Flip the Script with Vic

In this episode, we explore the ways societal pressures silence our inner truth and how simple daily practices can help us reclaim that lost power. From talking to yourself to resonating with crystal sound bowls, I'll share personal stories, insights, and practical techniques to help you harmonize with your authentic self.

Whether you’re looking to overcome past traumas, enhance your personal energy, or simply express yourself more freely, this episode is packed with actionable advice to get you started. So tune in, find your voice, and stand in your power—we're all on this journey together. Let's get started!

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

Click here to book an Akashic Records session with Victoria.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
TikTok: @victoriamargauxnielsen
email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, my loves. Welcome to another episode of flip the script with Vic. It's Victoria. I'm in such a good mood this morning. I just finished with a one on one client, and, oh, I just. I love helping women find their voice, activate their voice work in the akashic records. There is so much that we can do energetically to move us forward in life and to really help us stand in our own power and in our own truth. As women in society, we are told so often what to do, how to behave, how to act.

Speaker A [00:00:38]:
And before you know it, the voice inside of you gets silenced, and the voices outside of you get a lot louder. And it happens at a really early age for girls. You know, it did for me especially. I feel like elementary school and early middle school when girls are just having a tough time navigating the world. And then we get told to shut up and be quiet and, you know, to not do things a certain way, or we get made fun of by our peers because they're scared and afraid and don't know what it's like to be in camaraderie with women who are in their power. And then before we know it, we're older women who have dimmed our light and who have kept ourselves quiet and who no longer speak our truth. And, you know, I think one of the biggest things for me that I'm looking back and realizing was a result of my stifling my voice was that I didn't have an opinion on a lot of things. Like, I remember early in my marriage, even just, like, what I wanted for dinner or what we wanted to do that weekend, I would say, like, I didn't know or I didn't care.

Speaker A [00:01:57]:
And I did that a lot in relationships where I would defer to the other person and what they wanted to do or their preferences. You know, like, I not made myself into a carbon copy of what they wanted, but I would shape shift a lot and either begin dressing, perhaps, like they did or listening to the music that they did. And I feel like I've carried a lot of those pieces with me, and they are a part of me now. But at the time, you know, it was almost like I was shutting down my true nature and my true self to then take on what others wanted of me. And I know I'm not alone in that. I know that there are so many women that have done that. And as I've started learning to find my voice again and working through the energetic blocks that I placed upon myself by keeping myself silent, you know, I've come to find that it's so nice to speak my truth and to speak it from a place of love, and to know that it's for me more than anyone else. And what do I mean by that? Our voices, our particular energetic frequency and resonance is healing to our own bodies.

Speaker A [00:03:20]:
When we talk to ourselves, when we chant to ourselves, when we hum to ourselves, we are letting our body heal. We are letting our body know it's safe to express itself. We are harmonizing with ourselves, with ourselves, with our DNA. And, you know, you do that naturally as a young kid. You're humming, you're singing, you're skipping, you're playing until someone shuns that out of you, until someone says it's wrong. And you know, I think back to high school. I was in choir in high school and in middle school, too. And even though I was not speaking my truth all the time, I still had a lot of myself, a lot of my energy because of the fact that I was in choir and I was using my voice every single day.

Speaker A [00:04:13]:
And then it's no wonder I got to college and I started to really lose myself and lose who I was. After an emotionally abusive relationship and after just navigating a eating disorder in college and all kinds of things like college, as much as I had a lot of fun, was a really tough time for me. And I was not singing. I was not using my voice in any way. I think it just goes to show that it can be simple, that this work of finding your voice again, of uncovering your truth and who you are, doesn't have to be this huge undertaking. It can be done simply in simple ways, every single day. And so I recommend now for all of my clients to begin talking every single day to yourself. That makes you sound like a crazy person, but it's not.

Speaker A [00:05:13]:
You know, you don't have to start a podcast, which I did and has honestly been the most healing and clearing thing for finding my voice. But if you're not ready for something like that, you can simply put the voice memo on your phone on and just start talking out loud and sharing stream of consciousness what's on your heart and how you're feeling. And it's going to feel awkward as fuck at first because we're not used to that. And you don't have to do it forever, right? Just maybe a couple of minutes or a minute a day to start with. But I telling you, you will be amazed at the things that begin to move in your life. And on top of perhaps, you know, these voice notes to yourself every day. I also recommend that clients do, like, neck rolls. And that sounds really silly and simple, but I.

Speaker A [00:06:06]:
You need to open and move the energy of the throat chakra. So every morning, doing necrols in each direction is going to clear so much. We are not metabolizing our feelings and not metabolizing energy if we're not voicing our concerns or voicing the things that are coming up for us. Our thyroid is right there at the throat. And so it's no wonder that women that are not speaking their truth or sharing their voice tend to be carrying a lot of weight because your energy and your body is not working at maximum capacity. You're shutting that integral part of yourself down, and then your body is going to hold onto it. It's going to keep all of that inside. And so I have seen, personally, the years of my life when I have been shut down or not using my voice were the years that I weighed the heaviest and the years that I've been speaking my truth.

Speaker A [00:07:07]:
I mean, I'm not at my skinniest right now, but I am at a beautiful weight for me because my body is working in perfect order. My body is metabolizing all of my emotions and my feelings and the things that are inside of me because I'm not letting them sit in my body. I am getting them up and out of the body. And so, you know, the talking to yourself, the neck rolls, and then even something as simple as humming can help bring your voice and your power back to you, because, again, you're filling your body with your own resonance. And if you think back to moments where you were maybe scared in your life or where you needed to comfort yourself, maybe you found yourself naturally humming. I know I have that. There's moments where I'm feeling overwhelmed, and I don't even realize I'm doing it. But my body starts to do it naturally because it is a natural mechanism to help calm your nervous system.

Speaker A [00:08:04]:
That vibration calms the vagus nerve that runs throughout the body, that tells your body it's okay to relax, to rest and digest, instead of to be scared and to hold on to everything. And so even just humming every day and practicing being with yourself in that way can move a lot of energy. And the biggest thing for me lately has been working with my crystal sound bowls. And you may have heard of sound baths or sound healing. And these bowls, these beautiful bowls are made of quartz crystal. And quartz is an amplifier, so the sounds that these bowls are making will amplify any notes or feelings within you. So, so each bowl is, you know, correlates to a chakra, which also correlates to a note. And so working with these frequencies will help clear the energies out of that area of the body.

Speaker A [00:09:08]:
But you also will begin once you start working with these crystal sound bowls naturally. Again, just wanting to sing and to hum and to harmonize with this energy. And Harmony is not about being a good singer or anything like that. Harmony is about, again, an energetic match and a vibration coming into alignment with yourself and with the energy around you. And so I started with one bowl, gosh, years ago, and now I have, like, six or seven, and I have only recently gone through, like, an actual sound healing training, but I started just playing them intuitively. And I feel like if that is something that is calling to you, you should absolutely get a sound bowl and begin working with them. And you only need one. You don't need a whole full set for your chakras.

Speaker A [00:09:58]:
You just need the one that is calling to you most right now. So, for me, it was the sacral chakra. I got a sacral chakra bowl before I got anything else. And that is a place where women store a lot of energy, a lot of trauma. And our ovaries are actually a mirror image of our throat. They are so connected. And so if you find it hard to speak your truth and you find it hard to use your voice, you may actually need to do sacral chakra work first to clear that energy so that you can move into the throat. The throat can so easily come out of alignment because of how often it gets used or misused.

Speaker A [00:10:47]:
And so the sacral chakra, again, is that mirror of the throat, and it is also the place of creation. It is, yes, a place where we birth actual humans in the world. But you also birth businesses, ideas, your purpose from that place. And so they need to work in tandem. So while you're doing those necrols every day, I also recommend to my clients that they do hip rolls or sufi grinds where you're sitting cross legged and you hinge at the waist and you move in a circle. You're not moving anything else besides your hips, but you're inhaling to the front and exhaling to the back and moving counterclockwise and clockwise. And just beginning to move that energy intentionally out of the body will help so, so much. And it's not always about having to be loud, right? Like, expressing your truth and finding your voice isn't about being the loudest person in the room, but it's about sharing what is authentic to you.

Speaker A [00:11:57]:
And if it feels scary to share authentically out into the world, then you don't have to do that yet. You can take baby steps. Begin sharing with yourself first. Begin writing, perhaps free writing what's coming up for you, voice noting what's coming up for you, and do it in a way that doesn't have to be shared with anyone else. I can't even tell you how freeing it is to just turn on this mic and talk. And yes, I have a podcast and yes, I'm sharing it with the world, but it is so therapeutic that I recommend people do it just for themselves, even if it's never shared with the world. Getting it out of your energy and into your field is the most important thing that you can do because energy and emotions need to move. The energy gets stuck and causes dis ease in the body and in your life when you are not moving it.

Speaker A [00:12:57]:
And so your intentionality matters. That is probably the most important thing that I can share with you about finding your voice is your intention behind it. As long as you are trying to find it from a place of authenticity and integrity, it is going to unfold beautifully. If you are trying to find your voice to put others down, or to stand on a pedestal, or to speak badly or shame anyone, that's not the place that this work needs to be coming from. And I feel like if you're listening to this podcast, then it would not be coming from that place. But that is a shadow side that I feel like people in power are using their voice to do it one of two ways, right? To empower themselves or to put down others. And so when you come from this place of empowering yourself, you are going to empower those around you because you raise your vibration, because you raise your light. And you can tell the difference in people, right? In media and in society, you know, when people are using their voice for good and when they're not.

Speaker A [00:14:09]:
And again, if you're listening to this podcast, I'm sure you are one of those using your voice for good. And you know you have a ripple effect in the people around you. So even if you never share any of these voice notes or these feelings with others, they will feel the difference in your vibration, in your authenticity. And so it's not about screaming things from the rooftops or posting to Instagram or anything like that, unless you want to, of course, which I would highly recommend, because your purpose on earth is just to be the fully expressed version of yourself. But doing this work will have an energetic impact and ripple effect to those around you. So again, even if you never tell people your deepest, darkest secrets or you never share these truths in a way that is outward facing, your energy will shift regardless. Because when you begin to empower your voice, you begin to empower your life. That's how intrinsic it is and how deeply seated voice work is in your power and in your energy.

Speaker A [00:15:13]:
It is yours. It is uniquely your resonance and your frequency. And so when you begin to work with it, when you begin to shift it, when you begin to step into it in a whole new way, people are going to feel that energy. It's not even about the words themselves. It's about the speaking, the tones, the frequency of the way that you say things, because that will change, too. The more that you begin to work with your own voice and the more that you begin to empower that authenticity and that truth, you're also empowering your discernment and your decision making skills. You know, that was a side effect that I wasn't expecting as part of this work. Like, of course, right? You know, that you're gonna be empowered and, like, be your true self and all of that kind of stuff.

Speaker A [00:16:02]:
But as I've worked more on my voice, it has helped me make decisions. I can make decisions so much easier because I know myself and I know what I want to. And so I'm able to say yes, and I'm able to say no. And I no longer am the person that says, I don't have an opinion or I don't care. I have an opinion, and I'm going to share it, and I'm going to share it decisively, and it's going to feel really fucking good because I know what's best for me and I know what I need and what I want. You know, I think a lot of people are walking around not knowing who they are or what they want or what they stand for because they don't do this work. And it's so easy to be confused and manipulated. In the world today, we are constantly bombarded with information.

Speaker A [00:16:55]:
And until we take the time to discover, like, what is ours versus what someone else's, that's always going to be the case, and we're always going to be up against that wall, that barrier of, is this what I really think or is this what someone else has projected upon me or someone else has taught me? You know, we absorb so much from everyone around us and without being full of our own power, it's so easy to be swayed by others and, you know, to go along with what's happening around you, you know, I feel yddeh that's another beautiful side effect of this work, is that you're no longer a sheep. You're no longer going to blindly follow those around you. You're going to come, excuse me, to your own conclusions and to your own means of things, because it's going to come from within and it's going to come from a true place inside of you. And then it gets easier for you to discern, are these feelings yours or are they someone else's? Because again, they have a resonance and a frequency to them. And that was another benefit of working with sound healing is that I get to know my own note in the universe. I get to know my own voice. And then I get to check in with that voice and say, is this true for me or not? Because a lot of the times, the voice of our ego and the voice of our inner critic is just trying to keep us safe. But it is not always telling us the truth.

Speaker A [00:18:29]:
Our mind, as much as it has a lot of strengths, it has a lot of weaknesses, too. And so our mind is not always right. And the things that we tell ourselves are not always true. We just tell them to ourselves over and over again so that we believe that they are. But our truth has an energy to it. And once we begin to understand and work with and know that energy, it gets so much easier to place those energetic boundaries that we need to speak up for ourselves, to not cower in a corner when something is happening to us that we don't want. And it is so empowering to be able to use our sacred yes and our sacred no with the full might of our own energy. Because again, then it sends ripples out into the world around us.

Speaker A [00:19:26]:
And then everyone around us can feel that shift in energy as well. So this work isn't just for you. This work is for your family. This work is for your children. This work is for your lineage. And it is medicine. Your voice is medicine not only for yourself, but for others. Can you think of how many other people will be positively affected by this beautiful change that you're creating within yourself? It starts with you first and should always be for you, but it can ripple out to others in such a beautiful, beautiful way if we allow ourselves to be vulnerable enough to begin to create this change, to start to do those neck rolls every day, to start to do those Sufi grinds, to start to do the energy clearing and the work that is needed to uncover who we really are at our core.

Speaker A [00:20:24]:
Because all of us have been plastered with the opinions of those around us. And it's at no detriment to those that raised us or to those who had an impact on us. But it is up to us to find ourselves again. It is up to us to come back to that kernel of truth, because no one else is going to do it for us. And so, as I said earlier, when we empower our voices, we empower our life. This work isn't just about speaking up. It's about becoming our fully expressed selves and shining at our brightest and not backing down when the world tells us that we should be something different or we should be smaller. Because we are so resolute in our own truth that we know that this is who we are and who we're meant to be.

Speaker A [00:21:10]:
And that power is unfucking believable and is so amazing on this healing journey and on this earthly journey too, because it is a beautiful thing to be fully ourselves. And I think people are scared of it because it can oftentimes be construed as, oh, you're speaking up for yourself, you're being a bitch. But that's because they're afraid. They're afraid of the power that you hold when you're in your full sovereignty. That's really what this is. Your voice is connected to your sovereignty and your sovereign being. And this world today doesn't want you to be sovereign. So it is a beautiful act of rebellious love to be sovereign in yourself and to love yourself enough to uncover this voice and this purpose and this passion and the true essence of who you are.

Speaker A [00:22:05]:
So, yeah, that's my soapbox for today, kids. If you would like to begin uncovering that voice and working in the Akashic records with me, I am looking for a couple one on one clients over the next couple of months. I have some spots opening up. Send me a DM on instagramiktoriamargonealson. Drop me a comment. Let me know that you're interested and that you want to, yeah, stand in your power and in your truth, because I love nothing more than helping you uncover that wild, wise woman within. I also have my online Kundalini membership, the portal collective, which also helps you in finding that voice. Kundalini yoga is the yoga of awareness.

Speaker A [00:22:49]:
And being able to uncover the parts of myself that were full of yuck or with, you know, lack and scarcity mindset that had been projected upon me. Being able to move that energy up and out of my system with Kundalini has also been vital in finding my voice and finding my power. So if you're interested in joining that monthly membership, you can find more information in the show notes and, yeah, let me know. How does it feel to begin speaking your truth and begin standing in your power? I can't wait to hear from you guys. I love you all so much. That's it for this week, friends. Be good to one another. I'll see you next week.