Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, September 9th, 2024 / Josh is super tired and it’s Chantel’s fault, I’m winning fantasy football, Chantel feels bad about bringing store bought dessert, Josh will always be my teammate, toenail hang nails are the worst! Chantel’s recent obsession makes her hands hurt, photos of food in my teeth that I send to my daughter!

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Monday, September 9th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Josh is super tired and it’s Chantel’s fault, I’m winning fantasy football, Chantel feels bad about bringing store bought dessert, Josh will always be my teammate, toenail hang nails are the worst! Chantel’s recent obsession makes her hands hurt, photos of food in my teeth that I send to my daughter!

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's today's full show condensed down to, like, one little hour. It's Monday, September 9th. Today on the show, Josh is super tired, and somehow it's all my fault. I'm winning fantasy football.

I feel bad about bringing store bought dessert. Josh will always be my teammate. Toenail hangnails are the worst. My recent obsession makes my hands hurt and photos of food in my teeth that I send to my daughter. Thanks for listening.

You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97. This is the podcast version of the full show. Enjoy it because, you know, we made it for you. Class of 97.

It's Josh and Chantel. Hey there. Good morning. Happy Monday. I'm not even plugged in over here.

Oh, did you, you can't hear anything Well if you don't have headphones? I can hear a little bit. Oh, but but not all the way. Let's plug you in. Thank you.

Here we go. Oh. That's better. How's that working? So good.

Just the way it's supposed to. Well, good. Took care of one of the days, and you didn't even know. What was the day? Well, first of all, it's September 9th.

It's Monday. Today is emergency services day. You needed emergency services. Call that an emergency. I wouldn't either because that's like paramedics and firefighters and first responders.

Credit what they do? Yeah. No. Plugging in headphones, way easier than what they're dealing with. Today is also, can you believe it?

Care Bears share your care day. Oh, Care Bears stare. Care Bears share your care day. It's all about support stuffed animals, I think. Oh.

Yep. It's when pigs fly day. Oh, yeah. That'll happen when pigs fly. Well Right.

That's today. Today? I haven't seen any pigs fly today. Well, we'll see. The day is young.

It is Sudoku day. Nothing. You like that game? No. No?

No. I don't. It is, national teddy bear day in addition to support teddy bears. Let's see. What else is going on?

Wonderful weirdos day. Hey. I'm a wonderful weirdo. Mhmm. Wiener Schnitzel day.

And all week, biscuits and gravy week. All week? It gets a week? It deserves a week. Does it?

Biscuits and gravy. That means you have to have them every day. Oh, there's different ways to have them. Not for dinner. All day.

Every day this week. Every meal? Yeah. What are you having? More biscuits and gravy biscuits and gravy week.

I've made a week's worth. Oh, no. That's too much biscuits and gravy. Never. It might be.

Never have too much biscuits and gravy. It might be too much biscuits and gravy. Minute since we've had biscuits and gravy. That sounds delicious. Does it?

Yes. Does it not to you? I don't know. It depends on the biscuit. Why?

Because sometimes the biscuit's too dry. I did I disagree. Okay. I know you do. You get a biscuit sandwich.

I will get an English muffin sandwich. Gross. Yeah. No. I can't do that biscuit.

It's too dry. Can't do that English muffin. I think the English muffin is too dry. Sometimes you go to a restaurant, and they're like, here, have a biscuit on the side. And I'm like, you can have my biscuit.

Thank you. And you think it's great. Like, you won. I'm so happy to get rid of that dry mouth paste. And then you put gravy over the top of it or you put honey on it.

There's so many options. Only enjoy it if you make it wet. Well, that's true of any bread. No. That's not true.

Sandwich, don't want that wet. Why? You put mayo on it? Yeah. That's for flavor.

That's wet. You're making no logical sense. Alright. Well, it's early. Don't blame me.

Blame Monday. Good morning. There was a woman who ordered a lamp that looked like a croissant. So it's a croissant say shaped lamp. Yes.

Did you read about this? I saw the video of this. You did? I did. I didn't see the video.

Yes. But this it's so wild. She ordered it on Tmoo. Yeah. Yeah.

The like, everything is imported from China website. Mhmm. The, like, hey. This is 10¢. You wanna get this?

Everything is super cheap. But what this lamp that she specifically ordered Yes. Was was it the base of it, or was it the whole lamp? No. It the lamp itself.

Yeah. It's shaped like a croissant. Right. She comes in from work. The package has ants underneath it.

Right. Like, all over. Yeah. What is going nuts? Going nuts.

She opens the box and sees that there's a hole. There's the croissant, but it looks like the croissant has been covered in resin. Yeah. And so she's like and then there's a hole in the in the resin. Right.

And so she picks it up and notices that, like, flaky bits are, like, falling out of the hole, and she's like, what? So then she's curious if it's a real croissant. Yeah. So she does the ultimate test, which is a taste test. It open.

She cut it open. I don't think I never saw her eat it. Oh, this thing I saw said that she tasted it. I don't know. I didn't see her eat it in the video, but I saw her cut it open, and she's like, 100%, that's real bread inside.

Right? Like and it for real, once she cut it open, you're like, yeah. That's just croissant inside that lamp. They just, like, kinda sorta hollowed out a croissant. Resin.

And yeah. Kinda. I mean, what better way to make a croissant lamp than to use an actual croissant? Look. You got exactly what you ordered.

What what person is like, you know what lamp I want? A croissant lamp. Like, that's a strange thing. I also wanna know how many of these they made. Just the one.

Just the one? Yeah. She bought the one that probably were like, we got this croissant laying around. Let's turn it into a lamp and sell it online. And she's like, I bought it.

It's a real croissant. And they're and they're laughing. They're going, somebody actually bought that croissant lamp. Can you believe it? We made money on that.

I know. I wonder how much I don't have I don't know how much she spent on it. Either. I I don't think that was in there. But what a thing.

What a Yeah. Thing. Croissant lamp. We don't even know if it's actual resin. Maybe they just covered it with glaze like a Aqua Net.

Icing glaze Aqua Net. Yeah. It's hairspray. Yeah. I know what Aqua Net is.

No. I know you knew. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. You.

Hey. Okay. So listen. You and I had big plans this weekend, and we didn't fulfill any of them. No.

Uh-huh. It was just one plan. I know. One big plan to go see a movie. Yeah.

And we didn't. No. We didn't even do it. I know. What happened?

I don't know. The Weeknd got away from us. Okay. Well, the movie that we didn't go see was still number 1 in spite of us not seeing it, which I had no doubt. Like, there was no way it wasn't gonna be number 1.

Right? Well, what else opened with it? Well, so Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Number 1 if you're the only movie opening. Yeah.

But there's other stuff in in the theater. Okay. So Beetlejuice Beetlejuice was number 1. Opening weekend, a $110,000,000. Good for you?

2nd biggest September debut of all time. Really? Behind It, which came out in 2017. So that's that's I'd rather see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice myself. Last weekend's top movie, still that Deadpool movie, dropped to second.

And that's been out for weeks. Been out for weeks. Yeah. There's a Reagan biopic, which climbed from 4th to 3rd, and then Alien Romulus went from 2nd to 4th. That was still in 2nd place until this weekend.

Now it's in 4th. I saw that movie. It was terrible. And then it wasn't and then and, It Ends With Us was still in 5th place. I forgot.

That's a that's a book. It was a book first. Ends With Us? Mhmm. Aren't most movies at this point books first?

Yeah. The the good ones. Okay. Stealing all their ideas from books. Yeah.

Well, I just Beetlejuice Beetlejuice was not a book. Almost all movies at this point. Anyway, it it did well I know. Even though we didn't go. I want to see it.

I still wanna see it. And, it's probably I'm too busy. It's probably not gonna be till the next weekend. I know. I know.

Until we get a chance. But I do wanna see it. So just don't don't, like, go see it without me. Like, skate out one day and be, like, midday midday matinee. I think that sounds so cool.

I wanna go see it. It does sound so cool. Work and go see a movie. I'm gonna do that one of these days. Just hey.

I'll be back. Long lunch. Yeah. Got an appointment. Movie.

And then go to the movie. Come back. Buttery fingers trying to work. Keyboard's all slippery. Where have you been?

Oh. A doctor. I had an appointment. Yeah. Been busy.

Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. Stop asking questions. Yeah. Yeah.

You don't know. Yeah. You never ask questions like this when I normally leave. Why are you asking today? Yeah.

Quit being so suspicious. Quit being nosy about my private life. Right? I went to a movie. So what?

How about some good news? What? I forgot to hit a button. Don't worry about it. How about some good news is what I was trying to say.

Oh. This is quite the story, and this this is gonna take a little bit of an adventure k. To get to, where we're headed. Alright. Are we headed to Mordor?

We're headed to Des Moines Des Moines, Iowa. State. Well, really a suburb called Pleasant Hill, Iowa. Same as Mordor. Kinda.

It's about 11,000 people in this town. It's kind of a rural, Iowa town. K. And, Saturday, not couple of days ago, a week and a couple days ago Okay. Police got a phone call about an animal in the road.

And so, they said, well, let's go check it out. Turns out it was a water buffalo. Really? What? Where'd the water buffalo come from?

Exactly. Thought to themselves, we'll find out the owner, had, somehow had this water buffalo, and it escaped its pen. Are water buffalos native to the No. Why does he have a water buffalo? Look.

Something tells me this guy was probably not planning on keeping it alive. I think he was I I think he was planning on some new kind of meat. No. Yeah. I think so.

No. But, anyway Where did he get the water buffalo? Let's just stay on the story of the buffalo was in the street, not where he was expected to be. K. So, the owner said, this is a water buffalo.

He's aggressive. And the police said, yeah. He is. Because, we we tried to contain the water buffalo, and he showed his aggression. Oh, what did he do?

Well, he showed his aggression. So animal, control said, hey. Let's, see if we can subdue this animal. They, tried shooting at it. It got wounded.

It ran off. It's been missing a couple of days. They didn't catch up with it until Tuesday evening. They decided, hey. We we kinda need not to catch this thing right now.

Let's wait till we have more daylight. Wednesday, they come back to get the water buffalo. Had to shoot it with 2 tranquilizer darts to get it to fall asleep so that they could then load it into a trailer and take it to a sanctuary where it could be looked at and veterinarians could try to administer. Anyway, throughout all this process, the town fell in love with this thing. They did?

The aggressive water buffalo? Yeah. They fell in love with him? Yeah. Because he's kinda cute.

So now I understand water buffalo. Yeah. Now I understand he's, he's now, like, gonna be taken care of. By who? Like, the like, the the university is gonna like, where they took him, the sanctuary.

Okay. Like, he's just gonna live there now. So he escaped meat. He escaped death? He escaped meat and is now You don't that's an assumption.

You don't know that that's what that gentleman was gonna do with it. Maybe he just wanted him as a pet. I'm pretty confident. Pretty confident. Well, then I'm happy that that water buffalo ran away.

I gotta look at what a water buffalo looks like. Well, you gotta look up the one in Iowa because he's kinda cute. I disagree. Iowa, you say? Yeah.

Water Buffalo, Iowa. That's what I typed in. He's alright. He's alright. It kinda looks very cow like.

Well, that's because I thought they had longer horns. No. Just little ones. He's pretty cute. Yeah.

Congrats to that guy. Bro. I Bro? Yeah. Bro.

Okay? I am killing it in fantasy football. Alright. Alright. You.

Where are you at? Let me What do you mean? Pull it up. I'm looking at because we have a fantasy league running with, you and me and the kids. Yes.

And you are playing against Beck. Yep. It looks like he has one more player yet to play. He has a running back. He is down by 9.

Player left to play too. Mine is the tight end. Yeah. You do. You still have a tight end to play.

George Kittle playing today. Yeah. And he's got, McCaffrey. Both of them, San Francisco 40 nines. Oh.

So if that team does well against, the New York Jets tonight, then, you know, there's a good chance you'll stay ahead. It's still pretty close, though. It's only I'm 11 points ahead. Twelve points ahead. Correct.

But it's still if you look at the little win probability, it's still really close for you 2. He's he has a 48% chance of winning. You have a 52% chance of winning. I do. I will win.

But that that adjusts. As you know, every time the football is snapped, that changes. So And I started I have the Ravens defense on my team. Right. And when they played their game on Thursday, they were killing it.

Like, they had they started at 12 points, and I was like, oh, and then they dropped to 3. So they ended with 3 points. But I'll tell you what. I had Lamar Jackson as my quarterback, 25 points. I see it.

Saquon Barkley gave me 33 points. Huge. The those 2 carried your team. No. And Justin Jefferson he was okay.

15. That's 6. Pretty good. It's not bad, but it's, you know, compared to the other guys. So then if you look, I'm playing against Emery.

Yeah. I am currently down by a lot. She has a 132 points. I have 95. I still have 3 players to go.

She's done. She has how many points? She has a 132. I have 95. She got a But I have a running back.

I also have a wide receiver and my defense still to play. I have been on Fantasy Football Leagues before, but I haven't really cared because I didn't necessarily know any of the players. Now that I'm a football fan Uh-huh. I know all these players, so I'm like, oh, these games were good. Also, Kirk Cousins, formerly of the Vikings Yeah.

He is my backup quarterback. I didn't put him in. Good thing because he only scored 6 points. Well but the the Vikings laymo. The Vikings won their game, which was very exciting for you as well.

I know. Football weekend for Chantel. And the Dolphins. I like the Dolphins too, and they won. Yep.

What's up? If you didn't know, football is back in the Tielor household in a big way. Well, we had so Bec likes the Bengals, Emery likes the Dolphins, and I like the Vikings. And all 3 of them played at the same time yesterday. Different games.

They did not play each other. Right. So we had the Dolphins on the living room TV, Vikings on the bedroom TV, and Beck was watching the Bengals on his phone. Really? That's funny.

And we had 2 out of 3 wins. Yeah. Poor Bengals. They did not win. Barely.

They did not win barely. I didn't even check on the Falcons game. Yeah. Anytime somebody brought it up, you went, we don't care about the Falcons. You yelled from another room.

Because the Falcons stole my quarterback, which is the whole reason I started watching football. You're so confusing when it comes to Kirk Cousins because you just said the Falcons stole him. Yeah. But then you say he he abandoned you. Both.

It's both. Oh, is it? Yeah. Okay. Is it?

It's fine because we have a new quarterback now, Sam Darnold, and he is awesome. Okay. Week 1, almost done. There's still, more football tonight, and then you, have a break till Thursday to get your whole roster ready to go again. I like my roster.

My team is doing so good. So good. Who's my next matchup? You? I hope so.

I don't know. I have to look. I hope I win. I wanna win all of it. I wanna win the whole fantasy.

So does everybody else. I know, but I really want to. Oh, Oh, I really want it more than anybody. We kinda need to talk about something. What do we need to talk about?

Well, so turns out that, you sort of set me up to fail last night. What does that mean? We were getting ready to go to bed. You were trying to pick a show because we like a little background noise, whatever. And so you, chose a show from my list.

You went through, my account, because we all have our own setups with our own shows we watch Yeah. Whatever. I couldn't find anything on mine. Right. So you went to mine, and you picked a show.

Your shows are different than my shows. Yeah. My algorithm's different than yours. That's why it's fine that you were in there and picked one of my shows. If you would've logged into mine and picked something, it would've screwed my whole thing up, but you didn't.

You you you did good there. Thanks. But you picked a show that got me so intrigued and sucked in that I couldn't sleep. Oh. And so I ended up watching almost all the whole show.

You did. Like, 5 episodes of this thing. What was the show even called? I can't remember what it was called. Outlast.

Oh, yeah. It's a survival show, but here's what you didn't know you did. What did I You didn't start season 1. You started season 2. I knew that.

I knew I said Yeah. Did you know that the whole season's not out yet? So I've watched almost all the show, and now I have to wait to finish it. I did not know that. I just hit play from where it, like, it'll tell you like, I pulled up the show, like, this Yeah.

Outlast, and then it says play season 2 episode 1. And I went, sure. Yeah. Great. And then I was like, yeah.

This is cool. This is cool. And I got sucked in. And then 5 episodes later, I found out that the final two episodes don't come out until later this week. I'm glad it's only later this week.

Yeah. But come on. Okay. Because then did you go back and watch season 1? I have got to fall asleep.

So I turned on season 1 and fell asleep. You did. Yeah. You didn't stay awake and watch that one. No.

But here's what I found, though, too was that starting on season 2 and not season 1 of the show, they have made some great improvements to what they had in season 1. Because when I went back and started season 1 and I was still kind of awake and kinda like into it Uh-huh. I went, oh, I like what they've done with season 2 so much more. Oh, really? Yeah.

They made the competition more exciting. So I figured something like that had happened because when I fell asleep, it was a list of Joseph and Tiana and Gary and Sure. Brad. Only Joseph is the one name you said that was on the show, but okay. And then I fall asleep.

I wake up, and it's Jeremiah. And Maybe. I don't even know the people in the first Jennifer. Yeah. And I was like, these are not the same people.

You must have started something else. So that's not my that's not my fault. You can't blame me for that. No. I just You also had taken a nap yesterday, so that's the reason.

But you encouraged that as well. No. You said, you're tired. Take a little nap. Take a little nap, you said.

So I did. And then I wasn't tired when it was bedtime, and then you turned on a show that I was actually into. And now I'm like, did I even sleep? I don't even know. I didn't sleep.

Does my watch tell me if I slept? Let's look and see. Mine said 7 and a half hours, which is a total lie No way. Because I did not get that much sleep. We were both tossing and turning It was around night.

It was too hot. It was too cold. The our pillows are awful. What's going on with those pillows? At one point, I was laying on my pillow going, I I I don't even know there's a pillow.

I'm laying my head on the bed. That's how flat my pillow is. Those have gotta go. I took all 4 pillows and laid your head on the bed. I knew it.

No. I did not. But, anyway, I'm super tired, and I'm blaming it on you for putting on a show I like. Because you put on a show I like. And then in the middle of the night, I couldn't even finish the show, which is probably good because I needed to go to bed, but now I've I have to wait for a couple of days.

I'll survive. You will. But I think you're I'm a little disappointed because I really wanna finish the show now. I'm really into it. I know.

Now I can't. I'm kind of into it too, but I've only seen the first episode, so I'll have to watch it. You'll have to catch up all night. Good luck good luck to you because it's not easy. Good luck to you.

Yeah. The next morning is rough. I know. Why are we why do we have a job where we have to be here so early? This is the dumbest.

I think it wouldn't matter. I would still would not have gotten enough sleep. Even if I had to be somewhere at 8 or 9 But it's still still dumbest. Being awake in early, early, early in the in the 5 AMs? Yeah.

It is the dumbest. Okay. Well, sorry about that. Some friends invited us over for our barbecue last night. Uh-huh.

And, they asked us to bring a dessert, and I had all day all day to make a delicious dessert. I kept saying to myself, you just need to just make the dessert. Just make the dessert. And then I said to myself, well, I could make this or I could make this or I could make this. You have all the stuff.

You can make any one of these things. These things are delicious. Make them. I know the end of the story, but I didn't know how much you went through to get to the end. I I couldn't be bothered to make the stuff.

I was being so lazy. Friday was lazy mom day, and I carried it through the whole weekend. Yeah. I just couldn't be bothered to make something. And I said to you, I said, we gotta stop and get a dessert because I didn't make anything for dessert.

And I said, the worst part is this particular friend is a very good cook. And I said, she's gonna go all out, and she's gonna make, like, a 5 course meal, and it's gonna be delicious. And here I am with my store bought goodies, lame wad. Well, what happened? I bought a I bought store bought dessert.

Yeah. Yeah. And it was good. It was fine. It would have been better if it was homemade, but I I just I couldn't be bothered.

And I was right. We get there, and she made delicious salmon I know. Grilled vegetables. I know. And A salad.

A salad. Yeah. She had, like, some charcuterie when we first arrived. What's the deal with with feeling bad? Why are you feeling bad?

Because you put in the effort that you felt was appropriate or available. You put in the energy that you were like, this is what I can handle. That's fine. You shouldn't feel bad. Fine.

The task was managed. Right? Like, can you bring dessert? Yes. I did.

Correct. And everybody enjoyed it. And it was nice. It was fine. But I don't know.

It would have been better if I'd made something, because then I would have also had the effort of making something, and it would have been more appreciated maybe. I don't know. I don't know what it is. You don't think it was appreciated? No.

No. No. No. That's not what I'm saying. I think it was appreciated.

I just I don't know. I just do this to myself. Yeah. You do. Yes.

You do. And and it's fine. It is. It's totally good. So don't feel bad.

No. I'm trying not to. You had nice delicious dessert. Everybody's okay with that. And there were options.

And you brought 3 different kinds of dessert in one package. You're right. If I just made brownies, then that's all they would have gotten was brownies. Which also would have been great. I had options of lemon bars.

The brownies were the best, so I was good with that. Or the 7 layer bar. So Yeah. There you go. I had a brownie.

I brought options. I think it goes without saying that when you marry somebody, it's naturally assumed that when you play a game, that person is now your forever teammate. Okay. And I have to apologize Why? To you, Josh, Because you have a terrible teammate.

No. You? Who? And here's the thing. I am terrible at most things.

Do I have fun? Absolutely. Do I usually win? No. Do I often always lose?

Yes. But do I have fun? Yes. Why do you often always lose? Because I'm just bad at a lot of things.

No. Okay because I'm not competitive. I don't care if I win or lose. But I don't like playing with other people as my teammate because a lot of people are competitive. Well, sure.

And so then I go, I don't wanna play with you as my teammate because we are probably going to lose, and I'm not going to take this game very seriously at all. Which is fine. So yesterday, we were playing a game called slam what's it called? Well, it's basically can jam. Kang and jam?

Yeah. Slam cam? Something. Something. Slam disc?

You throw a Frisbee. Yeah. Your teammate has to slam it in the garbage can. Yeah. Or you can just throw it in there the first time yourself.

That works too. And I said, I'm gonna be terrible at this game. I've never played it, but I'm sure I'm gonna be terrible. And then immediately said, Josh, are you my teammate? Because I don't wanna I don't wanna lose for anybody else.

I just wanna lose for you. Well, thanks. That's the best news ever. Just because you're gonna be the nicest about it. You're still gonna like me after we lose.

Oh, is that right? Hope so. Okay. Do I still like you? I hope so.

Oh, well, it's yet to be determined, I think. Jury's still out. Hey. I did pretty okay at that time. I know.

It was fun. And it just We did It sort of devolved into just throwing a Frisbee. So which was which is fine. We were all pretty terrible at it. So I don't think anybody necessarily won.

Some some were better than others. I'm not naming names. I'm just saying that, you know, it was it was close. Hey. I did okay.

Yeah. It wasn't the worst game I've ever played. No. I agree. It wasn't the worst game you ever played.

You played worse. Is that right? Yeah. I think so. Yeah.

Okay. It's fine. Yeah. Thanks for being my teammate. Always.

One of the worst feelings in the world, think of it right now. Something that I we've we've discussed things I don't like, like wet socks. Okay. That's pretty awful. Yeah.

Another one is a hangnail on your foot, on your toe that every time you move snag in your socks? No. It snags in the sheets. Ew. I don't that's what happened last night.

Every time I was, like, in bed trying to, like, roll over to get comfortable, that hang down on my toe Gross. Snag on the sheets. Did you did you deal with it? This morning. Uh-huh.

But I was too tired. I wasn't gonna get up and deal with it in the middle of the night. Ew. That's awful. That's one of the worst.

Care for that. No. And it's not necessarily a painful feeling. It's just gross. The sheets look like Freddy Krueger.

Like, they're all just ripped up now. That's the story. It wasn't sharp. Ew. Every time your foot moves, it has that, like, little scrapeage.

A little resistance. Ugh. And then I go, oh, that hurts my stomach. I don't know that I've had that. Feels gross.

You haven't ever had that? I don't think so. What? How? I have nice feet.

You never get a hang your eyes at me? Never get a hangnail on your feet? On my fingers. Yeah. I have not had them on my feet.

No. Ever? Not that I recall. I feel like that's something you'd kinda know. I can't believe you.

I can't believe you. So then here's what happens. Yeah. Because I was tired, and I didn't wanna get up and clip it off. I had to, like, tuck my foot underneath my leg so that if I moved it, it wouldn't snag on the sheet.

Ew. That's a lot to deal with when you're just trying to sleep. I know, Josh. Crossing legs, holding the foot up so it won't touch the sheet because you don't wanna slash it open. It's not gonna get slashed open.

It might have. It's just a tiny little scrape, and then you go because it feels the noise you make. Yeah. Because it's just gross. It doesn't hurt.

It just is gross. It's just got an ick feeling. I see. You wouldn't know. I wouldn't.

Got Yeah. You've never had a hangnail on your feet. Feet. Take care of my feet. So do I.

Yeah. Ever since I have had them, I've taken care of them. You didn't necessarily take care of them. You just wear socks and shoes all day. Right.

I don't abuse my feet. I don't abuse them either. Walking around in flip flops, drying them all out. Drying them all out. Yeah.

You heard it here first. Getting getting claws sticking out, dragging on the bed, cutting the sheets up. Yeah. I don't have these issues. To take care of my feet.

You don't take care of them. You wear socks and shoes. That's it. You don't know my foot care routine. That's the extent of your foot care routine.

You don't know. Yes. I do. Since when do you know? You don't stand around and go, what do you do with your feet?

Because you don't do anything with them. That's what I'm saying. That you know about. Do you have a secret Maybe. Foot care routine?

I might. Why? To have nice feet. Why is it secret? Because I don't want you knowing about it.

That's why it's secret. That's what a secret is. You're lying. I know. I don't have any.

I just wear socks and shoes. That's all I do. From time to time, you and I like to go on dates. Oh, yes. We do.

If you remember on Friday, I said, hey. We've got a date Saturday. Oh. Saturday night, you and I, we did a, Josh and Chantel date night at 18 in Downtown Idaho Falls. Now, 18 has taken the idea of the speakeasy kind of, vibe and really just blown that up.

And it is so cool. It is. From the second you walk in the door and go down the stairs Well, even before that Yeah. There's a doorman Yes. At the door.

How many places do you go where there's a doorman? It says, hey. Welcome. Come on in. You feel so fancy.

Yeah. And we got a little dressed up for her. We thought, you know, this is kinda fun. I wore a bow tie, which was, you know I felt appropriate. Yeah.

But as we were talking to, Aaron? Aaron. Uh-huh. There is no dress code, so you can come as you are. This is true.

You can get as fancy or unfancy as you want. We decided to do fancy because we don't typically do fancy. Yeah. So we, we wanna we wanna share our experience Yeah. On these date nights and and kinda let you know what it's all about.

But this place, has taken that sort of, Speakeasy's kinda started, like, in, you know, this is named 18. We're talking about, like, 1918, right, when when Prohibition was going on and all of these kinds of things. They started to have these underground social clubs where people could meet and and whatever. And so, this kinda took that idea and sort of made it a reality, in downtown Idaho Falls. It's really cool.

It's super fun. And and now they have, because they've been open for a little while, but now they've introduced food and full entrees and seasonal menus, and so you can go and you can have, like, a social experience, you know, experience with friends. You can go just a couple of people and have, like, a really nice, secluded kind of, experience, a nice little, you know, nightcap thing. Yeah. You can they have a private room you can rent.

You can rent it. Yep. You could do a bigger event, or you can rent the entire facility like we do for our Christmas party. They do. They have live music on weekends.

While we were there, there was a band that was playing, so it adds to the whole ambiance of the place. They've got mocktails. They you have to you do have to be 21 and older than her. But it's a perfect place to go on a date night with your spouse. We were having such a good time.

We didn't wanna leave. We were there for, like, 2 and a half hours or whatever. It was awesome. It was good. But we also we ate some of the greatest food.

Mhmm. We had Wagyu medallions and pan seared scallops Yes. Which that whole plate was unbelievable. Like, every bite of the food, the the crispy red potatoes, even I think you were eating garnish. I think you just thought it was a salad.

Oh. No. I know it was a salad. I'm just kidding. It's so good.

But it was that was really, really good. We had Potato wedges. Yeah. Which you think, oh, a potato wedge. Like, come on.

Really? But there's something special about those potato wedges, and it's the the flight of dipping sauces. That's what really because there was, like, a pub cheese and A fry sauce Yeah. And a homemade ranch. So good.

We had some crab cakes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Those, those, like, crab, sort of crab, what were they called? Do you have the picture of the thing of the menu?

Yeah. Yeah. They were so good, though. We had just a kind of a couple of shareable Oh, beignets. Yes.

That's right. Crab beignets. Beignets. Yes. And they were so good.

And, and yeah. So, anyway, for This place is amazing, and it makes you feel like you're in a different city. And you're just in downtown Idaho Falls, but you can go there and be like, I feel I don't feel like I'm Yeah. It it feels like a different a different place for sure. It's super cool.

It's super fun. The food is out of this world. Right. It's so good. Yeah.

Way good. And, as we were talking about different groups and different sizes and and different options for you, they have a couple of different, areas. So if you needed, you know, a group of 20 people or you needed a a group of 50 or if you needed, you know, a small group but you had, like, like, maybe, you know, 20 people, they can accommodate all of this stuff, and and it it's really just such a cool, cool spot. So if you've never been to 18 in Downtown Idaho Falls, you gotta go check it out. Get a babysitter.

Go and play 18, and, and enjoy a night. Again, mocktails are great. I had what what they call the zero proof, pain killer, and, it was like a pineapple drink. It was so good. Yeah.

And I had a I'm trying to remember what mine was called. It was the 18 Julius. Yes. Which is was kinda like an orange Julius flavor thing. Comes out so pretty.

I know. Every single It's so pretty. Yeah. Yeah. It's a really cool spot.

So go check it out. What was our server's name? Mason. Mason. Great dude.

Mason was awesome. Aaron was awesome. Mike, we met Mike. He's another server. He was awesome.

Really cool spot. We'll post some stuff on socials, so make sure you're following at classy 97klce so we can show you some pictures and stuff that we took. If you've never seen it, what a cool spot. If you've never seen it, go check it out right now because you're missing out. Right?

Anyway, thanks for having a date with me. Let's go back. I know. Josh and Chantel date night at 18, a big success. We'll make it a weekly event.

Yeah. We should. Every week. Just oh, we gotta go on a date. Oh, gotta go on a date.

Thing. Yep. New routine. That's right. New routine.

Like, puffing up my pillows for bed. Same thing. Alright. Lately, Emery's been doing this thing where anything I say or do, she goes, that's crazy. And a lot of the time that things are not crazy They might be.

But it's driving me crazy that she's saying this. Yes and no. You're letting her win. Yeah. I know.

And then I go I recognize that I'm letting her win, but then I go, well, kinda now I kinda wanna make her say that. So you're playing the game? Kind of. Sometimes. That's crazy.

That's crazy. I'm trying to think of some examples that she said. Well, you you literally were just talking about school colors, and you misrepresented one color. And she said, that's crazy. That's crazy.

How could you get that messed up? Like, you know the school colors are this and this. Like, how could you get that backwards? Like, that's crazy. Crazy.

And I went, it's not crazy. That's my response every time I go. That's not crazy. But it might be crazy. It's not crazy.

Are you sure? And then she'll say, that's wild. Yeah. Wild and crazy. I know.

I'm like, that's not wild. Stop saying I'm wild. It's making me crazy. It's working. I know it is.

She's breaking down walls inside your brain, and now you're questioning your own sanity. You're letting her win. But it's also she does it for other people too. We went to get something at the at a drive through the other day, and the drive through person said something. I don't know.

She misheard the the order and just messed up the order a bit, and she went, that's crazy. That's crazy. That's not crazy. Stop saying that. So you're you're torn between that's driving you crazy because you don't think the stuff is actually crazy, but it's being labeled as crazy.

Yes. But then the other part of you is like, but I kinda wanna put her to say that's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

But then when she does it, you're like, ugh. I'm not crazy. I see. I know. What a weird place for you to meet in.

Yeah. I'm kind of the crazy one for following up to this trip. I got to do some fishing this weekend. You did a lot fishing this weekend. I I wanted to do more.

I could do more. I wanted, leaving fishing both times that I was out fishing on Saturday Sunday. I wanted to keep fishing. Oh, you should've gotten out earlier then. I was out real early on Sunday.

Yeah. But Saturday, you kinda kept going. I know. I know I did. But You should've gotten out.

I know. Just go. I know. I I needed to do more. I I enjoyed being in the woods.

Things were great. I I I need to go do more. Anyway, that being said, I was doing some fishing. The kids had their thing going. They went and checked out the fair for a while.

Yeah. What did Chantel do? Chantel did absolutely nothing. Is that right? Yes.

I think he did something because here's you you gotta talk about this. Why You're looking at me like, why are you calling me out? I'm not calling you out. I think this is great because here's what happened. You I walked in, and you said, listen.

I gotta not ever tell people that if they're playing video games, that it's it's a bad thing because this is wild, you said, because you you've been, real sucked into the Lego Harry Potter games. It's so dumb. It's so dumb. It's fine. Listen.

No. And it's kind of embarrassing. Stop disqualifying. Why are you embarrassed? I don't know.

People play video games all the time. You got excited about it. You're into it. That's fun. And that's how you've been, decompressing.

That's great. Saturday, I was all alone, and I went, oh my gosh. That's what I'm saying. I'm fishing. I never heard.

At the fair. Get alone time. And I couldn't focus on a book, and I'll tell you why. Here's why. And I even went downstairs in my craft room.

I was like, maybe I'll start, a sewing project. But here's where I am. I just finished a book, and so I have to start a new book. And starting a new book is the worst part of reading because they're new characters. I just already wanna know the characters.

I already wanna know the plot. I already wanna be invested in that book. I don't wanna start a new book. Just get me in the middle of that book. Same with sewing projects.

I go downstairs. I look at my fabric. I look at the pattern, and I go, I gotta start cutting this fabric, and that's a pain. I'd rather just be in the middle of the project. Gotcha.

So I didn't wanna start A new project. Or a new book. And I'm like, what am I gonna do? And there's this My good pal, Lego Harry Potter. Dumb video game called Lego Harry Potter, and it is nonsensical, and it is thoughtless.

Right. And I kind of like it. Which is great. Thoughtless. So here's the new development.

Your hands hurt Yeah. Because you've been playing so much. Yeah. And you got you got controller hands. They hurt.

Dumb. You're building up strength. I know. You're building up muscle. And you come home and you find me playing this video game and I go, I'm so embarrassed.

This is so dumb. I don't What were you supposed to be doing? I don't know. Nothing. I know.

Everybody was doing their thing. I'm out fishing. The kids are off doing their thing. Because it feels like I should be doing something more productive. Then why?

I don't know. Why? I don't know. It's great. It's a great thing you've been doing.

Silly. It's fantastic. What are you gonna be doing tonight? I don't know. I do.

You know something you do that is wild and crazy? Something that gives me great pleasure, but annoys our daughter. It's and and is a kind of a unique, weird, gross thing. Whenever you get food stuck in your teeth, which is, you know, often because I don't know why. I don't know why either.

You just have this one tooth that likes to like It's mostly just pepper. Like, pepper flakes. Yeah. And I go, you got a pepper there. And you go, but before you go, you go, let me get a picture.

And then you send it to our daughter, and she goes, Brooke, stop. When did this start? This started, I don't know, maybe a year ago with You've been doing this for a year? Yeah. Maybe 6 months.

6 months to a year? Yeah. You've been doing this for 6 months to a year? She there was a picture, and she kinda zoomed in on it. And she was like, why do you always have a pepper stuck in that tooth?

And I go, I don't know. I it's not like I do it on purpose. And because I knew it drove her crazy, I would randomly send it to her, especially if I was like, you're making me crazy. I'm gonna send you something that's gonna make you crazy. People do that permanent makeup.

Yeah. You should just have a pepper just permanently tattooed right there on your gum. No. Gross. And then you'd be like, you can name it.

You can name it Emery 2. No. And then you'd be like, look. And then whenever you were in that mode to say, oh, yeah. We're doing this.

I'd go, oh, you and your pepper? You and Emery 2? She hates it. She hates it, and I love it. And that is wild and crazy.

They announced the Super Bowl halftime show. I don't know if you heard this. I did hear when I got back. I went fishing Sunday morning, with my cousin and, and his son. And so when I got home, you guys were in full football mode, and, yeah, I heard.

I was surprised by the announcement. First of all, it is? Kendrick Lamar. Right. Which I went, okay.

Like, whatever. I'm not excited about it. How come? Be not I just don't I don't know Kendrick Lamar. It's not like it doesn't stand out to me as like, oh, that's a must see Right.

Super Bowl halftime show. And then it's Fine. Great. Good for him. I I don't know how much of a spectacle it's gonna be either.

Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Like, he is a I don't know. He's a hip hop guy. Yeah.

And he was part of the Super Bowl already, the halftime show already when Snoop Dogg performed a doctor Dre. So he was part of that. Yeah. So this is his second halftime show, but he wasn't The featured artist. Alright.

So here's the deal. I I'd heard rumors of a couple of names that were running around, and I was surprised that when you said, oh, they announced it was it was Kendrick, I went, that is not what I expected. Who are some of the other names? They had Miley running around, Miley Cyrus running around as a rumor, and the Foo Fighters were a great man. And both of those, I feel like, are a more mass appeal.

I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. I just feel like both of those artists, the Foo Fighters and Miley Cyrus, have tons of hit songs. They're both incredibly well known. They have large libraries, and both would put on just a killer halftime show.

I don't know enough about Kendrick Lamar to go, this is gonna be amazing. Yeah. I just don't know. I'm with you. I know, like, 2 songs, maybe.

But I I I heard the news, and I went, okay. I guess I'll watch it for the football game this time. Boo would have been so good. Yeah. But I don't know if those were even real rumors or if those were just me going, yeah.

Those make sense. It would be I'd be curious to know, like, how what that process looks like. Yeah. I don't know. If they offer like, maybe they have 5 artists that they offer it to, and then there's negotiations and the first negotiation that gets struck.

I don't know. I'm curious to know what that process looks like. I mean, the guy has I just looked up Kendrick Lamar. Like, I'm telling you, I I don't know enough about him. He has a ton of Grammys for best rap songs.

Yeah. He has best rap album Grammys. He has favorite hip hop artist, American Music Awards. He has a Pulitzer Prize for music Which is great. That he got in 2018.

Of course, he has some BET awards for best new artist, best, award BET award for video of the year. He's got a ton of music video, MTV Video Music Awards stuff, in Europe as well. I mean, the guy is he's well known if you know him. I just don't know him. You're not cool enough to know him.

I guess I'm not cool enough to know Kendrick Lamar. But good for him. I'm excited for Kendrick Lamar having a halftime. We'll see. I will watch.

I'll check it out. Yeah. It'll be on while I'm watching the football game. And then I wonder if he'll bring, like, Snoop Dogg and doctor Chorea he'll have this. For his set.

They they brought him out for theirs. Yeah. He might return the favor or he might do his own thing. We'll have to see. Interesting.

So I read a story where there is a couple, and they have 2 cars Mhmm. But their cars aren't necessarily assigned to each other. Oh. And so they'll wake up, and they'll just grab car keys and take whatever car they feel like taking that day. And that is strange to me because you have your truck.

I have my car. Sure. I'll just go and take your car. That's fine. And then you take the truck.

No. I don't want to. And that's where because I like my would stay home. I know. I'd be like, give me my car back.

Right. I like my car. It's fast. It can go in and out of car spaces very easily. So can the truck.

I parallel park it. I don't like it. Saturday down town. You can do it. I'm sure I could.

I just don't want to. So not that big, the truck. Like, it's It is. I know it's a lot bigger than your little car, but it's not that big a truck. Like, there are like it is.

Way bigger trucks on the road. No. I know. I recognize that. But I didn't even like driving your Tacoma, and your Tacoma was smaller than your Tundra.

Yeah. True. So I don't wanna drive it. Facts. That's it just sounds so crazy to me.

That's like crazy. That's like taking that's like going to bed and just On the wrong side of the bed. Picking a random I'll be on this side too. Bed. Yeah.

You you have a little bit of possessiveness, though, over things like that. I do. Because you're a creature of routine Yeah. And and, consistency and things. And so if I was like, no.

I'm sleeping on this side tonight. I don't think you'd be okay with that. I think you'd be like, yeah. Okay. Right.

I'm gonna squeeze between the edge of the bed and you so I'm still on this side of the bed. Because all my stuff is on that side. All my stuff. I've got my roof charger. Yeah.

Yeah. The remote. Yeah. I have the exact same lamp on my side. My water bottles, all my stuff.

In there. All that stuff can't be moved. We'll try it. I'm just gonna surprise you one night and be like, sorry. No.

I hate it. Don't do that. See? I know. And then I'll just grab keys and take your car and be like, see you later.

Bye. Because I I go places without you, you know, sometimes. So I'll just take your car instead. Yeah. You're the worst.

Fishing. I'll take your car instead. Good luck. Yeah. So that way, I'm gone for a long amount of time.

And then you're like, I have to go take the truck. Now I would just I wouldn't go anywhere. I would just stay home. Yeah. You would.

You're right. You're absolutely right. I would. It is the would you rather this or that question of the day. K.

Would you rather have a lion's mane for hair or tiger stripes on your body? A lion's mane for hair. Oh, really? Oh, yes. No.

That would get so hot and itchy. But I'd I'd have hair. No. I'm going for tiger stripes. All the way around so I just have that, like, just beautiful mane.

Ew. Yeah. It's kinda mangy. I'll brush it out. I'll keep it nice.

I'll I'll do bows in it like the cowardly lion. You go. I'll I'll keep it good. You could be like prince John. Yeah.

Sure could. You sure could. I just wanna see what it's like to have hair again. No, Josh. Wouldn't that be neat?

What if it was just around it just framed your face? But it just framed has no hair on the back of your head. Has hair on the back. But what if it was just framing your face? Only look at me from the front because the back's real bad.

I'm going tiger stripes. Oh, why? Because it looks cool. Duh. Oh, okay.

Makes sense. Yeah. I know. Alright. Tiger stripes, going.

Lion's mane, going. Would you rather this or that? Josh and Chantel. Before we get out of here, I do wanna let you know something about hot dogs because I really like talking about hot dogs. You really do like talking about hot dogs.

What a weird little thing a hot dog. Meat tube. Why? Gross. Why?

I don't know. It's silly. Anyway, you know how, it's long been complained about how there's only 8 buns in Yes. The in the bun bag and there's 10 hot dogs? Yes.

Well, check this out. I'm checking it out. Apparently, there's a reason for it. What is the reason? To the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, that's a thing, hot dog buns most often come 8 to the pack because the buns are baked in clusters of foreign pans designed to hold 8 rolls.

While baking pans now come in configurations that allow baking 10 or even 12 at a time, the 8 roll pan remains the most popular. So that's why. It's it's the bun company's fault. The bun company needs to get on board with 10 buns. Yeah.

They all do. It's not the hot dog company going, we're only selling you 8. It's the bun companies going, here's 10 buns. Or so the hot dog and sausage council says, I'm yet to hear from the bun council. To hear you're waiting to hear from them.

When the bun council is like, uh-uh. We've been making 8 buns forever. The hot dog weirdos are the ones throwing 10 at you. If they can cut it down to 8, you won't be so upset. Something's gotta change.

Get it together. Because you always end up with extra hot dogs in that weird little bag they come in Yep. Rolling around in your fridge in a crisper. Well and it depends on what package of sausage or hot dogs you're getting because the ones that we like come in packages of 6. Yeah.

What's up with that? I don't know. Those guys were like, we'll make it real weird. Yeah. We're gonna make it real tricky for you.

Can't blame that one. Maybe there's people that just don't want a bun either. Sure. There are people that are, you know, gluten free or celiacs or whatever, or they're doing keto. Low carb.

But, also, I don't think those folks are just waiting to eat a hot dog. I know you're right. I know you're right. I'm super into my health. Can I have another hot dog?

No bun. Anyway, that's gonna do it for us. Have a great rest of your Monday. We'll be back tomorrow, bright and early, 6 to 10. We'll see you then.

We'll be here. Goodbye. Bye. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast.

If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Teilor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.