The InForm Fitness Podcast

Adam Zickerman welcomes Tammy Kohlschmidt, who explains how the use of Thermography detects early inflammation throughout the body, foreseeing health problems years before symptoms may manifest.

Show Notes

Simply put, Thermography measures the temperature of a particular area of the body using a high-resolution, infrared camera, and is able to pinpoint “hot spots” without the use of radiation 
When you have chronic inflammation, your body's inflammatory response can eventually start damaging healthy cells, tissues, and organs. Over time, this can lead to DNA damage, tissue death, internal scarring and the development of several diseases, including, heart disease cancer.

Tammy eloquently explains:
  • What is thermography and how it works?
  • What is a thermography session like?
  • Who should get thermography?
  • Is thermography a substitute for mammography?
  • What is neoangiogenesis?
  • Who analyzes the thermography imagery?
  • Is thermography safe and how often should one get a scan?
  • Breast ‘hot spots’ and the surprising causes. 
As always, your feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

Adam Zickerman – Power of 10: The Once-A-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution:

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Inform_Kohlschmidt Ep 67 Transcript

thermography, body, test, inflammation, breast, disease, people, cancer, mammography, women, tammy, stagnation, health, bra, radiation, infection, doctor, demography, mammogram, adam

Arlene  00:01
The Inform Fitness podcast with Adam Zickerman and co host Mike Rogers is a presentation of Inform Fitness studios, a small family of personal training facilities specializing in safe, efficient high intensity strength training. On our BI monthly podcast, Adam and Mike discuss the latest findings in the areas of exercise nutrition and recovery with leading experts and scientists, we aim to debunk the popular misconceptions in the urban myths that are so prevalent in the fields of health and fitness, and to replace those sacred cows with scientific base. up to the minute information on a variety of subjects will cover exercise protocols and techniques, nutrition, sleep recovery, the role of genetics in the response to exercise, and much more. On this episode, Adam welcomes Tammy Kohlschmidt, who explains how the use of thermography detects early inflammation throughout the body for seeing health problems years before symptoms may manifest.
Tammy  01:13
Here's what people really need to understand about thermography. It allows you to see what you cannot yet feel. It's the start of early disease detection, which will let you be preventative.
Adam  01:28
Hello, everybody. Welcome back to the show. Today is going to be a very interesting topic. Something I don't know very much about. It's called thermography. And today I have with us, Tammy Kohlschmidt. Hello, Tammy. 
Tammy  01:40
Hi Adam. Thank you for having me.
Adam  01:43
Thank you. Welcome. Welcome. I just got to read a little bit about Tammy's CV if you will. Tammy is a well rounded practitioner and multiple healing disciplines. She's a Certified Clinical demographer, which is what we're going to be talking about today. She's also a licensed dental hygienist. She's a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, which we'll delve into on another podcast if you come back if you want to come back. Tami believes that health and well being are a reflection of many different things including energy, spiritual healing, nutrition, anti inflammatory, staying anti inflamed. Tammy is a founding member of the American Academy of oral systemic health. She is a past member of dentistry for diabetics and centers of Dental Medicine. She's a current member of demography unlimited, and the American Academy of anti aging medicine. She is also co host of the national radio show on sustainable dentistry. She teaches and lectures on thermography and has been interviewed on the oral health summit with Jonathan Landsman. She is currently co hosting the show sustainable dentistry a better way with Dr. Reed Winnick, another friend of mine client, who is her colleague and business on the Manhattan cable channel. 57. So, Tammy, yes. tomography. Yes. What the hell is thermography? Well,
Tammy  03:05
before I open into that, I do want to give just some acknowledgement to you, Adam, because your ingenuity and what you do has been a godsend into my life. So thank you for that. You definitely disrupted the way that I see exercise and working out. So thank you. Kudos to you.
Adam  03:24
Thank you. Yeah. And I did not pay her to say that.
Tammy  03:27
No, no. And also, I do want to acknowledge your listeners, because if they're following you, then I have a feeling that they're also disruptors to anything mainstream. So
Adam  03:38
is tomography a disrupter? Is that your total
Tammy  03:41
Disrupt? Yes. So you asked what is demography? It's called Digital infrared thermal imaging, and it measures your body's temperature using an infrared camera. The reason this is important, is because we can screen for inflammation. And there's no other test out there that can really do that with a visual. Number one, your body temperature doesn't lie. It tells us everything we need to know. There's no pain, there's no radiation, there's no body contact, and it was approved for use in 1982 by the FDA. So it's not new. However, it's just not well known. And it's not used by mainstream medicine, mainly because it's not taught in universities.
Adam  04:30
So when you say it was approved by the FDA approved for walk for use in
Tammy  04:35
health screening, and in cancer detection for the breasts,
Adam  04:39
okay, and does it how exactly? Well,
Tammy  04:43
so Well, let me just kind of walk you through what an appointment would be like so that we get an idea of how it does. The patient comes in, it's a temperature controlled room at about 68 degrees, because the body has to acclimate to that cool temperature. So that Your true inflammation comes out. And not just all of your body heat, let's say from walking to the appointment, climbing stairs, things like that. So as the body acclimates to the temperature, you're actually in a gown. You're not wearing clothing, because we are
Adam  05:16
you say the room is 60 degrees 68. So you're freezing your ass. Oh,
Tammy  05:20
you're cold. Yeah. But we don't cool for too long. It's like a 10 minute cooldown. And then it's a dark room. So for those of you who are modest, it's cool. It's a very dark room. You take off your gown, and then we do images. It's like getting your picture taken. But again, there's no body contact. There's no pain, no radiation. It's very safe, non invasive. And you're naked
Adam  05:46
at this point you
Tammy  05:47
Adam  05:50
Okay, cold Playboy shoot.
Tammy  05:53
I've had some really funny comments about that. But yeah, yeah, people who have a great sense of humor have lots to say when they're in the room. I bet. Yeah. And it's, it's fascinating, because you can see your body on the screen, you can see all the different colors that come up, we use the colors of the rainbow. So White is the hottest. So typically, where we see white, we're seeing heat, we're seeing inflammation, we're seeing stagnation. And then black is the coolest. So you'll see all colors between the rainbow reds, greens, orange. And they all mean something in relative to the other side of the body. So we're balancing and measuring symmetry. So the colors and the patterns that the colors make all mean something. And then it goes to our doctor, I use Dr. Greg Melvin. He's my reading doctor. And he generates a report.
Adam  06:46
He's an MD doctor.
Tammy  06:47
It can be MD, he's actually a chiropractor. He's a holistic chiropractor. He started reading thermal images, I think over 30 years ago. So he kind of was one of the, you know, Foundation front runners in it.
Adam  07:02
So you're a technician, so you don't read them.
Tammy  07:05
No, I'm a technician, I take the images. Then what happens is, after Dr. Melvin generates the report, I sit down with the patient, we go through it completely. So they understand everything about their body and what they're seeing. And we make recommendations when we get them on, basically, back on track to health.
Adam  07:27
And you can tell a lot from like you said, the colors represent different temperatures. Correct. So basically, you're reading throughout the body, what the temperatures are all over the place. Right? And if it's white, that would be probably a concern. If you saw a white section somewhere,
Tammy  07:43
it could be yes, certain areas of your body will be will be white hot naturally. For example, for example, the very inner corner the inner canthus of your eyes, and that'll be white. The navel is usually white.
Adam  07:58
So enables a hot, hot. Yes.
Tammy  08:02
Oh, go there. You're funny. I did not expect this. I love it. Yeah, so the colors now now black, for instance, if I see a black nose, that's a really good sign because it means the airflow is really moving. If your nose is yellow, red, green, any color other than black, then we know we've got inflammation, stagnation, infection could be very sinus infection sure could be a variety of things.
Adam  08:28
So it seems to me that this is something that doesn't necessarily diagnose, but it is more of a clue
Tammy  08:35
to an assessment tool assessment
Adam  08:36
tool, right? You see, you mentioned breast cancer. So I assume that you do a thermography with with a woman and you notice maybe a hot spot here or there in the breast tissue. And at that point, you say, Okay, let's, I think you have to get a mammography.
Tammy  08:53
I mean, they could be a lot of reasons why you have a hot spot doesn't necessarily mean there's a tumor, you can have lymphatic stagnation, you can have a fibro adenoma, you can have a cyst, infection, many things. The next step would be an ultrasound, and a three month follow up with thermography because we want to see how that heat changes. Hopefully it improves and goes away. But if it becomes well defined and organized, then you know that you have angiogenesis, which is new blood vessel growth. Right? That is a tumor.
Adam  09:26
So yeah, so my understanding of certain physiology, I mean, when you I know cancer kind of directs the body to feed it with more blood blood. Yeah. And I would assume when that process is occurring, that it generates heat, and that's why it shows up on a tomography correct but I would even if I was a woman and I saw a hotspot, I don't know if I'd want to wait three months to see it.
Tammy  09:50
Most cancers are in the breast are really slow growing. And if you're coming from the mindset of disrupting mainstream medicine, to running Radiation on that immediately might not be such a good idea. So we do a lot of different things to help bring that inflammation down, and to get that heat to change. And oftentimes, the body completely shifts in three months. So that's why I would recommend an ultrasound just so you have that anatomical view to match with the physiology basically, that is like the best starting point to get your to get you to know what to do next.
Adam  10:33
If I'm a woman, I think wouldn't when mammography one of the recommended mammography start, I think at four years old, if I remember correct, and
Tammy  10:39
that's a problem. That's too young. That's that's a lot of radiation. If you're doing a man a mammogram once a year, starting at age 40. It's a problem. And they've actually changed that and said, Well, you should now wait until you're 50. So they're starting to realize that the amount of radiation and compression that a mammogram brings is a problem. As a matter of fact, when you sign the consent form, you're signing a consent form that says This procedure can cause cancer, it's in there. So what they've done as they've started to change the way that they use mammograms, which is great, because there's more awareness around doing it every single year is a problem. That's why bringing thermography and ultrasounds together, smarter approach. There's no pain, there's no body contact, there's no radiation. Now, here's what people really need to understand about thermography. It allows you to see what you cannot yet feel. It's the start of early disease detection, which will let you be preventative, what does is the best thing you can do when it comes to cancer is not to get it. Women don't understand how to be preventative. So when you do thermal imaging, not only are you getting a test, to see where your body's at, but you're getting all of these things that you can do to be proactive, to bring inflammation down, which is the start of cancer anyway. So it's really a process of education. It's a process of re learning what it is to be healthy in today's toxic world.
Adam  12:16
So when you start seeing hot spots all around the body, so it's not just about the breast, it's not
Tammy  12:20
at all about. It's about the whole body. Yeah. So in your practice,
Adam  12:22
why are people coming to you primarily?
Tammy  12:26
Well, they're coming to me because they want to know, they want to know where they have inflammation, they want to know if they've got stagnation, which could be digestive, it could be lymphatic stagnation. They want to know if they've got neuropathy, because oftentimes you don't even know you have neuropathy. So if you have issues with the way your nervous system is messaging, you have more chances of developing different types of diseases. So thermography is looking at flow systems, blood flow, nerve flow, lymph flow, hormonal flow, there is no other test that can tell you, if you have hormonal imbalance in your breast tissue. If you have an estrogen dominant pattern in your breast situ, which is what thermography shows, you got a big problem. Now you can look at bloodwork and you know monitor your hormones that way. But even then your bloodwork might look fine. It's what's in the tissue. That is the issue, basically. So you get so much more in depth information about your health, when you're looking at simply looking at your temperature patterns. It's amazing, actually,
Adam  13:39
let's talk about some of the low hanging fruit that you get from this. In other words, you know, obviously cancer is a very complex thing, and it is possible I show up, you know, then then there's a whole bunch of stuff that I think should be done. But let's, let's say you go for your how many, how often does somebody come get a reading of thermography? Full body? What do you first,
Tammy  13:58
the first time you come in, you are going to come back within three to six months based on the amount of inflammation you have. And that's so we can establish your baseline. Once you establish your baseline it's it's a yearly test, just like you would kind of do a physical check your blood work all of that. Because remember, you can't feel inflammation. I mean, you can if it's an injury, but you really don't know it's there unless you do a thermography test. So we're trying to catch things early and detect things early to set you up to be healthy.
Adam  14:31
So give me some examples of low hanging fruit like something that you might detect and then you say okay, let's let's either talk to a doctor or monitor you know, there's
Tammy  14:39
so many gallbladder issues, kidney distress, cardiac distress, hormonal imbalance. So
Adam  14:46
when you see any of these things, and then you just saying okay, you should go see your endocrinologist so you should go see your it depends
Tammy  14:51
on what we find, right? Yeah. Sometimes actually for kidney distress. I actually start off with investigating what kind of water there drink because there's a reason that those kidneys are showing an issue, and it's not always, oh my God, you're dying. It's like not always a disease, it actually has to do with what they're putting into their body or not or not putting into their body. So we start with a really simple plan. And sometimes it even it's just go see an acupuncturist, let's stimulate the kidneys,
Adam  15:23
so it's not automatic, then if you see something in the kidneys, for example, a hotspot I guess you call it or degree of heat, that is not normal. It's not automatic for you to say, Okay, you have to see
Tammy  15:34
a nephrologist. No, it isn't. No, it's not. Because you can see different things, you can see different things. And you can make correlations and connections and
Adam  15:43
zero time when you see something in tomography and say, You need to see a nephrologist right away.
Tammy  15:50
No, it's it's really more about let's shift the physiology. Let's look at what you're doing on a daily basis that would cause your body to be dysfunctional. So usually, if a person needs to see a nephrologist, they know it like they're it's too late, that they have symptoms that are just there's an issue and they know us. Yeah.
Adam  16:12
So this thing, things before, it's a real disease way before ways of seeing things that that you can't even feelings of maybe a disease state but
Tammy  16:20
correct. And our bodies know how to heal themselves. It's an innate wisdom that we have the the issue is, no one's looking for it, which is why we do thermography. Most doctors do not understand how the body heals, they really just prescribe medication once you're sick. So it's the idea of a health system versus a disease system. I want you in the early early stages where we can prevent and your body can actually heal itself by making foundational changes. Once you have a disease, you're going to a doctor. Sure, that's just
Adam  16:56
I see where you're at. Yeah, you're a licensed hygenist.
Tammy  17:01
Yeah, my Yes, I started off as a licensed hygenist. And I basically skyrocketed with that I became like a front runner. And I actually call myself a perio therapist, because the patients that we see, keep scaling stuff, right? Well, we do perio therapy, it's not just come and get your cleaning, it's way more than that, because most of the disease that we have, is affected or influenced by the health of our mouth. Anything from arthritis to Alzheimer's to heart disease, it all has a correlation to the inflammation in your mouth, whether it's your teeth or your gums. So again, let's catch it early. Let's disrupt the disease model of medicine by not getting the disease
Adam  17:46
and this demography tie into dental Can you can use demography to help you with your dental hygiene.
Tammy  17:52
Totally well, okay, so that's kind of how it all started, when I was deep into perio therapy, I would talk to doctor when I can say, Look, we see so much inflammation in the mouth. If a person has that much inflammation in the mouth, there's no question that they have it in the rest of their body. But we don't know where, because they're asymptomatic. So we found thermography, so that we can make correlations to the mouth and the rest of the body. And then, obviously, if they need a doctor, we can refer out. But it was unbelievable. And the other correlation I made when I was working in the mouth is so many people that had gum infections, which by the way, we test for those also microscopically, through saliva tests. So many of those people that had cancer had certain types of pathogenic bacteria that we were finding. So we were making correlations just early on. And this was, oh gosh, 15 years ago, when we were doing this.
Adam  18:53
And you were seeing this, you were first seeing that stuff with mammography, while I was
Tammy  18:57
first seeing this stuff as a hygenist. And then as a hygenist. I became very curious and wanted to make correlations through the whole body. That's when thermography came in to the practice, because we have an interesting, it's sustainable dentistry. And then we have a Wellness Department. Well, the Wellness Department grew out of the fact that there were so many issues in the mouth, people needed other support. So now we brought in thermography. We brought in bodywork we brought in energy healing, we brought in nutritional counseling because a person needs physical, mental, emotional and spiritual support, to heal to truly heal.
Adam  19:36
Now you practice deals with the spiritual not to necessarily get into that right now.
Tammy  19:39
But it deals with everything physical would be like a bodywork, you know, mild, emotional, mental, spiritual, that's when we get into body talk. That is the energy healing portion. Gotcha. Yeah. It's fascinating. I've seen huge shifts in that three month period of women having one Like a really hot breast, and they just start doing these things to make changes. And you bring them back in three months and that breast goes way down.
Adam  20:08
What are some common things that can cause a hot pressed? Well, and things that you do, too.
Tammy  20:14
So here's another disrupter. Women who wear a bra for more than 12 hours a day, the risk of cancer is like one in three. When you yes, there's a really good book called dress to kill. And they've they've done studies. This is the real deal. And no one's talking about this because, you know, well, it damages the bra industry anyway. So you've got women who wear a bra 12 hours or more. One in three is your risk cancer. Women who wear a bra eight hours or less, it's like, one in 152 or something like that, but it's a drastic drop in risk. Why? Well, number one, if it's an underwire, you're constricting your lymphatic flow, you're constricting the circulation of healthy blood, which is oxygen and nutrition. So you end up heating up your breasts. Now, your breasts should be three degrees cooler than the rest of your body because they're considered an appendage. Right? Same thing with testicles. We you don't see men walking around in a harness with their testicles for 12 hours we used
Adam  21:21
to and we were told that our sperm count would drop as a result and we started wearing instead we got rid of the tighty whities and started wearing boxer shorts and totally and then they morphed into, you know, the boxer briefs, which is kind of like a hybrid. Yeah.
Tammy  21:33
Okay. So women who who think that they need to be pushed up and pushed in with this wire, what they're really doing is creating a toxic acidic tissue pool of lymphatic stagnation and poor circulation. So a lot of times I tell women, look, you have to go to work, you wear a bra, great, get rid of the wire, find a softer bra, you will reduce all of that toxicity in a huge way. And then I have women who are like, Well, I just won't wear a bra. I'm like, even better. The healthiest women that come into the clinic when I do thermography they don't they don't wear a bra very often. Women who wear bra eight hours or less no wire, they're in good.
Adam  22:16
Create a certain type of hot breast with the the bra situation like when you can say to somebody, Oh, I see what's going on here. You need to just see it. Yes. As opposed to some other hot so it was another hot situate hot dress situation where has nothing to do with that bro, I might have to do something else you can get in fact, I talk about this all day.
Tammy  22:35
So could I, you? Well, you can get infection. A lot of women their armpits get really stagnated that affects the breast because the way the lymph drains through the lymphatic channels is you know, through the neck, the clavicle, the armpit, the breasts, it's all connected. And two really important connections to the breast or your diaphragm and your digestion. So if you have diaphragm restriction, which most people do, because they breathe in a shallow way, the fluid actually reroutes up through the chest wall and back down. Because the diaphragm isn't functioning as well as it could. And then digestive stagnation. The simplest way to explain this is health starts in the gut. Period.
Adam  23:18
Yeah, well, I believe that for sure.
Tammy  23:21
Yeah. So there's all of these things that I teach women's nutrition as I assume we do. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We work when we have people for whatever we need. Yeah. And men, okay, I want men to come in and be screened, because they have bodies to like, so often they don't, they're just not in touch with their body. But we look at prostate inflammation and testicles. testicles, get rid of those tidy white. Yeah, yeah. So we do image that as well. Alright, so
Adam  23:49
we were saying that thermography is a it's a screening? Yeah. Health Assessment Tool, health assessment tool. Exactly. Um, can you just describe the differences between thermography and mammography? Yes. And why you use one versus the other? Or are they substitutes for each other? No, or, okay.
Tammy  24:09
So, it's like comparing apples and oranges. Okay. Mammograms are an x ray, essentially. So that would make them an anatomical test. thermography is a functional test. It's measuring your physiology. So when you do thermography, you're looking at all of the things I mentioned, which would be blood flow, nerve flow, lymphatic flow, hormonal flow, infection, delete, that's it's a large list of what you can see different from an anatomical test, which the only thing you're really seeing is an anatomical structure. So you still don't know much about your health. That is the difference between the two tests. Now, from a more holistic point of view, you have the argument well, mammograms, they cause compression, they cause pain and they cause a you know, there's a lot of radiation which is cumulative into the tissues and harmful over periods of time. thermography, you don't have any of that. No pain, no radiation, no body contact, totally safe. What makes it even cooler is that you can track if you do have cancer, you can use it to track how well you're doing. Because you can take pictures as many times as you want. They both have their place. And they both have their use. Doing a mammogram every single year is problematic. And it's not teaching you anything about how to be healthy and well. So if you can use the two or shift how often you do a mammogram and use thermography more often coupled with an ultrasound, you're golden, because you're going to learn how to take care of yourself. If that's not of interest to you, then just do your mammogram every year and wait for cancer to develop. Because that's the road you're on.
Adam  25:52
Yeah, that's not guaranteed. I mean, like, obviously, there are potential side effects of radiation. But you're not you're not advocating for women not to get them their mammography is done, are you
Tammy  26:01
I'm advocating for women to do them less, and to learn how to care for themselves so that they can avoid getting cancer in the first place.
Adam  26:10
Are you getting? I mean, there's a medical community pushback on that? Oh, yeah. Because?
Tammy  26:14
Absolutely, because they're in a disease model of medicine, where, you know, naturopaths, holistic people, we're in a health model of medicine. So we're looking at it as how do you prevent it? How do you get well? How do you live a lifestyle that will actually ward off disease? disease model a medicine is wait for you to get the disease and then give you surgery, medication and what have you. So it's two different ways of approaching your life
Adam  26:41
will respond to this because this is what the FDA said six months ago. And believe me, I understand how, you know, these organizations are pushing the Kool Aid. But what do you say to the FDA when they said that this is what they quoted. There's no valid scientific data to demonstrate that demography devices, when use on their own or with another diagnostic test aren't effective screening tool for any medical condition, including the early detection of breast cancer, or other diseases and health conditions. thermography is also not endorsed by the American Cancer Society, the American College of Radiology or the Society of breast imaging as a method for detecting breast cancer based on article published in February 2018. And the American Journal of Rowan's genealogy.
Tammy  27:28
Yeah. So, a couple of things to say about that, number one, follow the money. And number two, they don't understand prevention and health, they're only looking at it from a diseased model of medicine. And I can show you many thermal images that shows angiogenesis. They don't want to endorse it, because they don't know what to do with it. Western medicine, medicine, doctors are not trained to know what to do about inflammation. The way they handle information is to just prescribe antibiotics, they don't understand how to heal the body. So for them, it's a you it's not a useful test, and it doesn't generate money. I can't say to a person, oh, based on this test, you need a biopsy. You need surgery, you need a prescription. And they can't either, huh. So there's no money in thermography. Right. But there is a whole load of wellness. And that's the difference,
Adam  28:33
that sort of stuff that you can do. Oh my gosh, so much clues that you get so much
Tammy  28:36
because of icy digestive stagnation? Oh, well, let's let's talk about this. You know, and there's your whole start with nutrition or infection. There's a lot of people who are running around with parasites and have no idea. Yeah, they're clueless.
Adam  28:51
Yeah. which stems from our eating habits, of course, and yeah, industrialized food. So we need to wrap this up. First of all, where can we find you? Where can people find you? You're based in midtown Manhattan? Yes. So
Tammy  29:01
if you go to thermography You can read all about thermal imaging and all of the other wellness services we offer. We are on 120 east 56th Street between Park and Lexington.
Adam  29:15
Okay, good. That's for the world, all of our New Yorkers. Now. People from all around the world listen to this. So yeah, if somebody around the world was interested in tomography Is there a resource that they can go to?
Tammy  29:27
So, this is what I usually tell people is, you can find thermography in different cities. Definitely. What I do offer as a service is if you send me a report, I will explain it to you and I will help you figure out what to do for a wellness program. Because a lot of thermal imaging companies do not do that. They just hand you the report and off you go. So if you don't know what you're doing, you can be you know, yes. A doctor handing you your X ray. Yeah, it's ridiculous. So I offer that service. Once you have your report. We can talk on phone I can guide you And we can, you know, Coach you from there. Well, thank
Adam  30:03
you very much Tammy Kohlschmidt thermography. Remember everybody, since the COVID pandemic, we pivoted to a lot of virtual training. And I have to tell you, it's working out a lot better than I than I ever imagined. I'm picking up a lot of new business from this now, doesn't mean you have to stay doing virtuals on a weekly basis with us. If you're interested in this high intensity exercise that we've been talking about for the last three years, it is beneficial just to do one or two virtual workouts so we can show you how to do a high intensity exercise our way with conventional equipment, dumbbells or chair, you'll be surprised how differently we use a dumbbell versus the conventional methods. It's kind of interesting. So it I totally think it's worth it to try virtual workouts and to be able to learn our technique that we've been advocating for for the last well, 23 years. But since the podcast I guess, three years now, and to get in touch with us to set up the virtual workouts or to come into our studios, which we'll be opening up hopefully in a couple of weeks in New York City. You can find this at inform And once again, I like to thank Tammy Kohlschmidt joining us today. She is part of thermography for health New York. Thank you very much. 
Tammy  31:20
Thank you, Adam. It was a pleasure.
Arlene  31:23
This has been the Inform Fitness podcast with Adam Zickerman. for over 20 years informed fitness has been providing clients of all ages with customized personal training designed to build strength fast. Visit for testimonials, blogs and videos on the three pillars, exercise, nutrition and recovery

What is The InForm Fitness Podcast?

Now listened to in 100 countries, The InForm Fitness Podcast with Adam Zickerman is a presentation of InForm Fitness Studios, specializing in safe, efficient, High Intensity strength training.
Adam discusses the latest findings in the areas of exercise, nutrition and recovery with leading experts and scientists. We aim to debunk the popular misconceptions and urban myths that are so prevalent in the fields of health and fitness and to replace those sacred cows with scientific-based, up-to-the-minute information on a variety of subjects. The topics covered include exercise protocols and techniques, nutrition, sleep, recovery, the role of genetics in the response to exercise, and much more.

Inform_Kohlschmidt Ep 67

thermography, body, test, inflammation, breast, disease, people, cancer, mammography, women, tammy, stagnation, health, bra, radiation, infection, doctor, demography, mammogram, adam

Arlene 00:01
The Inform Fitness podcast with Adam Zickerman and co host Mike Rogers is a presentation of Inform Fitness studios, a small family of personal training facilities specializing in safe, efficient high intensity strength training. On our BI monthly podcast, Adam and Mike discuss the latest findings in the areas of exercise nutrition and recovery with leading experts and scientists, we aim to debunk the popular misconceptions in the urban myths that are so prevalent in the fields of health and fitness, and to replace those sacred cows with scientific base. up to the minute information on a variety of subjects will cover exercise protocols and techniques, nutrition, sleep recovery, the role of genetics in the response to exercise, and much more. On this episode, Adam welcomes Tammy Kohlschmidt, who explains how the use of thermography detects early inflammation throughout the body for seeing health problems years before symptoms may manifest.

Tammy 01:13
Here's what people really need to understand about thermography. It allows you to see what you cannot yet feel. It's the start of early disease detection, which will let you be preventative.

Adam 01:28
Hello, everybody. Welcome back to the show. Today is going to be a very interesting topic. Something I don't know very much about. It's called thermography. And today I have with us, Tammy Kohlschmidt. Hello, Tammy.

Tammy 01:40
Hi Adam. Thank you for having me.

Adam 01:43
Thank you. Welcome. Welcome. I just got to read a little bit about Tammy's CV if you will. Tammy is a well rounded practitioner and multiple healing disciplines. She's a Certified Clinical demographer, which is what we're going to be talking about today. She's also a licensed dental hygienist. She's a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, which we'll delve into on another podcast if you come back if you want to come back. Tami believes that health and well being are a reflection of many different things including energy, spiritual healing, nutrition, anti inflammatory, staying anti inflamed. Tammy is a founding member of the American Academy of oral systemic health. She is a past member of dentistry for diabetics and centers of Dental Medicine. She's a current member of demography unlimited, and the American Academy of anti aging medicine. She is also co host of the national radio show on sustainable dentistry. She teaches and lectures on thermography and has been interviewed on the oral health summit with Jonathan Landsman. She is currently co hosting the show sustainable dentistry a better way with Dr. Reed Winnick, another friend of mine client, who is her colleague and business on the Manhattan cable channel. 57. So, Tammy, yes. tomography. Yes. What the hell is thermography? Well,

Tammy 03:05
before I open into that, I do want to give just some acknowledgement to you, Adam, because your ingenuity and what you do has been a godsend into my life. So thank you for that. You definitely disrupted the way that I see exercise and working out. So thank you. Kudos to you.

Adam 03:24
Thank you. Yeah. And I did not pay her to say that.

Tammy 03:27
No, no. And also, I do want to acknowledge your listeners, because if they're following you, then I have a feeling that they're also disruptors to anything mainstream. So

Adam 03:38
is tomography a disrupter? Is that your total

Tammy 03:41
Disrupt? Yes. So you asked what is demography? It's called Digital infrared thermal imaging, and it measures your body's temperature using an infrared camera. The reason this is important, is because we can screen for inflammation. And there's no other test out there that can really do that with a visual. Number one, your body temperature doesn't lie. It tells us everything we need to know. There's no pain, there's no radiation, there's no body contact, and it was approved for use in 1982 by the FDA. So it's not new. However, it's just not well known. And it's not used by mainstream medicine, mainly because it's not taught in universities.

Adam 04:30
So when you say it was approved by the FDA approved for walk for use in

Tammy 04:35
health screening, and in cancer detection for the breasts,

Adam 04:39
okay, and does it how exactly? Well,

Tammy 04:43
so Well, let me just kind of walk you through what an appointment would be like so that we get an idea of how it does. The patient comes in, it's a temperature controlled room at about 68 degrees, because the body has to acclimate to that cool temperature. So that Your true inflammation comes out. And not just all of your body heat, let's say from walking to the appointment, climbing stairs, things like that. So as the body acclimates to the temperature, you're actually in a gown. You're not wearing clothing, because we are

Adam 05:16
you say the room is 60 degrees 68. So you're freezing your ass. Oh,

Tammy 05:20
you're cold. Yeah. But we don't cool for too long. It's like a 10 minute cooldown. And then it's a dark room. So for those of you who are modest, it's cool. It's a very dark room. You take off your gown, and then we do images. It's like getting your picture taken. But again, there's no body contact. There's no pain, no radiation. It's very safe, non invasive. And you're naked

Adam 05:46
at this point you

Tammy 05:47

Adam 05:50
Okay, cold Playboy shoot.

Tammy 05:53
I've had some really funny comments about that. But yeah, yeah, people who have a great sense of humor have lots to say when they're in the room. I bet. Yeah. And it's, it's fascinating, because you can see your body on the screen, you can see all the different colors that come up, we use the colors of the rainbow. So White is the hottest. So typically, where we see white, we're seeing heat, we're seeing inflammation, we're seeing stagnation. And then black is the coolest. So you'll see all colors between the rainbow reds, greens, orange. And they all mean something in relative to the other side of the body. So we're balancing and measuring symmetry. So the colors and the patterns that the colors make all mean something. And then it goes to our doctor, I use Dr. Greg Melvin. He's my reading doctor. And he generates a report.

Adam 06:46
He's an MD doctor.

Tammy 06:47
It can be MD, he's actually a chiropractor. He's a holistic chiropractor. He started reading thermal images, I think over 30 years ago. So he kind of was one of the, you know, Foundation front runners in it.

Adam 07:02
So you're a technician, so you don't read them.

Tammy 07:05
No, I'm a technician, I take the images. Then what happens is, after Dr. Melvin generates the report, I sit down with the patient, we go through it completely. So they understand everything about their body and what they're seeing. And we make recommendations when we get them on, basically, back on track to health.

Adam 07:27
And you can tell a lot from like you said, the colors represent different temperatures. Correct. So basically, you're reading throughout the body, what the temperatures are all over the place. Right? And if it's white, that would be probably a concern. If you saw a white section somewhere,

Tammy 07:43
it could be yes, certain areas of your body will be will be white hot naturally. For example, for example, the very inner corner the inner canthus of your eyes, and that'll be white. The navel is usually white.

Adam 07:58
So enables a hot, hot. Yes.

Tammy 08:02
Oh, go there. You're funny. I did not expect this. I love it. Yeah, so the colors now now black, for instance, if I see a black nose, that's a really good sign because it means the airflow is really moving. If your nose is yellow, red, green, any color other than black, then we know we've got inflammation, stagnation, infection could be very sinus infection sure could be a variety of things.

Adam 08:28
So it seems to me that this is something that doesn't necessarily diagnose, but it is more of a clue

Tammy 08:35
to an assessment tool assessment

Adam 08:36
tool, right? You see, you mentioned breast cancer. So I assume that you do a thermography with with a woman and you notice maybe a hot spot here or there in the breast tissue. And at that point, you say, Okay, let's, I think you have to get a mammography.

Tammy 08:53
I mean, they could be a lot of reasons why you have a hot spot doesn't necessarily mean there's a tumor, you can have lymphatic stagnation, you can have a fibro adenoma, you can have a cyst, infection, many things. The next step would be an ultrasound, and a three month follow up with thermography because we want to see how that heat changes. Hopefully it improves and goes away. But if it becomes well defined and organized, then you know that you have angiogenesis, which is new blood vessel growth. Right? That is a tumor.

Adam 09:26
So yeah, so my understanding of certain physiology, I mean, when you I know cancer kind of directs the body to feed it with more blood blood. Yeah. And I would assume when that process is occurring, that it generates heat, and that's why it shows up on a tomography correct but I would even if I was a woman and I saw a hotspot, I don't know if I'd want to wait three months to see it.

Tammy 09:50
Most cancers are in the breast are really slow growing. And if you're coming from the mindset of disrupting mainstream medicine, to running Radiation on that immediately might not be such a good idea. So we do a lot of different things to help bring that inflammation down, and to get that heat to change. And oftentimes, the body completely shifts in three months. So that's why I would recommend an ultrasound just so you have that anatomical view to match with the physiology basically, that is like the best starting point to get your to get you to know what to do next.

Adam 10:33
If I'm a woman, I think wouldn't when mammography one of the recommended mammography start, I think at four years old, if I remember correct, and

Tammy 10:39
that's a problem. That's too young. That's that's a lot of radiation. If you're doing a man a mammogram once a year, starting at age 40. It's a problem. And they've actually changed that and said, Well, you should now wait until you're 50. So they're starting to realize that the amount of radiation and compression that a mammogram brings is a problem. As a matter of fact, when you sign the consent form, you're signing a consent form that says This procedure can cause cancer, it's in there. So what they've done as they've started to change the way that they use mammograms, which is great, because there's more awareness around doing it every single year is a problem. That's why bringing thermography and ultrasounds together, smarter approach. There's no pain, there's no body contact, there's no radiation. Now, here's what people really need to understand about thermography. It allows you to see what you cannot yet feel. It's the start of early disease detection, which will let you be preventative, what does is the best thing you can do when it comes to cancer is not to get it. Women don't understand how to be preventative. So when you do thermal imaging, not only are you getting a test, to see where your body's at, but you're getting all of these things that you can do to be proactive, to bring inflammation down, which is the start of cancer anyway. So it's really a process of education. It's a process of re learning what it is to be healthy in today's toxic world.

Adam 12:16
So when you start seeing hot spots all around the body, so it's not just about the breast, it's not

Tammy 12:20
at all about. It's about the whole body. Yeah. So in your practice,

Adam 12:22
why are people coming to you primarily?

Tammy 12:26
Well, they're coming to me because they want to know, they want to know where they have inflammation, they want to know if they've got stagnation, which could be digestive, it could be lymphatic stagnation. They want to know if they've got neuropathy, because oftentimes you don't even know you have neuropathy. So if you have issues with the way your nervous system is messaging, you have more chances of developing different types of diseases. So thermography is looking at flow systems, blood flow, nerve flow, lymph flow, hormonal flow, there is no other test that can tell you, if you have hormonal imbalance in your breast tissue. If you have an estrogen dominant pattern in your breast situ, which is what thermography shows, you got a big problem. Now you can look at bloodwork and you know monitor your hormones that way. But even then your bloodwork might look fine. It's what's in the tissue. That is the issue, basically. So you get so much more in depth information about your health, when you're looking at simply looking at your temperature patterns. It's amazing, actually,

Adam 13:39
let's talk about some of the low hanging fruit that you get from this. In other words, you know, obviously cancer is a very complex thing, and it is possible I show up, you know, then then there's a whole bunch of stuff that I think should be done. But let's, let's say you go for your how many, how often does somebody come get a reading of thermography? Full body? What do you first,

Tammy 13:58
the first time you come in, you are going to come back within three to six months based on the amount of inflammation you have. And that's so we can establish your baseline. Once you establish your baseline it's it's a yearly test, just like you would kind of do a physical check your blood work all of that. Because remember, you can't feel inflammation. I mean, you can if it's an injury, but you really don't know it's there unless you do a thermography test. So we're trying to catch things early and detect things early to set you up to be healthy.

Adam 14:31
So give me some examples of low hanging fruit like something that you might detect and then you say okay, let's let's either talk to a doctor or monitor you know, there's

Tammy 14:39
so many gallbladder issues, kidney distress, cardiac distress, hormonal imbalance. So

Adam 14:46
when you see any of these things, and then you just saying okay, you should go see your endocrinologist so you should go see your it depends

Tammy 14:51
on what we find, right? Yeah. Sometimes actually for kidney distress. I actually start off with investigating what kind of water there drink because there's a reason that those kidneys are showing an issue, and it's not always, oh my God, you're dying. It's like not always a disease, it actually has to do with what they're putting into their body or not or not putting into their body. So we start with a really simple plan. And sometimes it even it's just go see an acupuncturist, let's stimulate the kidneys,

Adam 15:23
so it's not automatic, then if you see something in the kidneys, for example, a hotspot I guess you call it or degree of heat, that is not normal. It's not automatic for you to say, Okay, you have to see

Tammy 15:34
a nephrologist. No, it isn't. No, it's not. Because you can see different things, you can see different things. And you can make correlations and connections and

Adam 15:43
zero time when you see something in tomography and say, You need to see a nephrologist right away.

Tammy 15:50
No, it's it's really more about let's shift the physiology. Let's look at what you're doing on a daily basis that would cause your body to be dysfunctional. So usually, if a person needs to see a nephrologist, they know it like they're it's too late, that they have symptoms that are just there's an issue and they know us. Yeah.

Adam 16:12
So this thing, things before, it's a real disease way before ways of seeing things that that you can't even feelings of maybe a disease state but

Tammy 16:20
correct. And our bodies know how to heal themselves. It's an innate wisdom that we have the the issue is, no one's looking for it, which is why we do thermography. Most doctors do not understand how the body heals, they really just prescribe medication once you're sick. So it's the idea of a health system versus a disease system. I want you in the early early stages where we can prevent and your body can actually heal itself by making foundational changes. Once you have a disease, you're going to a doctor. Sure, that's just

Adam 16:56
I see where you're at. Yeah, you're a licensed hygenist.

Tammy 17:01
Yeah, my Yes, I started off as a licensed hygenist. And I basically skyrocketed with that I became like a front runner. And I actually call myself a perio therapist, because the patients that we see, keep scaling stuff, right? Well, we do perio therapy, it's not just come and get your cleaning, it's way more than that, because most of the disease that we have, is affected or influenced by the health of our mouth. Anything from arthritis to Alzheimer's to heart disease, it all has a correlation to the inflammation in your mouth, whether it's your teeth or your gums. So again, let's catch it early. Let's disrupt the disease model of medicine by not getting the disease

Adam 17:46
and this demography tie into dental Can you can use demography to help you with your dental hygiene.

Tammy 17:52
Totally well, okay, so that's kind of how it all started, when I was deep into perio therapy, I would talk to doctor when I can say, Look, we see so much inflammation in the mouth. If a person has that much inflammation in the mouth, there's no question that they have it in the rest of their body. But we don't know where, because they're asymptomatic. So we found thermography, so that we can make correlations to the mouth and the rest of the body. And then, obviously, if they need a doctor, we can refer out. But it was unbelievable. And the other correlation I made when I was working in the mouth is so many people that had gum infections, which by the way, we test for those also microscopically, through saliva tests. So many of those people that had cancer had certain types of pathogenic bacteria that we were finding. So we were making correlations just early on. And this was, oh gosh, 15 years ago, when we were doing this.

Adam 18:53
And you were seeing this, you were first seeing that stuff with mammography, while I was

Tammy 18:57
first seeing this stuff as a hygenist. And then as a hygenist. I became very curious and wanted to make correlations through the whole body. That's when thermography came in to the practice, because we have an interesting, it's sustainable dentistry. And then we have a Wellness Department. Well, the Wellness Department grew out of the fact that there were so many issues in the mouth, people needed other support. So now we brought in thermography. We brought in bodywork we brought in energy healing, we brought in nutritional counseling because a person needs physical, mental, emotional and spiritual support, to heal to truly heal.

Adam 19:36
Now you practice deals with the spiritual not to necessarily get into that right now.

Tammy 19:39
But it deals with everything physical would be like a bodywork, you know, mild, emotional, mental, spiritual, that's when we get into body talk. That is the energy healing portion. Gotcha. Yeah. It's fascinating. I've seen huge shifts in that three month period of women having one Like a really hot breast, and they just start doing these things to make changes. And you bring them back in three months and that breast goes way down.

Adam 20:08
What are some common things that can cause a hot pressed? Well, and things that you do, too.

Tammy 20:14
So here's another disrupter. Women who wear a bra for more than 12 hours a day, the risk of cancer is like one in three. When you yes, there's a really good book called dress to kill. And they've they've done studies. This is the real deal. And no one's talking about this because, you know, well, it damages the bra industry anyway. So you've got women who wear a bra 12 hours or more. One in three is your risk cancer. Women who wear a bra eight hours or less, it's like, one in 152 or something like that, but it's a drastic drop in risk. Why? Well, number one, if it's an underwire, you're constricting your lymphatic flow, you're constricting the circulation of healthy blood, which is oxygen and nutrition. So you end up heating up your breasts. Now, your breasts should be three degrees cooler than the rest of your body because they're considered an appendage. Right? Same thing with testicles. We you don't see men walking around in a harness with their testicles for 12 hours we used

Adam 21:21
to and we were told that our sperm count would drop as a result and we started wearing instead we got rid of the tighty whities and started wearing boxer shorts and totally and then they morphed into, you know, the boxer briefs, which is kind of like a hybrid. Yeah.

Tammy 21:33
Okay. So women who who think that they need to be pushed up and pushed in with this wire, what they're really doing is creating a toxic acidic tissue pool of lymphatic stagnation and poor circulation. So a lot of times I tell women, look, you have to go to work, you wear a bra, great, get rid of the wire, find a softer bra, you will reduce all of that toxicity in a huge way. And then I have women who are like, Well, I just won't wear a bra. I'm like, even better. The healthiest women that come into the clinic when I do thermography they don't they don't wear a bra very often. Women who wear bra eight hours or less no wire, they're in good.

Adam 22:16
Create a certain type of hot breast with the the bra situation like when you can say to somebody, Oh, I see what's going on here. You need to just see it. Yes. As opposed to some other hot so it was another hot situate hot dress situation where has nothing to do with that bro, I might have to do something else you can get in fact, I talk about this all day.

Tammy 22:35
So could I, you? Well, you can get infection. A lot of women their armpits get really stagnated that affects the breast because the way the lymph drains through the lymphatic channels is you know, through the neck, the clavicle, the armpit, the breasts, it's all connected. And two really important connections to the breast or your diaphragm and your digestion. So if you have diaphragm restriction, which most people do, because they breathe in a shallow way, the fluid actually reroutes up through the chest wall and back down. Because the diaphragm isn't functioning as well as it could. And then digestive stagnation. The simplest way to explain this is health starts in the gut. Period.

Adam 23:18
Yeah, well, I believe that for sure.

Tammy 23:21
Yeah. So there's all of these things that I teach women's nutrition as I assume we do. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We work when we have people for whatever we need. Yeah. And men, okay, I want men to come in and be screened, because they have bodies to like, so often they don't, they're just not in touch with their body. But we look at prostate inflammation and testicles. testicles, get rid of those tidy white. Yeah, yeah. So we do image that as well. Alright, so

Adam 23:49
we were saying that thermography is a it's a screening? Yeah. Health Assessment Tool, health assessment tool. Exactly. Um, can you just describe the differences between thermography and mammography? Yes. And why you use one versus the other? Or are they substitutes for each other? No, or, okay.

Tammy 24:09
So, it's like comparing apples and oranges. Okay. Mammograms are an x ray, essentially. So that would make them an anatomical test. thermography is a functional test. It's measuring your physiology. So when you do thermography, you're looking at all of the things I mentioned, which would be blood flow, nerve flow, lymphatic flow, hormonal flow, infection, delete, that's it's a large list of what you can see different from an anatomical test, which the only thing you're really seeing is an anatomical structure. So you still don't know much about your health. That is the difference between the two tests. Now, from a more holistic point of view, you have the argument well, mammograms, they cause compression, they cause pain and they cause a you know, there's a lot of radiation which is cumulative into the tissues and harmful over periods of time. thermography, you don't have any of that. No pain, no radiation, no body contact, totally safe. What makes it even cooler is that you can track if you do have cancer, you can use it to track how well you're doing. Because you can take pictures as many times as you want. They both have their place. And they both have their use. Doing a mammogram every single year is problematic. And it's not teaching you anything about how to be healthy and well. So if you can use the two or shift how often you do a mammogram and use thermography more often coupled with an ultrasound, you're golden, because you're going to learn how to take care of yourself. If that's not of interest to you, then just do your mammogram every year and wait for cancer to develop. Because that's the road you're on.

Adam 25:52
Yeah, that's not guaranteed. I mean, like, obviously, there are potential side effects of radiation. But you're not you're not advocating for women not to get them their mammography is done, are you

Tammy 26:01
I'm advocating for women to do them less, and to learn how to care for themselves so that they can avoid getting cancer in the first place.

Adam 26:10
Are you getting? I mean, there's a medical community pushback on that? Oh, yeah. Because?

Tammy 26:14
Absolutely, because they're in a disease model of medicine, where, you know, naturopaths, holistic people, we're in a health model of medicine. So we're looking at it as how do you prevent it? How do you get well? How do you live a lifestyle that will actually ward off disease? disease model a medicine is wait for you to get the disease and then give you surgery, medication and what have you. So it's two different ways of approaching your life

Adam 26:41
will respond to this because this is what the FDA said six months ago. And believe me, I understand how, you know, these organizations are pushing the Kool Aid. But what do you say to the FDA when they said that this is what they quoted. There's no valid scientific data to demonstrate that demography devices, when use on their own or with another diagnostic test aren't effective screening tool for any medical condition, including the early detection of breast cancer, or other diseases and health conditions. thermography is also not endorsed by the American Cancer Society, the American College of Radiology or the Society of breast imaging as a method for detecting breast cancer based on article published in February 2018. And the American Journal of Rowan's genealogy.

Tammy 27:28
Yeah. So, a couple of things to say about that, number one, follow the money. And number two, they don't understand prevention and health, they're only looking at it from a diseased model of medicine. And I can show you many thermal images that shows angiogenesis. They don't want to endorse it, because they don't know what to do with it. Western medicine, medicine, doctors are not trained to know what to do about inflammation. The way they handle information is to just prescribe antibiotics, they don't understand how to heal the body. So for them, it's a you it's not a useful test, and it doesn't generate money. I can't say to a person, oh, based on this test, you need a biopsy. You need surgery, you need a prescription. And they can't either, huh. So there's no money in thermography. Right. But there is a whole load of wellness. And that's the difference,

Adam 28:33
that sort of stuff that you can do. Oh my gosh, so much clues that you get so much

Tammy 28:36
because of icy digestive stagnation? Oh, well, let's let's talk about this. You know, and there's your whole start with nutrition or infection. There's a lot of people who are running around with parasites and have no idea. Yeah, they're clueless.

Adam 28:51
Yeah. which stems from our eating habits, of course, and yeah, industrialized food. So we need to wrap this up. First of all, where can we find you? Where can people find you? You're based in midtown Manhattan? Yes. So

Tammy 29:01
if you go to thermography You can read all about thermal imaging and all of the other wellness services we offer. We are on 120 east 56th Street between Park and Lexington.

Adam 29:15
Okay, good. That's for the world, all of our New Yorkers. Now. People from all around the world listen to this. So yeah, if somebody around the world was interested in tomography Is there a resource that they can go to?

Tammy 29:27
So, this is what I usually tell people is, you can find thermography in different cities. Definitely. What I do offer as a service is if you send me a report, I will explain it to you and I will help you figure out what to do for a wellness program. Because a lot of thermal imaging companies do not do that. They just hand you the report and off you go. So if you don't know what you're doing, you can be you know, yes. A doctor handing you your X ray. Yeah, it's ridiculous. So I offer that service. Once you have your report. We can talk on phone I can guide you And we can, you know, Coach you from there. Well, thank

Adam 30:03
you very much Tammy Kohlschmidt thermography. Remember everybody, since the COVID pandemic, we pivoted to a lot of virtual training. And I have to tell you, it's working out a lot better than I than I ever imagined. I'm picking up a lot of new business from this now, doesn't mean you have to stay doing virtuals on a weekly basis with us. If you're interested in this high intensity exercise that we've been talking about for the last three years, it is beneficial just to do one or two virtual workouts so we can show you how to do a high intensity exercise our way with conventional equipment, dumbbells or chair, you'll be surprised how differently we use a dumbbell versus the conventional methods. It's kind of interesting. So it I totally think it's worth it to try virtual workouts and to be able to learn our technique that we've been advocating for for the last well, 23 years. But since the podcast I guess, three years now, and to get in touch with us to set up the virtual workouts or to come into our studios, which we'll be opening up hopefully in a couple of weeks in New York City. You can find this at inform And once again, I like to thank Tammy Kohlschmidt joining us today. She is part of thermography for health New York. Thank you very much.

Tammy 31:20
Thank you, Adam. It was a pleasure.

Arlene 31:23
This has been the Inform Fitness podcast with Adam Zickerman. for over 20 years informed fitness has been providing clients of all ages with customized personal training designed to build strength fast. Visit for testimonials, blogs and videos on the three pillars, exercise, nutrition and recovery

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