Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 / There’s no need to hoard toilet paper, Vikings rule and Chiefs drool, the sweet smell of old dude cologne, Josh’s alarms are still 5 minutes apart every morning, Chantel loves rice pudding and other wet & lumpy foods, someone decided that we needed a live action Rugrats, we both want to eat the real life Krabby Patty, and how much of Elton John’s body is left?

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Thursday, October 3rd, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

There’s no need to hoard toilet paper, Vikings rule and Chiefs drool, the sweet smell of old dude cologne, Josh’s alarms are still 5 minutes apart every morning, Chantel loves rice pudding and other wet & lumpy foods, someone decided that we needed a live action Rugrats, we both want to eat the real life Krabby Patty, and how much of Elton John’s body is left?

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Full show transcript:

This is wake up classy 97, the podcast. We take the entire 4 hours of our show that we do every day, and we cut out all the music and all the commercials, and we just give you all the stuff we talk about. Just us? Yeah. Talking.

It's Chantel and Josh. Hi. And it's Thursday, October 3rd. There is no need to hoard the toilet paper. Come on.

We got it. America. And it's delivered via truck, not boat. The Vikings rule and the Chiefs drool. I'm gonna let you have that one.

I am gonna have that one for no, baby. Yeah. But, also, you're not gonna win fantasy this week. Are you insane? Yeah.

How do you like having a panda around, a trash panda? Pretty cool. Bring it, boy. The sweet, sweet smell of old dude cologne. Mhmm.

Josh's alarms are still 5 minutes apart every morning. Yep. I love rice pudding and other wet, lumpy foods. Sup, bros. Someone decided that we needed a live action Rugrats.

We don't. We both wanna eat the real life Krabby Patty. We do. And how much of Elton John's body is left? Just the half.

The other half's right. Yeah. You've been sitting on that one for a minute? I have. Thanks for listening to the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10.

And if you're listening right here on the podcast for the first time, thank you for listening. Or if you're listening for the 12th, the 100th time, thanks for listening. Yeah. Subscribe wherever you listen. Rate the show because that helps us grow, and thanks again.

Hope you enjoy today's show. Enjoy. Hey. It's Thursday. Hey.

Hey. Hey. Hey. What what bridge did your troll voice come from? Hey.

You can't cross here. No. You can. I'm a nice troll. You are?

Everyone can cross. No riddles or, you know, any of that? No. Just cross. These things 3.

You know, all that stuff. Oh, I know. Yeah. Hey. Today is, no sugar day.

Don't get out of here. Go away. You're supposed to embrace a healthier lifestyle. No. Eliminate sneaky culprits and savor the sweetness of natural flavors.

No. No? That's where's the joy in that? Natural flavors, fruit. No.

Okay. Alright. Do you like poetry? It depends. You used to write me poetry.

I know I did. I know. I've heard every time I bring up poetry, you're like, remember when you used to write me poetry? It's like a little poke, like a nudge. Like Yeah.

No. I get it. More. I can take a hint. My favorite thing about your poetry was that it was it wasn't flowery and No.

Romantic. It was just They were good. Blues. Yeah. That's what I liked the best.

I see. Let's see. What else is happening today? Because it is National Poetry Day. We better write a poem.

Okay. Okay. It's, National Boyfriend Day. It is Mean Girls Day, which Mean Girls started 20 years ago when the movie came out. Okay.

So this is watch the movie. Learn something. Don't be a mean girl. I mean, if you if you really pay attention, the movie is kind of a moral lesson. But, also, this this day would be better on a Wednesday.

Why? Because on Wednesdays We wear pink. Pink. Let's see. Also, don't be a mean girl.

No. I know. Don't be a mean girl. There's no reason. Let's see.

It's National Techies Day. You could, check out some new tech gadgets if you want. If you want. Yeah. You know?

Learn how to do a little coding. Yeah. No? I've never been that's never been, something that interests Have you ever tried coding? Mm-mm.

You know how you're always looking for your thing? What if you're a crazy programmer, but you've never tried? And coding is my thing. And coding is, like, your natural thing. I just start.

I'm like, I'm so good at this. You start with the real basic stuff in script, and you because the way script writing and code works is basically, if this thing is present, then this happens. If this thing is not present, then this happens. Right. It's ones and zeros.

Right? So it may make a lot of logical sense to you to be like, I need this thing to do this, and here's the chain of events that have to happen in order for that thing to happen. And that might be your thing. Yeah. I don't I was gonna say maybe I'll try it, but, honestly, no interest.

No interest in even attempting. Okay. It's also virus appreciation day. What? You know, sometimes you gotta say, hey, virus.

I appreciate you. I'm sure they have reasons. They play an important part in the world somehow. Right? I'm looking for the good ways.

Natural selection? Or There's that. I'm looking at some good viruses. Yeah. Research good and bad viruses.

Let's start with the difference between bacteria and a virus blah blah blah. I don't know. I don't have time to look at this. Veiges, noroviruses. Noroviruses are good viruses because they can protect the gut.

Oh. And cucumber mosaic virus. It infects Pretty. Beet root plant. It makes them hardier in drought conditions.

Well, okay. Look at that. Plants viruses. Okay. On the white clover mosaic virus, it infects the white clover plant and makes them less attractive to fungus gnats.

Well, look at that. So there you go. There's actually some good viruses. Look at that. Look at that.

Look at this. Look at us learning something today. I appreciate that virus. Well, good morning. It is Josh and Chantel.

It is Thursday. A little over a week ago, an ultra runner named Tara Dauer set the Appalachian Trail speed record. K. Do you know the Appalachian Trail? I do not.

So the Appalachia Do I look like I do? The Appalachian Trail is one of the the 3 in the Triple Crown. Oh, okay. So you have the Appalachian Trail that runs, it's also abbreviated to the AT, and it runs on the eastern side of the of the country. It's 22100 miles, starts in Georgia and ends in Maine.

Okay. K. Then you have the Continental Divide Trail, the CDT, which runs partly through Idaho. Right. And then you have but it runs basically Mexico to Canada, then you have the PCT, the Pacific Coast Trail that runs Mexico to Canada a little further west.

So those are the 3 big trails. But the Appalachian Trail, 22100 Miles. And, Tara walked, ran, and hiked the entirety from, Maine to Georgia. She went southbound Excuse me. And did it in a second.

40 days. 40 days? How long does it typically take somebody to do it? She beat the previous record by 13 hours. No kidding.

Yeah. Did she was she with somebody? Did she do it alone? Solo. Yeah.

She said that she took naps in the dirt along the way. She listened to audiobooks and movie soundtracks. She sang to herself to try and stay awake for most of it. And it it was What was her intent? Like, what was her intent?

Like, obviously, she wanted to do it quickly, but Yeah. Did she say why she wanted to do it quickly? Well, it was also a fundraising opportunity for Girls on the Run, which is a charity group that hosts running programs for girls around the country. Okay. And by the time she crossed the finish line in Georgia, she had raised over $24,000.

Her goal was to raise 20,000, so she beat her goal. She also set the record by hiking the entire trail in 40 days, which is pretty incredible. That's really incredible. You have to have a support team along the way, obviously, because you can't carry all the food you're gonna need for 40 days. Right.

And so she, thanked her support team. She also hopes the record breaking team effort inspires women and girls just as she was inspired by the women who broke barriers before her. She said, I hope more more women get out there. It's not about beating men. It's about finding our true potential.

And if you beat the men along the way, that's an extra bonus. So she's she's not against it, but that's not the main reason she's doing anything. So I think that's really cool. You watch the hiker. There was a hiker that you used to watch.

Right. I I watch her still. She's currently, she just had a baby. So she? Yeah.

So she's not hiking right now. What's her name? Dixie is her trail name. Yeah. And she watched her do these hikes.

She did Yeah. All of these. She hikes all over the place. And it was interesting because they would have to, like, be in the middle of nowhere, and they'd be like, we gotta go get more supplies. We don't know where we really are.

We know where we are, but we don't know what kind of supplies are gonna be. Yeah. Because they're running into, like, these little towns out in the, out in the mountains to grab food and stuff. It's it's wild. So anyway great.

Good for what's her name? Tara? Yep. That's really cool. It's good news to get you going.

The chaos, the madness, the wild ride that we are all on, at some point, has to settle down. It's Right? Gotta stop. I I saw this video, this guy this morning. He said, how is it that I am living through the toilet paper hoarding twice in my lifetime and again within, like, 4 years.

What is going on? People are stockpiling on toilet paper because of the dock workers' strike. We've gotta we've gotta be realistic here because toilet paper and paper towels are manufactured in the United States. Correct. They are not delivered around the country on boat.

No. They don't arrive in a crate. There's no need to hoard that. Zero reason to panic by toilet paper. You know what you know what affects us from this the dock workers?

Did you say again? What? Say that again. I said what affects us from the dockworker side. I thought you said dark burger.

No. I was really so lost. Yeah. No. Did you see the list of products?

Well, bananas. I know bananas up in the past. Is one of the top hoard bananas. They're gonna spoil, but that's that's one of the big imports that's, that's affected. Your toilet papers give it's fine.

Yeah. Toilet paper is delivered via semitrucks all over the country, and it is made in the country. Yeah. It is not brought in on a boat. No.

Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. What else is on the list? Did you see another list?

I did. I'm trying to remember the other things. Because bananas is the only thing I've really heard that might be Yeah. Bananas is is, is, definitely on there. Seafood, there's a potential for some seafood, some alcohol stuff, if if that matters.

Like, they they import different kinds of, alcohols. Not toilet paper. No. Not toilet paper. Yeah.

No. No. Toilet paper is made in America. There are, The ones that we use. There there are some pharmaceuticals.

It is easier to ship them via air anyway. Some cars and auto parts, some machinery parts, about 75% of the nation's bananas enter through, shipping ports. So bananas, that seems to be the thing. Maybe some electronics, like cell phones and computers, which come from Southeast Asian, nations, like Vietnam and Thailand. 4 years ago, we were doing this toilet paper.

Barely 4 years ago. Yeah. I know. How are we back here hoarding toilet paper again? It's nonsense.

And I it's it's I'm curious I'm really curious what other people's homes are like. I don't ever feel like we have an issue of nearly running out of toilet paper, and that maybe that's just my life. Right. But I've never been in a position where I'm like, I better get water and I better get toilet paper in my house right now. And I better get a lot of it.

Right. Water, I could understand as a storage thing. Like, if you're worried about it because there's a storm coming in or, you know, something like that. But, I get lost on the toilet paper thing. I really do.

I just I I've never panicked and been like, oh, but what about toilet paper? I better better grab 800 rolls. I may not be able to get any more anytime soon. I it makes no sense to me. But, anyway, just so everybody knows, it's made in the US.

It's transported on trucks across the country. You're fine. It does not arrive via We're all fine. Call. There's not gonna be a paper shortage.

Call. Everybody is fine. Take a breath. It's fine. It's gonna be alright.

Football. Let's talk about football. Alright. So a couple of things, we gotta get out of the way. First of all, you and I are facing off in our fantasy league this week.

True. You've been looking at projections. Okay. Here's the problem. Because I have Saquon Barkley.

Yeah. He's on a bye week. He is on a bye week. Yeah. And he has consistently given me huge amounts of points.

I told you. I said, I hope that that, bye week doesn't get you this week. It's fine. It's fine. You feel confident?

Yeah. Please. Alright. Brother, please. Okay.

That's fine. We we, face off this week in our fantasy league. So, naturally, you are going to raccoon your way through it. I feel it. I'm feeling like there's a lot of trash talking coming my way.

I can't keep the trash talking in. I know. I can't. It's not me. It's I can't be a good sport.

I know. I know. And then if you start losing tonight, like, if I have all of a sudden a bunch of points, you're gonna be like, what's going on? And you'll have a panic moment, and then Sunday will happen, and you'll be like, I'm winning. I'm winning.

And you'll be scooting across the living room. Yeah. And then something will happen, some crazy play, and I'll get more points and be ahead of you. And then you're gonna be all quiet and sad. This is what happens every week.

You don't even know me. It's weird how I know you. You're not even. So that's what's going on in fantasy. K.

Let's talk about not fantasy because the Minnesota Vikings come to play. Yeah. I know. You are, you are a fan of the this week's number one team. The power power rankings.

Right. Minnesota Vikings. Number 1. Let's go. They, surpassed the Chiefs, which they've moved down to number 2.

Yes. They did. And then the Detroit Lions moved up to number 3. And I know I'm not supposed to like the Detroit Lions because they're in my division and wadda wadda wadda. Yeah.

But I am rooting for them too because they are, like, a down and out team. They've been consistently, like, in the bottom, and they are killing it. They're making a cool comeback, those Detroit Lions. And then who's in 4th? Is that Buffalo Bills.

Oh, Buffalo. Buffalo moved down to 4th, and then Houston moved into the 5th place, the Texas. The Texans. Yeah. Yeah.

And I don't know anything about the Texans. I know CJ Stroud is their quarterback, and our son likes him. So yeah. Okay. Let's also talk about the Vikings game on Sunday is happening in London.

Yes. It is. It's 7 in the morning. And they are playing the New York Jets, which is kind of a revenge game for my quarterback Sam Darnold. But because he was a Jet?

He was drafted by the Jets. Okay. And then they cut him after 2 years. Uh-huh. So you're like, watch this.

Alright. And they're playing in London, which is kinda cool. The 4 and o Vikings, might I add. They are undefeated right now, which is there are only 2 teams, them and the Chiefs that are undefeated right now. And listen.

Only one of those teams deserves to be undefeated. I said it. I said what I said. Chiefs should be the only team that I know I know what you're saying. And then I just saw this fun little statistic about football players.

Where do you think there are 32 teams. There are stadiums all across the country. Where do you think their favorite stadium to play in is? I don't know anything about the stadiums. If you have to guess.

Okay. I guess probably somewhere warm. K. So probably Vegas or Miami. Neither.

Okay. Nope. Their their favorite place to play is Los Angeles. Okay. And their least favorite place to play is Probably somewhere cold, so probably Buffalo.

No. Green Bay. Well, that's awesome. Yes. It is.

Yeah. Why? I imagine it's probably because of that. So, because of temperature. Do they have an outdoor?

In Green Bay, they do. They Lambeau Field is outdoor. They play in the snow Ew. At Lambeau. Gross.

Yeah. Whereas, in LA, you don't have snow. Do you think if you're drafted to one of those teams and you have to play outside, you're like, why didn't I get drafted in Miami? You know? I mean, you do you don't really get to pick.

No. I know you don't, but you'd still be like, man, I wish I would have been drafted by a warm place. You know, like, your your buddy goes to Vegas, and you're like, I gotta go to Minnesota. Yeah. Yeah.

Which, or Cincinnati, which is what happened with Joe Burrow and Justin Jefferson. Literally that. Are they friends? They went to school together. Did I know that?

You yes. And so did Ja'Marr Chase. But Ja'Marr Chase and Joe Burrow both went to Cincinnati. Oh, and Jefferson went to the Went to the Vikings. Oh, I'm happy to have you, Jefferson.

Which would be really fun. He's got a contract. He's gonna be in Minnesota a while, but it'd be really fun to get the 3 of them back together like it was when they were in college. That would be fun. When they all invented the gritty together.

I've done the gritty a time or 2. I saw it across the living room. Can't wait to not see it this week. Get out of here. You're gonna see it 6 times.

Alrighty. It's 7 o'clock in the morning. Yeah. Can't wait. One of your most favorite things in the whole wide world is when someone walks past you with a cologne on that smells like it came out of a glass antique car that sits in a curio cabinet with other glass antique cars full of cologne.

It's very specific. It is very specific, but it is one of your favorite things because you go, like, you had a a reaction to a guy who walked past you just the other day. Yeah. And you went, that is awful. It made me on the treadmill.

So gross. It takes me back to a, like, a childhood memory. Either I had an uncle or my dad or somebody wore that terribly, terribly smelling cologne. Or it was probably just everyone in the eighties, every dude in the in the eighties. Well, you're gonna love this news.

What is it? Teenage boys have decided that it's the best thing in the world smelling like an old dude. No. It isn't. Yeah.

No. The newest trend sweeping high schools and junior highs right now is boys 13 to 18 collecting vintage colognes from as far back as the early nineties. They're, stealing them from dusty shelves of older relatives. I'm telling you, they're using the stuff in the old cars. And they're also buying it online from sites like Ebay.

And the stuff they're buying is going for, like, a $150 a bottle sometimes. Big favorites, if you wanna cash in because you got some of this stuff laying around. Lamelles is Male? Yeah. Male, which hit the market in 1995 is a big one.

In 1996, Aquadigio launched, which is a big one that they're looking for. Okay. Okay. Okay. Uh-huh.

Time out. I just searched Les Mail Yeah. Cologne. Mhmm. Les Mail.

Yeah. And it it's got the the torso, the man torso bottle. Come on. Yeah. That's a big one.

No. It's And then, and then the one that launched right after that, Aquadagio, a c q u a, because there's a c in it. Okay. That's at least a normal bottle. Yeah.

Let's see. What do these smell like? I just What do they smell like? Yeah. An old man.

Okay. Okay. Because I'm sure there was lots of nice smelling colognes in the nineties. What I know for a fact is that the older men in my life as a young person were buying cheap cologne. They're wearing Brut.

Yes. Yes. And that stuff is not good. Brut. Original.

Smells like a man. They're still making Brut. Are they? Yeah. You can get it for, like, $6.

It's not expensive. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. Know. That's what I'm saying.

Yeah. The cheap stuff. Oh, that green bottle. Yep. I remember that.

Yeah. Yep. Yep. I'm looking at the cologne that came in the old fashioned cars. I tried to find it too.

I don't know what it was called. I can see it here. What's it called? Oh, it was it was sold by Avon. That's where it comes from.

Okay. Okay. Well, hot diggity dog. Yeah. Those are god.

Avon selling the car shaped, aftershave and pillows. Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Get yourself some glass Avon. You had to get Come on.

You had to find somebody that sold Avon Yeah. And then you had to get a catalog. And then you had to get that those were, like, specific choices you had to make. Yeah. So How much are those going for these days, you think?

I don't I hope they're not going for anything at all. I hope that they're I hope that they're broken as fast. Right now for $13. You could. You absolutely could.

And then you'd be seeing yourself sleeping alone. I could get why? Because gross. I could get the, this is a vintage car. It's like a model t car for $12.

I could get 11 vintage car Avon bottles for $20. Let's go. Bro. And then I can put them all up in a in a curio cabinet. Is Avon still a thing?

It's gotta be. Right? I don't know. Absolutely, it is. Avon.com.

Is it? Okay. You betcha. Can you buy everything online, or do you still have to find somebody that sells it? Free shipping on orders 25 and over.

So, yeah, you can buy it online. So nobody is, like I don't think people are selling it via catalog. Knocking on your door going, hey, John. So we've been racing in the morning. We've been kinda sleeping in a little bit.

Not sleeping in. But Why are we racing? Not racing. What? Not we've been Let's figure this out.

Frazzled in the morning because we're sleeping later than we should be. I'm ready for the time change to happen. It's like a month away. Okay. So last night, I said and I was trying to talk to you, but you were long as No.

I I immediately fell asleep. I hit pillow lights out. Yeah. You did. But I said to myself I thought I was talking to you, but I said it to myself, I wanna try and get up a little bit earlier tomorrow so that I'm not so frass I think I heard you say that.

And this morning, my alarm goes off, and I go, ah, this is my opportunity to get out of bed. If I get up now, I will have plenty of time to do the things that I need to do. Mhmm. I won't be rushed. I won't be racing out the door.

I'll be cool and calm and collected. How did it work out? I'll grab my bag, and I'll just saunter out the door. I don't think it went that way. No.

It didn't. Because my alarm goes off, and I go, I could get out of bed or I, could just roll over and continue sleeping. I know that my next alarm is gonna go off in 15 minutes. It's too much time. Oh, wait.

You gotta tighten that window. We've talked about this. We have talked about this. Get that down to a 5 minute window. No.

I think that's ridiculous. And, again, you need to get rid of your alarms. They do nothing. Nothing. I feel good about them.

What do you think they don't do? They don't get you out of bed. They just annoy me. That's it. That's all they do.

You know what we gotta do? What? We should get one of those real alarm clocks, like a old school alarm clock, and put it on the other side of the room so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off. That's it. That's fine.

Like, I don't need that because I I even my second alarm goes off, and I go, oh, I have to use the restroom. I've gotta go to the bathroom. I see. And I'm like, if I get up and go to the bathroom now, then I just stay up. Now I got up physically out of bed, used the restroom, and said, I'm gonna go back.

I'm gonna go back. Back. Yeah. I got 15 more minutes. You're not gonna go.

You gotta tighten that window. No. Try 10. No. Give it 10 minutes.

Nope. See if you like that better. I don't. What if you don't know that I went in and changed your alarm time? You didn't.

No. I'm saying, what if I did, but I just didn't tell you? And so tomorrow, you went to wake up, and you're like, I got 15. And then it was actually 10, and you went, that seemed short. I would I would be very, very upset.

Even know. I would know immediately, but then I'd figure it out. And I'd be like, now I'm mad at you. I think I'm gonna set more alarms, and I'll just make them slowly ascend. So you got, like, a 15 minute, then a 10, then maybe, like, an 8, then a 5.

Ew. And then because you're gonna think, like, these 15 minute alarms are really speeding up. So stupid. And they would literally be speed hit one down where it's, like, 30 seconds later, and you're like, that was not 15 minutes. Like, no.

I know. No. I know. It was 5. It was no.

It was 30 seconds. It was real quick. That was a real short one, wasn't it? It inspired me to to be awake just to watch that all happen. Oh, would it?

You think that would get you up and moving? Once. Doubtful. Yeah. Time.

No. They're like, that was fun to watch. Exactly. Going back to bed. Yeah.

Exactly. Nighty night. I made something delicious last night. So you cooked a delicious dinner. I had that.

That was nice. That was pretty nice. Yeah. Look at me. 2 nights in a row I know.

In dinner. It was because I had another meeting. I was busy, and, I came home, and dinner was ready. It was awesome. Oh, was it?

Yeah. You enjoy that? Yeah. It was nice. Enjoy coming home to a home cooked meal?

I I did like that. It was pretty okay. Yeah. It was not bad. A guy could get real used to something like that.

Yeah. Now what what did you make for dessert? What did you have for dessert? For dessert, I made rice pudding. And you love rice pudding.

Love rice pudding. I can't I'm kinda on the fence about the rice pudding. What? Yeah. Take or leave it.

Why? I don't know. I feel the same about horchata. It's not really my thing. Horchata is so good.

I know. I know. I get it. I understand. It's so delicious.

My thing. I thought when I this is a new recipe for rice pudding that I dried. Yeah. It had toasted coconut I which is my top favorite thing. I you were toasting the coconut in the butter, and I was worried it was gonna get burned.

But the house smelled so good like toasted coconut. It was awesome. I do like that. Okay. So it had toasted coconut on it.

Did it have raisins? No. Because it wasn't a typical I'm trying to remember what kind it was. Puerto Rican. It was a Puerto Rican.

Rican rice pudding. Okay. So it had a warming spice. It was called warming spice that you put into it. That what it was called?

Was it a warming spice called warming spice? Is that what it was? Yeah. That's what it was. Okay.

And then it had so much butter. Probably, like, a half a stick of butter. Saying, like, I this is a lot of butter. There's butter in the rice. There's butter here in the in the coconut.

And then did you put more butter in after that? Yes. Good grief. That's so hard. Have coconut milk or regular milk?

It had coconut milk. That's a big deal. Yep. Okay. So toasted coconut, coconut milk, rice, lots of butter.

Sugar. Quite a bit of sugar too. Maybe, like It's a dessert. You know, it's a dessert. But it was so good.

Yeah. And I asked all of you, who wants some rice pudding? I I still know. Hard pass from everybody in my family. Like, tapioca either.

I'm not really into the texture of it, which is weird because I like quinoa, and I like that whatever that, what's that other stuff we had? Couscous? Couscous. I I like that, and that has a a wet lumpy flavor. So, you know, you'd think I'd be into rice pudding because of the wet lumps, but I just wasn't really into into it.

You You should've at least had a bite. That's okay. It it felt wet and lumpy. I just didn't want that last night. It tasted so good.

I would prefer because Emery said, no. I'm gonna have some ice cream. So she did shut up a bowl of ice cream, and I said, I would rather have I think I would pick rice pudding over ice cream for dessert. I would imagine you would. Why?

Because that makes sense. That's that's very on brand for you. That that checks out. I agree. You would absolutely do that.

Especially with that toasted coconut. Yeah. You put toasted coconut on ice cream. You put it on I do. Frozen yogurt.

You put it on You could put it on anything. You could put it on oatmeal. You could. What else could you put it on? You could put it on frozen yogurt.

Yep. I already said that one. No. You said ice cream. And then I said and frozen yogurt.

Uh-huh. What else you got? Where else are you gonna put your toasted coconut? That's kind of it. You could just have it by itself.

You could just have it by itself. You could put it on a cookie. Yeah? Sure could. On top of a cupcake.

On top of a brownie. Yeah. With some with some combo sauce. Yes. You do just eat it by itself.

I kinda did last night. I know. I believe it. It all checks out. Well, congrats on your rice pudding, your Puerto Rican rice pudding.

You still have some leftover because I made quite a batch. You did? Is that lunch? Quite a batch because I thought more people in my family would eat it, but, no, it's just me. Yeah.

So guess what I'm eating for lunch today? Just rice pudding. Rice pudding. All that sugar and butter. I brought some protein too so that I could What'd you bring for protein?

You bring for protein? Protein bar. That's not it. You gotta get some meat. No.

I don't. Yeah. You do. Rugrats? Do you remember Rugrats?

With Tommy Pickles? Tommy Pickles? Chuckie? Chuckie and Phil and Lil and Yeah. And Angelica.

Angelica? And Reptar. Reptar. Yeah. Best cereal ever.

Yeah. What about it? It is getting a live action CGI hybrid. No. Why?

Why would they do that? Because it might be okay. I don't know. The live actions are tricky for me because on one hand, I go, what a cute idea. And on the second hand, I go, it's it never lives up to the expectation.

Plus, who's the target audience on this? Who remembers Rugrats? Well 30 40 year olds. Yeah. It'd be our generation Right.

And my niece who is 30. Because I remember watching this. Year olds. Yeah. I remember watching this with her.

30 40 year olds, I don't think are, like, lining up to see a live action reboot of Rugrats. I don't think I'd go pay for it in the movie theater, but I would watch it if it was on a streaming service that I already paid for. You would. Yeah. You would scroll through.

No. You would not. You're not gonna scroll through and pick Rugrats live action. It's not gonna happen. You're right.

I know. I don't know who wants this other than who you know, what? Nickelodeon? I mean, I I don't know who is, like, we gotta we gotta do this. And, again, why are we doing these live action reboots all the time or remakes even?

Like, why don't we just leave the original thing alone and start something new? Do something new. What did Emery tell us yesterday? They're doing a live action Lilo and Stitch. Yeah.

I'm in not of support of that one. Because it's gonna be they're gonna have to CGI stitch, and then it's like, well, what's the point of a live action if you have to CGI everything? Yeah. Which I guess would be the same as that because They're gonna CGI all the kids. And you can't get kids to play the kids because that's not No.

And you have to get the voice actors that do the the voices of Tommy and Chuckie and Phil and Lil and, you know, all that I'm to do it. Right? Do you remember Chuckie was, like, the anxious little kid? Yeah. I am He's just scared of everything?

Yeah. I'm the grown up. Scared of everything. I'm the grown up version of Chucky. Are you?

Yeah. Oh, cool. I'm blind. Just looking at it. The director of this of this live action thing is the director of Pitch Perfect.

Jason Moore? Yeah. That guy? Yep. Well, it was cowritten by Mikey Day who is on Saturday Night Live.

And and wildin' out and a bunch of other stuff. I don't know. I don't think it's necessary. I don't think anybody's, like, out there asking for it, so it's weird to me. It feel that feels weird.

Nickelodeon shouldn't enter the live action space. A live action Doug? Oh, Doug. Doug's great. Don't we don't need a live action.

We don't. And, again, I say this. Look, if you're looking at Rugrats and you're going like, I get it's an established brand. I get that you you're not starting from scratch with introducing people to the characters, so I can see how it would be appealing to take something that already has a bit of a base and go people know Rugrats, people are, you know, this nineties stuff is trendy right now, let's make a movie. It's gonna take them a couple of years to make the movie.

Who knows what the cycle is gonna be like then? And then they're gonna come out and go, here's Rugrats, the live action movie that no one asked for. And then you go watch it, and you're gonna be disappointed. Live action slash CGI. So it's not live action at all, is it?

I'm not into it. I can tell. I just feel like if you wanna make a movie or a show about kids and adventures of babies and whatever, make a new story. But it won't be as good. I don't know that.

Okay. Ben Stiller is supposed to be a producer on the show, and Will Arnett is gonna be an actor in it. So is Maggie Gyllenhaal. So it's got a pretty okay cast so far. I don't know.

You're not Not into it. So not into it. Not into it. I don't know why they gotta, like, do this. Just give me new ideas.

Give me new shows. Give me a new cartoon. Forget I even brought it up. Oh, and Steve Zahn? Come on.

He's I bet he's one of the dads. I bet he's Chucky's dad. Yeah. He is. He's so adorable.

I love Steve Zog. Hello? Hi. What what what's going on over there? Just trying to put myself together.

Okay. I'm just sitting here waiting for you to start talking, and then it's just you know, the song ended. And I was like, well, maybe maybe she was waiting for me to say something. No. I would just I don't know.

Hey. Hi. In honor of 25 years of Spongebob Oh, we're continuing down the Nickelodeon cartoon thing. What website are you on that's giving you all this Nickelodeon cartoon stuff? Nickelodeon.com.

Oh, okay. Cool. What's going on? What how many years of SpongeBob? 25.

That's an that's unbelievable. I know. Wendy's. You know Wendy's. I do know Wendy's, sponsor of KidSmart.

That's true. They are teaming up to release a Wendy's Krabby Patty. Seriously. They have a Wendy's Krabby Patty, and they also have a pineapple under the sea frosty. Alright.

I gotta see this. Patty collab. I like it. I like it. What are we doing?

I gotta see this thing. Does it look like the Krabby Patty? Yeah. Kind of. Yeah.

It does. So it's going to be available nationwide starting next Tuesday, October 8th. I have to get a Krabby Patty. You do? Yes.

It okay. So here's what the burger has. It's got a beef patty Secret recipe. 2 slices of American cheese Yeah. Lettuce, tomato, pickles, onion, and a top secret That's right.

Sauce. Plankton is gonna be looking for that secret sauce. Not me lucky dollar. All that stuff. It's all happening.

It's gonna be great. And then you can also get the pineapple under the sea frosty. That looks really nice. Vanilla frosty with a swirl of pineapple mango puree. It looks good.

I kinda wanna try this. I will eat the Krabby Patty meal. I think I will too. It looks pretty tasty. Yes.

It does. The burger looks real nice. I like the 2 slices of cheese. Also, the frosties, they've been doing this, like, seasonal frosty thing. I didn't try the orange sickle one because I missed it, but they had a for summer, they had the twisted not twisted, berry, like a triple berry Uh-huh.

Frosty. Yeah. It was that one was so good. They're almost parfait on it. Have a they have a peppermint one Yeah.

During the holidays. Yep. So good. I like to mix the peppermint one with the chocolate. Yeah.

It's very good. Anyway looks good. Yeah. And this is available starting next week. Is it available for a limited time?

Is it available one day only? Probably a limited time, for sure. I don't think it's gonna be there to stay. But I'm excited. I'm looking I'm looking.

Available starting Tuesday, 8th. I said that. I know. I know you did. I know.

Let's go on down to the chum bucket. Yes. Get ourselves a krabby patty. That's not where you get the krabby patty, though. What do you get there?

The chum bucket is Plankton's place. Oh. It's fine. What does he sell? Who?

Chum bucket squid. What's his name? Chum bucket squid? Plankton? Yes.

Yeah? What does Plankton sell at the Chum Bucket? Terrible burgers because he can't get his hands on that secret burger recipe, and his wife, the computer, can't get her to get the recipe ever. It's a whole thing. I know.

I know. I don't think I've ever sat down and watched an entire episode of SpongeBob. I remember back So watched it, and it was on in the background, and I would hear chunks of it, but I've never What do you think the restaurant that sells the Krabby Patty is called? It's called the crab. Crab crab's the second word.

The first word is Krusty Krabby. There it is. Slow clap for you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. You you know some little you know, a little squirt slap. I know that the squirrel that goes underwater, I like her little space suit that she has. That always make me giggle. Sandy.

Yeah. Come on. Yeah. Yes. And, mister Krabs has a daughter.

What kind of animal is she? She is a whale. Yes. Look at you. See, you do know.

I don't know her name. Yeah. That escapes me right at the moment, but it doesn't matter. That's exciting. I'm gonna eat that Krabby Patty.

I can't wait. You're gonna have to until Tuesday. I can't wait. Have you ever heard of the Stevens Institute of Technology? I have.

You have? Yeah. They used to run, the commercials all the time. Did they? Yeah.

What did they have commercials for? For their Institute of Technology. You know? They wanted people to, to sign up. Yeah.

The Stevens Institute of Technology. I'm trying to see what their commercials were because I remember them, I I remember them. They were on TV all the time. Were they? And it must have been, maybe it was when I lived in Arizona that I saw them a lot.

Do they have a campus in Arizona? I don't know. Okay. I'm moving on. Alright.

Move on. So they are working on developing an AI powered smartphone app that helps detect mental health issues. Woah. Cool. They're in, New Jersey.

Anyway Okay. So the first one, they've got 2 that they're working on. The first one is called PupilSense. And PupilSense. It analyzes your eyes.

That makes sense. It's where your pupils are. It analyzes your reflexes and responses, and then there are determining how that relates and can be correlated to depressive episodes. Interesting. So, basically, it measures the size of your pupils compared to your irises, and it does this during short 10 second bursts when you're opening your phone or using certain apps.

Because that's when your eye will be, I guess, reacting to light and stuff. Okay. They took 25 volunteers over 4 weeks. They analyzed about 16,000 interactions, and it was about 76% accurate in identifying times when people reported feeling depressed. Really?

And this is better than current leading smartphone based depression detection systems. So did they have an an app or something that would, do eye tracking? I would imagine they probably because they wanna have it, like, on the phone recording your eyes as you were using the phone. What it does. So it takes short, like, 10 second bursts Yeah.

Like, snapshots of your eyes. Really interesting. And then it they also have another one called face PSY. Sigh. And then it examines your facial expressions to gain insight into your mood.

So this one recognizes your nonverbal signals, like your facial facial muscle movements and head gestures. And it also says that it notices when people are smiling more. Mhmm. And that seems to correlate with potential signs of depression. So people are putting on a brave face for themselves and others to show I'm not actually feeling depressed because I'm smiling.

They're they're faking it. Yeah. Interesting. So I guess what do they plan on doing with this? Do they say, like, what the like, the research is great and interesting, but what do they plan on doing with the technology or, you know, alerting people?

Like, hey. You you might be sad right now. Yeah. Like like, they don't know. Maybe, yeah.

Hey. Maybe you've you've got some signs of depression, like, maybe some seek assistance or I don't know. Go for a walk, get some sunlight, some of that kind of stuff. Hopefully. I don't know.

Hopefully, it's not just another, like now we have your eye. Now we've got you. Now we know how to track your eyeballs. Now we know that what we post. Yeah.

We're using this for advertising because now we can see this advertisement made you fake joy. That's not real joy. This this commercial made you I don't know what they'll do with it. I don't either. Hopefully, some good.

Right? Yeah. Hopefully. What we can hope. So the Halloween costume debacle Situation.

Of 2024. No. It's a debacle. Is it? Yeah.

Because I had some really good ideas. Think you have good ideas. And you've poo pooed all of them. No. I just can't figure out how to make it happen and not look like low budget.

It doesn't matter if it's I want it to look good. But here's the deal. The costume you were planning on wearing to be Robin Hood, you saw a picture of because you wore as Peter Pan. Yeah. And I went as Peter Pan's shadow.

Yeah. Last year. Yeah. So you had the that costume, and I had basically a blacked out version of it. And I stood behind you in the same poses, and I was Peter Pan's shadow.

I can repurpose that costume to do Robin Hood. Correct. I just saw a picture of it, and I went, I don't know if I wanna do that now. Right. You didn't like how the costume looked a year ago, so you went, I don't think I'm gonna wear that.

No. So now where's your thing? Well, last night, we went to the costume store. We were looking for some ideas. We don't I wanna be something unique and different.

I don't want to wear the same costume that everyone is wearing. Sure. Then we decided, maybe we don't need to go as a couple at all. You can do your own thing. Maybe.

I can do my own thing. Yeah. Oh, I still have kind of a fun idea. You've decided what you're gonna be. Not really.

Why? Because I I really liked the, the hoodie thing I found. Yeah. But I I don't think I trust the website. I'm sure we can find them.

It was I looked. I and that one on that website that I'm not sure if I can trust was really super cool. Yeah. And all the other ones look real not as cool. Okay.

So I'm I'm still out in the I'm still out in the woods. Lost in the woods about this thing. Because the costume that you wanna go as, I'm keeping it vague because Yeah. It's a secret. It's gonna be hilarious if that happens.

There is a partner that goes with your costume that I can maybe flip and do a funny thing. Right. We wrote down a couple of these different ideas where we thought it would be funny. For example, if you're not doing Robinhood, I'm happy to share that rather than being little John, I thought it would be funny to be little John with a with a with a chalice and some chains and some gold blinged out teeth. Robin Hood and Lil John.

Robin Hood and Lil John. Going, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Exactly. I think that would be a very funny thing. So along that same sort of Or like, we had quite a few because there was also Robin Hood and fryer truck. Which I still don't know. Fryer truck, which was just the wrong way to say fire truck.

Yeah. But, like, the fryer truck. Frier fryer tuck. Right. No.

I get it. Okay. Okay. No. I understand.

And then sir Hiss is the snake. Right. So you could be sir Hiss a lot. Right. Because I like big jewels, and I cannot lie and all that.

These are gold. I know. I I know. That's a lot of fun. We were having a lot of fun.

So, similarly, this costume that that potentially could come together works that way. It's out of the Robin Hood universe. It's in a different, different place where I would be a character and you would be not the actual character that is a sidekick companion whatever to the main character, but similar enough that you'd go, I get it. And also hilarious. Right.

So is that what you wanna do? I don't know. I don't know either. I I feel like we gotta get it figured out. We do because we have a costume party to go to.

So we do have to get it figured out. In, like, 20 some odd days. Like, we have we have 20 some odd days to get it sorted out. Okay. I gotta come up with something.

Right. And if we're gonna order anything, we gotta get it in the mail soon. Going through, old Halloween costumes last night. Right. And you pulled up one that I was a couple of years ago.

Beyonce? But I was a b. Right. And you had a shirt that said Yancey? Then and you were the beehive.

Oh, man. That's hilarious. Beyonce. Yeah. And then afterward, it came to our attention that it would have been hilarious.

I had an idea that you could have gone as Jay Zebra. Right. Oh, my Beyonce and Jay Zebra. Pretty good. I'm hilarious.

There is a drone that will pick up your dog poo in the backyard No way. And dispose it for you. Let's go. Picks it up and throws it out. How much is it?

I don't know. Get me the information. I will get you the information. K. Well, tell me more.

While we're I'm looking for information, it's called the PooCopter. I see that. That's the that's a terrible name. There has to be a better name. It it's out of Minnesota.

Of course, it is. Of course, it is. You can even have it drop the contents onto your neighbor's backyard. Well Don't do that. That yeah.

It's 3 d printed. K. Which is kinda cool. It's kind of a simple design. Yeah.

I don't have any information on how much it's gonna cost. What I wanna ask is what other kind of chores would you want a drone to do for you? I don't know. Because I'm I like I don't mind mowing the lawn. It's tedious, and I wish I didn't have to do it.

But, like, they made the little robot lawnmower guy that's like a rumby for your yard. Yeah. Is that what it's called? Whatever it is. I don't know what it's called.

Like, the with the vacuum. They got, like, the the Roomba. Roomba. Yeah. That thing.

That that's what I said. I couldn't remember. That didn't sound right. Anyway, the Roomba, but for your yard. So that thing cruises around.

That's not the name of it. And then it, you know, after it gets done mowing, it puts itself away. But it doesn't bag up the grass. Like, it just drives around and cuts the grass. But I suppose if it cut the grass often enough, daily or every other day or whatever, the grass would always be mowed, and it wouldn't have big amounts of clippings like when I do it weekly.

You know what I mean? Yeah. Maybe just do it more often. Hey. Hey.

So this drone, it can detect poo within a defined space Yeah. And then it lowers itself to scoop it up and then carries it to the garbage to dispose of it. I think it's a smart idea. The guy who invented it, the inventor, said it's kind of like a UFO, except it's abducting dog poo instead of people. Great.

Abduct away. He wants this to be able to work on its own like a Roomba, but for now, you have to use a remote control. Okay. Oh, you have to you have to fly. You have to It's not autonomous.

Yeah. Okay. Well, they need to work on the autonomy of it. Oh, do they? Yeah.

Once it's autonomous, then it'll be it'll be better. I'm trying to think of things that I would want it to do. Clean the toilet. No. I know.

Cleaning the toilet. That's in that's in the house. Like, they made a robot for, like, big public spaces. They already have one that goes in and cleans a bathroom. I mean, essentially, they've made the bathrooms, like, all tile and stainless steel and stuff.

So it can go in and it it, like, locks the door or whatever and, so it doesn't get disturbed while it's cleaning. And it essentially it has, like, a toilet cleaning mode, and then it hoses off the whole room. And it has a big drain in the bathroom, and then it leaves. And it like, they're they're using that at, like, airports and, you know, big large restroom, stuff like that. But in in your home, it's one toilet.

The I understand. I get it. Don't give me that look. Yeah. Yeah.

One toilet. Yeah. We have 2. I know. And, also, when was the last time?

That was coming. I knew that that that arrived via a look in the eyes before it came out of your mouth. Like, I saw that one from a mile away. When's the last time? Yeah.

There is that at the grocery store that we frequent. We'll go there sometimes, and they have a self driving Yeah. The floor. Floor cleaner. Mhmm.

And it's wild stuff that they put a skeleton on it. I like that too, Cliff. They should always have, like, a mannequin on there. That's a look. That's a genius idea because most of the stores, the grocery stores and stuff now also have retail, Most of them, not all of them, but they'll have, like, if you go get your groceries, you can also grab hammers, and you can get camping supplies, and a barbecue grill, and also your fall fashions.

So if they had a mannequin on there that they could dress in the latest fall fashions, they'd be like, that's a good outfit. That's good marketing. That's what I'm saying. They could they could use the the mannequin on the little self powered, you know, autonomous cleaner to be like, you can find this in the women's department. That's a good look.

We've tested that machine before. It stops. We'll we'll stand in front of it and be like, what are you gonna do? And it's like, I stopped. Right.

There's an obstruction. I've stopped. It's not as funny as you think it would be. Like, the robot quit. And then you move out of the way, and the robot's like, I can move forward.

I know now. It's very patient. It doesn't get angry. No. Goes around you.

Like, man. You're no fun robot. Come on. Let's ask that daily question. You know the one the one where there's 2 things and we gotta choose between them.

It's would you rather just do that. Things, and you gotta choose the bad thing over the other bad thing. They've been real hard for me to pick lately. Would you rather this or that? Would you rather rake leaves Fall edition.

Or shovel snow? Oh, No. I don't wanna. I'd rather rake leaves. You know why?

Because the weather is still pretty decent. If you're shoveling snow, it's cold, it's wet, it's heavy. Gross. I don't wanna roast. Roast?

Roast. I don't think there's a there. There is. Roast? Look it up.

Okay. What you picking? I'm gonna pick leaves. I ate it too. No.

I heard. I was here when you said it. And I'm picking leaves because, my back. I got an old man back. Remember when Beck was just a baby?

Not a baby. I mean, he was, like, 4 or 5. And we bought him his own little shovel, and the 2 of you would be out there shoveling snow together. That was I do. Adorable.

I do. And when I say He was older than that. 2 of you out shoveling snow. He wasn't doing much of anything. No.

He was helping. Oh. Sorta. He was learning how to shovel. You think I wouldn't have to do that now because my old back No.

You do. He, still lives at the house and could do that. Well, it hasn't snowed in a year. No. I know, but he didn't do it last year.

Well, then get that boy out there. I'm saying. Get it out there. Go shovel some snow. Raking leaves?

That's what you got? Yeah. I guess. We have a big tree. We always have a lot of leaves.

We do. And it's always way too late when we start to rake. I've seen a lot of people that are talking about, like, why are you raking these leaves? And I get it. You want a clean looking yard, but the leaves also are like a natural thing.

Like, the the tree is designed to have leaves. The leaves fall off. The leaves nutrient, you know, provide nutrients for the earth at the base of the tree, and then it grows new leaves the next year. It's so many leaves, though. It is.

It's a lot of leaves. Tell the neighbors because they might not be appreciative when the leaves blow into their yard. That's a good point. That's a good point. You gotta be a good neighbor.

So maybe I'll ask them, hey. Do you care if I rake this year? Or can I just leave it? Can I just be lazy? I have the leaf blower.

I can go over in your yard and blow them back into mine, and then, you know, 400 times. Not looking forward to it. Two questions for you. 1. 1.

How old do you think Elton John is? 67. Up? Yeah. 68?

72, 75, 78. No. Down. 77. Yes.

It's okay. Good. That was a fun game. She's 77. 2nd question.

Yes? How much of him do you think is left? All of it? What what does that mean? I don't know what that question means.

How much of him is left? Yes. I don't think he's, like, falling apart. He is, kind of. What are you talking about?

He said this is from his words. He said, I don't think there's much of me left. I don't have tonsils. I don't have adenoids. I don't have an appendix.

I don't have a prostate. I don't have a right hip or a left knee or a right knee. These are because of different medical procedures he's had over the years. He said There's a lot of them left. He said the only thing left to me is my left hip.

There's still bones in there, buddy. There's still lots of stuff. Organs. There's all that skin. Yeah.

Yeah. Plus those piano playing hands. And his glasses. He still has those. Not a part of him, but it's part of his brand.

It's part of him. Part of him. It is. It's part of him. But I'd say all of it other than the pieces that have been removed are still there.

Plus, I don't think they took his knees or his hip. They just put in other pieces and bones and and metal and stuff. Did somebody get his nose? Oh, got your nose. Nose.

This is so lame on that fantastic, amazing, you got Elton John's nose joke that will wrap up today's show. So thank you for that. You're welcome. Hey. If you missed any part of the show and you wanna listen again, check out Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast.

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You know, you know, go listen. Go listen. Yeah. Or don't. Have a great day.

Thank you. I do. Have a good day. Bye. See you later.

Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.