The Lucas Skrobot Show

What do Whoopi, Truckers, and stake have in common?

Show Notes

We live in an age of decadence where fear of living will cause us to give up our very lives.

Time Stamps
Intro 0:00
UAE V Houthis 00:52
Problems aren't always a bad thing if you solve problems. 02:43
Whoopi gets canceled 04:18
 Trucker Canceling Ruling Elite 24:52
 Lockdowns--Do they work? Hint--no. 32:54
 More Lockdowns coming--climate lockdowns. 38:31
Empathy in Leadership 42:21
Yeah that makes sense. 46:58
Golden Corral Riot 47:30
 The show is brought to you by listeners like you. 53:30
Weaver and Loom - Mark Twain 55:03
 Get move value by giving to your friends. 58:16

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What is The Lucas Skrobot Show?

Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?

Wanna fight back against deceptive narratives being pushed across the globe?

At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.

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Cancel whoopee canceled the elites
and even canceled the golden corral.

Hey, it's Lucas Skrobot and you're
listening to the Lucas Skrobot show

where we uncover purpose, pursue
truth and own the future episode 269.

It is February 3rd, 2022.

Happy Chinese new year.

You happen to be celebrating the
Chinese new year here on the show.

We are celebrating just another.

If goodness and wildness are on the
internet web on the world, in the world,

especially when it comes to the story
with this golden corral that we'll, we'll

come up with in, towards the middle of
the show with, uh, yeah, that makes sense.

Uh, before I get into today's.

Missiles are continuing to fly over the
Arabian peninsula with the Huth these

attempting to land another ballistic
missile in the U a E upon the visiting of

the Israeli prime minister to Abu Dhabi.

Uh, luckily praise God they
shot this ballistic missile.

But I said it in the previous
episode, I need to say it again.

If this was, if this was happening
anywhere else in the world, if

this was in New York city, if
this was LA, if this was Moscow,

people would be losing their minds.

People would be bored.

People would be freaking out and it
just seems like, oh, we're just going

along as business as usual over here.

And I understand why the tactic
of the who Thies is to terrorize.

It is terror.

It is pure terrorism.

Um, and it's fear.

And we were talking about
the contagion of fear today.

Uh, I've just going to leave it at
that things are continuing to shift

and change, not just on a global
scale, but even specifically here in

the middle east, here in the Arabian
peninsula, we are going to continue to

see big changes socially, politically.

And I do not mean those for.

Um, I, I think we're going
to see some amazing shifts.

I think it's going to also mean
difficult and hard times, and I think

that's going to be across the world.

We see right now tensions building
up between Russia and Ukraine.

What does that mean?

On a global scale?

We see Canada falling apart.

We see America continuing to go crazy.

They've been going crazy for a
long time now, as long as I can

remember, but that means problems.

Problems are not always a bad thing.

Problems are good.

In that you can be a person
that solves people's problems.

That's what leaders do.

And you are the leader in some regard.

Now, whether it is just leading yourself
as an individual, whether that's leading

your family, leading your team, even
if you're not in a leadership position,

you could be leading your team.

Cause people are looking to you.

As for social cues of how do
you respond to a situation?

What's the attitude I
should have towards this?

You, we can lead by influence.

Even if we don't have a title,
it's actually a much more

powerful position to lead from.

I was telling me my son, this
the other day that leaders

are also will also, followers.

Leaders are followers.

Everyone is following someone
and everyone is leading.

So leaders are people who
solve problems for people.

If there are bigger problems that
are happening across the globe,

that means we can solve problems
with it's for our family, for our

community, for our friends, we can
solve and should be solving problems.

And that's what we talk
about here on the show.

How do we create strong,
robust, personal family?


Corporate culture or social culture,
I guess we didn't really talk about

corporate stuff very much, but
social culture and fabric is so that

we can withstand when the trials
and the tribulations come because

they will come and they are coming.

Speaking of trials and tribulations,
they are coming to Whoopi Goldberg.

Uh, famous voice on the view.

We've played her clips a few times.

I can't think of nearly anything.

I agree with her on, and she's being
canceled this week for her statements on

what she said regarding the Holocaust.

So th the backstory there's this
book Moss mouse, uh, graphic novel.

Uh, kind of cartoon novel on the Holocaust
and there's some pictures of nudity.

There's some swearing and a school board
in America decided to take it out of their

curriculum for reading the Holocaust.

Now, what this means is that
they're still going to study

something about the Holocaust.

They're just not going to use this
book, which is I studied English.

I don't think we should
be canceling any books.

Uh, I can understand why you school
board would have to make that decision.

Whether I agree with it or
not, that's a hard choice.

I'm not sitting in the position
of that school board, but I

think things like the holidays.

We're 6 million Jews died.

We ought to look at that
from a graphic standpoint.

We need to understand not just
on a theoretical level, but we

all need to understand what was
really happening there, including.

Goldberg gear is whoopee.

So two schools are being
accused of banning books.

After one in Washington state pulled
to kill a Mockingbird off the required

reading the book claims from students and
parents, including a form of black student

who said it made her uncomfortable and a
Tennessee school pull the graphic novel.

So first to go with Mockingbird, yes.

That book should make you uncomfortable.

That is real.

I don't understand why we're pulling that
book, but again, it's a school board.

It's just not unrequired reading anymore.


Out of their lessons on the Holocaust,
because it contained some nudity and

some bad language personally, I'm shocked
because, you know, given the story of

mouse, I'm, I'm surprised that that's
what, that's, what made you uncomfortable.

The fact that there was some nudity
and, uh, I agree on a sentence.

This is, this is amazing.

I actually, there's some
things I do agree with.

In part, but in whole
there's a big issues.

She continues.


I mean, it's, it's about the Holocaust,
the killing of 6 million people, but that

didn't, that didn't bother you, but the
make sure that they don't use the naked.

As a, kind of a canard to throw
you off from that, they made

like history that makes white.

Oh, so, so the argument that they're
really making here, and this is really

through the whole segment, we're not
going to, it's a six minute segment.

We're not going to play the
whole thing, but the argument

that's being made is a HOD.

The reason they canceled it is
because they're actually white

supremacists that canceled it, that
don't like their, their history.

They don't like the fact that
it's exposing a bad side of

white history because it's quote
unquote, we're going to get into

this quote unquote white on white.

It's not a race issue says
would be in this next clip.

She says, oh, it's just white.

It's just humans being ugly.

Which before we get into this next clip
where she says this, I want to say this.

I do agree with.

Except for the fact that I agree
with that all the time would be, does

not agree with that all the time.

Apparently what happened in the
Holocaust had nothing to do.

With racism and according to
their definition, it doesn't

because they have redefined.

The left has progressive
left, have redefined racism.

We'll get into that.

Here's the clip that really got what
B into big trouble that's causing

her to be canceled by her own show.

Let's be truthful about it because
the Holocaust isn't about race.

No, wait, I'm going to play that.

And let's be truthful about it because
the Holocaust isn't about race.

Isn't about race then what's it
about will be pleased enlightened me.

No, no, it's not about

but it's, it's not about race.

It's not about race because it's
about man's inhumanity to man.

About man's inhumanity to man.

Yes, it's true.

It's about man's inhumanity
to man and it was racial.

Remember the white, what?

Being white is a fairly new
thing before you were German

or you Italian you're Jewish.

You're Scottish.

You're gypsy, not white.

You're Greek, your friend.

You're Spanish.

You're not white, but now
what Progressive's have done.

And this was intentional.

This was an intentional
change in language.

Even starting back in the thirties and
forties, you begin to change some of

this language to have more diverse,
have actually more infighting between.

It goes on.

That's what it's about, but
it's about a white supremacy.

Well, it's not about groups of people.

These are two white groups of people.

So couldn't be about race because in their
view, race is the color of your skin,

which has a real issue as real issue.

What happens when you have.

Or someone who is quote
unquote, white passing.

I've had many conversations.

W where is it?

Well, this, you know, this person
take a summit, whatever random story.

If I bring up an example of someone
who is succeeding in life, or

someone who commits a crime and
saying, well, they were actually.


Oh, well they're white passing.


So now anyone who is doing something
and they're kind of white passing, they

fall in the white category and it's
all depending on the tone of your skin.

So it's not about race, it's
about color in their mind.

And even that is arguable
the problem with race.

And we've mentioned it here.

It's this term that is made, it's
not made up, but it's made up.

It's not concrete.

It's not definable because you could have
someone from a Tongan background that has

very white skin and you can say, well,
they're white passing and therefore they

don't really count as a person of color.

Oh my goodness.



You're missing the point you're missing
the point, the minute you turn it

into race, it goes down this alley.

Let's talk about it for what it is.

It's how people treat each other.

It's a problem.

It doesn't matter if you're black
or white because black, white Jews.

Uh, it's how everybody eats each other.

So is it?


Here's where I do agree with this
sentence, but her argument she's using

the sentence differently in her argument.

I agree.

Everyone eats each other.

It doesn't matter whether you're
black, white, Jewish, Arab,

Polish, I'm Polish doesn't matter.

Everyone eats each other.

And this is called racism.

That is racism.

Everyone eats each other.

But what would be a Saint?

I know that's not racism.

That's just humans being bad humans,
being bad people, but that's not really.

Racism has to do with, with power
structures and the color of your skin

in a Jew, because they're so successful.

Most Jews, the Jewish community is being
less than 1% of the global population.

And yet they they're very
successful as an ethnic group.

Well, they couldn't possibly, it couldn't
possibly be racism because they are

higher up in the power structure and
it doesn't fit into our narrative of.

It depends on the color of your skin,
but with the Holocaust does show is

that racism is actually about normally
across the, across the world, minus

America in America today, the way
that the social fabric is made up

to a large extent, we're really not
looking at what is your ethnic group.

Me being mostly a pole doesn't really
affect my standing in America before,

before even 50 years ago, whether
you're Italian with your Polish, your

Irish, those things really matter.


The Irish really did get lynched
in America because there were

Irish, but it's, it's now melted.

Now whiteness is being all clumped
in, so you're not seeing it as much,

but I bring that point up to bring
this up in the rest of the world.

Pretty much everywhere else.

Your tribe, your ethnicity, it matters.

It is the question that is
asked, where are you from?

What is your family?

What is your status?

What is your, your tribe
that you come from and not.

Is it brought up and it's important and
a lot of stereotypes or attached to that.

And some of them, not
all stereotypes are bad.

Some of these stereotypes are actually
quite accurate in the fact that

we can understand from a cultural
point of view, what, how someone

might behave in a certain job or.

So I'm not against stereotypes.

You stereotype me.

I stereotype you.

Everyone gets stereotype.

It's a way that our minds are able
to process an immense amount of

information, but these ethnic stereotypes
in many places across the globe

defines the salary of someone written
into law defines someone's salary.

Oh, you're from Bangladesh.

Well, this is how much.

Should be able to make, or the
going rate, the floor rate for

your ethnicity in this job.

You're an engineer from Bangladesh.

Well, here is your ceiling.

Here's what we should pay you.

Oh, you're an engineer from India.

Here's what we should pay you.

Oh, you're an engineer from Europe.

Here's what we should pay you.

It's based on ethnicity.

It's based on your passport.

It's based.

Where you're from, not based on
necessarily the color of your skin.

So that's how the majority
of the world sees it.

Color does play into it
in the rest of the world.

They are looking at the shade of skin
and oftentimes marriages won't go through

because the family doesn't like the,
the tone or the shade of the person

that they're going to marry, even if
they're from an acceptable tribe or.


So it does play into it.

I'm not saying that it doesn't, but I'm
also pointing out that once you take away

ethnicity from race and you make it only
about the color of your skin, you get

into these problems, these semantics that
are confusing because your language is.

Your language is loose.

Here's the rest of this clip.




If you're uncomfortable, if you hear
about mouse, should you be worried?

Should, should your child say, oh my God.

I wonder if that's me.

No, that's not what they're going to say.

They're going to say, I
don't want to be like that.

Well, hopefully want to be cool.


Well, so that clip really
didn't add much apologize.

We'll be goes on to double down.

So we'll be getting called out.

This, this narrative goes,
will be, then gets called out.

She issues an apology, you know, the
classic, you know, I'm going to learn,

you know, thank you for telling me
I'm aware of what I said was hurtful.

It's not what it meant.

And then she goes on, she
goes on a late night show.

And she doubles down.

She doubles down on her, her statements
that the Holocaust was not about racism.

It was about just the badness of humanity,
which again, it's like in some ways I

agree, but I agree in a different, I come
to a different conclusion of it, which

is, it's not about the color of your skin.

It's people are bad period, and all
people have the capacity for evil.

You and I, we have the capacity
of evil wickedness in our hearts.

We were no different.

We're no different than, than
people who followed orders

in killing millions of Jews.

No different.

That could be you.

That could be I, because evil runs
down the center of every man's.

But she's making the argument
in, oh, this one-on-one thing.

That's not racism.

That's just people being bad.

But this over here is racism here.

Here's Whoopi.

I've you have you come to understand that
the Nazi saw it as race because they might

ask him the Nazis, they would say, yes.

It's a racial issue.


So the Nazis, they saw
it as a racial issue.

They said Jews are an ethnic.

Now I've get into this conversation
here in the middle east all the time.

Oh, well, geez.

They're just a religious group.

Well, no, they're, they're actually also
an ethnic group, a very distinct ethnic.

So what's interesting to me
because the Nazis lie I'll be

Nazis live wasn't the Nazis lied.

Oh, it wasn't an ethnic group.

This, these, these people
weren't an ethnic group.

Why would it be?

They had issues with ethnicity,
not with race because most of

the Nazis were white people.

And most of the people they were
attacking were white people.

C and here's the problem.

Here's the problem with what.

Most of the people, they were
attacking worth white where white

people and the people that were
attacking where white people, but

this is where this is where this
construct of race totally breaks down.

The Nazis wanted to create an
Aerion race and ethnically pure.

In many places, many genocides
are around ethnicity.

This is racism, but we've redefined
racism as structures of power.


Because that's what CRT tells us.

That's what critical race theory tells us.

That's what intersectional race
theory tells us that it is people

who are lower in the power structure
structure that are being oppressed.

And that is racism.

And if you are.

And an Asian-American background.

If you are from an Indian background
and you're living in America and your,

you are succeeding disproportionately
successful for your, for your population

in places of power and influence.

Well, that's because
you're using white things.

That's because you're using the
strategies of the white man, such

as logic and showing up on time.

This is what they say,
this is what CRT says.

I disagree with it.

I think this is a totally insane
and racist thing to say that showing

up on time is a white construct
to say that using reason and the

scientific method is a white construct.

Asian Americans or Asians period,
not just from a far east Asia, but

even central Asia who use these
things are using white thinking.

And therefore they are either
white passing or white adjacent,

even though they're clearly
not as far as a tone skin tone.

It's in.

It's just insane.


What B what else, what else do you have
to say for, so to me, I'm thinking,

how can you, how can you say it's about
race if you are fighting each other?

So they're not, it all really began
because I said, how will children,

how will we explain to children?

What happened in Nazi, Germany?

This one.

I said this wasn't racial was,
this was about white on white.

And everybody said, no,
no, no, it was racial.

And so that's what this all came from.

So once again, don't write me anymore.

I know how you feel.


I already know I get it.


I'm going to take your word for
it and never bring it up again.


Um, but stick around.

We'll be right back.

We'll take your word for it.

Oh my goodness.

I'm going to take your word for
it and never bring it up again.

In other words, I totally
disagree with you.

I totally don't see it
the way that you see it.

I'm going to stick to my guns.

I'm not apologizing.

It's white on white and
therefore it's not racial.

It's not ethnic.

And again, the 15th time in this episode,
The problem with using the word race,

especially when it's defined, as it is
now is structured as a color or power.

When really it's about ethnicity, ethnic
struggles, which have been happening

for thousands of years will continue
to happen for thousands of years.

It's not going away anytime soon.

That is what racism is.

It's ethnic conflict between.

Oh, she got canceled.

Shishi got canceled for that.

I dunno.

She should've got canceled
probably for a lot of things.

I'm not into the canceling.

I think if people want to subscribe
and listen to what be, that is

their prerogative, they should have
the right to do it just, just as I

should have the right to be able to
subscribe and listen to Joe Rogan.

For instance, who's getting
canceled, trying to people are

trying to cancel him off of Spotify.

Right now, people are just cutting off
their nose to spite their faces and

taking their own music off of Spotify.

Um, which might not be a bad decision
as, uh, depends on how much cashflow

they're getting from Spotify,
but I'm not a fan of canceling.

I can understand why the network
would have taken her off the air,

probably just to, to save their butts,
um, for, you know, what's the word.

Good PR exposure or to mitigate the
crisis as it's, she's just doubling and

tripling down on her ideas regarding,
uh, the Holocaust and how it wasn't

about racism when it was clearly clearly
racial, but before the issue is even

today, it's still should be and stands
that it's not white on white it's.

And these ethnic conflicts, we used to
see them as Italians, as being a different

race, a different nationality Jews mean a
different race, Germans being a different

race, Irish being a different race,
and it still is today and everywhere

else in the world still is today.

Still is today.

Well, speaking of canceling,
speaking of canceling.

The truckers in Canada are
canceling the ruling elite.

They have had enough.

They've had enough with mandates
and lockdowns that this all started.

This all started because the Canadian
government decided to mandate

vaccines for truckers, the trucking
community, which we're called to

be a fringe minority in Canada.

Fringe minority have blocked
up all the roads in Ottawa.

They've blocked up, uh, international
borders going from Canada to Montana

causing Hey havoc across the country.

And right now, three out of 10 people in
Canada support these trucker protests.

Three out of 10.

That's hardly a fringe minority.

Well, the police have said that the
protest is not lawful and they have

resources in place to make rests and tote.

Tow vehicles drops away and they said
this quote, what may have begun as a

peaceful, peaceful assembly quickly
turned into an unlawful blockade while

Alberta R C M P has begun to possess.

Begun has been in a position
to conduct enforcement.

We have been engaging with
protestors and we will begin to

arrest and tow if we need be well.

So they call here's this, this is great.

The police made requests to local towing
companies to assist in the removing of

vehicles, participating in the blockade
at the border, including those in.

And other cities across Canada, but the
towing companies were unwilling to do so.

According to report from
the Western standard one.

Citywide towing told the Western standard,
the head it had been S had sent tow trucks

to help support stranded drivers at the
blockade and that none of its vehicles

stay on scene to assist the authorities.

In other words, the tow
trucks are like no way.

We're standing with the truckers.

We're not going to turn on our own.

We're not going to help you tow these.

We want to see these mandates lifted.

What did they want specifically?

The national movement of truckers
began after the federal government

imposed their requirement for COVID
19 vaccination for all drivers

crossing the U S Canadian border.

But the movement has since expanded
to request the lifting of all

provincial and federal COVID-19
restrictions and mandates one of the.

Mandates that Canada was going to put in
place was going to tax the unvaccinated.

They were, there were
literally going to tax.

Quebec was going to tax people who are
unvaccinated to make up for the cost of

those who have to go to the hospital.

Cause the unvaccinated are not
taking their caring, their favorite.

Uh, just wildly crazy.

Here's the.

By Dennis Prager on commenting on
what's happening with the truckers.

It's another example that the,
of the, the upper classes are, or

the tyrants and the middle-class
and lower-class prefer Liberty.


It's a very.


And I know this for my whole
life because my field of study

was communism, incredibly human,
the world that we live in now.

And, uh, if, uh, one observer noted all
the support for Stalin in America and the

west and said it was the intellectuals who
supported Stalin, the hardhats hated him.

But Dennis is saying is during the Soviet
union, it was the lower middle-class in

the rest of the world who were against
stolen preexisted, resisted, stolen,

who did not like him, but it was the
ruling elites were very pro Stalin.

They really liked what was happening.

And he's saying here again, we look
at these mandates, we've looked at.

Th th the ruling elite seeking to control
and have power over society, over people

who also at the same time sit far above
the wall, these queues of, of modern

day, they see themselves above the law.

And as a leader, seek to
rule the masses and tell the

masses how they ought to live.

Cause they know.

You should be happy in your little life
down there, and we're going to control

and tell you exactly how to be happy.

We're going to tell you
exactly how to live.

We're going to rule your life, but
it's the, the middle class, the

lower class who resist tyranny.

And it has been for thousands of
years, the resisting of tyranny and the

embracing of freedom comes from the.

And the middle-class the people who are
saying, no, we don't want, we don't want

you to tell us how we ought to live.

Give us our freedoms, give us our rights.

Don't tell us where we can't go, what
restaurants we can or can't eat at what

businesses are essential or non-essential.

Uh, and about those businesses being
essential or non-essential, that is the

exact language they used in the Holocaust.

Oh, are you in the central?

Are you an essential worker?

Oh no, you're a, you're
a geography teacher.

You're not an essential worker.

You're not a central to the war.


You were going to liquidate you right now.

Oh, you.

And this is what they did
to the Jews, by the way.

Just, that's why I used the word Jew.

It wasn't a racial ethnics.

You are a metal worker.


That isn't a central worker, because
we are going to be able to use you

in a labor camp to build our German
war machine or Nazi war machine.

This is the same language that
was used that we're using today.

When it comes to businesses.

Oh, your business.

Isn't an essential business.

You got to close your doors.

You can't be in business because
you're not an essential worker,

your business isn't essential.

You don't matter.

This is why people are making and
drawing parallels between what happened

in Nazi, Germany, in the Holocaust,
which is what's happening today.

This is why, because some of the
same language is being used to

separate populations, even between
essential and nonessential workers.

Well, which then brings
us to the question.

Do these lockdowns, do these mandates
work, do they actually work to save lives?

Do they actually work to reduce mortality?

That's what we were told.

Remember, beginning of
20, 20, locked down.

186 nations imposed bands on works, social
interpretation, in-person schooling,

travel, and other restrictions, many
places you couldn't leave your city.

You had night curfews couldn't
visit with your family.

Kids being pulled out of school.

There's been a massive uptick in kids
needing to, uh, see language therapists

because kids are no longer able to see.

Lips moving because of masks.

What are we doing?

What are we really doing?

Do this gender.

What have we done?

And in some places continue
to do to this generation.

And does it work?

Will it work in reducing mortality?

Well, a study came out of John
Hopkins university that said

lockdowns in the U S and Europe have
little to no impact in reducing.

Deaths from COVID-19.

According to new analysts analysis
of researchers done John Hopkins.

This is from the hill or Washington times.

Excuse me.

The study said we find no evidence
that lockdown school closures, border

closures and limiting gatherings have had
noticeable effects on COVID-19 mortality.

The researchers.

They have contributed to reducing
economic activity, raising

unemployment's unemployment, reducing
schooling, causing political unrest

and contributing to domestic violence
and undermining liberal democracy.


Oh yeah.

What is it good for?

It's good for reducing economic activity.

It's good for raising unemployment.

It's good for making our kids stupid
because they're not in school.

It's good for political unrest.

It's good for domestic violence.

It's good for undermining
liberal democracies.

So now if the ruling elite know
this, if they know this, they have

the data, they have the data, they
have the science in front of them.

We got to follow the science.

Then it would stand to reason, but
those people who seek to continue

to Institute and band-aid global
lockdowns international Lockton.

That the, who has previously
said was not affected.

It seems that

there could be ulterior motives, uh,
Brene social unrest of causing big

problems that they can then step in
and solve and make a lot of money.

Oh, my goodness.

Overall, we conclude that the
lockdowns were not effective,

effective way of reducing mortality
rates during a pandemic, at least not

in the first wave of the pandemic.

This study.

When you look at the actual data,
it was, it was limited in its.

It was looking at us and Europe.

And it was looking at the, the lockdowns
from March to September of 2020.

Now these we're not looking at
volunteering measures that people took,

but they're looking at mandated measures,
such as no indoor dining, uh, quarantines

the closing of schools and businesses.

So it was limited in its scope.

It wasn't the everything that every
nation did was limited in its.

It said that the, these script
blocked downs on average,

only reduced deaths by 0.2%

point only reduce them by
0.2% of mortality rates.

It also said for, for full transparency,
that when looking at specific measures,

Not just the broad lockdowns, but some
specific measures did prove to be helpful

in reducing deaths by approximately 10.6%.

One of those is the, the, the
closing of non-essential businesses.

It also said that the shelter in place
mandates again, I think our district

ridiculous, uh, reduce deaths by 2.9 per.

This is what the average
in these studies shows.

So it's not just 0.2%, but that
was on average, but they did

say that some specific things
prove to reduce mortality rates.

So figure to throw in that caveat
in there, just for the sake of

honesty and clarity, but what
lockdowns w w what's going to happen?

What does the future of Lockton.

Is there a future in lockdowns?

Well, yes.

Yes, there is.

Don't worry if you loved lockdowns,
cause he had an excuse to stay at home

and binge your life away on Netflix.

And uh, if you, if you love
the fact that you couldn't go

to a park, can you go outside?

Can you go to beaches, zoos,
if you like that, don't worry

more of it is coming your way.

And it's not just a, uh,
it's not just a fairy tale.

It's not just.

But in November of 2020, the red
cross proclaimed that climate

change is a bigger threat thing.

COVID-19 and should be crunched confronted
with the same urgency it's climate change,

ladies and gentlemen, climate change.

We're are we going to
see climate lockdowns?

Just like we saw COVID lockdowns
that start gradually and

discreetly and it's slowly.

Putting special carbon taxes on people who
don't comply, making people who question

these carbon tax question, the movement,
restrictions, questioning people who,

why do some people have special rights
to travel and other, other people don't?

Well, those people will probably
be labeled as climate deniers

or simply a domestic terror.

But the fact of the matter is the
real fact of the matter is that

deaths from natural disasters
have fallen by two thirds over

the past five decades, two thirds.

However, again, these ruling elites
insist that climate change is the biggest

threat that modern humans have ever faced.

The biggest.

That modern humans have ever faced.

Political leaders have learned.

This is, this is from the hill.

This is the article from the hill.

Political leaders have learned that
fear promotes the public to accept

dramatic curtailing of freedoms
for vague promises of safety.

They must realize the incredible power
at their fingertips COVID-19 gave the.

Mouse a cookie and power hungry
officials and bureaucrats can utilize

the precedents of the past two
years to Institute a much longer and

much more comprehensive lockdown.

The ruling elites, they have
a different agenda and that

agenda is not to keep you safe.

It's not to keep me safe.

That's my job.

The government is the government's
job is not to keep me safe.

It's not to provide for me.

The government is not my daddy.

But we have a responsibility to
keep our families safe, to raise our

families, to strengthen our communities.

That's our job and endless lockdowns with
vague promises, vague promises of safety

that the measures that they're suggesting
to save the planet from climate change.

Did you notice it moved from global
warming to climate change because

they realized that they couldn't
really prove global warming.

These vague promises are going to
cause I hope they don't, but could

cause millions to crate their lives
to be locked down because of fear

in this vague promise of a few.

While the ruling leads, you know,
they get their free passes to

travel to these climate change,
change summits on their jets.

What's the carbon imprint
and footprint that they have.

Again, it's just two, it's just
two, two different spheres, two

different segments and echelons
of society to pull this all in.

As we reflect on.

And we, we think about the broad,
like what do we take away from this?

Besides just being enraged at
the insanity that we live in and

makes us feel more powerless.

This can all make us feel more powerless,
but I reflect on this and this is why

to get up it's truth, living in truth.

That leads to freedom.


It's the truth that sets you
free and truth is not just

knowledge, but it has to be lived.

It has to be lived out.

And no matter what circumstances you
are in, if you personally are living out

truth, you have freedom in those areas.

You can live free, no matter whether
there's government instituted

lockdowns or not, you can live free.

So in this, I zoom back out
or maybe a zoom back in.

Our personal lives.

And I asked myself, what is
the, what is the principle?

What is the truth that we ought to grab
onto, to implement into our lives so

that we can walk out in our purpose.

And one of those truths, I believe is
humility that the ruling elite that we

see today seem to really lack empathy.

And seem to lack humility
in those that they lead.

And what I mean by this is even when
you look at language like non-essential

worker, when, when a quote-unquote
essential worker politician is to

white collar politician is still making
their income still making their checks.

They're still profiting from
the stock market, but they're

putting blue collar workers.

Low income workers who are eating week
to week and month to month, day to day,

there are millions of people in India
who are day laborers, and if they don't

work that day, they don't eat that night.

Their families don't eat that night.

Lockdowns across India have put
millions of people into starvation

that are already on the there
aren't like they're in poverty.

They're living probably
underneath $2 a day.

These have.

World implications.

And when the data shows, the science
shows that these lockdowns are not

saving lives, I look at it, take a step
back and say, okay, we need to have

empathy for those that we're leading.

We need to have empathy for whether
it's our children, our employees, or our

spouses or friends that we're leading.

We need to lead with empathy.

And that takes humility.

It takes humility.

When we're leading to feel, take a
step back a step down and say, let

me see you, my children as a human
being, let me see you, my employees as

human beings and what you are feeling.

And then how do I manage the good of
the whole with the essential needs

of the individual of the empathy
of the individual and giving free.

To that individual freedom to
make their own choices as we can.

And this is one thing we continue
to do with our children from a very

young age, we always seek to give
our kids autonomy and freedom to make

their choices, to get their food.

Did you things for themselves to
make them strong and powerful people?

I do this with.

With employees and we're
working on a project together.

I always seek to give the most amount
of creative freedom that I can to them

so that they can grow and have empathy
and say, what do you think is going

to be best for you in this situation?

It doesn't always work, but we need
to lead with humility and empathy.

And that is a gate that enters into
that field of truth, where we live in.

Rather than being a micromanager,
rather than being someone who is leading

from a place of being above the law.

This is, this is how we step into purpose.

This is how we step into.

Yeah, that makes sense.

In a post-truth society where we've
exchanged truth, flies and reason for

postmodern irrationality, the absurd.

It finally makes sense.

Well, I'm sure today that would
be, should have won the position

for, yeah, that makes sense.

Uh, as it was a perfect, a perfect
spot, but instead we have something

a little bit more, uh, Maybe light.

I don't know.

It was pretty violent and insane.

So there is something for those of
you who are not American, uh, that's

an American institution, if you will.

And that is the golden corral.

The golden corral is a
steak buffet restaurant.

You come, you pay your 24 99 or your 1999.

I don't even know what it is.

And you go to the golden corral
and it just, even the name of it.

It's I get this picture of a farm with
troughs and a flop being thrown down

in the animals, just gathering around
and eating to their heart's delight

until they're stuffed in gorged.

And you know, of course the food
at these places are just stuffed

full of starches to fill up.


Uh, oh man.

I mean maybe, maybe you're
a fan of the golden corral.

I don't know, but the thought of it
right now, maybe because it's early

in the morning, it's just, oh, it
kind of makes your stomach turn.

You can already feel the
stomach ache from afterwards.

Oh, my goodness.

Here's if you're, if you're listening and
not watching, I will, I'll do my best to

describe the scene that we are about to
see that took place in the golden corral,

which is a steak buffet by the way.

And they ran out of steaks.

And so what, what is
the response of these.

Kind and loving people
at the golden corral.

Well, let's see,

you can see a group of people
amassed around some tables,

yelling everyone's yelling

chairs, start coming out,
people start picking up tables.

And now full on brawl, where
people are throwing high chairs,

people are throwing tables.

People are brawling that the
staff is begins to this one.

Brave lady towards the end of the
clip comes in to break up a fight

where people are literally picking
up tables, those big, heavy tables

with the metal axes at the bottom to
try to and throwing them across the

room at other people, a full on bra.

There's one brave lady steps in to get
this guy to put down a table and people

are still throwing chairs in insanity.

This, I mean, I'm sure this
is not new to the world.

I'm sure that in the wild, wild west
and in the stone ages and in the

medieval times in the dark ages, there
were brawls over food all the time.

No doubt.

No doubt, this is not a new phenomenon,
but it does show the decadence that

we live in, in today's society.

The decadence here we are and
all that, all we can eat buffet.

We run out of steak, steak of all
things, a luxury, a decadence.

And we go crazy because we
can't have all that we can eat.

Sure it can show a sign of, oh look,
the supply chain is breaking down, but I

think what more it shows at least to me
is the, as I said, the decadence that we

live in, the spoiled, the spoiled, this
that we live in, that we live like Kings.

We live like Kings and what
are you going to do about it?

What are you going to
do with your privilege?

Cause we really do.

We all, every person.

Today has an immense amount of
privilege, every single person,

what are we going to do about it?

How are we going to live our lives?

Are we going to live our lives in a
way that lays our life down for other

people that sacrifices something
of worth to make a, an impact?

Well, I hope so.

That's what I, I certainly
want to do my wife.

A little sidebar, my wife and I
watching those Schindler's list the

other week, which is a story of Oscar
Schindler, saving thousands, use a

Nazi in Nazi, Germany, and he profited
off of the slave labors of Jews.

But then his heart was transformed
of someone who just a womanizer

who loved money to all of a sudden,
one of empathy and humility.

And he ended up.

With millions of dollars and paint
for over 1,300 Jews to be rescued

by extracting them out of these
death camps and putting into, into

camps to work in his factories,
but he's saving their lives.

And at the end of his, this, the
film and at the end of his life

and real life, it's a true story.

He's, he's saved thousands
of lives or a thousand lives.

And the war is over and he has this moment
and he, he realizes, he looks at his ring.

He looks at his car.

He says, I could have that car
could have saved 10 more lives.

This, this pin it's called.

It could save one, maybe 2, 1,
1 more life I could have, could

have gotten one more so out.

But I was so self-consumed even in
the midst of my saving thousands

of people, I was self-consumed.

And that really struck me
and my wife at the heart.

And I want to be somewhere.

Doesn't hold onto the temporal things
of this world, of the decadence

and softness that we live in.

But I want to burn my life
out, burn my resources out to

impact the most amount of lives.

Well, in order to do that in order to
stay on the show on the show, in order

for the show to stay on the air up.

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We'll be right back with our
closing Weaver and loom segment.

Welcome back to Weaver Luma, part
of the show where we take ancient

wisdom and we weave it in with our.

They lives that we can own our future.

And we've our destiny today's quote
comes from the one and only mark Twain.

Mark Twain said, vis wrote this.

The fear of death follows
from the fear of life.

A man who lives fully is
prepared to die at any time.

This is what we're seeing with.

Just a couple of days ago, talking to the
cab driver, he was just rattling on just,

just impassioned rattling on about how
many people have lost their businesses,

because they haven't closed their doors.

How many people have
lost their livelihoods?

How many millions, millions, but
hundreds of thousands of people have

left, lost their jobs, businesses.

And he said, people, people aren't dying.

And I know this is, uh, this is what he
said, people aren't dying from Corona.

They're dying from fear.

Now I understand people are
actually dying from Corona.

That's not what I'm saying.

So don't fake news me, but
this is what he's saying.

People are dying from fear.

They're dying from fear, not from
this other thing, but they're

losing their lives because.

Paralyzing fear that they are under,
and this is why people are willing to

give up their, their lives and go into
lockdowns to lose their livelihoods.

Because it's a fear of death, which
follows from the fear of life.

People aren't, aren't willing
to live in, are afraid to lose.

We normally don't include a, uh,
article in this section of the

show, but there was a study that
found that fear is contagious.

That fear is a.

And when you are around people who
are experiencing fear, when you're

in the crowd, there's not safety in
numbers, but there's fear in numbers

that when someone else begins afraid
to release pheromones and hormones

and your body picks up on that and
smells that and follows those social

cues and you move further into fear.

So two takeaways from that is.

Go alone.

Start alone.

It's okay to be someone who forges
out when everyone else is afraid,

because oftentimes that group think
mentality can bind you into group

think and could be very dangerous
when we're bound up in fear.

The other thing is be a person who
leads those groups who settles in

cones, the hearts and the minds.


Fear monger.

Well, that is all for today's episode.

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listening and supporting the show.

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Right on the show.

Remember, you are someone who, who
goes out, who pursues and lives

in truth in humility and empathy,
which enables you to own this.