My True Ghost Stories

Join Jennifer, a spiritual medium, in episode 10 of My True Ghost Stories as she shares personal tales of supernatural forces disrupting electronics. From a haunted church phone system to an angry spirit in a theater, discover how the unseen world communicates in mysterious ways. Tune in for spine-tingling stories and unexpected messages from beyond.

Visit Jennifer's website to learn more!

The Electronics Of Paranormal Manifestations
Harmony Unleashed song 

What is My True Ghost Stories?

Join a New York City native and professional spiritual medium as she shares authentic paranormal encounters from her life and work. From childhood experiences to present-day revelations, these stories aim to normalize the supernatural and encourage listeners to trust their intuition.

Hi, I'm Jennifer, and this is My True
Ghost Stories, where I share stories

of my supernatural adventures as a
spiritual medium, helping trapped

spirits to cross over and more.

Let's get started.

Speaker 13: Welcome to episode
10 of My True Ghost Stories.

Our stories today are about
messages that come from spirits

interfering with electronics.

And let's begin.

Speaker: The name of this
story is I Got a Guy.

This story takes place in that
church in my neighborhood that I've

been talking about and it centers
around their landline phone system.

They were having lots of problems with it.

Calls would constantly disconnect,
the extensions were going to the wrong

person, the whole system would shut down
completely on a regular basis, callers

would get a busy signal, stuff like that.

And they had a technician coming regularly
to fix and re fix the lines, and all

would be good for a day or two, and
then the problems would start again.


There came a point where it seemed
that the problem, whatever it

was, had finally been resolved.

And a whole week went by without a
single glitch, and all of a sudden,

the whole system shut down again.

They called the technician in yet again,
and he came in, checked everything.

He checked the phone lines, the
indoor equipment, the outdoor box,

the jacks, all of which had been
checked and tinkered with repeatedly.

And this time, he found nothing wrong.

Nothing he could even tinker with.

Now, this was the same technician
who had been there at least once a

week, if not more, for some time.

And according to what the staff told
me, he walked into the office after

finding nothing in the phone lines that
he could fix and said in a hesitant

voice, I don't know how to say this.

And it might sound crazy, but I think
something else is going on here.

And when they asked him to elaborate,
he said, even more hesitantly,

like, something supernatural.

Something or someone is maybe
trying to get your attention.

And he was basically saying that
he didn't know what else to do.

And there was some silence while
everyone stood around and pondered that.

And then my friend, who works at
that church and was at this meeting,

finally broke the silence and used
a common New York City expression.

She said,

and I, Jennifer am that guy.

Speaker 5: I got a guy is used when you
know someone with the exact skill set and

equipment needed for a particular problem.

Speaker: Like an appliance repairman for
your broken dishwasher or high velocity

water jetting for your clogged drain pipe.

And in this case, a spiritual medium
to find and clear the supernatural

forces that are repeatedly
shutting down the phone system.

I And getting back to
the phone technician.

This may not have been his first
experience with this type of thing,

because this is a thing that happens.

It's called supernatural electromagnetic
interference, which is the side effect

of any object or radiation that may be a
supernatural entity's presence, which can

cause nearby electronics to malfunction.

And that's from an article called the
Electronics of Paranormal Manifestations

from this website called electronics4u.


The link is in the show notes.

Speaker 14: And no lie.

Speaker: literally this morning,
at the same time that I was reading

this very article about supernatural
electromagnetic interference for this

podcast, my music player started randomly
playing this ethereal meditation music

in the next room, where nobody is.

Nobody at all.

The song that started playing was
called Harmony Unleashed, and I'm

going to take that as a message
from the universe that this stuff

that I'm talking about here is true.

I've included the link to the song in the
show notes, the song that randomly played.

So let me know in the comments if
you have any thoughts about this song

being played by the universe while
I write a story about paranormal

manifestations in electronics.

And back to our story.

Speaker 2: After the staff of this
church and the frustrated phone

repair man heard that there was a guy
who might be able to fix this, they

were so desperate to get the phones
back that they all instantly agreed.

Call the guy.

Call the guy.

So, she called me.

She explained everything and asked me to
please come in and assess the situation.

I came in probably the next day
and the staff was excited to meet

me, mostly because the phones might
finally be fixed and also because

they were probably expecting me to be
wearing something like a long purple

spangled dress with bat wing sleeves.

Speaker 5: Like a medium in a movie

Speaker 2: And they may have been
disappointed to see me arrive in jeans

and a t shirt because they dissipated
pretty quickly after meeting me.

Someday, maybe I will buy a
purple spangled batwing dress,

Speaker 5: for this work.

Speaker 2: But it's easier to work in
jeans and a t shirt, so I don't know.

After meeting everyone and them
disappearing, I began my process.

I sat on a couch in the lobby,
which was sort of situated in

the middle of the building.

I closed my eyes.

I got into the zone.

And I waited for a message.

And what came to me pretty quickly
was not a voice but a vision

of the storage room downstairs.

Now this is the same storage
room with the closed door that

I talked about in episode three.

But the room in this vision had what I
will call a different vibe than before.

And there was a strong message,
not in a particular spirit's

voice, but in instructions from
my guides to go down there.

And there was also a vague sense of
a former pastor from this church.

And the message was that

Speaker 5: There was a
problem in this storage room.

Speaker 2: I went into the office
where my friend was at her desk and

I told her, There's something up
with that storage room downstairs.

Can you go down there with me?

Now, as I described in our story
from episode three, this room had

a door that used to be open all
the time and now remained closed

and had been so for maybe a year.

We went downstairs and she unlocked the
door, opened it up, turned on the light,

and what we saw was a room Completely
filled to the brim with clutter.

And this was not what this
room used to look like.

It had been in the past a fairly
organized and active storage room with

items coming in and out for seasons
and occasions like holiday decorations,

party supplies, coffee urns, but two
things had happened in this past year.

This church used to run a mid sized
elementary school a few blocks away,

and the school had closed and been
taken over by another school, and

it looked like everything besides
the desks and blackboards from

that school had been brought over
and dumped into this storage room.

Files, decorations, binders, Boxes
and boxes and boxes of who knows what,

labeled with the name of the school and
the word miscellaneous on the sides.

Piles of old notebooks were pressed
up against electrical outlets.

Folders bulging with paper were
stacked on top of the heating pipes.

In other words, an enormous fire hazard.

And the second thing that had happened
in this church building was that, for

some reason, They had closed this door.

Speaker 3: So, out of sight, out
of mind, nobody was really aware

of what was going on in that room.

Oh my God, my friend yelled
when we turned on the lights.

Well, I guess we see what
the problem is, I said.

Further fire hazards were rapidly
revealed as we waded through the room.

And I got no more messages from my guides
and the spirit of the pastor because this

was obviously what we were meant to find.

I left.

The message had been successfully
delivered and this job did not

require an energy clearing by me.

It required a clutter clearing by the
staff and custodians of this church.

I know that they went down
there that day and addressed the

blatant fire hazards in that room.

They were headed down there as I left.

And guess what?

Those phones began working immediately.

It took them a while, but they
got rid of all that stuff.

And eventually, renovated.

the space into two smaller rooms
that were very, very organized.

And I know that because they
called me to come by and sort of

approve the new storage rooms.

Not that storage is my area of
expertise, but it was important to them

to show me the results of my messages.

And I was quite honored
to be consulted like that.

And they were very proud
of their new storage areas.

Here is what is quite obvious
to me that happened here.

Nobody was seeing the terrible fire
hazard in this big building because

it was hidden away in a forgotten
storage room with a closed door.

And the guides of the universe, not just
my guides, and the spirit of that pastor,

they did whatever they had to do to get
the attention of the staff and refused

to let those phones be fixed until they
called in a medium who would get them to

open that door and see what was going on.

And this, to me, would be a prime example.

of supernatural electromagnetic
interference and it's also a beautiful

reminder that there are forces out there
looking out for us and for our safety.

Speaker 6: And here is another story of
supernatural electromagnetic interference.

It's a little hard to say.

Speaker 11: This story takes place
in a small theater in New York City

during a show and the show was created
by and starred an artist who I have

decided not to name because part
of the story is personal to her.

Speaker 6: At the time of this
show, I had just begun acknowledging

ghosts around me and telling people.

And I was a little overexcited,
constantly sharing with my friends

Speaker 10: There's a man
with a briefcase over there.

There's a young girl in
a pink dress over there.

There's a lady in that
bedroom across the hall.,

Speaker 6: And it was most likely
getting a little tiresome for my friends

because that's all I ever talked about.

And it was exhausting for me.

Although I was no longer expending
all my energy ignoring the ghosts,

I had at this point not yet learned
how to set boundaries with them, so

I was constantly engaging with them.

I had also not learned any etiquette
around delivering messages to

people that had not asked for them.

Sorry, everybody.


At this point, I was also
constantly, well, often giving

messages, even to strangers.

I didn't know what to do with all of this,
and I felt like I had to do something.

These days, I pretty much don't see
the spirits unless I am working.

Sometimes an extraordinarily persistent
spirit will get through, or one that

really needs my help, and I help them.

But, this in general is much
better now, with the boundaries.

Better for me, and the people around
me that didn't ask for a message.

I attended the show in this story
with two friends, both of who knew

about my ghost seeing abilities.

They really had no choice but to know
because I couldn't stop talking about it.

And we were fans of this artist whose
show it was, but we did not know what the

show was about as this was opening night.

We walked into the theater, and my
attention was immediately drawn to the

center of the ceiling, midway between
the proscenium and the top balcony.

And there was a huge ghost of a
woman, facing horizontally down, and

it was as if her body was floating.

back was pressed into the arch and around
her were white flowing garments and it

was like they were billowing all around
her and her arms were outstretched.

And the whole vision was beautiful and
powerful and the energy coming from

her was strong and she seemed angry.

Not dangerous, just really, really angry.

The theater was full of people
finding their seats, and the excited,

echoey chatter that you hear in
a theater before a performance.

And our seats were in the first
balcony, and as the usher was bringing

us there, I told my friends, There's a
huge angry woman ghost on the ceiling!

And they were not that interested,
as this was probably the fifth

ghost I had pointed out since we
began dinner earlier that evening.

So they said things like, Oh, wow, really?

That's nice.

And they were probably wanting to say,
Can we talk about something else, please?

We took our seats and we had
no time to read the program.

But as I was about to tell them more
about the angry woman ghost on the

ceiling, the house lights went down,
the crowd quieted, the curtain went up,

and the performers entered the stage.

The cast was the woman artist who
had created the show and musicians.

Speaker 8: Besides the performers,
their instruments, and some electronic

piano keyboards, there were two
screens on stage and there were

a few computers on small tables.

Speaker 6: So it was a multimedia
event and knowing this artist, it

was going to be really interesting.

She addressed the audience and the show
was going to be somewhat autobiographical.

Some slides came on, some music played.

The musicians moved around the stage
to different laptops, they exited and

entered, and it was really good so far.

And about 20 minutes in, it became
obvious that the show was largely

about this artist's strained
relationship with her mother, who

had passed on many years before.

My friend tapped me on the arm.

The ghost on the ceiling is her mother!

Yes, that's it, I responded.

And I could see, as my friend also
probably could, how this particular

show could make a mom ghost mad.

Soon after my friend and I had that
whispered conversation, some weird

stuff started to happen on stage.

And you could tell that it was not
what was supposed to be happening.

The slides on the screen were
supposed to change, but they didn't.

Or they went backward.

One musician would be playing the
keyboard, but no sound was coming out.

Microphones were shutting on and off.

and although these performers were
seasoned professionals, those of

us in the audience could tell that
things were going wrong up there

that the cast couldn't cover up.

And then there was a long
pause and the artist announced,

we are having some technical
difficulties and we're going

to take a short intermission.

The house lights only went halfway
up as this was supposed to be a one

act show and the audience stayed
seated for the most part and the

chatter stayed on the low side.

During this relatively quiet, low
lit break, I realized that this

angry mom spirit and her guides
wanted to communicate with me.

What's going on?

I asked calmly.

Speaker 7: I focused on the spirit
and the message was quick and clear

and I knew it was intended for
the artist whose show this was.

And the message was, she needs to
go to the middle of the stage when

there is no audience and speak her
mother's name so her mother can ascend.

Okay, got it.

I said quietly and as I said that The
angry mom spirit diminished down to

regular ghost size, which is about
the size of a human in my experience.

And she came off the ceiling and down
into the theater over near the exit and

the overpowering energy also diminished.

And the unscheduled intermission
ended as the house lights went down.

I knew I needed to get that message to
the artist, which I figured out a way to

do and it wasn't going to be difficult.

I was friends with someone who was a
stagehand at this theater and he was

working that night, and we were going
to see him briefly after the show.

Speaker 12: I found a piece of
paper in my purse and a pen for

when the lights came up again.

Speaker 7: The show started up and
when the stage lights came on you

could see that there were some minor
changes to the set and the positions

of the screens and I guess they had
reconfigured and rebooted because

the rest of the show had no technical
problems at all and it was amazing

Speaker 8: And near the end of the
show, there was a line about speaking

someone's name for the last time.

Speaker 7: At the end of
the show As my friends were

standing and wildly applauding,

Speaker 6: I

Speaker 7: was furiously scribbling
out a note on the piece of

paper I had found in my purse.

And it said,

Dear, I'm not gonna say her name, Your
mother was at the performance tonight.

She needs you to go to the center of
the stage when there's no audience and

say her name so that she can ascend.


And I put my phone number, just in case.

After the show, we met our stagehand
friend in the lobby and we talked

briefly about how great the show was.

And I gave him the note
asking him to give it to her.

He said he would, that he had met her
briefly during soundcheck and that

she seemed like the kind of person who
would be open to this kind of thing.

My friends and I left the
theater and headed out into

the night, and I felt great.

I knew that this was what
I was supposed to do.

My job, delivering that message,
was done, and I knew that I was not

responsible for whatever happened next.

I spoke to my friend, the stagehand,
the next day, and he told me he had

given her the note, and it was well
received and made sense to her.

And I imagine she did
what the spirit had asked.

I imagine that because my friend
said the message was well received.

There were no more technical
difficulties for the rest of the run.

And I received no messages from
the ghost of the mom or her guides.

This is what I think.

I think this spirit appeared at the show
partly because she was mad at the content

and also she and her guides appeared at
this show because they knew a medium would

be there and that the medium knew someone
backstage who could deliver the message

and for some reason her daughter's saying
of her name in the middle of the stage

needed to happen for her to cross over.

So, this was like the spirits in
the church in our first story that

interfered relentlessly with the
phones until everyone stopped to

take notice and take specific action.

In this theater situation,

The spirits interfered relentlessly
with the electronics in the show.

Speaker 7: And although the situation
was not dangerous to humans like the

fire hazard at the church, it was
crucial to this spirit's passing.

Have you ever experienced supernatural
electromagnetic interference?

Let me know in the comments
or send me an email.

And if you enjoyed this episode, click
the share button in your app and send

it to a friend and take a second to
review this show to help it grow.

And that's all for today.

Thank you for listening to today's
episode, and if you think your house

is haunted, want energy cleared
from your space or need a custom

spiritual ritual, I'm here to help.

Visit jp or email me
at JP clearing

Don't forget to join me here
every Tuesday for a new episode.

Until next time.