Waking Up Las Vegas

In this episode of Waking Up Las Vegas, sisters Isabella and Mikaela Dallas share their transformative journey from a small town in Michigan to the vibrant city of Las Vegas. They discuss their newfound faith in God, the challenges of overcoming fear and vulnerability, and the importance of sharing their experiences to help others. The conversation delves into the struggles of living in a city known for its temptations, the power of words in shaping self-identity, and the significance of approaching faith with boldness and love. Ultimately, they emphasize the ongoing journey of deliverance and transformation in their lives as they embrace their faith and seek to inspire others.

What is Waking Up Las Vegas?

The unexpected happens when two sisters in Sin City find Jesus.


Oh, we're rolling.


Hello, everyone. I am Isabella Dallas. I'm Mikaela Dallas. I love that we sang


last week. Yeah.


We're sisters, and, this is waking up Las Vegas. We are I feel like we should talk about where we're from. Okay. We're from a little farm town. Last I checked, like, I think the population as of today is, like, 488 people.


Yeah. Maybe. So it's called Byron, Michigan. Shout out, Byron.


Shout out. I'm a little nervous. My first time doing this course.


Just talk like it's just you and me Yeah. And Bing. Yeah. But right now, we live in Las Vegas. So if you can understand how that's a huge change of scenery for us.


I mean, last week we moved away from Byron when I was 12, and you were 16. 15?


I was in 8th grade.


Yeah. Does that make sense?


Yeah. I was in 8th grade.


I think I might. My last year and Byron was 7th grade. Mine was 3rd.


Yeah. Then we went to another small town.


Mhmm. Fenton. Shout out Fenton.


Shout out to Fenton.


I say Fenton still. You'll never get that t in I don't


I don't think I ever called it Fenton. I called it Fenton. Anyways


You called it Fenton? Fenton. What else do we


oh, yeah. So we live


in Las Vegas now, which is the biggest part of the journey that's really no. I wouldn't say that our whole story is kinda crazy, but it really got turned around in the past year when we moved here. Yeah. Because of all the trials that we went through before we got here and while we've lived in Las Vegas, it's really turned us or we both came to the Lord this year. Or I would say last year around October, it started for me.


But even when I look back further than that, God was tapping me on my shoulder a lot. Yeah. And I knew him when I was little without even really knowing him. Yeah. And then we both in Jan on January 14th were baptized.


And since then, it's been like a roller coaster, but it's really picked up some speed in our walk with the Lord.


Yeah, for sure. Honestly, like, Izzy introduced me and a good friend of mine introduced me. So it just, like, definitely was life changing.


And Yeah. God was pulling you in different ways to him Yeah. Through through different people.


Through definitely Izzy and then another good friend of mine that will be introduced later.


Later on. We definitely should have them both, later on. We can cut this part if we want. One


of them is our cameraman.


Oh. Oh. So we were just talking about how we were both baptized, and then, I felt a huge calling on my life for a while, and that's kind of, has to do with part of what we wanna talk about this episode. I would say that, I definitely feel like we have been through so much in our lives, and it's not for no reason. I feel like every trial and tribulation we went through could be due to there's someone out there that is going through 1 or a few of those things that we could help.


And so that's pretty much the goal of what all of us are trying to do as Christians. And there has been so many things stopping us throughout this journey of deciding that we wanna do this. I've wanted to start a podcast for a really long time. I want I grew up watching YouTube 247, so I've always wanted to


do this. You were always I


was obsessed.


In the man cave watching YouTube. Man cave. I studied this. Yeah. You did.


And as I I went from makeup tutorials to, like, lifestyle to podcasts and then to sermons, I watch sermons all day long now. Yeah. But, yeah, I've just been really we've been really on fire for the Lord and been going through this journey together. So we wanna bring some people along with us, and that's why we're calling it waking up Las Vegas.


Yeah. Because Sin City is, I mean, it's in the name. What a place to


come to Jesus.


Yeah. I'm I'm really excited about this, and I'm also, like, so proud of us to start doing this and, like, preaching the gospel, if you would say, like If you will. And, like I


don't know if I wanna be called a


preacher. No. No. No. No.


But No.


But that I mean, right then there is, like, a big reason why I think that we should just say one of the things we wanna talk about this episode is fear. Oh. That's something that I've really been in the process of being delivered from. I'd say right off the bat, he Jesus delivered me from anxiety and major depress depression




That I struggled with for a really long time in my life, that it was pretty much a miracle for me to come through and out the other end on. But, yeah. Today, I feel like the reason fear is something I wanna talk about so much is because it's been something that's I feel like been holding me back from my purpose for so long, and I know that you can relate to that as well. Yeah. What are some fears that you have


What are some fears that I have?


With starting this podcast?


Probably, like, vulnerability, honestly. Like, just being vulnerable to, like, people in general has always kind of been hard for me and, like, not feeling silly when I talk. I've always been, like, I feel like I'm coming off as, like, insecure stupid when I talk. But, like, what I think I definitely have good things to say that people can relate to. So I'm excited, but I'm, like, super


This girl's got a good heart. She's got a lot of amazing things to say, and I've definitely watched you grow so much in that aspect of, like, there's obviously a reason why all of us have fear. And I feel like that's why it's so important when you become a Christian to understand the power of the ton and how that is. It's really so true as you're growing up. There are things that are spoken over all of us, whether they be whether they are good or bad, and you carry them with you throughout your whole life.


And for you, that's why you are insecure about sounding silly. If you wanna tell a little bit about that, or do you wanna save that for another episode?


Let's how long have we been rolling? 10 minutes. Okay. We have lots of time. Yeah.


I would love to


talk about it. Cliff notes version.


Cliff notes version.


You like what were what was spoken over you that makes you worried about that? When I was younger


see, this is the hard part about doing this podcast, but I think that a lot of growth is gonna come from this too is, like, me feeling like I'm stupid because that was spoken over me by a lot of people that said they loved me. Yeah. And, like, that's always like, I've always been on, like, defense mode. Like, I gotta protect myself at all costs because of, like, words people say, they would just pierce my heart. And if you hear something over and over and over again, like, you start to believe it.


And then that, like, holds you back from, like, your dreams, like, things you wanna accomplish. Like, let's say, like, I wanted to do something with, like, cameras or, like, I don't know, work for National Geographic or a podcast or, like, anything in that realm. Like, I think I was so scared to try Yeah. That I just never went for it. But now I am because I feel like I've been healed in a lot of ways, still working through it, but I've definitely put my roots in the ground.


So I'm I'm excited. Yeah.


You're becoming more confident in who you are because you know who you are in Jesus. Yeah. To God, now you know who you are. And that's the same with me. And it's funny that you say vulnerability, right off the bat because I feel like our stories are so different with vulnerability.


A reason that I'm more afraid of being vulnerable on a podcast is because I feel like I have been vulnerable my whole life. I've always been super open with how I feel. I've always been super trusting. I've always expected people to be the way that I am in that regard, where I feel like you can tell me anything, and I'll understand. I feel like that is true about me.


But my vulnerability in my life has what's gotten me hurt the most. Because I've trusted the wrong people for a long time in my life that ended up being who hurt me the most. Yeah. So I would say that vulnerability is definitely a big fear with me, along with, I think that this is a fear for a lot of people, and I think that a lot of people are afraid to talk about this. But that is why, circling back to vulnerability really quick, I truly believe that what you believe is your weakness, Jesus turns around and makes it your strength, and I feel like you can see that all throughout the Bible.


What the enemy meant for evil God uses for good. And I think that my vulnerability, although it has hurt me so much in my life, is going to be what really is my power when it comes to this journey because I think that I'm more willing to be vulnerable about a lot of things that a lot of people are scared of being vulnerable about.


Yeah. Like me. Like, that's just, like, something it's so hard for me to, like, open myself up. Yeah. And my walls are just, like, sky high and so thick.


They're, like, the thickest brick walls.


It's like the walls of Jericho coming crashing down.


I it's so hard to get to me. Like, to get to me, it, like, it truly has to be godsent. But just


wait until you do.


But there's a big big squishy heart in there.


But, yeah, I think another huge fear of mine with starting this podcast or even doing anything in my life at this point in my life is because I before I found Jesus, before I hit rock bottom my of my life, I would say it was, and I fell to my knees, and all I had left was Jesus truly, was I I was a bad person. Not a bad I always have been a, I think, a good person, but I was doing bad things in my life. I was so in my sin, and I couldn't even see it.


Like You were you were living of the world. I was so in the world. Yeah. Living for the world, wanting the world, but no.


And I think that I've been like, oh, my gosh. If I ever wanna say anything good now, if I ever wanna do good for my life and not be of the world, there's gonna be so many people that can throw something in my face. Well, remember when you did this? Remember when you did that? And but I've gotten to a point now where it's like, I don't really see a lot of people that have been so open about those things in a way of, like, you aren't what you've done in your past.


Like, Jesus made me new. And if you truly have faith, like, you are new. Yeah. So I'm not afraid of that because I think that it almost gives people more power watching this, and I think that that's my goal for this. Isn't the people that have been perfect or haven't made mistakes, it's not the girls that stayed inside their whole life, It's the girls in Las Vegas that went down a path that they realized they don't wanna go down anymore.


Well said. Thank you. I like that a lot.


Thank you.


It's definitely what we're trying to accomplish. It's hard because oh,


He got his slip. That's not even mine anymore.


Who's this?


That's his. Okay. That's his favorite thing.


This is Izzy's former slipper.


Used to be.


That's my son, Bane. He will be in and out the whole time.


He's in this.


Yeah. He feels good with that in his mouth. Yeah. He likes


it. He likes


it. No. Seriously, though, because it's so it's so hard because people, like, think of Sin City as, like, Sin City, but it's really just, like, one chaotic street, but everyone's in the industry, it seems like. A lot. Yeah.


And, like, in school, they're


involved with. Yeah.


And, like, things, like, really affect you, and you think you should be doing this, and you think you should be doing that. And, like, It's so normalized. You're just, like, in a pit of, like, I feel lonely or I need to go out with so and so. It's Like, it doesn't make you feel good.


It is a it is one of the most dangerous places for a broken young girl to end up, and that's where both of us at the time, broken young girls ended up. Yeah.


And we were searching for


I was there was a pit in our hearts that we wanted to fill.


It's like a god sized hole.


Yeah. Yeah. Truly is.


And we were filling it with sin and


then It left us even more broken.


Would help for, like, 2 seconds and then, like, we would be like, oh I got hangxiety. Feel I still I still feel empty. So now, like, since we found Jesus, we, like, feel so much better. Like, it's it's truly, like, been healing.


Saved us.


Yeah. It's, like, been peaceful. Like, I've never been so at peace by myself. I've always needed someone. And I found good people through this journey, too.


But I've always filled it with a boyfriend or a friendship that wasn't beneficial to me. They were just like


let you down our


own path. Yeah. And I'm just so happy. We're here. Yeah.


Yeah. We're here. We out here.


In these Not in these there's a complete


flip side to it. Parts of not being of the world and being in Christ and still living in Las Vegas is that there, like, as you know, there are 2 different spiritual forces at work in the world, and since this is Sin City, since it is so easily accessible, and since there are so many people in the industry and certain things are normalized that can end up really hurting you, There are a lot of things attached to people and that were attached to me that Jesus delivered me from, but people do not like to hear the truth, and they don't like when other people have the Holy Spirit in them. No. They don't.


And you don't


know until you know. So it's like we still love them, and that's gonna be part of the reason why I was nervous about receiving hate for any of this because I have been


last Criticized.


Criticized and but Jesus said all of that would happen. Yeah. But it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt.


Oh, yeah. For sure. It's definitely eye opening too. Yeah. You know, like and they don't know.


Yeah. And especially when you got a little bit of boldness in you because I have a little bit in this journey. And I think that we are both in a young adults group together. I think that what we spoke about, how I kinda said that, like, when I first learned the truth, I mean, I my heart was racing. I almost passed out Oh, yeah.


When I realized that Jesus is real, he is God. Oh, my gosh. Like, I did so We're going to hell. Yeah. I flipped right to Revelations, and I read everything, and boom, fear of the Lord installed in me instantly.


I was like, he's coming tonight. I looked around at the world, and I was like, he's coming right now. Because it seems like that. Seems like and preachers are preaching end times all over the place. Oh, yeah.


For sure. So it's, like, I was so I had so much fear of the Lord immediately in me. I started calling my family.


Oh, she got all of us Bibles.


Yeah. I bought


everyone's Bibles. My my mom and I Bibles for Christmas and, like, wrote this, like, beautiful note, and, like, it ins like, we're all, like, so in love with God that that's all we talk about.


Yeah. Like, it's of us.


If you talk to me, you'll probably hear about Jesus. Jesus.


Because it's like being in a relationship with somebody. Like, if I have a boyfriend, every time you talk to me, I'm probably gonna bring him up.


I love Jesus.


At one point in time, I it was me and air mattress and watching sermons on my TV. That's like all I had. And there was a certain point too where, like, the fact that I stayed with it is a little bit of a miracle because at first, everyone kinda disregarded what I had to say.


I I even disregarded you.


Mom did too.


Until you got me that Bible and, like, we got baptized.


I was serious. Yo. Yeah.


I was serious. She called me. She's like, do you wanna get baptized? I was like,


yeah. Mikaela ended up scheduling it, though, because that Mikaela's good about starting. I'm good about having the idea.


Sometimes I have alright ideas too, I guess. But, yeah, we went and got baptized, and I didn't really know Christ yet. I walked into this building. Izzy, I feel like, already had started her relationship with




Believed that he was god.


You just didn't know anything about him yet.


I didn't know anything about it. I didn't really, we hadn't really we were Christmas, Easter people. You know?


Yeah. I was like, he was flogged 39 times. He carried a £165 cross. I was, like, crying like a baby every second of the day.


I'm still learning. Like, I don't know everything yet, but, like, I do definitely have with him, and I felt it the day I got baptized. And I didn't even know the the people that dipped dust in the water and, like Dung us. He they double dunked dust. They were like, do you accept Jesus in your heart?


Do you believe he died for your sins? And I was just like, what am I doing right now? I was like, yeah. I I yeah. I do.


And then we got dunked, and I felt renewed.


It picked up speed too. I was like,


I had the best day of my life. I went to work that day. Everyone was like, you're congratulations. Like Yeah. Because we posted it on Instagram, and everyone was like, congrats.


And I was like, thank you. Yeah. And one of my friends, a food runner at my restaurant that I work at in the industry was just like, he's been waiting for you. And I was like, yeah. He was.


It feels so good to know I'm here. You know? I'm never turning back. We're never breaking up.


No. And he won't let you.


No. We'll we'll fight. But Yeah. No. Amazing.




And you will never know everything about Jesus. That's another fear. See, I okay, little story time. I've been praying so hard to God what should the first episode be about because I had a little bit of fear and anxiety naturally, so I've been going on this. Dude, let him have it.


You're gonna distract everything.


You're right. Sorry.


Cut it out. Sorry. Go ahead. So I've been going okay. I have to just start over because we have to cut that out.


What was I talking about?


You're talking about fear.


Oh, so yes, how I got the idea for this, I've been praying so hard every day about what our first episode should be about because I've had a little bit of anxiety about starting, and that's been me my whole life. I've always been scared to start something, but I've been going on this hike every day, and once I get to the top of it, like Moses, that's what


I think about when I'm going up.


No, I don't like it. Like Moses. Going up. I sit on a I find a rock, but it's like at the top of this place, there's not that many rocks. It's like


you can't really find one, so the rock will be like a few inches tall, and I sit on it.


I sit on it on the ground. So I'm pretty much just sitting on the ground.


I love it.


But I'm talking to God, and he tells me, and he's, like, stop being so afraid and just do it. And at that point, I knew that it was him speaking to me because I hadn't admitted to myself how afraid I have been about it all. So I'm like, shoot, he's right, I am afraid, and then I started thinking about all the things I'm afraid about, but I still didn't think that that was the podcast episode that we were going to film first. And so then, like, the past couple days though, that's been brought up in my life over and over again. And I just keep thinking about it over and over again.


So I think that this is, perfect thing to speak about first.


This girl has been climbing a mountain and watching this sunrise every day praying about this. I just wanna point that out. And then going in the heat of the day. And then going and running, a mile or


3. 3.


In the heat of the day. At noon and long standing in the sun.


Because all


I do is talk to Izzy, and she's like,


like, what?


Yeah. I'm like, what are you doing? She's asking


me to I'm on my lunch break.


I just ran 10 miles.


I'm sunburnt. It's really hot.


Wow. Like, you're really, really out here praying to God on top of the mountain right now.


That's where I hear him the best, I think. And in the bathtub.


In the bathtub?


Yeah. For sure. I feel like


I hear him on my patio, for sure. And at work in my car. Before I go before I go to work, like, I just sit there and I pray, and I feel this, like, overwhelmingly, like, big sense of peace. That makes no sense. That makes no sense, but, like, I feel it all the time.


Yeah. Like, that he's with me, like, holding my hand, like, holding my heart almost.


That actually reminds me there are some verse some, verses that I wanted to read about fear that I pulled up. That's cute. I like that. Thank you. And the one that reminds me of that is Isaiah 4, chapter 41 verse 13.


For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear, I will help you. Psalm 27 verse 1. The lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The lord is the stronghold of my life.


Of whom shall I be afraid? And I loved that one so much when I was reading them, all the times. It says, do not be afraid in the bible. It's a ton. I don't know the exact number, but it's a lot.


But when I was going down the mountain after praying to god about what this, episode should be about, I thought about how he and maybe he was telling me this, just giving me the thoughts, but the Lord is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. We know how this all started, and as Christians, we all know how it's going to end. So truly, other than God, we should not be afraid of anything. He tells us we're gonna be persecuted for loving him. He tells us, like, okay, so what?


Nothing works out. I I don't ever have a job. I die. Okay. I'm in heaven.


It's like the the worst things that could happen don't really seem that bad, do they? You shouldn't have any fear as a Christian.


Yeah. For, like,


what's the says don't be afraid. It's like, what's the worst that's gonna happen, really? You end up with me?


Next door, actually.


The scary the scariest thing is to not be a Christian.


It's it's scary to look at your friends and family and, like, if you don't tell them about God, like, when we do go up into heaven, you don't wanna leave them behind. I feel like I've struggled with that too, but I don't push it on people either. But I have realized that I feel like the light is shining through probably both of us.


Just gotta lead by example. I think I've struggled with that. I think I have, on accident, pushed it down some people's throats.


Yeah. It's a it's in the beginning of your journey also.


I'm excited.


I I feel like people have been coming to me and asking me about it, and I'm like, that's so cute. That's good. You know? Like, you should lead by example and, like, just, like, act like Jesus, and people will notice. Like, it's like when you go to the gym and you're, like, getting really buff, and people are like, wow.


What are you doing? Great. I wanna work out with you. You know what I mean? Yeah.


Like, when you turn your life around and, like, give it to god, oop. People notice. Yeah. And then they wanna feel better too. Definitely.


So I I love that. You know? Like, you just lead by example, like, the sheep.


But on the other side of that, like, I understand, but I also know that the 1 two punch does really work when it comes in. If you look at how Jesus lived, like, he flipped a table over. He called out people for what they were doing. But I also think that sometimes Well, he's a


man too.


That's not my place.


You know, there are times


when there's I can definitely stand up for what you believe in.


For sure. No. Yeah. But there's


a way to do


it in a timely manner.


I think that you gotta read who it is. I think that some things work for certain people, like the street preaching thing. A lot of people, like, they were saying Or the billboards. Get offended by it. I don't


like I don't like how it comes off.


But there are some people that, like, let's say that someone is street preaching at a pride parade. There are some people or, like, who do who's that guy that we love? Bryce Crawford. Yeah. He does it, and I think that he is doing it the right way, and I just wanna say and I wonder if he ever sees this.


He'll see it.


You have a special place in heaven. I think, like, you are helping so many people, and I think that he is just such a light. But the way that he I think the the best way to do it is how he's doing it. You allow people to open themselves up to you. Ask them, what do you believe happens after all this?


And then share your, the cliff notes of your story about how Jesus saved you. He has gotten so many people to turn away from their ways and to follow Jesus by doing that. I do think that you Jesus preached about what would happen if you don't follow him. He is the word, and that's in the word.


Just planting some little seeds. I'm just a farmer. Someone goes


I'm just a gardener for real. If someone goes to a pride parade and they could never hear the gospel because of who they surround themselves with, if if they were, like, really deep in their sin, we might cut this out. Who knows? If they're really deep in their sin, what if that street preacher's just saying the words that is Jesus, that is the gospel? I can I watch videos where it does happen?


People do come up to them, and they'll be in a furry outfit and get saved. Right there. Bryce Crawford goes to Burning Man, Pride Festivals, these type of things. And he's really out here reaching people.


Yeah. I've seen it.


So I think that that works sometimes for some people. I it doesn't bother me because It


doesn't bother me either. I just think that a lot of people judge that, and that turns them away from Christianity




And, like, loving the relationship with Jesus because they don't get it. Like, some people just haven't had the knowledge. Like, they haven't grown up around it. For instance,


like does it do? What it you think it pushes them away more if they're already not there?


I think they see it, and they're just like, you know? And that's what I don't like about it. Why? Because I feel like people judge it before they even know it.


But they're doing that regardless.


Yeah. I understand where you're coming from to.


It's just that it's an interesting topic. I like talking about this. I guess I do fired up. No. I'm not fired up.


I think it's fascinating. Yeah. Because, like, I wonder to me, it doesn't bother me at all. So it's interesting to hear


It doesn't necessarily bother me, but I see people not like it. Yeah. And, like, I just think there's better ways to approach it. You know? Reading a sign doesn't really


or not And then others. Yeah. I think that the most gentle way is how Bryce is doing it, though.


No. I like I like the way Bryce is doing it. Shout out to Bryce.


But, like, you know how many how much guts it takes? You know, like, you get turned off by the way that these people are doing in street preaching, but they get spit at, they get yelled at, harassed, their equipment that they're using broken. You know how many how much guts it takes to do what they're doing? You know, why would they do it?


Right. Because they love. They love him. So they're


They love other people. Mhmm.


They're just like spreading the gospel.


They wanna save him.


Mhmm. Mhmm. I like that. I like that part of it.


So you have to think about that. Like, they're doing this because, our like John Rich, he's, he's from the country duo Big and Rich. He's been on Tucker Carlson lately. He's been talking about it all. His dad was a street preacher, and he would ask his dad, why do you do it?


I see you get spit on all day, yelled at, harassed. And he was like you know how many people pass me? He was like, 100, 1,000. And he was like, you like, there are way more people that I can reach doing that that actually do turn and repent than if I don't do it. Like, he's he's like, I'm doing it for those that one person, those 10 people.


Okay. I like that.


Yeah. You just have to think about, like, the


No. I I like it. I just don't like the hate that those people get because they are doing something good. I just think that the approach to it sometimes is a little abrasive, which is fine. Mhmm.


But I think sometimes it turns people away too.


Well, people don't like to hear the truth. Even if I sat down with a person and I started telling them about Jesus, a lot of people don't wanna hear it.


No. You're right. Absolutely right. Hey, Beanie. How you doing, bud?


So it's just interesting stuff. It doesn't bother me. I don't know if I'd have the courage to do it.


Oh, yeah. I would be scared to. I like this a lot better. Nobody can knock on my door.


I do know a lot of Christians don't like it, so I do want to like I like understanding why I would like to hear some other people's.


Because when I wasn't in a relationship with God, I remember walking up and down the Las Vegas Strip and seeing street pictures. And I remember walking with my friend, and I was a lot younger. I think I was still in high school. Like, we were just, like, we didn't know what to do for spring break, and my older sister had already lived here. So we were like, let's just go explore.


Like, we'll go to the mall. Like, we'll go hiking. You know? Interesting spring break for a high school kid. But, like, we saw that, and at that moment in our lives, we were just like like, yeah.


Like, good for you. Like, we were being ignorant Yeah. Because we didn't know. Yeah. But I wonder Now looking back, I feel


If you would've stopped and listened, what would've happened? Because some people do. So, like, god is the one moving things.




So it's like, God would does send a person that stops and listens. And that's the first time they ever heard the gospel, was because a man had a microphone on the street. And then they they turn their lives around. They give their life to the Lord right there. That's crazy.




It's a crazy story. Imagine here meeting somebody and they're them being like, yeah. I found the Lord because someone was street preaching.


On the Las Vegas Strip. Boulevard. Yeah. Wow. We should interview one of those people.


That would be incredible. Seriously? Maybe I know somebody that knows somebody.


We'll find someone


Seriously. Who will


go walk up and down the strip.


Yeah. What else should we talk about? Let's sit and listen. We're like, maybe I'll read some more of these.


Honestly, like, I feel like I had a lot of growth in the last 2 days, and I feel like I had to remember what I was delivered for from, and I would love to talk about that for a second. Let's


hear it.


Yeah. Honestly, like, I don't even know how to start it, but I would like to talk about it. Is that strange?


I don't know. What were you like in the past with what you were delivered from?


Honestly, like, when I would do things wrong, like, I wouldn't apologize. But now when I do things wrong, I feel like such, conviction that, like, I I get so angry inside at myself because I feel like I let my godly father down, and, like, to try to be more like Jesus is a lot harder than you think it is. For sure. Yeah. Like, It's, like, the hardest thing.


Like, even communication. You know what I mean? Like, for instance, like, in relationships or in, like, friendships or family, like, to admit that you're wrong and, like, not to and try and grow from it is pretty pretty difficult for me, and I feel like I've been being delivered from that. Yeah. He's making me more humble.


Yeah. And, like, showing me the past too. Like, okay, Mikaela, that doesn't work.


Can't do this anymore.


You can't do that. You know what I mean? Have you ever


experienced that? Percent the guilt and shame that I will feel that'll separate me from God when I make a mistake now. I think it is important that we touch on the feeling. God doesn't tell us to have to feel shame. Like, yes, he convicts us in.


I believe that shame is a tool that's used to do it, but shame has been since the beginning what has separated people and God, in the garden. They felt shame and they hid themselves, and, God was asking, where are you? God never wants to be separate from us, so when we do feel that shame and conviction, it's really easy for us to backslide even further. You go one day without reading your bible, and then all of a sudden, 2 days is a lot easier.


And then you feel separated, and then you go down into a hole, and you're like, he's mad at me. It's like when your parents are mad at you, you're like, I don't wanna go tell my mom I'm sorry.


You know what I mean? You to come to him with it and give it to him and surrender it. He's the perfect. He's so amazing. But, yeah, I think I always think about that song, Jaira, whenever it happens to me.


I wasn't holding you up, so there's nothing I can do to let you down. It's, like, think about all the things that he's forgiven me for already. Oh, I know that he'll forgive me for one more. Like and that doesn't give us any, like, we should never abuse God's grace. So, oh, that conviction that you feel, the tears that you cry, that's pure repentance, I believe.


But true, like, the final act of that is to not do it again. And that that can be hard every time, but God's just gonna keep sending something back to you if you don't if you don't figure it out.


Yeah. Until you until you figure it out, you're just gonna keep going through that same thing that you've been doing, and he'll just send it in different ways. And it will just get more and more painful until you stop. So, like, when you sin and then you feel bad for it, if you just talk to him and, like, ask for forgiveness and, like, tell him I'm wrong. Like, I shouldn't have handled that scenario like that.


You'll feel like he's there for you. Like, you're just, like, getting a big hug. Like, it's okay. Like, you're a human. Like, you have to remember you're a human.


You're not Jesus. Yeah. But the goal is to act like him because we're made in his image.


Not to act. It's to be.


To be. Yeah. I like that too. Yeah. But I just wanna talk about that because, I mean


That's amazing. And that's something that will continue. That's like a never ending thing that's gonna happen our whole lives because we aren't like him at all.


Yeah. I just feel like he delivered me in a lot of ways, like, recently. Like, it's it's been, like, a beautiful thing and a painful thing all at the same time. But, like, me knowing that I can go to him now instead of just putting it deep down inside and, like, not thinking about it and, like, moving on with my life, like, sleeping all day or just, like Beanie. Just, like, not


Dealing with it.


Dealing with it and just, like, ignoring it doesn't feel good, and I know that Jesus doesn't want me to do that. So, yeah, I think It's


like touch and go. The quicker you can realize it's I'm wrong. Yeah. It's pruning. It's like, I sent you that video of Taylor Madelew once where it's like, it the soil and the gar and the soul are so similar.


It's like when you are a plant, just like all of your many plants, and you have a yellow leaf, you prune it. Okay. I said something I shouldn't have said. Good to go. Yeah.


But if you have a ton, there's something deeper going on that you have to figure out. Yeah. But pruning is gonna happen our whole lives.


Oh, yeah. It's, like, the best thing for you, but it's, like, growing pains. Like, you're getting taller, so now your knees hurt. You know what I mean? Yeah.


Or your teeth are coming in when you're a baby, you know? Like, you have teething pains. Like, it's it's like the same thing.


Yeah. That was good. I love that. I think that we should have another episode on deliverance too. And maybe we can just talk about our testimonies another episode and say all the things.


Bring the tissues.


Honestly, I think maybe my testimony, I'm just gonna do a little playlist on. And that's separate video. By. Yeah. Separate videos on our our channel about, okay, this, he delivered me from this and this, but I gotta tell you guys the story of it all because it gets crazy.


But, yeah, God is good, and thank you guys if you made it this far for joining us. Yeah, hopefully


you made it this far and you will see us again


Real soon.