Becoming Multidimensional

Swedish Psychic Medium and Animal Communicator Sarah Brant shares stories and wisdom from her journey of understanding and embracing her gifts. When she realized that she could talk to animals and how that continues to develop and grow.

What is Becoming Multidimensional?

Join hosts Eliza and Christine in a journey of understanding and expanding into our greater multidimensional nature. Learn why expanding into this multidimensional awareness can let the light in and free your mind and body of old programs and patterns that no longer serve you. This is a blend of esoteric, mystical and scientific conversations. Stories and guests that will delight your imagination!

Eliza Aaron Cohen (00:00)
Hello and welcome back to Becoming Multidimensional. This is Eliza here with...

Christine (00:06)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (00:07)
And today we have a very special treat and a very special guest in studio who is not only just one of my favorite people and dearest friends, but also she is an extraordinary medium healer, animal communicator, tarot reader, artist. I mean, the list just goes on and on and on. And we are so lucky to be able to pick her brain today. I would love you all to give a warm welcome.

to the beautiful Sarah Brandt.

Sarah Brant (00:39)
Thank you very much for having me.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (00:40)
Cue the

Christine (00:41)
Yes. Welcome Sarah. And Sarah is calling in today from Sweden as well. And she's very sweet. She's rushing off from this podcast right straight to a reading with somebody. So we're excited that she built some time into her busy schedule to talk with us today.

Sarah Brant (01:01)
It's an honour, honestly, yeah, thank you for having

Eliza Aaron Cohen (01:03)
Sarah, we are so excited to just dive into all the things and there's so much to dive into. But for our listeners who don't know you yet, even though they all should, what would you like to share about your work and who you are and maybe a little bit about your journey?

Sarah Brant (01:19)
Well, yeah, that's, I've probably got a lot to say when it comes to that. I mean, what do I do? I live in Stockholm, yeah. I work as a medium and for the last sort of few years, animal communication has really, it's become a big part of what I do. Then I also, I'm very passionate about tarot. I picked up my first deck when I was sort of 13 or 14 and...

Yeah, mean, there's so much, mean mediumship in itself, it's so much more than just speaking to people on the other side, I think. I think that's what happens. A lot of mediums, do many different things.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (02:03)
is also a fantastic demonstrator, except that in Sweden, they call it seances, which had me a little bit tricked back when I visited her in October, because in America, seances are just where you sit in a circle and, you know, summon the paranormal activity. But in Sweden, it's the demonstration.

Sarah Brant (02:30)
Absolutely, yeah, that's the word that we use. Yeah, but it still causes confusion even in Sweden for people who are not in the medium world, know, that people do get scared and think like, my god, I'm gonna, you know, we have to hold hands and the table is gonna start flying away or something.

Christine (02:46)
Yes, it conjures up a lot of summoning when you are just different, right? When you're doing a platform mediumship is where someone sort of comes through. You're not necessarily conjuring or summoning. When I think of seance, there is sort of this, you know, I envision a room with a crystal ball and it's dark and you're chanting. And so it has a different feel to me than sort of platform work. Is there anything different about

Sarah Brant (02:50)

Christine (03:16)
what you would call a seance as opposed to doing a platform type

Sarah Brant (03:21)
No, it's just that that's the word that we use in Sweden for doing platform work. That's what it's called. Yeah. But it's no, and I see it as a celebration. Yeah. Yeah.

Christine (03:32)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (03:32)
because had I known that it was a demonstration, I probably would have chickened out, but because I thought it was us holding hands and like summoning the spirits, I was like, yeah, I'm game. But then it actually was like such an amazing experience. Sarah, I don't know if you want to tell them the story of our night of double linking and maybe even tell our listeners like what a double link is.

Sarah Brant (03:53)
Yeah, that

Well, it was, that was amazing. mean, I think most of the time, I think you have to just do what you're inspired to do. Yeah. So we, we did. And I sent an email out and I said, it's going to be what we call a sales was demonstration at my place. And Eliza was over and I'm like, you're doing it with me. And she's like, am I okay? And then we didn't prepare anything for it. We were just gonna see where spirit

guided us and it was a strange day actually because it was a lot of rain. It was like a little bit of a storm and the trains, do remember? There was a lot of people who couldn't come because there was some issues with the train. yeah, but it it turned out really well and it turned out we did what we call a double link throughout the whole time. So each contact that came through one by one, Eliza and I directly were linking up with the same spirit.

So we we knew both of us, okay, this is a mother, you know, that's coming through. Okay, this is a friend, you know, this is a brother, this is a father. We could feel the same context. And that was pretty, I've never done it like that for such a long period. We went on for over an hour. I've never done it. You know, I've done it once or twice, you know, in circles or training, know, platform training, but not like we did. It was fun. And it was fun, I think, for the people who were there.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (05:20)

I find it very validating because it's impressive enough for someone to bring evidence for one person, through one person, but to hear it through two, who both don't know who the contact is, it's pretty incredible.

Sarah Brant (05:35)
And then because we have different personalities, we can read different things from the person who's coming through.

Christine (05:42)
Yeah Well, and they both can use your different I think spirit uses your frame of reference So it can use your frame of reference and Eliza's frame of reference But since you're an artist and now you're clearly so good at doing this double link You could perhaps be one of those people who do the double links where one person is drawing a portrait and one person is bringing through the information I always find that so amazing when I see

Sarah Brant (05:46)
Mmm, mmm, it's delicious. Mmm.

Christine (06:08)
at the college. Well, we're talking about the Arthur Finley College again, because this is where we met Sarah. So that is always an incredible thing to have one medium turn the portrait around. And it's the person that the other person was describing, then the person in the audience who it's for starts crying. And it's this beautiful, incredible validation and message from their loved ones.

Sarah Brant (06:30)
Yeah, who knows? Yes.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (06:30)
So Sarah, how did you get into this? What was your journey into

Sarah Brant (06:36)
My journey into mediumship, I mean I've had it since I was a child. I can't remember not having it but as a child I was just gripped with fear I'm gonna say. It wasn't very much fun you know. It's not because you, like I said many people think that mediumship is it's about reading the spirit world but it's also you know we have also have this ability of the psychic ability and that means that you know we can feel emotions from people you know and some people don't feel good.

And when you're a little child and you can feel people and how they feel, sometimes it's like a lot to digest maybe. But I was always intrigued and fascinated by the unknown then, because if you can see auras around trees and people and you know that there is a life after this, there is the people that pass over, they're clearly not, it's not an image of them.

it's like they're still alive, they can still communicate. Then I started having thoughts of, okay, well then I must have been something before I was here. And I was like, when I was eight. Makes you maybe a little bit strange, I don't know.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (07:49)
Not in my book. It would make you prime friend for me.

Sarah Brant (07:58)
But then very fascinated by, so I went into sort of meditation, you know, this took up a big part of my life. But my, actually, me and my mother was, she took me to, when I was like 14, went to a spiritualist church. She's like, help me with my child, what's happening? But it was, that was very, for me it was a very positive experience. I got to go to demonstrations.

We were part of like a healing circle, me and my mom. And then I remember I was taken to like the back office with two of the elderly mediums. was two men and they were very, they didn't ask me any questions actually. They just told me that you need to live your life first. Yeah. You're only 14 or 15. You need to live first. And then when you're older, you're gonna be back here. And it was true.

And then it wasn't until maybe six years ago that I was really like now I'm gonna let me say explore my potential and see where it takes me.

Christine (09:06)
That is amazing. So I have to ask you, just because I've talked to some of my clients who know that you are coming on, we were recording this, people who have pets love their pets and would love to be able to, I we all feel like we can communicate to some extent, just the love, but how did you get into the animal communication piece of

Sarah Brant (09:30)
Okay, so I had an experience maybe four years ago, something like this. I'd just been to a course, a mediumship course, and you all know what it's like. It's very intense. you sort of, after the days after, sort of more, you know, things flow a bit easier. And I was at my mom's house and my mom lives in the country and I used to have a dog. They used to live with me, but now he lives with my mom in the country.

And I was having a cuddle with my dog Lloyd on the floor. And all of a sudden I was getting the same feeling as with medium. I was getting images like with mediumship and I was, but it was different from meeting people. And I sort of said to my mom, said, you know, Lloyd is showing me this spider, like why is he, you know, it's several things. And they were showing me the area that he wasn't been taking for long walks anymore. Yeah. But he wanted to roam free in the forest. And then my mom showed me.

pulled out this toy that he has and it's a spider, it's like cuddly toy. And then it was, because she was getting sick then and she was like, no, but I haven't been able to take him to that spot where I know he likes to be let loose. But then I was, I still, was reluctant. I don't know, it was enough exploring mediumship and I was like, God, am I gonna talk to pets as well? Like this is just way too much. So I sort of left it.

on the shelf, every time I would meditate, I would have animals come to me. And I was thinking, maybe it's like power animals. And I have a friend who's into sort of that. he was telling me, this is the meaning of this animal, but it just didn't make any sense. Yeah. For me, some of them. And then it was a medium that told me, I did a mentorship program with, with Steve Herman, American medium.

And he was like, well, that's Pet Sarah that's passed over that wants to work with you. And I was like, yeah, that makes sense. And so I just accepted it. And I just said to the spirit, well, I want to be of service and see what happens. And since then, just, yeah, really, how do you say, opened up. And it's a lot of fun working with animals. Yeah, it's a lot of fun.

Christine (11:53)
I it is. So for me, what I have found, and I think we all work differently. So when I'm doing mediumship work, I'm really just connecting with that person who's passed over, and it almost feels like a frequency. Or if it's psychic work, feels differently. But for me, I don't have a lot of blending between the two. It seems to shift from one to the other. So do you feel like when you're working with pets, it's

Sarah Brant (12:16)
Mm -hmm.

Christine (12:20)
kind of a frequency that you're tapped into? it all, how does it work for you? That you could get information that's mediumistic or a psychic or a pest. That's what I'm curious about. If there's a certain like bandwidth frequency for working

Sarah Brant (12:33)
Yeah, so I've sort of worked out between, I believe that we have, I mean, the big guide topic, I mean, that's pretty, but I do believe that, how do you say, that I've been taught to work in a specific way by the spirit world when I work with pets. And so I can feel, for example, like if I'm reading, I'm reading, let's say there's somebody who comes with their

Or even if it's over the phone sometimes that, okay, I know there's a, I'm reading a dog, but I can see a horse coming through. So that means that could be that the owner or that usually is that before I read this dog, there is an old pet that's passed over, you know, that wants to come through. So there is a difference in frequency, but it takes like with everything, it's just training. The more and more you work with it, the more and more you understand.

where it's sort of, you know, where it's coming from. But it is a different frequency.

Christine (13:34)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (13:36)
I have a question. Sarah, the frequency of a person that's in the spirit world versus an animal that's in the spirit world, is that the same frequency or does the information come through the same way or is it a totally different energy that you're working with?

Sarah Brant (13:54)
mean, obviously pets have personalities just like human beings. But like when somebody comes through from the other side, for me anyway, I feel the emotional bond between the person here living and the person on the other side. But with our pets, I would say it's sometimes even more emotional for people when they have a pet that comes through because you can't talk to your pets. I I can. Normally people can't. So what you have...

is emotions, yes, between, you know, the human being and the pet that you, because you can't speak and use words, there's emotions, yeah. So it's a lot more, there's a lot more feelings involved, I'm gonna say, because people are not, people are very complex, yeah, and I find that animals are not, you know, that, you

they communicate very clearly.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (14:51)
Do you find that there's a difference between like say a dog and a horse? Can you feel that the type of animal affects the energy that they give off?

Sarah Brant (15:02)
That's a good question. I mean...

I'm gonna say both yes and no because I sometimes I've read without even having a picture, know, if you talk to somebody and like over the phone or they, can, know, a shiwawa for example, they can have personalities like they're the biggest dog in the room. I mean, it's just, and then you see a picture of them and you start laughing. It's like, my God, that's not what I imagined, you know? You know, they really do believe that they are and they have that character.

And then can have big animals that can be really timid. But yeah, I understand what you mean, the question. have to sort of... That is interesting, but when it comes, let's say, from the spirit world, then you obviously know if it's a horse or if it's a dog or if it's cat frequency. Hmm. A good question.

Christine (15:57)
That's a very good question. if people, if most people who work with you who want to communicate with pets, is it more that they want like maybe their pet is having an issue and they're maybe frustrated with their pet and like how to or there's something's wrong with their pet and they're trying to communicate with them on some level. Do you work with people in that way where they're trying to resolve something with their living pets?

Sarah Brant (16:24)
Yes. So this is, I mean the majority of people obviously that goes to animal communicator, they obviously love their pets, That's, you know, so it's not everybody. I think the pets that probably, you know what I mean, the people who come to me love their pets and they want to be able to understand them more. I had, I've had a few sort of those things where it's definitely...

they can do strange things. And I can't really explain how I do it. But, okay, I'll give you an example. I had a cat last year that had this really annoying habit of licking the owner in the face while she was sleeping. she obviously, she doesn't, she tries to take the cat away and then it just doesn't work and it's standing there by the door scratching all night. And so she's just like, okay, but that affects

because you can't sleep properly. So then I talk to the pet and I don't say, stop doing that. I'd rather say, you know what, your owner, and I send images to the pet and I say, it makes her happy if you don't do that. It makes her happy. And if it works, it works. And if it works, it works fast, in my opinion.

A lot of pets, I said the majority are nervous. So you have, for example, a dog that you have to leave at home maybe while you go to work, but it has like nervous tendencies and it barks and it sort of, it's stressed. So then you can communicate with the dog that, know, she's gone, but she's going to be back. Yeah. Everything's okay. and you might get advice during that, you know, I might get advice from the spirit world, you know, sort of tips or the owner how to.

deal with that situation. And healing.

Christine (18:16)
so that's interesting. and healing too. So when you're working with, an issue with a nervous dog or something like that, and the information comes in from the spirit world to help the dog, do you feel like that information is coming in from more than just the dog giving advice? Is it also coming in from sort of like spirit guides or other beings to give advice?

Sarah Brant (18:38)
I believe so. I believe so. I believe that I get advice from people or from spirit guides who have that. Maybe they have that as an expertise while they lived. I don't know. Okay. But I don't have a lot of knowledge of pets. I'm not some, I mean, I was brought up with cats, but sometimes information can come through. I mean, and then I think, how would I know that?

Christine (18:53)

Sarah Brant (19:06)
and it's obviously not the dog or the cat telling me that. that is the logistics behind it. That's an interesting question because I think even with mediumship, people have their own opinions on how it works. But I would like to think that there is people on the other side or guides or whatever you want to call it that love pets, just like with healing. That wants people to be...

and have a good life and so they

Christine (19:36)
Yeah, they're here. Well, so that makes I have never thought of that. That is such a wonderful thing to think about because for me, with a lot of the healing work that I do, I know that I'll feel certain guides or beings that come forward and maybe they have an expertise with what that person is dealing with on whatever level. And they really, I do feel like what we're dealing with, this is tremendously benevolent, compassionate.

energy and force. And so when there's an opportunity to come forward and bring their experience and their wisdom, that they will send it, channel it, where they are able to deliver that healing energy wisdom. So I had never thought about someone who really, like a being from this other realm that loves animals, that they would be as excited as people who work with humans. So that's, love the, that's a brand new aha moment for me.

Sarah Brant (20:22)

Christine (20:32)
these animal healers from from other dimension that come forward to help. I love

Sarah Brant (20:38)
love to think, I mean for me that explains a lot but I don't know if that's you if it's a hundred percent true but for me it makes sense.

Christine (20:47)
Yeah, it feels really good. I'll say that. It feels good to have.

Sarah Brant (20:47)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (20:52)
This is so interesting and I think our listeners are going to be really, really interested in this because Sarah, I, from my experience, I feel like you're one of the few people who specialize in this. So this is like a big treat to get to pick your brain.

Sarah Brant (21:06)
Yeah, so it's, and I've noticed that as soon as I sort of let go, because I was thinking when I heard that, I remember when I talked about the dog experience and I wrote to one of my teachers, I don't know if you've had Mia Utterson at the college, yeah? Yes, and I wrote to her, I this happened to me. I said, is this dog talking to me? And she said, but some mediums have

Eliza Aaron Cohen (21:27)
She's incredible.

Sarah Brant (21:35)
ability and I was like okay but yes sorry

Eliza Aaron Cohen (21:40)
So evidentially, right, because I feel like people are gonna ask, where can we, well, and I assume that evidentially it works the same way, right? People know that their dog is playful or they know that they feed it this kind of food or they're like different things that the owner can kind of validate. Is that how it works evidentially?

Sarah Brant (21:53)
Hmm. Yes.

Yes, that's how I work. So I throw out three statements. For example, let's take it's a cat. Okay, this is a cat that's, this is an elderly cat. Yeah, this is a cat that's indoors. Yeah, this is a cat that doesn't like, you know, likes cuddles, for example, is very close to its owner. Now that's three specific things. Now if they're not correct,

if they say no, then I'm not with, you So I always say, I do my best and if I have these statements, just be honest and say yes, no, or that you don't know because if it doesn't make any sense, then I'm not with the right pet, you know, I'm not. But that's how it works. So I allow the pet to sort of speak and generally speaking, it makes sense, you know, for the owner.

especially when don't have to meet them in person, you know, so how would I know?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (22:56)
Yeah, have you had any cool stories or interesting stories through this channeling that you've done with the pets?

Sarah Brant (23:05)
I'm gonna say, let's see. mean, there's a few things that's, I mean, first of all, they're absolutely hilarious. mean, the stuff that comes out, it's like, they do, sometimes they can tell me about holidays they've been through, where they are, I'm like, I love it when you took me on that road trip. we went climbing that mountain together, it was fantastic.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (23:06)
anything surprising that you've discovered.

Sarah Brant (23:30)
But it would be, I had this, I love this little chihuahua, and that was the chihuahua I saw, like a big, you know, personality, like a big bulldog. But the owner's boyfriend was like feeding it food that it shouldn't be, that the dog really liked. While, you know, the owner was at work, and he was showing me all the treats, he was telling me, thanks, you know, tell him.

thank you so much for all the treats. And she went home and she asked her boyfriend, said, is that true? And he's like, yeah. Well, things like this can be good. Or they can apologize at this Labrador. And at the end of the reading, the dog was like, I'm so sorry for the plant. And I was like, I don't know what to say. And apparently he had wrecked a plant like the day before in the house. they're, yeah.

Christine (24:10)

Sarah Brant (24:30)
things like that. You just never know what sort of what comes up and that is also a personality. Like some of them are really social and really bubbly and like really want to communicate. yes okay yeah there was something I had a couple that came with this Pomeranian and it looked so cute you know it was in as soon as I came close it was

It was hilarious. But anyway, and it turned out that the woman had, she'd been single for many years and then she, you know, met a partner, they moved in together, but this dog, he was like constantly, he was like, who is this guy? You know, you couldn't stand up on your boyfriend. So that was, that was always the issue. And I've really felt for her because...

Yeah, the boy was trying to do everything, you know, to make this dog love him and the dog was like, not having it. He decided. Yeah.

Christine (25:31)
So with that situation, with that situation, were you able to like maybe lobby on behalf of the couple for the dog to stand down a little bit? Like, how would you work with that with the dog to have more peace in the house?

Sarah Brant (25:46)
Yeah, I mean first of all I was sort of just saying that this he's staying that he's part of the family now. Yeah, he's part of the family. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, so you sort of give them and then it was also

Christine (25:53)
Yeah. This is your pack.

Sarah Brant (26:02)
But it was advice on certain things because it was like specifically at certain moments, when they were like sitting on the sofa or was specifics like that, that there was some advice that came through. But I did feel sorry for them. mean, it's really, some people really, how do you say, have real issues with their pets or what else? Or personality types. might get a dog that's really not social.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (26:25)
This is incredible.

Sarah Brant (26:29)
doesn't like cuddles. I feel sorry for those people because they've been really excited, they've got this dog and they do everything and then it's not a cuddly dog. It's not in their personality. But they love their owner. It's just that's not who they are in their character.

Christine (26:47)
Right. So would you say that animals all, like humans, I think are just born with certain personalities. I know I have three kids, all with very similar parenting, they're wildly different. So would you say the same thing about animals, that animals, you know, of course there is the nature nurture, we know their environments is going to play a factor into it. But would you say the same thing about animals that they sort of come pre -wired with a personality?

Sarah Brant (27:16)
Yes, that's my... that's been my experience. That they have a... they have a character, absolutely.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (27:25)
Have you ever had an animal come to you due to like an illness or an owner seeking counseling about an illness or some sort of chronic issue? Is that something that comes up in your practice?

Sarah Brant (27:39)
I mean, yes, but here you have to be obviously careful because I'm not a vet, I'm not a doctor. Like I can't give any medical advice, obviously. Yeah. But I've done, you know, sort of healing a lot of, especially dogs have problems with, you know, their joints or, you know, this type of thing. But they do tell me like the pets. I've been to the vet.

Like I said, have a kind of a, what do you say, almost like

like I was saying about the statements. it's sort of like a thing that I go through and I ask, how's your health? How's this? And I see where, what sort of area I'm being drawn to talk about. But yeah, absolutely. But there's a lot of pets who have health issues.

Christine (28:32)
So in that vein, I have a question. This is really far out there, but this is something that's been in the back of my mind for a very long time. It's something I've noticed. Do you think that it's possible? And it could be with cats. I more hear about this with dogs, that the owner may have an illness and it's something that may be quite serious. And the dog ends up sort of manifesting some of that illness. It's almost like energetically, they take on

that sickness, that disease, and that illness. Have you done any work with that? Because I've seen a couple of cases where dogs who were quite young and healthy, their owner was sick, the dog ends up getting pretty sick and maybe dying, and the owner has this sort of amazing recovery.

Sarah Brant (29:21)
Wow. Personally,

Eliza Aaron Cohen (29:23)
I believe this 100 % by the

Sarah Brant (29:26)
I haven't experienced that, but you know, I still feel that I'm a long way to go in developing this also, you know?

Christine (29:37)
Yeah, and I don't, there's not a yes or no. just didn't know if you had seen that, but I do feel like our animals are just these incredible beings here to just serve and love in this way. And so it almost makes sense to me that they would be like, I'll just take that. And I've seen it with not just one person, but with several different people. And so I've seen it happen enough. There's something going on here. There's something that is

Sarah Brant (29:56)

Christine (30:06)
is deeper, that the animal somehow is maybe sort of absorbing this in some way. it's there almost as helper in this way, but helping heal their owners that they sort of live for.

Sarah Brant (30:19)
Hmm. Hmm.

I mean, I just, I don't know about that, but I do think a lot of when it comes to sort of character that I can see similarities. Like you can have a timid owner and a timid dog, for example, you get a, I mean, some people believe again, try, you know, I try not to,

Christine (30:40)
personality, so the personalities can be sort of similar.

Sarah Brant (30:51)
I try not to analyze when I work, yeah, at all. But that's very, it's very, very, very interesting. But some people believe, like with human beings, you know, around us, our family, that pets also obviously have a meaning in our life and they can ignite sort of emotions or help us to deal with certain things also. But there's a reason obviously why these pets are in our lives.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (31:18)
would love go ahead, Christine. No, you go ahead. Because I want to I'm going to pivot. So whatever you have to say.

Christine (31:21)
No, no, no, go ahead.

You're going to pick it up, right? So I guess my question would be, because I think a lot of people would love to be able to have better communication with their pets. And maybe not everyone can hire someone like you. Would you have any tips for people who wanted to be able to communicate better? I know they may not get the same sort of messages that you have, but maybe there are some basic things that would be helpful.

for having sort of better dialogue and like on another level with animals. Are there any tips that you could recommend?

Sarah Brant (32:05)
I I would say that a lot of owners, do already have a bond with their pets. And so when I say things, it's not like news. And there's a lot of, the majority of pets that come through and say something, they show me how they own and speak to them. So I know they speak to them. So these things, just acknowledging them and talking to them.

and just being in tune with them, that sounds like you have to sort of sit down and do some sort of ritual or something, I don't believe that. But I do believe anybody, just like with mediumship, if you take your time, you can develop something. With their pets, mean, talk to them. Yeah, I would say definitely talk to them.

Christine (32:51)
So this makes me think of a really interesting story. I had a client come in a couple of weeks ago and she has two dogs and these dogs are her whole heart. like everything, like her world revolves around these two dogs. And she was going through a difficult situation and she would start every morning by taking her Oracle card deck and pulling a card for the day. And so she got this idea.

Sarah Brant (33:06)

Christine (33:20)
that she was going to spread out her deck with one of the dogs and have the dog pick the card for her day. So this is what's amazing. So it happened at least one day. It may have happened two days in a row. I think it this happened the morning that she came to see me and that she spread out, you know, an Oracle deck with 52 cards or however many cards are in the deck.

She spreads the deck out. The dog touches one of the cards. She gets the message. This is like a very valuable message for her. She reshuffles the deck. She puts them all out again. And you can't see what the cards are. She pulls the exact same card that the dog touched for her. there's so much more wisdom to our pet that I think we give them credit for, like that they have this deep, innate, incredible wisdom and that they're these beautiful, beautiful beings.

and capable of more than we believe that they're capable of, I think.

Sarah Brant (34:15)
Absolutely, that sounds fun actually.

Christine (34:19)
I know, isn't that a fun idea? Have your dog pull your Oracle card for the day? That's so fun.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (34:25)
It's honestly genius.

Sarah Brant (34:25)

Christine (34:26)
So, Eliza, what's your pivot?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (34:29)
My pivot is I want to make sure that we touch upon Tarot because in my experience, and I've seen a lot of amazing Tarot readers in my day, but Sarah is honestly the best of the best and she's got such a gift. I mean, across the board, she's so gifted, but Sarah, can you talk a little bit about your experience with Tarot, how you read, if someone was interested in learning about Tarot, where you would suggest they would start?

Christine (34:35)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (34:58)
and just kind of your process around.

Sarah Brant (35:00)
I mean, I think.

Like with many things, think some people have, we talk about like a natural maybe talent or something. Like some people are good at singing. Some people are very good at languages. I don't know what it was with terror. I don't know if I've done it. If we believe in past lives, that's another discussion. Yes.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (35:22)
We do, we do on this podcast.

Christine (35:25)
That's that's

Sarah Brant (35:26)
But I mean, people listening, we can't prove it, but we can believe in it. Yeah. We can, yes. Yeah, we are. Yeah, absolutely.

Christine (35:33)
You need to be able to prove that.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (35:34)
I don't know. I think I can kind of prove it. I can prove it in my life.

Sarah Brant (35:38)
I can prove that too, but you know, I'm just saying that. Okay, so what happened was my mum, think I was like 12 or something, my mum had bought a tarot deck and she was sitting at the table and this is, can't actually remember this, but my mum told me and she was, got these cards out on the table and she couldn't understand anything and apparently I just walked up there and I was just, oh, but you know, that card is next to this one, so that means this and that and I just,

just do it. It was like I knew what the cards meant and the combinations. And then I bought Tarot Deck, was like 14 I think, was at my dad's place in London and then back in the 90s there used to be a shop called Mysteries in Covent Garden which was like the Mecca for anybody who was into anything spiritual. was like, it was before the internet.

You can get all the books and all the stuff that worked. They were awesome. And on the top floor, was like reading going on all day long. So you can book in for readings. Anyway, I picked out my deck and it was like, I would say it's like a relation. You you just feel it. It's sort of, and then I started reading, you know, then, you know, well, word travels fast. And I was living in this block of flats and

very soon I had the neighbours knocking. I was giving reading to grown up people, to adults, and they were asking me about their love life and I was like, hang on, this is way too much for me. So I stopped because I felt there was too much responsibility. I felt it was very scary that people would come to me and ask me what to do in certain situations. was almost like, for me it felt like they were giving their power away and also it too much responsibility for me.

Then I started, I left it for many years and then I started again. But I would say it's, if you're interested, again, I don't think that you can see the future, you can see possibilities, yeah? And that is meant as a tool through life to help us. That's how I see it, the Tarot to be. And I believe that whoever reads, you know, they bring a part of themselves into the reading. So...

I would say go to somebody that you feel drawn to. And if you're interested, just get a deck and spend time with it. There's like no other, I would, many people read intuitively and I've had friends read me intuitively and it was an amazing reading. But I'm fascinated with the history. I'm fascinated with the history of each card. You know, it's so.

I would say learn about each individual card and don't do spreads. We're gonna say, pick a card because otherwise if you start doing spreads and you're trying to understand, you're gonna throw those cards out of the window in a few weeks because it's too much information. I I still feel like I'm learning new things. So be patient and just start a relationship with it. Just use the deck as much as you can.

Christine (38:44)
So Sarah, when you read, would you say that you use the deck more, you said you love the history of the cards and how they came into play. Would you use the cards in a more traditional sense of like, these are the meanings behind the cards or do you more use them? I mean, it's always intuition woven into it. Or do you look at them as a total blank slate? How do you perceive the cards?

Sarah Brant (38:50)
Mmm. Yes. Mmm.


I go firstly with the meanings of the cards and then it's sort of like you when you do a spread for somebody but then absolutely for me it's really important that I know the meanings for each card I mean each card has got like you know so many different meanings also so it's about the combination so you need to that's why I believe that you have to know the card each an individual card because then you can know the combinations

of when it's here, when it's next to some other card, if it's in the beginning or the end. Sorry, what did you say? it was more of an intuition, the intuition comes in. You can be drawn to certain cards of the deck. When you have a spread, you're sort of like, yeah, your psychic ability or the spirit world comes in and so you're more drawn maybe to talk about specifically one area.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (39:55)
really rebranded the tower for me because that card was always like cursed and Sarah had completely rebranded it. And now you know what? I look at it as a really positive card. So I just have to say she's incredible with knowing all, like she said, there's so many different meanings and you have to sort of intuit the placement, how it's related to other cards.

I want to ask Sarah, do you have a favorite card or does it change or do you particularly resonate with a certain card or does one's history really stick out at you that you think our listeners would love to know or don't know about?

Sarah Brant (40:36)
I how do you say? There's so many different, I mean love the star. The star card is usually very beautiful, like beautifully depicted, you know, it's beautiful. But let's see, I do like, I do like the Six of Wands victory card, you know? You know that when that comes up, whatever you're about to do, that you're gonna be able, you know, you're gonna finish, you know, on top. I like it, because it's a motivational, you know, I feel motivated and

But what I was going to say, many people find it very scary with tarot. I always ask, you know, when I read somebody for the first time, is this your first reading? And they say, no. And then I always ask, how was your, you know, what's your experience been? Because a lot of people are very scared. And I they can look crazy, talking about the tower and the death card. But I would say if you have, if you come, you know, with that knowing, you know,

There is a spirit world and a God, which I believe in, that loves us. Why would they come and say all of these horrible things? Why would they? It's all about, they're just speaking about the storms of life, that we live in this material world and we have to face, sometimes things happen. And that the cards are here to help us through exactly those storms and that there is love. There is a love behind every situation. just sometimes it's harder to see it and to feel

Christine (42:04)
I love that is a love behind every situation, but sometimes is harder. You said to feel it than see it.

Sarah Brant (42:14)
Yeah, or both. Sometimes you're in a bad spot, you know? No, I know was gonna say, I read in any card, I can read in regular playing cards, I find it easier also, because people don't get so afraid of the images. Yeah. And that's really where it comes from, and that's where we sort of started also, with normal playing cards.

Christine (42:19)
So I know where... go

That's right. is the origin. Back in Italy, is that right? Is that where it started?

Sarah Brant (42:41)

so yeah that's what they in this big you know heated topic yeah exactly you got the French and the Italians arguing about over that one sadly but I would say like the Visconti, Visconti Tower which is the oldest yeah but yeah some people say the origins is very interesting to read into it you know the origins of it because it's yeah

Eliza Aaron Cohen (42:48)
thought it was France.

I'm pretty sure it was France.

Christine (42:56)
We'll just dig deeper.

Sarah Brant (43:14)
I'll let people explore that one for themselves.

Christine (43:17)
Okay, I'll be digging a little deeper. So I know we're coming up on the edge. I know you have a client, but this may be sort of fun. You have a deck next to you, Sarah. What about you kind of pulling a card for the group? Like, is there a message for the collective who's listening right now and who may be turning in a card for all of us and what that means?

Sarah Brant (43:22)
Yeah, no.

You know.


Eliza Aaron Cohen (43:39)
I love that, Christine, what a great idea.

Sarah Brant (43:41)
always up for challenge here we go

this is fine. I got this one earlier, didn't I? Flew out my deck. This one says in Swedish, but it's the world, so it's the last card of the deck. So not just, you know, I'm thinking about travel. We're all sitting in three different countries here. But it's completion, and I mean, this is like everything culminating in one card. It's extremely powerful, very powerful. So I'm gonna say intuitively then, you know.

that if people are doubting themselves that we have everything within us.

everything is there already it's not something that we have to go out and seek or go out together it's not we have to buy a certain thing or I have to go to this specific place to attain knowledge I'm gonna say it's all it's already there within us that we need to take time to listen

Christine (44:35)
That's a beautiful, beautiful message that we have all the answers inside of us already if we can quiet our minds enough to, to listen and hear. Thank you for that, Sarah.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (44:46)
Yeah, sir.

Sarah Brant (44:47)
That's a powerful message from the tarot, because that's the last card of the deck.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (44:51)
certainly resonates with me. Sarah, for our listeners, obviously they want to book a session with you. How can they find you?

Sarah Brant (45:01)
Well I would say my website sarahbrant .com you can either send a message or then

Christine (45:08)
Okay, so for the people who aren't watching this, are just listening, can you spell that out for them?

Sarah Brant (45:16)
with my dyslexic seraphim. So my name is Sarah, S -A -R -A -H -B -R -A -N -T dot

Christine (45:28)
sarahbrant .com. Are you on social media or any, are those ways to connect with you as

Sarah Brant (45:33)
Yeah, I've got a I started actually a while ago. I started a pet one specifically called Sarah talks to pets on Instagram, where it's quite pretty. You know, it's just a fun thing because I felt about the characters of all these pets. So it's got their name and where they live and their star sign and then reflections, you know, what the pets are, what they talked about. That could be fun. Or I have my, you know, my

just Sarah Brandt, but I've got all my odd things on there, my artwork and yeah, it's all a, yeah, big melting pot.

Christine (46:10)
I love it. You're like a Renaissance woman. All of these things that you do, all this beauty that you bring into the world and healing. I love

Eliza Aaron Cohen (46:18)
I love it. Sarah, I adore you. Christine, I adore you. This has been so pleasurable for me.

Sarah Brant (46:18)

Christine (46:22)
I adore you both.

Sarah Brant (46:25)
Yeah, it's been, yeah.

Christine (46:26)
I love this conversation. Sarah, thank you so much for working through. had some technical issues trying to get on here. Sarah worked through it with us as a champion. Deep gratitude, deep thank you for being here, Sarah, and for our listeners, for sticking with us, for listening. We love

Sarah Brant (46:39)
Thank you.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (46:46)
Love you all. Bye.

Sarah Brant (46:47)
Yes, thank you.

Christine (46:49)
All right, goodbye.