The Brand ED Podcast

4 Freaky Fast Friday Wins in 5 minutes!

Show Notes

4 Freaky Fast Friday Wins in about 5 mins!
Discover: 1.) Something to check out or try…2.)Something a client recently asked…3.) Something to think about…4.) Something personal.
Take a listen. Then share it with someone you love 😀.

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What is The Brand ED Podcast?

It’s easy for personal brands and SMBs to get overwhelmed in a sea of marketing and branding voices, choices, and channels. Robby Fowler taps into 20 years of personal brand experience to help you clearly connect the dots between your branding, marketing and business strategy. To avoid being another burnt-out leader or under-performing brand or business, tune into this podcast. Build a personal brand and business that breathes life into you and your customer.

Robby: You're listening to the brand
ed bullet from the brand ed podcast.

Four freaky fast Friday wins to
get you going for your weekend.

Let's go!

Normally, we start this digest off
with something to try, but this digest

we're going in the reverse order.

Win number one, something personal.

Hurry it's everywhere.

Hurry is a silent killer of joy,
being present, and making memories.

For example, these digest I tried
to keep short because like me,

you are probably in a hurry.

That's because running a personal brand
business and hurry are great friends.

They're best buds.

Business and busy-ness
riding side by side.

I'm trying to awaken myself to this more,
to move from befriending hurry to frenemy.

And then hopefully on to enemy.

I'm officially going on
record that I hate hurry.

Will you join me?

When number two, something to think about.

Hurry is a form of violence on the soul.

And right now everything is
being intentionally designed

for distraction and addiction,
because that's where the money is.

That's a quote from John Mark Comer in his
book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.

So here's the challenge for you.

Will you set aside two minutes today?

Not tomorrow.


Turn everything off.

And just take stock of your hurry.

I would love for you to DM me
and let me know how that went.

When number three, something
had client recently asked.

I was meeting with the leadership
team in a business strategy

sprint recently, and they were
sharing how distracted they were.

Read hurried.

So I asked each one of the
four to answer these questions.

To grow your business, what
three things do you need to do

every day that only you can do?

And then I asked each of them, what
do you need to eliminate off of

your plate so that they can focus
on the three things they need to do.

How do you stay focused on
your most important tasks?

When number four, something to try.

Say it with me now, death to hurry.

Here are some ways to put, hurry
to death, try one or more of these.

Read the elimination of
hurry by John mark comer.

Go to bed 30 minutes earlier, wake
up 30 minutes earlier and spend that

30 minutes unhurried and unplugged.

Set a time to take a short walk
with a friend or by yourself with

no headphones on, just listen to the
birds and the sounds of the wind.

Connect with someone who
lives an unhurried life.

Someone from the past, that could
be an author, a poet, or an artist.

Almost anyone prior to the 20th
century lived a far less hurried life.

Spend a few minutes each
day, hanging out with them.

It's a great way to unplug.

No, there are no quick fixes
to detangle from hurry.

So don't be in a hurry
to get rid of hurry.

Just begin to adjust your rhythms.

Tell a friend that you're trying to
do this and enjoy the slow river drift

towards a less hurried life and business.

Thanks for joining me on this
episode of the brand ed bullet.

Good news.

You don't have to scroll through the show
notes to find links to any of the apps

or other wins mentioned in the episode,
just hop on my email list and you can get

these four wins are right in your inbox.

Go to

I'd also love your help getting
this in the hands of more people.

So go and leave a review on
iTunes and then share this episode

with somebody that you love.

DM on Instagram and share, which win
was your favorite from this episode?

Have a great weekend and go
and build a life giving brand.