Love Island la Viva Voce

ANNNNNND we're back for series 2! This week, Adam and Meg recap Love Island 2022 week 1 -- who are the boys and girls this year and what are they up to? Grifting and grafting and all that!

Show Notes

ANNNNNND we're back for series 2! This week, Adam and Meg recap Love Island 2022 week 1 -- who are the boys and girls this year and what are they up to? Grifting and grafting and all that!

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What is Love Island la Viva Voce?

Hey...can we pull you aside for a quick chat? This is the exciting spinoff series of Livin' La Viva Voce! Meg and Adam are two proper fit PhD students (one in English lit, the other in comp sci) who love getting drunk and chatting about...anything! This podcast is dedicated to all things Love Island UK, Series 7. And listeners? We're just your type.

Hello. And you are listening to drumroll, please. That I he Love Island. Love you Love Island movie about Joe, we're back. Yes, and we are sadder than ever, Are we? I don't know. I I've kind of inviting with this season a little bit. The one good thing to come out of this is that Adam Butler pal mics, and we don't have to hold Mike's up to each other.

Like, we're doing, like a talk show or something. Yeah, of course. The thing is, we could get 40 minutes into this record, hop off and go. Oh my god, we need to do that record again. Would that not just be, well, just imagine the end of a soul crushing week of Love.

Island is then for the best. Soul crushing recording session. I know, you know, I hope that doesn't happen because we won't be able to reproduce the same energy and that energy is it rides upon the way the waves of pain? Well, we've been responsibly, we should be talking about what we did this week because we went to went silly keys, didn't we go to see Alicia?

That's, that's why we're now getting this sound effect and you're probably hear the sound effect for the next next. Three weeks until men get bored of. This is one of this is one, this is one our personal, you know, diaphragm soundboard that is mag. Yes, but yeah. So let's chat.

Love island. Yes. So where did we leave off? What? Well one year later. What? Yeah, one. Yeah. What I I don't think love island can be. I love island is like a development other thing. There's an arc or narrative. I don't think we need to remember last season to talk about this season.

That's true. This is true. Um, okay. Well yeah, the first, the first week of this summer proper has come and gone. What Love Island does mark the start of the British summer now? Indeed, you know, that's what I mean. It's not when the moments get to 25 or fat people.

Stop going down to Brighton Beach. It is when Love Island starts. Yep. And ITV2 or and Ian. Sterling Sterling? Oh, my grace. Wow! Us with their presence. So so basically, you know, how should we begin? I mean, we can begin by saying there's a new villa, right? I think that's definitely going to conversation.

Can I just, I could just say I still caught entirely tell it apart from the old, but the new villa in that they probably, they probably took the same building, lifted it up and transported to another small island. No belongs to. Maybe maybe the will maybe the viller itself is actually like modular and it's actually in the same location in the same part of Spain, but they've just rearranged the parts of the villa.

If I'm not taken the island last season, had to have been close to some kind of water, or close to some kind of beach. Because in the, in the aerial shots, let's just say in this season in the aerial shots, it looks like a wasteland because if I'm not mistaken, you know, that part of Spain has probably going through some kind of drought or not, a lot of precipitation and the villa itself is located in this kind of grassy plain area.

And so all of that grass is yellow and barren and I got some budget cuts, right? It is a good symbolic, representation of probably. What is unfold this summer? Oh my god. Well, okay. Well, should we talk about our islanders because we've had week one? Yes. We've obviously had our, you know, I suppose our OG islanders yeah.

Let's let's go through rapid fire, the five girls and five boys. So love eyelid 2022. Do you want to do girls naughty boys? I'll do girls. You do boys. Okay, so the first two girls to arrive, I think are my personal favourite certainly one of them is okay, so you have it India and you have page and the two of them arrived, they seem super sweet.

I know India is a lot of people's favourite on social media. Very quiet, you know, not not too much coverage, but we can we can get on to that page is also super sweet. I think she's like a, what are they called paramedic? I think. Yeah, really nice. And then the next to come in is Tasha, if I'm not mistaken, who is a dancer, the only blonde so far, I think not anymore, because we've had, you know, echinsue I could see kind of rides the, the fence between blonde and brunette, which is a sentence.

I really hate it. Say, You mean she's a dirty boy anyway. Oh, I mean, Tasha is the not the first maybe disabled contestant of a love island, but but certainly someone who does have a disability, she was a hearing aid. They get through that pretty quick also. It's it's not really visible.

Yeah, not in the first couple episodes So just to be clear. I'm not saying that a disability has to be visible for it to be noteworthy obviously but obviously I think it's interesting that Love Island, does opt to show invisible different disabilities or most exclusively well last season. There was Hugo, Everyone's favourite, you go.

And if I'm not mistaken he had like a, he had like a club foot or, or maybe he had even had surgery but still a sports teacher. Like, yeah, I think he's doing too bad. Yeah. Anyways, Tasha. Who's India, page? Tasha and then we have Gemma who I kind of don't want to talk a lot about Gemma on this podcast just because the show at the moment is dwelling.

So heavily upon her social media and heroes are provide criticism. Yeah, this is true anyway. Gemma the youngest Islander is, she the youngest islander ever? No, I don't. Exactly, I don't know. She's 19 years old. Okay, let's get this out of the way. She is, Michael Owen's daughter, who I learnt watching this that he's some famous soccer player.

That's nice. She writes horses. She's clearly comes from a very affluent background. She clearly wants everyone to know, she's Michael Owen's daughter but maybe they're simulation doesn't come from an affluent there and this is the thing, right? Like this is new money. We're talking it is money. But like she a lot of it clearly because she had because you know why?

Because she has 13 horses and they don't all live inside her house and the final the final contestant to come. If I'm not mistaken is amber like maybe amber was like the third of whatever the fifth girl, we're I'm only just gonna be able to rule the boys. Amber who also super sweet.

I don't know, like she that at the moment, I don't think Amber has a lot of character development. Seems like a nice girl. Yeah, the same could be said, for for India and even to an extent page, right? I think definitely Tasha and general have been enjoying some of the most screen time.

Yeah. And and we'll talk about just interviews, we'll talk about new islanders in a minute, because yeah, because I would argue that possibly there's a newer Island who's been enjoying one of the most screen time besides Gemma, but let's get onto the boys and so boys joining us in the villa and I'm not going to do in order because I don't have a clue.

They all look the same to me. So we had Luca. Yeah, we have Liam. We had Andrew. And then we had Dami and we had IKenna. Yeah. Now, I actually think the boys are actually interesting this this season. I I and hear me out because. Well There is interesting boys.

Get on that way right? And that they're still super bland but they're slightly more interesting. And the reason I say that's slightly more interesting is because I'd say there's two boys on there that weren't particularly in shape doing wrong. They weren't fatter anything. Do you weren't fat, right? I don't think history of Love Island.

There will ever be a fat contestant? Sure. I don't think they're sure but what I'm more trying to get at is besides like being maybe like a typical like you know, broad shoulders and some degree back. There is no there's no six pack on the two of these boys.

Right. And I'm not even talking like it's fate or anything. I mean, there is none, right? So it is interesting because it's almost, I don't know whether or not Love Island is scraping the bottom of the barrel now or or they're trying to shut up. Maybe this is their arguement for diversity, right?

Like hey, we didn't get someone who's six packs look like it was drawn on with a pencil. Exactly. But I think we should talk about the pairing off, the the coupling up, the the joining because Love Island has tried to be both daring and yet failed miserably at it right?

Like so. So do you want to describe what they did for the couple out? Normally away it goes right in previous seasons is that the five girls arrive and then they're greeted by Laura Whitmore and she tells them to kind of stand it a line as if they're gonna get executed or something So far.

Yeah, firing squad style and then boys kind of come into the villa one, one by one. And each boy is allowed to kind of choose the girl of their choice. Not necessarily no. But the girls first, if they're interested in the boy are told to kind of step forward but the boy doesn't have to choose the girls who are stand for, they can kind of choose any girls you find on the summer season though.

There was that season, the girls actually picked the boy that whether or not they wanted to come up with the boy or whether or not to bench him. Yeah. But the normally the way it goes is that like if the girls are interested they can express their interest by stepping forward.

But ultimately, the guy doesn't have no. What I'm trying to say is what I'm trying, it doesn't have to select the girls who step for what should I says is that they have explored changing this format before. But I do and I do change this format regularly. He's like that's kind of the understood like, traditional process of doing it.

My guess I would disagree with saying, it's traditional like I this what they did this season, or no. Well, it's not what it's what they did last season the season before they didn't do that, and then the other season before they didn't do that. Well, they, I think they've changed it quite a lot.

I think they've, I don't know. They've explored how this season should like. I think maybe explored how the coupling should have. I think there's been previous seasons where the boys have gone in first and then the girls have done what the boys did on this season if that makes sense.

But essentially, it's always been some form of one picks the other. Yeah, sometimes it's one gender. Sometimes it's they enter first but they may pick or they reject whatever it is. It's sort of, you know, there's always been some kind of. Should we say contestant participation? Yeah, Yeah. Anyways, this time around, though, the way they did, it was through public vote.

We didn't even know about the public, but exactly. Yeah, no, we didn't receive the notification at all. But basically, the public what, like, a week ahead of time had the option to kind of, you know, arrange arrange, the, the 10 contestants and then, Laura Whitmore would kind of now, it's okay.

Well, you know, Liam, you will be paired with, you know, so-and-so, right? So, what were the original pairings? So, you had Tashan, Andrew. You had Gemma and Liam Luca. No limb. So Liam. Yes, my apologies. Yeah. Then you had Luke and page and then you had Demi and amber and India and I cannot.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. They were okay. I mean, you could clearly tell that something I think the majority, like, maybe it wouldn't have been their choices. But also like Maybe, maybe this is kind of standard the beginning of Love Island, but, you know, maybe not the most amount of chemistry between between any of the pairing.

But I think this is, I think regardless, whether or not the public had voted or not, I think you, you know, when when, when they do pick and they sort of pick them begrudgingly. Yeah. Yeah, it's not suspicion. Super common for all five of the picks to stay together throughout the show or for as long as they stay on.

If that makes it's okay, I think there there were okay, pairings. I mean, elephant in the room, let's get it out there, The four black contestants prepared to women. Yeah. You know, I don't, I mean, we can we'll see how this goes on throughout the season but, you know, we kind of joked and a lot of people joked on Twitter that like love Island, like the apartheid season.

I don't know. Like, yeah, you know, I, I think, to be honest, like that, there's something to be said, as well, for the fact that, like, I think not only is that on on, like the, the votes of Love Island, but I think also like there's definitely a tendency both amongst white people and black people to sort of pair up like black couples and pair up white couples.

You know, I'm saying that? There's definitely this sort of focus on like having like I don't like you don't see a lot of interracial couples on this show, do you? Yeah, I don't know, I don't know. I mean, we've only seen really two and that's not to say, that's not to say that.

There's no, like, they're obviously, you know, different races on the show. I must admit. The representation is not fantastic, right? Like and I mean I don't think we've seen someone East Asian yet on the show. Oh yeah, I think we've seen a couple of Shannon. What's her name? Shannon from Lost season I think is Asian.

Yeah, her name. Yeah, I think it was Shannon. I can't remember too much but I don't like the this season. It is what it is. I mean, you know, going forward after the end of this first week, there's maybe like a couple or two, that seemed to have cultivated some chemistry.

Maybe not, who knows? I suppose, I suppose that boys look a bit more main thing and I think that it's very easy to go straight to skin tone and stuff like this. But really the question is who got the worst end of the stick, right? Because I don't realise, I don't think Dami or I can or too bad to be paired up with.

Yeah, yeah. Maybe you got shafted. I don't know. I don't know. Like well, will got really like, sort of mess screwed over because she got paid out of Luke and Luca immediately. They never wandering. I yeah, like, ran all. Yeah. And then pages left hanging because we did have a walkout this week, we did.

Yeah. But anyways, let's let's let you go on with the narrative. Then, let's go on with the story. Let's let's recap. What happened on Love Island. So we've rocked up. We've got five, boys. We've got five, girls, they've been paired off by public vote. We have five couples. We have, I canna, and India, we have Amber.

And dammy we have Gemma and Liam. We have Tasha and Andrew and we have page and Luca. Yes, right. So is there any really real drama in the first couple of days? No, In fact, it was actually quite bland, right? Because like, like we kind of discussed, you know.

People are kind of just feeling each other out and I always feel with Love Island. There isn't so much a lot of drama until the first new person gets introduced sure. I suppose we can talk about the two main new people that were brought in this week. So the first one was the Italian stallion well Dava day, who I think a lot of people online, compared them to like handsome, Squidward, three people.

Um, three people, those three people. Okay. Davide for sure. And I don't know all the girls seem to really like him all the guys seem to really like him. David. I certainly liked dovey day, I don't know. He seems like an okay guy. He seemed kind of bland. He was 20, he's 27 years old.

And I say that because, you know, I think Jemma took quite a liking to him relative to her affinity to Liam. And David also seemed to be pretty interested in gemma as well. And so, I think this sparked the second really big discussion point of the week, right? Which is eventually right Davi day learns, well selects Gemma rights and breaks that the couple between Gemma and Liam up and learn that, you know, she's 19.

Right. So, a lot of people were like, oh boy. What's really interesting? Oh, that's not film though. That's not showing at least. Yeah, it didn't seem like, he knew when he picked her, that she was 19. I think he's left off and I think you could almost see the drop in interest between.

Like, I think the moment he sort of sort of thought, oh, she's 19. I think she went like what do we have in common which is I think most 25-26 27 year olds question. When they do like interact with a 19 year old, you know, like like what do you have in common?

You're in two very distinct stages of your life, right? You know, obviously, there are some 25 roads that still University or whatever, right. But but generally speaking, you know, like a 19 year older a 25 year of the difference in 1925 yards. A lot more stike stark than say a 25 year old and a 31 year old.

Right? So, I don't know. Like being 25. 26, 27. I know, it's a strange one for me. This strange of strange for everyone watching. I think too There's even strange for a new island that came in. Subsequently up. Do you want to do? You want to talk about that?

Islander. Okay. So we got two new goals. Yes, you go. My god so bad that's why I said three gosh yeah. Well, one of them was so and that like what? So we had what happens? We have, echin, Sue, come in and we had Afia and I'm not. I think echinson is fast.

Becoming my favourite island. This woman is feral, this woman is unhinged. She, she does not everyone everyone on the villas of came in and was like, oh, we'll just sort of, like, would like, low-key get to know other people but we're still going to stay loyal to our like, forced coupling essentially, right?

Yes. And I think, I don't know whether or not maybe Love Island is starting to get a reputation of punishing people that, yeah, sleep around or stuff I think that's wild to me, to be honest. Particularly particularly to think like that, when you've been forced a couple up, It's one thing.

When, like it's the first couple too. Well, worth the first couple when you've been forced a couple up with a specific person. It, I think it's interesting that people have been or at least these contestants have been playing. It's so safe. Yeah, it might just be that they are really nervous.

I think, I think you've got two really defensive girls in the village. I think, Gemma is really defensive India's really defensive, right? I understand to an extent why they're defensive? I think Gem is clearly quite defensive and quite like just this kind of attitude of like, oh I don't really want to tell you about myself.

You should tell me about yourself and then maybe our Lord, Dane to give you little bits of information about myself. But India has a very similar attitude. I think Gemas is probably born out of the fact that she is so young and perhaps, she is feeling feeling a little bit vulnerable and she is sort of thinking oh well like you know like these people all older than me or so I can I can sort of see the logic and/or.

The defence mechanism that Gem is building for herself, right? I so we haven't seen a lot of India. There's a couple interact interactions where it's like, You know, you're on Love Island, right? Yeah, I can't hell if she's always this closed off, if she's very very nervous about being on camera.

That could totally be again. This is love I or if she really just doesn't have a lot of chemistry with I to begin right. And obviously just like platonic even like, no friendship chemistry. They just don't get along. Yeah, and exactly. Actually, there is a fourth option, which is maybe what's not being shown, right?

Exactly. So I don't want to. Yeah, I'm not trying to criticise it too much here. I'm just saying that obviously. It's a different. I don't think either of us would be able to carry the kind of, you know, a lot of these people can do I've had this conversation with you though about and, and again, this is another reason why Ekansu is absolutely one of my favourites, because this girl's come in and she's gone.

I am gonna talk to every boy. I'm gonna I get to know all the ones that I'm interested, so she's gone in yep. She's essentially taken Davido off of Gemma. Shemma, you're a child. You know, just took dad straight up, was like macking on his face. Like, no, it's just one night.

And then the next morning she was speaking to. I want to say Andrew. Yeah, I don't know. I think she's attention. She's like, Andrew, I want to get to know you too. David is just a side piece and it was like damn, well, you actually understood the assignment of the show and I think it's quite interesting because it's one of the first times where like I think social media has almost now done 180 on its opinion, you know, like we said like typically love island has a tendency to punish like disloyalty I guess.

Yeah but actually I think it's gonna reward it for the first. I think you can be quote-unquote disloyal or really really grafty in the first couple of episodes. Right? Because in first week, the first couple of weeks you you don't know anyone exactly know anyone. Right? No one knows any.

I think really no one knows anyone. Well guys, we'll come onto that a second and this isn't the first exactly I've done this over apparently. But yes. So, echinson's coming. And I mean, I love her because she has some of the weirdest conversations and I say this to you regularly, right?

Like sometimes you listen to these people chat on they'll be like, oh do you think you're a really deep person? You have a really deep person, you have a good chat, you have good chat. You know it's all really like bland and they're that bland or if like literally the producers really bad like in that I don't know if they're crafting it to be like that.

I don't know. Exactly. So they just talk a lot of yeah to each other and sometimes they'll be like, oh man can I pull you for a chat and then they'll be like I'll make. I just want to say I want to get to know you because yeah I think you're really funny.

It's really stating these meta. And yeah and like yeah exactly there's yes, it's really like they're not talking about stuff, they're talking very literally reading stage directions, right? Like I'm going to do what my characters motivation exactly. It's very bizarre. Was I saying to you like I want to hear conversations where they're like would you rather be a snake or a duck?

You know what it is though. Is two is a apparently very experienced actor in Turkey, not just an actor, but a soap opera actor. And I think like, one that tells you she has had a lot of time on screen, Two with soaps and stuff like that. It's constantly learning new lines, constantly improvising, the constantly being on camera with new people every single day.

And, you know, she's 27, she's done her career for a long time. She's done modelling. She's done. A lot of these kinds of different things in front of different people in front of different kinds of media. And so, I think it does allow her, But I a bit of experience in terms of interactive, I do discover that because all of these people aren't Instagram influences that all that, all used to having social media presences, and although there may be not as big as Love Island.

You open one. They are in isolation here, right? They're not. It's not like it's not like they're filming episode of Love Island and then they'd go out to a green room and they get to read the social media commentary. What's being said, all of these many things, like, I don't know.

I I get what you're saying, but I I don't think I don't think any of these people are shy. Yeah. Well in any in any case I can still seems to be someone who really is a quick thinker that's the thing. She seems to really have like a head on her shoulders that like allows her to really quickly respond quickly read the room.

She's got more depths than every single person. Yeah. Certainly the way they, they're certainly the way they're showing her. She's funny. She's a little bit. Flirty, she has like like she's a little bit absurd. She's funny, she's a bit strange sometimes like, what good deal of self-confidence? I just don't see, there's something very lame when you get like girls or guys.

On these shows are so insecure about looking like pristine and amazing, that they don't say weird shit. They don't say a little bit on stuff or like, though, you know. Like like I said, I joked about that question, like though, like asking weird questions, I think some people who the people that climb people that don't ask those questions is a higher people they're like oh I don't want people to remember me for that.

It's like they're not going to remember you for that. They're going to remember how funny that conversation. Was I digress? No, let's talk about the other girl. Let's talk about the. Oh yeah, yes, I don't know. She seems really nice. Like I know that she was chatting up, I kind of for a bit.

I think it's I think it's difficult to be a bombshell. Yeah, then you're competing with that, right? You're a bombshell. You have to be a bombshell. Yeah. Right. And I think Ekans do such a bombshell that she's kind of outshawn Afia so far so far. Right? Who knows how things are gonna go this week, right?

Okay. So I think the next really big thing to happen is the departure of of Liam of Liam? Yeah, Liam. And then we have a recoupler don't exactly exactly. So first first, we have a recap? No, No. There goes first. Yes. So why does Liam go? Let's talk about that.

So, Basically, Liam goes because Liam and Jemma were paired together, right? Gemma then became recoupled with Dava day. And then kind of told Liam, oh, you know, like, maybe I'll get to know you too, which I think was a complete line. Everyone knew was live, including Leah. Yeah, I think it's actually showed him any interest that typical like statement that you get when you like, have like a second date and then you're like, actually know what.

I don't think this is going anywhere, you know? I'd like to really stay friends. Yeah, you don't. Yeah, like, they had you on Facebook and then like three years later, like your dating, someone, they're like, who's that? Go to friends on Facebook? Oh, I date. With the like five years ago he was like it's something very meaningless.

Exactly. And he definitely picked up that too when I can sue and Afia arrived, the couple bait the public basically allowed Liam to go on dates with both of these women. No chemistry didn't really work out. And then towards the end of the first week. Liam basically was like, okay, I came here to find love so far that has been kind of a complete flop And the way that it was kind of perceived by the public at least, was kind of to two main reasons.

One, he kind of thought that a lot of other people on the island were kind of just there for like publicity etc. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I don't think Liam has the capacity. The kind of the kind of reckon with that. I don't know everyone. I again don't you know that like that all there for public.

Exactly. Exactly. And for you to think otherwise, it's probably kind of naive now. But or the second one is he didn't want to become like some of the most infamous beta man beta males on Love Island, who kind of stay over, say their welcome never, really get paired off.

And towards the end of their tenure. I love island become known as like the weird, like, sim or the weird nice. And then gradually get just, will they go like Calgary? Exactly. That's why actually happened. So you so get this mail that comes in who is like the weakest performing one right?

A run, the rub of the litter, right? And it's almost every season. You get this like vote of the litter, right? There's no doubt that the producers have selected like one or two of these. There's actually and and they sort of The short compose themselves in different ways, right?

And sometimes Some of them are more, self-respecting them others, right? But I think the problem is, there's no way to really have loads of dignity. When you've got five, couples going on around you and your the, what is that 11th wheel? Yeah, right. Like the like, you know, you're this like odd one out.

And then what typically tends to happen is is that whoever they were coupled up with first? The girl, they tend to become friends with. Yeah. And then that girl sort of like talks to them a lot about like, oh I'm dating Say James or call him James. I don't James is good, but I'm so worried.

As you can go, Is he gonna do anything? Will you tell me about what he does in cash or more and all that kind of stuff, right? And It's it's why these things? Where like, I don't know. I think the only way to deal with that and I think Leah actually, possibly has written this written the playbook on this, right?

It's just go by, yeah, I'm gonna check myself out. I've had a great five day vacation by my, I might have stayed for another week only because I think I deserve a two-week vocation. Exactly. And I would have just chilled by the pool. Worked out, swam had weird conversations with the guys and then gone.

No, exactly. Oh, you just need to build a bit of a personal brand and be like hey that was Liam. He was fucking banter. Ultimately, I don't know if like Liam was even aware of this or just happened to kind of coco coincide, but he wasn't getting a lot of coverage anymore either and that's another really terrible thing that can happen to you on the violin, especially if you're a guy, is this sometimes happens where you only get either no or really embarrassing the coverage and you do not want that for yourself.

So like the classic example from last season that was Hugo and he stayed I'm not gonna lie, I think two months man like he stayed so fucking long despite never being romantically paired with anyone. So I think the Hugo bought, so sugar got really, I don't know if he did the right thing, we got really lucky but he had, he had that moment where he like bollocks Toby and this was the point which we're Toby was an absolute villain.

Yes. Right. And Hugo was all of a sudden seen as like, oh my god actually. Yeah, he is not a complete tool, right? Yeah. And I think he won himself a lot points that but obviously, he didn't win himself any points of the girls, because I'm not being funny.

But most of the girls on Love Island are looking for dirt bags. Yeah. Right. They're there because they want a guy that doesn't treat them great, right? And no, I'm not trying to sound mean or nothing but like, don't think half these guys are about to go after Castor more and, yeah, three weeks and they're all about to cheat.

Yeah, hundred percent and a lot of them are going to go off to Castro, more flirt, with a load of girls for a week and then possibly not even bring those girls back. Yeah, right. I mean we had that last. No, we had that this season before. Yes. To season to go.

Oh my god. I guess this is our, this is the third season. We've watched just me for cool. Oh, this is the business Jesus Christ. Okay, anyways, okay, so what I'm saying this is that Hugo bought himself a lot more time on the island but really what he needed to do?

Was he needed to have that moment, stay another week maybe and then go guys. I think I've done already to do here and not gone to cast them more, he would have went away and everyone had gone. Wow, Hugo was the and he would have gained a reputation as big as Dr.

Alex. Exactly. But instead, what he did was he overstayed his welcome went to Casa more brought a girl that didn't like him. And then on his exiting interview was like, I'm not even interested. And the look in that girl's face. It's just rectum and absolutely wrecked him. So Toby came something of an anti-hero.

Exactly. Right. Like yeah. Who was it? You either you even die here or live. Look it up to see yourself. Become a villain in Toby's case. It was a complete reverse. You dive villain who you see yourself live long enough to become a hero 100%? Anyways this is all to say that I think in our opinion it would have been better maybe for Liam to stay.

Maybe either half of the second week or all of the second week. So this departure felt a little you know immature but in all sense of the word maybe. But ultimately I think in the grand scheme of things, what he was, what he did made a lot of sense.

Yeah. Like I said he could have put played out another week but I don't the problem is they would have played out another week and he ran the risk of them sending another girl in. Yeah. Them forcing him to go on a date with her and then him saying something stupid or embarrassing or like I know you're not interested in me.

I'm not interested in you. It's horrible, right? Yeah. Joe, I'm saying, so whatever. He, yeah, he left when he had control of the narrative, and that's actually very powerful, all the more, all the more power to them. Okay? Last thing we can talk about because I think this there are kind of two.

No, it's not next week, it's not next week now it's this week. It's the recoupling, the final recoupling of this week and then the weird beef between Luca and Davide. Oh yes. Yes about that. And then I guess we'll wrap up this episode. So with two new girls coming in, we're and and with a new boy, what we time to talk, we'll find ourselves a one girl disadvantage, right?

So that means that there's one girl left over for all the men that on the island. That is to say until Liam left which put us a two girl disadvantage which isn't unheard of another island. It's pretty common. And you do you typically get once every couple of seasons a boy and or a girl, leave for personal reasons or because they're just not into it.

All is he was it on on our first season. The one that was set in South Africa. We had Ollie the landowner, the landowner who enjoys hunting. Yeah. Leave leave I guess because he was like this, what? No he's like I'm actually still in love with my ex. Yeah it was really bizarre.

That was it, that almost really about self-respect so much as self-servitude, I guess. But that's by the by So yeah. Essentially we're two ground disadvantage. We have five boys, seven girls and you know the the recoupling starts. So I cannot and in Amber Amber stay together, not a lot of drama there.

I'm in fact I've actually really sweet. I really like Dami. I hope he. I hope his character daddy dummy. Just has this like chill. Chill presents. Yeah. I like he's like he's like he's like they're just to be like add little comment. Yeah the pot a little bit but not like really getting involved in the main plot of Love Island.

You've got Tasha and Andrew, I think they've coupled off as well. And then we've got, yeah, this is where I kind of starts. Um, because basically Luca who was paired with page, right? He's the penultimate guy to choose and then he chooses Gemma, yes, there, there are four breaking up the Gemma david couple.

Yes. And then of course, Davi day between page Afia and Ekansu chooses. I can sue. Exactly right. Completing the, the final couple the, okay, then we have page and Afia, so left over everyone's kind of nervous as to what's gonna happen but then they get a text that because Liam self-sacrificed, because he went home, they're not home.

Yeah, and I didn't this, I don't know if it makes sense, but I think they were, like, too worried that they're going to send too many people home. Yeah, a single week exactly. I think I, I love island is becoming too tame and not enough, taking risk, and I said this at the start as well.

I think that having the public vote to pair up was kind of a lazy change. Yeah. Weird. It was like, oh, what can we what can we do to make this monitors? Oh, we'll have them like, have the public voted. It it didn't, they needed to do something more underhinged.

And I said this to you, I honestly think the best thing they could have done was had two villas compete. One another to be the most feral Anyways. And so, you know, David tells Ekansu. Oh, you know, even if Luca hadn't chosen first like I would have chosen you and I consider was like, yeah, let's max then I'm gonna go and cheat on you Andrew.

Yeah, and no. So I don't mean she. I don't mean that in a derogatory time, if anything I I'm gonna go and play the field of Andrew, okay? And then there's kind of this weird like minor beef between Luca, what can only describe of as like, kind of and David.

A and Luca is this, you know so far has made himself to be this very clingy. I don't know. Beta male, who is very insecure doing his thing with actually? So yeah and Liam's. All like oh you don't want generation and advertise like I do not care. Yep. He's like you two are children.

You go and do you. And what's really great? Too is now that Luca and Gemma are paired off. I don't Gemma doesn't seem particularly enthralled by Luca. I'm not particularly enthralled by Luke. I don't think anyone's particularly enthralled by Luca. Oh I think think Lucas enthralled by Luca. Hence the weird notes of self-hatred.

I think I didn't possibly the weird thing for German and perhaps this is what's what's truly coming through? Is actually that, you know, obviously Germans obviously does come from this background, she does always come from like quite a wealthy background. She probably knows. And has potentially dated men who are very like, well we can talk about the people just very soon.

That's what why I think the problem is that perhaps love island, has romanticised how interesting the people on it actually are. I don't think I personally don't think they're very interesting, right? But I think perhaps, if you're watching love island and you do become enthralled to that cleansing and thinking, oh wow, I'd love to be paired off with XYZ or so into.

And then, actually, when you're in the villa 24 hours a day and the only people you interact with are these people, I don't all of a sudden, you go. Oh, I actually the people, I don't know. Interesting. All of them are like, very fame driven. They're fame for the sake of fame, right?

They're all like, gotta get that I boohoo. Yeah, exactly. That boohoo brand deal where all you're really doing is wearing lo different stuff. And hoping that someone buys something through it. You know, it's very I think that if you come from that kind of background, exactly all of a sudden becomes very disappointing.

The field of candidate. And that's possibly why she's very distrusted. Yeah, so we'll have to see what happens. You know, this upcoming episode? I think we're gonna talk a lot about how it, it becomes Gemma Island as people have very snarkly termed it. I don't think we should talk about the new male islander to come to the island.

You say that for next episode? That's definitely that's a week two. Oh, you know, tuning next week, right? Well, you don't get all of the tea and one exercise, let's wrap up. So if you enjoyed this episode and you somehow stumbled upon it randomly feel free to listen to our eight, brilliance insightful, episodes analysis, analysis coverage a minute by minute coverage of last year's, love Islands, love islands of evil.

Votary season 1 Indeed. If you for some reason, enjoy hearing our, you know, grading voices, check out live in louisvuitae our sister podcast. Well, we'll have all that information, you know, in in the description below also like really hoping to create some newer content, some new content coming, we've got some, we've got some stuff in the ways.

Well, yeah, we'll keep that stem a little bit. It's coming soon. Exactly. It's coming soon. You know kind of you hear this all the time, but if you liked this episode leave a review you know like it share it on your social. Don't forget to add us on your apple close groups because you click the subscribe button, you have notifications, whenever we drop new content, if you want to, you can also just subscribe to us as an author.

So or as an artist I don't it very some podcasts. I was podcast over your author or artists. I'd like to think we're author. And exactly. How did we end last season's party? We should sound effect. No, I've been in Sterling. Oh, my god. I've been lower with, Oh my god, and a sound effect?

Anyways, join us next week. Yes, seriously. Bye.