Hope On The Rise

What is Hope On The Rise?

Daily wisdom and biblical principles for enriching your life with Dr. Bob Rhoden

There are 333 million people living in the United States. Would it surprise you that 3.9 million of them will graduate from High School this year?
Two of them are from our family, Abe Nicholas and Miles Rhoden. We have already attended the commencement for Abe who was a student at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy in Cincinnati, Ohio and are looking forward to the commencement for Miles from Deep Run High School in Glen Allen, Virginia. Can’t believe all our grandchildren are now High School graduates.
Graduation speakers are expected to focus on what the future might look like for these amazing young people. Sunday May 28 was no exception as Dr. Kevin Brown President of Asbury College in Wilmore, KY gave what he called the Graduate Talk to the 118 seniors at CHCA. Dr. Brown eloquently guided them to have sound thinking with a mind that is well furnished in the ideas of Phil. 4:8.
Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely or admirable think about such things. In explaining how the graduates could make a positive difference no matter what the future may hold, he pointedly charged them to always be relevant by using language that is eternal. But the most powerful advice came from a story of Christians in Czechoslovak where Communism fell on Nov. 29, 1989. It’s now Czech Republic. With this change a church in Prague that had been underground during communist rule was allowed to put up a sign with one stipulation. It could only have three words. What do you suppose they chose? Jesus is Lord!
He is Risen! They chose The Lamb Wins! The CHCA commencement crowd erupted in applause. Dr. Brown concluded by challenging the graduates to use the image of a lamb in their future and to be willing to sacrifice whatever is necessary to follow Christ. In heartfelt words he said, “I believe in you and your generation because of what I saw in February when the Spiritual Outpouring came to Asbury College.”
High School graduations are anticipated transitions that can lead us to a great future if we believe the lamb wins.
And that’s Hope on the Rise for now!