The Viktor Wilt Show

Eminem's new music video made me sad to start my day, the Double Rainbow guy is still releasing content 4 years after his death, what villain would you choose to chase you for 12 hours for $3 billion?, family finds lost pet turtle alive and well thirty years later, woman tries to bring 25 pounds of drugs on an airplane disguised as Christmas presents, how to setup your bedroom like a hotel room, how to help Piper Phynnie's community in Asheville, Mitch calls to complain about us not playing a song request for the last three years, a book introduction to horror, Ebay seller makes me angry

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The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

Howdy. What's up? It's me. Okay. So during those last few songs, I was looking for content for the show.

You know? Start things off with something fun. And instead, I decided to watch the new video from Eminem. It's called temporary. And as a dad oh, boy.

My girls moving away this last year, getting out on their own, his video, which is an homage to his daughter. Woah. Yeah. That that's no way to start a day at 6:30 AM. It was really good.

It was really good, but jeez. You know, I don't need to be, getting all emotional up in here. We're gonna have to listen to, like, really fun music for the rest of the show. Again, it was really good, really heartfelt. Yeah.

I was I don't know. I guess I should've known when I was looking at the thumbnail when it was a picture of his, you know, young daughter that it was probably going to be, you know, somewhat sappy and stuff, but it very well executed. Yeah. Funny. We're starting off the show talking about M and M, but, yeah, we play M and M on k Bear anyway.

Anyway, if you're like a dad, you wanna get the, feels going, you can check out that new m and m video temporary featuring Skyler Gray. Yeah. I've got a project going on where I'm trying to transfer old family home videos to, digital, and it's tough. It's sad. You know?

I mean, it's not, like, sad that your kids grow up, but time just flies by so fast, so fast. It really does seem like just yesterday. Just these little little kids running around. Now they're, you know, adults. 1 of them bought a house.

Other one's in college. It's like, how does this happen? Very weird. Anyway, I'm gonna find something fun and funny to watch and try to find some funny content for the show. So if you wanna start your Friday morning off with lots of the feels, Go check out M and M temporary.

Do you remember the double rainbow guy? Man, speaking of other videos that I just really enjoyed, the double rainbow guys, you know, initial video that blew up with the double rainbow that he was so excited to see. What a good way to put some happiness into your heart. Right? Apparently, and I had never read this, the double rainbow guy, he was a a very prolific uploader to YouTube, created thousands of videos, and now he's passed away.

But before he died, he scheduled 15 years of uploads in advance. And so 4 years later after his death, his channel is still active, churning out new videos. I need to get my act together. Earlier on the show, I was talking about you know, I I don't think there's breaks on the podcast or that break. But, you know, scientists talking about how they could swab your mouth and figure out what day you were gonna die.

I mean, if you knew you were gonna die and you're like me and you have all this stuff you wanna accomplish I mean, I can't get anything done right now to schedule out 15 years of content. This guy making me feel really lazy, like a real slacker. And I'm in the middle of multitasking here trying to turn churn out videos this morning. It's Friday. I got tons of work to do.

I don't know. I'm having an emotional morning. That's okay. We're gonna have fun. Why am I stumbling across all this, really sad and, you know, sappy content.

Because the thought of this guy, you know, my my viewers, I wanna ensure I can keep making them happy even after I'm gone. 15 years of videos scheduled out. I gotta find something funny to dive into. I'll tell you what. I don't know what's going on here.

But, yeah, maybe I do need to go get that coffee, get myself a little bit on edge. Yeah. I gotta get out of this realm. The music we've been playing on air has been fun, but I'm I'm in this, like, sad world. Off air.

What's going on here? Anyway, I'm all good, but it's just weird how the flow of information can come your way sometimes. Because that made me sad too that the double rainbow guy scheduled 15 years of videos for his fans, and he is no longer with us. He was a a bright spirit. If you've never seen the original double rainbow video or any of the associated songs they made with the video, it's really good.

Alright. We're we're we're starting fresh for the 7 o'clock hour. Alright? No more boohooing. Been playing a lot of creepy songs this morning.

So why don't we talk about a creepy scenario? That's never gonna happen, but it's fun to think about these things. To win $3,000,000,000, you must survive for 12 hours while being chased by a villain of your choice. Who will you choose? Alright.

I know Peaches. I know he's gonna end up using this for his question of the day. So, you know, get ready to respond to it on Facebook or on his show. You know, where my brain went with this was, okay, who's a slow moving horror movie villain? You go with Jason.

Right? You just gotta get out of there. If you know Jason's in the area, you get in the car, and you drive to another state. Get away from Crystal Lake. Alright?

You're gonna be fine. I don't know. He did make his way to space one time, but they brought him there. Alright? But the responses I'm seeing in here, people are thinking of other kind of villains, like Disney villains.

What? Yeah. The top answer, lord Farquaad. Alright. Come on.

Come on. You can have a little more fun and risk than that. Nobody afraid of lord Farquaad. Come on. I wanna see somebody take on, I don't know, Michael Myers or something like that.

Alright. 12 hours. It's not that long. Michael Myers, he moves a little faster than Jason for sure. But, you know, I I still think, you know, $3,000,000,000 Might as well put yourself at a little bit of risk.

You know? Let's see. Hopper from A Bug's Life. These people on Reddit are weak. All kinds of, like, cartoon villains.

Plankton from Spongebob. Jaws. Yeah. The shark from Jaws. I'll stay on the beach.

You people are weak. Come on. Come on. Mister Burns, he's old. You just push him.

Just give him a little shove. He's really old. Lots of people saying Jaws. Ain't nobody out there very brave. Yeah.

They're all doing Disney villains. Cruella De Vil. She only wants to, you know, take out dogs. If you're a person, you're fine. If you ain't a Dalmatian, you ain't gonna be turned into a coat.

You're fine. Does any okay. The predator. I am old and out of shape and unarmed, not honorable prey. Alright.

There you go. There you go. But still still, for $3,000,000, I'd take a little risk. I'd choose Freddy Krueger and not go to bed. That's a that's a decent point.

If you only got 12 hours, loads of caffeine pills, you know, instant coffee shooters. Take that, Freddy. What do you got both the can they still come after you after, the 12 hours is up? You get the money, but do you continue having to run? I don't know.

I don't like that part of it. I I would assume they go away after 12 hours. I think I'm gonna stick with Jason. I got a little bit of guts, but I'll still do it in a gutless way. I will get in a vehicle and I will get on out of there.

That's what I'm gonna do. Just stumbled across a pretty wild story. 30 years ago, this family lost their pet turtle. You know, it's sad. Anytime you lose a pet I guess we're just talking about sad stuff today.

It's sad day on the Victor Will Chill. This has a happy ending, though. I mean, sort of. So 30 years ago, they lost their pet turtle. They were all very sad and, you know, time went by, and they just kinda figured maybe it got outside and wandered off, searched for it.

But, you know, over the years, they forgot about the turtle and moved on with their lives. Occasionally, you know, remembered her fondly. Well, 30 years later, grandma passes away, so they start cleaning out her house, and they go up into the attic to clean out some belongings. And lo and behold, there's the little turtle, the little tortoise, I guess I should say, Manuela, just hanging out in an old speaker box alive and well. Yeah.

I don't know if you know much about tortoises. They can go between 6 months 3 years without food. They believe that she survived on termite larva. And since there wasn't really, like, water around, probably got moisture intake from any insect she found in the attic as well. So they, you know, brought her in for a checkup.

Actually found out she is male. So now they changed her name from Manuela to Manuel. And, yeah, I mean, tortoises can live to, like, 250 years old or something. They could live forever. So yeah.

Living the good life now. Eating, you know, normal turtle well, I guess bugs are probably normal turtle food. Tortoise food. I don't want the zoo calling me, being, like, you need to give out proper terminology. But that's that's a pretty pretty nice story.

You know? Pretty heartwarming. So, there you go. I had to break down some of the sad con I guess the content. You didn't put up with the sad.

I talked about the sad. If you wanna make yourself sad, you go watch that m and m video. Temporary. Alright? You go watch that and then you you tell me how you feel like, you know, doing jumping jacks or something like that.

You know, funny enough, Jade, he he's got a a soft spot for videos that'll make you cry. So I sent that to him, and I'm hoping it's the first thing he does when he gets to work is watches that video because I it'll crush him. It'll crush him. I mean, if if it gets to me, it'll definitely get to Jade. So, anyway, very happy for this family that 30 years later found their little tortoise, and now it's once again part of the family.

Oh, what a boring life just, you know, be a little tortoise, live in an attic for 30 years. But hey. You know? Still got 220 to go living the good life. I'm so mad at myself this morning for deciding to start my day by churning out a little bit of online content doing a reaction video.

That stupid M and M video messed me up today. Feeling like sappy dad. If you haven't seen it, it's it's called temporary, and you should watch it. I've talked about it a couple times this morning. He wrote this song as a comforting message to his daughter after he dies, and the video is just filled to the brim with, like, old family footage.

You know, he's got his little girl, you know, and she's really young. And, you know, as a dad, brutalized me today. What an idiot. Why did I watch that? Okay.

Anyway, I just want others to be punished today as well, so you should check that video out. Okay. Let's get to the freak news. New Jersey woman taking a flight. Did this just happen?

Yeah. It did. Alright. If you have a bunch of Christmas gifts packed into your luggage? You know that they send your your suitcase through a scanner.

Right? You can't just fill your suitcase up with whatever you want. And wrapping £25 of drugs in boxes to look like Christmas presents, you're not going to fool the TSA. K? Yeah.

Anyhow, she's in jail for a while. What an idiot. It's like the guy yesterday who tried to hide his meth in a shotgun shell. What are these people thinking? Alright.

Just give it up. Just give it up. Oh, this was, okay. Anyway, we'll move along. We'll move along.

Alright. What else do we have here? How to set your bedroom up like a hotel room and why you should? Well, I mean, how hard does it set your room up like a hotel room? Right?

You you got a bed TV. I don't think I'd want it. Well, you know, I've actually had a bedroom with a, sink in it. It it was actually kinda nice. You know, you had the attached bathroom, and then there was a sink in the room.

It it was kinda handy, I guess. Actually, it would have been handier to have the sink in the bathroom now that I, think about it. That's one of the gross things about hotels sometimes. When you have to, you know, use the bathroom then walk out a door. You, like, open the handle.

You you really hope the housekeeping is scrubbing those handles every time. Sorry. Not trying to gross you out here. Okay. Here's how you make your room into a hotel room.

You need good bedding. Yeah. No kidding. Wow. State the obvious.

I thought they were gonna say hang up a tacky picture on the wall that nobody likes. Okay. So gotta have a nice mattress, pillows, sheets, and blankets. That's, like, the the number one thing you need for a bedroom. Right?

And here's something that I would have never thought to do, but, it was recommended to make the room darker. Get some of them blackout curtains. Blackout curtains in my room was the greatest thing that I could have done because I work this weird schedule where I wake up, like, 445. And during the summertime, when I need to go to bed, it is light outside. Alright?

I can't go to sleep. Well, actually, that that's a lie. If I'm in the recliner, I can certainly crash out. But the blackout curtains make it real nice, especially when it comes to sleeping in on the weekends. Yeah.

They're great. Yeah. Make sure the room's cool. Keep it neat. They didn't say anything about a TV.

I have a 65 inch TV in my bedroom. It's overkill. I have a pretty loud soundbar in there too. I mean and then I've got an adjustable frame on my bed. It's kind of absurd, my bedroom setup, because you can just kick the bed up, and I've got kinda like a movie theater with a bed.

Because you're you know, bedrooms are small. I'm pretty close to the TV. So a 65 inch TV in your room seems really big. I highly recommend a large TV in the bedroom. Something I would have never thought to do because it seems like overkill, but totally worth it.

Totally worth it. And big TVs are cheap nowadays. And when you're watching it in your room, you're generally gonna have the lights down low. You don't need a fancy TV. You know?

TVs are pretty cheap nowadays. But yeah. Yeah. Keep your room nice and neat. You put the, you know, little bed stands on each side with a lamp so each person has a lamp.

I got one of those little, night stands. It has USB ports in it. But, of course, since it's my room, I've got, like, cool rock posters all framed up all over the place and, like, color changing lights and RGB. It's kind of stupid. Alright.

Anyway yeah. I I recommend, you follow this advice because you know how cozy it can be in a hotel sometimes. Making your room that way, it's great. I do not mind going to bed. Alright.

What else do we have here? Anything else for freaking news powered my by grease monkey? Oh, man. This is more sad stuff. Somebody went and was interviewing people in Asheville, North Carolina.

What's it like to live here right now? Okay. Hold on. I gotta bring up this text message real quick. We talked about this on the noon hour of madness and mayhem yesterday.

K Bear's own, Piper Finney. You remember Piper? Of course, you remember Piper. Well, my good friend, Piper, she moved to Asheville 10 years ago. That's how I ended up getting the morning show position and the program director position.

Piper moved, so I applied, and they gave me the job. And now you're stuck with me at least for right now. You never know. This is a scary business. Anyhow, I messaged Piper last week to see if she was doing okay.

And, took many days to get a response because cell phone lines were down and things like that. Hey, peaches. I was just, talking about the hurricane and was going to remind listeners what we talk about yesterday during the noon hour that if you wanna help out Piper Finney's community, you can donate at u w U w haywood,, to help out Piper Finney's community in Asheville. She's okay.

Her and her husband are good, but, just wanted to remind everybody rather than hit up people and go, what's it like to live there right now? Maybe do something to help people. That's How does it feel a hurricane just hit your house? Yeah. That's Typical radio DJ question.

That's the news. That's the news. Well, it has shattered my view of what's possible. Thanks for asking. My home was swept away.

Have you seen any of the photos that you can, it'll show a before and after photo from above and you can, like, slide the slider back and forth? No. I haven't seen it. It's crazy. It's like, okay.

Here's a little neighborhood. Now it's a river. You know? So crazy, dude. How's your morning going, Peaches?

Oh, I'm pretty good. It's Friday. We out here? We out here? Payday was yesterday?

Yeah. We did get paid early. Yeah. You know? I think if it lands on a Friday, we get paid a day early.

That's the that's my thing. That's my theory. Well or yeah. And we would have gotten paid tomorrow. So And it lands on a Saturday.

Yeah. So I would have thought we would have got paid today, but I don't know. I mean, I don't get excited about payday anymore. Do. Some money.

It just all goes to bills. Slowly watching the car payment go way down. Yeah. See, I've got a house payment, and when you get a crappy, interest rate because of the way interest rates are right now Oh, yeah. Yeah.

That that amount does not go down. It's like, okay. We'll put a $100 toward the principal, and then now you can put a, like, $1700. Just give it to the bank. Give us all your money.

Yeah. That that's the only problem with buying a house, the way that amortization works. They charge you all the interest up front. It's a total scam, but it's what you gotta do if you wanna own a house. So, anyway, thoughts with the people in Nashville. to help Piper's specific community. At least you're paying for your house. Imagine being over there. Yeah. I'm very grateful that, you know, just looking at videos and footage of that, I mean, a bit horrible.

Right. I cannot imagine. It's a funny scene not funny, but it's silly seeing the Six Flags roller coasters, like, halfway above the water. Yeah. That shows you how high the water is in there.

Exactly. That's that's scary, man. Yeah. It is. Scary.

Lot ugh. Terrible. Anyway, we've been talking about lots of sad stuff on the show today, peaches. Yeah. What's that?

It's been the sad Victor Wilt Show. Have you watched the new Eminem video? The one of him finding out he's a grandpa? Yeah. Yeah.

Called temporary? No. I didn't see the music video. I just saw the little clip of him. You go watch the video.

Just go go hide in the cannonball studio, watch it, and cry. Is it because, like, his daughter's grown up now? Yeah. She's the same age as me? Yeah.

It's it's a song he wrote to her as a, something to comfort her after he dies. Oh. And it shows her all growing up, and it's you know? As a dad who has watched my kids grow up, I'm like, why did I watch this at 6:30 AM? What's wrong with me?

I'm an idiot. Been all messed up all morning just from one stupid music video. Alright, Peaches. I had to drag you back in here because we've got a caller on the line who said he wanted to beat up on you and me a little bit. Why?

And I don't know, but he said he had a break for us and that you had to be in here for it, so I brought you back in. Who's this again? It's Mitch. Mitch. Alright, Mitch.

What you got? Well, I'm sure that it's a little bit of a sad story, but I'm, not that sad. But I'm sure the Cape Bear Army, she wouldn't appreciate it at all. And I know Piper wouldn't have stood for it and she would have took care of it 3 years ago. Okay.

Hey. How long how long does it take to get a request played with K Bear? Well, I guess it depends what song, what song did you request 3 years ago, Mitch, that we failed to play? Well, not only 3 years ago, but every year for 3 years. And I'm sure, Peaches knows what it is.

Peaches? It's for it's for Halloween, Peaches. I've requested you from you guys every Halloween for the last 3 years because I think it'd be good in the set list. Oh, good. How are you?

Alright. Well, what is it? I requested I've requested Lady Evil by Black Sabbath for 3 years. Alright. Well, Mitch, today's the day I'm going to try to pull it up.

Let let's give it a, quick listen because the thing with the Halloween music, it's gotta have the right vibe. Yeah. And, you know, I I will shamefully admit that I'm not as well versed in the d o era of Sabbath as I am with Ozzy. Let's let's quickly check The first line the first line goes, there's a place down south of Witches Valley. That's pretty good first line for Halloween.

Let's check it out. Hold on. Hold on, Mitch. Alright. Do you know how there's octane core?

I feel like that's pitcore. Pitcore? No. Pick core. Pitcore.

Like something that they would play over there. You know what? I I think that song, it could probably work. So now I've gotta actually get a copy. I was just playing that off the Internet.

But, Mitch, we'll see what we can do, and we appreciate your 3 years of patience. Give me give me a little bit time here. Hey. Yeah. Cool, man.

You know, I think everybody's like it. Alright. I like it. Well, thank you, Mitch. And, yeah.

You have yourself a a good fun weekend. You too. Alright. Thanks, man. Peace.

Ready? Okay. I thought he was really gonna beat up on us. Yeah. That was that that wasn't too bad.

Yeah. Mitch is cool. I've I've been beaten up on by listeners plenty of times. You know, I generally don't make them mad, but, I was expecting worse. Usually, if there's a listener that's mad, they'll call, scream over the top of you, and then just hang up the phones.

They'll hear you. And I I like having those discussions when listeners are mad. I think they're fun for air. You know, it's good content. But, yeah, when they hang up, it won't won't take part in the show.

No. They'll make snide comments on Facebook and hide behind their computers. Yeah. Call us. I always say if you got complaints, call and let's talk about it live on air.

Maybe I should do that for for the time leading up to traffic school powered by the advocates injury attorney. I'll tune in. Yeah. Anybody has any complaints you wanna talk about live on air, you have your opportunity. You call me if I think it's a good enough complaint.

We'll discuss it live on air. Got a call from listener Stewart that I ruined this morning. He didn't even make it all the way through the new M and M video, and it wasn't because of the song. Oh, that video's rough. So let's change it up.

Let's talk about scary stuff. Alright. We're in the Halloween season. We're rolling full steam ahead. And you know, maybe you've never really delved into the world of horror or maybe just movies.

You know, reading is good for the mind and I gotta tell you, horror novels are always going to be better than the movie. I was looking at some kind of a starter list for people who have never read horror. You know, if you wanna get in the world of horror, check out these books. And I was very curious to see what they throw on there. And this is one of those things that makes me feel like, okay.

Maybe I don't know as much about the horror genre as I thought I did because most of these books that drewbroussard from is recommending. Now I have heard of something wicked this way comes by Ray Bradbury. I've had I haven't read it, but, I'm familiar with it. I might own a copy. Then he brought up some book called horror for weenies.

So I I guess this is just a synopsis of 25 classic horror movies. So, like, if you're afraid to watch the movie, you can, you know, find out what the movies were about by reading the book. I'm I'm not gonna put that on a recommended list. Not because I haven't read it because No. If you wanna dive into the world of reading horror, there are much better routes to take.

And I will agree with him. He said if you wanna start with the best of the best, he goes with Stephen King. He recommended The Shining. Now okay. I guess if you wanna step lightly into the world of Stephen King horror, Go with The Shining.

I mean, it's got scary parts. It's if you've seen the movie and never read the book, the book is very different from the movie, and it's a it's not just a story about a guy who goes to a hotel and goes crazy. It's a very powerful story about alcoholism, and I highly recommend it. It's one of the best books I've ever read. I've read it multiple times.

I'd like to read it again. But if you wanna go scary with Stephen King, just start with Pet Sematary. Alright? If you've seen the movie, that one from the eighties, I rewatched it recently. Very creepy.

Very it it stands up too. It it was a much better rewatch than I thought it was going to be. It's a good movie. The book, way darker. Way darker.

It's it's amazing. So if you wanna go scary, Stephen King, go Pet Sematary. And then he starts getting into some others that, you know, like, I'm I'm familiar with Interview with the Vampire. I believe I read that book when I was younger. I enjoyed the movie and I don't know.

I could never get into Anne Rice's books. I don't know. I don't know why. I have wanted to read the Haunting of Hill House because I enjoyed the, Netflix series that Mike Flanagan did. I don't know how close the series is to, the book, but it's a classic and shame on me that I haven't read it.

Then he starts bringing up some that I'm not familiar with. Even the author, John Langan with mister Gaunt and other uneasy encounters. Is that a shame upon me that I've never heard of John Langan or Sarah Gran or Laird Baron or Mariana Enriquez? Now Michael Bettendorf, that sounds familiar. If you wanna dive outside of the traditional realm of popular horror authors because, I mean, you've got your Dean Koontz.

You got your Clive Barker. Now Clive Barker Clive Barker is as far as the prose, the actual writing, nobody writes like that. Some of his books are even they're just hard to read. They're a challenging read, but the payoff is so good. You know, pick up the great and secret show, not necessarily a horror novel, but his stuff that I mean, I have like all of his books.

They're so good. But if it, I I like to recommend some authors people aren't as familiar with, and I could not rave enough about Brian Keen, k e e n e. Every single book is great. He writes I don't know. His books often give me a Stephen King vibe, but very original, really good stories.

Brian Keane should be so popular. So popular because he's not like Edward Lee or Jack Ketchum where you've got lots of disgusting material, very disturbing. You know, Jack Ketchum even though he's one of my favorite horror authors because the books hit me. They affect me. They, you know, leave a lasting impression.

They leave me feeling bothered and horrified, which I would think horror should horrify you. Not gonna be for everybody. Alright. But Brian Keene, I think, is is very mainstream yet he's underground. And it's it's weird to me.

He's so good. If you're into slasher type stuff like eighties slasher horror movies, you know, with the teenagers that are all rowdy and things like that. Richard Layman is really good as well. Who else do I oh, Stephen King's son, Joe Hill, is extremely good. His books are all great.

You could start with heart shaped box, his kinda debut novel. It it's excellent. I could I could go off about horror authors all day. Oh, Robert McCammon. How could I forget?

Robert McCammon, another author that, like Brian Keane, is on par with Stephen King, very mainstream, and Robert McCammon's books are mind blowingly good. They are so amazing. So, so amazing. And a lot of these authors, you know, you can find their stuff at thrift stores. They're really cheap on eBay.

Hold on. We got somebody calling. See what they want. K, Bear, you are live on the program. Who's this?

Hey. My name is David. David, what's up, man? You wanna talk horror? Yes.

Surprisingly enough, the first Jurassic Park novel. Dude, it's a great book. It's way better than the movie. I wish there was a raft scene in the book in the movie. Yeah.

They'll make it 10 times better. Dude, there are some wild scenes in the Jurassic Park book. I didn't read it for years years years. And then, you know, I was just sitting around and I was like, pick it up and give it a go. That book is crazy.

It's so good. And the dark opening of the book threw me off. I can't probably can't say what happened in the beginning of the book, the on air, but Yeah. Yeah. That wasn't in the movie.

That's for sure. But that's I wish it, like, it was a more faithful adaptation. Yeah. And, you know, that's the unfortunate thing with Hollywood. You know, you take a a horror novel, make it into a PG 13 movie.

It's it's, yeah, it's gonna get toned down significantly. Yeah. There there's also another horror novel, the house of leaves. You know, I have been wanting to read that book so bad. It's one of those that I haven't even purchased.

Dude, I'm glad you said something about it. I'm gonna open an eBay tab here and see if I can find a, a good quality copy of it because that people have just raised a book. I think I saw it at Barnes and noble yesterday. So Yeah. They've got that, like full color.

I I've seen it at Barnes and Noble and other bookstores before. It's a big copy that's like, full color and hardcover, a really cool looking book. But from what I understand, I I never try to dive too much into what books are about, but I I think the manner in which it's written, people I read it, and it was a trip, and I thought I was losing my mind reading it. House of Leaves by Mark Daniel Danielef's how do you say that? Daniel?

Oh, man. Or someone I don't know. Man, I suck today. I'm sure I could pronounce that on the right day, but, house of fleet. Dude, thanks for reminding me, man.

I'm gonna add that to my eBay watch list. So Alrighty. Alright, dude. Appreciate it. Hey.

You too, man. Thanks for the call. Always down for a great horror recommendation, and I'm so forgetful. These are things I just don't think about till I'm in the bookstore, and it's like, oh, that book's 40 bucks. I tend to be kind of a bargain shopper when it comes to books because I like to buy lots of them.

So I go to the used bookstore. Shout out to the bookshelf in Idaho Falls. Love those guys. Or thrift stores, things like that, or eBay. So gotta keep an eye out for, house of leaves and get a copy of that.

That reminds me, I am mad at eBay right now. Not necessarily eBay, but I I don't buy books too often because I don't have the money to spend on them. And I'm into collectible books. But I'll watch eBay for, like, collectible Stephen King books. And I saw a screaming deal on a copy of from a Buick 8, but it was the red leather Stephen King Library edition.

These books aren't, like, super collectible. They usually sell for around $25, you know, and they look nice. They're just bright red leather books, and I've I've got a bunch of them. And I saw from a Buick 8 for, like, $11 with free shipping. So I was like, sweet.

This was back on September 5th. I ordered the book and, you know, a couple weeks go by, I'm like, where is this? Because it was so cheap. I couldn't pass it up $11. So I messaged the seller and was like, Hey, you know, any updates on the shipping on this?

And they're like, well, we shipped it out that same day. I'm like, well, the tracking says that, you know, they don't have it. So it finally showed up 2 days ago. And if you're a book collector, you expect your books 1 to show up packaged somewhat properly. Not just in a paper envelope and not one of the paper envelopes that have the bubble wrap inside.

A paper envelope. I was mad right when I pulled it out of the mailbox because, you know, the mailman, the package doesn't say fragile or anything. He just stuffs it in the mailbox. Nothing against the mailman. I would have done the same.

Yeah. What you assume, this must be something not very important where it's packaged like complete garbage. So I'm still excited. Like, alright. This book better not be too beat up.

I walk in my house. I open it up. It's not the red leather edition. It's the mass produced normal hardcover of from a b o k. Took a month to get to me.

It wasn't what I ordered. And on top of that, the book was beat to crap because it was packaged badly. So I messaged the seller and, like, you know, I took photos. I'm like, hey. This isn't what I ordered.

They took a day to get back to me, and they're like, oh, we're sorry. You don't wanna keep that. Go ahead and ship it back to us. By the way, the return postage is not refundable. You know how much it costs to send a hardcover book in the mail?

You know, if you don't have a account as a big, you know, business with ups or the postal service, it's not, it's not necessarily cheap. It would've cost me almost as much to send it back as I paid for it, and I wouldn't have got that money back. So I would've essentially just been throwing money in the garbage and ended up with nothing. I already have that book in hardcover because it was mass produced and you can buy it at thrift stores for, like, a dollar. I see it at thrift stores all the time.

So I wrote the seller back yesterday and was like, that's not an acceptable response. You did you know, this wasn't a product that I was unsatisfied with and wanna send back. You didn't send me what I paid for. Have they gotten back to me? No.

So I I have never left a book seller a bad review on eBay because they generally this is a that's all they do is sell books. It might be my first one star review coming their way if they don't figure out a way to make it better. And I think it's honestly possibly a scam that they've got going on. Oh, I got lieutenant crane calling me shut up about that. I'll have to call him back in a second because they're still selling the book I ordered, but they raised the price up to $30.

You know, it's still available in their store. It's like, no. Why don't you ship me out the book I paid for and pay to get this other book back? Because yeah. What what can I get if I try to sell this book?

Couple bucks? You know? So stupid. Okay. Anyway, you can always rely on me to find a way to throw in a complaint on a just normal break, but forgot about that.

Made me mad. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that?

God, I have to say river bend media river bend media group. This program's a production of river. God, this program's a, this program's a production of river bend media group to contact the show or for more information, hit us up at