Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional

This month, each of our daily devotionals are from Stories of Faith, edited by Vania Chew and produced by the Literature Ministries Department of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the South Pacific.

To find out more about this month’s heritage celebrations, visit the Adventist Heritage website or follow the devotions on Facebook or Instagram

What is Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional?

Imagine a thriving Adventist movement in the South Pacific. Do images or stories come quickly to mind? This podcast recounts important events, stories and memories from Adventists throughout the South Pacific. These mission stories from our past are proof that the Adventist movement is alive and thriving. Listen to these podcasts and step out to join these pioneering Adventists with Jesus on His mission of making disciple-makers in the South Pacific.

Surely not Lord.

Read by Jared stacker Roth.

Be sure to carry out the ministry.

The Lord gave you Colossians four 17.

Have you ever been guilty of judging
someone by the outward appearance?

I have been abundantly blessed
to have been a literature.

Evangelist said, Roger Kerr.

It has really helped my faith to grow
and to understand the love of God.

One of the greatest lessons I have
learned is not to judge someone

by their outward appearance.

Sometime ago, Roger had an experience
that he has never forgotten.

It was a Friday.

And it had been a great day.

He had been able to distribute
many health and spiritual books,

as well as pray for some people.

He had only one street left.

He canvas one side of the street
and was coming back to the other

side, when he heard a dreadful noise
emanating from the end of the street.

Somebody was playing definitely music.

It soon became apparent that the Bedlam of
noise was coming from the very last house.


You wouldn't expect me
to knock on this door.

Lord, Roger found himself thinking, but
he reluctantly knocked all the same.

A man in his thirties, opened the door.

He was wearing pink shorts
and was covered in tattoos.

What I saw confirmed my initial
impression that I was right.

This would just be a waste
of time, said, Roger.

He began by canvassing a book on
depression and explaining how it

could help improve mental health.

The man whose name was John said that a
year ago he would have taken the book.

However he had since been helped by
a stay in a psychiatric center and

was now coping with his depression.

Roger decided it was time to
start canvassing spiritual books.

Hey, John.

So you like to read, he asked.

John smiled.

Have a look around Raj.

Standing on the front veranda.

Roger was able to peer into
the lounge room window.

There were books everywhere, piled up on
the floor, stacked on the coffee table.

And stored in book cases.

This gave him hope.

Roger took out a copy of the
great controversy and said,

John, you need this book.

It's history, mystery,
crime, and intrigue.

It talks about Bible prophecy.

And shows where we are living
in the timeline of history.

It also shows how we can
prepare for eternal life.

To Rogers astonishment.

John said.


I do need that book.

Wait a minute.

He soon returned gave
Roger a generous donation.

And thanked him for coming to see him.

I'm ashamed to say that I nearly
didn't knock on John's door confessed.


Over the years, I have had so
many experiences like this.

People, I would once have
written off as hopeless.

I now see other very ones who are
often wistfully looking to heaven.

Roger's thankful that literature
ministry has helped him see that every

person is precious in God's eyes.

He is not willing that
anyone be lost said, Roger.

He wants to use us to show the
love of God to other fallen souls.

Jarrod Stackelroth: This year.

Literature ministry celebrates 175 years.

This month's devotional readings
come from the stories of faith.

Edited by a fire near.


And produced by the literature.

ministries department of the
seventh day Adventist church

in the south Pacific division.

To find out more about
this month's heritage

celebrations, visit heritage
dot Adventist church.

Dot com.