Help Me Podcast

In today's episode, we're diving into the topic of using LinkedIn to help grow your podcast. We'll be sharing insights from Judy Fox, a LinkedIn business accelerator, who reveals the untapped potential of this unique social media platform. From the different mindset of LinkedIn users to the higher caliber content found on the platform, Judy shares tips and strategies to effectively promote your podcast on this platform. Learn how to leverage features like embedding a player, using quote cards, and easily sharing links on LinkedIn. Plus, discover an algorithm hack that strengthens relationships with your audience. Join me as we explore the opportunities LinkedIn offers podcasters and see how it can boost your podcast's visibility and engagement.

Topics Covered:
  • LinkedIn is still an untapped social media market
  • Mental mindset on LinkedIn is different than other platforms
  • Why quote cards work for podcasters
  • Higher caliber content and less competition
  • Share all the links on LinkedIn 
  • How creator mode on LinkedIn is a new feature that benefits you as a podcaster
  • Tips for a new podcast to LinkedIn  
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What is Help Me Podcast?

A podcast dedicated to helping you launch and grow your own podcast. New episodes every month to help keep you up to date on the latest podcast tools, new growth ideas, and anything new in the world of podcasting!

You can think of this show as sort of a podcast encyclopedia. In each episode we will discuss one specific topic within podcasting, whether it has to do with recording quality audio, launching a podcast, or growing your new show. This show is mostly for new podcasters and soon to be podcasters, but if you’ve been podcasting for a while you might learn something new too! Browse the titles of the episodes and listen to the ones that you need at the moment. Happy podcasting!

Welcome to Help Me Podcast, a show designed to help you

launch and grow your podcast. I am your host, Gino, and twice

a week I will release a new episode with different tips and tricks

for launching and growing your podcast. From audio engineering to planning

intentionally to growth tactics, each episode will be a bite sized

tip to help you podcast.

Hey. Welcome back to help me. Podcast. This is episode

65, and in today's episode, we're going to talk about how

you can use LinkedIn to help grow your podcast.

So recently I was listening to this person talk. Her name is Judy

Fox and she is a LinkedIn business accelerator and

she helps people and businesses help grow their businesses through

LinkedIn. So in this specific conversation, this video I watched,

she was talking about how you could use LinkedIn as a

tool to grow your podcast. And she came across

a great couple of points. And it kind of resonated with something that

I've always thought about LinkedIn and I've always heard other people say about LinkedIn

and how it's different than every other social media

platform out there and kind of how there's a lot of untapped potential.

So today we're going to go into some of the things that she talked about

and some of the tips and strategies that we can use to grow

our podcast on LinkedIn. So the first thing that she talked about was

like, people's mindsets are different when they're on LinkedIn, right? When you're on

Instagram, at least nowadays, you're kind of just scrolling to distract

yourself or maybe to be entertained. You're not really in the mindset

of learning. And I think sometimes,

depending on the podcast, I think especially like a podcast

that's about learning or growth or anything

that requires effort, it could be a hard sell on

Instagram because people aren't looking on Instagram to want

to go hear this podcast about how they can work on themselves

or hear a business podcast that's talking about

entrepreneurship or something like that. It's not really why they're there.

And there might be some podcasts that do really well on

Instagram. I think maybe like a comedy podcast could do well

on Instagram just because you're already there to entertain yourself.

And if you see a clip of a podcast that's entertaining,

maybe you go off of Instagram to go listen to that full podcast to

continue to be entertained. That might work. But I think if you

have a podcast know, not in the entertainment realm, then

it can be a little bit harder. So the difference with LinkedIn

is that when you're on LinkedIn, people are in a different mindset. They're not really

on LinkedIn to be doom scrolling. They're more so on LinkedIn

because they're thinking about business or career or

growth or something that's more

productive, for lack of a better term, than being on

Instagram or Facebook. And that's kind of one of the major differences. And I think

some people don't even really consider LinkedIn to be social media, even

know technically it is. So that being said, what

she was saying was that LinkedIn also has higher

caliber content and this has been my experience with the platform as well.

A lot of times you'll see people posting whole articles about

certain things and links to podcast or

videos and things like that that are much

more substantive, if that's a word, has more substance

to because like we said, it's a place to learn and to

grow. Whereas on Instagram it's a 32nd reel, or

on TikTok it's a 15 2nd reel or seven second reel. It's

very fast paced and LinkedIn is almost kind of the

opposite of this, which leads to higher caliber content as

far as what you're getting out of the things that you're consuming.

Also with LinkedIn there's definitely a lot less competition.

If you think of a place like TikTok, sure there's huge numbers

of users on there and people can go viral

and get tons of visibility and that sort of thing, but

there's so much competition on there right now because of that. So

LinkedIn has a little bit less competition because there's less

users. So those are a couple things that she talked about as

far as why you would want to use LinkedIn for

promoting your business and even for promoting your podcast.

And then she went into a couple of different tips about

how to best promote your podcast on LinkedIn. And there's

some things that you can do like you can actually embed a player on a

post and share your podcast that way. She was saying one thing that

does really well on LinkedIn for podcast is quote

cards and it's kind of just like a visual image

of maybe the guest or something like that or maybe the host

and a highlight or a quote that came from a

podcast recording. And she was saying that these quote cards do well

because people want to reshare and kind of repost

things similar to a way that we used to do on Twitter,

maybe some people still do on Twitter. You want to reshare the knowledge

and if you can make things that are easily resharable, then

they do well on LinkedIn. Another thing that is great

about LinkedIn is it doesn't hide the links. In a place

like Instagram, you can only have one link or you got to get a link

tree and it's very hard to put links on things. You can't put a link

in a post on LinkedIn, no pun intended.

It's easier to put links. You could put a post and you could put

whatever link you want. You don't have to say go to my

bio, to the one link and then go to the other link thing and it's

just that many more steps. You can literally post a blog

article and then put the link. So when you click on the

picture it brings you to the website or it brings you to wherever you're trying

to get somebody to go to. Also, one tip

with posting links that Judy talked about is when you

first paste a link into LinkedIn, you will get an auto

generated image. And sometimes it's a stock photo or it's a photo that

maybe doesn't look good. And she noticed

that something that helps links get more engagement is when you use

your own photo and you kind of get rid of that auto generated photo and

you use your own photo. Another thing that she talked about

to help your LinkedIn profile is to turn creator mode

on. And creator mode allows you to share

more things in your profile, like you can put your podcast in your

profile. One more growth hack that I took from this video

is she said that when she was first starting to post things on LinkedIn, one

thing that she would do is when she'd post something. And then

the first ten people that interacted with her content

either liked it or if they left a comment, she would go to that person's

profile and then like and comment on their stuff. And

this kind of helped with the algorithm a little bit because she said that these

people started seeing her in their profile. And basically what

it does is it strengthens the relationship between the

two people on LinkedIn. And even just from a

personal standpoint, algorithms aside, it's nice when somebody

likes and comments your stuff. And again, it's kind of that

reciprocity thing where you do something good for somebody else and now they're

willing to do more things for you. So you're engaging in their content

and likely they're going to start engaging more in your content. And this kind

of has a snowball effect. And she was saying that that's kind of a good

hack to help your content be seen by more people. This

video was pretty interesting and I think that LinkedIn is

definitely a good place to be promoting your podcast. And I think

it's a place that people are going to take it a little bit more seriously

than they will on Instagram. So I'm going to start with one of my

podcasts, promoting it on LinkedIn, and see what it does for

my numbers. And I think a good thing that I was thinking about as

I was watching this is it's almost like another place to

share, right? Like you can share on LinkedIn, you can share on Facebook, you could

share in an email, but now you can share on LinkedIn.

And the way that I was kind of thinking about it is I was

thinking I could use this almost as like a boost for older

episodes because I have episodes out. I could kind of share

like, hey, this is an episode I did with someone two months ago.

If you haven't seen it, take a listen sort of thing or pull a quote

out and pull a quote out of an old episode and make a little

infographic and then put the link to the episode. Right?

And maybe this could be a good way for me to get new

listens on older episodes. Because I was looking at my

stats recently and a lot of the listens are like,

as soon as you publish, as soon as you publish, you get all the listens.

And then it slowly, slowly dies off into basically nobody

listening to the older episodes, at least for me personally. So

I think this could be a good way to kind of boost listenership of

older episodes that I've already put out. So I'm excited to start

making some quote graphics using Canva, my favorite tool,

Canva, and see what it does for my listenerships and

to take a look at the analytics and to see if it moves the needle

at all. And hopefully I'll get some more engagement and

maybe I have different followers on LinkedIn than I do on

Instagram. So this is kind of the first intro of using LinkedIn

on your podcast. I'm going to do a little bit of a test and maybe

post for the next month on LinkedIn and post

some videos and post some quote graphics and

see what happens. And maybe I'll do another episode in the

future about how you can use LinkedIn for your podcast

after I get some real world data. So thank you for listening as always.

I will see you next time. We've reached the end

of the episode and if you enjoyed this podcast or you got something

from it, you might be interested in my weekly newsletter that

I send out every Monday morning, full of podcasting tips,

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link. Thanks for listening and happy podcasting.