The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.
What's up? It's Viktor Wilt. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Hope it didn't go by quite as quickly as mine. Though mine was you know, it was pretty good.
I don't have any major complaints about it. Hung out with my daughter. Got to hang out a little bit with my lady. We watched a a movie with her. Keanu.
I think it was on Hulu. No. No. It was on max. A key and peele movie where they're just trying to save a kitten.
That's the very basic outline of the story, but it was a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun. Watched a lot of good stuff over the weekend. My daughter was feeling like, hey, let's watch some Jim Carrey movies. So we watched mister popper's penguins, which was fun.
And speaking of my girlfriend, I I messaged her while watching that movie. I was like, well, I guess penguins can be kinda cute. She's like, what do you mean? Of course, they can. What's wrong with you?
And I think I came across as, like, a dude. They're like, ah, you know, can't admit to thinking little animals are cute. So I had to fess up. Oh, come on. You know, I'm the guy who talks about kittens all day.
I know, but that was a fun movie watched, the incredible Bert wonder stone. That was a pretty good movie too. Steve Carell and Steve Buscemi playing magicians in Vegas. When Jim Carey rolls in as the Chris angels style character. Pretty funny, pretty funny.
You know, and peaches might give me some grief. Like, dude, all you do is sit around and watch TV and movies, man. Why don't you do blah blah blah blah blah blah with your time? And I got thinking about this. I don't think there's anything wrong to begin with if you enjoy watching movies and TV and just sitting back and relaxing.
You know, I get the things done I need to for the most part. My house is clean for the most part. You know? I've got my daughter staying there. That's gonna lead to a little bit of a mess.
But okay. We encourage people along in their careers and things. Alright? When you look at a movie or a TV show, you've got hundreds of people involved in the production of these things. That's their lives.
They get up every day. They're out doing the grind. You know, I'm sure getting encouragement from their family and friends. Like, hey. That's great.
That's great to working on the new I don't know. The new whatever. New Iron Man movie. I know that there's not gonna be another one of those or at least I'd assume not, but we'll we'll just use it as an example. Dude, you're working on a new Iron Man movie.
Cool. And then the movie comes out. Their family and friends are gonna be very excited and going to see it. Right? By sitting down and enjoying a nice TV show or movie, you are fulfilling the end result of all of those people's hard work.
Alright? That's what they've dedicated their lives to. That's what their their waking moments. You know, some of them incredible passion behind these projects. It's like when somebody listens to a song I recorded.
Now, I'm I'm just so so happy that somebody listened to it. Like they checked it out whether they like it or not. You put a ton of time into this and then somebody checks it out. I would never go. Why are you sitting around listening to music?
Why don't you go out and you'll go for a jog or something? Why don't you do something more productive? No. It's like a thank you. Thank you for checking out something that I put a lot of time and effort into.
So I don't feel any guilt about watching TVs or movies. TV shows or movies. Alright. Well, people work hard on these things. Anyway, I know I watched other stuff throughout the weekend.
Just can't think of what it was. Oh, tropic thunder. Watched that last night. My daughter hadn't seen that one. And I don't know.
Funny enough, we had watched team America like 6 months ago or something. That movie's pretty wild, pretty wild with the humor. I'm like, Oh, you know, they couldn't make this movie anymore. And I always thought tropic thunder was in that same boat. I I think team America is way more vile than tropic thunder after watching tropic thunder again, last night.
I don't think tropic thunder's really that bad. There's a few elements to it that are like, oh, but pretty tame, I think, compared to team America, world police, or even like Borat. I think Borat's way more out there than tropic thunder, but tropic thunder is a really fun movie if you've never seen it. It's always fun. Alright.
Anyway, I'm here much as I don't wanna be, but I'm sure you don't wanna be awake right now either. We'll get through, you know, Monday, get a little bit closer to the new year's holiday, and then bring on 2025. What kind of fun awaits? I'm certainly not going to roll into it going, it's gonna be amazing because, every time I do that, something really crazy happens. So fingers crossed that it's decent.
It's the Victor Wilt show. Let's talk about parents driving their kids crazy. Yeah. Not the other way around. I saw some kind of post where people were fighting about their their children online this morning.
Didn't quite gather what was going on, but this lady had said, you know, her kids annoyed her and somebody got really mad. Anyway, it it can go both ways. Parents can definitely annoy their kids and, you know, little things you do as a parent can screw your kids up. K? And no parent is perfect.
Alright? Certainly not this guy. I'm sure I've screwed my kids up. I do my best in my older years here to try to do the best I can. I I think I tried to do the best I could when I was younger too, but, you know, there's always stuff you could look back and go, man, I should have done that completely different.
Thankfully, my kids ended up being, you know, okay. I think they're they're pretty much okay. But you gotta be careful. Little things you do, they they might drive your kids crazy and mess them up. Alright?
Like, for example, this person posted, when I try to talk about my feelings or the things my mom did that hurt or upset me, she immediately turns to this distraught, I'm a terrible mother. And the whole conversation stops being about me working through my issues and listening to my emotions because I have to sidetrack to comfort her. Yeah. You you gotta learn to be able to listen to others when you've done something that hurt them. And it it's not the easiest thing to hear.
Nobody wants to hear it. You know? Oh, jeez. I did something and, you know, I messed this person up. What you don't do is fire it back at them.
You know? Listen, try to empathize, and, you know, do do your best to try to make the situation better. I've dealt with people like that. Let's see. When my parents commented negatively on anything I said or did as their first reaction, There are people who are that way.
They just gotta point out the negative thing. You know, can't give you a congratulations. It's like, well, what about this? What about this part of it? So this person said, it taught me to keep secrets, tell lies, and avoid informing them of anything until right before or after it happened.
They once wanted me to get a job, so I did. It was full time seasonal and paid well, but a 30 minute drive. So they scolded me for not finding something closer, made me call my manager and apologize for wasting their time and resign, then got mad at me for that and made me call back my manager and ask for my job back within 10 minutes. I was 16 at the time. Jeez.
Oh, and, you know, I I can look back. No. Alright. My parents were they were pretty alright. They were pretty alright, or I was just such a pain.
They're like, alright. Hands in the air. Hopefully, he gets it together one of these days. Holy cow. Here.
There was some kind of point I oh, another one that they, threw in here was I work a full 40 hours a week, but if I spend my Saturday playing video games, that's all I do. That goes back to what I talked about earlier with movies. Video games are the same thing. You got thousands of people spending years years of their lives to create these experiences. I don't think you should feel any guilt about diving into those thousands of people's hard work and getting that experience that they dedicated their lives to.
I played through, the last of us part 1 in the last week and started on part 2 over the weekend. The story in that game is such an experience. And, you know, they made a great TV adaptation of a of the show or of the game, I should say. But there's nothing quite the same as the feeling when you're, like, controlling the action. You're, you know, a lot more a part of the story when you're playing it in video game, you know, mode.
It's one of those life experiences. I think everybody should have playing the last of us part 1 and 2, same with red dead, red dead, part 1 and 2. These games are so deep and complex and such good storytelling that to me, it's, it's why I've ran through them multiple times. They are so good and such an experience to me. It's almost like criminal to not have had these kind of life experiences.
So zero guilt in the many, many hours I've dedicated to, enjoying the hard work these people put into these games. Anyway. Yeah. I, I could start digging into more of these things that parents do that drive kids crazy, like barging into the room without knocking, then leaving the door open after or, or whatever. But these are just starting to kind of frustrate me.
They, they do make me feel, good as a parent and, you know, pretty, pretty good about my parents, but they make me sad for other people who have to put up with this kind of crap. There are very unreasonable parents out there. And it's it's weird when you get older and you realize, oh, yeah. Just as many adults are complete morons as kids. You don't reach a certain age and all of a sudden you get wisdom.
No. Some people always gonna be dumb. K? Don't just listen to people because they're older. Alright.
Got a question posted online here. If California and New York are losing population, why aren't housing prices? Don't know if don't know if there's gonna be any kind of fix. It just sucks for people around here because our cost of living as far as housing goes has gone so insane and the wages in Idaho just do not match up with the terrible cost of living. I mean, I'm sure LA is about the same way and New York City.
I mean, you gotta make some bank to live comfortable in those places. But check this out. Because we have heard for years, everybody's leaving California and New York. Not really. You gotta look at data.
Alright? I mean, they they do see things like the census and, you know, they're able to track these things. Both those states grew in the past year. So, shortage of housing. Yeah.
I think that's the problem. Okay. Shortage of housing. And I mean, much as I would like to see housing prices come down when you like own a house that's you don't wanna see it. You don't wanna see housing prices come down.
You want, you know, the value of your home to increase. So like, every once in a while, I'll see somebody go, why did you sell to that out of state or blah blah? If if you're selling your home, you know you're gonna take as much money for it as you can get. Let's say you got someone from California offering you a bunch of cash, you know, way over what somebody else is gonna offer you for the home. Yep.
I don't know. You're gonna take the take the dough and run. Right? But, anyway, I just wanted to throw it out there that, because I I do see it all the time when people are talking about, oh, the Californians are taking over Idaho and no. It's people from all over the place moving here.
But you'll see those comments in there. Everybody leaving. Leaving California. They don't like how it is. No.
It's growing. It's growing. That's that's just fake fake news. That's a myth. I don't know.
I I try to think about what would what would it be like to live in a place like New York or LA? I don't know. I don't know. Seems kind of hectic, but it seems kind of exciting too. Probably too old for that.
I'm an old man now. Not a lot of people got a porch. They can yell at kids to stay off their lawn in New York city. So as I attempted to go to bed last night, I was watching YouTube. I was watching a short video where a guy was given a tour of this house in Rhode Island called the breakers.
Now, if you're into old houses, you're probably familiar with this place. I think it'd be really cool to visit, Gilded Mansion from back in the late 1800. I think that's right. Anyway, watching this, it just kind of blew my mind. You know, the things people were able to do back in the day without modern technology.
You look at these, you know, crazy extravagant buildings that some of them are 100 and 100 of years old. And, you know, you've got these crazy arches and this and that. I don't know. Just kind of kind of blew my mind. And there are a lot of things that our ancestors did that might blow your mind.
The thread online about this. Some of these things I just think about them and I go, jeez. Even in modern times, this guy ain't gonna be able to pull pull any of this off. I'm hiding on land. I was reading about, you know, navigating across open oceans with no GPS.
I'm terrified to go into the ocean with GPS. I mean, I'm also prone to seasickness. But, Jack, can you imagine? Alright. Let's, leave Europe, and let's go see what we can find.
Let's go spend a few months in open water, and we'll use the stars to find our way. It's crazy. It's crazy. I mean, it makes sense. There's a, you know, a good science behind it, but terrifying.
Absolutely terrifying. You know, can you imagine living without just AC? I mean, I couldn't get by without air conditioning. People lived in the Arizona desert for 1000 of years. Where?
You know, you make yourself, a little shack out of, I don't know. Some of them, they carved out a rock and stuff, but what, like Adobe huts and stuff? Just cooking, just cooking out in the desert. What about snowy areas? Like where we live?
Yeah. Sure. You know, a a cabin was okay, but there were I I read a post on here about a guy who his dad in 1905, not his dad, his great grandfather spent his first few winters in rural Saskatchewan, Canada living in what they call a soddy. This is a a house made from grass. That's why it's called a soddy.
They just make it from grass. It gets, like, 40 below there. He lived, he made it through, my house is all toasty warm. We've I see anytime you're feeling a little bit frustrated about the current times, just pull up an article like this, dragging all their household laundry into the yard or nearby creek to suds boil, scrub, and ring, then you hang it on the line, then you gotta go back out, drag it back in the house. What do you do in wintertime?
Clothes are all frozen outside, or they're just strung up all over the inside of your place. Got that wet clothing smell because, I mean, they didn't have Tide Pods back then. Oh, jeez. Yeah. I mean, that's just what they had to do, but it still blows my mind that our ancestors had to do that.
Sounds terrible. I'm so lazy. You know? Like, oh, yeah. I've left those clothes in the washer.
Hope I don't have any laundry in the washer right now. This post is funny. Forget ancestors. 30 years ago, entire families used to just show up at your door to hang out. No calls.
No schedules. Hey. We were driving through and thought we'd stop by. Yeah. You know what it's like when people just come to your house now?
Like, what what are you doing here? I hear someone at my door. I'm like, oh, what's happening? Why is someone at my door? What do they want?
Oh, jeez. Is something terrible happening? No. It's just the neighbors wanting to give me some muffins. If I had a friend show up at my door, dude, what are you doing?
Call me first. It's not like I'm generally up to anything, but still. Remember the days you just go knock on the neighbor's door? Hey. Can so and so play?
I don't know. I think that did still happen when I had kids, but adults, you got you got at least text. I Was reading through a post here about people who deal with ADHD and how frustrating it can be when friends or family members just don't get it. It reminded me of a few situations in my own life here. Now I have not been diagnosed with ADHD.
K? Not medicated for it. But I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure I got that going on. Maybe I should talk to a doc. You know, if you're ever unsure about anything in your life, get checked out.
Alright? You feeling down? Could be a variety of things. You know, maybe you've got some depression going on. Maybe it's a seasonal affective disorder.
Yeah. You seen any sunshine recently? It's popped up, but for the most part, we live under gray skies for, like, 6 months out of the year. It can mess with you. Well, anyway, as I was looking through this post, I was like, yeah, this is what's going on with me.
Like peaches. I think earlier on the show, I might have mentioned, you know, always giving me grief. Why don't you stream online, dude? You're gonna stream this weekend. You're gonna do some streaming.
And it's like, dude, I want to stream. K. I really do. I enjoy doing it. There are so many things that I want to do.
And most of the time, I can't figure out why I don't do them. Yeah. Sit down and record some guitar riffs. How about completing a song? How about hit up your bandmates?
Invite some people over to have band practice. Yeah. Be sociable whatsoever. Do some online streaming. Trust me.
I really want to. And, it drives me crazy that some of these things I'm not doing them, but I just can't do it right now. It it I don't know why. K? It could be the dishes.
K? Simple task. I I don't know. I think part of the problem is thinking about too many things needing to be done at once, not being able to hone in on 1. I I don't know.
I don't know. Could also, yeah. Be a, variety of just, personal mental issues. So peaches don't give me no crap. Alright.
Don't know what my existence is like. Trust me. I'd like to do nothing more than sit around and just play guitars and, do productive creative things that other people can enjoy. I like making content for people. I like putting out music for people to listen to videos.
But right now, I'm in, you know, selfish, sit around and play video games and enjoy myself mode. And that's just what I gotta do. Alright. Maybe it'll change. K.
But for now, I mean, I I gotta get myself motivated to make content for work outside of work. You gotta be kidding me. You know what I'm sitting here reading about? Sunsets. Why?
That's what I'm looking at, an article about the best sunsets in the US. Well, my daughter posted a picture of a sunset on her Instagram. In Phoenix, just for whatever reason well there is a reason has the most amazing sunsets it it's a it's really weird and I don't know I'd never really thought about it as film that maybe people just get lucky with the shots because, they've got a lot of clear skies there. No. It has to do with how dry it is and like dust particles in the air and things from the, desert.
That's why it just looks amazing for, like, every single sunset, reds and blues and purples, and it it it's just awesome. So, yeah, I was looking at a list of spectacular sunsets, and they did have Phoenix on the list, But other places, Charleston, Bryce Canyon, a lot of Southern Utah, Moab. So I think, if you want a nice sunset, you just have to go where it's generally hot and dry and then it, just looks looks amazing as the the sun goes down. I mean, I think the best sunsets I've seen were in, Sedona as a matter of fact. Oregon Coast is pretty nice.
Pretty nice watching the sun set into the ocean, but I think Sedona is the best. Sorry. I'm just daydreaming about getting out of town for a vacation where I'm not driving the whole time. My last vacation. No short trip, and it was way too much driving with not enough relaxation whatsoever.
I mean, one day in Vegas, we walked 10 miles. 10 miles. Jeez. And then got in the car the next day and drove to Phoenix. Sat for a bit.
We were exhausted. Just crashed at my daughter's house. Get up the next day. Drive. Let's drive to Utah.
Note. If you're gonna take a vacation, like stick yourself in a certain destination for a number of days and enjoy some of that by just kicking back I don't know in front of the TV or the pool you know find a nice shady spot by the pool get a good book just relax I mean, driving is somewhat relaxing. You can listen to podcasts. It ain't too bad, but it beats you up after a while. Freak news powered by Greasemonkey voted Idaho's best oil change.
I am Victor Will. Let's get rolling here. Alright. Don't let your kid play on the volcano. Not a warning you'd think you need to give out, but apparently, there are bad parents out there.
Lousy, terrible parents. A Hawaii national park has issued a new warning to tourists after a toddler was grabbed in the nick of time from falling off the rim of an erupting volcano. Yeah. You got your little baby, your little toddler. Hey.
Let's go for a hike. Let's hike up this volcano that's in the middle of going off. Maybe don't bring your kids to the volcano to begin with. No. Not if it's in the middle of erupting.
And then if you do, maybe stay way back and be like, look. Look how terrifying it is. It's a volcano. Not, hey, let's go to the top. Let's go to the top.
Let's look down inside. Come here, little one. Jeez. Well, making me feel a little bit better about my parenting today. Another thing you should not do is guzzle an entire bottle of whiskey.
What could happen? Death. Death is what could happen. A social media influencer in Thailand downed a 350 milliliter bottle. So what's that?
A a pint? Yeah. I think so if I remember correct. Anyway, he downed this bottle of whiskey as part of a dare for money and then just died. Just up and died.
I had a friend once I watched pound pretty much most of a bottle of Jack Daniels. I won't say what friend this was. And then he turned into the Tasmanian devil. Thankfully, he ended up being okay and well, that that night. Don't do that.
K? Please drink responsibly. Tomorrow's New Year's Eve. Please pace yourself. Drink water in between.
Make sure you have a designated driver. All that good stuff. If you start feeling a little bit crazy, just go home. K. No, no ruckus.
No getting into fights and things like that. Try to keep your New Year's Eve drama free. You wanna roll into the new year feeling good about things. K. What else do we have here?
I got too many tabs open. Oh, if you're in the I I guess freak news today is all. Don't do this. Alright? Don't bring your kid to the top of a volcano.
K? Don't, you know, try to get some insurance with your pants down. I I didn't know how else to put this. Okay. This guy goes to purchase some insurance, some life insurance.
And He's like, oh, can I use the bathroom? So he goes to the bathroom and then he just comes back with no pants on. He went to jail. No word on if he got his insurance policy, but he did go to jail because, yeah, you you can't do that. Jeez.
Alright. Only one person died in in freak news today, so that's not too bad. Again, drink responsibly. And, I'll save some of the rest of this stupid news for later on the program. I've been given a lot of warnings about things you shouldn't do on the program today.
You know, don't take your kid to the top of a volcano. Don't pound an entire bottle of liquor. Don't take your pants off in public. I think I gotta go with don't search for Sasquatch. Well, it it could be dangerous.
These 2 guys from Oregon, both found dead in Washington state after returning from or not returning. They failed to return from their trip searching for Sasquatch. Both appear to have died from exposure. Is that just like being out in the cold? You know, it it's one of those phrases I hear all the time, and I've never really thought what exactly does that mean?
Let's find out. What does exposure mean in death? Death resulting from lack of protection over prolonged periods to extreme temperatures, environmental conditions, or dangerous substances. Okay. So, yeah.
You know, it's just sucky outside right now. Very cold. And if you're out in the middle of the woods trying to find Bigfoot, even more brutal than we've got it in town. Yeah. Yeah.
That's sad. You know, it's unfortunate. Yeah. And, also, they went went and did this around Christmas time. Come on.
Stay home and hang in with your family. If you're going to hunt for Bigfoot, let's go summer months. K? It's gonna be a lot more pleasant. And you know what?
Come to think of it. There's a lot of people out hunting during the winter months. Why aren't Bigfoot tracks rampant? You know, every once in a while, they'll find 1 in the mud. Conditions for a footprint to be found in mud.
You know, much more rare than in the snow. Like, there there ain't no heightened footprints in the snow. Do we ever see Bigfoot footprints in the snow? I'm not trying to get you Bigfoot people riled up here, but I don't know why I'd never thought about that. You know?
And, oh, well, Bigfoot buries itself. That's why they haven't found any bodies. You know, they bury their dead. What about during winter? Why haven't any hunters found a Bigfoot that could not be buried due to frozen ground?
Sorry. I'm just not buying the Bigfoot thing. Not anymore. I mean, I I don't know. A lot of the things I used to buy into, I don't anymore.
Aliens? I got high hopes for that. It makes sense. I think it's, you know, 100% that somewhere out there, there's gotta be other life forms. Will they ever be able to reach us or vice versa?
I do not know, but it's kind of boring, but I think that all these UFO sightings and drones in this and that, it's just government stuff. That's, you know, the most logical answer I can think of. It's not fun, but, I mean, I think it'd be cool if all of a sudden we had big foot running rampant. We had UFOs just blasting through the sky, no more hiding themselves, But now I guess I gotta get my excitement scrolling Reddit. Tired.
Dude, me too, man. I'm Work is overrated. It's very overrated, especially on a Monday at this time of year. Got the Mondays. I got a case of the Mondays.
Well, anyhow, thank you for not walking in and immediately just giving me a a big pile of new work. Well, that's coming. No, dude. I'm still in the middle of that other project. And then I've got other projects after that.
What have you been doing? Sleeping in? I'll come to work? Yeah. Not getting things done?
That's what I do, Fridays. It's my new schedule. I come in at about, right when traffic school starts. It's funny, though, because, you know, I took a lot of grief for it. You know?
Good. And, that's what you gotta expect if you do something, you know, silly. You're gonna take a bunch of grief for it. And, you know, I I can handle that. Some people, though, you know, they do something silly.
They don't take the grief as much. There was some other funny stuff to happen last night. But here's here's a note. If you're gonna do something kind of funny and you don't want people to know about it, you don't immediately barge into my show and announce on air exactly what happened. Or do it in front of the cameras so there's video proof.
Yeah. I told him to put together a video with the with the wacky sax music, but I wasn't wasn't sure on posting clips from the security system online. So I told them to get with you on that. It's fine. Yeah.
Note to everybody. It can get a little bit slick out there. So be be cautious. Drive like you're from out of state. Alright.
It's that time of year again. Are you or do you know anyone who's pregnant? Got a baby on the way. As we all know, everything has gotten to be very expensive. So the cost of raising a child through the roof, we wanna help out.
Alright? Z 103, my homies next door, got their baby bump contest going on again. Idaho's number one baby bump delivered by Mountain View Hospital's new NICU in z 103. Yeah. This this contest is gonna get you hooked up with, like, piles of stuff to help you with raising that child.
Things like a rocker, a swing, a changing table, and more. They're also throwing in a professional newborn photo shoot to capture your little one's first moments. So if you wanna enter to win, here's what you need to do. Submit a photo of your baby bump. There you go.
That easy. Submit it in any of the z one zero three apps, vibes 103, throwback 103, or z 103 by January 7th at noon. Simple as that. Now show off your baby bump photo, get in to win, and one lucky person gonna take home the entire prize package. Everything you need for a complete nursery setup.
Pretty cool. If you need more details, go to But, again, if you wanna sign up, submit a photo by January 7th in the z one zero three apps. That's vibes 103, throwback 103, and the old school regular z 103 app. Alright.
Good luck. Spread the word. My girlfriend recently, has been a little bit frustrated because she sent me some Christmas gifts, and they haven't arrived. She had to, like, put in a lost package in a ticket and things like that. Well, apparently, a lot of people out there missing packages this holiday season.
Here's one of the reasons. An Amazon driver ditched 80 packages in the woods before Christmas because they were stressed. I can't take it. That's gotta be a pretty stressful job being a holiday delivery driver. I mean, long hours, heavy packages.
Try to be nice to your delivery drivers as long as they're not like those guys who delivered my bookshelves at my house about a year ago and just chucked them off the truck into my driveway, like, literally. So, yeah, this was in Southeastern Massachusetts. I believe that, my package that I've been waiting on went missing in Massachusetts, but it was not an Amazon package. Apparently, anybody involved with packages in am in, Massachusetts. Just up to a little bit of holiday mischief.
We got the location of the Grinch in 2024, Massachusetts. I'm stressed. I can't deliver these packages. What you do is you drive back to the the warehouse, k? And just be like, I can't take it anymore.
I quit. Don't just dump them in the woods. Come on. You ruined Christmas for at least 80 people. Well, anyway, just wanna let you know if you I don't know how to package ship via Amazon from Massachusetts that you haven't found.
It's out there with those guys looking for Bigfoot, apparently. Just do your job. Alright? Do your job. I know that it's gotta be terrible to be an Amazon driver during the holidays, but, yeah, don't throw people's stuff away.
Come on. Keep the holidays fun. So here in East Idaho, there has been a lot of talk recently about stinks in the air. Nasty smells. We've talked about it on air.
If you've been on social media, you've definitely seen people talking about the stink in the air. Now I didn't spend a lot of time outside in recent days, so I don't know. I don't know if it's cleared up, but I just wanted to let everybody know. We're not the only ones dealing with stinks. Alright?
Got a Texas neighborhood plagued by fart smells throughout the Christmas holiday. While many people enjoyed the smells of Christmas dinner, residents in the Austin area neighborhood of Lake Pointe feared their meal would be ruined by fart smells that make your eyes water. Yeah. I guess they've got this wastewater treatment plant built just yards from their back doors. That's gotta suck.
Yeah. You're living in this neighborhood. Alright. Looks like they're building something new. What's it gonna be?
Another car wash? A soda shop? I don't know. This building's starting to look a little more industrial. Hey.
Wait a minute. They got Rivers of Dookie running into this place. You know, if you make the choice to move into a neighborhood knowing you got, you know, a stanky wastewater treatment plant right there, then you're making that choice. They just happen to build 1 in your backyard. That's gotta suck.
Well, anyway, one of the good things about this article is they say this particular waste treatment plant is about coming to the end of its, its life. So, hopefully, they'll build one that, I don't know, has about 10,000,000,000 more filters to get rid of the stench. I don't know what they're gonna do about the stench around here. I mean, again, I haven't noticed it recently. Maybe I've acclimated to it.
That's what happens when there's a stench. You just kinda get used to it eventually. It might still stink outside, and I just don't notice. But, there were a bunch of news articles about the stank in Idaho Falls. And pretty much what I got out of those articles was, woah.
We did all these things. We we tried. The end. Well, I guess we just have to put up with the stink. You know?
Sorry. I farted. Peaches. We already got enough farts in the air. I farted outside.
That's what caused it. Oh, that's why. I had Bryce's tri tip last night. Man, was that that was good, but, man, was I stinky afterwards. Alright, everybody.
So there we go. We solved the mystery. It was just peaches, everybody. If you're gonna fart, just fart in Jade's office, dude. Fee 5 fart fum.
Fee 5 fart fum. Very nice. You got some? I like that song. Oh, you like that song?
Yeah. That's all I said. I I couldn't tell if it was I got something or I like a song. I like this. Lanny, what was that old theme?
The yanny or Laurel, that whole debate. Remember that? Oh, yeah. Kinda like the blue dress. Yeah.
One of those kind of things. Did you see black and blue or did you see, pink and gold? Because I saw black and blue. And they're like, well, if it's on the left side of your brain, it's actually pink and gold or something. I don't know.
I could see it both ways by looking back and forth at it. Right. Like, you know, I I could understand why some people would see it each way. I guess. Sure.
Sure. So I'm wondering what Mark Zuckerberg's up to. This is what this is what I wanted to bring up to you. I went to the 105, the hot group by accident. So I went to click on the Cabaret group but the hot group is right below it.
Clicked on that. Yeah. And then all of a sudden it popped up saying, this group has custom AI enabled and it has an AI bot in the group named Hawk Tone. What? And that's what it looks like and it's supposed to like help out with listeners like, chat 1 to 1 for instant answers with the group's custom AI.
No. Who implemented that? I don't know. I don't know. Allowed that.
But I was about to I was wanting to allow the K Bear group to see baritone or something. Baritone. What is this? Justin didn't say anything to me, about that. It's only popping up in the hot group.
Let me go to imz103. Yeah. I'm bump I'm jumping over to the hot group right now. Imz103 has it too. Z103bot is what it's named.
What? Where do you find these thing? Okay. It does say AI enabled. You click on that.
Hawk tone. Hawk tone. This group's custom AI is here to help you get answers. What? Some results may be inaccurate or inappropriate.
No kidding. That's just what we need. Our boss is going, what's up with this user hawk tone saying all this crazy stuff? Start writing insults about Justin Pearson there. Yeah.
Like, I don't know what AI is going to. I hate when they implement stuff that we didn't ask for. Alright? Right. I sense problems coming from this because, for example, there's Internet fact checking, and you'll have, you know, a little thing pop up that says, blah blah blah.
This post is inaccurate and people lose their notes on Twitter. Yeah. And people lose their minds about those, notes. My favorite one over the weekend was there's this whole Twitter page called, did Jimmy Carter die today? And today it's or yesterday it said no, but then the note said yes.
It's all upset. Oh, jeez. Yeah. That you know, I keep hoping that there's hope for the future of the Internet, but I I think it's gonna get real bad. It's gonna get real bad because we already had seniors, you know, falling for credit card scams.
I mean, those were easy to say, hey, do not put your credit card to a website where you shouldn't. Yeah. Or if somebody calls and says, hey. I'm a, you know, Nigerian prince, and I'll send you $3,000,000. Like a beachfront property.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Now, I mean, dude, I would laugh at all weekend at multiple posts because now you've got the AI We talked about this on Friday. You know, there's AI pictures of ladies.
Yeah. There's like and so people are now putting celebrity edits of, like, Sydney Sweeney, and she's has, like, tattoos on her legs, and she's, like, in a bathing suit. And all these dudes were like, oh, she's so hot. And it's like, that's not real. Well, I mean, it just straight up, I saw AI videos of, women that were, you know, just like modeling, kind of posing.
Yeah. And, my Facebook feed was hilarious because it's all these old dudes, and they're just like, wow. She's an angel. It's always the worst profile pick too. It's them up close.
I'm like, guys. And it even looked cartoony. It didn't even look like real AI. Like They look like anime almost and people are falling for it. I'm like, how do you not see that this and the motions were kinda weird.
It you know, it's not quite there yet. I'll put an AI photo of you. I'll put bald guy with black coat tee and black band t shirt in the KBR group, and I'll have him to be doing something really weird. But, like, look look what I caught Victor doing. And see see if anybody falls for it.
I bet they would because I can't believe the things people are falling for on my Facebook feed. I just wanted to bring to your attention the hock tone. Hock tone. The hock tone and the z 103 box that we have now. K Bear's group.
Let's see. It does not say AI enabled. I was wondering how to activate or deactivate it so I could Well, in Facebook settings now are such a nightmare. Like, anytime I need to go in and change something, you know, you've got the creator studio. You got the business suite.
The business suite is so dumb. The normal settings, it's almost impossible. Like, if I wanna add a user, like, you know, the the podcast girls. Mhmm. Emma, Maddie, and Melissa.
Yeah. You know, I wanted to give them access to our pages. It was the biggest hassle ever to figure out where to go. And if you Google how to do it, all that information's outdated. Isn't that weird?
It's, like, from, like, 5, 6 years ago back when Facebook looked completely different. And, also, it varies from page to page. The way that I would do something on z 103, it could end up being completely different. You'd have completely different settings on, like, the hawk page. There is no rhyme or reason.
Kinda like right here, AI enabled. Sure. Some of them, but not all. I wonder how to Why? Mess with that.
Because I know that not I mean, does the classy group have AI enabled? I forgot to check that one. Let me check it out. Classy 97 community. The classy AI enabled.
The classy bot. Josh definitely would have said something to me about, hey, did you see this new AI, you know, assistant in our groups? Because he's, you know, he's pretty up on what's happening in the classy group. Well, he also allows for some reason the whole automated messaging on the pages, which I cannot stand. Yeah.
I should I need to go turn that off. There's one listener that was messaging the classy page, which was really funny because, they said something. The classy page said, hi. Thanks for reaching out. We appreciate you.
And then the person would reply back saying automated message, and then their automated message would come back, and then he would go automated. It would just keep going and going and going. Yeah. I'm not I'm not a big fan of that. Maybe they have that on there for a particular reason.
Because they wanted the whole, like, messages instantly badge on top, which is not a thing on Facebook anymore. No. And you you know, then you don't get the notifications that you have messages. Right? Because the message has been answered.
You do. You do still get the messages, but the the it says, hi. Thanks for contacting us. And then the listener will be like, oh, nobody's really actually there. Yeah.
I don't like getting messages back like that. No. Automated response, that makes me very frustrated. So See, I'd put something funny. If you're complaining about the music, press 1 or something like that.
Yeah. Yeah. At least change it up a bit. Hey, we're ignoring you right now, but we'll get back to you when we feel like it. You want a real person?
Press 0. Lots of bands on fire. Some bands making lots of money. Let's talk about concert ticket sales. Everybody loves that.
Check this out. Creed earned more money in 2024 than they did in any other year over their 30 year career. Creed grossing 64,800,000 dollars 1,000,000 this year from 825,000 tickets sold across 55 shows. So Creed did pretty well for themselves out on tour this year, and everybody likes to point at Ticketmaster and go, they're ruining everything. You have to point fingers at the artist too.
K. It's like, you know, corporations in the last few years making record profits, but everyone still somehow thinks politicians are gonna fix things. Okay. Anyhow, I'm not saying bans shouldn't be able to make $64,800,000 in a year. You know, your fans are willing to pay it.
Alright. Whatever. But there's a lot of sleazy stuff that goes down in concert ticket sales, dynamic ticket pricing, platinum seating, you know, seats that they just charge more for because they know they can and bands have to approve all this stuff. So as frustrated as I get with the price of pretty much anything nowadays, I have to be willing to point at the artist and go, well, could you have charged less for tickets? Did you need to charge that much?
Did you need to make more money in 1 year than you did in any other year of your career even back when people bought CDs and you made profits from them? And I like the guys in Creed. They're all really nice. I just happen to see that article pop up, and I go, well, yeah. I'm not surprised because the band getting paid is a lot of what you're paying for with concert tickets.
But I think due to, like, Taylor swift getting in the news and going oh, Ticketmaster. Look what they did to my fans. And taking zero responsibility for her part in things. She's the biggest star in the world. I don't think that helps fix concert ticket problems ultimately because artists aren't taking any responsibility for their end of things.
And again, they should be able to make lots of money. I I love that people can make a crazy good living with, their creativity. But, you know, don't try to point fingers at everybody else when your fans are getting upset because they can't afford to come see you and you could be doing things to make that easier for them. That's my that's my thoughts on that. Anyway, congrats to Creed for $64,800,000.
Jeez. Well, I I think I got a gift card around here for a sandwich or something. I'm doing I Nevermore. Man, I have not listened to that band in a long time, and I have a feeling it's gonna be a nevermore day in Victor Wilt's office as I work on my tedious, boring data collection. Gonna have to throw on some some dreaming neon black or something like that.
Great band. I You know, listening to that song today, that band was really ahead of their time, I think. At the time that band came out, I mean, they had a unique thing going on because, you know, you've got some of those eighties hair elements maybe in, like, the vocals and stuff. You know, a little bit of that so fans of the, you know, the older school thrash and, you know, hair metal could still dig on this band, but with a really great modern approach and listening to that song with kind of, you know, how rock radio has changed over the last couple decades, we're finally into a point in time where a little bit of ripping on guitars is okay. Radio's still afraid of screaming, but I could hear, you know, Nevermore as a rock radio band in 2024 that most stations would dig into.
You know, kind of in the vein of, like, Trivium and stuff like that. I again, really think they were ahead of the time. Anyway, apparently, they're coming back. And this is one of those kind of situations because the vocalist of the band, Warrldayn, who you might also know from Sanctuary, is well as other members of Nevermore, Sanctuary members from back in the day. Warrldain passed away in 2017.
And, I mean, I guess, Lincoln Park pulled it off. Right? It's working for him. At this point, you know, after Pantera coming back, they Pantera hasn't put out new music. I still don't.
I still don't know. I really think the backbone of the music's the most important part. You know, the the bass drums, guitars. But a front man, sometimes they can't be replaced. I I don't know.
I guess I just have to hear the music because lots of bands have gone on without their original singer and been fine. Like, I think the newer Alice in Chains stuff, I think I like it better than the old school stuff. And the old school stuff is, you know, I mean, some of the the best rock music. Alice in Chains rules, but the newer albums are great without Layne Staley. So I think at this point, I just can't can't crap on all of it.
You know even if it seems like it doesn't make sense I don't know zach wild writing pantera riffs just seems I don't know but I'm gonna go listen to some Nevermore while I work on my my boring work. So Yeah. I I give it a shot. I'll give it a shot. You know?
Anyway, there you go. There's the show today. I hope you enjoyed it. I appreciate your company. This week, we're off Wednesday.
So there will be no show on New Year's, but we'll be around every other day, bright and early, or so I hope. Nothing like Friday. Better happen again in my future anytime, even remotely soon. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program is a production of Riverbend Media Group to contact the show or for more information, hit us up at