Creativity Threads Life w/ Mr Benja

This is a freestyle session. I didn't come with a particular topic in mind. Just flowing. We've got some plans for 2024 and you might get some insight on why I am doing this podcast in this way.

What is Creativity Threads Life w/ Mr Benja?

Welcome creatives! These are discussions, thoughts, case studies, interviews, and lessons about how our creativity relates to life. The host, Mr Benja, is a former video game programmer / designer for Rockstar Games, Sony Santa Monica, The 3DO Company, and others, as well as a fine artist. -- Be sure to check out the website for more.

All right.

That's enough of that.

Listen, this is Freestyle Fridays
for the Creativity Threads Live

Benja, coming at you once again
on this fine Friday evening.

Yes, so we're doing this again with
the podcast thing, but listen, I got a

whole new brand here and it's a lot more
focused and I needed to do a refresher.

So that's why you're actually
hearing this podcast.

That's why it exists the way it does.

And that's why I'm doing what I do.

So I want to start off this one.

Just a freestyle Friday session and
the way we used to do them before

was just run through some topics that
we're talking about That seem to be

on people's minds and today I'm just
gonna jump on this whole thing about

the attention economy right quick
because you know what I'm gonna tell

you something No one cares about you.

No one cares about what you're doing.

No one cares about what you're
feeling What no one cares

about your your thoughts.

I mean, they kind of just don't care
Especially if they don't know you.

So now we've gotten this
whole attention economy thing.

Um, I don't know if any of
you are experiencing that.

I don't know if any of you are
going through that where it

just feels like to get anything
done, you need to get attention.

And it's hard to just create.

It's hard to just be.

You have to have some type of
mechanism to go out and get attention.

And for somebody like me, I'm
a consummate introvert, that's

kind of, that's kind of annoying.

But I don't want to go into
a whole thing about that.

I may do a whole thing on the attention
economy later on at some point.

Just because of how, how
pervasive it is and how necessary

of a factor it seems to be.

I wasn't even thinking in this direction
a decade ago and I started to hear Gary V

and others talk about this whole Getting
famous becoming an influencer talking

to your people building an audience and
it got really interesting to me And I

started uh, I started looking into it and
I knew about marketing I knew about sales

and I knew about branding but I hadn't
really jumped in the weeds Like I, like I

should have if I had seen what was coming.

I mean, we knew with the internet,
we knew with podcasting and new

media that things were changing and
I even did have a podcast back then.

Um, actually this is like version five
of my podcast journey, but yeah, I.

I was looking back at all the things
I was looking at and like, wow,

if I had really jumped on, um, the
social media kick, I got on because

I thought it was interesting, but
if I really gotten on to try to do

something way back then, I wonder
how, how things would have turned out.

I wonder how things could
have, could have transpired.

I don't know.

We'll never know, but just very
interesting to see how the changes have

come around and attention is that big
key marker and I'm actually scribbling

down some notes here right now.

Yeah, it's like catching attention
and catching the people's mindset,

catching the people's vibe and energy.

It puts us in a very strange place.

And I will say as far as predictions
go, Gary V did see this one,

uh, people, the NFT thing still,
still left to be determined.

He's got his own crowd of people that
dig his NFTs, but in general, that,

that scene is pretty quiet right now.

To say the least.

So yeah, um, started this two weeks.

This is about, this is my second
week of this finishing up.

I'm going to go into my third week.

I'm kind of proud of what I've
been doing here with this, getting

back into a very nice flow.

And I want to encourage that for
everybody on, on any kind of social

media, listen to the podcast.

If you've got an idea and if you've
got a good energy vibe going on, let

it flow, see where it takes you follow
the path of your own inclinations.

Try to see which where your
energy is trying to lead you.

You know, you have a particular
personality and way of seeing things Where

does that lead you and can it grow or not?

Can it grow?

What will it grow into when
you keep adding fire to it?

What will it keep growing into
when you keep adding wood and more

kindling and more fuel to that fire?

It could be interesting Um, I
actually tried out a few different

things Uh, this was the only one
that I decided to publish though.

I wanted to see what things were
going to be like with courses.

And I am going to do some courses,
but that wasn't the kickoff product.

I wanted to see some things with community
and I was like, okay, that needs to be

done, but it wasn't the kickoff product.

I need to do a few things with.

With a fashion and just studying,
learning, changing my mindset, getting

things in order with my health and
wellness, I was looking at all this

stuff and I started working on all of it.

But the podcast was the one
that I kept coming back to as

the one that needed to happen.

And I think even part of it is
a little bit of therapy for me.

Where I get to get on here.

I get to speak my thoughts.

Blogging is one thing posting on social
media is another thing, but something

about these live podcasts, not even
the recorded ones, something about the

live podcast really works out for me.

And so you'll know, I do, I
do these live all the time.

Most nights of the week.

We'll see how long this goes, but there's
something about the live thing, and I

was talking to, um, I was talking to
somebody on Threads, and by the way, if

you're wondering why I call it Threads
Creativity Threads Life, it's because

this idea started from threads, and I
realized that threads move all throughout

life, and creativity threads through life.

So who was mentioning it?

Um, John Loomer, I think it was,
on Threads made a mention about,

um, about posting comments.

No, I can't find it now.

Which is probably a good thing.

It means I've got enough
notifications that I can't find

what the heck I was talking about.


Here it goes.

John Loomer, shout out to J O N L O M E R.

If you want to follow that guy.


I was talking about getting into
the groove with things and live,

live broadcasting through a podcast.

So this whole thing is about
focusing on creativity.

I decided to go live with it.

I want it to appear
daily instead of weekly.

I didn't want it to be as planned
and I wanted it to be more of a flow

of consciousness and to do that, I
needed to go daily on the weekdays.

So that's why I'm doing that.

I put a hard limit on myself
of, uh, you know, at least 30

minutes and no more than an hour.

I might go over an hour, but
that's the limit I try to keep.

And I want it to go solo for the
most part, and then add in guests.

As, as necessary.

So if you know anybody who wants
to talk about creativity, threading

through life, let me know.

We might be able to do something.

Alright, but anyway, I was talking to John
Loomer on threads, and he mentioned that,

that um, going live was, was an issue.

Not, not going live being an issue,
but it's a problem, but going live is

a little bit of an obstacle, a hurdle.

It's not something that's
extremely easy to do.

Especially all the time and you know, I
just got another idea see the freestyle

things I'm just going to be going
through and scribbling down ideas as

I come across them as I say things I
Inspire myself with the things I say.

Oh geez binja.

That was a nice idea You thought of you
should write that down for yourself later.

So I just did but basically The challenge
that going live gives you is challenging

you to speak more appropriately, to
organize your thoughts a little better,

to outline what you're going to say
in your head more than on paper.

To get your ideas together in a
concise form that works and is

entertaining and flows cohesively.

It's not really easy.

I just realized I've practiced talking
noise for so long that I can do this

for one hour, two hours, and start to
fall apart around three hours, but I

can do this for a pretty long time.

I'm kind of happy about that.

So I kind of want to lean into
that strength and continue

going live, not just for me.

Not just for the audience, but
because I'm part of this flow.

So I'm going to keep sticking with it.

If you've got a flow that you're,
you're playing around with, or you don't

understand completely, just start flowing
with it and see where it takes you as

part of the adventure of creativity,
by the way, and I have a lot of people

on here who wouldn't necessarily call
themselves creatives, but if you have an

idea, if you have a feeling, you have a
gut instinct on something, let that flow

a little creative nugget for you, let
that flow and just see where it goes.

And a lot of people are not afraid, not
ashamed, but they're a little reticent

to show up in public and start trying
things out where people can see them.

This, you should probably get
over in some form or fashion.

You don't have necessarily

time to really start putting your
creativity out there and seeing what

happens, but that's what worked for me.

And that's, it's an example of how the
pressure of just doing it, not any real

pressure, not any real, any real worry
about it, but just that little bit of.

Personal accountability where it's
like, Oh man, I decided to do this.

I got to do it.

It allows you to just flow
a little more instinctively.

And the thing about flowing instinctively
is you can quickly see what your immediate

thoughts were, not your speculated
thoughts, your immediate thoughts

were, and you just jump into them.

You have a thought, you kind of let it
play out and then you're like, huh, okay.

That's what, that's what that did.

Let me reflect on that, try
something again the next time,

iterate on that, improve, get a
little better, and go forward.

In fact, a lot of people say
they're afraid of failing.

Uh, there actually is no such thing as
failure if you do not stop your energy.

You're Only a failure if you
stop putting that energy into it.

Now, do you quit?


You might want to pivot
into something else.

You might want to redirect those
energies into a different place.

But quitting and giving up and
failing are, are, are not what

you're doing if, if you keep going.

And don't just bang your
head against something.

That's not what I'm saying either.

But keep that energy and find
out what it really means for you

to express yourself creatively.

To build the own, your own
environment around you.

So, very quickly, um, FAIL also
have a nice acronym for that.

Frequently Applying Iterative Learning.

That's the new, that's
the new acronym for FAIL.

I want you, everybody, take it home,
write it down, put it on their wall.

Frequently Applying Iterative Learning.

When you iterate, You improve a
little each time you grow a little,

you try a little something new.

You're not just repeating the
same process you're iterating.

You're doing it again, but
with a little extra something.

If you know, C plus plus, you've heard
of that, the programming language,

the plus plus is an operator that's
known as an iterator it iterates.

A value, the plus plus that is.

And when it iterates, it moves
it forward just a little bit.

So it takes whatever
it's being applied to.

It moves it forward just a little bit.

Boom iteration.

So that's where I kind of got the idea
to frequently apply iterative learning.

I want to iterate on things, keep
increasing, keep getting a little

better, keep growing, keep learning.

And that's my vibe for 2024.

So back to the going live thing.

So this was something I decided to start
doing because going live was easy enough

for me to iterate on every time I would do
something and then go back and say, huh?


That happened this way.

I choked up on this.

I didn't have all my topics together.

I kind of started rambling
towards the midsection.

What happened there and you can
go back and adjust and change and

improve hopefully what you're,
you were doing and reevaluate.


As I said, you may need to pivot
off to something else, but that's

what I started doing last year.

Really wanting to go into 2024 strong and
I think I'm doing good or I'm thinking

I'm doing well with this podcast.

It's it's a lot more structured organized.

And it's just the result of
iterating, constantly improving.

And a lot of people are pushing back on
the whole idea of improving this new year.

And that's really kind of got me worried.

So I don't know what that means,
but I see it happening and it's a

little bit of a cause for concern.

Also, not just looking at areas
where you want to create and

you feel your energy flowing.

When you want to think about
what you're going to iterate

on and trying something out.

But one good thing I found that
I, I found that worked for me

was finding areas where I'm.

I'm interested in finding areas
where, Oh my God, I have other

notes and I can't think it.

I wrote something down and I
can't remember where I put it

because it's not where I left it.

Put it on a whiteboard and
copied it down somewhere.

This is what happens
when you go freestyle.

You just start thinking about
things as you're doing them anyway.

Um, but that iterative process,
it can push you and it can

push different types of energy.

Like some people say, do
what makes you happy, right?

There's a happiness energy.


There's something makes you happy.

You do that.

Keep trying to get happy.

That's a certain energy pool.

And you want to pull, not a push.

There's a difference there.

The pull is about something that
speaks to your insides and inspires

you to move forward, where the push
is an external motivator that moves

you to get out of a situation and
somewhere else in general, motivation's

cool, but inspiration is better.

So there was a being happy,
being meaningful, providing some

sort of meaningful existence
or get a meaningful result.

Like you want to mean something to
somebody, like you could be happy.

With your job, but if it doesn't
mean anything to you or anybody else

that may not spark your interest.

So some people need more
meaning than others.

Maybe that's your energy pool.

And then, uh, you know,
there are plenty of others.

Maybe you have a responsibility pool,
like, you know, your, your family, you

feel that's your responsibility, your.

Your neighborhood football team may seem
like your responsibility and you feel

good satisfying that responsibility.

Maybe that's your pull.

Maybe, you know, like, you know
what, I'm responsible for this house.

I'm responsible for
this political campaign.

I'm responsible for this family.

For the finances at this corporation,
whatever it may be, whatever you

feel responsible to, that may
be a pull that pulls you along

in, in some particular vector.

And by the way, this isn't
like this applies to big things

and little things as well.

So not just your.

Big life goal, but
whatever else comes along.

So, yeah, um, I found this was pulling me
along, so I'm along with it for the ride.

I'm going to talk a little bit more
about some of the things that are

going on in the world right now.

Some of this, I'm going to leave
for my show versus business

podcast that I do with Theo.

You can always catch that
online going on episode 100.

What is that?

50 we're going on.

We'll be doing episode 148 next
week, and we're going to be

talking a little bit about AI.

People can't tell the difference
between what and what is what.

Companies are starting to sue over
AI, speaking copyright infringement.

It's a weird case out there, no
one's quite sure what's going on.

Social media is dying out there.

I'm just going over some of the
things that I noticed happening.

Social media has been kind of dying away.

It's turning into a media farm.

Like everybody's their own little
magazine and social media company.

You can't just get on and
talk to your friends anymore.

And if you want to, I think the best place
to do that is like Facebook or Snapchat.

We got weird economy concerns going on.

A lot of things are happening.

They just, they were just talking
on the news about the, what is it?

The Bering Strait, I believe.

Um, straight in the Red Sea.

It's a, it's a waterway that
connects Asia with Europe.

And they've had pirate attacks,
they've had, you know, missiles

fired, they've had gunship battles.

It's been a problem out there.

And the United States has gotten
involved, but the merchants are like,

screw this, we're not sending all our
shipping containers through these,

through this, perilous area, we're
going to take a risk and spend an

extra two to four weeks going around
all of Africa to bypass this one area.

That's a big, that's a big chunk
of, that's not even a shortcut.

That's like a, I don't even
know what you would call that.

It's like, man, you gotta, you
can't cut through the little strip

of water between, you know, between
like Africa and the Eurasia area.

Because there are so many
problems on the water there.

You've got to go all the way around
Africa to get your shipping containers

to the right places because some
people are out there fighting.

So that's happening right now.

We're that, and that is something that
ripples through all the economy, right?

I've also got a politics happening.

I have not seen a, and maybe,
maybe it was like this before.

I just was, you know, politically naive
and I didn't understand it, but I've never

seen a situation where the presidents.

The pre the people who are running
for president are as liked or as

disliked as they are right now.

Or maybe it's just this back and
forth, right, left, conservative,

liberal, conservative, progressive,
right wing, left wing thing.

I don't know, but it just seems like
nobody likes anybody right now, not even

in politics, expanding into social media.

So we'll definitely have to see what
we're going to do about that this year.

The reason I'm bringing all this
up is I just think it's, I think

it's good to understand how.

Things are playing out.

If you're going to be a creative,
you can't just create in a vacuum.

You don't need to engage with everything.

I don't really talk
about politics too much.

I don't talk about race, sex, religion,
and a lot of these other things too much.

I try to stick to, at least in public,
talking about creativity and building

a more pleasant world around you.

But I, I am very concerned with these
things and do try to keep abreast of

what's happening, the social movements.

And I don't know how we
can come back from it.

I'm going to be developing a community and
developing on the good people that I know.

I'm going, I run a few Facebook groups.

I've run some online forums.

And with that experience, I
want to, I want to build a

little bit of a community out.

It's going to be on the Creative
Study Lounge website at some point.

But I want to build a little
bit of a community out.

Because I think people can come
together and really start appropriately

discussing things with each other.

But that can't just happen.

It needs to be policed a little bit.

I know not everyone's gonna like it.

I can't say what I want.

Yeah, yes you can.

Just don't be a jerk about it.

I got in the habit of this
during discussing heavy topics

on Facebook without getting
into arguments all the time.

Actually having thoughtful, back and
forth considerations about things.

I think I need to go ahead and
create my own area for that now.

So now that I've kind of gotten this
podcast up and in order and moving

and flowing properly, I think that
it's about time that I move into that

next phase, which is the community.

So somewhere between the community
and the courses, one of those is

coming next, whichever one I tend
to flow on easiest or fastest.

All right.

What else is going on?

As I was saying.


Everything's about marketing
now, marketing, sales, branding.

I know a lot of creatives don't like to
talk about the, what I call the dark arts.

I used to not like talking
about them until I got back

in the early two thousands.

I became familiar with some
marketers and the people in

the marketing and advertising
department at the 3dio company.

I really started getting involved
in like, Hey, wait a minute.

Why are we.

Making the game this way, or why did
they ask for these certain demo shots?

How did X, Y, and Z happen?

Who's talking to the public right now?

Who's going to do the magazine interview?

What can they say?

What can they not say?

What questions are taboo to ask?

What, what do we want to steer
the conversation towards?

What are we committing to
in these interviews and

discussions with the people?

And it became a whole thing, and it
was very cool, but I kind of fell

out of it for, for quite a while.

Kept tabs on it.

I was watching out what was going on in
social media and everything else, but I

still wanted to be a, a product developer
first and foremost, and that's fine.

But that marketing side always just
kind of hung in the wings for me.

And now we're seeing it full fledged
where you can't really, you can't

really exist without some sort of.

Marketing skill.

I mean, maybe you can, and you try
to farm it out to somebody else.

You try to put that, put that idea into
somebody else's, um, you know, work

suit into somebody else's workflow.

You outsource the entire idea to somebody
else, maybe, but I don't know how

well that's working for most people.

Most people now have this love hate
relationship with social media, email,

and trying to get put on because of it.

In fact, I don't know if this dude
is still following me or not, but

somebody made a comment on, on one
of, on a Gary V post, Gary Vaynerchuk,

since we're talking about him.

Gary Vaynerchuk, master level marketer,
you know, loud mouth kind of guy.

Very out there.

I actually like him.

But yes, he is loud and
opinionated and talks very quickly.

Has this has this New Jersey
car salesman vibe to him.

I didn't understand him at first.

But once I got over that, I was
like, Oh, that came from Gary V.

Oh, he said that really, once I
started looking into him, I was able

to separate the vibe from the actual
content and the content, although

repetitive and comes off as sleazy, Just
because of the style of presentation.

He had good information in there.

Same thing with Grant Cardone.

Um, Grant Cardone, uh, political
social issues caused me to not

recommend that guy right off the bat.

But once again, he's somebody
you can take information from and

go do it, but not in his style.

You could probably get over well.

But anyway, um, see, I was talking
with this guy in the, in the comments

of a Gary V post and Gary V said,
Hey, you know, maybe you should

try this and this and this, that'll
really help a lot of people out.

I think I'm, I'm very confident
in saying this and guy asked the

question that just seemed out there.

And I said, well, well, Hey, have you
considered X, Y, and Z, man, I'd never

seen somebody get so angry so quickly on
threads before dude just started talking.

Well, maybe you need to listen and
quit moderating the comments and like,

dude, no one's moderating the comments.

You're making a.

You posted a reply in public
that sounds kind of off.

Like you need help figuring this out.

I just offered a possible direction.

I actually wanted to have a
conversation, figure out where

the person was coming from.

Because a lot of times I'm not just
throwing stuff out there because

I think I'm so smart or whatever.

I actually want to understand,
hey where are you coming from?

Have you tried this?

Or what's that about?

Or who have you talked to before?

I actually want to see where
people are coming from.

It's legitimately interesting.

Seeing other people in
their creative process.

So I asked him questions
and dude got really pissed.

He said, yeah, you don't have to answer.

Cause you're not Gary V.

I'm like, uh, I know that.

And Gary V is probably
not going to answer you.

Cause your question is a little garbage,
but that's how the internet is right now.

People are so offended by everything.

Very defensive.

I don't know how,

like the whole rage thing,
rage baiting and being extreme.

It's, it's kind of played out, man.

We got to stop that.

Cause the last thing I wanted to do
was start, you know, blasting people

for rage posting and using them as, as
fuel for my fire, you know, to try to

get clicks or links, that's a tactic.

Some people use, I'm not
down with a lot of the.

The guru tactics.

I'm not down with a lot of the
ideas that they foment, not that

they put out there, but they build
up and stir up within people.

It's, it's very bizarre.

I noticed a lot of marketing pages,
and this is where the dark side of

the dark arts come in at dark arts,
being marketing, sales, branding,

advertising, promotions, et cetera.

But I noticed a lot of marketers who
engage in those dark arts started

putting out, not just enragement posts.

You know, conspiracy theories, they
started putting out, you know, the, the

bleed if it leads type of content, the
crazy, Oh my gosh, did you see this?

What would you do in this situation?

Were they right kind of thing and
you know what it's gossipy man,

and I never liked gossip I always
just had a problem with gossip.

Like why are you gossiping so much?

But that's what the
internet's become right now.

Shout out to kelly clark creative.

Thanks for coming through.

Thanks for dropping the comment

But yeah, it's all about gossip right now.

Um, and I you know what?

We'll talk on this going from
social media to tabloid media.

If you see that podcast next week,
shout out that you heard it here first.

I'm freestyle Friday.

Just taking down notes because I want
to remember this and do it properly.

Um, speaking of notes, another random
thing, uh, this year, I'm also going

to be exposing my note taking process
that includes my journaling and

my job booking journaling and job
booking are two, two processes that

I use that have helped me immensely.

Organize my mind and my thoughts
and keep things clean and cool.

In 2023 started playing around with
these ideas well before that, but

I've really started to formalize them
and to iterate and try to get better.

In 2024 four 2024.

I was working on them hard in
2023, but now they're in 2024.

I've really got the process
and ideas down, so I'm gonna be

putting those out also this year.

Maybe this is like a, maybe this
is like a preview episode of

what's coming for the entire year.

I don't know.

But um, going along with uh, the way
social media has been going and the

way internet connectivity and just
connecting to devices, part of that has

to do with finding simple analog tools
to, to keep your processes flowing.

To keep your ideas
rolling in a certain way.

I also use a Pomodoro timer.

That's been good for me.

But yeah, let me know, let me know in
the comments or pop me a, an email on

the contact page if there's something
that That you can think of that, that

makes you, that makes you feel better
about existing in this crazy world right

now, whether it be social media issues
or just being on your, your devices

too much, or being on Netflix too long.

My man, Theo sent me a stat.

We're going to have to pull up where the.

I don't know where it was sourced from.

It came off the podcast, the town,
but there's another, there's a

stat there about Netflix that
they, that they reported on.

It says Netflix watchers
spend 78 hours per year.

Just deciding what to watch.

That's crazy.

That's insane.

And I don't know exactly what
it says, but it doesn't sound

like it says anything good.

I wonder how we can make our time more
efficient, because that's a lot of time.

I don't mean we, like, uh, as humanity,
but me going about my everyday thing.

How can I make things a
little more efficient?

How can I flow better?

Because once things start to flow
better, you start to create better.

So that's another topic I
think I'll come in with.

Flowing better with your energy.


And as I said, this is
all about creativity.

So we're going to keep attacking these
issues and showing up every night,

talking a little bit about the news.

Talking a little bit
about what you can do.

I'll offer my insights as a creative.

I'm gonna tell some more stories as well.

From my days in the video game industry,

but yeah keeping creativity flowing.

That's where I'm going That's
my first little slow down there.

So I think that means I might need
to wrap this one up I know this

was a short one shorter than usual.

I didn't push it toward my
normal hour length of time,

but that's okay I don't care.

This is a freestyle.

I just kind of do things how I
want to looking forward to a lot

of 2024 but here's the big thing.

I want to ask me in 2024 I really need you
to contact me on this one or hit a comment

or something if You don't do resolutions.

Tell me exactly why.

A resolution is a state of being resolute
that you get from deciding to have

resolve and you decide to have resolve
by resolving some idea in your head.

Basically a resolution is a
decision to behave in a certain

way or for a certain reason.

If you don't do resolutions,
I really want to know why.

I want to discuss this and get into it.

Let me know if you want to
remain anonymous and we'll

talk about it, but it's really
something that's been on my mind.

Nobody even likes talking about it.

A lot of people are saying they're tired.

Okay, what does that have to do
with wanting to improve or not?

Is there a fear of failure?

Are you tired of failing?

Is the idea that you're not
winning too much to handle?

What has caused people to
not want their resolutions?

Um, not even want to try to make
resolutions and just simply write

them off as they don't work.

I'm really curious.

You know, somebody just showed
up on, uh, what was that?

Facebook and then disappeared.

If you're gonna show up drop a comment.

How dare you just passing through here?

Like this is this is some
random tiktok stream.

Can't just swipe by how dare they?

Anyway, as I said, i'm just gonna wrap
this one up for tonight Uh, i've got

some things I want to get into later
on and prep for next week So that's

gonna do it for this freestyle friday.

I might bring thoughtful thursdays
back But that seemed a little too woo

woo for a lot of people it might not
make a lot of sense for the creative

Style that I'm going with here.

So I'll see about bringing
that back anyway, let me know.

Oh, make sure you follow
on Apple podcasts.

Make you follow on.

Spotify, that's where you'll
always get your, your repeat.

You know, the, the, the different
episodes are going to come to you.

You can listen to them whenever you
want on your podcast app of choice.

It doesn't have to be
Apple podcast or Spotify.

There are others.

I'm not sure how all the index is
working on all these different platforms.

I'm going to go have to
check them individually, but

the podcast is out there.

It's up.

I'm coming at you most.

Weekdays and taking weekends
off and the blog is up too.

So all of these are archived
at creativity threads, life.


Check that out and check out the
podcast channels and I'll see you later.

Keep creating everybody.