Community Conversations with Amanda and Baron

What is Community Conversations with Amanda and Baron?

The ABC's of KSLM! Join Amanda Smith and Baron Robison as they have conversations! They cover local events, news, and business interviews for our local community!

Amanda Smith:

Good morning, you guys. It is Amanda and Barron, the ABCs of KSLM Radio.

Baron Robison:

Because Amanda and Barron are having conversations.

Amanda Smith:

So we've had a lot of guests lately, and it's just you and I today.

Baron Robison:

Yeah. And there's an awful lot of, I'm gonna use a different word, stuff. There's a lot of stuff. Yeah. I was gonna use a different s word, but there's a lot of stuff that's going on in the news that I think that we could just kind of share our opinions on.

Amanda Smith:

Yeah. There's a lot going on. I think with, Biden stepping down which is kind of crazy with him stepping down from his political race via X, which is Twitter. So he went to a social media platform and let us know. Very odd.

Amanda Smith:

Not well put together, but what is well put together is the fact that no other Democrat is running, and so now they have Harris put in.

Baron Robison:

Well and there was a statement I heard sorry to interrupt you. No. There was a statement I heard with one of the press people saying that, it was it was kind of an automatic that he's gonna rerun. So no one's gonna run against Biden because he's the incumbent.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

So no one's else running as Biden except now Biden's not running, and so Camilla's gonna step in. Well, if now I have aspirations to be the president, they said it would be political suicide to run against Camilla Harris. Right. There's such an interesting orchestration of Biden steps down, Camilla steps in. Oh, I did wanna run, but I wasn't gonna run against the incumbent.

Baron Robison:

But now I would like to run, but not against Camilla because it's political suicide.

Amanda Smith:

Right. They've kind of really set it up to where they've pulled the strings of exactly who they want to be put in office, and I feel like Harris has been, you know, she's obviously a part of the Biden administration, and so I feel like she's also been a puppet. Yeah. And so I feel like they can have more control over her like they did Biden. And so it's just interesting how there's never been an election gone down in history like we have today.

Amanda Smith:

Oh. And it's quite terrifying how they can pull these strings and orchestrate this. I mean, we've known for years that Biden is not capable of doing what he's doing.

Baron Robison:

I watched him walk off the plane recently, and I thought he was gonna fall down the stairs.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

He's not healthy.

Amanda Smith:

And so for them to pull this, that he's gonna run for president all the way up until now.

Baron Robison:

Like, this month before the election.

Amanda Smith:

They knew what they were doing, and I think it's it's sick that they get to get away with this. I truly think this is

Baron Robison:

Well, when we come back, I wanna talk about that whole conspiracy theory phrase, and we'll talk about that. Alright.

Amanda Smith:

We'll be right back. Hey, guys. It's Amanda and Barron, the ABCs of KSLM Radio.

Baron Robison:

Well, if you were here a half an hour ago, you heard Amanda and I talking about what some people might call a conspiracy theory. Mhmm. But it sure feels like this was a very orchestrated series of events

Amanda Smith:

Oh, yeah.

Baron Robison:

Over several years.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

I mean, the first one that caught my attention was during the last election, it looked like, Bloomberg was gonna be the candidate for the Democrats. Mhmm. It really looked like it was gonna be Bloomberg against Trump. And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, it's Biden. It's like he wasn't even running.

Baron Robison:

Right. And now all of a sudden, he wins the democratic nomination, which seemed really odd to me. Right? Sorry. And then everything looks like it's a relatively close race, But when we all fall asleep, we go the next morning and Biden has

Amanda Smith:

won. Mhmm.

Baron Robison:

And so everything looks very orchestrated, but now Biden's been in office. Not healthy. That's easy to spot from almost any of the news clips you see. And what are we at? 3 months for the election?

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

And now he steps out.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

And call it a conspiracy theory if you want, but it seems very orchestrated.

Amanda Smith:

Very. Very.

Baron Robison:

Do you know where the phrase conspiracy theory came from?

Amanda Smith:

I do not.

Baron Robison:

The CIA created that phrase.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

Speaking of CIA, speaking of Secret Service, you've been watching some news clips, haven't you?

Amanda Smith:

Oh, man. I've been watching, miss Cheadle get ripped apart during her trial, over the last, gosh, I I guess, week. And it's pretty interesting, watching all these clips and watching her not answer anything. She knows the information. She knows how many shell casings were on top of the roof.

Amanda Smith:

She actually did an interview with a news, some news station prior.

Baron Robison:

So before you get too far into this, some people may not know who or what that lady is. They didn't recognize the last name.

Amanda Smith:

Okay. Miss Cheadle is the secret service she's the director of secret service. So she's in charge.

Baron Robison:

So technically, she was in charge of protecting president, ex president Trump.

Amanda Smith:

Yes. And she even told the news station, oh, yeah. I didn't put my men on there because of that roof because it was too steep. Well, the 4 roofs that they were on were steeper

Baron Robison:

Yeah. In

Amanda Smith:

that roof. So none of it really makes sense and adds up. And, Now

Baron Robison:

the one that really caught me was because you and I are watching some of these clips.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

Very, very start of the the hearing. Yes. So she says, I've been in the secret service for x number of years, 27 or whatever it was, and I had been over ex president Clinton, vice president Cheney, which now you got a Republican and a Democrat. Mhmm. She goes through all the fuel and mister Trump.

Baron Robison:

She never referred to him as President Trump, but she gave everybody else the title.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

And for me, that was the first bias. You when you said that, there's some bias because you did not call him president Trump. Yeah. Absolutely. That caught my attention almost immediately.

Amanda Smith:

Yes. I was talking to my husband about it and he said, I truly think that it was just miss Chito. I think that she just didn't like Trump and so she just said, you know, stand down. And I said, I love you, but I think you're uneducated on this. And I think that's what's going on with a lot of people.

Amanda Smith:

There's so many pieces to the puzzle that people don't see because they're not interested in politics, so they don't see all of it and hear about it. And so I showed him a lot and he was like, okay, you've changed my mind.

Baron Robison:

Alright. Well, in 30 minutes, tell us some of these pieces that you're putting together.

Amanda Smith:

Alright. We'll be right. Hey, guys. It's Amanda and Baron, the ABCs of KSLM Radio.

Baron Robison:

Well, you and I have been in shows together now for a couple years, almost 3 years now. Yeah. I do know you're a Poozler.

Amanda Smith:

Yes. You

Baron Robison:

you like to sit and put puzzles together. And a half an hour ago, you were putting some interesting pieces together. Tell me some of those pieces.

Amanda Smith:

Yeah. So, the whole thing with, Donald Trump almost being assassinated, it was just there were there were so much to it. The fact that they knew he was there for over an hour. The fact that, when when it first happened, I had gotten into an argument online with somebody and they were like, well, what if it was your people that did it? And it was like, that would never happen.

Amanda Smith:

But come to find out, this guy was actually a registered Republican.

Baron Robison:

The the one that shot him?

Amanda Smith:

Yes. Which is interesting to me because, there's actually clips online that you can find TikTok. I know it's not a reliable source, but it's rallies, you know, slash Republicans throats and making the slash with his neck and, super against Republicans, very very left leaning. And so it's like you're telling me that you were a registered Republican? No.

Amanda Smith:

This is how far back it goes.

Baron Robison:


Amanda Smith:

That somebody paid you or whatever. Right? A higher I don't know. But you they got you to switch over your party. There's just so many pieces to this puzzle that don't make sense.

Baron Robison:

This is a spoodler's nightmare.

Amanda Smith:

It really is. It just doesn't add up. No. It really doesn't, and I think that so I looked up who's in charge of secret service

Baron Robison:


Amanda Smith:

Because I was like, you know, it's gotta be who's where's the bigger picture?

Baron Robison:


Amanda Smith:

And it's Homeland Security that's in charge of Secret Service. Which kind of makes sense. Who's in charge of Homeland Security? Oh, the president. So Department of Defense is not in charge of Homeland Security.

Baron Robison:

So if you look at the agencies within the government Mhmm. You have the Department of Defense, which defense our nation. Homeland secure security is not underneath that?

Amanda Smith:

No. Okay.

Baron Robison:

That's the truth.

Amanda Smith:

So it goes the president, homeland security, and then Secret Service.

Baron Robison:

So the president the Homeland Security reports to the president. Yep. Secret Service reports to Homeland Security, and they did not defend their boss. Correct.

Amanda Smith:

That's intriguing. Very. So it's like, who's pulling these strings?

Baron Robison:


Amanda Smith:

I really would love to know.

Baron Robison:

Let's talk about that in half an hour.

Amanda Smith:

Hey, guys. It's Manda and Baron, the ABCs of KSLM Radio.

Baron Robison:

Now, you know, one of the interesting thing is that you and I have been working together now for a couple years. Your background's not in radio. No. Neither is mine.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

So I just wanna go on record. Neither one of us are in politics.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

We're not even no background in radio. We just happen to realize there's some chemistry for some shows we've done together.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

And so a lot of you that listen to our show like us. I mean, I get feedback. You get feedback. They like our show because it's just 2 average people talking.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

And these are just our opinions of a situation that certainly seems a little out of control Yeah. In the media.

Amanda Smith:

Right. And I have viewpoints and I have, I do a lot of research and diving into things and I go down crazy rabbit holes all the time. My but with that, I form my own opinion. Sure. But with that, I form my own opinion Sure.

Amanda Smith:

About the situation. And so some of you may not agree with it and I and I know that a few of you have reached out to me and been like, hey, you know, I think you were wrong about this and this is why and it was like, oh, thank you so much because I, yeah, I didn't catch that piece that would lead me to think a different way. So just know that these are just our opinions, of what we've came across, how we feel, how we view things, and not everyone is always gonna agree.

Baron Robison:

Well and with that said, since these are just our opinions, what I also find intriguing since since the shooting occurred, I I remember exactly where I was when I heard, and I don't know about you, but there are significant events throughout history. I remember where I was when I heard that Princess Di was killed. Right? This is where those that I was actually working my other job at the baseball stadium. We're getting ready for a baseball game and someone says, there was an assassination attempt on Trump's life.

Baron Robison:

And I seriously thought it was a joke. Like, after JFK gets killed in the open public, the the heightened level of security for any president or ex president is huge. Mhmm. Like, this cannot be real. No one could actually get shot at ex president Trump because of what we've done over the last 60 years.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

But they did. And I'm like, how how did this even happen? How did this breakdown even happen? Right. But it seems like there's been a lot more, attention on the gentleman who took the bullet.

Amanda Smith:


Baron Robison:

Now I'm not trying to diminish the fact that he was killed. He was protecting his family. I get that. And then I'm I'm sorry that he passed away, but there's been an awful lot of stuff out there on social media remembering the firefighter who took the actual bullet. Yeah.

Baron Robison:

And yet there's little to nothing about the guy who ear and if Trump hadn't turned his head at the exact moment he did, he would take a bullet

Amanda Smith:

through the back of his head. Mhmm.

Baron Robison:

How did this even happen?

Amanda Smith:

Well, when miss Cheadle was being, drilled at her hearing, it was crazy because she continued to say that we hadn't recognized a threat yet and that's why we didn't shoot. And it was like, you have a guy on a roof for several minutes with an AR in his hand laying down with I mean, you have people from the rally taking pictures of him.

Baron Robison:

How much blood does Trump near as fake before he recognizes a threat? That is a

Amanda Smith:

threat. I am so sorry,

Baron Robison:

but The threat is the bullet that passed his ear. That's the threat right there.

Amanda Smith:

Well, the threat is

Baron Robison:

her. Yeah.

Amanda Smith:

The threat is her. She's the threat.

Baron Robison:

But you said she resigned.

Amanda Smith:

Yes. Well, yeah. They forced her. I loved one lady was, like, I've got 5 minutes to talk to you and ask you questions. Do you wanna use that time to draft up your resignation?

Baron Robison:

Good for her.

Amanda Smith:

I know.

Baron Robison:

Good for her. Alright. You guys

Amanda Smith:

have a great day.