You want to live a life on fire and on mission.
You want to be filled with such conviction and drive that you stop caring about what ANYone thinks.
You want to face each day alive, authentic, and fully present in every moment: with your wife, kids, on the street, at the gym, at work.
You want to bring yourSELF to the table, and to stop bringing the watered-down, nice, what everyone wants version of you.
You want that self to be a man who is burning in passion for Jesus, unafraid to bring his kingdom to anyone in your path, no matter the cost.
You want to love the one in front of you without fear, without needing love back, and without reserve.
You want to experience God for real, to not just believe, but to KNOW that he’s got you and that he’ll show up on your behalf. That he’ll show up THROUGH you.
You want to get to the end of your race and say, “Yep…I gave it everything. Jesus, you know I’m all in.”
...And you want to know just how to get there.
Welcome to Man Warrior King. Congratulations. You are among the violent taking the kingdom by force. You are among the chosen, answering the call to rise above your self. You are in the forge being stripped down and strengthened—and you WILL rise stronger, solid, unshakeable.
You are a man. You are a warrior. You are a king.
Good morning and welcome to another episode of the Man Warrior King podcast. I'm your host, Matt Halleck. Today, I want to address a topic that has been the bane of many men for years. And when you're here at the beginning of 2025, looking ahead at what this year can be like, if you don't address this thing,
It is going to keep you from experiencing the year that you want to experience. It's going to keep you from experiencing transformation, from experiencing victory and all of that.
The topic at hand is...
shame and disqualification.
And this thing.
is rampant in our modern church culture. We are so sin-focused.
to the point where we have made an idol out
And I imagine that that statement rubs some people the wrong way and it is designed to.
But we are so focused on sin and getting our behavior right that we neglect the greater things of God. And we've made salvation be all about getting myself free from sinning.
And when I still do
then I have to go through this process of repentance and asking forgiveness and things like that in order to get right again.
And we end up, if we still sin, end up feeling like we have to pay penance.
in order to get right.
The gospel of Jesus is not, it does not revolve around freedom from sinning. It revolves around freedom from sin as an entity, as a lifestyle, as a package deal that comes with a whole host of consequences.
I have been set free from the entire realm of sin.
And, what that means is that I no longer play the game according to the old rules.
That means that when I sin, it does not influence my qualifications for receiving blessing from God, for operating in the authority that He has given me.
sinning no longer separates me from him.
And that's gonna make some people mad.
But that's the whole purpose of Jesus. And this makes people mad. But you have to understand that if Paul did it preach the same scandalous message, there would have been no reason for him to say, hey, am I saying that we should then just keep on sinning so that grace can be more and more? And he's like, no, that's not what I'm saying at all. Neither am I. I'm not saying to go ahead and keep on sinning.
Because if you go ahead and keep on sinning willingly, now we're talking about a heart issue where the question is, is your heart really after Jesus or is it not? Because here's who I'm talking to right now. I'm talking to the men out there who love the Lord and who want to live their lives in connection with Him, but who deal with shame and disqualification because of the fact that they
have messed up or that they are going through their days in an imperfect manner and they just constantly feel like they don't measure up.
Their heart wants the Lord and loves the Lord. But now something in them is telling them that they have created a disconnect between him and them because of their performance. That's who I'm talking to. If you wanna go ahead and find an excuse to sin and keep on doing it, then this isn't for you and you may not even be saved. Let's just call it like it is.
but for those who love him and who want him.
When you sin, it does not separate you from His presence, from His attention, from being able to hear Him speak to you, from His revelation. It doesn't separate you from your spiritual gifts. It doesn't separate you from operating in the power of the Holy Spirit.
but we have a culture that's obsessed with sinning in the church.
But I'm telling you, the gospel says that you died. The old you that was born into the realm of sin died with Jesus on the cross. And a new species came back to life with him in resurrection. And now you live as a different species
in a new realm that is no longer the old sin realm. You live in the realm of his kingdom where you receive blessing and honor and intimacy with him and power and authority from him. Not based on your performance anymore, but based on the performance of Jesus. And that, my friend, is really
good news because if we can get a hold of this, that means that we can forever let go of those those damning thoughts that constantly barrage you and nag you and tell you this thing is going wrong in your life because God doesn't want to give you his favor because you haven't you're you have upset him.
You have disqualified yourself from blessings in this manner.
And when we say these things, when we think this way, we are profaning the work of Jesus. I wanna read to you some scriptures that have hit me hard lately from the book of Romans. And this is from the passion translation. It says in Romans chapter three, verse 27, where then is boasting? Do our works bring God's acceptance? Not at all.
It was not our works of keeping the law, but our faith in His finished work that makes us right with God.
Your works, your performance do not make you acceptable to God.
Your performance does not earn you a place in God's family at the table with him. And it says, in fact, not at all. It's not how well you keep the law, but your faith in his finished work that makes you right. So here's the thing, when you mess up and Satan comes along and says, you're not right with God now, and you believe that?
Now all of a sudden that belief is undermining what could be faith in his finished work. So the belief that you're not right with God actually does more to separate you from him than your lack of performance.
because it's your faith in the finished work of Jesus that makes you right with Him. And if you're not believing that His finished work is finished and you are forever united with Him, that's a problem.
The next verse, Romans 3.28 says, our conclusion then is this, God's wonderful declaration that we are righteous in His eyes can only come when we put our faith in Christ and it cannot come in keeping the law.
So you have a choice between earning your righteousness by continually focusing on your performance and whether you're measuring up, or you can let go of that way of life altogether.
say, Lord, my righteousness only comes because of what you've done. that's always been the basis for it.
And that exists whether I have gone sinless for a year or I sinned today. I'm righteous as a species, not righteous as a payment for performance.
See, this idea of you being righteous is like, it's like a child, it's like my daughter.
She was born into the Halleck family.
And that is...
She was born into the Halleck family and that is forever true. That is unchangeable. It doesn't matter whether she performs well in school. It doesn't matter whether she gets a good job. It doesn't matter whether she blows it and she disobeys me. She will always be a Halleck.
She can go off and ruin her life and she will be a Hallux.
See, this is what scripture is talking about.
You can't do anything to change your righteousness because your righteousness doesn't have anything to do with what you do. It has everything to do with you being born into God's family and because of that, you're righteous. And Jesus was your gateway to have that rebirth.
In verse 30, it says, He eliminates our guilt and makes us right with Him by faith no matter who we are.
Your guilt is eliminated.
Romans chapter 4 goes on.
And it says,
Because Abraham believed God's words, his faith transferred God's righteousness into his account. And it's the same for you. Believing God's transfers righteousness into your account. So when God says, you are seated with me in heavenly places, when he says you've been given a spirit of power, love and a sound mind, that all the spiritual blessings are yours.
when you believe that.
When you believe what he says about you, that's how your righteousness comes. When you believe that Jesus is who he said he was, that's how your righteousness comes. But when you start doubting his words,
Now you're creating for yourself a life experience where you're not going to see the benefits of righteousness because according to your faith, will it be done to you? You might still be righteous in his eyes, but on your end, you're going to feel like a piece of crap.
See, when we talk about believing God's words and that becomes our righteousness in our culture, we usually assume that that means obeying what he tells you to do and not doing the things he tells you not to do. We always go to this place of moral behavior and we limit the working of faith in God's word to, should do what he says and I should not do the things that he says are wrong.
But I'm telling you, the scope is so much broader than that. That's only a part of the picture. I want you to put your faith in his words about what he says you are, about your worth, about the life that he says you have in front of you.
And it says in Romans four, five, no one earns God's righteousness. No one. It can only be transferred when we no longer rely on our own work. See, this is the thing. You've got to stop linking how good you're doing to how good you are.
You cannot rely on your works to free you from shame, to make you qualified, to help you know that you and God are good. You can't do it. You've got to rely on the one it says here in verse five, on the one who powerfully declares the ungodly to be righteous in his eyes.
You, my friend, are righteous because he says so.
we're killing religious spirits in this thing,
Can you feel the freedom? Not the freedom and the license to go sin more, but the freedom from sin, the freedom from the shame and the guilt that came with sin, the freedom from disease that came with sin.
And it says in verse eight, what happy progress comes to them when they hear the Lord speak over them. I will never hold your sins against you.
That means that if you're not hearing God say, I'll never hold your sins against you, then you're not able to progress in your life. But it's not because God's not saying it, it's because you choose who you listen to and you choose whether or not you are going to give airtime to the voice of the devil who's telling you, your sins are gonna come back to get you.
God's gonna hold you accountable for your sins.
When you're listening to that, you can't hear God saying, I will never hold your sins against you.
This message, my friend, it will not produce in you the licentiousness that you might be afraid of.
just going off the deep end and now plummeting into a life of sin. That's impossible because this is the gospel message and we know that the gospel brings transformation and it brings victory. When you get this message, it will produce in you joy that you haven't known before, confidence that you haven't known before, humility and love for the people around you that you haven't known before.
Why haven't you known these things? Because you've been so bankrupt emotionally because you're so full of shame and guilt and condemnation. And when you're dealing with all those things, you don't have the margin to truly love, to truly be generous, to focus on somebody other than yourself.
So I want you to get this my friend, your righteousness comes because of faith in Jesus and his performance, not because of your performance. Do you understand?
Gentlemen, if you have not yet purchased the DNA of a man, will you please do so? It's going to change your life. And if you need help in whatever it is that you are going through, get a hold of me, man, By the way,
I'm gonna be launching a perfectly free marriage reset acceleration training. It is going to give you short actionable training sessions that are going to help you get yourself as a husband into a place of thriving so that your marriage can begin to have passion and desire come back into it.
So be on the lookout. you're not on the email list, head to my website, get on the email list or be watching the podcast show notes because I'm going to be putting links to the marriage reset accelerator in there where you're gonna get that free access to the training course and a community. It's a free community that goes with it.
And you're going to be able to to jumpstart your marriage transformation from there. There's other offers that I've got for you if you really want to go deeper into your marriage transformation and you're going to be on the lookout for those. For now, gentlemen, I love you. Bless you. Stay the course.