The Viktor Wilt Show

The Haunted Meet Up continues this week, scientists trying to bring the wooly mammoth back from the dead, stop stealing political signs or you're gonna have a bad time, Tommy Lee Jones may be the rudest celebrity of all time, giving away a Yamaha guitar this week from No Limit Guitar Company, creepy Buddy The Elf animatronic now available at Home Depot, Tom Segura announced at the Mountain America Center for April 26th, turns out that de-extinction scientists are trying to bring back more than just the wooly mammoth, top 10 Halloween candies, Jack Doherty is a terrible human being, 

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The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

There we go. Monday. How is it Monday already? I mean, I know it was a pretty busy weekend, weekend, and with lots going on, makes the weekend go by quickly, but, man, I coulda used a 3 day weekend. Tell you what?

Oh, well, at least we've got lots of fun stuff going on around here. I mean, it's gonna be a busy week. Friday night, we were over at the haunted river in Manan. It was great to see all of our listeners who showed up for the haunted meetup powered by Greasemonkey, Wackerley Auto Center, and Wackerley Subaru. But we're only just getting started with the haunted meetup.

That was our first one. We've got another one going on this week. And Friday night, we're going to be at the haunted mill in Teton. Yeah. You wanna go?

You You wanna go for free? Join us for the haunted mill on Friday. All you gotta do is go see Peaches on Wednesday. Gonna be broadcasting live from 4 to 6 PM at Wackerley Auto Center on Holmes in Idaho Falls. Again, 4 to 6 PM.

Swing by and get there early. It's 1st come, 1st serve. So if you wanna get a spot on the haunted meetup, then, yeah, go see Peaches 4 to 6 PM, Wackerley Auto Center on Holmes, and get on the list. Aside from that, what else is going on this week? Well, at 8 o'clock, I'm going to announce a show that's coming to the Mountain America Center.

Should be a pretty fun one. I know that, for a lot of you, this will be one you're excited about. So make sure you're listening at 8 for the big announcement. What could it be? I don't know.

Find out at 8. It's not that long. Hour and 45 minutes. Chill out. Or if you're listening on demand, I guess you already have heard.

Maybe. If not, well, we don't have the music on the podcast, so you'll get the message pretty quickly. Yeah. In about, I don't know, 6 talking points or something like that. So plenty going on around here this week.

More haunted meetup action. We're still doing screen tones. We'll be giving away tickets to the show that I'm gonna announce at 8 o'clock, and, who knows what else? It feels like it's gonna be a really busy week. Anyway, let's get started.

It's Monday. Let's do this. Let's have some fun. Hey. How you doing?

Welcome to the program, the Victor Wilt Show. Alright. We got some Jurassic Park action going on here. Seems like I've heard about this before, but this is acting like breaking news. Anyway, some company trying to bring back the wooly mammoth.

They believe they'll complete their mission within 4 years. And, yeah, it's pretty much like Jurassic Park using these genetic techniques to revive the animals, blend their DNA with DNA of modern elephants. Well, you know, woolly mammoth's not quite as scary as a t rex, but we don't know what their behavior might be like. Yeah. What if these things are vicious beasts?

What if, something about combining their DNA with the modern elephant DNA creates a monster, an unstoppable just beast of a creature mowing through the streets? I I don't know. I'm all for having a little bit of fun with science, but we've all seen Jurassic Park. So you always think the worst when it comes to this kind of thing. Anyway, will there be a wooly mammoth just hanging out within the next 4 years?

I guess we can just wait and see. But, you know, if this works, they're gonna bring something else back. You know, what's next? And at what point are they like, alright, T Rex, man. Let's just do this.

We can contain it. Let's bring back a T Rex. Come on. It'll be fun. Would you go to a real life Jurassic Park?

I think I'd have to give it a few years of operation first. You know? Just to make sure. Just to make sure everything goes okay. Sounds like a nightmare.

So, anyway, just letting you know what's up in the world of science. Woolly mammoth on the way. I had a pretty stout coffee this morning, but it is not cutting it. Not yet. Wish me luck.

I'm gonna have to dig in and get some more. How often do I say that on a Monday morning? Probably pretty much always. Alright. Just looking through the Internet for crap to talk about that is not political.

It is getting tough. It's gonna be tough for the next month. People getting crazier and crazier. Lots of reported political sign theft that I'm seeing online. Yeah.

The I love life in Rexburg or I hate life in Rexburg. Can't remember which one of the 2 group groups. Saw a number of people talking about political signs being stolen there. Saw it in the life in Idaho Falls group as well. Don't steal people's political signs.

Alright? Just don't touch people's stuff. It's their stuff. Alright? If you don't like the sign, here's what you do.

It's a really easy solution. If you don't like the message on a certain political sign, you get out and vote. Yeah. And the signs will be taken down in, like, a month, so just drive by them. You know, they're all over the place, and there's only gonna continue being more and more of them popping up.

So just let them be. Alright. I see political signs I don't like. I'm not gonna point out which ones, but, you know, I'll see the name of some local politician and be like, how is that person running again? But I don't pull over and kick the sign down or toss it in the back of my truck.

I just keep driving. Funny to me that somebody would risk it's an actual crime to take somebody's political signs. I saw one guy saying you have 24 hours to return it, or I'm turning in the footage to the police. Wouldn't that be a stupid thing to get fined for? Just stealing a political sign?

Theft. Why do you have theft on your record? Oh, I just really couldn't stand this one political issue. Yeah. Seriously, somebody might call the cops on you.

So just go about your day, get out and vote in a month, and then, yeah, whatever happens happens, and then we all just move on with our lives or hopefully. I hope this this whole election cycle is a little bit less crazy than the last one. Can we just, like alright. That's how it went. Alright.

Now back to business as usual. Wouldn't that be great? I have a feeling it's not gonna be that way. It's gonna be a circus, but whatever. I'll just hunker down at my house because everything's gonna be okay.

Oh, yeah. I just noticed another thing that I hadn't mentioned earlier. We are giving away a guitar this week. These threads that pop up from time to time where people are talking about bumping into celebrities or celebrities coming to their work and they're just rude. You know, you never know.

Maybe you just had somebody who had a really bad day going on, but some celebrities always pop up in these threads and it's over and over and over again. Like this one, who's the rudest celeb you've ever met and what happened. The sheer number of times that Tommy Lee Jones pops up in this thread. I think that pretty much indicates he's gotta be a real jerk. Now I've never met him.

But again, the sheer number of stories about how awful Tommy Lee Jones is leads me to believe he might possibly be the worst celebrity as far as just being a good human being goes. Now this is just attitude. It's not like he, from my, you know, scrolling here is engaged in, you know, criminal behavior or something. He's just a jerk. Alright?

There are worse celebrities because they're actually terrible people that do awful things. But for just being rude, looks like he's the king. And I don't know. There are some people saying, he's, you know, not not that great, as far as behavior as well, but it's kind of a fun thread to read through. I just I was hoping I'd find a variety of crazy stories, but I keep scrolling.

It's like, well, Tommy Lee Jones. Blah blah blah. There was one guy who said Ozzy came into his workplace kinda kinda hammered and asked to use the bathroom and made a mess. But that ultimately, he wasn't like rude. He just he he was just, his aim was off apparently.

This one about William Shatner is pretty funny. William Shatner said he would give me an autograph in Hawaii when I was about 10. He said, let me get a pen, and he got in his car, drove away. Now that, you know, there's some funny to that. You know?

I I would bet he was laughing. Is Will, William Shatner known for being a jerk? I don't know. I don't know. I I just keep seeing Tommy Lee Jones and Jared Leto.

A lot of people saying he's, you know, not very nice, not very nice also, behavior issues and things like that. So, anyway, always try to be good to people. You know? I would, oh, never wanna end up on one of these lists. I met Victor Wilt.

He was a real jerk. He was a piece of crap. I always try to be nice to everybody. You know? Because I'm grateful I get to do what I do.

If it wasn't for you listening to my show, this would not be my job. Yeah. Who knows what I'd be stuck doing? So yeah. I'm grateful to each and every one of you who watch my show or watch it.

If you can sort of watch it if I go live from time to time, you know what I was trying to say, and it's Monday. Cut me some slack. Alright. Hey. We saw these guys live just a few weeks ago.

They were they were pretty great and, really nice too. Nice celebrities. They they're newer to the scene, so I don't know if they're celebrities yet. But t x 2, nice kids. Here's Mad featuring ice 9 kills.

So I mentioned, you know, we're giving away a guitar with no limit guitar company this week, a Yamaha Revstar Element RSE 20. You can sign up to win that in the k Bear and all taps. They got their 6 year anniversary going on. Big sales during the market for a guitar. I was just talking guitars with JD who called me up.

He was mentioning couple they had on hand that he found to be, very appealing. I'm kinda scared to walk in there myself because I know every time I walk in there, I find a guitar I want. Now's probably the time with that, big sale going on. But aside from that, they also teamed up with us the entire month to hook you up with rockin' Halloween tunes, K Bear's Rockin' Halloween, haunted by No Limit Guitar Company. At least 2 songs every hour up till the Halloween holiday when we go nothing but Halloween ish tunes.

Christmas is gonna be here before we know it. I know you don't wanna hear that, but, you know, I have been deep into the Christmas world for the last couple weeks myself. You might as well join in that potential nightmare by going in, checking out some of the new Christmas decorations that Home Depot has. This thing is just truly frightening. The buddy, the elf, life-sized lawn decoration.

Have you seen this? This thing is, pure nightmare fuel. $200, and I don't know if they just couldn't use the likeness of, Will Ferrell. So they instead went with a scary psychotic, creepy elf face. I I don't know what's going on here, but the eyes look like they're, bulging out of the head.

It's 6 foot 5. It's taller than me. It's almost peach's height, and it's very scary looking. Does it move and things like that? The picture.

I don't know. I'm I'm firing up this video of it here. Hey. Oh, it talks. It.

Yeah. It talks and kinda twists back and forth. What's up with the eyes? How did this get released to the general public? Google it up.

Buddy the elf lawn decoration, Home Depot. Hey. Halloween hasn't happened yet. Maybe that's why it's out already. It's actually a Halloween decoration because it's scarier than anything I've got in my lawn.

So maybe I go pick 1 $200. Yeah. As with everything outside of my budget outside of my budget, ain't got no dough for creepy buddy the elf, but I'm telling you. Forget the, you know, 12 foot skeleton. If you wanna scare the kids this Halloween, go with the Christmas decoration.

Okay. If you stumble across the authorities, giving somebody CPR, even if you think you're an expert, just stand back and let them do their job. Alright? Guy down in Moab apparently facing charges after interfering with a sheriff's deputy trying to give CPR to a patient. So this guy racking up, you know, some pretty good charges here, obstruction of justice, which is a third degree felony and 3 additional misdemeanor charges.

Yep. Deputy was given CPR, and this guy kept critiquing the chest compressions. And at one point, grabbed the deputy's hands. Yeah. Don't grab the cops when they're in the middle of doing their job.

You're gonna have a bad time. You're gonna go to jail. And also, I mean, you got a person here who needs help. Alright. Just stand back.

K? Stand back and let him get the job done. Okay. What else do we have for? Oh, this guy is just a terrible human being.

This streamer named Jack Doherty, I think he made it big, made all, you know, all these millions by just aggravating people in public while live streaming. Well, anyway, he bought himself a $200,000 McLaren and, wrecked it during a live stream. So not only was he live streaming while driving, he was also, texting while driving in the rain, and, yeah, the entire video's available online. Manages to, just go flying off the highway, smash into a guardrail. You know, it could've killed somebody.

Good to see he's been booted off the kick streaming platform, but I'm sure there's other terrible platforms online that would be happy to have this kid since I mean, he had, like, 200,000 people watching when he did it at the time. It amazes me some of the people that are incredibly popular online. Maybe I'm just old, but I watch a variety of, YouTube content and a variety of streamers. But there is just nothing likable about this particular personality from the little bits of footage I've seen of him before. Just one of these irritating people who makes horrible decisions.

So far as I know, the article doesn't say anything about any kind of, criminal charges. I hope they're coming. You know? If you were texting and driving around here, managed to, wreck on the freeway, I'm sure you'd have a bad time. But celebrities, yes, they can get away with it all.

It's amazing who are celebrities. Anybody can be a celebrity nowadays. Let's see. Don't steal Vienna sausages from grandma. Yeah.

An argument over who stole Vienna sausages at a Georgia nursing home ended up with 1 person being stabbed. The only time you should stab somebody is if, your life's at risk. You know? If you're having to defend yourself. K?

Somebody's still in the Vienna sausages, which are not even a good food. Not worth a stabbing. Alright? I hope the person's okay. The article doesn't really say.

It says, specifically no word on that person's condition, but, you took my sausages. Old people, man. And my grandpa got stabbed by another old man over Vienna sausages. Oh, look. It's 8 o'clock.

It's 8 o'clock, which means it's time for me to announce a big show. You like comedy? Do you like having a good laugh? Well, then you're probably gonna be stoked to hear that Tom Segura is coming to the Mountain America Center on April 26th. Tickets go on sale Friday, but you can enter to win tickets right now in the Kay Bear and alt apps.

So fire up the apps, enter to win, and then if you don't win, buy yourself some tickets. Tom Segura bringing his comedy tour, bringing the laughs to the mountain America center, April 26th. Mark your calendar. And again, if you wanna enter to win some tickets right now, fire up the k Bear and all taps, and you can get in to win tickets before they even go on sale. Pretty cool.

Pretty cool. So, yeah, tickets go on sale Friday at 10 AM, but you might as well try to win them before that. So good luck to you. We'll get all the details posted on socials. I would assume the Mountain America Center just blasted that out as well.

But there you go, comedy fans. That's pretty cool. Tom Segura. April 26th, a Saturday night, which is awesome. Anytime we score a Saturday show.

Very cool. So hope to see you there. Earlier, I talked about this, you know, group of scientists or, I don't know, genetic engineers who were wanting to bring back the wooly mammoth within 4 years. Well, apparently, there are a whole bunch of different animals that de extinction scientists are working to bring back. So we have the wooly mammoth, but also the Tasmanian tiger, the dodo, and they're just, you know, making a big list.

Like, bring them all back. How about the giant short faced bear, which stood 14 feet tall? Okay. We're starting to get too close to dinosaurs here. I told you earlier.

Before you know it, they're gonna be, like, T Rex, we could contain it. 14 foot tall bear. Then they also said it would be funny to bring back a giant beaver which lived in North America, which would stood up to be or would have stood up to be about 5 feet tall. And, yeah, they literally said that would be funny. I don't know about all this.

Again, I've seen Jurassic Park. I've read the book. You never know what's gonna happen. You start, mixing DNA with modern DNA to bring it back. You maybe I've been watching too much x files, but I could just imagine all kinds of crazy unexpected complications from this.

And then the next thing you know, we got, you know, an army of 14 foot bears roaming the streets. Oh, well. You know? Whatever. Let's keep things exciting.

Let's just go ahead and leap forward. Let t rex it is. Alright? Might as well have a real life Jurassic Park. Things have gotten so wacky in this day and age.

We just might as well at this point. Alright? We'll just go ahead and, let the public know that aliens are real. We'll bring back the dinosaurs, and maybe maybe with enough chaos, like, that we all have to face as a team, maybe people would stop fighting about dumb garbage on social media. Yeah.

Yeah. We gather together. Keep the short faced bear. You know? At a distance, drive it away from our communities.

Alright. Anyway, they're working on these things. It's gonna get real strange in the next few years. Stay tuned. Well, I guess it just wouldn't be the Halloween season without discussion about Halloween candy.

Right? These lists that pop up, most popular Halloween candies, some of the time I just go, oh, why? Why on earth are people buying so many of these? Now some of them make sense like Reese's peanut butter cups. Alright?

Everybody except weirdos like jade davis love Reese's peanut butter cups, and I'm sorry if I just called you a weirdo. But how you could not like Reese's, I just don't understand. I mean, looking at the top 10 most popular Halloween candy based on purchases, Snickers is not even in the top 10. I I just wanna let everybody know if you're at the store debating what kind of candy kids are gonna enjoy, I guarantee that they would rather have Snickers than hot tamales, which are number 6 on the most popular Halloween candy list. Hot tamales.

I mean, every once in a while, a cinnamon candy is okay, But, you know, I'm thinking back to being out on the streets trick or treating. Anybody get excited when you get given hot tamales? No. Same thing goes for Starburst. I don't care what anybody says.

Just go with chocolate, people. Just go with chocolate. Now Reese's is at number 2. M and M's at number 1. Alright.

I mean, I think Reese's are better than M and M's, but that's fine. Sour Patch Kids at number 3. Now the they're definitely better than hot tamales, but better than, I don't know, Butterfinger, Snickers, even Milky Way? Nah. I don't know about that.

Why are Skittles and Starburst and hot tamales and candy corn so popular? Is there a demand from children for this, or are they just cheap? Is that what's going on? Skittles are alright. They're okay.

But yeah. I don't know. I guess I'm a chocolate guy. Guess I'm a chocolate guy. So nobody wants candy corn, though.

Everybody knows that. So why it's so popular? I don't know. The only way to make candy corn a good candy is to mix it with, like, peanuts. Alright?

Anyway, there you go. There's the breakdown of the top ten. You're welcome. Judas Priest who killed it at the Mountain America Center Saturday night. What up, peaches?

I actually have a funny story that popped over the weekend. It sort of reminded me of, you. Are you familiar with the social media influencer, Jack Dorghiti? Oh, I probably already talked about this today, peaches. About that idiot crashing his car Yeah.

While live streaming. The one thing that reminded me was, about you was that, his friend was just, you know, gushing blood all over his face. Oh, geez. And he was, like, here, take the phone and record me after the accident. And it kinda reminded me of you.

It was something you would do with, like, you know, being a social media director and what it is for. Footage of this. Yeah. Except I would not be filming having somebody film me while I'm texting and driving in the rain in a sports car. Isn't that weird?

Like, how stupid that is? Like, he's just streaming himself driving and texting at the same time. Yeah. Already breaking the law there. Yeah.

Also breaking the speed limit. And as far as I saw in the news, I I didn't see anything about criminal charges. It just said he got kicked off of, Kik. You know? Money gets you places.

He that's what I said. You know? It's called before was literally just him saying, hey, like, don't say anything to this mic. You'll want money. And though they wouldn't say anything, then he'll just take them to, like, a random store, buy them something.

Mhmm. And then all of a sudden, it became this thing where, like He would irritate people in public? He would intentionally irritate, like, random people, but then his giant security guards would then push those people away that would try to fight back at him. He is, just despicable dude. Like, one of those dudes you just wanna slap him.

Oh, yeah. Just he has a slappable face. I've never seen so many hateful insults to somebody after a car accident. Well, he deserved it. Yeah.

I mean, you know, has somebody been out there engaging in reckless behavior? Call the advocates injury attorneys. That that that that's the guy. That gave you a great that gives you a great commercial for the next advocate spot. A social media influencer driving like a moron wrecked his $200,000 vehicle on the freeway, coulda killed people.

Oh, did this happen to you? Call the advocates. Yeah. Totally. That's that's the guy you wanna run into you.

Be like, alright. We're taking somebody to court with some money. Yeah. Because, yeah, he keeps getting away with these kind of things. You know, it's it's absurd.

They need to press some charges against him. Teach this kid a lesson. Any of the rest of us engaging in that kind of behavior, we'd be in serious trouble. You know? He he shouldn't be able to get away.

He can't get away with it anymore. Oh, yes. But where was he driving at? Was he in Florida? I think, yeah, Miami.

Yeah. That's where most of the influencers live now. Rex on the freeway. You know? Anyway yeah.

It's unfortunate what, a lot of live streaming has become. It's irresponsible for clout. Anything for clout. And, you you know, people are gonna end up getting killed. People are going to end up getting there's probably been people who have been killed.

Did you see the idiot who filled up a microwave with cement and put it on his head? No. Yeah. He almost died because cement expands and hardens. You know?

The fire department had to come chisel the microwave off of his head. It's it's just survival of the fittest at this point. Survival of the fittest at this point. But they keep surviving. Yeah.

In order for people to really learn a lesson, some of these guys, they have to actually die from their stupidity. Yeah. I did see some some funny pictures of like Jack Dourdiedi, unfortunately, still found alive at age 20. I was like, oh my god. That's a horrible thing to do.

Know it's bad when people are like, will this person just die already? Would you? Just a kid. Jesus. Just an idiot.

I think I'm a 20 year old kid. I don't think he should just die. Alright. I hope people didn't take it that way. I'm just saying until some of these influencers until one of them dies doing something stupid, I think it's just gonna keep spiraling out of control, or they're gonna kill somebody else.

He could've killed somebody. We've We've already seen plenty of TikTok trends kill people that, you know, TikTok is still around and huge here. The fire challenge. The Tide Pod challenge where we legitimately saw people eating Tide Pods. And there was the pass out challenge too.

That was a fun one. Yeah. You know, parents, please keep an eye on the, challenges your kids are engaging in. Teaching teach them the dangers. You don't wanna teach your kids, chroming?

Come on now. See, I don't even know if I know what that one is. Is that able to be a tough one? Something like a like a Sharpie and you huff it. That's stupid.

I another thing yeah. Huffing things. A good way to die. The the whole thing? Come on.

Yeah. They're like dudes. I don't know, man. The kids these days. The kids these days.

Now I feel old saying the same thing. I'm talking about them. Like, those Gen Z ers, those kids these days. I know. It happens.

You hit a certain age, you're like, what wrong with these kids? They don't wanna work. All they wanna do is just huff galaxy gas. That I'm surprised that product hasn't been banned yet. Oh, I'm sure it will.

I'm sure some mom out there is gonna make some long, you know, essay format post on Facebook. Yeah. Because somebody's gonna overdo it and die. Yeah. You know, you're it's like, you know, at the dentist, they regulate oxygen and the the laughing gas, and they're very responsible with it.

You just have a big can of it. You're you're asking to, like, you know, knock yourself out. You could potentially, you know I I don't know. The the things that could happen. It's a long list of bad.

I think, fortunately, Jack didn't hit anybody. But if he did, that whole accident would have been, even worse. I think that's when he would have been Oh, yeah. Kicked off of everything or even not kicked off of everything, arrested and properly brought to jail. Yeah.

I mean, he for the reckless behavior of texting while driving in the rain and speeding, he should have gone to jail. And knowing that guy, he's probably gonna shoot content even in jail too. Probably. You know? And, unfortunately, people will just keep watching it.

Even though I why you'd wanna watch him? I don't know because he's just so, like, so off putting. You know? Just one of these people. I'm like, why is anyone watching this?

He's one of those locations with the slap this guy. With the broccoli haircut that's pretentious and all that. And it's it's so I wonder what those security guards think, you know? Because I know they they probably hate doing what they do. They're protecting some, like, you know, young, like, d bag of a kid who's, like, intentionally wanting to just antagonize people and then hide behind them.

Yeah. But he probably pays them really well, so they don't care. Some people will collect a paycheck no matter how much they I bet they do care, though. That's the thing. I bet there there a lot of those, like, big security dudes, they're quiet and they're very they're very friendly.

But at the same time, like, you you know, they they secretly have thoughts. They just don't share. Oh, you do. They just let it build up. You gotta Yeah.

With a guy like that. They couldn't like him. No. He's completely unlikable. I mean, the people who watch him, I don't think, like him, do they?

They just watch him because of the behaviors that he There might be some kids out there that are like, oh, man. This what I wanna do. I wanna What a what a terrible influencer. Jeez. Ruining night ruining our use.

But but instead, mister Beast is getting scrutinized for doing great things and you get guys like Jack to just They're they're 2 different sides of doing bad things. You know? Mister beast is more just like I mean, that's a corporation with, you know, some some dirty corporate sleaze going on. Jack Doherty is just an idiot. Just a loser.

But he's a loser with a lot more money than us, I guess. So I I suppose that kind of horrible behavior does pay. Crime does pay. I I cannot stand that kid. He's a bad guy.

Hey. I guess you know what song's coming up, people. Very frustrating to roll out of a weekend, and we still have nothing going on in the news, but politics, politics, politics. I had talked about this earlier today. I wanted to remind you that we learned on traffic school powered by the advocates, which airs Fridays at 8:45.

If he's still somebody's political sign, it's a crime, and there's cameras everywhere nowadays. So you don't wanna end up in the news as the, sign thief. It's a silly reason to potentially get fined, or I don't know what the, you know, charges or punishments you could be facing might be, but here's what you do if there's a political sign you don't like. You keep driving, and then you vote. The end.

Alright? Don't mess with people's stuff. That sign in their yard is their stuff. And, apparently, lots of signs are getting jacked all around east Idaho. Saw people complaining about it in the Rexburg group, the Idaho Falls group.

I didn't check the Pokey group, but I bet it's in there. And, also, that's just gonna make like, if somebody stole anything out of my yard, I would try to make the next thing I put up even more obnoxious. So you might actually be making things, worse for yourself. Just don't touch people's stuff. K?

Keep your hands to yourself. And in a month, all the signs go away. Yeah. Unless people wanna leave them up to be just extra aggravating. Your side wins.

That's right. I'm leaving this sign up permanently. It never leaves. So anyway, don't do that. Don't steal people's stuff.

They might have you on camera, and then you get arrested. Be pretty funny, really. Alright. Let's play some more Halloween music thanks to our friends at no limit guitar company. And if you didn't hear, we're giving away a guitar with no limit this week.

You need to fire up the Kaibear and all taps, get in to win that sweet Yamaha guitar. We got a photo posted of it over at the Kaibear Facebook page. You should go check it out. It's a sweet guitar. I would love to add it to my arsenal, but I gotta give it to you.

So enter to win and good luck. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that?

God, I have to say river bend media river bend media group. This program's a production of river. God, this program's a, this program's a production of river bend media group to contact the show or for more information, hit us up at