The Reluctant Marketer

Again, it takes Matthias much longer than he thought to finish a feature. He blames external factors, of course!

Creators & Guests

Matthias Bohlen
Startup founder, bootstrapping 🚀

What is The Reluctant Marketer?

Marketing doesn't come naturally to everyone. Matthias explores with his guests what our listeners can do who don't "want" to do marketing but feel they "must".

I'm on my third day working on this single login feature. I underestimated the task, partly due to poor documentation of the systems involved. The documentation lacked detail and didn't outline all the subtasks involved. Now it seems like it'll take a week instead of a day to finish. Despite the disappointment, I enjoy writing software—it's my passion and business.

Good documentation is key as it clarifies things, accelerates learning and saves time. Writing down your ideas before coding makes implementation easier. So always jot down thoughts before you start coding.

I'll continue for now—see you in the next update.