Effekt AP

Marion makes a promise to Mrs Rayburn he does not intend to keep. Autumn turns into winter, we earn XP and Settlement Points, and we see how successful our business was.
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We are sharing one of our playtests for Tales of the Old West, the game we are creating. As is the nature of the beast, the rules are ever changing and the current iteration (available exclusively to Stationary and Privileged Patrons) has a number of differences from what you hear in this episode. This session was recorded in November 2023.
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What is Effekt AP?

Dave and Matthew from Effekt share recordings of their home games. If you seek a polished improvised adventure, with professional actors, music and sound effects, look elsewhere. We seek to share the authentic experience, with rules discussions, asides and digressions just as they happened around the dining table. We also try to play RAW so you can learn with us as we try out new games.

Sheriff Horcock:

I have an I have a warrant here for the arrest of Jonah Lucky Loris, AKA your husband.

Marion Freeman:

I'm barging in.

Dave (GM):

I'd like to commend you on your your bravery for taking down McGinn. There is one issue left outstanding though, that may sour our ongoing good relationship, and and that is your relationship with Chisholm.

Marion Freeman:

And I was only just saying to my colleagues here that maybe we should go and see mister Crosby and tell him, of course, mister Beginnings' claim is kind of invalid now that he's not here to, sign the paperwork and things like that. And, the the obvious thing to do would be to hand that land over to the nearest neighbor.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I'm just gonna ask you about right then. So so I can sense this you know, you hesitated there slightly, mister Crosby. Find there's some complexity there about the situation that makes it maybe not as simple as we might have thought.

Dave (GM):

I'm Dave. I am the GM and co designer of Tales of the Old West.

Marion Freeman:

I am the other co designer of Tales of the Old West, and my name is Matthew. I'm also playing in this actual play, Marion Freeman.

Sheriff Horcock:

My name is Andrew. I play Nathaniel Hawcock.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I'm Tony. I'm playing Jimmy Harston.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Matt. Yep.

Marion Freeman:

And so I shall, see, Missus Rayburn.

Dave (GM):

You can see see her. You you see her up there, outside the house, she's kind of saying goodbye to William and George.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I was

Dave (GM):

I was I was thinking that I might pick them up from a bit further away, that

Marion Freeman:

she was walking back alone.

Dave (GM):

Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. You can do that.

Marion Freeman:

So I didn't want to sort of run into the house. As I come to pick them up, I I get them to climb on the wagon, but I climb down

Jimmy Harlesden:


Marion Freeman:

say, missus Rayburn, I I know it's not a good time to talk to you or your husband, but I need to tell you something. If you will give me just 2 minutes to listen to what I have to say. Make it performing wrong. Performing well, you fucker. It's so not present, so I guess that's it.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. You're you're trying to be kind there rather than Yeah. Awe her with your your It

Marion Freeman:

is my duty as chef, deputy chef to tell you this thing. No. And I'm not gonna push it.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So she seems she says, so you you need to tell me something else that you didn't tell my husband and me.

Marion Freeman:

I need to tell you something that you wouldn't let me tell, and I can understand why.

Dave (GM):

She's bristling.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. As I am. I you I I'm I I discovered their bodies.

Dave (GM):

Eugene's and Arnold's bodies.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Eugene's and Arnold's bodies. And I assumed, like the sheriff in Albuquerque did at first, that they had been gunned down by the bandits who I think I encountered when I was taking the herd up there. It's seeing that I put 2 and 2 together and I think I may have been wrong. I don't know this but I could believe that the man Cody Pickers

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Cody Pickers.

Marion Freeman:

Did kill your son and and your man? Art of Goldcrest. And I have had time to consider. I know that what I have done has created a possibly irreparable break in our friendship. But I honour you and I respect you for taking on the little one here for the very least of things and for the welcome you gave us.

Marion Freeman:

And I wanna promise you that I will do my utmost to bring Cody Pickers to justice, and we will find out the truth of whether he murdered.

Dave (GM):

But you you are Chisholm's man, and Picker is Chisholm's man. And Chisholm Chisholm must be aware, and the murder of my son by Chisholm's man is something that

Marion Freeman:

I am currently

Dave (GM):

just Have you had have you had a child that you've lost that's been murdered?

Marion Freeman:

I don't. Of course not.

Dave (GM):

You have no idea the the pain that Garland and I are going through?

Marion Freeman:

I know I cannot understand the pain that you're going through. And how

Dave (GM):

can I how can I trust a word you say when you are chiseled man? You are potentially a friend of the man who murdered my son, and I'm stood here in the in the middle of of of Stegoroch. Of your aunt's Stegoroch. Stegoroch. Talking to a man who's a friend of the man who took the life breath from my son.

Marion Freeman:

I'm not a friend. It may be that if Chisholm gets wind of the accusations made against his man, he will simply evade justice by making sure his man never comes to New Mexico again. It could be that the only way we have of bringing Cody Pickens to justice is by staying inside the organisation. And I will do so only as long as it takes me to do that. You may not value my word, but I give you my word that I will remain in the network as long as it takes and only as long as it takes to find Cody Pickett and to see him tried in a court of law.

Dave (GM):

Make it performing well.

Marion Freeman:

Damn it. Damn it. Grit. Grit. That's what I wanna do.

Dave (GM):

I'll give you popcorn dice because your being quite eloquent.

Marion Freeman:

Choose excesses.

Sheriff Horcock:

Well done, love.

Dave (GM):

No drop. Alright. It's a matter set.

Marion Freeman:

Fuck you, missus Rayburn.

Dave (GM):

Fuck you. From under her skirt, she pulls out a shotgun. I blew her head up. And she says, you can see her soften. Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

Visibly soften by what you're saying. And and she says, there's nothing more that I want than to see the man who I believe killed my son in in up before the judge, before a court of law, who received the justice that he deserves. My husband is badly damaged by these events. He may be unable to ever accept anything other than God's righteous vengeance upon mister Picker for for the death of Eugene. And you remaining or being chiseled men will be a barrier between him being your friend again.

Dave (GM):

For as long as you regardless of the intent behind that, he will not see it that way. This I know. He he will see it as a as a betrayal regardless of of your intent. If your intent as you've described to me is actually honorable and true.

Marion Freeman:

This I know. All I wanted was for you to know why I'm doing this. I I I cannot comprehend mister Chisholm's loss. Sorry, mister.

Dave (GM):

He sends this man to go to the birthing his son.

Marion Freeman:

As you as you have said, but but I can see I can see in his candor that that he he can never forgive me. And I'm not looking for forgiveness, but I want you to know at least. Forever you can tell him, then then that is entirely up to you, but I could not. I could not look at you or bring mister Dean to visit you as I've done today without without you knowing that I will this is my heart's intent.

Dave (GM):

The best thing you can do to repair the rift between you and my husband and for him to see his killer hang.

Marion Freeman:

And, if if I cannot bring him to justice, which is always preferable, if it ends as mister McGinn's life ended, then I will not I

Dave (GM):

will not flush. That shot.

Marion Freeman:

He lied.

Dave (GM):

Because I should've been fucking hard. You you did make a good role. She she has softened to you a little bit. She's not obviously as bitter as Garland. Garland is probably mentally mentally scarred by the whole thing.

Dave (GM):

And she says, do it and do it quickly, mister Freeman.

Marion Freeman:

As quick as ever I can.

Dave (GM):

Angie Nelson takes a lead. Thank you. Mhmm.

Marion Freeman:

Thank you for taking the time. Guy, I'm done.

Sheriff Horcock:

I'm done. I think one thing I've always been wanting to actually do with the right balance is. Well, no.

Dave (GM):

Just burn the house down

Sheriff Horcock:

there. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Investigate his mines for child labor.

Dave (GM):

Oh, no.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Investigate the murder

Dave (GM):

of the Seabert family. Oh, god. No. Now one thing I've always wanted to

Sheriff Horcock:

do actually, when she's in the street, she will walk up a row must be let's say good.

Dave (GM):

To what? Nola. Missus Raeburn.

Sheriff Horcock:

Missus Raeburn. Right. Okay. It's the afternoon morning. So good morning, mister Raeburn.

Sheriff Horcock:

I know you must be don't think very highly. I mean, another town must be doesn't think very highly. Must be just thinks I'm a gun for use. There's one thing I've always wanted to do. You know, I always wanted to do since I found a child

Dave (GM):

and you're looking after the the baby.

Sheriff Horcock:

And since you've now employed me at Jacobs part time, it's helped towards raising the child.

Dave (GM):

What do you what do you suppose

Sheriff Horcock:

to do? Well, the your your husband's offering 20 25. Yeah. That's what it's. Yeah.

Sheriff Horcock:

Yeah. Well, you your father your husband's father was offering was it 25 per per season, wasn't it?

Dave (GM):

What for

Sheriff Horcock:

My wife. Sheriff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sheriff Horcock:

Well, I'm offering to say put 5 of that towards the raising of the child.

Dave (GM):

That's that's very generous of you.

Sheriff Horcock:

Real. That's scarves.

Dave (GM):

Take an inside role. Mhmm. Do I get a bonus? No. No bonus.

Sheriff Horcock:

Do I have all my faith? I just believe.

Dave (GM):

You got one faith.

Sheriff Horcock:

Yeah. And I

Dave (GM):

got you got one back.

Sheriff Horcock:

One back. Last week of of

Dave (GM):

of recovery and stuff.

Sheriff Horcock:

Yeah. That's good. My voice blood actually is making stuff. Always been thinking about it. Okay.

Sheriff Horcock:

Oh, for fuck's sake. It's been a while. No. I've got a red one. I've got because I have to burn it off, don't I?

Dave (GM):

You don't have to. You just take the trouble. Just take the trouble. I don't want the trouble. So Yeah.

Jimmy Harlesden:

You have

Dave (GM):

to You can push and accept the trouble.

Sheriff Horcock:

Yeah. But every time we get the trouble, so that's why we make you do like fucking ice.

Dave (GM):

You're despising Fred. Makes twenty one. Trouble. Yes. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Up to you. Up to you. Do you wanna did you wanna push it or not?

Marion Freeman:

It's an insight role. You can you can get away with

Dave (GM):

without understanding whether she's been insulted.

Marion Freeman:

I don't think so. You just said what you wanted say. Oh, yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. I said what I wanted to say. What

Sheriff Horcock:

Okay. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

So you're not pushing?

Sheriff Horcock:

I'm not gonna push. No.

Dave (GM):

So she she kind of very stiffly thanks you for the offer Yeah. And and says, well, if you wish to donate the money, then that that is fine. You will be paying your wages. Mhmm. Because it's not my husband paying all of them.

Dave (GM):

It's obviously a a group of the concerned townsfolk. Yeah. But if you wish to you you can spend your wages in any way you please. So if you if you wish to to give us Yeah. I just might be some money every every month to for the upkeep of the child, then that would be that would be, welcome.

Sheriff Horcock:

That's all I had to say. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Thank you. My good. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

And then she moves on. Mhmm. Is there anything else anybody else wants to do?

Jimmy Harlesden:

No. I'm actually not talking to anybody. I

Sheriff Horcock:

understand you. Love.

Dave (GM):

Keep the same to myself.

Marion Freeman:

I'm just saying he gets us in trouble.

Dave (GM):

Yes. It does. Around. For her?

Marion Freeman:

Do I see have I seen Gonya around town these last few weeks?

Dave (GM):

You well, yeah. Interestingly, you do. She's obviously working as she does at the, Sundown. At the Sundown. It seems that Patrick, her younger brother, is now living there with her instead of living Is this a 20 year old?

Dave (GM):

Yep. Yeah. He obviously wasn't around at the at the fight and all that. Yeah. As as a as a person, he keeps to himself very much.

Dave (GM):

So, you know, he's never been Mhmm. Like a braggart around town or anything. He's not one to to leave with his fists. So I think he's always been quite quiet. But so he's staying there.

Dave (GM):

You do see, you know, the old look, you know, out of the the shutters.

Sheriff Horcock:

Mhmm. So

Dave (GM):

when you go past and she sort of watches. She showed no interest in her mother and her brother. And then and then Brodie Goodish dies.

Marion Freeman:

Right. I mean,

Dave (GM):

the announcement that he sadly passed away from his illness.

Sheriff Horcock:

So they won't be calling the place McGinn, I suppose. It might change in there.

Dave (GM):

Not not the man, but yeah. But Brodie goes just dies.

Sheriff Horcock:


Dave (GM):

And now, Grunya is running the Sunday. I'm on her own.

Marion Freeman:

I'm actually I may well go and pay my respects, but not not immediately.

Dave (GM):

Cool. So next time are you wishing to go and find mister Picker? Well, I did say this is I hear rumors of

Sheriff Horcock:

the steps in the territory. Well, I did say yes. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. And if

Dave (GM):

I say

Jimmy Harlesden:

you for the. For the fuck's sake.

Marion Freeman:

I to be honest

Sheriff Horcock:

You're gonna get me killed, aren't you?

Marion Freeman:

No. To be honest, no. I don't think it's the right thing because, honestly, I think it was in self defense.

Sheriff Horcock:

Yeah. Yes. I've asked well, yes. I'm doing it.

Marion Freeman:

I think it'd be better next time we're taking stuff to market to go and tell mister Tissom that mister Picker

Dave (GM):

should probably So you won't be taking it into market for for about 10 months.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. Right.

Dave (GM):

That's a long way off.

Marion Freeman:

Well, just include

Dave (GM):

to put it in

Marion Freeman:

a letter. Let's Yeah.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Promise, just to say, you

Marion Freeman:

know, the

Dave (GM):

Rayburn that you would go and find him, but it's up to you. You didn't have to honor that promise.

Marion Freeman:

No. No. I I I I lied.

Sheriff Horcock:

You can always blame me.

Dave (GM):

You can always say, you know, the old git,

Sheriff Horcock:

the chef told me not to be so stupid and wait till he wait till he steps foot, foot back on therapy. You blame me if you want.

Dave (GM):

No. That's it. I don't need to. If that was what you wanted to do, then obviously that would form the basis of the next session. But if you don't want to do that, then it won't form the basis of the next session.

Marion Freeman:

I'm I'm I'm

Dave (GM):

Pardon me?

Marion Freeman:

Not massively interested in continuing this grudge, actually. That's not what it's about. I'm pretty sure they tried to kill him. So why would I continue that cycle of violence? But I know that she doesn't think they tried to kill him.

Marion Freeman:

But I do also I so what are your thoughts? My thoughts are when we have the land rights all tied it up, we resigned for mister Chesham's service.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Trying to. Yeah. I imagine there'll be some consequences from that, but Yeah. I agree. I think so.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I think I think possibly going up pick is not the right thing to do, because I suspect he is.

Sheriff Horcock:

Largely belabeness.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. And I think we can almost make that case of we, you know, we we could when we explain that, we could say we have to resign for your service because

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

you know, other other if we say in your service we have to hunt down mister Picker for the murder of the 2 individuals who were probably trying to kill him. So I think it's better that we are that he finds another agent locally.

Dave (GM):

That's cool.

Sheriff Horcock:

Well, that's up to you too. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. Let's think that's let the landlords play out first. And then, you

Marion Freeman:

know, the very worst, you know, I'll I'll just say to her, we've resent his service because I can get close to

Jimmy Harlesden:

it. Yeah. I tried to

Dave (GM):

Mhmm. Tried to unpick it, but

Marion Freeman:

it's good

Dave (GM):

to find any insider.

Marion Freeman:

I'm kind of happier not to be chums with with Boss Hog. If I don't mind the time. No? And the the pikintos Paquitos. The pikitos pequito's The Pringles.

Sheriff Horcock:

Let's just call them the Pringles.

Dave (GM):

No. They're not Pringles.

Marion Freeman:

The pequito's, I, you know, genuinely Yes. They, you know, they they've treated us well.

Sheriff Horcock:

Well, yeah.

Marion Freeman:

They learned just money to kick the whole thing off.

Dave (GM):

She doesn't like you.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. So that another point

Dave (GM):

you have to make out of your character.

Marion Freeman:

But actually, being being friends and made men of the man who runs the town is chides with my principles.

Dave (GM):

Not necessarily where you want to be. No.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. So I it's no great loss that we're not.

Sheriff Horcock:

So a really big bad for me out then. Sorry? Really bad falling out and over there.

Marion Freeman:

Well, it was

Sheriff Horcock:

There was a

Marion Freeman:

You just

Dave (GM):

you just angry there. Upset her by your your brash aggressive attitudes. You have bad rolling. I can't imagine how that happened. And then your bad rolling.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. But yeah. No. And your trouble was the issue.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. So we may never make peace with them. But at least I came out looking like I want to. That's the best. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

And we will this is one

Jimmy Harlesden:

thing. You can tell them, you know, that way, yeah, we tried, but

Dave (GM):

I think we couldn't. So we have resigned

Jimmy Harlesden:

from tourism service.

Dave (GM):

In due course when it

Marion Freeman:

comes to

Jimmy Harlesden:


Dave (GM):

Yes. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

When Not immediately. On-site runs to the strip is very long. Just in case her husband wants to go mining there.

Dave (GM):

Well, yeah. That's a that's a fair comment. That was quite a good idea. Okay. So we are currently in, I believe autumn.

Marion Freeman:

Mhmm. Autumn. Does that mean we make rolls?

Dave (GM):

I'm thinking we make rolls and move the season on. Right. To winter. Oh, joy. So let's see if this battery lasts long enough.

Dave (GM):

We need to unplug that. I'll come to experience in a moment, but

Marion Freeman:

first No.

Dave (GM):

Come to experience now.

Marion Freeman:

Give the important things first.

Sheriff Horcock:

Yes. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

So I've managed to upset everyone else. Right. So you should have the town sheet somewhere. What amenities did you have from last time? Did you have any?

Dave (GM):

Sure. Autumn.

Jimmy Harlesden:

That means his church sheriff's office.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So if you can tell me sheriff's office is going to be under law, isn't it? So you gain one point to law, a half point to welfare.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So one point to law, so that's

Dave (GM):

2 That's a cross.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yeah. A full cross. So that's gonna

Dave (GM):

And you lose nothing.

Jimmy Harlesden:

And law and welfare Half point of welfare.

Dave (GM):

One size slice for welfare.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Church rubber.

Dave (GM):

I don't know.

Marion Freeman:

Cheap snicking it.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I know.

Dave (GM):

Bastard. Church gives you nothing except it gives you a bonus of plus 1 settlement point per season.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So does that a is that right under settlement point bonus?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. That's a permanent bonus.

Sheriff Horcock:

So we got church then now?

Dave (GM):

You got a

Marion Freeman:

church, and

Jimmy Harlesden:

you've got an office.

Dave (GM):

I've got office. You've actually got sales then.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. I reckon I reckon we converted that bunk house into,

Dave (GM):

Oh, quite possibly. Yeah.

Sheriff Horcock:

Alright. So I mean, we

Marion Freeman:

have not

Dave (GM):

We have not actually because that still belongs to the McGinns. There aren't McGinns who's still alive. Yeah. So you can't just take their property. But maybe the town has sequestered it or something perhaps.

Dave (GM):

But then it's right next to the beginners house.

Marion Freeman:

Well, I I yeah. Well, we'll have to see.

Dave (GM):

It might it may not be there. Mhmm. So I'm thinking, actually, I am gonna do experience first because that would also include any settlement points you've earned this season. Oh,

Sheriff Horcock:

first, 50 each. Excellent.

Dave (GM):

Oh, I fucking there, what are you doing? So, yeah, let's do XP. If I can get past all the bloody archetypes that matters. Is. Okay.

Dave (GM):

1 number 1, did you participate in the game session? Yes. You did. 1 x p Bruce for who? Just turning out.

Dave (GM):

Did you risk or sacrifice something significant to help realize your big dream?

Sheriff Horcock:

My paparazzi.

Marion Freeman:

I think so.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Although my big dream is that the ranch is successful sometimes.

Marion Freeman:

Our friendships with the

Jimmy Harlesden:

did they try to keep in with the families of the Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

I well, and potentially sacrifice my burgeoning relationship.

Jimmy Harlesden:

What did you sacrifice?

Sheriff Horcock:

My popularity. That's what I do.

Marion Freeman:

Chad hates

Dave (GM):

him. Chad's like, okay. Alright. I'll give everyone a point for

Marion Freeman:

He's he's losing a point of reputation, remember? He has to a

Dave (GM):

point of reputation. Yep. I don't I haven't forgotten that. Sorry, Andy. I haven't gone to he hasn't just charted

Sheriff Horcock:

you. No. No. No. No.

Sheriff Horcock:

No. I'm not trying.

Dave (GM):

Of course. Well, that's traditional, isn't it? Yeah. Displays it. Did you risk or sacrifice something significant for any other character?

Jimmy Harlesden:

They're not specific. Gave her any other character.

Marion Freeman:

We can talk about any any other character, any other Any other character,

Dave (GM):

n p c or p c?

Marion Freeman:

No. I think we played them all like chumps, didn't we?

Dave (GM):

Well, I mean, you you did all go into the the fight, but I'm not sure that counts.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Was that risking something for a character? For another character?

Dave (GM):

No. Probably not.

Marion Freeman:

Well, for mister Chisholm. Hey. He's a character.

Sheriff Horcock:

No. No. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

I'm not gonna give you a point for that. Did you perform another extraordinary action of some kind?

Sheriff Horcock:

Doing a snapshot shooting shooting somebody in the throat with a mere snapshot.

Dave (GM):

Was that you?

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. That one.

Dave (GM):

No. No. Go on. Okay. That that's fine.

Dave (GM):

I think also

Marion Freeman:

Getting shot at like Samuel L Jackson in in politics

Dave (GM):

and politics every time. Yeah. No. But I think you did you you all did some very, very good negotiation in that. I thought so.

Dave (GM):

I think everyone have a point.

Marion Freeman:

So we're up to 3?

Dave (GM):

4. Did you act in accordance with your faith?

Sheriff Horcock:

I think

Dave (GM):

I did.

Jimmy Harlesden:

My faith is that it's made my brother proud. I think I still try

Dave (GM):

to do

Jimmy Harlesden:

the right thing, which is I think what my brother would want.

Sheriff Horcock:

Want? My what's my faith? I think it's in

Marion Freeman:

I did. I'm sure.

Sheriff Horcock:

My faith is in my 6 shooters.

Dave (GM):

Yes. You're acting in the corners.

Marion Freeman:

We're all God's creations, even all all God's creatures, even are sinners.

Sheriff Horcock:

We did pray. You did do the praying thing. You did before you went. Yeah?

Marion Freeman:

I did pray. I've got a fucking church.

Dave (GM):

You did have to make it roll in order to get that for you. Okay. Yeah. I'll give you that. So that should be 5 points for everybody.

Marion Freeman:

Mhmm. Woo hoo. And and? Let's see. I'm gonna give you a

Dave (GM):

I have 6 each.

Sheriff Horcock:

Six each.

Dave (GM):

Because I think you did you did do very well there, actually. I think some of your negotiations with the townsfolk were were very, very good. Okay. Settlement points. Did the group sacrifice or risk something for the good of the settlement or the community?

Dave (GM):

I think taking out McGinn

Sheriff Horcock:

Mhmm. Counts.

Marion Freeman:

Now lives is what we've used.

Dave (GM):

Plus 1. Per. Plus 1 settlement point.

Sheriff Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Did the group invest effort or money, either casual capital in the settlement or community? Yeah. Really?

Sheriff Horcock:

Well, what about a

Dave (GM):

choke? No.

Marion Freeman:

No. That's part

Dave (GM):

of the town. That's part of

Sheriff Horcock:

the group. You

Dave (GM):

don't get any speed

Marion Freeman:

of that.

Dave (GM):

Did the group protect the settlement or community in some way?

Sheriff Horcock:

I think Gangreloo, somebody who was actually angry his way to undermine settlement. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Everyone hated it. And I think you've you've done quite well for the settlement in terms of what you've told Crosby should be happening. So I'll give you a second 2. 2. 2.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

And we get a third

Dave (GM):

for the church. For the church. Yeah. You do.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Okay. So we have 3 to

Dave (GM):

7 points out. Right. So let's find the turn of the seasons. There we need. 30 seasons.

Dave (GM):

Here we go. Okay. Season business roles. Looking back, at the end of every season, you need to work to see how well your boat your business, your outfit did. Pardon me.

Dave (GM):

The outfit business season roll is made by I'm just thinking. Should probably decide on amenities for next time first. Sorry. Trying to get this in order. Okay.

Dave (GM):

We've because we got a total of 3

Jimmy Harlesden:

settlement points now.

Dave (GM):

So you need 5 to buy an extra immunity. Okay. But you do get to choose 1 amenity. One amenity. Okay.

Dave (GM):

Where would you go?

Marion Freeman:

With so one amenity happens automatically. That's just what us at the tower are doing. Yes. And when we've got another couple of settlement points, we get to choose.

Dave (GM):

So you get to choose that one anyway?

Marion Freeman:

Right. Okay.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. But

Jimmy Harlesden:

to to improve

Marion Freeman:

the speed of development.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. The the more you spend time trying to help town, the quicker it will develop. So, if somebody wants to look on here, they can.

Marion Freeman:

Right. Where's my patch? Can I leave it upstairs? I've got the whole book on there? Fix ignition.

Dave (GM):

So there are immediately descriptions there, Ed, if you wanted to look at them.

Sheriff Horcock:

Alright. Well, it's nice. You just slightly yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sheriff Horcock:

Yeah. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So what have you got so far? So Some of them have qualified. You have to have a certain. Yeah. Oh, god.

Dave (GM):


Jimmy Harlesden:

have we got so far? We've got saloons, wells, paddocks and corrals, wanted posters, boardwalks and the mines, public latrines, church and a sheriff's office. Okay. So our civic We've

Sheriff Horcock:

got wells. You still got wells. We've

Jimmy Harlesden:

got wells. Yeah.

Sheriff Horcock:

How about bathhouse?

Jimmy Harlesden:

So, civic level is is that the rank? Yeah. Rank 1. So we're rank 2 in civic. If I rank 2 in everything.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So for the wrong, no means that

Dave (GM):

you can take it rank 2 that you can't take it rank 1.

Sheriff Horcock:

That's rank 5. I'm okay. So that's that's being a lot.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Guess what do we want to so all are so law and welfare so to to be rank 3, do you have to have one line in

Dave (GM):

You have to have at least just half one area in that in that rank. Yeah. So

Jimmy Harlesden:

qualified. Law and welfare are the closest to

Dave (GM):

rank. And the ones you need you need to bear in mind as well that your end of season roles can reduce your levels, and if a level goes down to 0, then your town is fainting. Okay. So, So there's a balance to be struck about

Jimmy Harlesden:

Farming and Civic are the are lowest. So maybe something that increases our Civic might be an

Dave (GM):

idea. Mhmm.

Marion Freeman:

I wonder whether we should encourage prospecting in the mountains on the other side of the river. That's about half a civic point.

Dave (GM):

Let's see. We've already got boardwalks. Or we could get a town hall.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Gives us one additional civic.

Sheriff Horcock:

Yeah. Go to town. Yeah. Go to town hall.

Marion Freeman:

We don't have a town council yet.

Sheriff Horcock:

No. We? Oh, because we just could get town hall now.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Well, not to say you

Dave (GM):

need to have a

Jimmy Harlesden:

town council for town hall for use for things other

Dave (GM):

than Yeah. Town council. Town council might have a civic requirement that's hired them too, possibly. It does. So you can't give that answer yet.

Marion Freeman:

A laundry? What do we got?

Jimmy Harlesden:

We don't have a laundry?

Marion Freeman:

That's civic.

Jimmy Harlesden:

And also the There's

Marion Freeman:

nothing negative on it.

Sheriff Horcock:

Do a laundry then.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. That laundry seems like quite a good bit as well.

Marion Freeman:

Public library seems a bit We

Dave (GM):

can't we can't qualify for that.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Civic level is 82.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. So you can only get amenities that are available at

Marion Freeman:

Oh, okay. Okay. In a firehouse, a telegraph, railroad station.

Dave (GM):

I think they're a bit beyond you right now.

Jimmy Harlesden:

We get a knock for house.

Marion Freeman:

Undertakers. Orphanage. You shouldn't be creating quite a lot of

Jimmy Harlesden:

Orphan children.

Dave (GM):

They have adult children, mostly they say.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So, yeah, so I think laundry or town hall. Laundry.

Marion Freeman:

Let's go with laundry.

Sheriff Horcock:

Laundry. Yeah. Cool. Give it a minus. Okay.

Dave (GM):


Jimmy Harlesden:

So we don't get the benefit of that till the until season. The next season. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

So we're now moving into winter.

Sheriff Horcock:

Mhmm. K.

Dave (GM):

Can I have you back?

Marion Freeman:

Alright. Just as well. The the laundry will only no

Dave (GM):

point in opening a new laundry at the

Marion Freeman:

beginning of winter. I'll never get anything dry. Whereas

Dave (GM):

Yeah. It can be quite cold. Don't even know if it's good.

Marion Freeman:

Spring. Just think of those sheets flapping in the wind. Okay. Turn up

Dave (GM):

the season. Season business rolls. Mhmm. Right then. So, you which one of you is making the business role?

Dave (GM):

I think any of you can because we've all been involved in the business this season.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Can be. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

And what's help each other. You can.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yep. What's the, there's animal handling.

Marion Freeman:

Animal handling. You're the best animal handling person I have.

Jimmy Harlesden:

7. No pressure.

Sheriff Horcock:

No pressure.

Jimmy Harlesden:

7 dust bat. What'd you have?

Dave (GM):

8. Okay. Yeah. You are the best at that one handling. But can you get help for us?

Dave (GM):

Can I get help? Yep. So

Marion Freeman:

so I can give you a point.

Sheriff Horcock:

A 10.

Jimmy Harlesden:

10 dice.

Dave (GM):

Surely, I'd have some faith. But you can't you can't

Jimmy Harlesden:

push it through as well.

Sheriff Horcock:

Oh, can I? Alright.

Marion Freeman:

How come you got oh, yeah. You got quite high scores in both of those. Oh.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. So How

Marion Freeman:

long have you

Dave (GM):

got The level of what's the level of competition in the town for sports ranting? It's probably not very high.

Sheriff Horcock:

Now, everything is here,

Jimmy Harlesden:

it says competition plus 1. K.

Sheriff Horcock:

K. Really?

Dave (GM):

So you're getting plus 1 to your pool because there's not not much competition. Oh, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

The horse

Jimmy Harlesden:

run through.

Sheriff Horcock:

So if you have an then alright. Okay.

Dave (GM):

And then there are talent modifiers. So all outfit and congregation roles are modified based on the law aspect.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So law aspect is rank 2. So that's

Dave (GM):

minus 1 to your dice fall because the lore is a bit shaky in town.

Marion Freeman:

Oh, we're good.

Dave (GM):

What do you say? And it's also modified by the farming.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Farmer, also rank 2.

Dave (GM):

Again, that's another minus 1.

Sheriff Horcock:

So back to where I was really, aren't I? Yep. Right. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So you wrote all of those. You need to get at least one success. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

If you

Dave (GM):

get more than one success, you then gain, bonus benefits. But one success basically means that your business is doing fine. You get a salary, and you're ticking along. No successes means there is a problem. So no pressure, Andy.

Jimmy Harlesden:

That's that's

Sheriff Horcock:

that's a 5, unfortunately, but then that's 2, 2 sixes.

Dave (GM):

2 sixes. Okay. So the first success means your business has done well. You can all draw your salary for this season.

Marion Freeman:

What is our salary? Have you ever got it

Dave (GM):

written down?

Marion Freeman:

I'm sure it's on the, it

Dave (GM):

should be on your business sheet. You should have a business sheet somewhere.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yes. Does that have

Dave (GM):

your salary written on it?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Default salary, 86.

Dave (GM):

Yep. So that's how much you will get. Mhmm.

Sheriff Horcock:

We have taken our living cost, sir.

Dave (GM):

But no. Well, you do in a minute, but

Marion Freeman:

not yet.

Dave (GM):

But you get a business bonus. Mhmm. So roll d 66 one of you.

Sheriff Horcock:

Someone else can lift.

Marion Freeman:

Do you

Dave (GM):

want me to do

Marion Freeman:

this now?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yeah. The

Dave (GM):

higher the better, generally.

Marion Freeman:

Better orange goes top.

Dave (GM):

46. 46. You have famous customers who can't speak highly enough of your business. You get a plus 3 dice bonus to the next season's business role. Okay.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So do I rather in the business outcome?

Marion Freeman:

So Yeah.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So what is it? Plus 3

Marion Freeman:

Dimas customers. Plus customers.

Dave (GM):

So yeah. So maybe the Paquito's have come and bought a lot of horses off you, and maybe some from the local town have come as well.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So that plus reason next season's Yeah. Business, fortune, or

Dave (GM):

So you're basically building success for next time.

Marion Freeman:

Mr. Chisholm buys horses

Dave (GM):

from us.

Sheriff Horcock:

Maybe maybe I don't know about that.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Covering that, don't need to. Season congregation rules, don't need those. Term amenities, we've done that. Okay.

Dave (GM):

Looking forward. Lifestyle. What is your lifestyle going to be for the next season? So

Marion Freeman:

So $86. I also get $75 from Yeah. Mister Chisholm. Yep.

Dave (GM):

And you get $75 for

Sheriff Horcock:

Well, actually, it's a certain game of 5 with 60, isn't it?

Dave (GM):

You get $60? Yeah. So you get 86 for your for the business, plus you get 60 for being sheriff.

Sheriff Horcock:

Like, a 146. Okay. K.

Dave (GM):

So now you need to decide what level is I mean, you're all living in the same place. Yeah. So I think you need to collectively decide what level. You probably can't have different levels.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Last time I went to managing, which at that point, I don't

Dave (GM):

think it's changed, cost a $150. That cost a $150?

Marion Freeman:

Well, that seems a very reasonable rate.

Dave (GM):

So I don't mean we need to show that. Reasonable. Yeah. $150? So everyone everyone knocks a $150 off your money, and that's paid for your lifestyle for the next

Sheriff Horcock:

That's good. I made losses at all. Never mind.

Dave (GM):

150, 100 foot. It's a. Oh,

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

There's a rubber there.

Marion Freeman:

Is this your generosity?

Dave (GM):

This is my generosity. Yeah. Oh, she is.

Sheriff Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Yeah. You'd been you'd been in the black if you hadn't given their money away. So managing, you're all doing okay, if not well. You have enough to eat and your clothes, if a little threadbare, are of sufficient quality to keep you warm, cool, and dry. Your home is as good as all the other normal folk, and you live a decent if simple life.

Dave (GM):

Mhmm. Okay. Reputation. Your your reputation has to go down by a point.

Marion Freeman:

Bad guy, good guy, or so much for your social point?

Dave (GM):

It's up to him.

Sheriff Horcock:

Well, at the moment, I've got his reputation. He's he's selfish at the moment. So

Jimmy Harlesden:

Have you

Marion Freeman:

got your table to hand?

Dave (GM):

I have

Sheriff Horcock:

got one of the

Dave (GM):

No. Probably not. 35 at the moment.

Marion Freeman:

Hang on. Is it in

Jimmy Harlesden:

the version 6 p? Yeah. Yes. It will be somewhere. I'll search for that then.

Dave (GM):

What are your scores? Have you written them down, or you just written the narrative,

Sheriff Horcock:

Andy? I've got self narrative. I've got fame plus 5. Yeah. And selfish, and I've got something with manager written down for, you know, from lifestyle.

Dave (GM):

I haven't got, or

Sheriff Horcock:

maybe where's the other old old character sheet? This one. Maybe Let's see

Marion Freeman:

the main reputation table. Should be.

Sheriff Horcock:

Yeah. That's I've got even the old ones where you have anything.

Marion Freeman:

Right. Okay.

Sheriff Horcock:

My So,

Marion Freeman:

what did you say your age? 143,

Dave (GM):

for those who are looking for it. So what's the what's the narrative for your

Sheriff Horcock:

my reputation with going the old couch. She was selfish but reliable.

Dave (GM):

K. There isn't such a thing.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yes. It has changed, I think, hasn't it?

Sheriff Horcock:

That's the old I

Dave (GM):

noticed that. I think it was self. Is it selfless unreliable rather than selfish and reliable?

Sheriff Horcock:


Dave (GM):

You've got selfish and unlikable and selfless and reliable.

Sheriff Horcock:

Oh, because I've got no, you know, the old model. Yeah. Didn't I mean, you are just got selfish.

Dave (GM):

Alright. If it's just I'm gonna go with that then. So so your your reputation is 2 slash 4.

Sheriff Horcock:

2 slash okay.

Dave (GM):

Which is selfish and unlikable. But you've gotta go down 1. Oh, fuck. In one of those 2. So you've gotta go either to 2 slash 3 or 1 slash 4.

Dave (GM):

2 slash 3 is Peckent and dishonest, which is a bit of a thieving cunt basically. And 1 slash 4 is good for nothing curr and double dealer.

Sheriff Horcock:

Ah, okay.

Marion Freeman:

Good Good for nothing curving double dealer, I think. That's quite a bit.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. That's gonna put my my mood even better. So so jot down 1 slash 4 then if you're gonna go for that one, and then the narrative is

Marion Freeman:

Good guy, bad guy is 1, and,

Dave (GM):

independent minded community spirited

Marion Freeman:

is 4. Or solitary social on this chart is 4. So

Sheriff Horcock:

it is 14. Alright. Okay. Alright. Double dealing curl then.

Sheriff Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Good for nothing curl, double dealer. Yep. That's that's good enough. That's just a guide as well. It's just the kind of thing that

Sheriff Horcock:

Marvelous. Oh, okay. That's gonna make me really improve my temper on the town, isn't it?

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

Which will really improve your reputation. Right then. Okay. Personal fortunes.

Marion Freeman:

So we don't change our reputation?

Dave (GM):

So, I think there is something to be discussed about how we make better use of reputation. I I I think maybe the idea of changing it one point per season is reasonable.

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

Because we don't really say that. But otherwise, it doesn't really change unless kind of the players say they want it to or there's a narrative reason that comes out. So I think at the end of a season, you should be allowed to move your reputation one point in any direction you like.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. Can I move mine from 53 to 54? From likable but indecisive to friendly monster hell. Yes.

Dave (GM):

I think. Yeah. So I

Marion Freeman:

think that is appropriate for me.

Sheriff Horcock:

I'll move mine back to a pack up of 2, 4, 10.

Dave (GM):

I think you probably can, actually.

Sheriff Horcock:

Yeah. What what that make it then?

Dave (GM):

Which is selfish and unlikable.

Marion Freeman:

Selfish and

Dave (GM):

unlikable again. Or or you could go to 15 instead of 24, which is shifty and helps if it suits

Marion Freeman:

you. That might that might actually be a better Yeah.

Sheriff Horcock:

115. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

So go to 1 slash 5 and it's shifty. You help if it suits you. Okay. K. Why was on 44?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Do you do the x axis first or the y axis?

Dave (GM):

The Vertical or horizontal? Vertical.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Okay. So I

Dave (GM):

was long time since I've done x and y axis. I'll get it moved to 4 or 5 then,

Jimmy Harlesden:

which is law abiding is important. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So I I have changed the middle ones now. Have you seen Oh, yes.

Marion Freeman:

Because they were all, just there. They're just there.

Dave (GM):

Nobody really pays any attention. So it's decent sort. Don't like to get involved. Be beneath notice, you're just there. Unimportant and irrelevant.

Dave (GM):

Who are you? And decent enough to achieve to yourself. But you're reviving and supportive. I think that's cool. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So I think that works reasonably well. It's saying you can move your reputation one point at the end of season, and then maybe we wanna add some a few more things in that that would possibly damage your reputation during play. Okay. Personal Personal Fortune Rolls. Each player gets 1 roll of the Personal Fortunes table, to choose the event roll d66 to consult the table.

Dave (GM):

If the players live in a town with a welfare aspect of 1

Jimmy Harlesden:

Nowhere 2 for welfare? Okay. If the welfare aspect

Dave (GM):

is 2, add plus 1 to a 10's die.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Plus 1 to the tens die.

Dave (GM):

Piat is worse in this situation. Who's going first?

Marion Freeman:

Right. I love going that personal fortune. Orange high, and that is 14 equals 24. 24.

Dave (GM):

A friend in a high place. Someone important will take notice of you for some reason. She undersides or alternatively agreeing with it, Jeff. Who this may be? Who could it

Marion Freeman:

possibly be, mister Chisel?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yeah. But he might not be a fan much longer if he resigned from his service.

Sheriff Horcock:

So okay. Andy? Bradford. Don't

Dave (GM):

do it.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Just do it. Which one was going first?

Sheriff Horcock:

Red. 13.

Dave (GM):

23. 23. Love blossoms. Someone has expressed their love for you. It might be an old flame or someone new.

Dave (GM):

It might be welcome or a complete pain in the ass. Nonetheless, this person seems to love you. Okay. This so these are are kind of like hints of what's coming in the future, and are hooks for me as a GM to to roll into into the next future scenarios. Tank.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Okay. Yelling first. Oh, dear. So that's 55 plus

Dave (GM):

65. 65. Calamity, roll d 666 again but the tens dies automatically a 7. I know

Sheriff Horcock:

it is. So I roll it, it's just a small one.

Dave (GM):

Oh, god. So you've got 4.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So if 74, arrival is dead.

Dave (GM):

Arrival is dead. Someone you have crossed stores with, an enemy or a rival has been found dead under suspicious circumstances.

Marion Freeman:

A finger

Dave (GM):

of blame will inevitably point you away. Oh, no.

Marion Freeman:

Oh, no. Did missus McGinn die?

Dave (GM):

For the show.

Marion Freeman:

Before her trial.

Sheriff Horcock:

Oh, so they started with blood clotting his lung.

Dave (GM):

Okay. That's

Jimmy Harlesden:

cool. In the Steaming Rock, Ali, who played the owner of, less saloons in town, called out about 3 seasons in a row.

Dave (GM):

And there's

Jimmy Harlesden:

a whole story about The story about saloon is being murdered.

Marion Freeman:

That was funny. And then

Dave (GM):

it turned out that there was one of the other Saloon owners who was doing it, and we ended up killing him when he came to kill Ali. But it was cool. Right. Town fortune rolls. So it's the last roll now.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

does that

Dave (GM):

have a d 66 roll?

Jimmy Harlesden:

Does this go on the

Dave (GM):

town? It will do. Yep. So the town's prosperity. So add up all its attribute scores to give you your total prosperity They've only even changed.

Jimmy Harlesden:

So do you remember that if the rank?

Dave (GM):

That'd be rank. So the rank.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Yeah. So all our attributes are rank 2 and are still all rank 2.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So that gives you a total of 12. Yeah?

Jimmy Harlesden:


Dave (GM):

Okay. So if the task for prosperity is 11 to 14, add plus 1 to your tens die. So roll d 66

Jimmy Harlesden:

So our current prosperity then? Yeah. It's 12. That's right.

Dave (GM):

It's 12. Yeah. It's got to bring

Jimmy Harlesden:

down. So

Dave (GM):

So roll d 66 and add 1 to your tens die.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Again, the

Dave (GM):

die is not great. You sure

Jimmy Harlesden:

you want to do this? Okay.

Dave (GM):

I'll get black first this time.

Jimmy Harlesden:

Add 1 to the tens. Yes? 46 including the plus one.

Dave (GM):

46. Vermin infestation. They've been getting worse all over the town. You doubt the ratters can cope. The place could be overrun and if not dealt with soon, disease will start to spread.

Dave (GM):

Impact. Lose or die from your business role at the end of season if you run a merchant or trading outfit. The trading of the season, we need to change that. Yes. Absolutely.

Dave (GM):


Sheriff Horcock:

Well, that means you're running a business in the town then.

Dave (GM):

Well, yeah, if you're if you're running a shop.

Sheriff Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Or a Saloon or something. Mhmm. Where's the infestation?

Marion Freeman:

Oh, I thought we got rid of the rats.

Sheriff Horcock:

I only wanted 2 of them. Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

And I think that is that, guys.

Sheriff Horcock:

Very good, boss. Cool. Excellent.

Dave (GM):

That was fun. I enjoyed that. Even if you didn't.

Marion Freeman:

Tales of the old west is brought to you by Effect. The music is old west game by Stu Venable, used with kind permission of the angry folk media empire.