to grow their dental practice.

Linda Mettler: hire some entertainment and some blow up bouncy houses and use the parking lot at your office and create a little summer day have some ice cream and slushies and things like that and
have all the kids come. Welcome to the matalin Marketing Podcast where we will talk about marketing strategies and tactics to grow your practice. I am your host, Linda Mettler and I have worked with
dental practices for several years now. And I want to share my knowledge and experience with you so that you can gain valuable and actionable steps on how to grow your practice. We will talk about the
latest and greatest and marketing features some guest speakers so that you can hear firsthand what is and is not working and help you unravel the complexities of the digital marketing world. I work
really closely with my clients. So we will also delve into some other issues that affect your practice from time to time, such as staffing problems, COVID protocols and similar issues. Good morning,
everybody. How are you I hope you're having a great day. Today. It's summertime, it's time to get outside and be active. And hopefully things are going well for everybody. Today I want to talk about
since it is summertime and people are out and about and doing things in their community, I thought we would chat just a little bit about community marketing, and what that means, and how you can
integrate that into your practice. So what do I mean when I say community marketing? What I mean is kind of promoting your brand and creating a presence for your practice in your community. And how do
we do that? while we do that by getting involved in the community, and there are several ways to do that. You know, one of the easiest ways to do that is to maybe go to your local school, your local
high school or middle school sponsor, one of their sports teams, if you're a sports enthusiast, and if you're interested in that, these ideas that I'm giving you, I only want you to participate in if

it's something you're interested in, because community marketing, and promoting and building your brand in the community, you have to really be passionate about your community and about, you know,
what you're doing in that community. So if you're really a sports enthusiast, or maybe you have kids, and they're getting into sports, or maybe you know somebody in the local high school, at that's a
great way to promote yourself is to sponsor one of the sports teams, it's great for them, it's helps them so you're giving back to that community. But don't do it with the intention of getting
business, you have to do it with the intention of supporting that local business or that school in your community, which in turn will absolutely bring you more business because people will know that
you care about their business or their school, supporting other businesses besides sponsoring a sports team out of school, you know, there's a lot of things that you can do there. And if you're
looking for a small business or somebody to support, I would look at your patient base. I guarantee you've got patients that own small businesses right there in your community, and what a great way to
strengthen your relationship with your existing patients while supporting your community. But to support one of your patients, businesses, small businesses are such a great way to do that. And there
are tons of them out there.

You can also create some referral marketing with with other businesses, you know, maybe with the local pet shop owners, you know, other medical facilities, chiropractors, doctors, you could create
some referral programs and some community marketing there as well. A lot of communities have farmers markets in the summertime, maybe on Thursday night or Saturday or Sunday mornings. So you could
definitely go out to the farmers market, maybe pay your staff a little bit of overtime, get them to set up a booth and attend and participate in a local farmers market. That way you're supporting the
local, the other local businesses and local farmers as well as promoting your business. So there's a lot of ways to get involved in your community. You can get involved in the Chamber of Commerce. You
can get involved in the rotary if you're if you're so inclined. But there are so many things out in the community. There's a garden club, I have I have a client in Colorado and he is really into
gardening. His home is just beautiful and He lives in a in a, you know, kind of a niche neighborhood called Park Hill. And every year they do a garden walk. And they go around all these different
homes within about a six block area, and his home is featured. But he supports all the neighbors. And you know, everybody in the gardening community where he lives and his office has building his
dental practice is actually within that six block area as well. So it's a really great way he supports the community gets involved. And everybody, of course, knows who he is, and goes to see him and
refers him a lot of business. So and now again, that is not the point. The point is to get involved in your community, to let people know who you are, and that you care about your community. And to do
it in a way that makes sense for you, what you're passionate about, whether it's sports, or gardening, or the farmers market, or creating those relationships with other businesses, any of those, those

ideas, or all of them are great ways to just get involved in your community. There's so many things out there and right now, after you know, a year and a half of COVID, and the pandemic and nothing
but bad news communities really want to come together. And they are really looking for people who will support each other. So I highly recommend doing some community marketing. Maybe get some other
specialists on board to if you're a general dentist and you know, you do a lot of referral marketing and send people to maybe the endodontist or a periodontist, get them involved as well. And you
know, create a little group to where you can go and sponsor and help out other businesses that that's a great way to get involved. But just so many things, you can also create, you know your own
little, little summer party at your practice for during the summer. You know, create a day where you hire some entertainment and some blow up bouncy houses and use the parking lot at your office and
create a little summer day have some ice cream and slushies and things like that and have all the kids come for the day. That's a great thing to do. You know, have that little summer party for the
neighborhood kids. The parents will love you for that for sure. So, so many ideas out there for community marketing. Go out, get involved, get involved in your community, have a great time, support
local businesses, and it'll come back to you in spades. So I hope you're having a great day. Remember that having a great day is a choice. So choose wisely. Go out there and make it a great day. Are

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