
It's the prologue episode. Why I'm here and what finally got this podcast kickstarted.

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What is Alcove?

Welcome to the Alcove Podcast! A platform for exploring diverse ideas and sparking curiosity. From audio dramas to interviews and thought-provoking essays, Alcove covers a wide range of topics. I emphasize a unique approach to content creation, driven by the philosophy that nobody cares, allowing for authentic expression without fear of public perception. Join me on this creative journey and subscribe for engaging content.

Don't forget to subscribe and join me for Saturday morning coffee, or check-in for additional episodes released only when I have something I am proud to put out there.


Okay. So I'm recording this the day Rooster Teeth was shut down. And for me, and I know this is cliche, but I think this is one of those moments in life that makes you pause and take into account what you keep pushing off. This podcast is going to be my creative outlet where I can do my own thing and create stuff around what I'm actually interested in. My first podcast was 5 Questions.


It was all about other people. I loved it, talking to people all over the world and learning about their work and what there wasn't, but there wasn't anything in it that allowed me to creatively express myself. And my second podcast, Silent Journeys, was also about other people, but it was extremely mentally taxing listening to the kinds of stories that I was trying to help spread. It was all about people calling in, sharing their mental health journeys, and what, like, what put them in the in the headspace they were and, like, how they healed and, like, I had to sit I I I got to sit there and listen to people's stories about suicide and and anxiety, and eating eating disorders, and and so many other just really tough and very personal stories, but it just got to be too mentally taxing and so I ultimately left that podcast behind too. I also tried streaming, but that never really took off, But I looked at it like an opportunity to become a professional content creator, and I just couldn't get any traction or do exactly what I was looking to do.


And so it ultimately just petered out. And truthfully it was also kind of just a 2020, 2021 pandemic kind of interest of mine. Now for Quest for 5, my Larkana podcast with my fiance, that definitely isn't going anywhere. It's by far my most successful creative endeavor yet, and, it is a fantastic opportunity for me to engage around content that I already enjoy. And I'm not trying to make anything special of it.


It's just an opportunity for my fiancee and I and a few friends to talk about Lorcanah and and, this game that we have come to deeply love. And while my fantasy writings are great and will, likely always be what I consider to be my life's work, it'll probably be and it's also probably going to be the thing I'm working on when I die. But this podcast, alcove, is my opportunity to really stretch some creative muscles and try some new things and just make whatever I feel like. And that leads me to here. I've got a massive list of episode ideas that I've been building for months, and now I've just been putting it off because I had too many chores to do around the apartment or too much going on with my other obligations.


And so this podcast is getting kept getting being put aside, and that's with what's happening at Roasted Teeth. It's kinda kicked me in the butt to not put something off that brings you happiness. Like, with Risk Cheap, I consider them to be this invincible media empire that would always be around. So I put off going RTX even when I lived in Austin, or buying the red versus blue DVDs that I'm missing, or, or even catching up on a bunch of their content that I'd fallen behind on. And so my creative philosophy in this show is that nobody cares, and that was originally the name of what I wanted this podcast to be, but that was already taken multiple times.


So this idea that nobody cares, I think can be an incredibly powerful and very freeing mindset if you work it right in your head. Because if you don't have to be worried about what the world is going to think about your creative ideas, then you don't have to restrict them. Ultimately, what I'm trying to say here so my point is, as cliche as it might be, this is a sort of reminder to not hold off doing something that makes you happy that you could do today. And I just want to also note very clearly that while I'm taking this as a kick in my butt to get this podcast going, I realized that it could be somewhat callous as this event is an absolute tragedy for everyone who works at Rooster Teeth and their families, and that isn't lost on me. I hope that everyone who works at RT can find a new place to work, can move on from this traumatic experience, or event is a better a better term, I think, in this situation.


And and I hope that it doesn't cause too much damage to their lives because ultimately, Rooster Teeth has been the home for amazing content for 21 years, and I don't care what all the haters out there have to say about writing on the wall. And so the truth is everyone there gave it their all, and, it's it's awful, but I hope that everyone can recover from this. Anyways, that's the synopsis of where we're at today. I finally am getting into gear. I'm making this episode, and I'm gonna have it out.


And then I'm just gonna go. Once I get started, I know that I can go go go. It was just getting to this point where I, like, could actually start. So I hope you stick along and you enjoy what's coming.