Practical Podcast Tips

Monetizing your podcast can be tricky and confusing. In this episode we talk about another way to monetize your podcast-lead generation.

Show Notes

Monetizing your podcast can be tricky and confusing. In this episode we talk about another way to monetize your podcast-lead generation.

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Amber Beels
Podcast Manager, Creative Director and Online Course Creator for Online Coaches, Speakers & Trainers

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Amber Beels 0:02
I know I can monetize my podcast with ads. But is there any other way? Let's talk about that. You're listening to Practical Podcast Tips. My name is Amber Beels. And today I'm going to cover tip number 24, lead generation with podcasting. Now, everyone knows about advertisements, right? I mean, we all grew up with advertisements, we all grew up with regular cable. And every 22 minute long show had eight minutes of advertising. That's just how it goes. So we are tuned to advertising. So a lot of people use advertising on their podcast. And it's a great way to monetize your podcast it, it works. It's tried and true. People will listen to it a lot of the times you can't fast forward it though. With podcasting, at least with me, I like to fast forward. But everyone knows what an advertisement is and how it works. Now, how does it work with podcasting, podcasting is a little different in that you kind of need a large listener base in order to make any real money with advertising. If you go up to just, let's say, Coca Cola, and you want them to have an advertisement on your podcast, and you want them to pay you to have their advertisement on your podcast, well, Coca Cola is not even going to consider you unless you have, you know, over 1000 downloads on your podcast every month. And it's probably that number is probably even higher, I'm just being generous. But Coca Cola is not going to pay attention to you unless you have so many listeners that are consistently listening every single month. So that's advertising. And you know, it can work there are people who have a large listener base, and they're able to use advertisements, or there are some podcasts that use several different advertisers for their podcast. I know one podcast, she has like four different advertisers for her podcast. And that's just a cover the cost of, you know, the recording studio that she uses and all the people in her team and like I totally get it, I do think it's a little too much advertisements that she uses on her podcast, but and she's not a client of mine. It's just somebody that I listened to. But anyway, Podcasts can have advertisements, and they can work. But they're not good for everyone, especially if you're just starting out. So what is a good way to monetize your podcast without having to use advertisements? Well, lead generation. So using your podcast as a lead generation tool is an amazing way to really use your podcast wisely, especially if you're a business owner, or if you're a coach, or if you have an online course. Podcasting is the perfect medium to be able to build an audience, build a community, take them out of that podcasting platform and put them into your personal community. Podcasting is the perfect platform for that. Now, how do you do that? Well, I'm gonna go over just some basic stuff. And just go over very quickly. But if you take this, I promise that you will see some kind of traction. So what you need to start is you need a freebie, anything in your business now this tip is really for people who have a business, a small business, whether you're a coach, or a speaker, or anything like that. This is really for those people. So you need some kind of free offer some little freebie, some little nugget that you can give your audience whether it's a free 30 minute discovery call. Maybe it's a

little ebook, like something that's like five ways to become a great speaker or five tips to having an online course whatever it is, you need some little freebie. Once you have that little freebie and I'm gonna tell you Don't overthink it. Just provide value and do it Don't overthink it. Next what you need is a landing page for that freebie. So you have a website. It can't be on your website, it has to be a landing page. So once you have a landing page and all that landing page does is talk about your free offer. And then it has an opt in and the option is very important. The most important part of this is you have your freebie and you have your OPT in you ask them for their first name, last name and their email and email is the golden ticket. That is what you're looking for. Because that is what you are trying Get people to give you so that you can build your own little community. Maybe you don't want a little community, maybe you want a big community, but you got to start somewhere, right. So using your podcast, as a lead generation tool will help you build your email list. Now, having an email list is king, especially if you are a business owner, small business owner, big business owner doesn't matter, you need an email list. Because once you pull your people from the podcast, you bring them into your email list, nobody can take that away from you. That is your email list. And you can use whatever email system that you use to be able to contact your community. The thing with podcasting is what if you have a controversial topic, and you get banned from Spotify, or from Apple or wherever, then you don't have that platform to communicate to your community anymore. And that's important. So if you have your email list, nobody's gonna take that away from you, somebody could take away Facebook, somebody could take away YouTube, they could take all these things away from you, but they can't take your email list away. So email list is king. And what you can do is, you know, have your podcast and using that as a lead generation tool. That is the way to build your community. And once you have your community, then you can sell to your community, you can nurture your community, you can give them value, and then offer them something that cost something in your program, whether it's an online course, whether it's an online program, whether it's a book, whatever it is, maybe it's a local service, you could even do that. It's just whatever it is, you are able to reach your target audience, pull them from your podcast platform, and bring them into your email list. And once you do that, they're part of your community, and you will be able to sell to them. Now, I hope that makes sense. I just said a lot of things. But it's really, really key in owning your own business, to be able to provide value and to be able to monetize all these things that you're doing. A lot of people have a YouTube channel, some people have a podcast and people do. Summit, some people do speaking, whatever it is that you do, you need to be able to make sure that you're using it effectively, and that you're not wasting your time. You want to make sure that this all goes towards building your business. And that includes building your community. So remember, email list is king, and you're not selling to your community, you're serving your community. If they are your listener on your podcasts, they will want to be a part of everything you do, because they trust you. And they want to learn more from you. Alright, that's it for me. Thank you guys. I'll see you in the next episode. Hey, thanks for listening. If you liked this episode, please feel free to leave us a review. It really helps out the show. And I'd love to hear how it helps. Also, if you know someone else that could benefit from it, go ahead and share it with them. Thanks again and I'll see you in the next episode.