The Power Life Coach

Summery / Comments: 

In this heartfelt episode of "Scaling Your Personal Mountains: Embracing Growth," Sabine dives into the challenges and stresses of significant life changes. The host shares her own tumultuous journey, marked by stress, sleepless nights, and feeling overwhelmed by the mountains she is facing. From selling her business to moving continents, life's been throwing curveballs, and she is right there with you in feeling the weight of these transitions.

But here's the twist - these challenges are growth in action. They are not just steps but leaps in our personal journey. Sabine encourages you to voice your own mountains, understanding the power of sharing and verbalizing our challenges. She explores the importance of self-talk and reassurance, remembering our past successes, and trusting in our abilities.

This episode is an invitation to reflect on your accomplishments, to trust in the process, and to remember we have all we need to conquer our mountains. Sabine discusses choosing joy over suffering, being victorious rather than a victim, and embracing the climb. Join her as we learn to conquer our personal mountains with grace, confidence, and a touch of self-compassion.

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

This episode is for me, as much as it is for you. I am currently going through major changes and it is stressing me out. I honestly, did not think I would get this stressed out anymore. I have a hard time sleeping and yet I wish I could just knock myself out and go to sleep all the time, my heart is racing all the time, my ears are ringing, and my life seems like a mountain that seems massive and impossible to climb. Honestly, I am exhausted!! Does any of this sound familiar? Good!! You know what that means? You and I are both growing. We are not just taking baby steps, but we are taking massive leaps.
I wish you could share with me what it is that is stressing you out, because I know from experience that once we share with somebody who is nurturing, loving and compassionate, things already get a bit lighter. And the other thing is, I don’t know about you, but when I think out loud, I usually come up with new options or solutions. It’s when we keep recycling things in our heads, they seem to get bigger and bigger.
So here is my mountain: I sold my business and followed my heart. I am now focusing on writing, coaching and podcasting. All of that is a whole new adventure for me. 6 months ago I knew nothing about writing a book or podcasting or any of the marketing that is involved with that. It’s a steep learning curve. Major leaps and growth right here. Right now, I am learning to build a community on LinkedIn. I am knee deep into this and LinkedIn decides to deactivate my account for security purposes. So I am waiting patiently – or honestly, not patiently at all – to get my account back. But, LinkedIn is my favorite social media platform in the world. So I am freaking out.
I am also currently writing on my next book.
I just sold my house, my car and I need to sell all of my belongings, since I can’t take any of it with me to Europe. Going through everything you own and getting rid of it all, is an experience that is super stressful in itself.
At the same time, living in Los Angeles without a car is a whole other animal that is initially isolating and debilitating. It really messes with your head. But I have wrapped my head around it now and I am doing a little better.
I have two weeks left to pack everything that is meaningful to me into two suitcases. Just thinking about it, turns my stomach into a knot.
And then there is my skin cancer. Five years ago I lost one side of my nose to it. And it looks like there is more. This time on my forehead. I am waiting to hear back from the lab.
Ok. I got it all out. (taking a deep breath). So. That’s my mountain. Now…take a moment. Hit the pause button and imagine I am sitting across from you or next to you in the car and tell me your mountain. It’s only fair that you get to share your mountain with me, now that I shared mine with you. When you are done, continue listening to me. I’ve got to tell you something important.
Doesn’t it feel good to talk to yourself? I do it all the time and I am not ashamed to say it. It’s liberating. But now let’s talk about our mountains. I would like to ask you something:
When will you learn that you’ve got this?
When will you learn that you have to trust the process?
When will you learn that you’ve got all that you need?
I don’t know about you, but speaking for myself, I forget. On days like this, I forget.
I forget everything always works out and that everything passes.
Why? Why do we forget and turn ourselves into a knot?
Because we are human.
Because we lose touch with our souls and our believes.
Most of the time, I am super high energy and I am pumped. I am excited. I am full of ideas and my energy is so fricking contagious. But, there are also days when that fire inside of me is nothing but embers and smoke.
Like right now, I have the awareness that I am overwhelmed by all that I need to do all on my own, exhausted by all that I have done already this year, and anxious about all that is unknown. Do you feel the same way?
Ok, so let’s take a look in the rear view mirror and have a look at all that you have done already in your life. All that you have overcome. All that you have handled and managed so beautifully. You have something to show for, right? And it always worked out magically, right? Maybe differently than you had originally thought, but it worked out. So, they say, the proof is in the pudding. In this case, the proof is in the rear view mirror.
So let me ask you again:
When will you learn that you’ve got this?
When will you learn that you have to trust the process?
And … When will you learn that you’ve got all that you need?
How does that feel now? Doesn’t this give you some confidence? You have a proven track record. Acknowledge it. You have worked so hard for it. You’ve earned it.
If this was a job you were applying to and your life’s accomplishments were on a resume, wouldn’t you want to smack the employer over the head with it, if they did not want to hire you? Wouldn’t you tell them that you were totally qualified for this project? Wouldn’t you tell them:
I’ve got this! And I’ve got ALL that it takes to handle this project. Wouldn’t you ask them to trust you with this? So… why aren’t you trusting yourself? Why are you wasting your precious energy doubting yourself? Why are you giving yourself such a hard time?
I want you to adjust your attitude and remind yourself of the following:
You’ve got this.
You can trust yourself.
In a month from now – or whatever your timeline is – this will be behind you and you will be so proud that you handled it with grace and confidence. And imagine how good it will feel. Really feel the feeling of whatever it is that you accomplished. Sit with it and feel it in the core of your heart and soul.
Realize, that this is what life is all about. It is about mountains. And mountains are there to be conquered. They test our endurance and they give us an opportunity to grow. And that’s not a bad thing. Actually, it’s a beautiful thing. And reaching the summit will feel so amazing. Take time to feel it. Now!! Life is about conquering and celebrating. Yes… it does get challenging, but we are not meant to make ourselves suffer. We actually get to choose whether we want to suffer or enjoy it. Choose joy! Choose being victorious instead of being a victim to your life’s circumstances.
I don’t know about you, but this has helped me. I am feeling better. How about you?? I might have to listen to my own podcast whenever I start doubting myself again. Because I know I will forget and I will get into rabbit holes. But I also know I can get myself out of it and so do you. And you don’t need to do it alone. You can listen to me anytime or even better, reach out. I would love to hear from you.