The Choosing Ease Podcast

Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast — a special haven for multi-skilled coaches and experts (like yourself) who are ready to reach more of their ideal clients, generate abundance, and unlock their full potential… all while embracing a sense of ease.

In this second episode I I explore the fascinating concept of manifesting desires and bridging the gap between our current reality and the reality we envision for ourselves.

I’m sharing some pretty personal events in my life, that shaped who I am today - in a good way.

Here’s a sneak peek at what we covered:
  • The big power we all have inside us… and how to tap into it by focusing on the internal instead of the external.

  • The responsibility we have for this creative power… and how it gives us the ability to change not only our lives, but the lives of the people around us.

  • The concept of neuroplasticity… your brain’s amazing ability to change and rewire itself.

  • How much of your reality is created by the subconscious … and what you can do to hack your subconscious to create your own reality.

  • Why becoming an energetic match for your vision is so important… and how to do it effectively.

  • A practical approach to identifying and addressing the fears (and surprising benefits) that keep your limiting beliefs firmly rooted.

Tune in to check out the full conversation!

I hope this episode sparks your exploration into the potential of manifesting your vision — so you can live a more fulfilled life.
Stay tuned for more enlightening episodes as we unravel new insights, strategies, and stories to help you manifest your dreams with ease.

Until next time, keep choosing ease.

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What is The Choosing Ease Podcast?

A podcast for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready to leverage their unique expertise, create money overflow all while embodying ease. Discover how to stop forcing things in your business and start letting your natural life force guide you... so you can spend less energy, get bigger rewards, and make the kind of impact you were born to create.

How can I eliminate the last little gap between that what I envision and that what is in this moment? I'm fascinated by the human power of manifesting what we want. In this episode I share some pretty personal stories that were once in the way of me living the life I actually desired. I share how business in my eyes is a spiritual practice and how to go from a disempowered state to feeling empowered at any time.

Let's talk about the deep inner work. The work that allows you to become more of who you are. So this topic never gets old and I'm fascinated by this and it is all about how do you get what you want? And I don't mean that in a superficial sense of the word. I actually mean it as in how do you create what you really want?

Because this is just such an incredible superpower of us humans. We have this power [00:01:00] of think. To think of something, to conceptualize it, to think of things that maybe didn't even exist before, and then go out in the world, create it, to go from formless to form. It wasn't there. You create it in your mind, you create this energetic reality, and then it creates.

A real experience, lived experience reality. And if you look at it, oh my gosh, we are so blessed to have that power. And at the same time, it is such a huge responsibility in a way, and such a huge power because it changes not only your own life and your own world, it changes that of the world and essentially everybody, but also the people around you.

And I think one of the biggest quests of being human is how do I bring the formless into form? How do I bring that what I really, truly see and desire and want? And how do I make that a lived experience? Now, am I saying that you have control over everything? No, [00:02:00] you don't. You don't have control over everything.

Other humans have their agendas. Life has its agenda. There's a lot of things in the world that we don't have power over. But there's a lot that we do have. And what we ultimately always have power over is how do I respond to a thing. I remember way back when I was watching the movies like What the Bleat Do We Know and I was The Secret Was Out and all that talk.

When I started to see for the first time Wait a minute, I am creating what I want. And it feels like it's magical, it's so amazing. When you can access that, and it can be so deeply frustrating when you aren't. And here's over all the years that I played around with this, the things that I found. And one of the biggest things that I found is that the reason that you're not getting what you want, if you're in a state of, I really want to, whatever it is, get more money, more clients, live in a better house.

[00:03:00] Travel more, have more freedom, have more spaciousness in my schedule, be more rested, be more healthy, like all these things. The reason that it is not happening is be is. You know, 99. 9 percent of the time in your subconscious mind and before you go, okay, are you telling me that this frustration that I'm experienced or this thing that I'm not having, that it is my fault.

And that's not what I'm saying. So I'm not saying here's your fault. You have responsibility. You could have done a different, what I'm saying is. There's a big power that we don't get taught. We don't learn how to access it. That can change your experience of being you in this body, in this lifetime with all the internal and external things that you have and attracting your life and creating your life that can change that.

And we are very much trained to look at the external, to control the external [00:04:00] circumstances. We are trained to like work really hard, or just effort and force and push a lot. And there's validity to that, like that, I would say that is the young part of this, but the Yin part, the softer, the internal, the growing part of this is Really important and it doesn't get enough attention so to make it concrete because I could say it's a yin and a yang and it's like you being an energetic max to the outcome and those things sound great and they are great and they are essentially the concept of what is going on.

But then if you are in a state of Belinda, I want to have 10, 000 euros in my bank account, and I only have 10. And I say, Oh, you just have to become an energetic match for the 10, 000 euros. That can be deeply frustrating, because you're like, great. And how do I do that? What does that even exactly mean? And that's why I want to go dive a bit deeper in this podcast into it, and talk with you [00:05:00] about how you can actually do that.

So that 95 percent of your reality, 95 percent of your reality is created because of your subconscious mind, the subconscious automated things that you do in the first about five to seven years of your life. These. Subconscious beliefs and programming and just, this is like, this is the way you are and you do things are formed, even shaped before that, because some of them are in your DNA that has all been scientifically proven, for example, trauma can be recorded in the DNA, so a child can.

have to heal certain trauma that was actually from their grandparents, for example. Those are the things are not really very much facts as in how things get created. So it's not very long ago, relatively, that in the, for therapists and in the self development field, it [00:06:00] was discovered and accepted that the brain can actually change.

So if you have a certain belief or programming in your brain, it forms a connection in your brain that then becomes subconscious. So let's say if you believe that you are, let's take a very common one, That most people have in some way or form, I'm not good enough, or I'm not, I'm only good enough if I work really hard, something like that.

If you have that belief, it's going to be really fast. So the moment something shows up where you have to present yourself in a way that we really have to believe in yourself, you might feel nervous or overwhelmed, and even though you've. Learned how to deal with that and still show up, there's just this nagging thing underneath because there is a belief of I'm not good enough.

And that wire is there, so it goes really fast. Anything that happens really fast, you will have that first response. So you want to rewire that, literally, the connection in the [00:07:00] brain so that there's another pathway that goes this fast, that isn't the first default response. And because it goes so incredibly fast, the wire, so that what I said, the wire needs to change.

Now, there was an idea up to the 1950s, that this couldn't happen, that this is just who I am. That's this kind of, this is just who I am. This is just I come from this family. So this is how I am. This is my personality. This is the way I am. And I think that's a really disempowering belief. So in the 1950s, there was discovered something that's called neuro Plasticity.

Um, and around the 1960s this was more, um, accepted this whole idea, but I think we're still in the way of think people thinking, can I actually really change that? Can I let go of trauma and that deep way? Can I really change the way I respond to things? And yes, this is the answer. Yes, you can . And so that is really beautiful and that is extremely [00:08:00] powerful.

And this is exactly. what I do with my clients. So one of the things that I discovered in my life that I was responding to certain things because of these beliefs that were shaped because of events that happened in my life. And I discovered that was the exact thing I needed to change. So it was yes, about, for example, When I changed from being a choreographer to having my online business, having bigger money goals, having bigger freedom goals, having bigger goals, like different goals that triggered certain beliefs in me.

And it wasn't until I could shift those beliefs that I could step into that version of myself that then could create the vision that I wanted. In other words, become an energetic match. Like when my beliefs are not congruent with my vision, I am not an energetic match for what I want, and so it is not going to happen.

Let's make this more concrete, because again, we can make this as abstract and as spiritual and as concrete [00:09:00] as we want, and I like both, but let's find a beautiful balance in that. So one of the stories in my life that has shaped me, even before I was born, is that my father decided to leave my mother before I was born.

He knew that she was pregnant. He really didn't want to have children. And he decided to leave. And she decided to keep me, which I'm grateful for, obviously. But that event so early on in my life. taught me something subconsciously and told me that I am not worthy, that I am That I must always be abandoned, that I'm just going to always be abandoned, and it taught me that I would be abandoned.

This is the conclusion that I drew as a child, subconsciously, is that I'm going to be abandoned because I am not good enough. Why would that be? This must be because of me, and this is what children do. As a child, we take the responsibility, [00:10:00] and we think, okay, that must be because of me. Why else would it be?

So in my life, this showed up in many ways, not being worthy, lack of self confidence. And then in relationships, I noticed I would be the one to abandon, or I would be abandoned. And I would just think if somebody really amazing, loving, and I'd be in like a really healthy relationship, I would almost have to break it because that wouldn't match the belief.

Of course, I didn't do this on purpose. Yeah, I wanted to have that relationship, or I wanted to feel like I was belonging, or I wanted to feel worthy, but I couldn't really let it in. And that is how those beliefs work. Because the subconscious beliefs that has been shaped in those first years of your life.

They want to be validated in the real world. So no matter your subconscious mind isn't thinking, Hey, this is a pretty negative belief. Let's not live it. Let's not have that in the outer world. It is just thinking, Hey, [00:11:00] this is a belief and I want the belief to match the reality. If else there's incongruency in what I believe to be true and what I'm living.

And that doesn't feel good. That makes us nervous. That makes us sabotage things. That makes us run away from it. That makes us like, whatever. So the limiting belief must be validated in the outer world, just as much as you think certain things. So for me, it was like, Okay, I can't trust men and they're always going to abandon me because it happened again, for example, just as an example.

And that is something that then seems like a pattern. And when I recognize that pattern, I could say, wait a minute, what if I make certain choices? What if I behave in a certain way that this pattern needs to happen over and over again? And what if I could then change that route so that I would have a different life?

So same thing, let's do another example around. Business. I think that most people have a certain limit in what you [00:12:00] think you can earn. If you are, there's people that, that think it's super normal to make six figures a year to yeah, to make like more than 10, 000 euros a month, something like that. And others may be 2000 or like whatever the number is that you have for yourself.

So most probably you're always going to end up. Earning that amount. And even if you earn more, you might spend so much that you end up with that same amount. Right. This is another example of this. So if you are in business and you're working already, maybe for years, even you're like, I want to make seven figures, but there's beliefs around that seven figure number that are not in congruency.

If not, every part of you is really behind Transcription by CastingWords those seven figures, then it's not going to happen. It's like a part of you once said, but a part of you literally doesn't. And you might, again, experience it of making the money and spending it or [00:13:00] making the money and then had a really good month and then nothing.

And you're like, why is this other person that started later in their business than me? Why are they just making so much or they're not even as good as I am and what I do and. Why are they making so much more money? They have beliefs that are more in alignment with that certain money goal. It doesn't say anything about how good they are, how good you are, um, it might say something about their business decisions and their strategies that they're using, but even those are going to be.

You know, you're going to take these certain decisions and the drive behind that are the beliefs, the subconscious beliefs, ultimately, all of these examples are about, okay, you are here in this place right now, this is who you are, this is the reality, the external reality that you are experiencing, this is the way that you feel about it.

and respond to it. And you have a vision of [00:14:00] where you would want things to be. You have a dream, a desire and an idea, however you want to call it. And there is a gap. And if you feel that the gap is hard to bridge, then the subconscious mind is going to be really interesting. In the yoga sutras, there is this beautiful sentence, which I love is the, the sentence literally is, The mind of such a one occurs at once.

And that such a one is somebody who can in yoga said live in a fourth state. We really like free from all the limiting beliefs. I could say they wouldn't say it that way, but I'm going to make a parallel here. So of the limiting beliefs and the thoughts that make them small, that make them into their small self.

And if you can be in your big self, like really understand who you truly are connected to your power, the mind of such a one. occurs at once. This is basically also what manifesting is about all that. So you need to clean up a whole lot in order to step into [00:15:00] that, to be that, that human that has that stronger mind that what you think occurs at once, how powerful would that be?

And it is all about releasing the noise that is stopping it from happening. So with my clients, I work on this a lot, and I haven't developed this method over the years. That is, um, called embodied vision. And I call it embodied vision because I think the gap is that we are here, you are in where you are right now, and then you have your vision, but you don't embody that vision.

You don't embody the things that are done. A literal energetic match with that vision. And even if you are aware, because this would be the first step. So something happens or maybe something happens over, over again in your life. And the first step would be to not get super frustrated, think you see, this is the ultimate truth.

I just [00:16:00] can't make a million a year, like whatever your belief is, or six figures a year, or I can't feel make 10, 000 euro a month and have lots of spacious. Spaciousness in my schedule. If that is a reality that you live and it's hard to change, then, you know, there's beliefs that are not supporting it. So the first step is to become aware of that.

And I'm think, what is the belief that is not congruent with that reality? I like to ask myself, what must somebody be believing about themselves and about the world, what must they believe to be true in order to live that experience? So that in, in the relationships, if I keep having relationships where I feel abandoned, then maybe there's something around abandonment in my system, yeah?

If I keep, uh, having just enough money, there might be some reasons for that. So one beautiful way to figure out like why that is, what is coming up for you is looking at the fears around this [00:17:00] and the fears are the fears around the positive belief. So this is quite easy to figure out. What you do is you think of the positive situation.

Let's go with the money one. Yeah. So let's imagine that you already have a million euros in your bank account and your business is making a million euros a year and maybe you can even exaggerate it more. It's like, that's just. A million euros every month coming in and it's just flowing to you and all this money without you even hardly doing anything.

It's just happening. It's just coming to you. And then you ask yourself, why would that be a bad thing? Like, why could, how could that be bad? Now, if you think right away, nothing, that'd be amazing. A million euros a month while doing nothing. That is amazing. Then you have to go a little bit deeper. I often ask my clients, close your eyes, take a moment to really feel it and envision it.

That really exaggerated, beautiful outcome, that, that vision that you have, imagine it to already be there. And what could possibly go wrong? What could [00:18:00] break in your life? What could be bad about it? And answers in this case, what could come up is that you think, no, you know what, maybe That is a bit too much.

Why would I have so much and then somebody else maybe has less or people are going to think I'm really arrogant or my friends are not going to understand me anymore if I have so much money and I'm going to lose my friends. So there's fears around that. And even those fears are already in the way of you really manifesting that.

For example, seven figure year. This is a part of you that doesn't want the. Reality to shift, you see how that works. So it's now about teaching your subconscious brain that you can make more than enough money without your friends leaving you, without people thinking you're arrogant, without you becoming super lazy, like whatever the fears are [00:19:00] that are for you, it's good to see them and to take them into account.

And then if we shift this around, then we can also look at it. The good thing that has been coming from that quote unquote limiting believe that negative pattern in your life So it is like I can make up to 2, 000 euros a month and that feels comfortable This is what I can do and not more than that. I cannot possibly make Six or seven figures.

What is good about that? Now, if you ask that and you go deep enough, and this is the trick and you want to go into your subconscious, Brian, you could say, you know what, because I haven't been making so much money. I am still a really accessible person. People think I'm really kind, they'd like to hang out with me.

Maybe you have the same Things that you can talk about with your friends because you're all like, Oh, I wish I had more money. I don't have enough money for this. It makes you feel connected. And again, I'm just [00:20:00] making examples that I know that exist, but this could exist in so many shapes and forms. Now, the feeling of being connected, I'll have a deep sense of belonging.

is really important. So your subconscious brain is going to say, you know what, if I make a lot of money, if I believe that I can make, if I can be a millionaire, but then I'm going to lose connection, I'm going to lose my friends. I'm going to lose myself, then I'd rather not make that million. But the thing is that wire, this wire that is connected in the brain is like when I make a million, I will not be loved and liked and not connected.

Is that ultimately true? It isn't. True. You can make a million and still be connected and still know who you are and still really be, have a deep sense of love and belonging. So these two, like these fears and the benefits, they are so important. And to see that to really become a match with that is ultimately all the [00:21:00] time the work.

So I want to have this thing. What is the vision that I have in my mind? And how do I become an energetic? Match for that vision and this is the real work. This is the deep work deep patterns might be shown here. I've had a client. For example, she really wanted to make lots of money through her coaching business and she had already made a lot of.

Money in her previous job, but she was working in a job where she didn't want to work anymore. It was actually in oil and gas many years ago, and that was just something that she couldn't stand behind anymore. She didn't like to work in the world. She wasn't happy with, she wasn't aligning with the values anymore.

So she quit that and then she wanted to start her coaching business and make great money through that again, create an overflow of money through that. And then when she. was doing that in the beginning. She was used to work hard. She did everything the right way. She had clients and every time she'd [00:22:00] make more than 5, 000 euros, she would literally get sick.

Like literally sick in bed, feeling nauseous, feeling really bad and just having to rest for so much time that it wouldn't be possible to make more money. It was just literally happening to her. This was her energetic maximum of what she could bring in. This was her energetic maximum. This was her ceiling.

So what we did is looked at those beliefs and then she found a belief where, you know, basically making a lot of money would make her evil. So she had this story where the two parts of her family, like from her mother's side, a really warm, loving family, didn't have a lot of money. And then from her father's side, a very rich, part of the family.

They had lots of money, but they were cold and they didn't really communicate with each other. So she already had this programming of there's either love or there's money. It doesn't make me a good person if I make a lot of money. And then she also had jobs, just like an oil [00:23:00] and gas where people weren't taking the environment in account and didn't care as much as she wants to care about the world.

And that is a way to make a lot of money. So she had this deep rooted belief like money is the source of all evil. I just can't be a good person. I make a lot of money at the same time. So when she started her coaching business, which was very in alignment with her values and with her being a good person, that just didn't gel.

So we shifted that belief deep in the subconscious brain. We rewired, literally rewired her brain and shifted her embodiment and her energy around it. And then when that happened, she started to make more money. Now the. The roads was free for her to make lots of money have spaciousness in her schedule and still be a really good person.

Even she really saw that if she would make a lot of money, she can actually be a force for good because she would do. Good things with the money and her work impacts people in a positive way. [00:24:00] So that is how when that shifts and that perspective shifts, all of a sudden she started to show up differently for her business.

Her nervous system wouldn't freak out anymore. Wherefore she would get sick and all of that. It really was in alignment and incongruency. So this is my invitation for today is to any time that some vision isn't manifesting. In the way that you want to so it isn't happening to not blame yourself. It's not me.

Okay, I'm doing this wrong. I'm just not coming from the right family. I'm wrongly programmed to think you know what, never waste a good trigger. This is awesome. I am now getting to look at something that is wired in my brain and I can shift that I can change that. I do have a meditation for this, by the way, I have a meditation for this.

I'm going to make sure that it's linked to this podcast so that you can listen to that and that you can do the deeper work because now we've talked about it, but the real work happens when you take your [00:25:00] brain into a slower brainwave and really go deep into that so that you can rewire it on that level.

So I'm going to link that. meditation, rewire your brain for ease and prosperity. I'm going to link that to this episode so that if you feel that this is something that you need, you can dive into it today. And depending on when you're listening to this podcast, at the time of this recording, this podcast on November 2nd, I'm going to go teach a workshop called.

Vision and vision is a one hour workshop where you will design a clear plan to leverage your unique expertise and generate money overflow in 2024 as a coach while embodying ease. And in that workshop, I'm going to go deeper into everything that I've talked about right now. And I'm also, I'm going to talk about the visioning.

I'm going to talk about the belief, but I'm also really going to talk about how to practically do this as a coach. How can you create a plan now? That you can [00:26:00] embody, embody the person that can successfully execute that plan and then execute it in 2024 so that there's just the most logical result is going to be that you get what you want, just because you are having a solid good plan.

And you are embodying it with your every, in every cell of your being, you're embodying the beliefs that are congruent with that vision. So that's a workshop that's happening. I'm recommending you to join. It's a unique experience and I'm really excited to teach it. I've been teaching this workshop in different ways and shapes and forms over the past five years.

It's definitely one of the favorites of my audience. And this year is a very much an upgraded version. So I'm very excited. about it. And I would love for you to join me in that. So one more thing before I end this episode, you might feel like, Oh my gosh, I have plenty of limiting beliefs. I have plenty of programming from my parents or for some society [00:27:00] or from the world that I got born into.

How am I going to change that? I feel like there's just. so much work to do. You might at times feel like that. And I just want you to know that this is not something that you need to have all your beliefs in place in order to start having success or in order to get further ahead. It's not like that. I don't know if you've listened to the first episode, but I talked about this spiral that we are always in a spiral of growth and development.

And this is just a beautiful tool in your spiral. You might know the saying of You might have heard of people saying like next level new devil, there's always something to shift and to expand on. Ultimately, this is, I believe, a deep spiritual process, just like in those yoga sutras, where they say the mind of such a one occurs at one and it's a Lifetime spiritual self development process to let go of all these thoughts and beliefs that aren't truly [00:28:00] you, that aren't the truth of who you are, which is deserving and Absolutely good enough just the way you are and that there's abundance in the world.

There's more than enough to go around that you have, that you have the right. It is your birthright to be abundant. It's your birthright to be successful and happy and joyful and easeful. And you're good enough, worthy and deserving to have all that. And all that is available to you in every moment of time.

Right now, everything is available to you. That is what the truth is. And to really be in that truth all the time and to embody that in a world where we didn't learn that. We learned a lot of different things from other people with their limiting beliefs. That is okay. Just hold yourself in a lots of love and compassion and know that every shift is already going to give you other results.

And this is really going to go faster than you think it really accumulates. It is a [00:29:00] beautiful journey. And I believe the one journey that we've come here for us to remember more and more who we truly are. And that is really what this is about. And a nice side effect is that the more you remember who you truly are.

The more ease and flow and happiness and money and abundance and joy is going to flow into your life because that is who you truly are. So I trust that you got something out of this. Let me know. I'd love it. If you come over to my Instagram and shoot me a quick message. Tell me that you've heard the episode.

Tell me. What you thought about it, if there's any beliefs that come up for you, I'd love to talk with you about it. Um, and if you haven't yet, make sure to follow this podcast or leave a beautiful review, um, so that we can get more people to listen to this. I'm very grateful for you. I love that we had time to hang out together.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in the vision workshop happening on November 9th, if you're listening this in the year [00:30:00] 2023, that is. And I'm wishing you a beautiful rest of your day. Thank you for joining us today on the Choosing East podcast. Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to connect.

And I'd be so grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review. Join me next time as I continue to explore the powerful skills and strategies that will help you to let go of everything that keeps you from fully sharing your genius. You are destined for greatness. And through the Choosing East podcast, I'm here to help you own.

Own your unique wisdom and share it with the world. Until next time, keep choosing ease.