We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NV studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5.

Speaker 1 0:11
The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not necessarily represent the views of K u and v Las Vegas, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Speaker 2 0:32
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez. On your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Speaker 2 0:52
Good morning. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. Happy Sunday morning with me today. I have the one and only Christine Banagher.

Unknown Speaker 1:00
Good morning. Thanks for having me. Don. It's

Speaker 2 1:02
always a pleasure to have you on the show. You know, you're welcome guests.

Unknown Speaker 1:06
Thank you. Appreciate it open

Speaker 2 1:07
invitation. Christina, she provides services and tell the people which are services that you

Speaker 3 1:13
absolutely. I am the founder of everything legal, which is a paralegal service. We provide document preparation and notary service. We're a mobile notary service. We do medical and financial power of attorneys. We prepare wills, last wills and Testaments. And if you need your trust, edited, or reviewed, we also will accommodate that situation as well. We do PA We did grant deeds, if you need to add someone to your deed, so that you're not the only one on the deed, it's called a right of survivorship. And we did deed upon depths if you don't have a family member, and you'd like to leave your property to someone, we can prepare those documents and get them recorded so that when that time comes, everything is taken care of at that moment.

Speaker 2 2:09
Okay, well, that's a lot of information for our listeners. And I want to thank the listeners that came in and purchase home auto and life insurance. I am a life insurance broker. And I do with Christine's help, I can have my clients get a power of attorney, if they have a family member that that needs a power of attorney and who needs a power of attorney if you have a loved one with Alzheimer's dementia, or you know you have a elderly parent or a loved one or a child that needs assistance in any type of way, we have Christine services are available. And we'll get those numbers out closer to the end of the show. And my number is 702-236-2624. I offer auto insurance, homeowners insurance, yes and life insurance. We're gonna get into it today. And someone one of them one very important thing I found out a couple of last week that if you have a loved one that you have to take to a funeral home, anytime soon. But if you have a loved one that's you know, this is the last few few days to live with a life insurance policy. With a life insurance policy, you can get up to I found out in most cases, up to an 80% advance on your life insurance policy. And why would you want to get in advance let's say you have a $20,000 life insurance policy, you take that policy into the funeral home, they will use a third party to get an advanced, let's say the funeral is 15 $15,000. Right, they'll use a third party, and with that third party to do will pay the funeral home. Now they're going to charge you 10% That's $1,500 they will charge right all right off of your life insurance benefit. Now your life insurance benefit. And the funeral is 15,000 You have a $20,000 policy, they just reduce your benefit by $1,500. What you can do at time and Nene and call your life insurance company and see if they will advance the beneficiary the primary beneficiary up to 80% of the life insurance policy, not a $20,000 policy 80% that gives you $16,000 Right and the balance is $4,000 on a $20,000 policy. Once you receive the death certificate, you file a claim to get the additional $4,000 This is News You Can Use. It keeps more money in your pocket. It makes sense because if you go take your life insurance policy as the primary beneficiary into the funeral home, they will and let's say the funeral 20,000 that's $2,000 they're going to use a third party to get paid immediately. All right, and because you wanted to get an advance, because that way you're not paying 20 to $2,000 on $20,000 funeral by getting the advance pays for the funeral in most cases, and you're not paying that enormous 10% fee or even higher.

Speaker 3 5:17
That's good information. Because people at time of grief don't look at the fine print. No

Speaker 2 5:22
they don't and whatever just get it done. Yeah. And when you start adding up all the cost Yeah, they charge for flowers limos drivers, opening closing headstones, caskets, you know, the spray, you know, and the only thing free in in the funeral home is the water, they give the water in the tissue. I'm not trying to make funny, funny this but this is very serious. You know, it was Christy's over laugh when I was very serious, you know, when you when you're talking to one of those funeral persons personnel they charted the fees are enormous they charge now if you have a large life insurance policy, you probably Sandy's you know, I just want to get this over, you know, but they can advance you within a

Speaker 3 6:06
couple of days. Is it? Is it complicated for them to do that? No, only thing they have to do is call it set, when you mentioned that, you know that? Well, you come

Speaker 2 6:15
in now as a cash buyer, right? You're not You're not using the life insurance because of what there's going to Okay, the 80% up to 80% they're gonna advance that in the primary beneficiaries, checking account, or, or send them a check. So now your loved one is only and they get that money to you within two business days, okay? In most cases, where the chatting count rounded account number, this is News You Can Use. I mean, this saves you money, that's my show is all about helping people save money. This is what put more money in your pocket, less money in their pocket. Now, if you came in as a cash buyer, and you don't and you still had a life insurance policy, you didn't want to use the life insurance policy, once you receive the death certificate, then you file a claim for your for the benefit. And that's that's the tax free benefit. By the way. You don't have to claim that as income, regardless of the face amount of the policy, regardless of the face amount of the policy, but you're not paying those additional fees on top of fees with interest. Well, you know, they charge a fee Rata No, there's no interest. It is kind of like a vague, I guess you want to call it because he's working in a casino. And it's a bigger rise of VIG, but they charge for that. You borrow money, basically what you're doing, you borrow money, and they charge a 10% and up fee right up front. So you're borrowing the money to pay for the funeral, they use a third party. And that's a pretty probably a lucrative business to be in that third party, third party business, but they're going to verify that policy is good, because the third party now is a beneficiary of partial portion of the policy. That's how that works. So because you would think the funeral home is collected from the life insurance policy, they're not. They're collected from a third party

Speaker 3 7:57
do they normally collect from the life insurance policy?

Speaker 2 8:00
No, no, no, they use a third party. Always. All the cases that I've ran into people, people, you know, they take their life insurance policy, and I tell them, take your life insurance policy into the funeral home and use that as collateral. But, of course, they're gonna charge that fee but this is I just found out this recently, they can get up to 80%. Now, if you have $100,000 life insurance policy, and you're the primary beneficiary and you lost your loved one, that's up to $80,000 That'll well people have, you know, absolutely, yeah, that'll pay for a funeral and a whole lot of other things to probably pay that Range Rover or

Unknown Speaker 8:40
something else.

Speaker 2 8:43
All right, a Cadillac CTS. Okay, Cadillac CTS paid a Cadillac CTS. So my name is Dan Marquez. This is your insurance connection that we broadcast ready a K, you have the 91.5 Jazz and more Sunday morning from 8am to 830. And I have the lovely Christine Barnard with me right here on my show today, you you help clients with startup businesses as well,

Speaker 3 9:04
right? Absolutely. We help business formation to LLCs corporations. I myself am the Registered Agent for each of those businesses that I helped create. And what a Registered Agent does the state of Nevada requires there to be a registered agent. It keeps the person who has the business from being sued. They normally would have to come through me with any kind of legal documents, they can't come to your business and serve you. They'd have to serve me. And my name is listed on the Secretary of State's website.

Speaker 2 9:39
Okay. Okay. And what if a person just getting ready to start a business? They get the lease in their hands? Is it would it be wise for them to have a lawyer to review their lease absolutely

Speaker 3 9:49
without a doubt. And well, first of all, the person that they're getting that contract from should go over it with them. Paragraph FYI paragraph normally they have them initially so that they understand what they're talking about. But they should have someone go over the lease and an attorney, a paralegal someone like myself, what we're looking for is that a lot of times real estate contracts are real estate friendly, and they're not the other person, they're not the person who's creating it friendly. So we are looking for an out clause. What what happens if, how do I get out of this? How much am I gonna have to pay? Right? What happens?

Speaker 2 10:36
Right, or, and leases that I reviewed? Before I signed them? Yeah, my attorney look at them, they have their gross lease in there. And the gross lease every time you write a write a ticket, you're the landlord portion of the sale. And I gave me this gross lease, and I'm like, wait a minute. So the grossly in a lot of these malls have gross leases, because it was a portion of their tickets they cash out goes toward the landlord.

Unknown Speaker 11:05
Don't they review that with you?

Speaker 2 11:07
Well, not really. I mean, yeah, your attorney pool and see what the thing about owner operating a new business, you can receive the lease from the landlord, and if they have any documents in there that need to be retracted out of the lease. That's what your attorney does. Absolutely. They edit and they said, No, we're gonna take this out. And also the percentage on the rent increase is by the index, and you want to lowest percentage possible, maybe two 3%. And that's all that's all in the lease. But you have to know about the cams, your common area maintenance correct. And this is also good information to use you could use when starting a business, if you're thinking about, hey, you know what, COVID changed everything. A lot of people realize, you know, I can I can create my own business. And the people that are very creative don't have the virus. And if you're thinking about opening up a business,

Speaker 3 11:57
my phone number is 702-857-4401. That's 702-857-4401. And if you'd like to check out our website and see what other services we offer, visit us at www dot everything. Hyphen

Speaker 2 12:21
My name is Don Marquez and Christine Barnard is very helpful when it comes to power of attorneys. When I have my clients that need a power of attorney for a loved one elderly parent or child, maybe you have a child out there that's kind of in the streets while it out. And you know, you don't want to get that phone call that one of your loved ones are out there in the street and they may have a drug problem alcohol problem, you know mental illness, we can get them a power of attorney you can pay for the life insurance policy, you can be the owner, the beneficiary and also the payer, you have full control of a life insurance policy. My contact phone number for more information is 70223626247022362624 located on a corner of Sahara and Rancho in the US Bank Center, located on the eighth floor I do work by appointment. My business hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm 702. To 362624 is hot outside everybody hydrate please hydrate Drink plenty of water because you know we in full blast summer right now

Speaker 3 13:35
we really are yes we are. I think coming here instead of 112

Speaker 2 13:39
Well, today is like every day in July August you know we got through June pretty good right? Yeah, June was like Hey, thank you June because June could have been you know, furnished it was well but it was very kind so now we have July August and we right in the middle of July Yeah. And now we have August a little bit of September and we're back to normal you know so Vegas is a great place to live and especially at night you know nights are great sit outside mosquitos not eaten you alive are surrounded by I haven't I have your favorite beverage with you and listen to music barbecue. Oh, by the pool, you know, just relaxing because in the data I don't know what you do during the daytime. Stay inside. Yeah. That's good advice. Christina says stay inside. Or if you're out at the casinos you don't know what time What if it's day or night because I don't have windows. Again, my name is Don Marquez. I'm a licensed insurance broker offering auto insurance homeowners insurance, renter's insurance boat motorcycle insurance? Yes and life insurance that's my favorite subject as always, life insurance life insurance looking at as a savings account. It will bill you cash value most policies now term will not build cash value. Accidental policies will not never build cash value There's no out with accidental only it just you out of pocket every month, the policy will never pay. And never I've been an agent since 1996. I've never known from one accidental policy to pay anyone. But when when a time comes, and it comes from all of us, do you really want to leave your family member with a lot of debt that you secure your debt? You know, the paying for the funeral? Not knowing what to do? Not knowing if you have whoo, whoo, would you pay for for the mortgage? Now, who do we pay for the rent? I mean, the list goes goes on. Okay, they had a car they left behind? I had to make a car payment now, can I step in? My dad? Yes, you may.

Speaker 3 15:47
That's one of the reasons why I encourage people to have a last will and testament. Last Will and Testament. X explains all of those things that Don just mentioned on who gets what, what to do with what, what the account numbers are, who the mortgage holder is on your mortgage on your home? What to do with the car, what the account numbers are. We don't necessarily list all of the bank information, but what bank you bank at maybe what branch you bank. It's really important if you have a pet, who gets the pet is fluffy. Yeah, who gets the dog? Fluffy. So it's really important for all of us, even if you have a trust, to to make sure that you have Alas, well, some of the questions that I'm asked, I don't have any assets, all I have is a home, I don't I don't have stocks, bonds, real estate, income property, those things, you really do need a well, we can do other documents to make sure that your home does not go into probate. And we put all of that in with the will package

Speaker 2 16:58
and what we'll package along with that have your life insurance policy. Have every all your documentation out there to gather, I mean, so important because how many times you've heard family members go in the house and just tear up the house, look, looking for that life insurance policy, looking for the wheel looking for the documentations you know, and everybody's scrambling to get all this information, and it's not fair, have the conversation.

Speaker 3 17:24
This is very important Sunday dinner, have the conversation.

Speaker 2 17:27
And I know a lot of you listening to this program right now, and may have brought it up to your loved ones, your children, your spouse, I don't want to talk about it. You know, they that's what they tell you they push back? Well, they get their attention, say, Well, you know funerals cost today about $20,000 You're gonna pay for that, then you have a full attention.

Speaker 3 17:49
That's right. You know, and the person that you choose as your executor, maybe take them to the side, you don't have to have the conversation in front of everyone in may not want everyone to know your business. And take them aside and show them where the documents are kept.

Speaker 2 18:06
It is so important to have your documentation in order. We make it we provide easy ways to do that. Christine has an amazing service. She could show you step by step and also with the the life insurance policy. They come with my wish my final wish book where you could document everything down on paper. I don't want to be cremated. I do want to be cremated because a lot of times two family members argue over you know, mom and dad didn't want to be cremated. Why are you creating, you know, a family member and it's an argument that's sort of acid. That's, that's a large argument and family members go at it. Because these conversations did not take place. Maybe one on one, you dasa, hey, cremate me I don't want to put all that money in the ground. And that's not uncommon and all of a sudden now because one sibling heard it and the other ones didn't hear it. That could that could become

Speaker 3 19:01
that's what we do we become a waitlist and I notarize the document it becomes a legal document. And we have to follow with dad once

Speaker 2 19:10
that's right what Dad wants and it's down on paper. It makes it makes life easier when you have to grieve all the time. So when you don't have your paperwork in order, or you know your life insurance all together all your documentation, your will your trust everything together. You know your family members don't have time to grieve you know, they got because they have to go into you know financial mode I call it to take care of your final expenses. I can be reached at 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My name is Don Marquez along with the one and only Christine Banagher. A team member of your insurance connection we can find a plan that will fit in your budget. It's not that difficult. I have life insurance policies where you do not have to take a physical No physical require just a few questions yesterday no answers. And most of you can qualify day One day One Life Insurance 702-236-2624 If you just don't and for the very first time, welcome to the show, we broadcast radio que un, the nanny, 1.5 Jazz and more Sunday morning from 8am to 830. You know, enjoy your day here in beautiful, Las Vegas, Nevada. And you know, and not only in Vegas, but all over the country. People tune in to K u and v 91.5. Jazz in more, you know, this is news you could use when it comes to when you talked about the deed upon death, right? Yes, yes. Can you explain to our listeners what exactly what that is, there are

Speaker 3 20:46
a lot of people who do not have family members that are left, or they don't have children. A deed upon death is a document that's prepared, where you name who you want to receive your property, your home, whatever your assets are within the home, we prepare that document we put their name in, there's nothing required other than a signature, a notary stamp. And for that document to be recorded at the county recorders office, once you pass, the person who's named on that date upon death takes that document to the recorders office. And that document, that deed is then transferred to your name and you become become the owner of that home, regardless of a mortgage or not, regardless of a mortgage, the mortgage company doesn't care, as long as they're getting their money.

Speaker 2 21:40
Absolutely. And you can also add a person on his right to survivor while they're still living. Absolutely, I suggest that the Right of Survivorship. Now keep in mind listeners, they can't go out and take a loan against your home, they can't sell your home, if they're put in a beneficiary position, correct to receive the property. Because without this being done, and you may have great intentions, leaving your home to your family member without you taking care of any business, maybe your surviving spouse and you own property. But without having someone or no no Well, no trust, nothing, nothing. And when you pass away, it's not enough is when current is when you pass away, your home could go into probate.

Speaker 3 22:22
And another thing, there may be someone in our senior community that maybe dad is already gone, and mom is still left on the deed. We also can prepare a new deed to take dad off the deed and just put mom on the deed and maybe add a child or someone else

Speaker 2 22:41
Now what if I'm glad you brought that up? A couple of in married dad just recently passed away. Yeah. And the wife was not on the deed because the dad bought the house in his name. Maybe maybe the mother was the wife was a housewife. You know, but her name was never added on the deed when necessary. Because that income, goodbye to home. Now what happens if mom dad dies, he was the sole owner of the house. No, we'll no trust I'm

Speaker 3 23:07
sorry to say it goes into probate, it goes to probate. So let's take care of it before it gets to that point.

Speaker 2 23:14
At that point. This is why we're here we come on the radio to educate you. All our radio talk shows right here K und is here to educate you. These are educational programs to help you improve your life. Because when that day comes, and it comes for all of us, it's a very difficult time for everyone. Everyone is stressed to the max, you know, you have to deal with the fact that person is no longer there. You can't pick up the phone and call them. But now you left with their responsibilities, that debt in the United States, the average person and when that person, the average income person that passes away, leaves about $60,000 in debt. That's a lot of debt on top of the debt you already have. Now, let's say if it's only $30,000 in debt, paying for a funeral and paying off a car, that's the more debt that you already have you just inherited an additional $30,000 in debt is that's not fair to the footage for your loved ones. And now if you also if you have lost a spouse, and you know and you're your spouse was your primary beneficiary, you need a change of beneficiary form. Yes, you need to receive a change of beneficiary form to change that beneficiary or if you your ex wife or your ex husband is the beneficiary and you remarry, you may change that. You may want to say I heard a story where this man was only married for a couple of years this lady, they got divorced. She was his primary beneficiary for $300,000 He later he had married to another lady. They were married for over 20 years. He passed away in the first way God was the primary of the 300 1000 And she did not want to share with the wife were over 20 years married. These are stories that I hear as an insurance agent. And there's apps and the families call me and say, I heard you on the radio. Is there anything we could do about it? No. No, that was me children by the first way. But he had chosen by the second one, that's, that's just but it happens. It happens, even even on your job. Now, a lot of you, if you don't have a life insurance policy, and you only have one on the job, you know, if you in the situation, we just explained where you were married, or you know, you need a change of beneficiary on your job. Yeah, you have a job. And

Speaker 3 25:38
a lot of times that can be done online, it doesn't require you to get new forms. The same thing with your bank accounts. I'd like to suggest so our audience to add a beneficiary to your bank accounts.

Speaker 2 25:51
Yes, yes, that makes it easy, or just someone that you could trust on the account. You know, I have I have my son on my account. I say, You know what, if I need something, I need you to go put the money in the bank, there's no question. He could do it for me or write me or you know, just make a transaction? Yeah. Especially when I'm out of town. It makes it very convenient.

Speaker 3 26:12
But if you don't have children, you need a beneficiary. You need somebody on a bank account,

Speaker 2 26:17
where you know, my beneficiaries of services are available for anyone that don't have a beneficiary. I can be your beneficiary. I don't charge for that. Hey, I'll spend I'll say I'll spend the money well. With me, I'll be a beneficiary. Anyone out there don't have a beneficiary. I'll be a beneficiary. No, no, no, no service fees. We don't charge for service fees. They come see us Yes, absolutely no no obligation consultations. And we are both located on the corner of Sahara Rancho and the US bank center eighth floor. Now my business hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm. And I will work some Saturdays never work on Sunday because I broadcast on Sunday. But Monday through Friday, I am available.

Speaker 3 27:09
I work also by appointment and I work Monday through Saturday and but however if there is a singer that needs my services, I will be more than happy to to accommodate them. My phone number is 702-857-4401

Speaker 2 27:30
your insurance connection we're here for you I know Vegas is hot. You know a lot of things are going on you know Vegas is always popping when I bring when guests come in to Las Vegas I take a lot of like love taking them downtown to the Fremont Street Experience is it's like Bourbon Street on steroids you know if you've been on Bourbon Street and and and I know New Orleans is not unlike I've seen Bourbon Street they go a little while and New Orleans but downtown downtown experiences is just way too much. Why Vegas Welcome to Vegas I mean it's something that to do it's not always about being in a casino has been it's been it's been in your money. You can just go downtown St experience they have bands there they have all kinds of people that do some weird things I saw there's this just guy about six to getting a little small tiny box but twice the size of a shoebox I don't know how he got into thing but he got in it. But you know there's things to do in Vegas the food of course is restaurants are everywhere and Joey's stay here in Vegas if you're just visiting the town, or you listen to the program, and from time to time you go out and enjoy, you know, the nightlife in Las Vegas. But keep in mind, we're here for you for services that we provide. You know you're going to need these your family members are going to need these services you're going to need these services for surviving for if you have a spouse, children 702-236-2624 My name is Donna Marquez along with Christine Menara 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. I'm a licensed insurance broker. Christine Renard is a licensed paralegal with multiple servers. And also she's a notary to as well. Yes, she didn't mention that, I don't think but now she is a traveling notary 702-236-2624. My name is Don Marquez, along with Christine Bernard. Thank you for listening. And that's it next week.

Unknown Speaker 29:31
Keep it crispy. Just

Unknown Speaker 29:32
keep it crispy.

Transcribed by