Advent with the Angels

We are beings of wisdom - but the most
important thing we can tell you is how much
we love you and care about you: not just a
little, but a lot.

You seem to be interested in us too, even
though you can’t quite make us out. We don’t
mind. We are a part of you, and you can feel us
near and feel our energy when you “just
know”, without any explanation or reason.
This is the wisdom that you have, your inner

What can we tell you - to use your wisdom ?
You would be very wise to do so. We also like
to make cosmic jokes, we are the “smiling
ones” of the universe. The humour of the
universe is one of our favourite teaching tools -
we rejoice when we see that you get our jokes -
and even respond in that manner.

It lifts you out of the mire when you can see
the funny side of things - “always look on the
bright side of life” !

It is wise to take things with a pinch of salt -
who doesn’t love a twinkle in the eye and a silly
poem or story ?

Stories can heal, they can heal body and soul.
Spontaneous stories are a nourishment for
beings who are trying to connect with the soul.
They bring a spark - a realization - maybe
through an image in a story - and spirit can
come in and experience itself in the body. All
humans are on various levels on this journey of
incarnation into the body.

Sometimes they seem to jump further out
again, and some experiences draw the soul
more deeply into the body.

Just think of dancing, eurythmy, singing,
speaking poetry with all your heart, some
modern dance and ancient movement

They are all designed and offered to create a
beautiful and joyful vessel for spirit to join you
in your physical body, moving into all of your

Just imagine: When you enjoy your dancing
and singing, we’ll be there with you too !

Let’s dance !

What is Advent with the Angels?

Messages for you from Angels and Archangels

20 December - Cherubim

We are beings of wisdom - but the most
important thing we can tell you is how much
we love you and care about you: not just a
little, but a lot.

You seem to be interested in us too, even
though you can’t quite make us out. We don’t
mind. We are a part of you, and you can feel us
near and feel our energy when you “just
know”, without any explanation or reason.
This is the wisdom that you have, your inner

What can we tell you - to use your wisdom ?
You would be very wise to do so. We also like
to make cosmic jokes, we are the “smiling
ones” of the universe. The humour of the
universe is one of our favourite teaching tools -
we rejoice when we see that you get our jokes -
and even respond in that manner.

It lifts you out of the mire when you can see
the funny side of things - “always look on the
bright side of life” !

It is wise to take things with a pinch of salt -
who doesn’t love a twinkle in the eye and a silly
poem or story ?

Stories can heal, they can heal body and soul.
Spontaneous stories are a nourishment for
beings who are trying to connect with the soul.
They bring a spark - a realization - maybe
through an image in a story - and spirit can
come in and experience itself in the body. All
humans are on various levels on this journey of
incarnation into the body.

Sometimes they seem to jump further out
again, and some experiences draw the soul
more deeply into the body.

Just think of dancing, eurythmy, singing,
speaking poetry with all your heart, some
modern dance and ancient movement

They are all designed and offered to create a
beautiful and joyful vessel for spirit to join you
in your physical body, moving into all of your

Just imagine: When you enjoy your dancing
and singing, we’ll be there with you too !

Let’s dance !