Mick Unplugged

In this episode, Mick Hunt explores Michelle Blood's incredible transformation from a rock singer to a spiritual guide through her innovative use of affirmations embedded in music. Michelle shares her journey of healing and discovery, detailing how affirmations helped her overcome physical and emotional challenges and how she now uses her experiences to help others.

Michelle Blood's Background: Transition from a rock singer in Australia to a motivational speaker after a life-altering car accident.

Defining Moments: Michelle realized the power of affirmations during her recovery in the hospital, which led to her innovation in affirmation music.

Discussion Topics:
  • Michelle's dramatic life change following a severe car accident and her recovery using affirmations and positive thinking.
  • Her unique method of combining music with affirmations enhances personal growth and healing.
  • Insights into her book "Manifestation through Mysticism" and the impact of spiritual teachings on her life and work.
Key Quotes:
  • "I am healed. I know I am. I love myself. I am my friend."
  • "The affirmation has to be stated in the now, emotionalized, and represent what you want to happen."
Next Steps:
  • Explore: Check out Michelle Blood's affirmation music and books to start your transformation journey.
  • Reflect: Think about challenges in your own life that could be addressed with positive affirmations.
  • Engage: Share how affirmations have impacted your life using #MickUnplugged.
Connect & Discover:
  • Instagram: instagram.com/themysticalexperience
  • Facebook: facebook.com/TheMysticalExperience
  • Website: micheleblood.com
  • Free Gift from Michele: www.MicheleBlood.com/Mick
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What is Mick Unplugged?

"Mick Unplugged" is a transformative podcast that challenges listeners to move beyond the conventional 'Why' and embrace the empowering realm of 'Because.' Hosted by Mick Hunt, the voice of Modern Leadership, this podcast is designed for leaders, doers, and anyone aspiring to create meaningful impact in both their personal and professional lives.

Each episode delves into the principles of Modern Leadership, focusing on discovering your 'Because'—your core driving force—and how it can turn dreams into reality and aspirations into actionable steps. With practical advice, real-life stories, and forward-thinking insights, you’ll learn to make your 'Because' a daily focus, fueling your journey toward success and fulfillment.

Whether you’re looking to deepen your motivation, set meaningful goals, or apply modern leadership theories to overcome challenges, "Mick Unplugged" provides the tools, strategies, and insights to guide your path. Subscribe now and start transforming your life with purpose and modern leadership principles.


Are you ready to change your habits, sculpt your destiny, and light up your path to greatness? Welcome to the epicenter of transformation. This is Mick Unplugged. We'll help you identify your because so you can create a routine that's not just productive, but powerful. You'll embrace the art of evolution, adapt strategies to stay ahead of the game, and take a a step toward the extraordinary.


So let's unleash your potential. Now here's Mick.

Mick Hunt:

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another inspiring episode of Mick Unplugged. And today, we have a remarkable guest who's transformed countless lives through her powerful messages and extraordinary journey. She's a world renowned motivational speaker, singer, songwriter, and author. And she now is 1 of my best friends on earth. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the phenomenal, the incomparable, the mesmerizing, the motivating Michelle Bled.

Mick Hunt:

Michelle, welcome to Mick Unplugged. How are you doing today, dear? Who are

Michele Blood:

you talking about? Who are you talking about, Mick?

Mick Hunt:

I am talking about you, the inspiring 1. The inspiring 1.

Michele Blood:

Good day to you and to all your listeners and watchers. It's great to be here with you. You're you're a jolly, lovely fellow.

Mick Hunt:

I try to be at least on whatever day this is. Right? I I try to be for sure.

Michele Blood:

Yeah. I've listened to quite a few of your podcasts. Very, very good. Very inspiring.

Mick Hunt:

Thank you. Well well, now since we're talking about inspiring, let's talk about you, Michelle. Like, you have an amazing story, and there's so much that I wanna unpack as we go along. But you transitioned from rock singer to motivational speaker to, like, 1 of the best, most amazing people on the planet. How'd you get here, Michelle?

Michele Blood:

I'm not gonna be corny and say by plane, but but I just did, and we are very reverent all of the time. Absolutely. My favorite

Mick Hunt:

few times

Michele Blood:

rock singer in Australia. Eventually, I got a band together that I managed as lead singer, 1 of the main songwriters, and we got a record deal. And at 1 stage, we toured nonstop literally for 7 years. And if you've ever watched any documentaries about people on the road, you don't know how hard it is. It's so tough.

Michele Blood:

But I loved it because in Australia back then, you had to have thousands of fans before you got a record deal. We toured toured and toured and toured, you know, did a lot of good support acts for big bands from overseas and, you know, but eventually, you know, we had our own support acts and we were going really well. 1 night, a truck driver fell asleep at the wheel, and I was in the truck with him after a gig. We were driving about 14 hours from Brisbane to Sydney, you know, straight from stage at 3 AM. I used to pack up all the gear, But at that stage at last, I didn't have to wind all the leads and everything afterwards.

Michele Blood:

Anyway but I did. In the beginning days, I did everything. You know, we all had to pitch in because we didn't have road crew back then, but then we had great road crew and everything. But, anyway, he fell asleep. He went into a telephone pole, and as the passenger, I had huge broken bones all over my body.

Michele Blood:

And it was just, you know, smashed pelvis and all yucky stuff. And I was in that hospital for many, many months. You'd think that that would be the worst thing that could happen to a female Sheila rock singer in Australia who loves dancing and doing crazy stuff on stage. But it ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me, which is why I say to people, no matter what you're going through, whether it's emotional pain or you think you don't have enough money or whatever it is, this too shall pass. You can change your attitude about it because you never know what's gonna happen.

Michele Blood:

Because if we allow the things that look really negative to destroy us, well, then we're just destroying ourselves, and we can always make a rainbow out of it if we work hard.

Mick Hunt:

Amazing. So, you know, Michelle, I've been following you for a while, and I love a lot of things about you. But 1 of the main things I love about you is the power of affirmations. And this is something that I literally do throughout the day. I know a lot of people say, you know, I'll speak affirmations in the morning.

Mick Hunt:

Well, that's great. Well, what if something bad happens at noon? Did you stop the affirmations then? Right? So how did you discover the impact of affirmations and how have they transformed your life?

Michele Blood:

Thank you for asking, Mick. It is a really good, unique story. I was in the hospital, and people were putting on cassettes of audio books and of positive thinking people. And for those that are young, Google audio cassettes You don't know what that is. And I always have my little cassette player with me because if I ever had a song idea, I'd have to sing it onto the tape so that I would remember it.

Michele Blood:

Because otherwise, your short term memory just you have creative ideas. It's like, oh, what was I thinking? What was the chorus? And I I thank Mick Jagger for that because when I read in Rolling Stone many moons ago that that's how he ended up writing, Satisfaction, He woke up in the middle of the night. He had he had the chorus.

Michele Blood:

He's gonna go back to sleep, and he went, oh, no. I'm gonna forget it otherwise, and he he quickly just sang it onto a cassette player and went to Keith Richards the next day, and they wrote it in 10 minutes. Anyway,

Mick Hunt:


Michele Blood:

Because before that, I'd be, like, singing it over and over in my head. I don't know why. I guess I was having blonde moments back then.

Mick Hunt:

How am

Michele Blood:

I gonna remember this song idea? I'd write down the thing and, you know, singing it. You've got it forever. Anyway, so 1 of the tapes was some of them were talking about affirmations. 1 of them was Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich, which is all about male millionaire entrepreneurs like Henry Ford in the 19 twenties.

Michele Blood:

What had that to do with the young female rock singer? Nothing. You'd think. Right. However, the chapter on where he's speaking about oh, Earl Nightingale is actually speaking the audiobook.

Michele Blood:

Gorgeous baritone voice he had. And it talked about Napoleon Hill's boy born deaf, his little infant son. And he would go into his little infant son's room every night and go, you can hear perfectly, and all these great affirmations. And in the marrow of my bones, Mick, I knew what I was listening to was true. I sort of did a recalibration in my mind of all the things that I'd created in my life through she will power and just never saying no, never saying I can't do that ever.

Michele Blood:

My whole life, I've never been a I can't do that sort of girl. So I said, okay. Listen. I listened to it over and over again. Okay?

Michele Blood:

The affirmation has to be stated in the now. It has to be emotionalized, and it has to be what you wanna have happen even if it hasn't happened. So because I wasn't healed, my first lyric was, I am healed. I know I am. I love myself.

Michele Blood:

I am my friend. None of those things were true, but I wanted them to be true, so I had the perfect affirmation. Yay. However, the doubting mind kept spitting it out. The reason everyone says you've got to emotionalize the affirmation is because the short term memory or call it the doubting mind.

Michele Blood:

If it goes into the short term memory and the doubting mind spits it out, well, then it doesn't go into the subconscious mind where it needs to be fed. I mean, everyone knows now, neuroscientists, quantum physics, about they've proven everything is consciousness now. They've proven that we are just a hologram. They've proven that black holes aren't really what we thought they were, all in the last 3 years. It's incredible.

Michele Blood:

But back then, no 1 had proven any of this, but I believed it anyway. I just went, oh, it's not working. I'm not gonna do it. Because if you look at your circumstances and they are the opposite of what you're affirming, your doubting mind's gonna go, you're full of it. This is BS.

Michele Blood:

You know? It's just not gonna work. Because you're a nice boy, I won't curse on your show.

Mick Hunt:

That's what we're here for Michelle.

Michele Blood:

Oh, okay. Well, in that case, there's a whole lot of shit. Yeah. They're just words.

Mick Hunt:

It is nice.

Michele Blood:

So a couple of weeks after that, Mick, I I was still listening to this book, and I was like, there must be something I can do. A pipette time. Drumroll, please. You're a singer songwriter. You can't get a song out of your head.

Michele Blood:

You can't get a jingle out of your head, which is why advertising agencies spend 1, 000, 000, 000 a year on jingles, which I had written for advertising agencies over the years, but I never told my band members because it was very uncool to sing jingles. But it was good money. They didn't mind when I was getting new drum kits and stuff. I said, okay. My brother I sent my brother Steven out because no Internet back then.

Michele Blood:

You actually had to go to a record store, and I get me some affirmation positive affirmation music songs. He said there's nothing. He said there were in the woo woo shops, the new age shops, there were some affirmations on cassettes, but they're all talking. And so I just put on an empty cassette. I'll sing it myself.

Michele Blood:

I am healed. I know I am. I love myself. I am my friend. And I sang it over and over again and filled up the cassette, and then I would just listen to it every day.

Michele Blood:

I didn't have to sing along anymore because what was happening was the lyrics were going into the left hemisphere of the brain, the affirmations, and the melody just from my voice was going into the right hemisphere of my brain. So then it goes the proven now goes 300 times faster straight into your subconscious mind. You don't have to believe in the affirmation. All you have to do is listen. And that's why Australians eat vegemite because everyone else in the world thinks it tastes disgusting, but we all listen to, we're happy little veggie maters.

Michele Blood:

Happy as can be.

Mick Hunt:

I'm learning so much right now, Michelle. Like, this is amazing.

Michele Blood:

Yeah. So, you know, it's just such a great and easy way to have the affirmation go straight into your subconscious mind. But now I've written them for little babies, you know, self esteem songs for kids with a z. So many albums to do with every topic under the sun, from money to success to healing to creating miracles, just everything. And it was so much fun.

Michele Blood:

I never intended for this music meet to go out to the public because I'm used to going into a, a, you know, 48 channel studio mixing desk, you know, like the old days when I first started recording music. We had big 2 inch tapes and, you know, when we have to mix the music, we'd all have to stand there with the faders working out where we wanted it to fade. It was extremely fun. It's so much easier now, but it musicians out there, you can't imagine how creative it is and how high you get to mixing it with the engineers, to getting the fade right, doing it the old fashioned way. To do a 12 inch dance mix, they would have to get tapes.

Michele Blood:

There's a drum loop, then tape them all together. It was incredibly challenging to do. I learned so much about engineering back then, but that's not the point. Get back to this. Yeah.

Michele Blood:

So what happened was some news reporters found out about my healing because I was a singer over there, and they started doing interviews. And I always would say yes to an interview because, you know, you're a rock band. You've gotta do interviews. You gotta do your marketing. Right.

Michele Blood:

But the all they wanted to talk about was the affirmation music, and I was like, oh, they weren't asking me questions about other things, about the band or what are you up to next. It was all about these affirmation songs. And so from me being in these magazines and on TV doing interviews about it, there's promoters for rock, and there's promoters for speakers, for authors. Who knew? Mhmm.

Michele Blood:

I didn't. We want you to come and sing, and you'll be singing, and you'll be sharing the stage with doctor Wayne Dyer, doctor Peter, Deepak Chopra, Bob Procter. And then I'm like, who are they? Who in the hell are they? I've never heard of them because that wasn't in my world.

Michele Blood:

My world was a totally different trajectory. But, anyway, they offered me so much money. I said yes. I just thought it was insane that they're offering me so much money to do a little bit of a talk and then get affirmation songs. So they said, you don't need your band.

Michele Blood:

Just mix the music. And I said, I always do that anyway. And they said, and then you just sold the music at the back of the room. And I said, what? Because we weren't allowed to do that back in the day.

Michele Blood:

You know, these days, bands can sell all this stuff. You you weren't allowed to. The promoters and the, people wouldn't let you sell your own stuff. Anyway, that's another thing that you can do now, which is really cool. You can merchandise your own stuff.

Michele Blood:

So I said, oh, okay. They said, make some CDs up. I made 500 thinking, oh my god. I'm do I'm doing 6 cities. I'll be coming back with a whole lot of CDs.

Michele Blood:

I wasn't being negative. I just didn't know the business. Mhmm. And I was getting them all up on stage to sing magnet money song and dance along, and we had the lyrics up on the big screen. And by lunchtime that day, all the CDs had been sold.

Michele Blood:

There were 3 and a half 1000 people who had paid over $300 each for a daytime seminar. Welcome to a new world, Michelle. I was like, holy crap. This is insane. Anyway, so that's how I ended up doing that, but I still ended up because Bob Procter and his wife loved my stuff so much.

Michele Blood:

They flew me to Kuala Lumpur to do a big event with them, paid me great money, and he said, we want you to do every seminar I ever do. You've made a difference to the stages. It's incredible. Anyway, so I end up running his business from Kuala Lumpur. I ended up living there for 3 and a half years.

Michele Blood:

I ended up having hit records. I got great session musicians to work with me, and I ended up still doing my rock and roll, but also still doing the events and seminars. So it was fascinating that with no intention of doing that, but uplifting so many people

Mick Hunt:


Michele Blood:

Just through them singing and dancing and having a little chat with them. You know? I've got deeper and deeper into meditation practice. And, you know, once you are at a higher frequency, because it is a speed, well, then you attract other frequencies, people, places, and things that are at that frequency higher or just a bit lower. And when you're at that high frequency, which I was totally at then, my whole head was always buzzing.

Michele Blood:

I had this heart blow. Good things just didn't stop. They just kept happening and happening and happening. I was offered so many gigs. It was insane.

Michele Blood:

The next chapter of my story is a little different. Oh.

Mick Hunt:

Let's go to that next chapter.

Michele Blood:

I had this heart glow, as I said, and I didn't know if it was soul sick or I was looking for something outside of myself or inside of myself. I started reading Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi, and I was, like, reading every book I could get on metaphysics and mysticism, and I was in love. That was my new world.

Mick Hunt:


Michele Blood:

And I was talking to Bob about it after a gig 1 day, and he said, I think you're looking for an enlightened teacher. He said, I had 1 for a year and a half. Leland Vanderloch or something Canadian guy. And he said, it changed my life. And he said, but I haven't found an enlightened teacher since then.

Michele Blood:

And so I went on a quest to find an enlightened teacher. It took 14 years to find 1, and I found 1. Well, actually, I found a couple, 1 in Japan and 1 in India. But the 1 in Japan kicked me out because I was a woman, and I he didn't understand English. And the 1 in India, I just didn't feel a connection to him.

Michele Blood:

And so 14 years later, I came to America to live and to begin to do seminars and concerts and stuff here. And then about 3 years after that, I met my teacher to my friend Johnny, because his teacher was her teacher. This lineage, you know, and he'd left the body his teacher. And so everyone, students of these, you know, and they're American people, said, oh, 1 of the students has become enlightened. So everybody wanted to go and see her.

Michele Blood:

Because once you've had an enlightened teacher and you feel that light transmission, you know you need their assistance to assist you to go further. And so they'll do anything to find another enlightened teacher. I've never found 1, but the minute I walked in, I felt my eyes tearing up, and I saw her hands glowing. And she's just sitting on a little desk like I am now on a small little stage. It's about 60 people, 1 little light or something.

Michele Blood:

And I'm like, is this effects in the room? But there's not. And I'm like, this is crazy. But she agreed. She took me on as a student.

Michele Blood:

And I went off the grid, Facebook, everything, and studied with her for over 12 years. I eventually became enlightened, awakened myself. So now I teach people meditation practice and mysticism. I want people to be successful. I don't want anyone to be poor.

Michele Blood:

I want everybody have no suffering in their life because I love what Yogananda said. He said, I love the west because the west know how to make money, but they need mysticism. They need spirituality. And India needs more money because they've got plenty of spirituality that they fight about all the time. So he said, that's why I love America because you're open to it.

Michele Blood:

He said, I don't believe in poverty. He said, I believe in my students having a roof over their head, plenty of food to eat, and to be able to travel this beautiful world. And my teacher was the same. She believed all of that was really important. And so do I.

Michele Blood:

Because I've been as poor rock singer where Yeah. Even Michael Hutchens, when we did a gig with them in Melbourne, even he borrowed money from my road crew to buy a burger before they'd made it big in America. You you're broke.

Mick Hunt:

Yeah. I love it, Michelle. You have 1 of the most amazing programs out there, creating magnetic success, and you you've been hitting on that a little bit. What are some of the core principles in this program? And then more importantly, for the listeners out there, what can someone do today to start implementing a couple of those core principles?

Michele Blood:

I'm gonna give quite a few lovely free absolutely free gifts of my products away to your listeners today. However, 1 of the things you can do immediately, stop complaining. Of course, listen to the affirmation music, watch my visualization programs. They're awesome. Our apps are amazing.

Michele Blood:

We've just done the world's 1st manifestation video book. No one's ever done anything like that before. I wrote manifestation through the power of mysticism and then the book, and then I did the audio program. And then Holly, who has worked with me developing the Magnet to Money app, which is super cool, We decided to do videos to it, visuals. So as I'm speaking on each chapter, and every chapter is about an amazing topic, your doubting mind has a moment, knucklehead.

Michele Blood:

It doesn't have a moment. Can't be a scallywag at all to shoot out the positive, because you're getting the images, you're listening to the voice, and at the end of each chapter, there's a music video with 1 of the affirmation songs that goes with the topic of that chapter. And so you're getting a whole brain experience, so you're learning so much faster about these principles and how to change your life and getting light transmitted to you instantaneously. It's incredible. So I'd highly recommend that.

Michele Blood:

And if you don't even wanna pay $19 and it's just 1 time fee for that, you can get our free app, Affirmation Power. That's all it's called, Affirmation Power app, for free. So these apps are great because even if you don't like you said, then at 12 o'clock, you're like, oh, I'm not gonna bother with the affirmations. You get notifications so that you get reminded. 1 of my students was in a bank the other day, and she forgot she had it on her ringtone.

Michele Blood:

She forgot to turn it down. And she said the bank was pretty empty that day and pretty churchy, pretty pretty query. And she said and my phone goes off. I'm a magnet of money. And they're all, like, in the back, and and the teller said, that is so cool.

Michele Blood:

What is that song?

Mick Hunt:

Love it.

Michele Blood:

You get to be reminded, you know, even if you don't feel like it, and and you could embarrass yourself and make everybody laugh in the grocery store on the bank.

Mick Hunt:

Hey. And it is true because as a subscriber, I can tell you, number 1, I just love Michelle's voice. But then number 2, it is good to have some reminders throughout the day. But Michelle's voice is what gets me through the day. So I wanted you to know that, Michelle.

Michele Blood:

Oh, thank you, Mick.

Mick Hunt:

You got it. You got it. So new book.

Michele Blood:

Yeah. The manifestation video book.

Mick Hunt:

Yes. So so the video book

Michele Blood:

And and I've also got the video book as a book. If people go to magnet to success.com, you can get the video book and the audio of the video book and the actual book itself. You get all 3.

Mick Hunt:

I didn't even have to ask my questions, Michelle.

Michele Blood:

Because I love to read books. Not everybody does. Some people prefer an audiobook or sometimes I do feel like reading a book. So I've got it in every format that there is available so that you can really enjoy it. Then, of course, Polly helped create the app for it.

Michele Blood:

So the younger ones that prefer they don't mind watching a video or a movie on a little screen. I don't come from that school. I like a big screen.

Mick Hunt:


Michele Blood:

You download it onto your computer, and then you can watch it, you know, more of a cinematic effect.

Mick Hunt:

So you just told us where we can get the book. Give me 2 highlights. Why does everyone need to go get this book right now? And then I'm gonna tell you also why you need to get this book right now.

Michele Blood:

Well, I think because there's so many things in life that you don't realize you have the potential of creating. This world is like Play Doh. It really is. If you understood how consciousness works and when you feed yourself those good thoughts, if there is anything in your life that's lacking right now, if you're complaining, you're afraid of not getting something you want, you're afraid of losing something that you've already got, Well, that means that you're in fear mode, and fear is a lower oscillation. And I know that every single person on this planet can have a better life, and all they've gotta do is listen and and have these beautiful images change their thoughts, change your life.

Michele Blood:

I know Louise Hay said that, like, 80000000 years ago, but it is true. So anyway

Mick Hunt:

No. I love it, and I think you hit on where I was gonna go. I think the reason that everyone, especially the audience of Make Unplugged needs to purchase this book. I don't care if your audio, video, physical book, whatever, is the biggest reason that most people aren't successful. And whatever term success means to them is because they talk themselves out of it.

Mick Hunt:

Michelle's book helps you overcome that. The positive affirmations, the overcoming the fear that you're giving yourself, you need Michelle's book. I promise you. It's a book that I continuously look at and that I'm looking for for guidance because we're all gonna have bad moments of a day of a week or whatever. But how do you act?

Mick Hunt:

How do you respond to those bad moments? Michelle, not only her book, but if you follow Michelle, check out our website, all of her social activity. She's giving you the key to challenging those bad moments because that to me, that's what life is about. Michelle's a prime example. She could have just said, you know what?

Mick Hunt:

Life hit me, and I don't wanna do anything about it except complain about life, and it's someone else's fault. But doggone it, she didn't do that. And that to me, that's what Michelle is all about. So, again, the book, follow her on social because, again, I'm gonna say this 1 more time. The key to life is how you respond to those negative situations or those challenging moments.

Mick Hunt:

Michelle is all about that. So, Michelle, I thank you more than anyone.

Michele Blood:

Well, thank you, Mick. And if people go to michelleblood.com, michael bl0od, and it's not a rock name. It's my daddy's name. It's Irish. Michelleblood.comforward/mic, you will get my favorite chapter from the manifestation video book is, are you a mystic?

Michele Blood:

Because I think it's really interesting for you to ask yourself questions and to see where you are at in consciousness. The magic of affirmation power book and my favorite album that I did with Bob Procter, actually. He wrote quite a few of the affirmation lyrics for songs for success album, the entire album, all yours for free so you can experiment with it. And what I like to say, Mick, if if I could just say 1 more thing, is somebody might say, I don't really believe in all of this, and I don't wanna get deep into mysticism and all that sort of thing. Well, what's the worst thing that could happen?

Michele Blood:

The worst thing could happen you don't have to get into all that. The worst thing that could happen is the best thing. You become wealthier. You become healthier. You become happier, and you stop complaining, So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from educating your mind and your heart to blossom and to realize that all things are possible for you, and you are never ever alone ever.

Mick Hunt:

That's it.

Michele Blood:

Ever. To it.

Mick Hunt:

Michelle, you already know this, but you're amazing. Thank you for taking some time with us, and we're gonna have to do this again. I wanna go deeper into

Michele Blood:

the conversation. So

Mick Hunt:

open. We're gonna do this again.

Michele Blood:

Yeah. We can go deeper for those who wanna go deeper into mysticism. Let's go.

Mick Hunt:

Don't be afraid. Let's go. Michelle, thank you so much for joining us. And, again, to all the listeners, remember, your because is your superpower. Don't unleash it.


Thanks for listening to Mick Unplugged. We hope this episode helps you take the next step toward the extraordinary and launches a revolution in your life. Don't forget to rate and review the podcast, and be sure to check us out on YouTube at Mick Unplugged. Remember, stay empowered, stay inspired, and stay unplugged.