Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras

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On this episode of Mahakatha, Preeti, your guide for the Mahakatha meditation Mantras podcast, delves into the topic of why beginnings can be intimidating and cause hesitation. She explores various examples such as starting a new writing project, an exercise plan, quitting a job, starting a new business, or moving to a new city. Preeti suggests that the fear associated with beginnings stems from our tendency to associate them with endings and feeling overwhelmed by the entire journey ahead. However, she reminds us of the power of the present moment, as it is the only time we can truly influence, change, and participate.

To combat this fear and hesitation, Preeti introduces the Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra, which has a profound soothing effect on the mind, cleansing it of negative thoughts and hesitation. Many listeners have incorporated this mantra into their daily lives, and one even shared how it helped them during a crucial exam, leading to success. Preeti encourages the audience to try the mantra for themselves and share their experiences.

Throughout the episode, Preeti emphasizes the importance of surrendering everything unknown and unknowable to the divine forces of the universe. She reflects on how mantras, prayers, and meditation have been used for centuries to navigate uncertainty and nervousness when starting something new. In Hindu culture, the chant "Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra" dedicated to Lord Ganesha is considered auspicious and is often invoked before any new beginning, regardless of its size.

Preeti also invites the audience to avail a special discount on the mantra, which can be found in the episode description. She encourages listeners to take action, reminding them that the future is uncertain, but the present moment is within their control. By starting today and seeking divine blessings, they can overcome their fears and embrace new beginnings.

As the episode concludes, Preeti signs off, wishing listeners an auspicious week ahead. She reminds them that even small beginnings can have significant impacts on their lives and encourages them to pray for everything to be auspicious. Throughout the episode, Preeti shares stories of listeners who have experienced profound peace, calmness, and spiritual manifestations through the mantra. With every story, she emphasizes the transformative power of embracing new beginnings and taking action.

So, join Preeti on this episode of Mahakatha as she explores the fear and hesitation surrounding beginnings, introduces the powerful Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra, and encourages listeners to step into new beginnings with confidence and surrender to the divine forces of the universe.
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What is Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras?

"Meditation Mantras Podcast - Ancient Chants from India by Mahakatha" by Mahakatha is an immersive and enlightening journey through the ancient chants of India. The podcast delves into the rich history and origin story of these powerful mantras, which have been used for centuries to promote sound healing and personal transformation.

Each episode features a different mantra, such as Shiva mantras, Buddha mantras, Krishna mantras, and devi mantras, with an in-depth exploration of the lyrics and meaning behind each one.

The host, Mahakatha, is an expert in the field, and provides valuable insights and guidance on how to incorporate these mantras into your own meditation practice.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of meditation and mantras, this podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to deepen your understanding. Additionally, it will enhance your spiritual journey. Discover the ancient wisdom and transformative power of these sacred chants from India through the "Meditation Mantras Podcast" by Mahakatha.

Imagine that you bought a beautiful brand new

diary for yourself. You took it home,

You flip through the pages, and it has that crisp smell of

brand new paper. So you open the diary to the

very first page to make your very first

entry. You know what you want to write, and the pen is already

in your hand, but right there,

Something happens and you freeze.

What is that? And why does that happen? Why

are even the smallest beginnings? So scary.

Namaste and welcome back to Mahakata's meditation

Mantras. I'm your guide Priti, and I'm here with a

brand new episode of the podcast for you. But

before I can introduce you to the mantra of the day,

let's stay with the question I just asked. What

is it about beginnings that is so scary?

What makes us stop and think and even hesitate

before we start writing on that first page or before

we start a new exercise plan. Quit the job that's

making us so miserable or take a leap of faith and

start that new business that we've really worked hard on or move

to that other city that we've dreamed of living in.

Why? are beginnings. So scary.

I think it's because we think of it as a beginning.

Because when we think of something having a beginning,

we inevitably think of its end and we think of

every step in that journey. And so before

you know it, you are thinking about the

entire journey, worrying about the entire

journey, planning for the entire journey

When all you really have is this

moment. When all you really can

influence and change and participate

in is this moment.

A beginning is first a moment,

a step, a single decision.

Just like the first crisp page of a new

diary is just that. A

page. So if you can view

the beginning of something, as just the moment that is

in front of you and the only moment where you can actually do

something, take a step, make a choice. then you are

more likely to embrace that

step, that moment, that choice rather than hesitate

and step back from it because you're worrying about

the unseen future. You're worrying about the

many ways in which this could fail or this could go wrong.

And that's okay. It is human nature

to want to anticipate and plan. But when it comes

to taking action, when it comes to doing

something, especially when it comes to doing something that

excites your soul, even after you've planned

and taught things through. There is that sense of

nervousness, that hesitation, that holds

you back. In such times,

It is wise to remind yourself

of all the effort you have put in to be able to make

this beginning. And to look at this beginning

is just the next best thing that you can

do for yourself. Of course, in

the future, there may be obstacles, there may

be hurdles that you didn't see and you might

Feel a little discouraged or disappointed.

But on the flip side, things could go wonderfully.

Things could go way better than you expected. This

decision that you make could turn out to be a life

changer. There is really no way of

knowing. The only thing you

can know The only thing that is in your control

is to begin today.

You begin and you pray that

may everything be auspicious.

Cert of them shubham Bhavatu, which in

Sanskrit means may everything be

auspicious. And so right at this

moment, I need you to internalize

the trust that everything will be auspicious.

Alright? So chant after me.



Now, in the ancient times, people had different ways of

dealing with this uncertainty and these nerves about

beginning new things, and they dealt with it through

prayer, through meditation, and even through mantras.

which brings me to today's mantra.

In today's episode, I want to introduce to you the.

This is a beautiful chant dedicated to

Lord Ganeshia, as pahindu mythology. This

form of god is perceived and worshiped

as the god of all auspiciousness.

And in the Hindu culture, whenever you set out,

to start something new no matter how big or small

that venture is. It has always been a practice.

to invoke lord Ganeshia's name.

And so through the vakkritonda Mahakaya Mantra, while

we praise Lord Ganeshia, and we seek his blessings.

What we're really doing is reminding ourselves

that we have done everything that we could to make this

beginning to start at this point.

and that we are surrendering everything that is unknown

and unknowable to the divine

forces of the universe. So when you

chant the vakrattundar Mahagai, Mantras you meditate to this

chant, it has a way of gently

soothing your fears and gently

cleansing your mind of any hesitation or negative

thoughts that might get in the way of your decision

to begin something wonderful. And that is why a

lot of our listeners have made this mantra a part of their

daily lives. To give you a

glimpse of how our listeners have embraced this beautiful

chant, Let me read you a comment or 2 from our YouTube

thread. 1 of our listeners, a student said,

I had an exam, and this one was the last It determined

whether I will get my diploma or not. I walked to

school that day listening to this mantra and my tears

flowing, praying that I succeed. A month

later, I received an email saying I passed the exam.

Thank you, Lord Ganeshia, for answering my prayers.

Wonderful. I can see how this chant helped this

person move towards their goal, move

towards their exam with a sense of surrender rather than a

sense of stress. Another listener from South Africa

said, I played this mantra at 2:30 AM this

morning while praying. The tears just kept

flowing and couldn't stop until I was done.

My spirit was so at peace and calm. I repeated

it until I fell asleep and had the most amazing

dream which I can't share here, but I'm certain of

what is manifesting spiritually. I thought I have listened

to the best Mantras, but this is out of this

world, and I pray that it nourishes everyone's

spirit. I'm grateful, Namaste.

What a wonderful, wonderful experience to share

and deeply moved by how ancient mantras like

these are helping people from across Mantras

in across cultures, feel a little more

uplifted, a little more confident as we navigate

the struggles and storms of our life. And if you

haven't heard this mantra yet or if you would like to practice

meditating or chanting this mantra more often,

I'd like to present this mantra to you at a 30%

discount. This is a special discount

available only to the listeners of this podcast, and you'll find

the link to avail this discount in the description of this

episode. Please go ahead and try this

mantra out for a few days. And whatever

your experience may be, I would love to hear

all about it. With that in mind,

and knowing and trusting that everything will be auspicious

for you in the week to come. This is me, your

host, Preeti, signing off. Stay blessed.