The Few Will Hunt Show

In this episode, Joey and Drew explain how The Rules of The Few make FWH so much more than just clothing. They break down Rule No. 2: To get, give. Always extend your giving hand first. Joey and Drew discuss how this rule brought FWH to where it is today in many ways. Finally, they offer a tool for the rule— a practical way that you can live Rule No. 2 each day to change your life. 
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Creators & Guests

Drew Beech
Drew Beech is an entrepreneur and cofounder of Few Will Hunt. He spent several years in the sales and marketing industry, grossing over several million dollars in sales. But his love for the entrepreneurial journey and desire to escape the rate race started with his personal training business in college. Today, Drew leads the Few Will Hunt community alongside his cousin and cofounder, Joey in their mission to restore the dignity of hard work through the highest-quality American-made apparel.
Joey Bowen
Joey Bowen is co-founder of Few Will Hunt.

What is The Few Will Hunt Show?

The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and 100% Made in the USA apparel brand. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.

Drew Beech:

If you look at a lot of other successful people or people having success in what you may want to do, they are all giving first, providing more value to others than they are receiving. Welcome to the Fuel Hunt Show. Welcome

Joey Rosen:

to the Fuel Hunt Show. I'm Joey, cofounder of Fuel Hunt. I have my cousin and cofounder, Drew, here with me.

Drew Beech:

Happy to be here, because.

Joey Rosen:

You're always happy to be here.

Drew Beech:

I'm I mean, it goes into a rule of the few that we'll cover soon, the few energy. Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

You are you know what? You are you do have exemplary energy of

Drew Beech:

the few energy.

Joey Rosen:

You are a poster child for the few energy. I like to think that I'm becoming the poster child.

Drew Beech:

You are. We had it.

Joey Rosen:

I got some work to do.

Drew Beech:

We had we've been through some hard shit together. Yeah. And I feel like going through those all those hard times have made you an even more pleasant person to be around.

Joey Rosen:

I I agree. I agree. My intensity, has been channeled in the right direction. Channel's

Drew Beech:

a good word.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Channel. Channeled. Alright. So we're we're a little bit of a of a, we'll get back on course Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

Of of a tangent. But, today, we are going to talk about a rule of the few. So this is our second show that we've done where, we dissect, kick around, chop up, jam on, the rule of the few, and then we leave the few with a tool for the rule, a practical way that they can live this rule in their daily lives. Right? So I usually start out these shows by reading the rule verbatim.

Joey Rosen:

Right? Because not all of our community members are, you know, intimately familiar with the rules of the few just yet for those community members that have just joined us. So this is rule number 2. The rule is to get, give. Right?

Joey Rosen:

And I put some color around the rule too. Again, I'll read it verbatim. Right? Always extend your giving hand first. With anything and in everything, give first.

Joey Rosen:

Give your all. Let a fire of passion rage in your servant heart. Give without remembering and receive without forgetting. So if there's one rule, we touched on the few energy a little bit, and that's a rule. But if there's one rule that has been part of the, and I don't like this term, but secret sauce, right, for us in getting to where we are today, would you agree that rule number 2, to get, give, always come with the giving end, would you agree that that is one of the most important roles or actions that has brought us to where we are today?

Drew Beech:

I think it is the most important thing we've done to get us to where we are today. And if you look at a lot of other successful people or people having success in what you may want to do, they are all giving first, providing more value to others than they are receiving.

Joey Rosen:

Exactly. So more deposits than withdrawals. Right?

Drew Beech:

The emotional bank accounts.

Joey Rosen:

Right. Right. So if you think about your interactions with your coworkers, your interactions with your family, your interactions with your friends, and you look at them, you treat them like bank accounts, emotional bank accounts. Right? You wanna make more deposits than you do with withdrawals.

Joey Rosen:

You want to serve them more than you ask of them. Fair enough Yeah. Explanation. Right? I got a little creative with my writing, which I love to do, with that role of the show.

Drew Beech:

It was a very well thought out and, articulated way of saying give give first.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. I I appreciate that, man. Well, you know what I mean? I I like to, I like to express my creativity in my writing. So especially when it comes to the servant heart.

Joey Rosen:

The servant heart, for me is the core of this rule. And when I say servant heart, even when I say it, an image pops in my mind. It's it's a heart that's that's on fire. Right? That's like I said, kind of like raging with a passion to help others, to serve others.

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

And we've done that since the very beginning. Right? Mhmm. I mean, that's that's what we've been about since day 1.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. From day 1, it's almost put us in hotware sometimes. I mean, our employees yell at us a lot because we don't stick to our our our quote unquote marketing budget a lot. But since day 1, we've always just been so grateful that people would even wear our gear or support our mission that we were like, oh, you wanna roll with us? Like, here's a shirt, here's a tee, like, here's a hat.

Drew Beech:

And that's something we've always lived by. And once you shift your mindset from taking from trying to extract every bit of value, money, etcetera from people and start shifting your focus to, how can I make this person better? How can I give more to this person to change their day, change their life? Your world starts to open up and things start to conspire for you.

Joey Rosen:

Mhmm. I would agree. I would agree. I think it's this it's the it's the secret to overcoming scarcity.

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

Right? Everybody likes to help other people. It makes them feel great. Right. And, I think it's really the secret to overcoming scarcity.

Joey Rosen:

I think people don't, what I call outflow, which is a common term, you know, if you're, if you're in the law of attraction, manifestation, things like that. Outflowing, you know, don't hold on to what you have. Give what you have to others. The way to receive is to is to outflow. When you do that, your mind becomes abundant.

Joey Rosen:

Right? Mhmm. Not everybody is out to get you conspiring to take what you have. Everybody is out to support you, Right? And add to, you know, what you have or or the goal you're chasing or the dream that you're chasing.

Joey Rosen:

So when I say, and I I say it all the time on shows, I don't know if I said it on our show just yet, we're only a couple episodes in, but we were community first from day 1. Right? We were born from an origin story that we felt alone. We needed to find our people. We had a strong purpose of restoring the dignity of hard work.

Joey Rosen:

Community first. What that really means is that we were service oriented. We were service first. Yeah. Not only did we wanna find our people and bring them in, but we wanted to do everything that we could to share what we knew

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

To help them on their journeys.

Drew Beech:

We were like, look, we've been through this hardship. We've read these books. We've done this research. We've we've lived this. Yep.

Drew Beech:

Here's the shortcuts. Here's the answers. Shortcuts for lack of a better word,

Joey Rosen:

but Yeah. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

We're trying to save you Knowledge.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

trying to save you from pain and give you a place to belong and get you through hard times.

Joey Rosen:

Yep. Yep. I yeah. I agree. I agree.

Joey Rosen:

I think that, you know, we hit on it in the beginning of the show. Everybody asks us how we've gotten to the point and we haven't arrived. We we have so much more work to do.

Drew Beech:

Oh, yeah.

Joey Rosen:

You know, if sometimes I go when I do other shows, you've seen me paint the 10 year vision. Sometimes I'll even go into the 15 year vision. And I feel like people glaze over a little bit Yeah. Because it's we have so much work to do. Like, people can't even fathom the fact that we're thinking that far out, and we have monster goals like that.

Joey Rosen:

But when when I I paint that vision, it's always the core of it is adding value. Serving. Right? Serving others and giving to them. And that's, like I said, the way it's been since day 1.

Joey Rosen:

The beautiful thing about it is it's brought us a lot of success.

Drew Beech:

Oh, yeah.

Joey Rosen:

I think people stumble upon this role and they think that they can just give of themselves. And it's going to work for them the same way. But I think the thing that they're missing is intention. I think sometimes people give, but in the back of their mind, they're always thinking, oh, this is gonna come back to me. This I'm gonna get this is gonna come back to me.

Joey Rosen:

I think one key to living this rule in your daily life, this isn't my tool for the rule, but one key is that you have to have pure intention. So not only did we always come with a giving hand, but we always had a pure intention of never receiving anything. Yeah. You know what I mean?

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Ever. Yeah. Give without remembering.

Joey Rosen:

Yep. Like,

Drew Beech:

that is 100% the key. Like, when it came to people joining our community, we were, like I said, grateful for them being there, and we were like, we just want you to fly with us and give you a shirt first. And a lot of those people have turned into our lifelong community members.

Joey Rosen:

Mhmm. Yeah. For sure. For sure. We are is there is there 1 or 2 or are there some instances of giving over the years that stand out to you?

Joey Rosen:

Giving that we've done. We're actually, you know, giving that the community has done to us. Are there any instances of giving that stand out?

Drew Beech:

One that stands out on the top of my head is the beta story.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

That was an area or a circumstance where we just came with gear one time and turned into a lifelong customer and a lifelong friend

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

And business partner.

Joey Rosen:

And one thing that I didn't mention about that story, when we tackled our origin story on on the first episode of the Huajon show was that, Bee was very straightforward as he is. He's a straight fucking shooter. He was very straightforward when we got on the phone the first time. And he was like, hey, look. One of the main reasons that we're on the phone right now is because you never you guys have never asked me for anything.

Joey Rosen:

He's like, not only do I find that phenomenal because if you would've just asked me to tag you once, I would've done it. Yeah. It's all good. Yeah. He's like, you guys are the type of people that I befriend, do business with Yep.

Joey Rosen:

That I have in my circle.

Drew Beech:

And a lot of people should take that advice whether you're starting a new business or a new venture you're trying to gain. Mhmm. Don't always ask for the 3 posts, 2 posts. Like, do this. Like, I'll I'll give you this, but only if you do this in return.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

We still to this day where and having learned some hard lessons of giving a lot and never receiving

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

We still to this day, we don't ask for anything if if if we're bringing on a new team member or ambassador or athlete. Right here, like, or someone we just wanna give gear to, like, we don't say, hey, we need you to post though. Yeah. Like, it's just not a thing.

Joey Rosen:

I think what it does is it shows it shows an investment that we care about them and who they are, and this is bigger than a transaction. So that's the irony in the the model of, like, thinking about your relationships and stuff like that as a bank account. Because that deposit and withdrawal to transaction. Right?

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

But, that's a it's a really clever way to think about this. But when you give without the intention of receiving, it takes the transaction out of it completely and it invests you it's an investment in their humanity. Like, them as a person. Mhmm. You know?

Joey Rosen:

And I think that's what makes it so powerful.

Drew Beech:

I do have a couple other examples of times we gave. Mhmm. To both revolve around football for some reason.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

The But

Joey Rosen:

we know why that is. A lot of many of the few are are monster football fans.

Drew Beech:

The Lower Merion, football teaser did, which was a pure give, but we were at such a young point in our journey where we were so we were just grateful that this team believed in our mission and wanted to wear a few a hunt on their backs for their warm ups

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

That we designed, printed, and just gave a custom run of, like, a lot of team. Yeah. I really got a lot of team.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. I really

Drew Beech:

got a

Joey Rosen:

lot of team.

Drew Beech:

To the Lower Merion high school football team. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

To wear on pregame, postgame. Yep. Yep.

Drew Beech:

Still grateful for them believing in us and still community members to this day. Yep. Another one recently was, the Thompson family football camp.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

Donated and designed shirts for him to, families. I believe they're underprivileged families. The kids that may not have the opportunity to experience a camp with NFL football players. Sure. But that custom round of shirts too was also an area that just really fulfilled myself.

Drew Beech:

I believe you. Like, just, like, to be able to give back to people that maybe are gonna become something great one day and don't have the means to

Joey Rosen:

Yep. That's

Drew Beech:

how we get there.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah, I think both of those instances, the underpinning, underpinning is the youth, right? Which as parents, we know how important it is to to fan the flame of the few, right, in the youth. Because all kids have a spark. Right? And they know inherently that they're responsible for the outcome of their life.

Joey Rosen:

They know that they should work hard and do well. You know? But then society gets involved.

Drew Beech:

Puts them in the box.

Joey Rosen:

Fucking neighbors get involved. You know? School, to some degree, will get involved, boxes them in. You know what I mean? Teaches them to memorize and repeat.

Joey Rosen:

And what it does is it diminishes the flame a little bit. So those were instances where we had the opportunity to give and fan the flame Yeah. Which, were 2 great great instances. We've also had, you know, a lot of examples, I think, of people we're inherently givers. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

But we've had a lot of strong examples of people in the community that gave to us. You know, if you even if you just talk about community members on a daily basis, engaging with the the the content that we put out, community members watching this show, like, that's a give. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

That's a give. It's a give of their their time, their energy, their mind share. You know? Most of the war in life, I think, is one between your 2 ears. Right?

Joey Rosen:

Mhmm. Right? So if you're going to be giving us some of your mind share on a daily basis, that's probably next to time, which is kinda the same thing, one of the biggest gifts. So that's a strong example we see every day, and that inspires us to give more.

Drew Beech:

The best parts of my day is, I mean, I because I'm I'm in the DMs personally. Mhmm. But when someone takes the time to share their energy and their story and why we inspire them or help them get out of a dark place or help them overcome or help them start a new journey in life and chase their dreams, that is truly one of the best parts of my day.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. I agree.

Drew Beech:

One area was to bring it back to us for a second. An area in which we give on a daily basis is in our products. And one core minds that we've had since we started is to provide more value than we take in payment, and we always thought, how can we do that with apparel or prop products? So we always produce the highest quality product, which are our cost of goods is up there, especially being American made.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

And pretty much the highest quality American made gear you can buy. So since day 1, we've always had that mindset, and we know our customers are those hardworking people of America. And we didn't want to extrapolate every single dollar or so we could get from them. We just wanted you to know that you belong. Mhmm.

Drew Beech:

So to this day, we still are giving on it with every order.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. That's good. That's a very that's a very good point. Yeah. It's a very good point.

Joey Rosen:

I think it's so hard for a lot of people to hear because, you know, when you you start out, it's scary. Like when you start a business, it's scary. And even if you're abundant minded person, starting a business will like flip you into fucking scarcity mode if you're not careful, like real quick. Because you have competition out there, you have margins to meet, you know, you have a lot of work to do in a short amount of time. You know what I mean?

Joey Rosen:

So, like, scarcity mode fires up. And when scarcity mode fires up, you stop outflowing, you stop giving, you start like tightly holding on to everything that you have. But really in the long run, what it does is it it fucks you over. Yeah. It it inhibits your growth.

Joey Rosen:

You know what I mean? As a business or community. Right?

Drew Beech:

And the hardest time to do that is when you're in the hard the hard spots and you start to contract. And we've been through ourselves, and then Yep. We to get out of those hard spots, what we would do, we get we gave more.

Joey Rosen:

I know. I know. I know. I know. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

Well, giving, you know, giving of yourself, you know, to your passion, whole another whole another road that, you know, we could probably probably go down, but we're, you know, doing that as well. Like, you know, when those hard moments, when you're doing life the hard way, and it gets really fucking hard, meaning, like, you have no reference point.

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

You know, like, it's so hard because it's a new problem you've never seen before, and you have to give so much more of yourself. It's it's it's tough, but it's necessary.

Drew Beech:

I agree.

Joey Rosen:

You know? It's necessary. So let's let's talk about tool for the rule, practical way that the few can apply this rule, to their lives on a daily basis. How can they live this rule to get, give?

Drew Beech:

Alright. So this one might be tough because nowadays, society, the thing we're most tied to is money. Like, everything revolves around money.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

So my tool for the rule is to challenge each member of the few to buy something for someone else today, give today. So whether it's a coffee, a meal, one of my part favorites is a book. And shout out to the few community members that or my my unsung book club, but the secret book club, Dylan shout out to Dylan.

Joey Rosen:

And we get some books coming in.

Drew Beech:

Oh, yeah.

Joey Rosen:

We get books coming.

Drew Beech:

I feel as though it's the greatest gift you can give. It's a it's a physical item, and it also provides you so much value.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

So buy a book for someone. Buy or just something that you know they'll like. Like you said, intention.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

So taking it back to our early podcast, it's a vision, intense, action. Right? Yeah. That was your thing.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Yeah. It's a path, man.

Drew Beech:

So yeah. So understand who you're buying for, what they'll like, whether it's a coffee or something as simple as the person behind you in line at Starbucks today.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

Buying their coffee.

Joey Rosen:

Yep. So we, we agreed that we were, gonna not review our tools, for the rule before the show. We're just gonna fucking wing it because that's what we do. Right? We're just gonna make this great.

Joey Rosen:

And we have the same tool for

Drew Beech:

the rule.

Joey Rosen:

So it happens. So we had a collision. But it's a good it's a it's a good one. I look at it as so it's it's 2 part thing for me. So if I if I had to give my tool.

Joey Rosen:

Right? First thing is remembering and reminding yourself of the code for the code of giving. Right? Whether it's your wallpaper, like you spoke about on a previous show, whether it's writing it in the margins of your notebook that you use at the office, whether it's writing it on the whiteboard at your gym, whatever it is. The code for giving.

Joey Rosen:

Right? Give often. Right? Give without remembering. Receive without forgetting.

Joey Rosen:

Always reminding yourself of that. Part of that is obviously in the rule. In addition to that reminder, taking action and doing really a random act of kindness per day that requires giving. Yeah. Which typically for me, that shows up as either giving of my time.

Joey Rosen:

Mhmm. Right? Or giving monetarily. I'm a big buy coffee for the person Yeah. You know, behind me

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

Guy or, groceries too. So if I'm in Whole Foods and I'm checking out and somebody's next to me, I'll buy groceries too.

Drew Beech:

First start. This is your first Yeah. End up. Right?

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a self check.

Drew Beech:

That's for the expert that's for the expert level giver.

Joey Rosen:

But it's it's powerful because that act of giving really changes somebody's day.

Drew Beech:

I agree.

Joey Rosen:

I think that in a world that is dark at times and alone, it's really a way to show that you can still have faith in humanity, and there's, like, hope for us all. You know what I'm saying? So so alright. So that's that's rule number 2, to get give. Anything else to add before we tie this up?

Drew Beech:

Not currently. One day I will one episode, I will have something for you at the end.

Joey Rosen:

Alright. Yeah. It's all it's all good. I'm having a blast doing these shows. I know that, the few are having a blast listening to them.

Joey Rosen:

If there's anything that you would like to see Drew and I jam on, doesn't have to be just roles of the few, it could be anything else, Hit us in the DMs, like Drew said, he's in there personally. You already know that, you know, I write and receive all the replies to the emails that the few send. So hit me over email. The few can also get you on SMS. Mhmm.

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

Mhmm. Go SMS test drive. Yep.

Joey Rosen:

Yep. Yep. Yep. So if there's anything you'd like to see us address or there's anything that you, would like to see us cover, hit us up. Alright?

Joey Rosen:

And, one thing to leave you with as I do every episode you wanna do it this time, or you want me to do it?

Drew Beech:

There you go.

Joey Rosen:

I'll do it. Alright. Always choose effort over entitlement. Always choose hard work over handouts. No one owns you.

Joey Rosen:

No one owes you. You're one of the few.