Photo Breakdown

Ever wonder if a budget-friendly lens can compete with a high-end alternative? In this episode, you’ll discover surprising insights into how Sigma’s latest 28-105mm lens stands against Canon’s 24-105mm lens.

Tune in as Scott Wyden Kivowitz explores the nuances of Sigma’s new 28-105mm DG DN Art lens compared to Canon’s popular 24-105mm lens. He breaks down the critical differences in image stabilization, weight, focal lengths, and focus distances, offering a comprehensive overview to help photographers make an informed decision. Whether you're a professional or a hobbyist, this episode sheds light on which lens might be better for your needs and budget.


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Scott Wyden Kivowitz
Father, Photograper, Community Builder, Podcaster

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Budget Friendly vs High-End: Sigma's 28-105mm Against Canon's 24-105mm

[00:00:00] Scott Wyden Kivowitz: So I'm recording this on September 5th, yesterday, September 4th. Sigma. Announced. A brand new lens. I believe it's four. Sony for Leica. And I believe there's going to be a Canon will be smart for them to make a Nikon version as well, but I'm not sure if they're doing that. With that said, the lens that they announced is a 28 to 105 F 2.8.

[00:00:28] It is a DG DN. Art lens. Now this is like sigmas. High-end. Lens. it's got all their top quality stuff in it. But it's a telephoto. At 2.8. Okay. Now, The, the interesting thing is I have seen. Some discussions in on social media about. Why do they not go with the 24 to one to five? Like Canons?

[00:00:56] Big Glen's, Fairly heavy lens. [00:01:00] Is a 24 to one to five where Sigma's doing a 28 to 105. Both are the high end lenses. Both our 2.8.I believe, yes, both have image stabilizer in it. I believe. That the signal one has it in it. I'd have to double check. If it does, but I'm fairly sure it does. I'm just looking at the specs right now. Maybe it doesn't have it in it. no. I don't think it does.

[00:01:30] So the Sigma one does not have.stabilizer in it. Let me just check one other place just to confirm.

[00:01:41] If it does or not.

[00:01:44] I don't think the Sigma one has image stabilizer in the. The interesting thing. Here's the interesting thing people are saying, why do they not go with the 28? Well, first of all, Why create what the. [00:02:00] You know, main camera manufacturers are doing, why not create something more unique, something more affordable.

[00:02:05] That's what Sigma and Tamron and all these third-party blends manufacturers are doing. Yes. Some of them make the lenses for. I mean, Manny camera manufacturers. But on their own branded lenses. It doesn't make sense to mimic exactly what exists for the main manufacturer. So I just wanna cover, some. Minor details here.

[00:02:28] Okay. Now the 28 to 105 from Canon. Just to go with that as the comparison. He does have image stabilizer inside the lens. It is an 82 millimeter filter. The Sigma is also an 82 millimeter filter. The aperture goes to F 20. from, to wait. Same thing with the Sigma. Okay. Now the maximum, the minimum focus distance on the Canon is 17.7 inches or 45 centimeters.

[00:02:59] The [00:03:00] minimum on the Sigma. Is 40 centimeters. Or 15.8. inches. Now, what that means is even though the telephoto length. Is actually narrower starting at 28 millimeters on the Sigma. It actually can focus closer. Then the Canon can with its 24 millimeter lens. And, what else is there? Let's see if I can get some other interesting information.

[00:03:26] Number of diaphragm blades on the. Canon is 11, the number on the Sigma. Is 12. So there's some pretty dramatic differences here between the two. Okay. There are on the Canon 23 elements in 18 groups. Sigma has 18 elements in 13 groups. Now here is the kicker. Let's go to wait. The weight. Of, oh, you know what?

[00:03:55] Let's look at dimensions bef before we do this. The dimensions. [00:04:00] Of the lens. Four. The Sigma version and the various from a camera Mount to Mac, to camera Mount, or a lens Mount to lens Mount, no Canon versus Sony versus like a et cetera. They're all different mounts. So they're going to be a slightly different, but in general, Just to give you, I'll give you the Sony comparison.

[00:04:18] Cause I don't have specs on what they're coming out with for Canon, but, The Sony version. I want to make sure I match this correctly. I'm going to go in millimeters. The Sony version is 87.8. 159.9 millimeters. Whereas the Canon. Is. 88.5 by 1 99. So the Canon is much larger. Most likely. Because. There's a mistake analyzer in there.

[00:04:49] So there it got, there has to be more hardware in there. Right? so that is probably why. So here's the kicker. Now the weight difference. Let's go. With the weight difference.The [00:05:00] weight of the Canon lens is 2.9 pounds or 1.3 kilograms. Okay. The weight of the Sigma lens. I got to convert this two pounds. The way the signal ends is 2.18. Pounds, two kilograms or point 99 kilograms. So you're talking a pretty big difference in weight again, that's because you've got more glass in the Canon.

[00:05:29] You've got the Yemen stabilizer hardware in the Canon. So what. Sigma has done is they've created a lens that practically mimics. One of the most popular Canon lenses. But they are providing it.

[00:05:45] Much cheaper. You're talking. $1,500 give or take. Versus Canons, which is $3,000. So half the price of the Canon lens, and you can get a lens if you don't need the image [00:06:00] stabilizer. You can get a lens that will probably give you just as good as COO of quality. As the Canon, or maybe just slightly under the Canon quality, depending on how you look at it.

[00:06:09] If you are a pixel peeper, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So. I don't personally own any signal lenses. I do have one Tamron lens. I shoot Nikon by the way. I do have one Tamra lens and it is the, what is it? The 30, 35, I think two to one 50. And that's a two to two eight lens. It's a variable. I love that lens.

[00:06:33] I use that for my proposal photography mainly. But.this is a nice lens. This is a nice lens. I don't have any Sigma lenses, but that is a nice lens and half the price. Of the Canon comparable. Again, If you don't need it, don't need image stabilizer.

[00:06:52] Then then don't complain about losing. The four millimeters of difference at the wide end, [00:07:00] because again, Even though it's just lightly. Narrower. Right. Slightly slightly narrower on the Sigma version you can actually focus closer to. So there is that, anyway, just breaking down this difference between the two, just a little bit of a rant here, based on what I'm seeing on social media.

[00:07:19] I thought it was interesting wanting to share my thoughts on it. if you are a Canon shooter, which again, I think it was just announced for Canon. But this lens is available also for pre-order for, for Leica and for Sony. Might be worth checking out if you're in the need. Ne if you need a lens like this, I'll share a link to where you can.

[00:07:40] Pre-order. All these in the description for this episode, if you're interested, also share a link to the Canon comparable, whatever it was comparing it to. So you can see that too.