Clydesdale Media Podcast

The Crew gets back together to talk about all the CrossFit News and how each of us is preparing for the Open this year. What did Dave Say about the announcements and the programming, Hiller/Athena a fascinating watch, Did Justin Medieros just give away a big secret? Mal isn't competing and scheduling age groups and adaptive on busy weekends.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?


Welcome to the roundtable,

our weekly roundtable.

Cat's on a train.

Yes, I am.

Is it to celebrate your birthday?

No, it's a work trip.


I'm traveling to an

undisclosed location for an

all-day meeting tomorrow.


I have a couple of guesses,

but I'll keep it off air.


Yes, please do that.

Yes, I will.

You know,

my mom sent me a text today and she said,

she said, you're not 50 anymore.

I thought that was a good

way of looking at it.

I thought, yeah, you're right.

I'm not 50 anymore.

You're right.


You elevated.


That's 26.



I wish.


I don't.




I am in my work desk in my main floor

of my house.

I just didn't want to do the steps today.

So it makes it a lot easier.

It doesn't wear me out as much.

So this way I can do a show

where otherwise I probably

would have canceled.

So you get me for a week.


Sorry, guys.

I didn't have time to go

into hair and makeup before

our podcast today, but...

because I've been I got up

at 3 30 and coached and

worked out and working and

all the things all the

things so you've been lazy

all day well I I'm already

at 10 000 steps and it is

12 30. so cool doing pretty

good nap in your future you

know that may or may not can you um

Good, OK, that may or may not happen.

My nap because I have to

come back for an event

tonight at the school so.

We'll see, but I am.

I am going to leave here and

go get a pedicure.


I have an important event this weekend

that need to be prepped.

And a gorgeous dress I did.

Cat has seen my dress is.

So I have to go to a charity

event with the hubby.

He's requiring eye candy,

so I have to get ready.

Speaking of toes, Scott,

can you pull up the picture

of my son's fractured toes?

Is it somewhere public?

On our tech street.

I sent it to you.

Yeah, I don't.

I can't hold it up from my phone.

No worries.

I could if I know how to do it.

We'll send it later.


Tell us what happened.

The big B, the power lifter guy, my son,

who's in Williamsburg now

at the College of William & Mary,

dropped a metal plate on

his foot at the gym.

And a compound fracture of the big toe,

fracture of the second toe, stitches,

and a boot for the next

four to six weeks.

And he was getting ready for the Arnold,

not as a competitor, just as a spectator,

because he wanted to look his best.

So now he sent me a text yesterday.

He said,

hobbling around with mama at the Arnold.

That's right.

That's what we'll be doing.

Poor kid.

So, yeah, but it was this first big boy,

like go to urgent care, you know,

figure it out for yourself

kind of a thing where you had to get,

you know, supplies and.

I don't know how you spell toe,

but that ain't it.

Not that kind of toe.

I'm trying to hurry.

Are you going to toe the toe?

I'm just curious.

But we need an update on you, Scott,

after you get this.

So we'll ask Charlie.



You worked out today.

I did.

It was not pleasant.

How'd those 50 clean drinks feel for you?


I feel like I've never

worked out in my life.

Hey, thanks for the tip.

I did stick with 85,

and I felt really good.


But 85 was what I could do.

It was five clean jerks every minute.

Oh, wow.

But we've been doing it for, like,

four weeks.

So, like,

it's not like I just started out

this time, but it's still.

It hasn't gotten any better

in the other four weeks.

You haven't gotten any better?


I am.

I'm dropping into a box

tonight before dinner.

So I will let you know how it goes.

It's my first CrossFit

workout in a very long time.


Right in time for the Open.

I'm training.

It's day one.

All right, Scott.

How are you feeling today?

So I feel better every day.


It's not anywhere near where I want to be.

You look better.

Yeah, you do.

Mostly because you shaved.

And my voice is better.

But, yeah, it's still, like,

I'm really winded, especially on stairs,

getting around the house.


I drove myself to Delaware to

have my EKG done.

I probably should have had

Julie do it after I kind of

got in the middle of it and

was kind of stuck.


But there it is.

Just waiting on next steps,

waiting for the call from

the doctor to set up an

appointment to shock my

heart back into rhythm.

I've had a lot of people

reach out to me who've had

the procedure done,

said it's really quick and easy,

and they feel like 100

times better right after it's done.

So the other complications

around everything are

starting to come into...

into form.

My sugar is down consistently,

not completely where we need it to be,

but way less than 380.

My heart rate,

I started wearing the watch

again so I could track that.

It's all over the map.

And that's really the AFib.

And it's funny,

sometimes I'll look at my

heart rate and while I'm looking at it,

it bounces 20 beats per minute


Like all like in 15 seconds,

it'll have 10 different readings.


Uh, so it's pretty crazy, but, um,

other than that, I'm getting better.

I'm eating better.

Um, yeah, let's hear that.

How's nutrition today?

Nutrition today is good.

Um, got up, had some eggs, uh,

some Turkey sausage and

some Dave's killer bread.

Uh, cause I'm,

I'm struggling getting fiber in.

Um, and I,

the Dave's killer bread really

ramps up the fiber and it

gives you a little bit of protein.

Those are two things I'm falling short of.

Um, but yeah, I have a recommendation for,

for fiber.

It's a cereal.

It has like 44 grams of

fiber in like a half a cup of cereal.

Not a lot of calories.

Delicious in some skim milk

or almond milk.

It was recommended by a guy

that did Mike's colonoscopy.

And he said that's the best way to do it.

He said fiber supplements, no bueno.

This is like the best bang for your buck.

So if you can tolerate it.

Don't go crazy and like eat

four cups in one day

because you'll be sorry.


Cheryl's the one that's

talking me into getting more fiber in.

We're doing a show today at four,

but I'll try that.

I'll try anything right now.

And she does not want me supplementing.


It's funny you brought up colonoscopy.

I just got a message today.

I've got to schedule mine.

time you know what I've

heard it's the best sleep

of your life so I'm

actually I'm all in for

that it's true fine that

has to be put a camera up

there as long as I can

sleep good as long as you

don't wake up in the middle

of it I won't uh so

christopher alford says how

does the killer bread taste

I actually like it better

than regular bread

It has nuts and seeds in it.

I think it has way more flavor.

It is more dense than a regular bread.

So it's hard to make like a

sandwich out of it.

But just for like a piece of toast,

it's fine.

Chris, Christopher,

are you talking about after

the colonoscopy?

After I have the best sleep ever,

I'm going to have so much gas afterwards.

Oh, my God.


Scott, after you get...

back, your heart shocked,

can you then do you think start exercise?

So I don't know.

I've got to talk to doctors

and kind of see where that's at.

I've talked to some people

who have gone back to full

CrossFit workouts.

I've talked to others that say CrossFit,

the way it affects your heart,

it's not good for someone

with AFib or who has ever had AFib.

And they've modified it to

something a little bit different.


But again,

I'll have discussions with

people that I trust.

I'm in communication with

Pat and Christy about all

this and everything that's

going on back and forth.

So my hope is to get back to

full CrossFit.


Well, yeah,

just I'm just thinking any kind

of movement with general

health and your body

healing and that kind of stuff.


Good thing is we're getting

close to spring and I've

got a garage gym so I can

move and you have all the tools.



So what's happening in the CrossFit world?

There's so much.

I don't even know if we'll

get through it all because

I didn't get your take.

First of all, let's start with Mal.

Mal announcing she's not competing.


she's not doing the open your thoughts.

Not surprised.

I think that that was to be expected.


I think she is enjoying her life and

that she hasn't really had

any balance yet.

And I think she's somebody

that I think she's active.

Um, and I think she's just honestly,

I mean, I know,

I don't want to say being a

kid cause she's, I mean, an adult now,

but kind of being a kid again,

like she's just,

taken some pressure off of herself.

And so I think it's great.

And if she wants to come back or even,

you know, come back,

but not be an elite athlete, you know,

just, I think it's fine.

Not surprised.


I don't care if she ever comes back.

I don't think that's important.

I'd be surprised if she doesn't.

I'd be surprised if she doesn't.

She's so talented.

I agree.

I agree.


she's definitely got the talent and I

think she's,

she had that competitive vibe,

but I think that, yeah,

she was training at such a high level for,

you know,

starting so young that I think it's, yeah,

she's looks like she's really, you know,

she's got the boyfriend, she's in Hawaii,

like living it, living her best life.

Uh, Nick, yes,

I am wearing the watch at

sleep as while I'm sleeping

to track that.

Just so you know.

Did you see they've

announced the two locations

for 24-1 and 24-2?

24-1 is at CrossFit

Pleasanton in California,

and CrossFit in Open

Announcement 2 is going to

be at the Shred Shed at

Justin Medaris' estate.

But in that announcement,

when Medaris talked about it,

he leaked part of the workout.

How does he even know?

you know,

supposedly the athletes do not

know what the workouts are,

but he makes a statement

where they couldn't do one

of the workouts at the

shred shed because they

didn't have enough room for lunges.

So it could be one of those workouts.

So someone is telling

Madaris that there are

lunges in a workout.


So this whole facade that

the athletes don't know

what they're getting into?

I need clarification.

Let's get Boz on here.

So my question to you is,

as the CrossFit HQ team,

do you scramble and change the workout?

It sounds like they already

knew that people knew the movement.

So you're saying scrambled

for our benefit?

To hide the fact that they

leaked some of the

movements to the athletes.

I mean,

I think it's annoying that they leaked,

but at the end of the day,

they still have to perform it.

It's the open.

Yeah, it's the open.

I mean,

you can do it multiple times anyway.

And they're not going to not make it.


Because the theater did not know.



I know what it is.

That doesn't mean I'm going

to do any better.


Yeah, it's definitely shuttle runs.

There are definitely shuttle

runs up in here.

We've heard of athletes say

that they believe that

sometimes athletes get an

advantage and not just at the open level.

So I just find it fascinating.

I think it's something to watch.

Let's see what comes out.

What advantage do you get by knowing?

That you practice it?

Unless it's a movement that

you've never done or

they've never done before,

I don't see how you get a... I mean,

if they're like,

we're going to do 50-foot lunges, okay.


Yeah, I mean,

just knowing what some of the

components are maybe isn't

that much of an advantage.

I mean,

we pretty much know what all the

workouts are going to entail anyway,

to a certain extent.

If they're talking about burpees.


Now you practice a little bit.

I mean,

do we think they leave the entire workout,

the details, or just, hey,

you need space to lunge?

I don't think it matters in the open.

I don't think it matters in the open.

I think, though, it does lead...

lend credence to people like

in the 22 games,

people knew about the

crossovers before the games

and others didn't.

So some were prepared with

the right rope and some were not.


it definitely is a slippery slope and

it leads people to think what, you know,

if that's happening,

what else is happening?

I agree with you there.


So I just,

I'm anxious to see what the

reaction of reaction to this is.

So CrossFit has not come out

and said anything after that?


Not that I've seen.

But speaking of open announcements,

Dave Castro in his week in

review made two statements

that I found very fascinating.

One is he will be doing the

very first announcement himself.

People have been asking for

him to come back and do that.

And he is getting two people

to do the other two that

are not really directly

affiliated with the CrossFit space,

but are indirectly into CrossFit.

Like Jocko?



I'm thinking that or like a celebrity

that does it.

Hunter Sharon.

Kevin Hart.

I don't know.

He did not say.

He said they would be announced soon.

But I think that's going to

be interesting because

everybody's been clamoring for Dave.

But I think it'd be

interesting someone outside the space.

What do they bring to the table?

Tom Brady.

Chris Pratt.

I asked Dave who was doing his...

his reals for him and he

said some local kid that he

was paying some local kid

to do it and you're like

where's my money and I

wanted to be like okay did

my invoice not get to you I

didn't I asked him I sent

him a note one time and

just said hey instead of

paying me could you give me

like a scholarship to an l1

because I'd like to take it

again and they got no

response so is that the tb

is mom brady yes

No way he believes in CrossFit.

Well, no.

You're right.

You're right.

You're right.

So the other thing he said

is that he was asked about,

does he miss doing all the

programming for the games?

And he said that last year when he came in,

it was last minute and he

was more in an advisor role,

giving his input,

giving his stuff this year.

He's played the same role

for the open through semis,

but he got sucked in to the

games programming and he's

actually taking part in the

creative aspect of games programming.

What do you think that means

for the programming?

at the games?

I don't know.

So he's, is he, hmm.

So Boz and Dave essentially

doing it together or Dave's

just advising?

So he said advising up through semis.


But he's actually putting

together the schedule for

the games himself in like the next week.


So I don't know if that

means doing it with Boz or.


Or maybe Boz is advising him.

Maybe Dave's drafting some

workouts and then Boz is

going to fine tune them.



he said he got sucked into the creative

process of like coming up

with the workouts.


So I think it's been shown

that Boz and Dave program differently.


And so I think,

I think it'd be cool if

they both were part of the

creative process and both

did a little bit of it.

So you get a little flavor of each.

And then I think it's even more well,

well-rounded than the past.


So I don't know.


I think it could be a nice benefit to

really see them kind of... Oh,

Kat lost connection.

To see them both... I think they're both,


creative in their own... But they

both have their own kind of

processes on how to do it.

And that could be another

cool collaboration.

And maybe it is Boz advising it this time.

Versus the other way around.


One thing that I've always

appreciated with Dave is the show, right?

You get,

it's clear to see who's winning

because of the way he designs a workout.

And I don't think anybody

has done it as well as him since, um,

from being at a lot of events.


and I know that it goes into my finish

line rant that I always have,

but dramatic with all that, what, what I,


What I find fascinating,

and I think I lost my train

of thought here,

is that in the behind the

scenes that came out this year,

and it's now coming out for free.

I think they're on episode three now.

It's out for free.

So go check that out.

But at one point,

Brian Friend calls Dave out

on the sidelines at the games that

somebody was allowed to do

something that and it was

Justin Madaris did not

advance his sandbag or

whatever to the place that needed to be.

And it gave him an advantage

because everybody else had

to carry that sandbag, like 15 feet,

and he did not.


Those are things that if

Dave knew they were going on,

because he lost it.

When he found out it was 15 feet,

he's like, yeah,

that's a distinct advantage.

And that can't happen.

And it's a really cool interaction.

And those are the things you

get in behind the scenes that...

that seven can only get

because of his relationship with Dave.







some of the stuff I think any anybody

can get, but those little moments, um,

were really good.

And, um,

and I think that's what Dave will

bring in the creativity is like,

there will be a penalty for

someone who doesn't execute

it the way it should be.


So the other thing I didn't

get your opinion on that I

would love is Masters and

Teens going on the same

weekend and Wheel WOD and

Waterpalooza California

going on the same weekend.

Are we killing the age

groups and adaptives

before we even let them get started.

I think you are the adaptives,

not the age groups.

If people know both are on a weekend,

you can kind of watch both.

Unless you're talking about

going to the events then.


you won't be able to go to the events,

but will they be live streaming?

none of that's known at this point.


And I think that's, I mean, I don't,

I don't know.

I think we,

I think we have to wait and see.

I don't think we can answer

that question until we see it put in.

How many masters athletes do

you know that are coaches

of a teen athlete?

So I think that's,

that's a big thing that got

missed because,

Because how many mothers and

kids or fathers and kids

are in the masters and teens?

Because you know, Amy,

your whole family goes to CrossFit.

You know what I mean?

And the adult's going to give in.

They're going to go to the teens.

I know there aren't that many, Andrew,

but it

So example, Rudy Berger,

two-time CrossFit Games champion.

His daughter is really, really fit.


And I think she just aged in.

She just aged in to the teen division.

If she makes the teen games, I know Rudy.

He's not going to go for himself.

He's going to go for her.


And when you lose a two-time champ,

then that sucks.

It sucks for the growth of your sport.

Yeah, and it's not in close proximity,

the location.



Carolyn was on with us Thursday night.

Why aren't they just together?

Why aren't those two,

the whole age group thing in one venue?

You're only adding four age

groups from the teens to the master's.

And then you're saving on

one venue instead of two,

one set of judges,

one set of event coordinators.

Well, again,

I say we got to see how it plays out.

So, yeah.

So there's that.

Have you guys been watching

any of the Hill or Athena thing?

I have.

I have been watching some of that,

although one of the

episodes was two hours long.

That is just way too long to be consuming.

I told Athena I listened to

her no slower than 1.5 speed.

But you were you were on there.

They were talking about you.

It was very nice of them, what they said.

And they said he was going

to call you on there or something.

But I...

My question to you is not about me.

It's about some of the

interactions between them.

I find it fascinating.

I love, so they did a video,

a Hiller video together.

I don't know if you've seen it yet.

It's about Sporty Beth.

It's on my list to watch today.

So it is really, really good.

And what I loved about it is

that Hiller makes his

claims and Athena questions

why he's making the claim.


like right there in the moment.

And then they talk it

through and it gives it like a,

a completely different perspective.

Then what I love overall

about it is you have Athena,

a larger bodied athlete,

you have sporty Beth,

a larger bodied athlete,

two completely different

perspectives on how things should be.


And to see that contrast was really,

really good.

think that hillar and athena

have magic going on right

now I i agree um I'm loving

how they're talking things

out meaning like she gets a

text and and reads it one

way right and then she

talks to him about it he's

like that's not at all what

I meant by that and so like

just seeing that kind of

displayed I think it's

helpful for a lot of people

too because I think it also is you

you know,

maybe kind of reviewing some of

her self-talk,

which is important that she's expressing,

you know, like if she's thinking, oh,

he called me a foodie.

He thinks I'm fat or,

you know what I mean?

Versus no, he's just saying, you know,

a lot about food, like in gourmet stuff.


they did a whole piece on yesterday's

show about miscommunication

and that they had to go to

the whiteboard because she

actually spent the weekend with them.


And they went to the

whiteboard to kind of map

out the communication and

And Hiller was all about

what he was trying to get

into her head was you have

a goal and that goal is weight loss.

So your goal is not CrossFit.

Are you,

I'm going to write to something to

cat on here, but go ahead.


So, um, they,

they mapped it all out and here, what it,

I lost track on that, but he wanted,

he said, your goal is not CrossFit.

Your goal is weight loss.

So like you shouldn't have,

basically you shouldn't

have CrossFit goals like a

deadlift total or a pull-up

or a box jump.

It's not your goal.

Your goal is to lose weight.

And the other stuff is fluff.

And you don't want to get

like wrapped up in that.


Athena said,

I want to work on my strength.

So I want to try for the box jump.

I want to try for.

And their miscommunication was that.

Athena was saying she needed

emotional and mental

strength of overcoming these obstacles.

And Hiller thought she meant

strength is in muscle.


And it really threw them off.

their course and they had to

map all this out,

which I found extremely

fascinating from a

perspective where I've been.


most people don't know how to

effectively communicate.

That includes with their partner,

with a coworker, just family members.

And so I think it takes

practice learning how to

communicate effectively to number one,

do it in a respectful way

when you misunderstand or

don't understand and to

keep your intentions like

assuming positive intent.

you know, in a situation like this, like,

you know, but I wrote on here too,

because Kat was talking

about conversations.

And in my hallway,

in my building right now is

a quote that says, in times of conflict,

increase communication.

And I think that's just important.

The more, if you're not understanding,

that means you need to keep

talking and keep

communicating until you can

figure it out.

Yes, Kenneth.

The other thing that I found

interesting in the episode yesterday was,

and it came from the Sporty Beth thing,

that she could do pull-ups

and that she wanted to,

she's scaling that because

of her pregnancy,

some different things like that.

And Athena has like a really

big issue with that.

Because there's an

assumption that everybody

can do pull-ups.

And she's like,

for the person that's

coming down from like 500 pounds,

you never learn the mechanics, right?

Because you were never in

the right body type to get it.

So your struggle to learn a

pull-up is much harder than

someone that was skinny,

learn the pull-up and then

got heavy because they

they learn the mechanics at

one point in time.

So those are ingrained into your body.

And so there was a talk

about like learning things

as you're going up in

weight and learning things

as you're coming down in

weight and how the,

how much the difference is.


and that that's not always understood

by CrossFit coaches in her opinion.



Oh, okay.

I'm considering that processing it.


I mean,

I'm all about foundations and building.

So that's why that's,

I'm trying to process

looking at it from both perspectives.


I can say like, when I learned to pull up,


Yes, I needed to start way earlier,

because clearly.

You're so close.

Those last videos.

It's my hip drive, guys.

Like, you're close to a strict.

I know.

That's what I've been focusing on,

is doing the strict.


I haven't even really been attempting

the other stuff.

But it's just gotten better

because of my strength.

So when I,

when I went from 500 to 260 and

I learned to pull up like,

like it was a lot of bands

and a lot of like trying to

get rid of bands.


But even when I got it,

it was the most important

factor was still losing more weight.

Like it was always, it was always lighter.

You get the easier they'll get.


And it wasn't necessarily

about mechanics because

hanging two 60 from meat

hooks is still not easy on

the shoulders to work a lot on mechanics.


But I think both need to happen.

Well, I don't disagree.

I'm just,

it has its own difficulties is

all she was pointing out.

So we're, we're yeah.

but I'm going to go watch that one.

It's on my list today after my pedicure,

maybe before my nap,

before I come back to work.

It's an hour 30.

It's an hour 30.

So definitely 1.5.

I'll put it on.


The last thing we want to talk about is,

I don't know if you guys saw this.

I have it pulled up.

So I'm going to share my

screen real quick.

So this is Myra Brandt.

She made this post just a

few days ago talking about

how due to health concerns,

she was not going to be

able to compete in the 2024 season.

She's a training think tank athlete.

She competed at the games

three times in 2017, 18 and 22.

She made this post and just

a day or two later passed

away from the complication.

And with everything that

I've gone through in the

last week and a half,

like life's short and

squeeze the ones around you

you love and hold on to

your friends because you

don't know when it's time.

And it made, man, I'm tearing up now

Going through everything I'm going through,

it just made it really, really hard.

Kat, we don't know.

They said something about that she,

on her original post,

she said something about

she was needing to have

surgery and recover.

And then it was

complications of her

surgery that caused her death.

That's all the details that

are released about it right now.


yeah I know I know our paths

have crossed um I've been

to enough masters events um

legends did a tribute to

her that was the training

think tank um uh thing to

her tribute to her um and

for all accounts she always

had a big smile she was

also an affiliate owner um

and mom and so yeah our

hearts go out to her and her family

And all of our friends down

there at Training Think Tank,

we're with you.

I know it's got to be hard.

And if there's anything we

can do from a distance,

please let us know.

But, yeah, really sad story.


For sure.

So just not to finish on a sad note,

we want to wish our very own catch here.

Happy birthday.

She's no longer 50.

She's no longer 50.

So hope she has a good day on the train.

Let us know about your dropping experience,



And we'll continue to do

these even with everything

I'm going through,

as long as I can do it from my work desk.

hopefully we'll eventually

get back down to the pod

center after we get this

thing shocked back.

But with that, you guys got anything else?

No, no, no, no kids visiting Amy.


I did have a kid visit over the weekend

and then she refused to

take the bus back home.

So we had to drive her back home.

So that was a fun,

extra three hours out of my

day that we weren't planning on a Sunday.

But I didn't have to work

yesterday because it was a holiday,

so that's good.

The go bus?



Corey would refuse.

Well, next time,

this is how clearly we

communicated this time.

We said, next time you choose to come home,

before you come home,

we're going to have a plan

of how you will be returning to school.

So that we don't get into this

Well, she had a plan.


And she had a bus ticket

because we told her to do a

bus ticket and then there

was some guilting and her

dad drove her back.

So that's easy.

That's easy.




We, uh,

we went through the same things and, uh,

eventually it was,

if you want to come home,

you are taking the bus back, um,

or you're stuck your choice.


That's, that's what we're going to do.

That's the,

we're going to lay down the

expectation prior.

It's only a 90 minute bus ride.

Oh no.

Oh, she thought it was more.

She was because it makes stops.

Like one.


She's fine.

But, and I told her, I was like,

it's 90 minutes for you,

but it's three hours out of our day.

It's not a bad drive.

It really isn't, but you know,

it's... I'd rather stay if

I'm driving there.

Nothing so bad about it, Kenneth.

It's just them... I don't know.

Wanted to bust our balls.


I gotta go get this pedicure so I

can get into hair and makeup.

Just gotta.

Just gotta get there.

I do.


My toes are gonna be showing.



At the charity event I'm going to Friday.

Well, they got closed-toed shoes.


Not for this.

Can't be eye candy with closed-toed shoes.


You're right.

I know why you're not

wearing closed-toed shoes.

You don't want that

perception out there anymore.

I'm trying to sell feet pics,

so I need my feet to look good.

I have to do advertising.

Now you're talking.

Get them done.

There we go.


you talking about she doesn't want

to put out the vibes like

she did in Madison?


We got stories to talk about that later.

All right.


With that, guys,

we will see everybody next

time on the Clydesdale Media Roundtable.

Bye, guys.
