Advent with the Angels

Firstly, I am honoured by all the attention I am given, I appreciate it.

Secondly, you need to give yourselves the same kind of appreciation and acknowledgment as you are all children of God. Do you realize what that means ? You are all very special and dear - and you can also marvel at each other !You have the gift of love to reach out to any being in this world, also - and especially - to your fellow humans.

How wonderful that you are all different and carry a different aspect of the creator into this world. Be amazed at the variety, for even though some of you are related, you are all very special and unique beings. You don’t live forever in this very body, but you do live forever as soul & spirit. How amazing is that ?

You truly live on in the memories of your loved ones. This is the gold that everybody is looking for: call it love, call it charity or empathy. You are beings who can love so much, that you will put your own interests aside and care for somebody else in a such away that you lift them out of their troubles. 
So far, only the creator and your Guardian Angels were able to do that.

This was one of the gifts given to you by the creator.
But you don’t just have the gift, you are using it.

You are a blessing, a gift, a miracle for this world - the sooner you realize it, the better !

When you choose to use these gifts consciously, you can affect parts of life which could use more of the loving impulse.
Your laws for example could be more loving towards humans, animals and nature as a whole.

Many things in life can be improved if you let your innate love for beings speak through you.

Be brave & be who you truly are !

What is Advent with the Angels?

Messages for you from Angels and Archangels

14 December


Firstly, I am honoured by all the attention I am given, I appreciate it.

Secondly, you need to give yourselves the same kind of appreciation and acknowledgment as you are all children of God. Do you realize what that means ? You are all very special and dear - and you can also marvel at each other !You have the gift of love to reach out to any being in this world, also - and especially - to your fellow humans.

How wonderful that you are all different and carry a different aspect of the creator into this world. Be amazed at the variety, for even though some of you are related, you are all very special and unique beings. You don’t live forever in this very body, but you do live forever as soul & spirit. How amazing is that ?

You truly live on in the memories of your loved ones. This is the gold that everybody is looking for: call it love, call it charity or empathy. You are beings who can love so much, that you will put your own interests aside and care for somebody else in a such away that you lift them out of their troubles.
So far, only the creator and your Guardian Angels were able to do that.

This was one of the gifts given to you by the creator.
But you don’t just have the gift, you are using it.

You are a blessing, a gift, a miracle for this world - the sooner you realize it, the better !

When you choose to use these gifts consciously, you can affect parts of life which could use more of the loving impulse.
Your laws for example could be more loving towards humans, animals and nature as a whole.

Many things in life can be improved if you let your innate love for beings speak through you.

Be brave & be who you truly are !