Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Thursday the 13th June 2024.

Sir Keir Starmer has launched the Labour Party’s manifesto at an event in Manchester, referring to his five national missions of higher growth, safer streets, cleaner energy, more opportunity, and getting the NHS back on its feet.
Starmer set out the Labour Party’s philosophy as one of wealth creation, and described the manifesto as pro-business and pro-worker. He also pledged not to raise income tax, National Insurance or VAT.
Labour’s plans will instead be funded by intentions to raise £8 billion through putting VAT on private school fees, clamping down on those who are underpaying tax and closing loopholes on a windfall tax on oil and gas.
Starmer also stressed Labour’s commitment to the younger generation, offering investments in young people’s mental, physical and dental health, and pledging to help people feel certainty over their future.

The Scottish Parliament has approved the release of some short-term prisoners in response to a rapid rise in the prison population.
Around 514 prisoners will be eligible for release in four tranches from 26th June, which equates to roughly 1 in 16 prisoners in Scotland.
In order to protect public safety, the criteria mean that only prisoners serving sentences of four years or less, and who are due for release within the next 180 days (as of 13th June 2024), will be eligible for release.
Prison governors will also have the right to veto the early release of any prisoners, should they be deemed an immediate risk to a specific individual or group.

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