The Lucas Skrobot Show

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock and everyone is glad to forget the impending doom and creeping teachers and animators seeking to indoctrinate our children.

Show Notes

Boomers, Groomers, and Ignoring WW3 and Impending Recession [E276]

Time Stamps

Intro 00:00
What is in today's episode 02:51
Will Smith V Chris Rock 04:20
The Slam was a nice distraction to the Alarm bells...Ukraine v Russia 15:17
Putin unstable? Or calculated and cunning? 17:04
Russia establishing a new gold standard? 23:06
Inversion of Yield Curve. 25:37
Time from inversion to recession 31:56
History of yield curve and recessions 32:21
In bad times wealth is created. 34:30
Yeah, that makes sense - Disney Groomers 36:03
Value for Value 48:39
Weaver and Loom 49:15
Outro 52:04

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The globe was a bout to forget that
the Oscars even existed and then will

Smith staged a violent, but mostly,
mostly peaceful protest after getting

the death glare from his wife Jayda.

And now when you're in an open and
you're celebrating an open marriage

and participating in an open marriage,
you can never be too careful about

what the other person might do.

Speaking of careful, this slap was
a perfect dopamine hit to society so

that we could effectively ignore the
coming recession and the possible end

of the U S dollar as we know it after.

And the backwards world inflation
is a good thing because it devalues

your money making you broker.

Then you already are remembered by the
year 2030, you will own nothing and

you will be happy, but don't worry that
Biden in administration, the economic

world form and the new world order
predicted that there is going to be

gas shortages predicted there's going
to be food shortages predicted even.

Exactly how Putin would invade Ukraine.

And yet he really didn't
do very much about it.

Russia, on the other hand, despite
their economy being totally smashed

and decimated, they did, they
did he'd whose predictions of the

sanctions of war that they were about
to face and they began to buy gold.

They actually pay.

They're ruble to the gold and are now
about to establish a new gold oil standard

because when the writing is on the wall
and you can read the writing on the

wall, you should probably do something
about it beyond just telling people

that you knew this was going to happen.

And I told you so as you and everyone
else goes on suffering for it, if

there is a lion in street, Protect
yourself for, there are no merit

points for suffering needlessly for
something that you could have prevented.

But, but, but, but if you are a post
liberal Disney activists seeking

to indoctrinate other people's
children with gender dysphoria, then

a new world order and a new moral.

Is welcomed.

So why would you want to stop or
impede the destruction that you put

in motion all those decades ago?

In fact, it seems like
the plan is working.

Hey, it is Lucas Skrobot and you're
listening to The Lucas Skrobot Show

where we uncover purpose, pursue truth and
own the future episode 276, March 31st.

2022, welcome to the show.

They're messing around with these
new intros, little longer intros.

I kind of like them.

Hope you enjoyed them, but today's.

If you can't tell we're going to hit.

The one thing that everyone sadly myself
included have actually been talking

about this week, which is the slap
that was reverberated around the world.

We are of course, going to hit what's
happening with Ukraine and Putin.

We're not going to miss out on the
boomer, groomers, groomer, boomers,

Disney activists, that the videos
that are out and circulating about.

Uh, shocking.

Just, uh, people said
that this was happening.

We've been saying that this is happening
the indoctrination of our children, but of

course it has been denied, denied, denied.

The videos are clear.

Disney has an agenda and it is an agenda
to indoctrinate your children with

their post liberal alphabet agenda.

Uh, well, let's first let's
first start with this clip by

will Smith slapping Chris rock.

It is all over social media
and there's a couple of points.

I want to point out from
this interaction Jayna.

I love you.

GI Jane too.

Can't wait to see it


Smith is laughing.

That was a nice one.

I'm out here.



Will Smith the smack Saturday.

Wow, dude.

It was a GI Jane Joe.

I'm going to

lock it.

So when I first saw this one, of course,
shocked to a thought who really cares,

um, you know, it's a violent, but
mostly peaceful protest at the Oscars.

It's nothing different than we've been
seen for the last number of years.

Uh, My other thought was there's
a lot more important things going

on in the world besides, uh, Chris
rock being assaulted by will Smith.

I thought to myself, my
goodness they're actors, this is

probably all staged after all.

We, I didn't even know
the Oscars was going on.

Maybe you did.

I kind of knew I didn't care.

I wasn't paying attention to it.

I would have not paid
attention to it had not.

Seen happen.

So of course I thought this probably
was staged and there's a lot of people

who think it was staged a lot of
reasons to think it was staged bad.

Publicity is good.


No one was paying attention to the Oscars.

I think even still, it was the
second worst ratings of any Oscars.

So there, there would be
some financial insights.

For will Smith, as long as he doesn't
get thrown in jail or something, which

I highly doubt will happen to make
a scene so that people would be paid

attention to him as he got his award.

Chris rock definitely
comes out on top of his.

I mean, he's like a legend for taking
such a slap in the face and laughing

it off in front of millions of people.


Uh, so if that was staged, you think,
well, his tour is going to take

off now because of this incident.

So there's a lot of reasons to think
that this was actually planned and

set up, but the, the more that I
watched it, I actually, I actually

wonder, I actually don't think it was
an, and here's why the first reason.

If you watch this clip a
little more greatest night

in the history of television.


When, when he says this joke will
Smith is laughing, Jada Smith is

eye rolling will with loving this.

Jada is very disgusted in this.

You can just see it in all over her face.

And it makes me think there was a moment
shortly after the scene, switched back

to Chris rock that she's leaned over,
said something to will do something

about this, which then instigated
will to come up and slap Chris rock.

The other, the other thing, the other
reason that I think that this is actually

real is by their interaction after
the fact, their interaction after the.

And their exchange of words, you
can hear the tremor and energy

in both wills and Chris's voice,
which of course they're actors.

They're really great actors.

Of course, here we are at
the Oscars they're actors.

They could have very well been
acting, but I've been in situations.

That are somewhat confrontational
and someone gets really big in

a room aggressive, and you're
like, whoa, just calm down.

I hear this in Chris.

Rock's voice through this.

Wow dude.

Yeah, it was a G you can even
in we'll you can feel this.

Holding back it's either it's
brilliant acting or I think

it was real, even that tone.

It was a GI Jane joke, just trying
to diffuse the situation, trying

to figure out what's going on.


Well, no, I'm going to okay.

I think, I think it was, I think it was.

Now, uh, Jim Carrey weighed in on this
and he said he was discussed and I

agree disgusted that everyone is giving
a round of applause and celebrate.

An assault on Chris rock on national TV.

Now, Chris rock, of course, he's
willing to say things that most

people in Hollywood aren't willing
to say, he's willing to call a

man, a man and a woman, a woman.

He is not willing to say, um, men can
menstruate or yes, trans trans women.

I mean, and this is what's going around.

This is the path it is
pathology and it is diluted.

It is delusion to say that a man who
decides he is a woman, all of a sudden

can feel PMs and menstrual cramps.

It is one thing for a person
to have gender dysphoria.

And I have compassion on that
in thinking like, wow, this is

actually, it is actually really
heartbreaking to see someone.

Actually believe that they're
having menstrual cramps.

That's how far this delusion has gone.

They actually believe they're having
menstrual cramps and that they can

just because they are identifying
now as a woman, but it is something

completely different, completely
different to believe for a society.

To affirm and agree and say, yes,
this, this is indeed happening.

This is, this is real.

The emperor does have closed.

No, the emperor has no clothes.

Chris rock.

On the other hand, he's willing
to stand up and say these things.


I don't think that, uh, I don't
think that anyone should be

assaulted on TV or at any point.


I don't think will Smith is
going to see any prosecution.

Chris rock is not going to prosecute him.

And I think, wow, hats off to
Chris rock for handling this.

Like a man, he didn't,
he didn't strike back.

He was cool, calm and
collective and, uh, amazing.

That's my, that's my breakdown of it.

I think the F the face
that Jadah is making.

As, as this exchange is happening, that I
roll that she makes, I think that's really

what JJ, and I think that's really what
caused will Smith to react the way he did.

And a lot of people have brought
up and we've brought it up here

on the show before as well.

There, there are publicly in the
celebrated open marriage where she had.


He's a, he's a cockled husband, right?

She is gone, gone off and
slept with other people.

Is there some pent up hurt rage
brokenness in the relationship?


I don't know.

I don't know.

Well, I'm actually not here to judge him.

I don't think that maybe some people
do think he should be canceled.

I don't necessarily think
that he should be coming.

I think it exposes that when you, you
were living in a world, filled with

brokenness in your relationships and
in your marriage, in your family.

And you're celebrating that
that celebration is just masking

over pain that is underneath.

That is unhealthy.

That is just being masked over
by saying, this is actually.

You're just changing the labels on values
because you're living in such dysfunction.

You say the dysfunction
is actually healthy.

The dysfunction is healthy and
that is going to come out sideways.

And it came out sideways at Chris rock.

From what I think is a mile joke.


It was a joke about Jada being bald,
which is she is bald and decided

to cut her hair because she was
losing her hair from a, a disease.

And so there's been, some people defending
will Smith, but really, I mean, it was

a mild, it was a mild joke compared to
things that are currently out there.

Um, not just from the comedian
world, but even against the open

marriage between will and Jada.


and as I said in the intro, this.

This slap in the face.

It really shows by the fact that we
are also myself included the number of

conversations that we've had, that the
fact that we just spent 10, 15 minutes

discussing someone getting slapped
actors slapping one another on public

TV, that this is the talk of society.

It shows one, our obsession, our
obsession with celebrities or

obsession with fame and how they
really are role models in our society.

And it also shows us that we are willing
to put our head in the sand and talk

about, and be obsessed with this drama
moment on TV, rather than the alarm

bells that are going off in the world.

Of course, you can only talk
about the alarm bells that are

going off in the world for so
long before you feel fatigued.

And those alarm bells have been going off
for a long time for the last two years.

Plus we've had alarm bells from pandemics
to war to recession, to crashes to from.

The Israeli Palestinian conflict,
Afghanistan, Ukraine, there's always

these alarm bells and bad news going
off, but at the same time that this

was happening, there was, there was
another alarm belt that was going off.

And that was the inverse
of the yield curve.

And getting you a little bit ahead
of myself, but the inverse of the

yield curve, which we're going
to talk about in just a minute,

actually, before we talk about that.

I want to go to what's happening in
Ukraine because what's happening in

Ukraine with Putin does really play into
what we're seeing with the yield curve.

And probably, maybe you don't
know what a yield curve is.

Not a lot of people do.

I had to spend a lot of time researching
and reading to understand exactly

how yield curve curves work, because
I'm not a financial consultant.

I'm not day trading on the stock
market, but there are signals.

Right now that we are heading in the
next six to 24 months into a recession,

and we need to be prepared for it, not
just to see the writing on the wall,

but actually do something about it.

But what is playing into what
is happening on a global level?

When it comes to the us dollar,
being the reserve currency is what

is happening right now between.

And Ukraine and other surrounding
nations, including Finland and NATO,

many people are viewing what is
happening right now as a loss on Putin

side, that Putin is losing this war.

He's lost many troops, many people thought
that Putin thought that he was just

going to roll into Ukraine and take over.

But that's not what happened.


Isn't an article that was.

Originally by the New York times
saying what if Putin actually

didn't miscalculate, but he caused
everyone to think that he was

losing and he was miscalculated
calculating, and he's actually being

extremely strategic in winning this.

There right now, everyone's saying
he's lost contact with reality.

He's physically in, well,
he's not mentally there.

He's out of control.

He's a mad man with his finger on
the button of, uh, of new jeweler

footballs on the second largest
nuclear arsenal in the world.

What if that's the perception that
he is projecting that he wants people

to actually think and believe well in
this article, by the New York times,

Carlota gall writes about her
experience, um, in the, the Chechen

war in the mid 1990s and golf says
there is a whole next stage to Putin's

playbook, which is well-known to
the Chechens as Russian troops gain

control on the ground in Chechnya.

Crushed any further dissonance with
arrests and filtrations of camps.

There's a moment in the Chechen war
that the Russians were decimated.

Their tanks were totally decimated.

They pulled back and
embarrassment, they regrouped.

And then Russia just, just bombed,
just carpet bombed from afar,

with artillery, those areas.

And Canadian and they're seeing the
connection to what's happening right

now in Ukraine is the connection is
it looks like Putin is losing on many

fronts, but what if it's actually a
strategic move so that he can win.

And it's a bait and switch
Canadian energy expert.

David nightmares.

Rights under the guise of an invasion.

Putin is executing an enormous Heiss
because what is left, what will be

left after Ukraine is split up will be
a mostly landlock Ukraine in the west

and Ukraine we'll be able to pick up a
ton of oil reserves, gas reserves, and.

I suppose for a moment that Putin
never intended to conquer all of

Ukraine, that from the beginning,
his real targets were energy risk,

rich riches of Ukraine's east, which
contains Europe's second largest known

reserves of natural gas after Norway.

This would also make sense as why
Putin has been targeting civilian.

The article goes on to explain more than
simply a way of targeting civilians is

more than simply a way of compensating for
the incompetence of the Russian troops.

The mass killing of civilians puts
in a massive, massive pressure on

Solinski to greet with things that
Putin has demanded all along territorial

concessions and Ukraine neutrality.

So that Ukraine doesn't join.

The west will look for any opportunity
to deescalate, especially as we

convince ourselves that mentally,
that Putin is mentally unstable and

prepared to use nuclear weapons.

So this is definitely dark, a dark way of
thinking, but what if Putin is targeting?

Civilians so that people think he's
a madman so that people would appease

him so that he could actually just get
that land that he's already conquered

in the east of Ukraine so that people
will give him all the concessions so

that we don't go into war, war three.

And that Putin wins because
he's played the madman.

Everyone thinks he's a madman.

He's crazy.

He's lost it.

He is.

He can't even think.

But what if that is Russian propaganda
to scare and the world into capitulating

to Russia's demand in the Ukraine?

Well, this week also Russian
fighters violated Swedish

airspace to send a mesh message to
Sweden to say, do not join NATO.

And on top of that, these
fighters that went into NATO air.

Reportedly we're equipped with nuclear
weapons as a form of intimidation.

See, we are willing to fight against
anyone that is somewhat neutral in this.

That might go and join NATO.

Currently 4 million refugees have fled
Ukraine, according to the UN 4 million

refugees have fled during this crisis.

And here we are.

Talking about will Smith and Chris
rock and whether, whether or not will

Smith is going to be thrown in jail.

In the meantime, Russia
pegged their Ruple too cold.

Now this is, this is quite
an important development.

We've been talking about how it
is likely in the coming year.

Not coming weeks, not coming days, but
in the coming years, we could see a

transition on a global scale away from
the U S dollar as a global reserve

currency into another currency of
some sort, when the us dollar came off

of the gold reserve and pegging it.

So that $1 equals a
certain amount of gold.

When we came off of it.

Well, now the dollar has no real value.

80% of us dollars have been
printed in the last two years.

Driving inflation prices.

There is a lot of , uh, speculation
and suspicion when it comes to

the strength of the us dollar in
the long run across the globe.

So Russia pegging the
Ruple away from the U S.

And to a gold standard creates a level
of stability within their currency.

And since their currency dropped largely
over the last month due distinctions,

they were able to back all of their
currency with a certain amount of gold

that they have in their possession.

And now they're accepting
instead of just having to access.

Russia accepting payments for their gas
and oil exports, which are happening to

Europe still and happening to, to China.

They are now saying we will accept.

If you are a friendly country, we
will accept payments in ruples.

We will accept payment in gold,
and we will accept payment

in your currency or Bitcoin.

If you are eight favorable country to.

Rather than having to accept payments
in the U S dollar, which is shifting

a large, a large segment of the globe
and gives the rest of the globe and

the ability to trade in something other
than us Fiat that's stable because

now it's being tied back to a gold.

And this really could be a top lane.

One of the dominoes that begins
to change really the world order.

We've been talking about
that new world order.

This could be a domino that
begins to change that world order.

And we're beginning to see that
as well in the U S stock markets,

which brings us to yield curves.

Now, what is a yield curve?

A yield curve.

It generally.

It looks like this.

You can have a yield curve is
connected to the bond market.

Now bonds are when governments or business
is looking to receive loans from people.

So if you were a government or you
were a business and you need to

raise money for force your business
venture, or to grow your income.

You can issue a bond.

So I would say I need a hundred dollars.

I'll give you, I'll sell you a bond.

You give me a hundred dollars.


I'm getting a loan where the government's
getting alone from investors.

Those investors are then promised
by the government a certain

return on their investment.

So for $800, you might get $103.

Over the course of that bond or
over the course of that, that loan.

And that difference between the a
hundred and the 103 at 3%, that is

called the yield, the yield that
you were getting on that investment.

So when you see a yield curve,
it is the differences that the

slope, as you can see between.

The yield or the percentage of
interest at the investor is going to

get back on a two year a five-year
a 10 year, 20 and 30 year bond.

So in the healthy economy, if I was
going to lend you, or you were going

to lend me a hundred dollars for two
years, I would expect a lower interest.

Versus if you were going to give
me a hundred dollars for 10 years

or 20 or 30 years, you are going
to want to have a higher yield.

You're going to want to get more money.

How did that, because it has more risk.

You're investing it for a longer
amount of time versus two years.

You're getting the money back quickly.

Well, what happens when
the yield curve inverts?

People are able to get higher yields off
of a two year bond loaning money for two

years, you'll get a higher percentage
than if you loaned the money for 10 years.

Now, this seems backwards.

If I was going to loan you money
for one week, I would expect less

money back than if I was going
to loan you money for one year.

But what happens when that flips?

And why does that flip?

Will that flips?


There are investors who are looking
at the economy and they're saying,

wait a minute, I don't trust what
the economy is doing right now.

They're looking at inflation.

They're looking at war
breaking out in Europe.

They're looking at supply
lines being backed up.

They're looking at the fact
that inflation is nearing 7%.

You're guests.

That the federal reserve that banks are
going to raise interest rates, making

it harder for people to borrow money.

And so they are having doubt in the
short-term saying I'm not going to

invest money because I don't think that
I'm going to get this money back in the

next two years because the economy looks
like it's going to take a downturn.

Instead, I'm going to
buy 10 or 20 year bond.

And invested in the longer term,
the more that people buy 10 year

bonds, instead of being able to
buy a bond at a hundred dollars.

Everyone now wants that a hundred
dollars bond because they're skeptical

about the current market situation.

So the price begins to go up.

Now, it's, you're getting, you're buying
that hundred dollar bond for $103 or $105.

This is going somewhere.

So the more that you spend for one of
those bonds, the percentage that you

get back remains the same, however, your
yield then drops because you're paying

more money for that hundred dollar bond.

So imagine if I bought a loan from you
and said, Hey, here's a hundred dollars.

Uh, you give me a hundred dollars.

You now have a bond alone for me.

I promise to pay you back $110 in a year.

Well, now people are skeptical
about the short term.

So everyone wants to
buy this bond from you.

Well, you, instead of selling it back
to someone else, At a hundred dollars,

you're going to sell it for $105,
even though I'm only going to pay back

$110, which that decreases the yield.

So what is currently
happening to bring this home?

People are skeptical
about the current markets.

They're not buying the short-term bonds
and they're trying to buy long-term bonds.

And so what we saw this week, At the
same time of this, of, uh, the slap

that was heard around the world.

What we saw was the difference between the
two year note and the 10 year note dipping

negative for the first time, since 2007.

Now these, these events
are strongly correlated.

There was, uh, dozens, I think there's
22, um, events in the last 70 years.

Where the market turned like this,
where there's an inverse yield curve.

And let's see if I can
find the exact number.

I believe there's 22 and 18 of those
22 ended up in a recession, six

to eight, six to 22 months later.

So here's a statistic.

This is by.

Looking at when we saw an inverse
yield curve and the number of months

later that the recession came.

So you can see that in August
of 1978, we saw an inverse

yield curve and then 16 months.

We saw a recession, same thing with
1980, same thing with 88, same thing

with 98, same thing with 2006 and
2019, we all saw it recessions.

After that we see another, another chart
here have seen the yield inversion, and

then months later we see a recession in.

Not just us but global economy.

So this was a fairly weak yield,
a fairly weak inversion of the

note of the two to 10 year note.

However, however, there's a whole bunch
of other signals and pointers saying the

economy is shaky because of inflation
because of supply line and issues.

Food prices going up, gas prices going up,
war pending instability, food shortages.

People are not confident.

Now this gives six to 22 months
before we could see another recession.

But that means one.

It means that we have another short
season before a possible recession

happens that we can actually do
something that we can make a difference.

And we can prepare for
a drought that's coming.

And with that, we can remember that
it's in the times of recession.

If you look at this, this, uh, charge
here, you can see that we had an

inversion between 2006 and 2000.

Those are still good times before
the bubble of oh eight, which caused

massive global recession people across
the world lost their jobs because

of this American recession due to
the housing bubble collapse, because

there was bad junk bonds out there.

And if we're going into
that again, we can see.

What is probably coming down the pipeline.

Now, if you were prepared in 2008,
if you were positioned well in 2008,

you could actually come out on top.

It's in bad times that people actually
build and create wealth because they're

able to solve problems or they have
capital ready to invest when everyone

is fear and panicking selling out.

Now, again, I am not a
financial consultant.

I, uh, definitely.

I'm not an expert when it comes to
this, but this is what I'm seeing.

This is what I'm reading.

And this is something that I really
do think that we should focus on and

realize this is where the world is going.

The world is likely going to be pivoting
away from a us dollar Biden is looking

to establish a us dollar cryptocurrency.

Were you wouldn't be able to
go and actually exchange your

crypto for another form of Fiat.

And it's, it's only your crypto,
your us crypto dollar, where you're

spending can be completely controlled.

We could see, and this is what they're
doing in China, creating their own crypto.

We are likely to see massive macro
shifts over the next 24 months.

How are we building our lives and
the environment around us in a way

we, where we are protected and we
are anticipating the things that

are to come so that we can have.

Others around us

in a post-truth society.

We're have exchanged truth for lies and
reason for postmodern irrationality.

The absurd finally makes sense.

Well, Disney has taken their Mickey
mouse mask off and have gone full

blown groomer status, all in response
to a bill that was passed in Florida.


What does Florida have to do with
Saudi Arabia or the middle east?

Well, actually a lot because
Disney has a lot to do with the

way that the minds of youth are
being shaped all across the globe.

It doesn't matter whether it's from
India or China or Russia or Ukraine.

Plays a large role in shaping
the minds of the culture because

of what you see, what you watch.

That is what you become.

Well, Florida put a bill into place,
which is being called by the left eight.

Don't say gay bill, but really it is
a parental rights bill in the bill.

I've read through.

The biggest thing in the bill that's
being made, uh, uh, a fuss of is the

statement that classroom instruction by
school personnel or third party on sexual

orientation or gender identity may not
occur in kindergarten through third grade

in a manner that is not age appropriate or
developmentally appropriate for students.

That's right.

Kindergarten through third grade,
it's a simple bill saying, Hey parents

have the, have the responsibility
and right to raise up their children.

And it is not the education
school, education system to be

indoctrinating children with sexual
orientation and gender identity

from kindergarten to third grade.

It's not high school.

It's not even middle school.

It's to third grade.

Your kid's like 9, 8, 9, maybe 10.

Well, the activists on
the left are just enraged.

It started with our, we're
not teaching this in schools.

Oh, this doesn't matter.

They're born this way.

And now it's, I can't believe that
we can't share and indoctrinate.

Young kids kindergarten
through third grade.

What trans is, how they can
become trans and make sure that

they hide it from their parents.

Now there's a clause, even in
this saying that a teacher,

if they think it would call.

Parental abuse, which is
criminal activity then.


You know, you don't have to go and tell
an adult something that happened in class.

If you think that the adult, you don't
have to tell the parents something that

happened in class, if you think that the
parent is going to abuse their children,

it is a simple law that says other.

Who are being hired to teach kids how to
spell and write and do math should not be

permitted to indoctrinate other people's
kids with their political gender identity.

Very simple.

Well, Disney is just enraged.

They staged a walkout and
then they held a, a company.

Closed conference, video
conference that video.

Got leaked.

And now it is all over the internet.

Here is Kieran Burke, who is
a Disney corporate president.

You can hear it straight from her mouth
in her and the companies reimagine

tomorrow initiative where they're making
sure that at least 50% of the characters

are quote unquote under represented
groups, which is L B DTQ plus plus.

I'm here as a mother of two queer children
actually, um, uh, one transgender child.

Um, um, and when pansexual child.

And, and also as a leader.

Um, and that was the thing that
really got me because I have heard

so much from so many of my colleagues
over the course of the last couple

of weeks, um, and open forums and
through emails and phone conversations.

And, um, I feel a responsibility to
speak, um, not just for myself, but for

them, um, to all of us, we, we had a,
we had an open forum last week, a 20th.

Um, again, the home of really incredible
groundbreaking LGBTQ stories over

the years where, um, one of our
exec stood up and said, you know, we

only have a handful of queer leads.

In our content and I went,
what I, that can't be true.

And I, and I, and I realized,
oh, it actually is true.

We have many, many, many LGBTQ
QIA characters in our stories.

And, and, and yet we don't have enough.

Leads, um, and narratives in which
gay characters just, just get to

be characters, um, and, and not
have to be about gay stories.

And so, um, that's been
very eye-opening for me.

Um, and, and I, I can tell you, um,
it's something that I feel perhaps

had this moment not happened.

Um, I as a leader and me as my colleagues
would not have focused on and, and

going forward, um, I certainly will
be more so I know that we will be.

And, um, and I hope
this is a moment where.

Um, the 50% of the tears, sorry, coming.

Um, uh, we don't, we just don't
allow each other to go backwards.

They don't want to allow
each other to go backwards.

They're making a commitment.

She's already admitting them.

They have a ton of, of alphabet
identity and characters in

their content, in their show.

And if you've not watched Disney movies,
Then you might be unaware, but if you've

watched them, it's, it's easy as an adult
to see and point out and be like, they

wrote that character, that character, this
side character, this character, all these

relationships, these moments, you're like,
there's an indoctrination that's going on.

And it has been said,
oh no, that's not real.

That's not really what we're doing.

I'm not really trying to
indoctrinate children.

And we're not really trying to.

Shaped the way a child sees
the world, but that's exactly

exactly what they're doing openly.

It's not a secret agenda.

It is a blatant agenda here is,
and it's an agenda specifically

against parental rights.

They're saying that parents should
not have the right to teach and

raise their child that right.

Belongs to the.

That right.

Belongs to activists who want
to control your family control

the way that people think.

And they want to do
that through education.

Through seeing that your kid does not
belong to you, you do not have rights and

ownership over how to raise your minor.

That belongs to me, that belongs
to us as the government who

decides how we want to integrate.

The children in our society.

We're here as an executive producer, also
from Disney, from the same conference.

Uh, LoToJa the toilet.

I'd heard things like, oh,
you know, they won't like, you

show this at a Disney show.

And I'm like, okay.

So I was a little like sus when I
started at, but then my experience.

Bafflingly the opposite of what I had
heard on my little pocket of like, you

know, proud family, Disney, TVA, um,
the showrunners were super welcoming

Meredith Roberts and like our leadership
over there has been so welcoming to like

my, like, not at all secret gay agenda.

And so like, I feel like, I
felt like it was, I mean, maybe

you missed that right here.

Leadership over there has been so.

Welcoming to like my, like,
not at all secret gay agenda,

not at all secret gay agenda.

It's not a secret agenda.

It's stopped being a secret
agenda for many years.

It is an open agenda to,
to indoctrinate children.

And that's why it's being calling.

People are saying, okay.

It is, it is literally grooming.

It is literally grooming children from
a young age to think about sexuality and

in an unhealthy, immoral and destructive.

Where it's not their children that they're
seeking to influence, but it's your child.

She goes on.

So like, I, I feel like, I felt like it
was, I mean, like maybe it was that way in

the past, but I guess like something must
have happened in the last, like, like they

turning it around, they're going hard.

And then all that, like momentum
that I felt like that sense of,

I don't have to be afraid to.

Let's have these two characters
kiss let's in the background.

Like I was just wherever I could just
basically adding queerness to like,

if you see anything queer, but like,
I just was like, no one would stop me.

And no one was trying
this out wherever I could.

I would add queerness to the show.

It is a full-on blatant agenda in this.

And this is the media that is
shaping the next generation.

This is the media that's shaping our kids.

These are the images that will, will
be ingrained in a child's memory.

As you watched the same movie
over and over in the same

show over and over and over.

And it's subtle and it's destructive,
but this, this is the agenda.

Of Disney.

This is the agenda of activists they say
at the front, oh, this doesn't matter.

You're making a big deal out of it.

And then it gets full blown exposed.

They're like, actually, this is good.

This is actually what we want.

And this is an agenda that
is directly tied to Marxism.

It's directly tied to critical
race theory and intersectionality,

and it's directly tied to.

Conflict among people groups it's
directly tied, directly tied to

destroying a moral fabric of a society.

So it cannot pull together on its own
so that it must rely on the government

so that other nations other ideologies
can come in and see revolution in a

nation without ever having to go to.

That is what's happening.

It is an attack on morality.

It is an attack back on family, and it
is you and I that have the responsibility

to steward our families and our children.

With the godly morals that we
believe in, that we know is right.

We, that we know will be healthiest
and best for our children and for

society going forward forward.

That is our responsibility.

Despite what Disney might do
that it will be is, and will

always be our responsibility.

Well, this show is
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Don't go away.

We'll be right back with our
closing Weaver and loom segment.

Welcome back to Weaver, loom a part
of the show where we take ancient

wisdom and we weave it in with our
everyday lives so that we can own

our future and weave our destinies.

Today's quote is an ancient
Turkish proverb that re.

When a clown moves into a palace,
he doesn't become assaulted.

The palace becomes a circus.

It is true.


a clown or a someone who, how about I
say it this way, the interior of your

world, the way that you think who you are.

That transforms the house that you live
in into what you are, you Tran you take,

what is inside of you and you manifest
it outside of you in your surrounding,

in your house, in your environment.

So if you are a person with a poverty
prison mentality, where you just are

impoverished and you're interrupting.

And then you are put into the
highest places of society.

You will go and in prison and impoverish,
the people that you are over, if you are

orphan prison in your mind, in your heart,
when you are taken and you were placed in

the highest places of society, you will
enslave all those who are underneath you.


If you are a, you know, your identity,
you know who you are, you know,

your value and you are a person who
generates wealth and prosperity because

you're confident in your abilities.

You're confident that you
are loved and cared for.

You could be thrown into a prison and
that prison would be transformed into a.

That prison would be transformed
into what is inside of you.

So if you put a, if you put a clown
in a palace, you get a circus, but

if you put assaulting like Nelson
Mandela in prison, that prison

becomes transformed into, into a.

And so when we think of raising our kids
in the environment that we live in, when

we think of who we elect, when we think
of who we listen to and who we follow and

who we should be placing as role models in
our life, realize that who we are on the

inside becomes the fruit on the outside.

We can know who people are
by the fruit of their life.

We can know who they are.

Going all the way back to will Smith.

Should we judge him condemn
him and totally cancel him?

No, I don't think so.

I personally don't think so.

Some people of course do, he did
assault someone on national TV,

but I think we should extend grace.


It doesn't mean that we should exalt a.

Who openly demonstrates and openly
celebrates areas in his or her

life that are completely bankrupt.

Instead, we should look for role
models to set in front of us and role

models to inset, to set in front of
our children who will bear the fruit

that we want to see in their life as.

Well, let us all for this episode.

Thanks for tuning in.

Remember, you are someone
who goes out and seeks truth.

You are someone who sees the writing on
the wall and you do something about it.

You see the coming move from the U
S dollar and the recession that is

likely to come in maybe two, three
years, but we're not going to sit as

victims, but we are going to activate.

Raise our children and own our future.