The Traffic Hackers

Get ready for a wild ride through the digital marketing jungle with "The Traffic Hackers," Episode 8: "Channel Surfing to Success: The Multi-Channel Marketing Adventure!" Join our intrepid hosts, Brent Stone and Glen, as they embark on an epic quest to uncover the secrets of using multiple marketing channels to catch waves of leads.

As Brent kicks off the adventure with his trademark enthusiasm, you can almost hear the jungle drums in the background, setting the stage for a marketing exploration unlike any other. They're not just talking shop; they're gearing up for a safari through the vast landscape of digital platforms, from the towering peaks of Instagram to the mysterious depths of LinkedIn.

Glen, with his map of marketing wisdom, points out the treasure spots where brand recognition sparkles under the canopy and calls to action echo through the valleys. He’s the seasoned guide explaining how to navigate the dense forest of audience demographics, with tales of marketers who've successfully traversed Instagram's trendy trails and LinkedIn's professional passageways.

The journey gets practical as our hosts plot the course for multi-channel mastery. Starting with a single outpost (channel) and expanding their territory bit by bit, they share the secret maps—data from the very audiences they seek to engage. This isn’t just about setting sail on every platform; it’s about charting a course that’s led by the stars of customer insight.

Listeners will gather round the campfire to learn how to:

  • Embark on the multi-channel marketing voyage to reach the farthest corners of your market.
  • Hoist the flag of brand recognition high across platforms, turning casual observers into loyal followers.
  • Navigate from one channel to the next with the precision of a seasoned captain, ensuring no opportunity for engagement is lost to the sea.
  • Decipher the map of customer data, tailoring your marketing efforts to the unique landscapes of each platform.

Episode 8 of "The Traffic Hackers" is more than just a chat; it's a treasure map for marketers and business adventurers ready to claim the riches of multi-channel marketing. Brent and Glen don’t just guide you through the wilderness—they provide the compass, the map, and the spirit of adventure needed to discover new territories of opportunity.

Tune in to "Channel Surfing to Success: The Multi-Channel Marketing Adventure" for a thrilling expedition into the heart of digital marketing. Whether you're a seasoned explorer of the digital domain or a newcomer setting sail for the first time, this episode is your guide to conquering the multi-channel marketing world.

Creators & Guests

Glen Martin
Struggling with month-to-month finances, I reached a breaking point in 2013 and contacted a mentor who changed my life. His guidance shifted my mindset from an employee to an entrepreneur, leading me to create various business ventures in e-commerce, digital marketing, and coaching. Nine years later, my wife is a full-time homemaker, and we've been blessed with success. I'm passionate about helping others escape financial struggles and take control of their lives, aiming for impact, influence, and income. Let's connect to start your journey of growth and change lives together!
Brent Stone
Overcoming early turmoil, I've transformed challenges into resilience and success. My journey includes: Escaping legal trouble in my teens. Achieving national recognition in network marketing at 19. Transitioning from managing a multi-million-dollar dental facility to co-owning a Dental Service Organization in my early 20s. Launching a lead generation firm/software development company and starting the “Traffic Hackers” podcast. Undergoing a spiritual journey and creating the “Changed Podcast” with my wife. Today, I'm an entrepreneur, owner, connector, and author, inspired by my encounters with Jesus. I founded Funnel Force and developed leadtether, an innovative lead generation software. I focus on helping professionals streamline their business processes. Expertise: Advertising/Marketing Strategy, Scaling Systems, Dental Industry, Software Development, Podcast Hosting, Strategic Business Consulting. Looking for: Collaborations, partnerships, opportunities to expand my podcasts, and speaking engagements. Join me for a transformative journey in entrepreneurship. Let’s make an impact together.

What is The Traffic Hackers?

Welcome to "The Traffic Hackers" podcast, your go-to resource for mastering the art of lead generation and demand generation. Each episode is packed with insights and strategies to help companies and entrepreneurs skyrocket their business growth. We delve deep into the secrets of increasing sales and revenue, transforming the way you attract and nurture leads.

Join us as we explore innovative methods to increase lead sources and reveal the tools and tactics for automating your lead generation process. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting out, "The Traffic Hackers" is your guide to putting revenue growth on autopilot. Tune in to unlock the potential of hot leads and learn how to turn clicks into customers, driving your business forward in today's competitive market.

Subscribe now and embark on a journey to elevate your business with "The Traffic Hackers" – where every listener gets equipped to conquer the digital landscape and achieve sustainable growth.

#LeadGeneration #DemandGeneration #BusinessGrowth #IncreaseSales #IncreaseRevenue

Brent Stone (00:00.542)
Hey, welcome back to the Traffic Hackers, I'm Brent.

Glen (00:04.431)
What's up guys, Glenn here. Super excited to jump into some more stuff with you guys today.

Brent Stone (00:09.134)
It's gonna be good. Today, we're getting into some content on different channels, multi-channel marketing for the purpose of lead generation. Because I think a lot of people discount the whole idea of having a couple different avenues because a lot of times we're taught to go deep on one thing. I don't disagree with that. I think people should master a platform. However,

And if you're going to work with, with a company like ours, or if you're going to work with a company, you know, another, another firm out there that's going to handle lead generation for you or advertising or whatever the case is, they have a lot of tools at their disposal. So Glenn, I want to ask you, you know, from, from your perspective, what are, what are some, I was going to say pros versus cons on going multi-channel? Um, let's just stick with the pros, you know, Hey, what, what are, what are, what are reasons to go multi-channel?

And what does that look like?

Glen (01:11.811)
It's a great question. And whether you're a business doing this for yourself or whether you have someone coming in from the outside, there's a lot of pros to having multi-channel marketing. And what we mean by that is obviously you look at your, your top social media is like Instagram, Facebook, um, X. LinkedIn, you know, you, you jump into your top ones that is where a lot of people's eyeballs live on a day to day basis and

Then you have other multi-channel, which is your website. So you can, you know, push SEO to your website. You have just the ad space in general. And so why multi-channel? I think there's probably a lot of reasons, but number one, depending on your audience, people live on different platforms based on their age demographics, based on their experience and what they do, et cetera. And so multi-channel allows you to hit a much

broader market than if you just go into one channel. So you might have your Instagram and it's amazing, but you're hitting one segment of the audience, you're hitting a certain age demographic and a certain group of people in that platform. Then you move to Facebook and you have an audience over there that you're nurturing. It's probably a little bit of a different audience than what is inside your Instagram. X is then a completely different audience. Typically.

And then LinkedIn is another completely different audience. So you see where I'm going with this. Just in these four main social medias, you're hitting four completely different targets. Maybe it's age, maybe it's income levels. It could be professions, especially with LinkedIn. You're, you're looking at, I mean, this is a cool stat, kind of completely off the subject, but LinkedIn, the average user inside LinkedIn makes $75,000 or above in their annual income.

Brent Stone (02:49.729)

Glen (03:05.723)
So you start thinking about that stuff. It's like, okay, well, cool. These people have a higher level of income. You want to get into that platform. Then you look at Instagram, for example, and you've got a lot of 15, 16, 17 year olds on Instagram. Obviously it goes up and there's 30 and 40 year olds on there as well. But you see why multi-channel is so important just from those two extremely different examples. I have not hardly ever, I don't know if I've ever come across the 15 or 16 year old inside of LinkedIn, for example.

Right. So multi-channel allows you to hit these different demographics. Now you've got your website. How can you multi-channel your website? Well, there's something called search engine optimization or SEO, and it is pushing your website inside Google searches to the top of the charts so that people are on Google all the time. I mean, we don't even think anymore. I mean, who has time for that? We can go on to Google and now we can find stuff. Right. And so you want to leverage that multi-channel.

Well, then you've got something called, you know, advertising, programmatic ads. And I mean, it's just, it gets crazy. And here's why that's important because it tracks essentially your behaviors and your, you know, intent. If I'm searching constantly, you know, what is better iPhone versus Samsung? You know, that's like always a debate out there, right?

Brent Stone (04:08.258)
Paper click.

Glen (04:30.563)
Well, now I'm going to start getting ads based on the searches that I'm performing. And that's another multi-channel place that you can start putting some of your, um, advertising and all, what are all these things doing? It's not just so that you can make yourself feel good and you see yourself on all these channels. No, it's about leads. Every business wants leads, whether it's a brick and mortar store or whether it is a online business, every business wants leads.

And that is paramount when it comes to this multi-channel. And that's typically why people outsource because it's a lot of work. You hit four, you hit four social media channels. You have your website, you have programmatic display, you have geo-fencing. You could, I mean, we could talk about OTT advertising and, and all kinds of stuff and it gets overwhelming. That's why people outsource this stuff because they just, they're just like, you know what?

I want all this, but I don't even have the bandwidth and I don't even know how. And so that's a different topic, but that's the benefits of multichannel.

Brent Stone (05:31.307)

Brent Stone (05:38.174)
Yeah, exposure, just wide exposure across the board. I mean, well, here's the thing. I come from a background in marketing and advertising. And one of the things that I got to witness on a day-to-day basis in that space was just people would be willing to spend gobs of money on advertising to generate leads. That's why you buy advertising is to generate leads. So one aspect of what we do, I mean,

Glen (05:40.45)
I mean, that's a quick word. Yeah.

Brent Stone (06:08.042)
this isn't, you know, our space to really just promote what we do, but we can talk about it. You know, with some of our lead tether software, it's like, you know, we do that to basically save people time and money because it's not expensive to start the software portion, but then it adds that added value to everything else that's going on. If someone's already running like ads, if someone's running ads and doing SEO and pay per click and other things, it's just.

you're out there that much more people are going to recognize your face. There's this brand recognition that you start to establish for yourself personally. If you've got a personal brand, company brand, if you're a spokesperson, you know, just whatever it is. And so people can recognize you across multiple different avenues in the world of, you know, business. And then, so you've got the digital front, you've got, you know, media, being like TV, you've got print, you know, all these different things.

Glen (06:42.268)

Glen (06:53.284)

Brent Stone (07:05.27)
wherever you show up, do people recognize you? And if people do recognize you and you have a call to action, that's the next thing. You know, if you have a call, people can recognize you. I mean, there's people out there that are widely recognized. They don't have a CTA. If they have a CTA, a call to action, man, they can do quite well just with like publicity and all these other things, like because they got the publicity and they've got this brand, they can ask people to do stuff. That's why, that's the only reason why endorsements are a thing, right? Like if you go and find a celebrity,

Glen (07:31.74)

Brent Stone (07:34.286)
and they endorse a product, that's the only value that they bring to the table. Most of the time, celebrities get asked to endorse a product, they don't even use the product. They don't even like, whatever. They don't even know about the product. That's a whole nother discussion for another time. But if we're in the name of generating leads, in the name of generating leads, if we can get really tactical with how we look at these things that we can accomplish here, if we buy ads,

Glen (07:50.215)
Thank you.

Brent Stone (08:03.254)
That'll drive leads. And then, and then, and then building a strategy around, you know, what someone's goal is, you know, I, so I don't get into the weeds here. I do think that, you know, when we look at this type of, look, like, look at this type of topic, it is dangerous because people can like go off on one end really quickly. I think I just, I almost get overwhelmed talking about ads with people because people just don't understand. It's not just like, Oh, I want to buy ads.

Glen (08:05.159)

Brent Stone (08:30.71)
Cause I, I've heard like, I, I've heard that for years, you know, even when I was in the radio space, people are like, well, I just, it's just, it's just ads is, you know, why are these more expensive than these over here? And it's like, well.

Glen (08:31.023)

Thank you.

Brent Stone (08:43.786)
whole nother discussion, but basically there's really good reasons for why things are priced a certain way. And you can explain that if people are willing to actually build a strategy for their business. If people are just like price shopping and whatever. I mean, a lot of times people won't buy ads in general. People don't want to talk to a company like ours or another big firm or whatever, just because they just don't understand the value that's there. And if people

Glen (08:48.333)

Brent Stone (09:11.486)
really wrap their head around it. Well, how do these businesses stay afloat? Well, they're providing someone value. There's businesses buying ads, there's businesses doing these things, using these services. And so I guess for anyone that's like listening to this, if you're really trying to generate more leads, you can do this really cheap. If you're starting off, I mean, you can do it really cheap if you're not starting off, but here's what you should probably be doing. And Glenn, you can weigh in on this here.

in a second, but having different social channels, like what you mentioned, I think is really, really a starting block because it's just real estate. You're just taking up real estate. Then you can do paid ads on social media and stuff like that. But your product and service also have to make sense for that audience. And then you can, you know, do more of a professional type of outreach through LinkedIn. Definitely recommended because we're really big on LinkedIn. But then there's also you have your ad space.

Glen (09:45.872)

Brent Stone (10:10.826)
and then just targeting people, like you said, based on behavior, where do they congregate online, finding places where they already are online and then buying ads within those places. All of this stuff is really big and important to really wrap your head around. And here's the best part. If you just wanna generate leads and you don't wanna take the time to wrap your head around it, you should hire out. You should outsource that. So that's just something else to consider. But knowing that multi-channel is

Glen (10:20.587)

Glen (10:34.276)

Brent Stone (10:40.246)
part of the bigger strategy. I think that that's, that's probably one of the big things. Well, what you have any, have any remarks on that Glenn, anything that you want to like throw in there as we're focusing this thing on, Hey, how do you generate leads with multi-channel? How do you, how do you look at lead generation through the lens of leveraging multi-channel? What is what's a closing remark or two or three?

Glen (11:06.679)
I think if you're trying to do this, it, you know, Brent already mentioned it can be overwhelming. It's like, man, this, there's a lot here. How do I really dice this down so that I can actually start doing this? That's why you see a lot of like brick and mortar businesses. They have no online presence yet as far as like in Instagram and Facebook and places like this. It's because they don't have the time to actually do it. So I think we can all create time for probably one channel.

And as you get really proficient at one, then you can move to a second or third. And then you start to bring in bandwidth that you can do more. And so my closing remark here would be find a channel that you spend time on already consuming, because we all have one probably that we consume on, right? It's Facebook, it's LinkedIn, it's, it's Instagram. Now start producing for that platform, for your business and get really good at that one.

And then maybe you can look at adding other ones in, but start with one, start with 30 minutes a day and start putting some thought into what can I do? Most people ever think it. If you've got a brick and mortar business, start creating content around just what you're doing on a daily basis or products in your store and just start putting stuff out there. I don't care if it's not as professional as it should be. Start getting something out there so that business owners know, Hey, I'm here. It's like you raising your hand online. We're here and we're in business.

And we're not going anywhere because in a day and age today where someone looks you up and they, they go over and check out your Instagram or your Facebook and you haven't posted since 2016, you're inadvertently saying, I don't know if we're still in business or not, but you're welcome to try, but if you had something posted 24 hours ago or even a week ago or even 30 days ago, people know you're still credible. You're still here. There's still relevant content.

I mean, this goes for every single industry. I was talking to a law firm about two years ago and they're still in business. They're doing okay, but they have no social presence. Like, yeah, I know we need to. I said, well, can I, can I give you an example? If I look you up, they're trying to hit like younger demographics of people. And with the services that they offer at that law firm, I was like on your Instagram, you guys haven't posted anything since 2016.

Glen (13:26.679)
And if I am a young person looking for a credible law firm and I see that. I'm not going to you. It's not because I have any beef with you. I just don't think that you know what I'm doing because you haven't even posted anything for eight years. And it's like, Oh man. You know, and to me, that is why this is so important is it's credibility in the marketplace today. So find one channel, go in on that one, and then you can start allocating.

And outsourcing as you get busier and as you bring in more clients, you can start to outsource and start hitting these multi-channel advertising aspects. So that's my closing remarks. And I hope that you guys go out and actually start doing this for your business, because you will see a return. Not right away, but you will see a return.

Brent Stone (14:16.702)
Yeah, totally. And I like what you said too, about finding something that you consume already on. And honestly, that's probably one of the best pieces of advice so you don't get overwhelmed. Right? I mean, you don't want people to get overwhelmed trying to dive into this, especially if you're trying to do it on a budget. You want to be able to justify the time and also understand the audience. Another thing that I was thinking of after you said that, Glenn, was that

Glen (14:28.944)

Brent Stone (14:46.642)
each of your customers as they're checking out, hey, do you consume on social media? Are you on X, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok? What are you on? And then just really getting data, because a lot of times, where if we go back based off of what we consume and we're selling something that's maybe different than what we would even be like purchase of.

of our own, like not purchasing our own product or service, which is probably a very rare case, but data never lies. So if you can ask, then you're really confident that you're gonna invest good time in creating something. Cause if you've already got, you know, the numbers are showing you out of a hundred customers that, you know, 70% of them watch YouTube. Well, creating YouTube shorts would be more profitable than TikTok. I mean, just right in the beginning.

Glen (15:41.052)

Brent Stone (15:43.422)
And then you can expand from there. But yeah, totally. I think that that's really wise. Hey everybody, thank you all for tuning in to the Traffic Hackers today. We hope that this has benefited you. And then till next time, we'll see you later. Thanks so much. Take care.