Clydesdale Media Podcast

Previewing the events of Day 1

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what's going on everybody

welcome to wednesday night

crossfit talk with carolyn

prevo and myself how you

doing carolyn not too bad

just had dinner had a

little um sorbet for

dessert it's delicious uh

did you buy it or did you

make it I bought it at

costco it like comes like

in a fruit and you just

like grab a spoon and just

scoop it it's awesome

there's recipes with my

Ninja creamy that you can

make sorbets with,

like with fresh fruit and everything.

I just haven't,

I actually haven't even

fired it up in probably a month.

I bought a Ninja creamy

maybe a year ago or a year

and a half ago.

And it's still in a box.

I haven't even opened it.

Lex wanted me to buy it.

And I, I just haven't,

I haven't even opened it.

It's ready for,

it's ready for her when she comes.

It is, uh,

It would be needed here in

Dallas right now.

It's pretty warm.

But yeah.

Aaron Fraser asks what my shirt says.

It says WKRP in Cincinnati.

And if you're old enough to

know what this show,

it was a TV show back in the day.

But I like the way it looks

like an old rock T-shirt.

So, and it was one of my favorite shows.

So we're here, Fort Worth, Texas,

getting ready for the CrossFit Games.

They start tomorrow morning, 7 a.m.

local time.

So that would be 5 a.m.

for Carolyn.

You'll be up for like three

hours by that point.


I'm already going to be up at that point.

So, yeah,

I put all the times for like I've

already converted

everything for the whole day.

So I'm ready to go tomorrow

between the Olympics and the games.

My day is full because it's my rest day.

So it'll be good.

Lots of sport watching.

Speaking of the Olympics,

my plane right now,

American has where you can

watch free TV on your

iPhone or your phone.

But my headphones were

attached to my laptop,

which was in my bag in the overhead.

And I couldn't get them to detach.

So I couldn't listen to

whatever I was watching.

So I had to watch the

Olympics on closed caption and read

all the stuff that was going

on this afternoon.

It was pretty funny.

I've had to do that many times.

If I forgot like my

headphones or something and

I didn't want to put it out,

like the volume up super high.

I just read the captions.



Don't forget to like, and subscribe.

That's why Lex is there.

Like subscribe, hit that notifier.

We're going to be going live a couple.

I set up all the shows so

you can go look and see

when we're going live all weekend.

We're going to do a wrap-up

once a day and then our

normal show on Sunday night.

So we know the entire lineup for tomorrow.

We've known event one is the Run-Swim.

Let's talk favorites for

these events for tomorrow.



Go ahead.

On the men's side,

I'm looking at Brent Fikowski,

James Sprague.

Lazar normally does well in

running and swimming.

So I'd say those three.

Someone like Ricky could

probably have a good lead.


I don't think he is the strongest

swimmer as an Aussie.

I think he's a good swimmer,

but it just depends how

much of a lead he can have offensively.

with his running capacity.

And if you're playing the Heat One app,

it's a lot harder now.

You can't just pick the winner.

You have to pick from five

different regions, I think it is,

or four different regions.

Did I pause or did you?

Did I lose the internet or you?


the internet here has been off and on

a lot all day.

What was the last thing you heard from me?

I heard everything.

So I'm hearing everything from you.

I just,

I think you're not hearing me fast




So those,

those would be my pick on the

men's side would, would be those three.


I still think Jeff and Ricky can do well

just because of, and I mean, yellow,

I don't know his swimming capacity.

Um, if he's a good swimmer,

he could be in the mix as

well in the top 10.



I think the run's going to play a big


but you obviously need to be a

good swimmer.

On the female side, I mean,

Tia is going to do great.

Haley Adams should do well.

Emily Rolfe is a strong

swimmer and runner.

Look for people like Grace

Walton to possibly be up there.

I'd say those are some solid picks.

So I agree with everything you're saying.

I think that as a dark horse pick,

I think Jeff Adler is going

to have a really good event one.

I think people are going the

Fikowski-James Sprague route,

and I think that Jeff's

going to have a great one.

People are counting him out,

and he won last year,

and he's got something to prove.

The other person that I think,

I think Hattie Kenya is

going to have a great event one.

I know that when she was in Bali,

swimming was part of her

training a couple days a week.

And she can run really well.


that'd be great for her to start the

weekend off with a good event.


not saying she's going to beat Tia or


but she's going to have a really good,

really good day.

I just think that three and

a half miles of running is

definitely substantial,

and the good runners are

going to get a good lead

going into the water.



if you look at Hattie in the berm run

that took out the berm,

she did really well in that

at semifinals.

And then I know that she swims a lot.

So that's why I'm picking

her as a dark horse.


Pringle's a great runner too.

I don't know her swimming capacity.

And she's got great endurance.

So she could be another one

to like a dark horse to,

to watch in that event.

Yeah, that's a great pick.

So let's move on to event two.

Event two was just announced today.

I'm not even sure I

understand the total lot, the,

the order of it.

So it's four rounds and they

have the sledgehammer or

like the hammer sledgehammer.

And I mean, they don't even go like,

it's a horrible technique

that they're using.

That's just straight up and

down and then switching.

And then they grab a light sandbag.

That's like soft and like

half full and they toss it

over the tire and they can

walk over the tire.

to the other side.

Actually, before they have to do that,

they have to touch the ground.

So you throw this sandbag,

touch the ground,

then you have to go over.

The amount of people that

are going to forget to

touch the ground and go

over the tire is going to be a lot.

There's going to be a lot of

no reps there or misjudge reps there.

But that was something that was in

the video that they had.

And then there's so 14 reps

of that and then five tire

flips and then yeah, four rounds.

So 50 hammers,

which just looks embarrassing.

It looks like we don't know

how to do a sledgehammer

because it's not even good technique.

And you don't get rewarded for any power.

Like I've done a lot of

training with that with hockey.

We used to do that all the

time on the tires at Wisconsin.

And I also did in CrossFit a little bit,

but never like never a speed thing.

It was more accessory.

It's more for power building, precision,

stuff like that.

But like you're not getting

rewarded for any good technique,

any any power generated.

You're just hitting the tire.

It's going to bounce back

and you just have to be

quick to bring it above your head.

It looks ridiculous.

It looks embarrassing.

Just look at the posture of

the athletes demoing it.

It looks dumb.

Colton had a good flow going,

but it still looks so... It

looks so dumb.

That's not even how you use it.


When I heard hammer,

I had just gotten off a

plane and I thought that

they were going to swing it

like you showed like over the,

and that I would have been

fine with this.

This would have, this thing is not that.

And my comment to you was

ain't nobody winning the

stuffed teddy bear at the

fair with the way they're

swinging the hammer.

No, they don't have to hit hard.

They can just let it fall

and then just re-grip.

I mean,

it's going to be hard because

they're racing.

And it's going to be grippy because,

I mean, all three movements are grippy.

The tire is very, very light.

Like, when you flip tires, it's normally,

like, 400 to 600 pounds.

Like, maybe even more than that.

This is 242 pounds.

It's so light.

Like, it just...

you could, you could toss that, that tire,

not like barely, like they weren't even,

they weren't even using their knee.

Normally when you do a tire flip,

like you drive your knee and then you,

you push it again.

It's like the,

the demo of it just looked

like we didn't know how to flip a tire,

which some people will be

very good at the tire.

I love the tire.

Like, I think that's great.

They should,

they could have done like

burpee jump in the tire,

come back the other way and

then had another implement.


Like the sandbag toss just looks sloppy.

The bag is sloppy, but it's okay.

I just think people are

going to miss that touch on

the ground a lot.

I don't hate any of the

elements by themselves,

but I hate the standards.

I think that's a part I don't like.

And Vi asks the question,

why do you think they went

with this standard over the

swing behind the body?

And she then follows it up with safety,


I don't think it has to do with safety,

but I think that's going to

be the fastest way to do it.

The power means nothing.


In the times that they've

used a hammer or some sort of like sledge,

they had to hit an object,

whether it was a stake in the ground,

which that's not even fair

across all lanes,

like what you're slamming into.

or they had the assault

banger where you're,

you're hitting that thing

either between your legs or to the side,

but you're hitting an

object and you're moving in

a certain distance.

Like there's no thing,

like there's nothing that's

being moved distance wise.

You're just hitting,

like there's not even a

target that you have to hit

the circle every time.

So it measures precision.

It's literally just above your head.


can you be hunched over the whole time?

And just, I don't know the standard,

I guess.

Like if you have to stand up,

then becomes a range of motion.

And the smaller athletes

could do maybe better over

50 reps like that.

Yeah, I just think it was,

it's very interesting.

Like I said, the sandbag toss over,

it's okay.

I'm not like,

I don't think it's like the coolest thing,

but I mean, it's fine.

You still, you have to have, like,

I like sandbag tosses and

stuff like that.


I think that's athleticism stuff like

we used to do.

like med balls and throw

them over our shoulder and

like for distance and stuff like that.

So don't have to toss it and

be precise landing it on

the other side of the tire,

but just very interesting workout.



I'm my,

my grocery shopper is texting me

that they're out of

something I wanted trying

to get groceries to the hotel room.

Aaron Frazier says,

it's the equivalent of running in place.

It's a great training exercise.

It's grippy.

It gets tiring.

I just don't think it has a

place in competition.

That's my thing.

I don't think it's good in a

sport for speed.

If you're not moving a certain distance,


if you're just like hitting

something on the spot,

the standard is very hard.


It might be a factor.

Thinking about it.

If you went behind the back,

how do you judge that standard?

Like, how do you, like,

there's no way like,

and so why not just show

them the fastest way to do it?

Cause everybody's going to do that anyway.


I mean,

you would be dumb to do the correct way.

because it would be slow and

you'd be dumb to use all

the power to go into the,

into the tire because

you're not getting any more points or any,

any lead by hitting the tire any harder.

And you're just going to be like,

wasting your energy that way

like at the end of the day

it's still going to be

exciting because all of us

are fans of the sport and

we're going to be excited

to see the the races go

down and you know position

wise who's going to get the

points but if you're

showcasing our sport I just

don't think that's it looks

good like I'm I was

embarrassed watching it

yeah I lex asks if it's on

espn I don't think it is

I think Amanda's what's on ESPN,

which Vi says as well.

I think Amanda's a good one

to have on ESPN.

Amanda's a great workout on ESPN.

The mixture of a gymnastics,

like high-skill movement,

like a ring muscle-up,

and then the precision of a snatch.

That's always been a great –

Amanda's a great workout.

This one,

if they're going to be showing

highlights of it on ESPN –



Lex says,

imagine that's someone's first

workout they see of CrossFit.

Everybody thinks all we do

is swing sledgehammers into

tires and flip them anyway.

But if they think that's all

the better we can do it,

then that's not good.

like it's a good workout.

Like it would be a good workout to do on a,

like, you know,

on a weekend at your

affiliate with people and you're just,

you know, that's,

you have a tire and you

come up with a workout and

it's just something you do.


At, for the test of the fittest on earth,

like as that,

like that's a test that was

needed in our 12 or however

many that they,

that they're going to come up with.

Like that's the test that we

decide just determines the

fittest on earth.



I don't know.


I agree.

So then we finished up with Amanda,

which we both agree is a great workout.

It's Amanda 45.

So it actually starts at 13

instead of nine.

The original Amanda was nine, five, three,

nine, seven, five, nine, seven, five.

This one is 13, 11, nine, seven, five.

So yeah,

That's a lot.

I've heard elite athletes

say that when you say, Amanda,

it sounds like not a lot on paper,

the original version, and when you do it,

you're gassed at the end.

Now you're adding two more

rounds at the higher end.

Does it change the pacing?

That slows it down because

the real original Amanda,

it's unbroken on the barbell.

Here with 13, 11...

nine seven five you're not

going unbroken on the

barbell um you could do

fast singles and then like

the men are unbroken on the

ring muscles um there could

be a few women that could

go unbroken on on the ring

muscles I don't think many

of them can but you can

definitely see um some of

them go on unbroken on all

rounds um it'll it's a good

workout yeah I like this one a lot

I did it this year in

February because I knew

Amanda with some version of

Amanda was coming this year.

So I've been playing around

with different versions of it.

Yeah, it's a good one.

I like it.


this is the one I'm most excited of

for tomorrow.

To see this in the new venue

in the big with all the

lights and all the and this

to be the ESPN one.

I think this is going to be fun to watch.

Yeah, the venue looks great.

I think they did a great job

just with all the rigs and stuff.

It looks really good.


So people asked about the media access.

I still don't have my credentials yet.

I have to go get them

because when my plane came

in and they changed some of

the scheduling at the venue,

I wasn't able to get there

in time to pick up my credentials today.

And then they were closing

down the venue anyway for team briefings.

and demos tonight.

So we weren't even allowed

in the building anyway.

And they released all of the

team workouts for tomorrow as well.

Anything there of note?

Because I haven't had time

to look at that.

So on the first event,

it was posted earlier on

their CrossFit Games page.

So the team runs three and a half miles

And then they'll paddle

together 0.75 miles to the finish line.

So a little bit longer on

the water than the

individuals who are half a

mile in the water, which is 800 meters.

So that's the first event, which, I mean,

I think a lot of the teams

have been practicing some

version of running into a

paddle after some of the

clues have come up.

come out and then also

seeing the individual workout,

you figured that it was

going to be something similar.

And sure enough, it is.

Um, event number two is a deadlift ladder.

Um, it's like a female, female pair,

and then a male, male, um, paired.

It's like a four minute

AMRAP and the ladder goes higher.

So it's like 20 reps.

Let me just pull it up in my phone.

Yeah, it's like 20 deadlifts at weight one,

20 deadlifts at weight two,

and then max deadlifts at weight three.

And you're just going back

and forth with your partner

until the four minute time caps,

which I mean, I love, of course.

So the last weight for the

barbell on the deadlift for

the men is 425.

And for the females, it's 305.

So in the video that

CrossFit Games posted,

Colton was just ripping them out.

Scott had a little bit more

difficulty with the deadlifts,

but Colton was just going after it.

And then they'll rest two minutes.

And then event number three

is a relay style.

So essentially the reps are all 30 total.

But it's it's divided up

differently between a ring

muscle up and a clean and jerk.

So the first athlete would

go six ring muscle ups and

or I'm assuming it's ring

and 24 clean and jerk for time.

And then the next athlete

would go and their version

would be 12 ring muscle ups

and 18 clean and jerks at 135,

95 as well.

The weight stays the same.

Athlete three would be 18

ring muscle ups and 12 clean and jerks.

And then the last one would

be 24 clean or ring muscle

ups and six clean and jerks.

So most of the teams,

I would assume their male

athlete will be doing the

24 ring muscle ups and the

18 and seeing whether that

athlete has that unbroken.

And that weight on the

barbell is light that it's a sprint.

Like you're essentially

going on broken on both

movements and then you're tagging up.

Like I expect almost all the,

like all the top teams to

be unbroken on this.

So it could be a range of motion as well,

but your grip is going to

be a factor depending on

the deadlift from the one before,

if someone had to hold on

and they have to go a little bit earlier,

but I think it will be fine.

My question to you is going to be,

does that mean the females

would go first and the

males would finish up?

And you answered that already.

Unless you have someone,

like a female athlete,

that would have 18 ring

muscle-ups unbroken.

But I just... I think the

round of 24 muscle-ups,

you might see a break.

But I think if you look at a

team with Noah Olsen or...

uh, Chandler, you know, Tola and them,

like those athletes can do the 24,

I'm assuming unbroken or in two sets.

And then they only have six

clean and jerks after at one 35,

which is normal.

Like it's only pretty,

pretty much a touch and go.

Um, so I think that's, I like that.

That's an exciting,

they're not doing the hammer tire stuff.

So nice job.

uh lex asks is the run roped

I haven't seen if it was

roped or not but I mean

what benefit does it do to

separate from your team if

you gotta wait at the

paddle anyways for all four

members to get there um I

would like for it to be

roped and they're running

together I like I like when

they do that yeah

I think it always looks

better roped because then

it's not – your score is

just your worst runner.

And I know that there's a finisher to this,

but it just has that look.

And so I like it when it's roped.

And that's going to – and

it's been happening like

this for many years,

but a lot of times your

worst runner is a big

factor at one of the events.

Like I was talking to –

what's his name?

Um, Scuds is a boyfriend today and we were,

and he was, yeah.


and he was saying that you can't hide a

good runner or a bad runner anymore.

Like you're always, you know,

penalized for a bad runner,

but if you have a bad lifter,

a lot of times you can

still make up for it with

the other lifters,

but you can't make up for the bad runner.

And I was like, that's a good point that,

you know, you, you're as fast as you're,

As that runner.

And then we talked about

this earlier with the

paddle and the

synchronization that's

going to happen and making

sure that they're going straight.

But I don't think the

distance on the water is significant.

I think a lot of it will get

determined on the run.

However, the beginning of the water,

if there's a lot of paddles there,

can get physical-ish, I'll say.


my guess is the teams that are

together a lot, like the top teams,

like Peak360 and the Mayhem teams,

and they're not going to

have a problem with the synchronization.

But I'm thinking that first heat,

you might see some train wrecks.

Just if you haven't paddled a lot,

there is a technique to it.

And there is like,

you want to reach the same

depth in the water.

You want to have the same

angle on the paddle.

or whatever your paddling turn,

and go not straight.

So I think it's more likely

in the earlier heats,

but just because those top

teams have spent the whole year together.

Will it just be one heat, though?

It could just be one large heat.

Or maybe, you know,

difference of 10 minutes

just so that when they get

to the water it's not as

scrambled um yeah but it

looks like they have to

stay on their like on their

knees and they're not able

to stand up on the paddle

board from what the demo

team demonstrated on dave's

story a few days ago yeah

the last thing I wanted to

talk about um and I just

want to take the last

couple minutes to do that is

If you didn't see the press

conference that had today,

I've said a lot of things

that I didn't like that

CrossFit has been doing.

I thought the press

conference they handled

today was excellent.

And what they did in it was excellent.

They had all the home state

athletes talk about what it

means for the games to come

to their home state.

Don Fall spoke.

There were executives there.

And then they had a level

one seminar staff member.

show a class to the press,

like what it looks like to

do a CrossFit class.

And I thought that was brilliant.

I missed it.

And that sounds awesome.

That, that that's,

and I did see like a

picture of Don fall and the

Texas native three athletes that I saw.

It was Ariel and,

Domet and Bethany.

And I was like, oh,

that's great that they

included the hometown or home state,

I should say, athletes.

But yeah, that's great.


They took 30 minutes to hold

a simulated class to show

the press what a CrossFit

class looks like.


that is the best thing I've

seen in a press conference

since I became part of the

media five years ago.

So, um, I want to give them kudos to that,

uh, huge shout out.

Cause I think that was an

excellent idea and they

should be applauded for that.



Lex jumps in again with who do we think

will be the men's and

women's leader after day one?

I think on the men's side,

you're going to see Ricky

in the lead after day one.

I think he's going to have a

great first event.

His second event,

I have no idea what's going to happen,

but he is not super tall,

and he's very athletic.

He's one of the more

athletic ones in the field.

He should do well in number two,

and he's going to crush Amanda.

And then on the female side,

I don't think you can go

with anyone but Tia.


I want to say somebody other than Tia.

I think that event one,

she's going to win or come

in second at worst.

So that gives her an advantage.

If you want to pick someone else,

I would go with Emma Lawson.

I'm going to go Alexis Raptus.

I think two and three are

going to be good for her.

I know she's been swinging a

sandbag a lot this year.

And so that little fluffy

one that they have to do an event to,

she's going to toss around.

I think two and three are

going to be really, really good for her.

If she can have a solid

finish in event one.

I think she should be good in it.

She's a great runner.

Her swimming should be good.

I don't know if she'll finish top five.

I think that there's

stronger swimmers in the

field than Alexis.

That's why if I were to go outside of Tia,

I would go with Emma Lawson,

who's a great swimmer and runner.

I think she can do well on the sledge one.

I think that she moves well

Like we saw in the box jump

overs last year at the games,

how much she dominated just

the box jump overs there.

And then she almost always

wins ring muscle-up

workouts traditionally.

She's done it at Rogue.

She's done it at semifinals a lot.

So I think Emma could have a

great day one.

If you want to go with

someone other than Tia,

she'll be up there.

So I'm going to take a flyer on –

I think your, your picks are solid.

I, because I don't,

Ricky is so good at almost

all of this other than the swim.


I'm going to take a flyer and go with

Pat Valder.

I know he can't swim.

It's not a long part of that workout.

Can he get a big,

just enough lead to make it solid?

He is awesome at muscle ups.

He'll kill Amanda's too.


And that mid that second one

is nothing for him.

I think he's going to do great.

And number two,

he grew up with a lacrosse

stick in his hand.

If someone is very agile

with both sides of like a

stick and something like in

his hand in that position,

it's literally Pat Donner

as a lacrosse player.

So I do think with his,

with his athleticism,

he adapts very well to

workouts at the games that

are new to people.

Um, he will do very well in two and three.

He's a good runner.

I think he is better on the

swim than what people give

him credit for.

I think he'll do, um,

middle of the pack there

and then great event two

and three that he's going

to be all the way up.

I don't know if he'll be in first,

but he'll be, you know,

well within the top 10 after,

after the first day.

Alexis Lazar and Justin will

have a good day.

One, two, Justin will kill day one.

So he'll probably be right

there behind Ricky.

It'll probably be Ricky, Justin, Pat.

We'll go with that.

I like that.

Like right now,

all of these workouts that are out,

like Roman, I don't see him as high as

jeff ricky and pat for what

we've known so far on these

events um on multiple days

I could be wrong but I it

just seems to be good

workouts right now for more

more other people than him

correct me if I'm wrong we

haven't seen a machine

announced not yet uh

Yes, skiered in the rope with GHD.

Like that has Justin

Medeiros written all over it,

Pat Vellner.

Roman can do well as well too,

but normally I would think

Justin Pat would do well on

that rope climb workout.

Andrew Stent says,

I want to see if Justin and

Lazar still have any beef from last year.

I saw Lazar say that he has no beef,

that they squashed it

pretty soon after the games.


I think it's in the heat of the moment.

They're competitive.

It's well in the rearview mirror now.

They're not thinking about that.

So my last question for you is,

is the Family Watch and Family Feud

One hundred percent.

I'm trying to mute in between,

but I know you can probably hear it.

Yeah, I know my game shows.

I grew up with them,

my family that we watch

them all the time.

So, yeah, love a good family feud.


this is our preview for event for day


I'll be over at the venue tomorrow.

We'll we'll be doing our show.

I think I'm.

I think we scheduled that

I'm going to be live at the

venue right as everything ends, I think.


so tomorrow we're going to be live at

6 p.m.

Pacific time, 8 p.m.

Central time, 9 p.m.

Eastern time.

That's correct.

So make sure you check in for that.

If anything crazy happens,

maybe we'll jump on an IG

Live tomorrow afternoon.

So watch for that as well.

Those will be our quick

hitters if we need them for

the full wrap-up shows.

We'll be doing them here on

YouTube with that, guys.

Thank you so much for joining us tonight.

Have fun on Games Week.

We're starting tomorrow morning, 7 a.m.

local time.

Get your picks in.

Yeah, he won't try to beat us.

I need to get my losing

lineup in against Lex.

With that, bye, guys.

We'll see everybody next time.