Big League Chewers

Welcome to Episode 1 of Big League Chewers! We start by discussing our strong opinions on the new fanatics jerseys. Then move on to our predictions for the 2024 6 division winners with a few dark horse selections. Finally, we finish it off with the biggest story in baseball, the situation between Shohei Ohtani and his gambling-addicted translator. We'll provide a full timeline of events and break it all down as well as give our thoughts on the situation. You won't want to miss any of it. 

What is Big League Chewers?

With 162 games and 30 ball clubs, a lot is happening in the world of baseball. Join a panel of 5 guys as we digest everything MLB. With a mix of interesting discussions as well as comedic reactions and some trivia questions, Big League Chewers has you covered. Take a listen as we try to chew on everything in baseball.


Welcome to our first episode of big league chewers. Guys, it took a while, and, we want to get this done before opening day. We might be a week late, but we're still here, and we got a jammed packed episode. Segment 1 have to talk about those fanatics jerseys. Man, I have some strong opinions on that, then we'll get into a little bit of trivia.


Oh. On that trivia. Little predictions. We have to talk about the biggest star in baseball and perhaps the biggest scandal in baseball since a very long time. Shohei Ohtani and his interpreter might not be the best at FanDuel Sportsbooks.


We'll take a look into that and much more. Coming up next on Big League Jewers. We wanted to talk a little bit about the fanatics jerseys. I don't know how much we wanna spend on this, but it was the debut of the fanatics jerseys on the actual real jerseys, not just spring training. And I can say personally for myself, it was disgusting.


It, when I was a kid I used to go to Meijer and, you know, the officially like licensed jerseys they'd be like $150 so I would go to Meijer, which if you guys don't know what that is, it's just a local store in Michigan and they're actually a big outlet. I shouldn't say local. They dominate Michigan. They're actually on the Tigers sleeve, but they're a big store but they provide their own Tiger products and, like, it's a lot cheaper. It's just like a cheaper jersey, but it gets the job done.


It has the English d on it and, like, the letters are just, like, stickers they put on. It's nothing close to the real thing but I like it because it gets the job done but still it's it's not the real thing. And so when I watch these players, I'm like, why are they wearing my 2015 Meyer jersey? It's ridiculous especially the last names. I think the only teams that don't get, I guess, punished for this is the Yankees and the Red Sox because they don't have their last names on their jerseys.


The rest of the teams, it looks ridiculous. Zach mentioned it earlier when we were talking pre show that you can't even read the names on the players, like, what is the point of this? I want this to change so badly and I hope you guys agree.


Yes. If example another one, Alex Fajardo's jersey, what is his jersey? It looks his his letters are spaced out. The f is here all the way on the left hand side. The a is like in the middle, then just the letters just keep going all the way down, but it's not connected.


It just looks like it's a bunch of letters placed like a kindergartner did it sometimes.


Especially like these long last names, you would see it kinda like arc a little bit and now they're trying to get rid of that. So these like longer last names like can't even read them because they try to make it still straight and it's like, what am I looking at? And especially, like, these shorter last names, like, I mean, a classic example, he's not in the league anymore, but, like, Joey Votto. Like, you see that Votto just pop out of the jersey and, like, now if Joey Votto was still playing, it would be very small and


We'll get to the majors. She's on the Blue Jays minor league.


Yeah. He's coming up. He's coming up. No hate on Joey Votto's end, but any more thoughts on the Fanatics jerseys?


They're just bad. I I like, I don't I don't wanna mince where they're bad. It's


They they look like cookie cutter cheap knockoffs.




And, like, we didn't mention this, but you mentioned the Yankees, and there was a picture of Judge in the outfield. The sweat is, like, bleeding through the 99 jersey, and it's, like, a completely different gray from the normal. It's, like, it's just growing. Like, why I don't wanna look at that.


At least they've kind of somehow changed the pant color a little bit, so I don't see all of that. But


Yeah. Yeah. Because that was bad in spring training. You would see all of what they were under. Man, that was not good.


At least they changed that. I didn't see any of that, but I don't know. I haven't really looked at any


But I can't wait to be on the 3rd base side and see someone completely tipped over about that one. Like, if


you're a fan of, like, the Dodgers and, like, you get a


Aiden. Are


you gonna get that jersey?


I bought Ohtani's jersey before this happened. Like, I got on the preorder, so it looks fine to me.


You got lucky. Yeah.


So I did get lucky because, dude, that is like that could be a rare collectible because


I might I might be I'm never gonna sell it maybe if he signs it, but I don't think no. It looks perfectly fine to me. But 1st,


you gotta get him to sign it.


I do gotta get to sign it, but I I I think I can.


If it'll won't be suspended.


Yeah. Oh, maybe I'll have extra time to sign that jersey. Alright. We'll get into trivia right now. The much awaited segment.


Here we go. Welcome to the 7th inning stretch. It's a trivia game. If you get the answer right, you win. If you get the answer wrong, you lose and die.


Am I gonna be stumped again this weekend?


Yeah. Maybe. I I mean this will be pretty hard as we're gonna do a little bit different for trivia. So as you heard in the pregame song that we could die if we get the answer wrong, but we won't know if we get this wrong until the end of the season. That's because we are doing predictions, and the predictions we are doing today are the division winners.


I know the games have already started, but, man, it's a 162 game season. Four games in, it doesn't mean anything right now. So we have a little bit of rules. So


Oh, boy.


Each of us have a sheet in front of us or should have a sheet in front of us that says the or I it's on your laptops. I don't know why I said sheet, but it should have all the division winners in order of what most sports books put them in order. So for example, the AL West, the Astros are the betting favorite followed by the Rangers, Mariners, Angels, and A's. So our task is we can only pick 3 favorites. That means out of the 6 teams projected in 1st place, Braves, Dodgers, Cardinals, Astros, Yankees, and Twins.


Out of our 6 division winners that we choose, only 3 of those or up to 3 of those can be favorites. I mean, I don't know, you guys might like all the 2nd place teams to win the division, but only up to 3. And another rule is that you have to pick 1 team that is projected in 3rd place or less to win the division. So this could get interesting for both of these, I guess our predictions here on trivia time. What division do you guys wanna start with first?


I'll give it the NL West. I'll make Aidan happy and say the Dodgers are gonna be the favorite in that division.


Okay. So NL West, Evan, you pick the Dodgers. Yes. I wanna give your reasoning for picking the Dodgers.


Well, I think they're more of a all around team. Don't get 2 in your head over there, Aiden. But I think they have what's capable to beat the Diamondbacks, the Padres, Giants, and Rockies in that division.


I will agree with Evan. I think the Dodgers are my most locked in pick. I mean, they're just so loaded. They won it last year. They only got better.


I know that division really got better as well, but I just it's gonna be hard for the Dodgers not to win over a 100 games with the roster that they have and how much depth they have at each spot. Give me the Dodgers in the NL West.


I'm gonna go with the Dodgers too. They're the best team in baseball, and they and they can get all so they're getting even more stacked.


I will also go with the Los Angeles Dodgers, and this is this is regular season Dodgers too. It's like the Cowboys. I mean, it's regular season is totally different. They will they'll run away with it.


Alright. Aidan, the hometown kid for LA, the homer, are you gonna make this a clean sweep?


Yeah. This might shock you, but I'm gonna take the Dodgers here. Now I'm so confident.


I've never been so I missed all of my tears. I was so shocked.


I would take I would take my tuition for the next 2 years, 3 years. I've never been more confident. Like, if this team does not What


what were you gonna do with that tuition?


I'm putting on the Dodgers.


Okay. So, like, betting runs in the Dodger, like, fan base. Oh,


I'm I'm doing it for Ohtani. He texted me earlier today. He said put it on the Dodgers. We're winning this game. Gamble anymore.


They they found out. So I'm I'm so excited. Alright.


Clean sweep for the panel for the NL West. We're going Dodgers. Let's go NL East. Evan, you wanna start because you just started last time. We'll go in the same order for us.


So NL East, Evan, who you got?


I'm gonna go with the 2nd place team in that NLE spot. I'm gonna go with the Phillies there. I think that's gonna come down to a a last day division, game, but I think the Phillies have, Bryce at a grand slam tonight. But I think their overall I love their team song in the playoffs too, but I think they're gonna win the division there.


Okay. I'll go with the division favorite. I guess 2 for 2 for my division favorites. I'll go with Atlanta. They won the most games last year.


Didn't really lose anybody. So I like the Braves. I still think they're such a talented team. That offense is so good as well as that pitching staff.




I mean, it it could be a tougher division, with the Phillies knocking on the door there, but I still think Atlanta takes it down. I still think they're another level ahead of Philadelphia.


Yeah. I'm gonna piggy piggyback off feeling with the braves too. You said they didn't lose anybody, but they added Chris Sal, and if there's one team who can, like, make Chris Sale good again, I think it's the Braves. So I think that can be a huge addition for them.


I will also go chalk and go with the Atlanta Braves. I I don't know that they'll lead the league in wins like they did last year, but they're they're they're so good. It's their lineup is also stacked.


You guys all going with Choc so far. I think you guys are gonna have to pick the a's to be one of your champions here soon.


What about you, Aiden?


I think and I'm gonna agree with, some people here. I I like the, Phillies to win this division. I don't I think I think the I don't think the Braves can do it again. I think the Phillies, it's time. Bryce Harper, he's gonna he's gonna do what he can.


Schwarber, I really like this rotation. I think the I think the Phillies got it locked in.


There we go. So 2 for the Phillies, 3 for the Braves. Some of us only have one potential division favorite that we can take left. Others have 2. We'll move on to I don't know.


Where should we go? Should we just finish the League? Let's go NL Central. Evan.


I'm gonna go wildly down the pole here. I'm gonna say the Brewers are gonna win this central. They have a great start so far. Cubs and Cardinals, they're a little bit I mean, Cubs are up 7 o right now. But again, way too early.


I think the Brewers might surprisingly come out.


I mean, they lost Kobin Burns but still I feel like that division is one of the most wide open ones in baseball. For those who don't know, Vegas and all the other sportsbooks have the brewers projected in 4th place. The last year being the division champs there. The brewers projected in 4th. So Evan, you have your 3rd or less team out of the way.


Interesting pick there but in the NL Central, I'm gonna go with my 3rd or under team give me the Reds I like I like I mentioned before, I think this division is wide open. The reds are a young team coming up. I don't know. I don't trust the cardinals. The cubs can be iffy.


The brewers lost some talent. The pirates, I don't know if they're quite there yet. Arg. I think they're a dark horse team. I don't know.


I've always liked the reds. I'll pick them here.


I'm gonna pick it back off you too, Jacob. There's 1 you have to pick a 3rd place team to win. I think this is the vision. I don't trust the Cubs. I think Bellinger's gonna have a bad year.


Cardinals are too old. Reds are young and upcoming, as you said, and Brewers, I don't really trust them either.


I I may be the only person to take the Cubs, but give me give me the Chicago Cubs. I think Bellinger coming back was huge. The Justin Steele injury does give me a little bit of pause, but they they really choked at the end of last year, and I have confidence that they will not do that again. The cardinals, I can't trust. The brewers Burns, to me, is too big of a loss, but I I'll go with the Cubs.


I think Evan and I are, like, working together here because I'm I'm taking the brewers too. And I think, like, Jacob said, this division's wide open. And I


I No. You just know ball is what


you're saying. Yeah. Woah.


That's the more proper term. I mean, look at this the I'm not gonna be fooled by the Pirates. This the Pirates can't fool me. The Reds, I just think they're too young. I don't think they have what it takes yet.


I think Ellie still might need another year to get into proper form. And then Cubs and Cardinals, yeah, no thanks. So give me give me the Brewers.


I was surprised that the Brewers were projected 4th as far as win totals for these teams. That was I mean, this division is gonna be fun to watch. I think it's gonna come down to the wire and we'll see what team blossoms out of that one. So the NL is done, let's move on to the AL. What do you wanna start AL East?


Maybe the most stacked division still in all of baseball. Start with you Evan.


I gotta think about this one a little bit. I think I'm gonna pick the Yankees here, so I'm gonna go with my favorite, the favorite pick here, but it it's not wide open as the other one is. The Orioles, they have shown us the past couple years that they have something to prove. The Blue Jays, I don't know if I I would pick them as a division favorite. The Reds or Rays and Red Sox, I don't think they're gonna be up there.


But I think it's between the Yankees and the orioles. But if I had to pick 1, it would be the Yankees.


So going with one of your favorites, Evan picks n y y. Oh, man. This one I was so tossed back and forth over. The orioles, I feel they only got better and they were so good last year. I know they choked in the playoffs, but I mean, so do the Dodgers and that doesn't mean they'll be good or it won't be good the next year.


So I'll take the Orioles in this one. I think the Yankees are a very interesting team and, this division's still gonna be very competitive but I mean the Orioles they got burns. Their younger bats are another year older. I just don't know how they don't improve from last year, so give me the o's.


For me, I think it's also a 2 team race for the division between the Yankees and Orioles. And I'm also with the Orioles because I think the addition of Corbin Burnes is huge for that staff. They finally got a dominant ace to throw out on the mound, getting wins, and their young players are getting better too with Gunnar Henners and Ali Dutchman.


Like, Aidan and Evan are on same page. I'm pretty sure we are. Me and Nick have picked the same teams thus far.


But, you know, are you on the same page on this one is the key question.


No. I'm not. Oh. Not at all. No.


Not at all.


We'll we'll go to Zach first. Who do you got?


I will also list the Baltimore Orioles. I was honestly surprised to see they weren't the favorite in that division. They they were so good last year. Gunnar Henderson could win the MVP. Burns is a huge addition and they're gonna add Jackson Holiday at some point in this season.


I'd like to think so.


I think that's what makes me wanna take them is they're not a favorite in the division. So it's I don't know. It just feels like, yeah. I'm gonna take that 2nd place team. I like that 2nd place team.


Alright, Aidan. Who you got?


Now, I really love the Yankees and I love the Orioles, but I think there's a team. Give me the Blue Jays to win this division. No. No.


I don't know. The shock around the room was just we all like to stare at each other, like, like okay. Convince us.


What? You're coming off cover athlete Vladimir Guerrero junior.




Beau Bichette, George Springer. I think this team I mean, you guys are you guys are sleeping on the Blue Jays. The Yankees are too obvious, so big. And I love the Orioles, but I think this team's gonna shock us this year.


Mark my words.


Clearly clearly that plane that everyone thought Shohei was on that wasn't. Shohei didn't wanna go there because he knew the Blue Jays weren't gonna win the division.


He didn't need their help. That's why. So or he didn't he didn't need to help them. So


I just don't think they did enough in the off season. What was their key move? Like, they didn't really have one. I I don't if they would have made another move, I, yeah, I I can see it, but they just did not do enough in my opinion.


Well, interesting choice there. But I mean, that's why we have the pick a 3rd place team. Maybe Aiden would have picked them no matter what but let's move on to the AL Central, another competitive division. A lot of up and coming teams in that division. Does someone shock us Evan?


Someone that shocks us would be the tigers in their four and o start, but, if they can't get run support, I think do I have a favorite left?


Let's see. You got Dodgers and Yank. Yes, you do.


Okay. So I'm gonna go with the Twins here. I think they are the most complete team in that division.


And as you know, the Twins are the favorite in the AL Central. Man, I mean, everyone knows here that I'm a big tigers fan and especially with this 4 o start, I would love to pick the tigers and man, like, I just the bats scare me because you have the 28th ranked offense and the only thing you did to improve that was add Mark Cana. So Hey. He he


had a home run this week. Yeah. He


did. Yeah. Go Tigers, but, Scuba's gonna be a Cy Young Canada. He's not gonna get injured. Casey Mizer is gonna bounce back.


Kenta Maeda is gonna be the guy with that nasty stuff. Jack Flaherty is gonna bounce back and be the guy he was always meant to be, and Reese Olsen is gonna be one of the best young pitchers in all of baseball. Give me the Motor City kitties. I changed my mind. Give me the Tigers.


Jacob, I think we do have. We had the same eye. I'm also with the Tigers too. With my little win. Size fan.


I mean, I just think their pitching staff is really good. I really like AJ Hinge as a manager. They don't get a lot of runs, but I feel like in the in the trade deadline, they're gonna get a a bat or 2. And I like Jason Foley.


They would need to. That's what I'm relying on.


They are gonna do that.


That you're just close enough to the twins in this division that you It's wide open.


Can the Tigers acquire 2 little screens in their scoreboard as well so it doesn't look like a weird shape?


Yeah. That would just ran out of panels to put up.


But I love Jason Foley too closing out games. He's got nasty stuff.


He'd I mean, that whole bullpen is ridiculous. It's not a question. I think they have one of the best pitching staffs in all of baseball. They have I in my opinion, the best pitching coach in all of baseball. We'll see where that takes him.


How about you, Zach? What do you think?


I really I want to agree, but I just I I can't do it. Give me give me Minnesota. I if we would have added another bat or 2 in the off season, I I would believe it. Where were we on Chapman? Where were we on JD Martinez?


Spend money.


We were saving money.


Like, for what? For who? You know? Like The


the new TV's on the concourse.


And I guess.


The Little Caesar's pizza stick that we use after home runs.


If we if we do something at the deadline, I'd love it. But with the way the Eduardo Rodriguez thing was botched last year, I just I I don't have much faith in the in the deadline, so give me give me the twins. What about you, Aidan?


I don't think they were the fave they weren't the favorite, but I love the Guardians here. I think the Guardians


Another 3rd place team?


I just don't like these favorites. I don't know what Vegas is doing. They might need to get in contact with Shohei for better odds, but, like, this is ridiculous. The Dodgers. Jesus.


Show you. We lost 4,500,000.


But this I love their rotation. Bieber, Mackenzie didn't have a good start yesterday, but I'm a big believer on Tristan Mackenzie. The bullpen, it could be better, Klasse. I like Barlow, and I just think these bats, Josh, Naylor, the Naylor twin they're brothers, and I do think they just have what it takes. And I yeah.


I do agree the Tigers, they they just need, like, an extra bat to get there. But I I think the Guardians, the 3rd place steal honestly. Give me the Guardians.


So 2 third place steals for Aiden. Alright. Final division, AL West. The Astros are the favorite followed by the Rangers, Mariners, Angels, and A's. Evan, you have no favorites remaining so you can't pick the Astros.


Who who are you taking?


Well, I can't pick the Astros. It's a so now it's gonna be a toss-up here between the Rangers and the Mariners. I don't think the Angels and A's. A's, that's not a question. The Angels might get a wild card if, maybe.


I think I like the Mariners last year. They had power offense. We go get Ramirez, has total hitting numbers. He's a beast. I'm gonna go with the Mariners there.


Interesting choice. Wait. The Mariners? Oh, okay. Interesting choice.


I wrote that


down in our notes and then changed my mind.


Kinda like me with the yellow central. I have one favorite remaining and I do like the Astros to take this division. I think this is kind of their last dance so to speak. I like the moves they made in the off season, especially adding Josh Hader into that bullpen. I think the Astros will I know they had a rough start, but, I mean, they just pitched a no hitter.


Blanco got the 17th franchise no hitter just yesterday, at the moment of recording this. So I like the Astros. I think the Rangers, as we mentioned earlier in the show, lost some pieces and the Mariners are still up and coming. I don't think they're at the level of the Astros, so give me the strobes to win this one even though it kinda spikes me to pick the Astros to win anything.


For me, I think this division comes on to 3 teams, the Astros, Rangers, and Mariners. I think the Mariners, Nationals are gonna be a wild card team, so I wanna take the Rangers. I just think Seager, Simeon, and Dolores Garcia are just, like, nasty 1, 2, 3 combos, like, banning wise. And I think, although they lost to her Montgomery, but Michael Lorenzen can pick up some of that slack a little bit, and hopefully, deGrom comes back to form when he comes back.


Well, this is my this is my one upset. Give me the Seattle Mariners. I think that they have the best rotation in all of baseball. I really I, you know, Lucasio, Kirby, Wu, like, that is a dynamite rotation. Jorge Polanco was also kind of an underrated move that they made, and Julio Rodriguez another year.


I think the Mariners take the AO West.


What about you, Aiden?


I don't like this division at all. I'm gonna be honest. I think the rangers, I


What does the division do to you?


It's mainly the Astros is what it did to me, but I just think I like the Rangers. I don't think they have what it takes to do it again. I do like the, Astros to repeat or not repeat. I don't know who won the division last year, but I


like The


Astros did.


I like the Astros to repeat then. I don't care about this division.


Let's move on. Okay. So Damn. Interesting choice for our division segment. We'll see who dies later in the episode and who maybe?


Do we think someone went 6 for 6 here?


Wait. Someone's dying in this episode?


No. Later episode.


Oh, okay.


We'll see who will, but I don't know. We'll see if someone goes 6 for 6. That was trivia and we'll move on to one of the biggest stories in all of Major League Baseball. We have to talk about the biggest star in baseball, show me


I was gonna take a guess who it was but go ahead.


You wanna guess? I mean, I only said Sho. So, like, show me the player we're gonna talk about, Evan.


Definitely a hard one here. Wonder. Tell me who it is it?


Believe it or not, it's Shohei Ohtani. So his situation is kinda complicated. A big, I guess, summary of it is translator Gamble, Shohei tried to cover it, but did Shohei cover it? This story kinda went a whole one eighty. It's complicated, and I'm gonna try my best to explain this into a little bit of a timeline.


So Shohei's translator has an interesting name. I'm just gonna call him Ippy because that's his first name and, it's unique enough where I can refer to it as that. I'm gonna try to call Shohei Ohtani Ohtani throughout this whole thing just so I don't say 2 names. So in 2013, Ohtani and Ippy met when Ohtani was 18 and a rookie in the Japanese league. In 2018, Ohtani goes to the angels, brings his translator, Ippy, with them to serve as his interpreter.


He also grew into much more of that, a close friend to Shohei. I mean, he would be his bullpen catcher, a home run derby catcher. So these 2 grew into a pretty good friendship. In 2021, Ipi meets with an illegal Southern California bookkeeper named Matthew Bauer at a poker game in San Diego. Soon after that, he started placing bets on credit.


So he didn't need the cash. He would just be like, hey. I'm gonna put $500 or, I mean, a lot more than that eventually on credit, and this illegal bookkeeper granted that wish. So that's why he went through them. So in late 2022, do we wonder how good of a gambler Ippi is?


Well, in late 2022, about a year later, he was already a $1,000,000 in gambling debt. So he began he began to borrow from friends and family. So then early in 2023, that debt rose to $4,000,000, and then he turns to his rich friend, his baseball playing buddy, Shohei Ohtani for help. September to October 2023, Ohtani's name appears on 2 wire transfers totaling $1,000,000 with the classification of loan on the checks. The checks were both received by the illegal bookkeeper Bauer.


Ippi would later say that he and Ohtani paid off the debts through Ohtani's account as as many as 9 transactions each worth up to $500,000 over the course of several months. According to Ipi Ohtani, didn't have a clue that the money was going to an illegal bookie.


That doesn't surprise me because a lot of athletes that you see nowadays, I don't know if they really manage their money personally.


That's true. Okay. So continuing with the story. Okay. Nick, you wanna say something?


I was listening to AJ Priscinski podcast, and I forgot who it was. They were saying, like yeah. Like, when I when he played, like, I didn't take care of my finances at all. I think it was, like, his mom or his friend. So this is actually common.


Yeah. It's definitely not foreign to not know your finances. You gotta let


someone else do that for you.


Okay. So just a reminder, according to MLB rules, it's banned betting on baseball. But if you don't bet on baseball, which is what Ippy claims, it's still illegal to go through an illegal sports book, which what Bauer was. Okay. So, October 2023, federal agents execute a search warrant on Bauer's home.


December 2023, Ohtani signs the contract, $700,000,000, 10 years with the Dodgers, 680 of it is deferred. He brings Ipi with him to join him in LA. Now January 2024, agents search searching Bowers home find that Ohtani's name is attached to the wire transfers that we talked about earlier. ESPN and the LA Times would later learn about this weeks later. Now, this is where it starts to get messy.


March 18, 2024, a reporter reaches out to Nez Botello, the agent of Shohei Ohtani on the wire transfers. He doesn't respond but soon hires a crisis spokesperson who will go unnamed. He says the spokesperson says that Ohtani told him this, yeah, I sent several large payments. The spokesperson quotes Ohtani as saying that's the maximum amount I could send. Then the spokesman confirms that IPPI debts rattled up to $4,500,000 and then the spokesman makes available for a 90 minute interview with ESPN.


During that interview, Ippi claims that he had been placing bets through DraftKings sportsbooks assuming that he could do so, also making legal bets through Bowers outlet, which unlike sanctioned sportsbooks was willing to allow him bet on credit like we mentioned earlier. And he said, I want everyone to know Shohei had zero involvement in the betting. And he later goes on to say, I want people to know that I did not know this was an illegal sports book. I learned my lesson the hard way and I will never do sports betting again. So basically, what he is saying is he got into debt.


He has Shohei to pay it off, but Shohei never contributed to the betting activities. Now, March 20th, this was opening day for Major League Baseball in Seoul, South Korea. The Dodgers won 5 to do. Afterwards, in the clubhouse, Dodgers owner, Mark Walter, meets with the players in the dugout and tells them about the damning story that is about to take place. And then Ippy goes and tells the team that he has a gambling addiction, and the Dodgers club resident, tells them that Ohtani helped pay off the debt.


As ESPN and LA Times are about to publish their stories, on the same day, March 20th, Ohtani spokesperson, the same one who quoted Ohtani earlier and gave up Ipi for an interview with ESPN, says that that's all not a lie or it's it is a lie. It's not true. Ring up the sirens. Ippy accidentally or Ippy's account is totally false. So then he hires a new lawyer on Shohei's behalf.


Brettler is the name of the lawyer, and he puts out a statement saying, in course of the responding to recent media inquiries, we discovered that Shohei had been a victim of massive theft, and we are turning the matter over to the authorities. When ESPN asked Ippy about this, he said he wasn't supposed to comment on the developments of theft, but he said on his account that he was totally wrong and that Ohtani had no knowledge of its of his debts. And if he said, obviously, this is all my fault, everything I've done. He said I'm resi I'm ready to face all the consequences. The spokesman said that the new developments happening because or the reason why the new developments happened, why this story completely took a 180 of Shohei's involved.


Shohei is now a victim of massive theft. The reason about this is because in the clubhouse, show he after that was like, what just happened? Like, what did they just say? Because all his interpretations were from Ippy. So if Ippy is not telling him the truth, Shohei has no idea what's going on.


And so someone around him told him that what the story of what Ipi just said and Ohtani told them I have no recognition of Ipi's versions of events. According to the Dodgers official and Ohtani spokesman, Ohtani's representatives had continued to rely on Ipi to communicate with Ohtani while they were dealing with the situation. So you have the main criminal who's known for lying to go to Ohtani and try to tell this story. So so messed up, Ohtani then discovers there in that hotel hotel room on March 20th, the debts that Ipi occurred and he realized there for the first time on that Wednesday that his money was missing from his account. Soon after, Ipi was fired.


Ohtani then refused to comment. On March 22nd, the MLB launches an investigation. And also something interesting, to being the interpreter for Shohei Ohtani was incorrect. Ipi was never employed by the Boston red sox in any capacity and was not an interpreter for anybody on the Boston Red Sox team during his alleged time here. Please know that we have thoroughly checked our files to ensure we are providing accurate information.


On March 25th, Ohtani breaks the silence and confirms basically everything that his lawyer says. He says that he had no knowledge of the payments. The hotel room on March 20th was the first of his knowing about any of this happening and that Ippy is a thief. Shohei then is quoted on saying, I never bet on baseball or any other sports. I've never asked anybody to do that on my behalf.


I've never gone through a bookmaker to bet on sports. Up until a couple of days ago, I did not know that this was happening. So a big story there in the MLB. A lot to go through, but I guess first initial thoughts, what just happened?


I wasn't surprised that, I first heard about it on opening day, that of course it might be a not a hit piece but that was obviously planned to get the most clicks to come out that day. It was a little confusing at first going through after you listening to all that kind of makes all sense. I didn't know a lot of the prior details, like I know we knew the timeline before March, that like that timeline, but a lot of it right now is lawyer speak and it's hard kind of like coach speak. It's hard to interpret what any of that even means because lawyer speak won't give you any definitive answers of what you want. It's just gonna be denial for each side back and forth.


He said, she said type thing.


My main takeaway is Yippie is a pathological liar, and he just used his rich friend to pay off his gambling debts.


Yeah. It's just that's crazy. What's crazy to me is, like, he is Shohei's. I guess ears and mouth in this case so like the fact that he was the main guy basically in charge of communicating with Shohei, he could basically hack it any way he wanted to. So, I mean, that is just it's just crazy what is happening.


And I know we mentioned earlier that the thoughts of the players having no idea what's happening in their account because they just wanna focus on baseball, and I think that's even more true for Shohei Ohtani. But still, I've heard a lot of people saying that, man, you don't go through your bank account without telling the person. Now it's I know it's different because Shohei probably went through Ipi to go through his accounts because the checks weren't written in Japanese. They were, like, American checks, but still I I just find it hard Ippy being, like, yo, why why are we signing this or Shohei being like, why are we signing this check, Ippy? And he's like, oh, for a new car you just bought.


It's pretty expensive. Like, I just don't see that money laundering being a like, I just I don't buy that Shohei did not know of this until prior. I feel like he had to know of it in some capacity. Like, there's no way that all that maybe he didn't realize it, but he still had to know a little bit of facts of, like, hey, why is like, he still needed to realize that, hey, my money is going for somewhere, but maybe he didn't realize it was for a wrong purpose. I don't know.


I I'm still trying to formulate an opinion on this.


Yeah. What makes us even sadder is it it's like they have a better relationship than just translators. It seems like they're actually, like, really good friends, and the Yippee just took advantage of Shohei.


Mhmm. Yeah. What I took from this was how you know, they can say, oh, he doesn't manage his money. Someone is managing that. How did this guy have access to Shohei's accounts?


How? I I I don't I'm not understanding how he had access to that. Like, they are friends, but in a way, Shohei is his boss. You know, he employs his interpreter. You know, I don't have access to my boss's, you know, finance.


How did this guy get access to that? I that that's baffling to me. I have no idea how that's possible.


Aiden, as the dodger fan in the room, what do you had to say? Especially, like, this is involving your team. This could have great consequence for your star player. I just initial thoughts, I guess.


I think this whole story is such a massive headache. I think it's a hit piece trying to take down the Dodgers because they know we are going to win the world series, but we are also leaving out key information. Ipi went to gambling school or dealer school casino dealer school is what they're saying. He wasn't very good at it. He also lied about getting a degree from UC Riverside.


Yep. There are so many things, and I think it's actually I think it's kinda different compared to, like, me getting my boss's bank account when Shohei and Ity are really good friends. So I think it's I think it's a lot easier than people might think to just get into that bank account, and I think Shohei I think Shohei had no idea what was going on until March 20th. I think that's when he really found out for the first time, and I think it's so I mean, this guy probably has so much money we can't even fathom. He doesn't it'd be it'd be a pathological liar.


So I think it's very easy to take advantage of Shohei, and then he got caught. And now Shohei has to reap the consequences. I


guess my question is why did Ohtani's checks go to the bookkeeper instead of going to Ippy, then he could go through the bookkeeper. You think that's just Ippy's fault of being, like, yeah. I I just thought this would never get caught.


I think that is I think that's Ippy's thinking. He can just because if it's kinda like, collateral, it's like, why would I take money from this random guy who I don't know? Oh, you know, Shohei Ohtani. Here, take Shohei Ohtani's money. And then Shohei yeah.


Like I said earlier, like, I think he could just take advantage of Shohei, and I'll write the checks, and Shohei will Shohei will cash him and not know about it until March 20th when Shohei actually found out for the first time. I feel bad because this was really could you imagine not only going through this scandal, but you don't know what anyone is saying to you? And, like, you can't you can't you can't defend yourself? And and it's like your mouth and ears Is the pug. Yeah.


It's like it's literally like you're trying to say something. You're trying to defend yourself, but you're not really saying it because you can't and it's I think it's absolutely horrible for Shohei.


And the whole, pest conference media release thing they did 2 days after that you mentioned, I didn't understand that whole thing. I mean, I get it he has


to defend himself, but if he's just gonna sit there with no Yeah. Well, it wasn't even a press conference. It was more like a reading. Yeah. They told me to say this.


They couldn't ask any questions during it. It was just, yeah, I'm gonna you're gonna hear it from me. From me


through the trans a different translator. Well, he just kinda sits there.


Yeah. And for me, I really I hope that Ohtani had nothing to do with this just for the benefit of the game. I really hope it was just that this translator was a terrible person because we we need Shohei Ohtani on the field. Like, we I really hope that he had nothing to do with this.


I think even if I don't think he did it. But I I do think the MLB maybe might slide this one under the rug and make quick work of it, honestly.


Because it took a while for the MLB to realize, like, yo, wait. Do we have to investigate this guy? Because everyone was like, wait. Hold on. Ippy got fired, and we're not gonna look at Shohay's account and then they're like, okay.


We'll look into this.


Realistically, what can the MLB investigate? Like, I mean, yes, they can investigate the player, but that's more of the government agencies. Yeah. No. I know Rod Manford said, like,


legal stuff that they can't really get into. So I don't know. I'd do you guys think he'll get suspended at all or face any sort of punishment?


It might be a fine of some sort, but I don't think they would suspend, Major League, like, star boy like he is.


Yeah. This is like Major League Baseball's golden boy. It's like the NFL suspending or suspending Patrick Mahomes for something like this.


If they did suspend him, I don't think it'd be this year. Yeah. They're gonna make this investigation


As long as they're


acting on.


I don't know if they actually


Disappear them on.


Want that investigation to drag on because the more it drags on, the more it hangs over their heads too.


That's true and it's it's weird to me because in both cases, Shohei seems like a very innocent person because on one case, he didn't know anything and he was just a victim of theft and that's something like, man, I feel bad for you. Like, that sucks that you just lost $4,500,000 even though I mean, I guess it's some change to show hey, but still it's whenever someone takes money from you, it's a big deal. And then on the other end, it's like, okay. Well, he didn't bet at all. He didn't take place in any of these activities.


He was just a really good friend and and now he's gonna face the consequence. So I do wish Shohei wouldn't get any sort of punishment for this because I don't believe he's guilty in really any account. I obviously he would be guilty. He would violate a rule because his money would go towards an illegal sports book even if that wasn't his intention, but it's still it's damning to see even though, I mean, I'm known for being a d one Dodgers hater, and I still like, I really I really respect Shohei Ohtani. He seems like a great guy and even in any team, like, you never wish for injuries, you never wish for the best players, the ones that make baseball exciting, especially, like, Shohei just to leave the game.


So, I mean, this is very shocking news, but I really hope that it doesn't have any implications. And I hope that Shohei's side that he has now, even though it seems a little suspicious that we're just totally flipping it because the same spokesman who allowed it to be like, yeah, he's involved to be like, no, he had nothing to do with this, said that and allowed that to happen. I just really hope that Major League Baseball sees Shohei's innocence and kinda lets this one slide because I don't really think anyone's gonna have a problem if they just let this one slide because who would really take offense to this?


I mean, yes and no. Because let's say it's some random baseball player that has the same situation. How does Major League Baseball react to that if it's not Shohei?


Yeah. And then I guess you have to put the foot down of, like, oh, so are we okay to pay all our friends gambling debts?




And so you kind of open up a can of weeds there. So I don't know. I I hope it's just found out that Shohei was just a victim of massive theft. Although, I don't know if I believe that yet. I I still think he had some knowledge of it.


That doesn't make him guilty in my eyes but it would make him guilty under the law which you would have to do something. I don't, I mean obviously I don't think it's gonna be as egregious as like kicking him out of the league but it's gonna be a suspension of some kind and maybe a fine like you mentioned. Anybody else have thoughts on it?


He's innocent.


He's in his


Free of them.


Free of them. Yeah. I think I don't know. Can we all agree that we want a free Shohei? Yeah.


Yeah. Absolutely. Yep. I wanna watch him more.


And are we locking up, Ippy?


Yes. Throw


that throw that man in Alcatraz. Get him out of here.


Oh, man. Alright. So interesting situation in baseball and really an interesting situation all around the league. We covered the fanatics jerseys. We talked about each opening series.


We made our season predictions. Even though we're 4 games in, we still count those as valid. Little bit of dark horses that we selected, a little bit of favorites that we still kept on top and then we ended with a whole breakdown of the Shohei Ohtani Ippy is translator that gambling drama. We talked a lot about that gave our thoughts. Guys, it was a pretty good episode of big league chewers episode 1.


We hope to be back with you guys next week. As always, thank you for tuning in, and a big thanks for impact 88.9 FM for allowing us to use their studios and get us running for what hopes to be a lot more episodes in the future. Thank you for tuning in. Hope to see you guys next week. This was episode 1 of big league chewers.

