Dave and Matthew from Effekt share recordings of their home games. If you seek a polished improvised adventure, with professional actors, music and sound effects, look elsewhere. We seek to share the authentic experience, with rules discussions, asides and digressions just as they happened around the dining table. We also try to play RAW so you can learn with us as we try out new games.
I've got $500 here and he puts it up on the table. Money which which I'm putting up to to buy supplies, but I need you to go and get them for me. I'm not here to kill Indians, I'm here to rescue the children. Okay. So you've got half of what you think you'd want to get, but you've spent more than half of your money.
Jimmy Harlesden:Yeah. I just gotta hope we got a
Jimmy Harlesden:better deal in for free for the rest of it.
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, how do we find the kiddies then?
Dave (GM):Yeah. They're probably half a mile from him. And they are at the moment. Can we show
Jimmy Harlesden:you detail of who they might be?
Dave (GM):They
Nathaniel Horcock:are They
Dave (GM):are Apaches. Apache.
Jimmy Harlesden:And how many?
Dave (GM):It's not 2 or 3, but it's not 20. He says something in Apache and all of it all of them are. The ones with the rifles are Uh-huh. Really, the ones with the bow are knocking an arrow.
Marion Freeman:We are great soldiers. If you wish to die today, then ... and I'll pull my pistol out.
Dave (GM):I'm Dave. I'm Game Master.
Jimmy Harlesden:I'm Tony. My character is Jimmy Harleston. Young lad trying to
Jimmy Harlesden:make his way in the world, keep his ranch running successfully, trying to live up to the legacy of his elder brother who was unfortunately shot in the
Jimmy Harlesden:head trying to do the right thing.
Nathaniel Horcock:So, I'm Andrew. I'm the oldest character in the group, and, I'm Nathaniel Horcock, and I'm the sheriff.
Marion Freeman:But you're also my business partner as are you, Jimmy. And I'm, Matthew, and I'm playing Marian Freeman, who is, in fact, the largest shareholder in the Freeman Halson Lounge.
Dave (GM):And then the second one. Okay. That that hits you quite hard. Dear. Fast.
Dave (GM):So that's gonna be that's gonna be 3 points of damage, and I think I am going to crit.
Nathaniel Horcock:Ow. Okay. Well, I'll be broken then.
Dave (GM):Okay. Did you wanna roll the crit or shall I?
Nathaniel Horcock:You do it. Go on. I can't now.
Jimmy Harlesden:Which dice
Dave (GM):do you want me to roll?
Nathaniel Horcock:Just roll it. You call it.
Dave (GM):White first.
Marion Freeman:35. 35.
Jimmy Harlesden:That would be great.
Dave (GM):Not great, but k. You've been shot through the hand. Alright. So you're stunned for 1 round. Mhmm.
Dave (GM):You can't take actions that require the use of 2 hands. You're broken, aren't you? Yeah. I'm broken. Yeah.
Dave (GM):So you're gonna fall from your horse. Broken. But, yeah, you basically got I think you got an arrow through your wrist, doesn't it? Yeah. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Yeah.
Marion Freeman:Sure. It's in the palm of his hand. I mean Mhmm.
Dave (GM):Yeah. I mean, they really took my spine and he'd done that and it's Yeah. Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:That must be it. Sorry. Don't block it.
Jimmy Harlesden:With a little bit of
Dave (GM):blood splattered onto your face. Really good cinematic moment. But, yeah, I think you're you're full from your horse
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm.
Dave (GM):For 10 more damage now.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. I did remember last time I talked about it. So if you see when I'm broken, let's not faze you. Was it 10 minute
Dave (GM):Being broken doesn't kill you.
Nathaniel Horcock:No. I've been beaten. 10 minutes wrecked or something you said then.
Dave (GM):So, yeah, a turn of rest will get you a point back.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Or now you're brokered medical aid, doctoring
Nathaniel Horcock:will be Doctoring. Yes. Yeah. At least it's not fake.
Dave (GM):But you're basically lying on the ground.
Nathaniel Horcock:Don't go back. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Most probably Griffin trying
Dave (GM):Writhing in pain. Yeah. Yeah. Is is what's taking you off.
Nathaniel Horcock:To get the nerve to pull the air out of the hand. Yes.
Dave (GM):Okay. So the guy I mean, they've gone down now. So that's 3 of them have gone down.
Marion Freeman:We could talk. What? Don't fuck off. You're you're down.
Dave (GM):I I think he's just gonna shoot you again, Matt. I'm fine. No, actually he's not gonna shoot you. He's he charges you and his horse pulling his tomahawk.
Marion Freeman:Paying his tomahawk.
Dave (GM):He's very angry. But he won't get you'll close this round. Your go, Matt.
Marion Freeman:Right. I'm gonna shoot aiming at his horse.
Dave (GM):Oh, poor horse.
Jimmy Harlesden:Yeah. So the horse is oh, god. Gosh.
Dave (GM):So the horse is a large target. So you gained a plus 2 for that. Plus 2 for large target. Yep.
Marion Freeman:And, I have to prepare, so I can't aim. But I get plus. That's a plus one for my walker.
Dave (GM):Can you look up the spooked rules, Tim? Spooked. Yeah. I might have
Jimmy Harlesden:them in. Is it in the
Dave (GM):It should be, yeah.
Jimmy Harlesden:In the quick start?
Dave (GM):No. Well, I did I did a looser version for the quick start, but
Marion Freeman:Two successes. Point on trouble. So I'll take those 2. So that is, 2 points of damage on the horse. And I'll take a crit.
Marion Freeman:And the crit will
Dave (GM):Are you critting the horse, are you?
Marion Freeman:I'm aiming to crit the horse. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Okay. Yeah. Let me just find this.
Marion Freeman:Animal crits.
Dave (GM):So there's the horse so I found the horse sleep table too. Animal crit table. I I
Jimmy Harlesden:I've got the speech horse a horse's speech table. I specifically printed off
Dave (GM):some rules that I thought I'd need. But I don't know what I've done. Oh, there. It says something under there. Is that all your stuff now?
Marion Freeman:That's all our stuff.
Dave (GM):What did I do with them? Now they kinda need you to be and this pile of papers right in front of me just just when I need them.
Marion Freeman:Well, well placed.
Dave (GM):Did I? I might not have. No. I didn't get as far as doing the yeah. So animal crit, please.
Dave (GM):Tone. If you could find that. Man. Because I don't think I've got that. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Or is that oh, no. I have got them here.
Jimmy Harlesden:Yep. Sorry. That's different from speech tone. Yeah. Yeah.
Jimmy Harlesden:So you don't got
Dave (GM):a crit. So it's d 66. Orange tent.
Marion Freeman:Black 10s. I meant I meant orange icing. 36.
Dave (GM):Okay. Battered. The creature suffers another minus 1 to or or minus 1 to all grit rolls. Doesn't really matter in this case, but the horse is spooked because it's taken damage. So roll at e 6 to see how badly spooked the horses.
Dave (GM):Higher, the better. 2. 2. The horse bucks its head and pounds the ground, but otherwise, seems okay. If the horse is spooked again during this scene, add plus 1 to the d6 roll.
Dave (GM):Yeah. So you hit it. It's stumbles a little bit, but otherwise it doesn't look like you've you've hurt it, obviously, but you haven't stopped it. And you're down. I'm down.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Next round. Tate?
Jimmy Harlesden:Well, I I'm not acting this round because I'm just
Nathaniel Horcock:Trying to control this whole?
Dave (GM):Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Jimmy Harlesden:Oh, well, I'll
Dave (GM):still give you an initiative anyway. That is bad. It is bad. Okay. It's, it's their action first.
Dave (GM):So what have we got left? Yeah. So I think the the 2 guys on you, Tone, now charge you. Oh, no. What's it again?
Dave (GM):Drawing it on my aux. Matthew, the one there, he's not stunned anymore, But he is he is now spurring his horse towards you as well.
Marion Freeman:But he'd already been spurring his horse towards me. I thought he was gonna attack me this round.
Dave (GM):No. This is the this is this is his companion. He's the warrior. The one who was Oh, right. Stunned.
Dave (GM):Okay. He is now unstunned.
Marion Freeman:The gunshot guy
Dave (GM):Yeah. Un stunned. But he's now riding his horse towards you. The guy is gonna try and whack you with his tomahawk.
Marion Freeman:Okay. Dodge rules.
Dave (GM):So I don't we haven't done any dodge rules for dodging on horseback.
Marion Freeman:Well, yeah. I'm thinking So
Dave (GM):you can dodge, but you'll be jumping off your horse Yeah. In order to do do that. Yeah. So you can yeah. So it's a move roll for you against an opposed move role against his attack.
Marion Freeman:Right. I've only got 3 dice on that.
Dave (GM):So his attack is 7 dice. Alright. He has horse warriors. He has horse warriors. He has caught on a taxman amount.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. I don't succeed.
Dave (GM):Okay. He's hit you with 3 successes. Oh, shit.
Nathaniel Horcock:We'll do it. We're gonna get scalped.
Jimmy Harlesden:This is not gonna okay well, is it?
Dave (GM):Okay. So the damage from the from the nut from the tomahawk is 2.
Marion Freeman:Okay.
Dave (GM):And, he's gonna crit you. It's only fair seeing you try to flush it, Andy.
Jimmy Harlesden:Do you
Dave (GM):want me to roll it?
Marion Freeman:Go ahead.
Dave (GM):White.
Marion Freeman:Decor.
Dave (GM):White first.
Marion Freeman:But they're 2 white dice.
Dave (GM):53. Probably better than 35,
Nathaniel Horcock:actually. Is it? Oh, okay.
Dave (GM):It's the easiest thing you really need to care about. 53, broken collarbone. You cannot run or use move, but it's not gonna kill you.
Marion Freeman:I can't use move. Okay.
Dave (GM):Yeah. It's your action, man. So he's close. He's he's alongside you now. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:I've jumped off my horse.
Dave (GM):So I think you can I mean, you you've tried to avoid him?
Marion Freeman:Right. I'm trying to swear.
Dave (GM):So it
Nathaniel Horcock:might have been
Dave (GM):that you just didn't manage jump off your horse, and you can decide where you are.
Marion Freeman:And how what's that? Is that a quick action? So I've still got to shoot him.
Dave (GM):To dismount.
Marion Freeman:No. No. If I try to avoid it, you're fast.
Dave (GM):Oh, yeah. The dodges are your quick act. You're
Marion Freeman:fast. Okay. So I've I've got a shooter.
Dave (GM):I can You have a shoot action.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Basically, he's he's trying to swing in the shadows and the thumb hole's glass off. Taking a chunk out of his shoulder.
Dave (GM):Yeah. It's caught you here. Both in your collarbone. So I'm
Nathaniel Horcock:stuck in.
Marion Freeman:I will, as as he goes past
Dave (GM):Yep.
Marion Freeman:As as he goes past, I will actually shoot at the other guy that I've already injured.
Dave (GM):Okay.
Marion Freeman:He's charging towards me for the next attack.
Dave (GM):Cunning.
Nathaniel Horcock:Uh-huh.
Marion Freeman:What's what am I doing? Hold on. Shooting is now 2+
Dave (GM):4+1.
Marion Freeman:One hit doing 2 points of damage.
Dave (GM):Are you you're not you're not pushing it?
Marion Freeman:I've got the trouble.
Dave (GM):So this is that guy there.
Marion Freeman:Maybe I'll push it in this desperate situation. A second hit, 2 points of treble. Okay. This is my last moment of glory. So, I will buy off those 2 points of treble and down to 0.
Dave (GM):Right. Okay. Yeah. You'll also my face. And you're critting him?
Marion Freeman:Yeah. Orange. So 2 points damage and another crit. Olinj, 13. 13?
Marion Freeman:Yeah.
Dave (GM):K. You've shot him in the lower leg. He can't run or move. He walks at half pace. You'd already shot him in the gut, hadn't you?
Dave (GM):Yeah. Got shot. Okay. Actually, yeah. No.
Dave (GM):Yeah. You hit him and he pulls out of his charge and pulls away. Mhmm. Because I think he's realized he is gonna die unless he gets help. K.
Dave (GM):Next round.
Nathaniel Horcock:Oh.
Dave (GM):Tone, you're back in it.
Nathaniel Horcock:That's better.
Dave (GM):Okay. Yeah. So the the the guys go first. The one the one you just shot, Matt, he has pulled away and is riding away.
Marion Freeman:Right.
Dave (GM):Hunched over, obviously, with a lot of pain and badly bleeding. There are 2 who just charged up towards U-turn, and they are gonna take a swipe.
Nathaniel Horcock:Because they beat them. What? They answer to Kings, are they?
Dave (GM):They're on King. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:Holy shit.
Jimmy Harlesden:Did you wanna dodge at all though? I think I probably did. Yes.
Dave (GM):Or you can block if that's better.
Jimmy Harlesden:What's blocked?
Dave (GM):Which is fighting.
Jimmy Harlesden:You'd
Dave (GM):kind of be using your rifle or something to block with.
Jimmy Harlesden:I think, for me, dodging is better. So it's dodges move. Yeah?
Dave (GM):Yep. Yeah. I'm gonna dodge. Yeah. Okay.
Jimmy Harlesden:Very successful.
Dave (GM):So the first one's hitting you. Did you wanna push?
Jimmy Harlesden:I've got a That'll be
Dave (GM):that'll be 2 damage if if he hits you.
Jimmy Harlesden:I think I have done 2 face, and I'm not gonna say that. So no. I'm not gonna press anything.
Dave (GM):Okay. So you get you get a glancing blow, but that's 2 points of damage. One off grip, one off quick. And the second attack I'll focus this as well. You can.
Dave (GM):Yep. That's all your actions for the round though. If you are being completely defensive, basically.
Jimmy Harlesden:So once okay. So they're running at me, they're riding at me. Yeah. So if they miss me, do they can they turn turn around and attack me attack me next round? Or they No.
Dave (GM):They'll have to do a little turn and come back. Okay.
Jimmy Harlesden:So I guess I will dodge this. Yep. 1 successive dodge.
Dave (GM):Yeah. He missed you. Yeah. And they ride past, both beginning to wheel around, again, to do exactly the same again. Matthew, your action.
Dave (GM):The leader guy is doing what that is. Wheeling round. Wheeling around.
Jimmy Harlesden:On his horse.
Dave (GM):Welping. Uh-huh. Swinging his tomahawk.
Marion Freeman:Okay. Again, I'm gonna shoot his horse this time Yep. Because, I want to talk to him.
Jimmy Harlesden:Determined to have a conversation.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. Well, I would say, you know, his men are dying for a worthless thing, and I want to to try and somehow make him realize this. So, shooting, trouble dice. I have 2 skill oh, sorry. I have 2 stat.
Marion Freeman:I have 4 scale. I have 1 point. Obviously, I'm this is single action, so I'm
Dave (GM):Preparing.
Marion Freeman:Doing my thing. Can I also talk to him and say?
Dave (GM):Probably not in this situation, though. I think he's still in the fight. If you if you knock him off his horse, then you probably get the
Jimmy Harlesden:chance to. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:I'm shooting this horse again. Yep.
Dave (GM):Plus 2 for a big target.
Marion Freeman:Oh, plus 2 for a big target.
Dave (GM):You didn't take that. Yep.
Marion Freeman:I remember having plus 2 last time. I'm thinking, why why didn't I have plus 2? Oh, shit. No. Look at all those fours.
Marion Freeman:I think if I I think in this game we should have fours, basically.
Jimmy Harlesden:Success. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:So that's just one hit on his force, but he would spooked.
Dave (GM):Yeah. So he spooked again. So he spooked again. Roll d 6 plus 1 to see how bad he spooked.
Marion Freeman:And also, they had grit damage last time, and 2 points of extra damage.
Dave (GM):So he's still up, but he's he's he's wounded. But yeah. So roll d6 and add 1.
Marion Freeman:D6 add 1.
Dave (GM):The horse winnies and pulls at the range. The next animal handling role with this horse suffers a minus 1 die modifier. So, yeah, he'll need to make an animal handling roll to bring the horse around, which is what he's trying to do. His animal handling is gonna be quite good. 3, 4.
Dave (GM):Okay. He does yeah. He he he controls his horse. He pulls it around. The horse is quite poorly quite badly wounded.
Dave (GM):He makes a he he shouts something in in Apache. Apache and rides off after the guy who's riding away. K. Next round.
Jimmy Harlesden:I don't
Dave (GM):know if it's done this round. You're not? Okay. Sorry.
Marion Freeman:I do. I
Dave (GM):do. I do. You dodged twice, didn't you though? Oh, yeah.
Jimmy Harlesden:I didn't I? Yeah. That's what I thought.
Dave (GM):K. Next round. Fuck off. Matthew? Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:Crap. Double hit. 2.
Dave (GM):So, Matt, you go first.
Marion Freeman:I go first. And there are 2 more.
Dave (GM):There are 2 more who are wheeling around towards time.
Marion Freeman:I have shot 4 times with my walker, and it's 6. Yep. Pull back, shoot.
Dave (GM):So you need to prepare again, obviously, won't you?
Marion Freeman:Are they on horses? Yes. Okay. Again, I'm gonna do the shooting the horse thing because Yep. I feel that's probably the best thing, and I want would like to have a survivor to talk to.
Marion Freeman:So 2, skill. 2 for shooting a large target. 1 for my gun. However, none of those are trouble. Oh, back to
Dave (GM):the though. Yeah. You've got So
Marion Freeman:one hit. Oh, yeah.
Dave (GM):So roll for the spook.
Marion Freeman:Actually, I'm gonna roll the one that went 1. Yeah. Because, obviously, 6.
Dave (GM):K. The horse butts violently. Make an immediate animal handling test to avoid being thrown. Each round thereafter, you must roll animal handling as your slow action for that round. The horse will continue to buck until you succeed the test.
Dave (GM):If you receive a mishap during this, you are immediately thrown. Uh-huh. So he's gonna make a immediate animal handling roll. His animal handling is 6. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Okay. So he's fighting this horse but he's managing to stay on it, but it's a real battle. So, yeah. So he's he's trying to it's their action. He's trying to hold onto that.
Dave (GM):The other one pulls the reins around and takes off after the leader and the the other man. Now, the leaders continue to ride away. Tone.
Jimmy Harlesden:So both of them all There's none left to say.
Dave (GM):3 no. 3 of them are fleeing. Him, him, and him. 2 of them are down.
Nathaniel Horcock:1 was alive because one got shot on the you shot 1 on the hamstring, didn't you?
Dave (GM):Yeah. 1 is broken. 1 is probably dead by now. You shot through the throat. Yeah.
Dave (GM):And there is one left up, but he is fighting his horse because the horse has been shot.
Nathaniel Horcock:So you got somebody to talk to on the hamstring? Mhmm.
Marion Freeman:No. The hamstring one
Dave (GM):No. He's he's gonna live.
Marion Freeman:He's gonna live?
Dave (GM):Yep.
Marion Freeman:And he's also broken, isn't he?
Dave (GM):Yep. Yeah. He was on. He was shot in the nose and then shot in the leg.
Jimmy Harlesden:So the one that's still on his horse and fighting to control it. Yep. I'm just gonna basically ride up to him when we got it even to him. Stand down. Bash.
Dave (GM):Okay. He is absolutely fighting the horse at the moment. It's like a rodeo, but you can definitely try if you want.
Marion Freeman:Can you can you help him control his horse?
Dave (GM):You could try. Yeah.
Jimmy Harlesden:Yeah. Not sure I wanna get that close. Mhmm. It's probably your tomahawk.
Dave (GM):You cut your tomahawk. It does
Jimmy Harlesden:have a tomahawk. You might still get it. So no.
Dave (GM):I'm not. I'm still,
Jimmy Harlesden:I'm staying a little way off at watching.
Dave (GM):Points
Jimmy Harlesden:where I get them, but not shooting.
Dave (GM):Okay. Are you, like, aiming?
Jimmy Harlesden:Yes. I think I
Dave (GM):and then just holding your aim for next round? Okay. He's at his action. He's at his end. It's next round.
Dave (GM):Thank you. Matthew. I did shuffle these. Okay. So the the guy on the horse is trying to bring his horse under control again, and he does.
Dave (GM):So he spent the round controlling the horse, but he's now brought it under control. The others were all fleeing. Spades go ahead of hearts. Was it hearts ahead of spades?
Marion Freeman:Okay. I'm gonna Yes.
Dave (GM):No. Spades ahead of hearts, s. Tony, you go.
Marion Freeman:Reverse order.
Dave (GM):So you've aimed at this guy.
Jimmy Harlesden:Yeah. So I'm not choosing. I'm just saying, stand down and get off your horse. Okay. In English, obviously.
Jimmy Harlesden:I don't know if you're gonna stand me or not.
Dave (GM):Yeah. I'm not. And are you are you gonna be sort of in Overwatch in case you did something else?
Jimmy Harlesden:Can I be in Overwatch from 1 round to the next into the next? Yeah. Okay. In that case, yes. If he does if he does any any overtly aggressive action, then I will shoot.
Jimmy Harlesden:Yep. So yes.
Dave (GM):Matthew.
Marion Freeman:I will get off my horse.
Dave (GM):And drink your milk.
Marion Freeman:Keeping my pistol loosely in his direction Yep. While I walk over to sheriff Hawcock, and look to see what his damage is.
Dave (GM):Do you
Jimmy Harlesden:have any doctoring skill?
Marion Freeman:I don't have any doctoring skill, but I could roll dose of tea.
Dave (GM):So you get one attempt.
Jimmy Harlesden:Oh, let me have done it.
Nathaniel Horcock:Thank you.
Dave (GM):He's not gonna die. Uh-uh. But if you fail it, Tony can't try. You just have to wait.
Marion Freeman:What's your
Dave (GM):dose of T3? Yes. That's the same as it?
Marion Freeman:Okay. Yeah. No.
Nathaniel Horcock:No. You make it worse.
Dave (GM):We get it
Marion Freeman:out like this, mate.
Jimmy Harlesden:That's fine. Just tug
Dave (GM):it into the That's not chop
Marion Freeman:your leg off, mate. It'll be fine. I know what I'm doing.
Nathaniel Horcock:I have a resilience role to actually cut the air out.
Dave (GM):You're broke. You're broke. You're broken.
Jimmy Harlesden:So you can't You're out.
Marion Freeman:Unless I
Dave (GM):Until I have you get medical aid, which you won't
Marion Freeman:However, it'll be 10 minutes.
Dave (GM):Or I turn his past. 10
Marion Freeman:minutes. Yeah. Yeah. So I look at you again. Nothing I can do for him.
Dave (GM):That's probably your round.
Marion Freeman:That's my round. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Okay. So, next round.
Nathaniel Horcock:A long lost.
Dave (GM):Yeah. I did. I gave you a good shuffle. So, yeah. You guys go first, Tony.
Jimmy Harlesden:So I'm basically staying an overwatch on the guy that's just to control his horse. Yep. So I got off yours, and if he makes any aggressive action, I will shoot.
Dave (GM):Yep. Matthew.
Marion Freeman:Do you speak English? Because he's now controlled his horse. Right? He's or is he Yes.
Dave (GM):He's controlled the horse. Yep. You get no response.
Marion Freeman:Your leader led you into a situation that cost lives. If he had talked, then none of this could have happened.
Dave (GM):He he looks at you as if he's listening and then he kicks his heels and the horse takes off. You're gonna shoot him, You can shoot him if you wish. You've got an aim as well. I mean, he's riding away. Yeah.
Dave (GM):No. I'm not gonna shoot him.
Marion Freeman:Right. We've still got the other one to doctor. We just have to wait till you get up.
Dave (GM):Yeah. So you've got one on the ground who's, basically died Yeah. With a shot in his throat. The one on the ground, he had his nose shot and his leg shot. He was broken.
Dave (GM):The other 4 have all escaped. Although one of them was obviously bleeding badly. And I think you can see in the distance as they're riding away, one of them kind of slumps and falls off his horse and they they stopped her
Nathaniel Horcock:Uh-huh.
Dave (GM):Bundle him back on and Bee's like like lifeless.
Marion Freeman:They've been ridden away. We can trap them with the blood anyway, so that'll be a thing.
Nathaniel Horcock:Alright. So after 10 minutes
Dave (GM):You get a point back.
Nathaniel Horcock:I get a point back. Yeah. Yep.
Dave (GM):On whichever stat was broken. And you will so What if
Jimmy Harlesden:you're broken on more than 1?
Dave (GM):You then have to wait 20 minutes.
Marion Freeman:I will also, because I'm assuming that the But
Dave (GM):you're you
Jimmy Harlesden:just checked the
Dave (GM):quick the quick you had, wasn't it? It was
Nathaniel Horcock:Through the hand.
Dave (GM):Hand hit, wasn't it? So yeah. So so roll a d 6 and don't get a 1 or a 2.
Nathaniel Horcock:Why are we rolling? Are we using it a fight? Oh, I don't.
Dave (GM):No. No. 3. Okay. That was to see whether you'd randomly lose a finger.
Nathaniel Horcock:Alright.
Dave (GM):But you haven't lost any fingers. No. I didn't get it. So you can't take any actions that require the use of 2 hands for 3 weeks.
Nathaniel Horcock:Just to prove my own.
Dave (GM):No. 3 days. Sorry.
Nathaniel Horcock:3 days.
Marion Freeman:3 days.
Nathaniel Horcock:Do I need to make a resilience rule to actually cut the arrow and put it out like that?
Dave (GM):No. I think you can do that. That's that's fine. I think it's not
Jimmy Harlesden:That's small to do.
Dave (GM):That's that's a dramatic thing. It's not Oh. Yeah. So, but you just can't use that hand for 3 days. Right.
Marion Freeman:So I mean, he can't do a doctoring role on the Indian that I've tied up. Although, he will, of course, have come around at the same time, roughly.
Nathaniel Horcock:You want me to doctor and then and now you're
Marion Freeman:We need to care for this person. We need to take him back and show that we're not killers.
Nathaniel Horcock:I don't believe this.
Dave (GM):Oh.
Nathaniel Horcock:I'm not.
Jimmy Harlesden:Yeah. We did kill a couple of them, so
Marion Freeman:Well, they attacked us.
Nathaniel Horcock:What's your doctoring?
Jimmy Harlesden:0 doctoring through your PhD. Doctoring?
Nathaniel Horcock:Okay. I'll doctor him.
Dave (GM):So, you are old.
Marion Freeman:You've got loads of skill.
Dave (GM):I think with help, he could probably doctor with only one hand, I think.
Jimmy Harlesden:Oh, well,
Marion Freeman:I haven't got doctor
Nathaniel Horcock:in a second. I might assist you make a performance. No.
Marion Freeman:I mean, you tell us what to do, which is obviously put a splint on his hamstring, I imagine. What's the hamstring?
Dave (GM):It's like your thigh.
Marion Freeman:Right. Okay. So, yeah, so we could split his thigh, couldn't we?
Dave (GM):He just needs to stop bleeding and stuff, but he's not gonna he's not gonna die. So none of them were fatal. But but
Nathaniel Horcock:you When do I assist you make a performance to roll for me to actually the mood that I must be
Jimmy Harlesden:Can you get some more stuff?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Can you chop that one as well, please?
Marion Freeman:This man
Nathaniel Horcock:My my boss
Marion Freeman:is only following orders.
Nathaniel Horcock:Come on. I'm shooting in the head.
Marion Freeman:I know you are, but we need them
Jimmy Harlesden:We're fine.
Dave (GM):We need them to
Marion Freeman:go save
Jimmy Harlesden:the children, aren't we?
Marion Freeman:We're trying to save the lives of children.
Jimmy Harlesden:Yes. Remember remember the children?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Children. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:Why won't anybody think of the children? Cheers.
Jimmy Harlesden:Cheers. Okay.
Dave (GM):Yeah.
Marion Freeman:Sorry.
Nathaniel Horcock:I would show them how to do to, you know
Dave (GM):Yeah. I'm I won't it's not a problem. Just make it roll. That's fine. How
Marion Freeman:so my move, my collarbone
Dave (GM):Oh, yes. You want
Nathaniel Horcock:to see Logan Pack?
Marion Freeman:How long is that for?
Dave (GM):He had a broken collarbone, didn't he? Mhmm. Chest was at 53. K. You cannot run.
Dave (GM):You cannot use move as a skill. And that is gonna be an issue for
Nathaniel Horcock:How many days from the end?
Jimmy Harlesden:A long time.
Dave (GM):10, 22 days. No long term effects. So, yeah, you can't run, you can't use move as a skill.
Marion Freeman:That only makes me more implacable if I can't waste time dodging. I'll just spend my time shooting.
Dave (GM):So I had this plan thinking that you, you know, when you saw these guys, you might run. So we might we might have a chase sequence.
Nathaniel Horcock:What? Not stand the fire?
Dave (GM):Just not start fighting. Why run? That's fine. It was good. I enjoyed that.
Nathaniel Horcock:It was. Well, not I
Marion Freeman:mean, we're trying to find them, not run away from them. Yeah. You want me
Nathaniel Horcock:to make a roll so I don't shoot the hit on me. I sort of doxed the Indian Indian instead of shooting him in the head.
Dave (GM):I mean, you don't have to make a roll to make him better. He's gonna live. If you want to make a role to make it look like you're caring for him
Marion Freeman:and you're
Dave (GM):not nasty people.
Jimmy Harlesden:I want not nasty people.
Dave (GM):Then then make a role to I
Marion Freeman:wanna spinch his legs so he can move. It's my my my thought.
Nathaniel Horcock:So that's all like a doctoring roll.
Marion Freeman:You'd tell me to spin his legs so
Jimmy Harlesden:he can move.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Yeah. So just make a just make a doctoring.
Nathaniel Horcock:So I can't do I've got to the hand roll for, isn't it?
Dave (GM):I'm as I said, I'm happy for you just to make the doctorate roll, and that covers the situation. I'm happy with that.
Nathaniel Horcock:No. I have got photos. It's bloody written.
Marion Freeman:No. You don't need to. I will, So you've tried.
Dave (GM):You haven't done a very good job.
Marion Freeman:While while I'm talking to him, I say while while I'm following the doctor's shitty instructions because he doesn't really care about doing a good job. It's obvious. Then I Not
Dave (GM):unreasonable. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:But Do you speak English?
Dave (GM):I I understand.
Marion Freeman:I wanted to talk. I didn't want to fight. Do you understand that? You I know the white man lies, but it seems that when we say we'll kill you, we're telling you the truth. Do you understand that?
Dave (GM):Because you do nothing but kill us.
Marion Freeman:So when I came saying I wanted to stop killing, when I came saying I had knowledge of a troop of American Yankee soldiers that you don't know about even, Your leader wanted to fight us.
Dave (GM):He was defending his people. Defending
Marion Freeman:our people. I'm not. I'm trying to save your people. Like I'm trying to save you now. I'm not doing a very good job, I admit.
Dave (GM):If you wish to save us, take your take all your white people and leave our
Marion Freeman:lands. That can't happen. You know the Mexicans were here before us.
Dave (GM):The Mexicans lived with us better than you do. Really?
Marion Freeman:And I wish that we could live like the Mexicans with you. I'm trying to find a peaceful as I said to your leader, you may not have heard because you were with with the other party. But I said to your leader, I'm here on behalf of a family who have lost children. I have heard that your group have saved the lives of those children and are looking after them. All I'm trying to do is find out after their well-being, and maybe if they want to go home to their family, I will take them home to see you don't have to meet any white men.
Dave (GM):Those children are are Inde now. They're not white men, they are Inde.
Marion Freeman:Can I see that they are well and they are happy to be Inde?
Dave (GM):If you if you wish to if you if you wish to die, then yes.
Marion Freeman:And to bring news to their family that they are safe and do not need their family anymore. Which requires not dying.
Dave (GM):Why should why should I care about white the their white family? They are they are in day. They are part of the tribe now. They are they are they are with us.
Marion Freeman:Has no one in your tribe lost a child?
Dave (GM):You dare say that to me when We
Marion Freeman:have killed that man there.
Dave (GM):Mounted to school.
Marion Freeman:What do his parents think?
Dave (GM):Beat the heads in of our children with their sticks and their boots.
Marion Freeman:Yes. So you know the pain of loss.
Dave (GM):We have lost more than you can possibly imagine.
Marion Freeman:I'm sure it's true. I will not argue with you. Generations of my men have been slaves to these white men.
Dave (GM):But yet now you do their bidding?
Marion Freeman:We've always done their bidding. But now we do it as free men.
Dave (GM):What has changed then if you were if you were doing your their bidding as slaves, now you're doing their bidding as free men. You're free.
Marion Freeman:I do this.
Dave (GM):We are free. You are not.
Nathaniel Horcock:Because he is a decent man. Take it from one who is not. He is a good man. He is trying to do a good thing.
Marion Freeman:I do it as a favor, not because I was told to. Their family have not asked me to do this. I only learned that these
Nathaniel Horcock:children I don't do this. I couldn't get this put it back in hostel because of him, and this that's the end of it.
Marion Freeman:That is why he doesn't do that. Yeah. I've been waiting. We do this because we learned that these children were with you from a second group of Yankee troopers that are coming to kill you all. We came ahead of them to warn you of their presence.
Marion Freeman:And maybe if those children want to come with us, take them back home.
Jimmy Harlesden:Deal with us around these children, then you will deal with them and they will be more brutal and unforgiving than we.
Dave (GM):Make a performing role. Does he
Nathaniel Horcock:get any pluses?
Dave (GM):You can have a plus one for Andy's intimidation, and you can have a plus one for Tony's help.
Marion Freeman:And anything from my reasonable argument?
Dave (GM):Nah.
Nathaniel Horcock:Paulister, we've all been
Marion Freeman:And I can't oh, one oh, that's that's the wrong sort of 6, but one success, and I can't push.
Dave (GM):You he's not he's not frightened of dying. No.
Marion Freeman:I'm looking to
Dave (GM):But he can see the the the strength of conviction, And he's obviously seen much action with against the cavalry. So you kind of think you were maybe getting through
Jimmy Harlesden:to him a little bit?
Dave (GM):And he says, what what what what my my brother lies dead there. My friends are wounded. What If what what what can I do to to to prevent this being worse?
Marion Freeman:These children The children are Inde. Right? They are of the tribe.
Dave (GM):They are Inde. They
Marion Freeman:If they choose to do so, and I would not make them do anything they did not choose to do, they could save your whole tribe. I can take them back to their family before the troopers find you. The troopers will be called off. But if the troopers find you with those children you know as well as I do, better than I do, what the tubers will try to do and all your children will have their heads stoved in needlessly. But your in day children could, if they choose to, save your whole community.
Marion Freeman:But only if we can talk to your chief. If you refuse to talk, if you choose to fight, then you've seen the white man's gun. You've seen the damage it has brought here on this hill where you outnumbered us 2 to 1. I don't want to see death, any more death of anybody.
Nathaniel Horcock:I'm saying nothing.
Dave (GM):If you follow the path that they took, you will be able to
Marion Freeman:I want
Dave (GM):find what you seek.
Marion Freeman:I want to bring you back Yeah. To your tribe. To show them we haven't killed you, and so that you may speak for us. I know what your warband leader thinks of me. He's shamed, I'm sure, by his decision which is why he has gone back.
Marion Freeman:But come with us. You've heard my argument. Speak in your tongue to your people and tell them what I'm trying to say. I promise no extra harm will come to you.
Dave (GM):We may try.
Marion Freeman:Let's try. Well, we need
Dave (GM):we need to bring the body of my brother
Jimmy Harlesden:so he
Dave (GM):can be
Marion Freeman:I will make a
Dave (GM):honored in the in the right way.
Marion Freeman:A sled for him that he can be drawn behind our horse.
Dave (GM):Alright.
Marion Freeman:Or one of us will who's got
Dave (GM):a making skill. Yeah. No. I'll be sure of that.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah.
Jimmy Harlesden:Or just like, where you just like put it on the horse.
Marion Freeman:Labor. I've got labor. Oh, no. Making. Is is docity late making?
Nathaniel Horcock:Labor would be making. No.
Marion Freeman:It's making. Making. Making.
Dave (GM):Making is making. No.
Jimmy Harlesden:I haven't.
Nathaniel Horcock:Stop it.
Marion Freeman:Anyway, you've you can't because you've got one hand. Oh. Have you got making? No. Or does it take 3?
Marion Freeman:Okay.
Jimmy Harlesden:It's not good.
Marion Freeman:Well, between the 2 of us, we can We
Jimmy Harlesden:can let let's go with some shit.
Dave (GM):I think
Jimmy Harlesden:you can lash something together shit.
Dave (GM):I won't make you make a rule for that.
Marion Freeman:Do you wish to ride the horse that takes your slain brother home?
Dave (GM):Yes.
Marion Freeman:Are you sure?
Dave (GM):I I I I think for that speech, I think I'm gonna give you a point of faith. Yes. Because I Yes.
Marion Freeman:So does that restore my faith?
Dave (GM):Yes. Woah.
Marion Freeman:What a generous GM. Now let me say that you're meaner than me ever again. Until the next time, I say.
Dave (GM):Mind you then. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:Fast speaker. Bye, man.
Jimmy Harlesden:Thank you. 5 minutes
Dave (GM):And I don't agree. And then your rage quit. No. I thought that was very good. I thought that, yeah, was worthy of a point of faith under the circumstances.
Dave (GM):Okay. Can I can I have a group Hawkeye role, please?
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm. Oh, god.
Marion Freeman:40 Apache. Aligned up.
Jimmy Harlesden:So, a 5.
Nathaniel Horcock:5. Who's gonna do it then?
Marion Freeman:My Hawkeye is 4. So but I can loan a dice to somebody with a better.
Nathaniel Horcock:I have well, I must admit, I do have, 5
Marion Freeman:faithful Have we taken time
Jimmy Harlesden:to cover
Marion Freeman:all our points?
Dave (GM):You haven't been resting. You could rest here for I mean it's it's 5 minutes per
Marion Freeman:We can rest.
Dave (GM):Per point. So if you wanted to race rest half an hour, then you should get your points back.
Nathaniel Horcock:So how many points will I get back then?
Dave (GM):How many did you lose?
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, I broke my so I got one back. I think they'll come out with a damage.
Dave (GM):So for half an hour, you'll get 6 back. Oh, I'll be back. Across across the 2. Yeah. Yeah.
Jimmy Harlesden:So take a dice of help from each of us.
Nathaniel Horcock:Alright. Okay.
Jimmy Harlesden:If you can got that. Ready?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Alright. So let me see. And I've got 5 plates, so I'll
Dave (GM):use it.
Nathaniel Horcock:My balls is up.
Marion Freeman:There's a 6. There's a
Dave (GM):6 there. There are a couple of ones there, they? Yeah. I
Nathaniel Horcock:don't wanna push that. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Okay. Off. Yeah. You don't know it's anything? No.
Marion Freeman:No. We,
Nathaniel Horcock:oh, I just wanna back up the fort before I die horribly earlier.
Dave (GM):Okay. Yeah. So you wait half an hour. Everyone regardless of bit of strength. Probably takes you a few minutes to, maybe half an hour to put together some kind of stretcher from what you've got.
Dave (GM):Yeah. And then you can head off.
Marion Freeman:We'll follow the trail of blood.
Dave (GM):Yep. He he knows seems to know where he's going.
Jimmy Harlesden:Mhmm. That's not that surprising.
Dave (GM):So if you're trusting him
Jimmy Harlesden:Well But is he going in the direction that the others appeared
Dave (GM):to go Yeah.
Jimmy Harlesden:When they left?
Marion Freeman:What else do you think?
Nathaniel Horcock:I know. I know. Yes. I know that.
Jimmy Harlesden:I mean, we're going back to history. I don't know if they're gonna have anything to say.
Marion Freeman:I have I have faith in him.
Jimmy Harlesden:There's nowhere else he's contagious. You have one point of faith in him that's gonna
Dave (GM):be more dangerous than where we think we're going anyway, isn't it? So Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:What's a narrow? The more I always
Marion Freeman:do. Did anybody make that Hawkeye roll?
Nathaniel Horcock:I got one. Yeah.
Jimmy Harlesden:I got one.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. The needle saw nothing.
Jimmy Harlesden:Didn't see anything.
Nathaniel Horcock:Which means we're dead.
Dave (GM):Okay. So he leads you up here and after a while you end up in steaming remote. No. Yeah. Was he by the time he comes in?
Dave (GM):Into the hills here.
Nathaniel Horcock:Another room?
Dave (GM):The day the day is waning. As the night as the light is beginning to go and night is beginning to fall, what do you want to do?
Nathaniel Horcock:Make another Hawkeye rule.
Dave (GM):He says, we have another few hours of riding before we reach.
Marion Freeman:Do you travel in the night?
Nathaniel Horcock:Not long. Might as well as a matter
Dave (GM):of go. We prefer not to.
Marion Freeman:Should we jump? Well, I would I have told you that there were Yankee troopers out hunting for you. They may be watching us right now, following us. If you wish to travel on, we will come with you, But we may lead them straight to your camp if they are following us in the middle of the night. Maybe we should rest until the morning when we can all see more clearly.
Marion Freeman:And then make our way carefully to your camp.
Dave (GM):Yes. K. Nature roll for making a camp.
Marion Freeman:Hey. Nature of America. You're any good at camp making?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Yeah. That's exactly right. It's just that
Dave (GM):it is.
Marion Freeman:What's his name, actually? What what does he want us to call him?
Dave (GM):I've only noted one Apache name. Have you
Marion Freeman:used it yet?
Dave (GM):No. Mhmm. But Kuruk.
Jimmy Harlesden:Kuruk. Especially, we get to Apache come and ask all their other names there.
Dave (GM):That's when they get angry and kill you.
Nathaniel Horcock:I mean,
Marion Freeman:given given that we're, you know, I feel we're bonding with him a little bit. Let let let's see.
Jimmy Harlesden:Okay. Alright.
Marion Freeman:Where would where where would you camp?
Dave (GM):Okay. I think Kirk will set the camp because he's not gonna wanna camp somewhere where
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, the rats are snakes are.
Dave (GM):Where you idiots have put him. Won't make you make a roll. I think that's fine. I
Jimmy Harlesden:think we'll keep someone watch at all times Mhmm. Through the night?
Dave (GM):Yeah. He settles down and seems to be, in some kind of vigil over the body of On his brother. The one he's called his brother. Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:As it gets dark, can I just have a wee Hawkeye ride to fill a minor interest looking backwards the way we've cut?
Dave (GM):You can. Yeah. What are
Jimmy Harlesden:you looking for in particular?
Nathaniel Horcock:I don't
Marion Freeman:What have you said?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Just one here. It's why I start here. No help or charges to be stopped.
Jimmy Harlesden:Yeah. You can help get help for me.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. Get help for me as well. It's been settling down. Obviously, future Hawkeye role will have to be done
Nathaniel Horcock:in the
Marion Freeman:Okay. In individual if we're if we're doing 3 shifts, of course. Two successes.
Dave (GM):Okay. Yeah. You don't notice anything.
Nathaniel Horcock:I spent more eating.
Marion Freeman:I'm not sure which pile of dice is.
Nathaniel Horcock:He's looking so easy.
Marion Freeman:But he definitely made a roll of his dice, didn't he?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Yes he did.
Marion Freeman:So there's something out there. I don't like it. It's quiet. It's too quiet.
Dave (GM):Too quiet.
Nathaniel Horcock:I've got another one for the ride.
Dave (GM):Okay. So how are you dealing with the night? Are you standing watch or Yes.
Jimmy Harlesden:We're standing no. We're definitely standing watch. Yeah. Can I take
Nathaniel Horcock:your first watch then? Yeah.
Dave (GM):Okay. Make your resilience for after these, Eddie?
Nathaniel Horcock:I've got
Dave (GM):Diggy, leave it.
Nathaniel Horcock:Took a bite off, come on. That would cost me 2, wouldn't it, when we rolled? Yeah.
Dave (GM):How many ones have you got? 1 on your, travel plans. Leave it. So, yeah. It will cost you one to push and one to buy off the trouble.
Dave (GM):So you could roll that dice again.
Nathaniel Horcock:5. What the hell?
Dave (GM):That's yeah. That's 2 points to spend.
Marion Freeman:And then the other 3 for getting rid of all those ones.
Dave (GM):Any more ones?
Nathaniel Horcock:No. Any more ones.
Jimmy Harlesden:Any sick leave?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yep. All 6.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Okay. You you managed to stay awake and, yeah, nothing untoward seems to happen. Who's standing the second watch?
Jimmy Harlesden:I'll take the second watch.
Dave (GM):Okay. Resilience roll, please turn.
Marion Freeman:Cheeky. There are lots of flies. One sausage.
Dave (GM):She just loves chasing them.
Nathaniel Horcock:That's just so weird.
Dave (GM):Okay. Yeah. You stay awake, and nothing untoward happens. Matthew, resilience role, please.
Marion Freeman:Resilience role. I have only got 4 in. Resilience. Why do I feel I'm gonna
Nathaniel Horcock:Hello? Yeah.
Marion Freeman:It won't cost me anything. No. Oh, no. No.
Dave (GM):No. No. You've got one face at the moment. Yeah. I'm Did you fail?
Marion Freeman:I failed.
Dave (GM):Okay. Morning light comes around. You wake up. He's gone. Keurig is gone.
Marion Freeman:But we can we can chase him. It would be understandable.
Dave (GM):He didn't kill you in your sleep. Yeah.
Jimmy Harlesden:So that's That's not
Marion Freeman:a surprise. Which
Dave (GM):is his was was his
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, paying me respect. Yeah, I suppose.
Dave (GM):Way of respecting how you treated him. But he felt no obligation to Yeah. To stay with you.
Jimmy Harlesden:Well, that's yeah. That's a positive explanation. No.
Nathaniel Horcock:That is perfect.
Marion Freeman:Let's see if we can pick up the trail that we are following.
Dave (GM):He did leave the body of his brother behind. No. He didn't take that with him.
Jimmy Harlesden:Oh, really? Well, should we
Dave (GM):We should do all
Jimmy Harlesden:that too. Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:That's it. Well, you've forgotten something.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. Yeah. You left
Jimmy Harlesden:you left it.
Nathaniel Horcock:Wait, mate. You forgot something. I bet you've got something.
Dave (GM):No littering the wilderness, mate. Come on. Right. Okay. Are you gonna try and pick up his track, then?
Dave (GM):No. You got Hawkeye role?
Jimmy Harlesden:Yeah. We'll try, Oliver. We seem to have a vague idea of what direction we're going in.
Dave (GM):Yeah. And I think there's still
Marion Freeman:And you're gonna help with 1 of you. I'm gonna help 1 of you, Hawkeye, because I only have 4 in Hawkeye.
Dave (GM):You've got a good idea of what the direction you're in. I'm gonna give you plus 3 dice. Oh, obviously. Plus 3. To pick up the trail.
Jimmy Harlesden:Okay. Shall I roll?
Nathaniel Horcock:And I'll give you a price help.
Jimmy Harlesden:Can I get help from Yep? You can get help. Well, yeah. Plus 3. 2 successes and I will not be pushing that.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Okay. You do pick up the trail. It's quite easy to pick up. Yeah.
Dave (GM):So you you end up in those kind of the foothills. Uh-huh. And as you're getting closer, you sort of come it's forested as well. It's a forested mountain range. You do start to see the signs of some smoke.
Dave (GM):Right. In the distance from, like, a campfire smoke, but quite a few. Alright. I'll just take your way. So obviously, a bigger camp, up ahead sort of in a in a dip in the ground, but, kind of well protected in the trees.
Nathaniel Horcock:Well hidden.
Jimmy Harlesden:Do you want to try?
Dave (GM):Make another Hawkeye roll, please. Group group Hawkeye, but this isn't with plus 3. Do you
Jimmy Harlesden:want me
Nathaniel Horcock:to start to help again?
Dave (GM):Yep.
Jimmy Harlesden:160.
Dave (GM):Okay. You don't see anything.
Jimmy Harlesden:So do you wanna try and sneak up and scout the area first, or do we just break the new Should we
Nathaniel Horcock:try and see what we can do?
Marion Freeman:Hold on, actually. Do we have any idea that no. I already said we may be being followed.
Dave (GM):Mhmm.
Jimmy Harlesden:Yes.
Nathaniel Horcock:And do we really
Marion Freeman:So maybe I'm just gonna shout into the woods. Hey. We know you're there. Come out.
Nathaniel Horcock:I'm making sure I'm on a bit of cover when Mike says
Marion Freeman:We can talk.
Dave (GM):How loudly are you shouting? Reasonably loudly.
Marion Freeman:Like, I'm imagining they're on a vantage point somewhere away. Mhmm.
Nathaniel Horcock:Maybe take
Marion Freeman:In fact, we're in we're in the foothills under, so I'm not
Dave (GM):gonna say
Marion Freeman:Come down or come up, whatever.
Nathaniel Horcock:We're at the edge of the forest.
Dave (GM):Up into the into the hills. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:Come up. We can talk.
Nathaniel Horcock:You said we're the edge of the forest or something, didn't you?
Dave (GM):Or Yeah. You're just going into the forest. Yeah. Mhmm. I mean, there's I mean, there is forest, but the forest is thickening.
Nathaniel Horcock:But I am making sure I'm out there. There's some cover when he says that.
Dave (GM):Okay. You get no response.
Nathaniel Horcock:No response.
Marion Freeman:Okay. Do You wanna make a performing role?
Dave (GM):You don't need to make a performing role.
Nathaniel Horcock:I just did do you don't mind me or just have his Hawkeye role to the way we've come?
Dave (GM):Well, that's what that roll was all about, and you gave him help. So
Marion Freeman:And, I'm gonna say again. Okay. You don't want to talk? Just give us a bit of time. Nobody has to die.
Marion Freeman:Give us time to see if we can get those children out alive.
Nathaniel Horcock:If you want so what is the sneak role on this then if you wanna Move. Move, is it? Yep. Move. Move.
Nathaniel Horcock:Move.
Dave (GM):You get no response
Marion Freeman:from the trees.
Dave (GM):Yeah. K. Do you want
Marion Freeman:me to make
Nathaniel Horcock:There's the village. Off you go.
Marion Freeman:No. We're we're gonna go in. Well, I you you might wanna stay behind. What? Why don't you both stay behind and pull me out of the shit?
Marion Freeman:But I will go in with the dead body.
Dave (GM):Diggy. Okay.
Nathaniel Horcock:Since you seem quite happy
Marion Freeman:I mean, you did such a good job of defending yourselves last time.
Nathaniel Horcock:They are very good. So yes, sir.
Dave (GM):1st shot was good. The first round, you put 2 of them down, didn't you? I thought, this is gonna be too easy. Alright. Diggers.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yes. Cards won again. It's just gonna
Dave (GM):be rude. Let me get way after that.
Marion Freeman:So, you know, let us not go mop handy.
Dave (GM):Well, no.
Nathaniel Horcock:But I wasn't going mop handy into an Indian village.
Marion Freeman:Also, if you stay back and we are being followed by the troopers, you can hold them off, maybe.
Jimmy Harlesden:Plus, if they decide that it's gonna kill us, then they'll only kill you, or we can get away.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. And that and I'm willing to take that risk?
Jimmy Harlesden:There's there's definitely risk I am willing to take as well. What was
Dave (GM):that one?
Marion Freeman:Okay. They're gonna let me they're gonna stay behind here, maybe speak to anybody who might be following us, if anybody following us might come along in troop form. Yeah. And also if I get killed by the Indians, there's only one of us that gets killed by the Indians.
Dave (GM):K. And that's a risk they're happy to let me take. Yes. The sacrifice
Nathaniel Horcock:we're willing to have. Yes. Yeah. Are we gonna follow a few young punk cases so if the if the children are in the village?
Jimmy Harlesden:Yeah. It won't be too far behind.
Nathaniel Horcock:I'm not too far behind.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. Yeah. But if you've got a sneak, then, you know
Jimmy Harlesden:I'll move you to sneak
Dave (GM):up so you can try to see what's going on in the in the
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, I'm a blunder. I've got
Dave (GM):a But
Nathaniel Horcock:you can't do a move anyway, can you? Because you're a bugle of your shoulder.
Jimmy Harlesden:Yeah. You can't sneak.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah.
Dave (GM):So I
Marion Freeman:could have liked So
Dave (GM):yeah, it's quite hard work for you to I think if you're
Marion Freeman:Well, I'm riding my horse and the horse is towing.
Dave (GM):Oh, okay. Yep. Fair enough. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. I'm not moving.
Dave (GM):My horse is No. No. Fair enough. Yeah. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Okay. That's cool.
Marion Freeman:So I will ride in turning the sled with the dead brake on.
Dave (GM):Yep. And And you're just gonna brazenly ride straight in.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. I think so. Would be
Nathaniel Horcock:a move as well, would it? Yes. Alright. Okay.
Dave (GM):Okay. So Matthew trots on. What do you guys do with your horses, and what are you doing?
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, that's when you because Higgins he metagame me. As you can sneak, you follow behind Matt next, and I wait behind to see who if somebody is coming up there.
Jimmy Harlesden:So I leave a horse with you.
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, maybe follow because in case he does go shoot, it's gonna be a bit difficult to Yeah.
Jimmy Harlesden:Although sneaking with a horse is gonna be hard, isn't it? So Yeah. If I try and be stealthy then, probably you need to go without a horse.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. I mean, we'll tell our horse is up somewhere. Yeah. I'll let him set off.
Dave (GM):Just on the hillside. Yeah. Because that Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, I made
Dave (GM):him go there and cut
Nathaniel Horcock:the cover And I'll let him set off and I'll wait.
Dave (GM):Did he go to bed?
Nathaniel Horcock:Then I'll wait around once he's gone and follow the way he's gone. So Yep. If he yards behind him. Yes?
Dave (GM):Okay. Yeah. That's cool. Tank, make a make a move roll in.
Nathaniel Horcock:Okay.
Dave (GM):Okay. Blunder Blunder Blunder.
Jimmy Harlesden:So I think yeah. I'm thinking of going, I'm really, really sneaky. I can't I've got 2 faith. I can't really push that because I'd have to keep the trouble. So, yeah, I think I'm just being shit at
Dave (GM):sneaker. That's okay.
Nathaniel Horcock:And like I say, and I'm just watching wave of comes, you know. Yep. After I could try and do that. Obviously, it'd be free dice to try and hide the hide the horses.
Dave (GM):That's right.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Okay.
Dave (GM):I mean, no. You probably can't hide the horses. You could put them out of the way.
Nathaniel Horcock:Out of the way. I mean, I'm I'm just being tethering further bits bits in the wood line, so they're in the wood line. Yeah. Not out in the open where people Yeah.
Dave (GM):I would, yeah. I won't make you make a roll for that.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. That's what it's true.
Dave (GM):But if if somebody's following and they make a successful Hawkeye, they can see the horse. If you want to hide in the bushes, you could then make a a roll for that.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah.
Dave (GM):But yeah. And the horses aren't gonna comply anyway once he?
Nathaniel Horcock:I could try.
Dave (GM):So you gotta hide in the in the bushes.
Nathaniel Horcock:Just just wee one then then follow on because
Jimmy Harlesden:I can
Nathaniel Horcock:hear him crashing all the way down.
Jimmy Harlesden:See, I think they've seen
Dave (GM):me out.
Nathaniel Horcock:No. No. Look. What they have 5s, they say.
Dave (GM):Okay.
Jimmy Harlesden:So I'm sneaking really well.
Dave (GM):Yeah. You hear me? You've never got 30 yards behind me. Now I'm
Jimmy Harlesden:looking normal. Crashing through the
Dave (GM):Okay. You get to the kind of the sort of the brow of the head. It's quite a a slight incline. It's not very steep. And you can then look down into what is a, like, a very large clearing.
Dave (GM):And, yeah, there's probably 8 or 10 teepees, maybe 12, quite a few people, lots of little fires, animals, some dogs. It's alright. You notice very few men, mostly women, children, and elderly.
Nathaniel Horcock:Okay.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Make a Hawkeye roll. With my 4. I'll give you plus 2, actually.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. Oh, you're one success.
Dave (GM):Kind of on the a bit further than halfway in. You can see 2 2 youngsters. The this distance is difficult to be sure, but they're definitely they're wearing in their garb. But they do seem to be lighter skinned and have blondish hair from what you can tell.
Marion Freeman:Tales of the old west is brought to you by Effect. The music is old west game by Stu Venable, used with kind permission of the angry folk media empire.
Dave (GM):It's just like the last game. It's just like the