Clydesdale Media Podcast

WZA So Cal announce ammended line-ups and Captains Picks for their event. PFAA makes demands of CrossFit.  Masters and Teens get their events and now get to compete later this week.  We will give you some people to look out for on the Masters side and share with you the coverage we will do daily from Birmingham.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to the original

Sunday Night CrossFit Talk

with Carolyn Prevost, Jamie Latimer,

and myself.

We're so pumped to be here.

Thank you, everybody, for jumping in.

Before we get into the

nitty-gritty of things that

are going on CrossFit-wise,

Jamie and I talked about

Reacher for a long time.

I went back and watched the

Tom Cruise movies this week.

Oh, nice.

I'd never seen them.


I watched Reacher the show

and never the movies.

The movies are just as good as the show.


You kind of like looking

back and now this new actor,

it makes you like, man,

you could have gotten

someone a little better

than Tom Cruise to play Reacher,

but he did a good job.

He did a fine job playing him.

He just is not tall enough.


To be that intimidating person.


That was the only misstep with the movies.

And then we dove into the

new show on Apple TV called Bad Monkey.

I have not heard of this.


So good, but it is old school.

They're only releasing one episode a week.

Oh, so like we are at a,

there's only three episodes out.

There's 10 and we are like

stuck until Wednesday till

they release the next one.

Yes, Wadsami, I've seen Ted Lasso.

So the people behind Ted

Lasso are part of Bad Monkey.


It's also the people from Scrubs.

They're behind this Bad Monkey,

and it's a detective police

kind of whodunit mystery

with a lot of quirkiness,

like Ted Lasso or Scrubs or whatever.

It is so stinking good.

Is it only on Apple TV?

It is.

It's exclusive to them.

Well, I won't be watching it.

So, yeah.

So that's that.

And then one update on me,

and then we'll talk about

how your guys' week has went.

Last week,

I said to everybody that I was

off on my antihistamines

because I was being tested

for my allergies.

That test went down,

finally figured out what I'm allergic to,

which is my dog.

And I have rhino something

or other that makes me like

really allergic to grasses, molds,



I need to go move and live on the moon.

Does your dog shed a lot?

So my allergy isn't just a hair.

It is saliva and urine and

all of that stuff.

So I'm starting

immunotherapy in two and a half weeks,

and I'm doing the first

three months in five hours.

So I will sit in the office

getting three months of

shots every 20 minutes for

five hours to get the first

three months in to get some relief.

And then I'll have to do

like a shot a week for the

rest of the year.

And then like every other

week and then eventually

monthly and eventually

won't need it anymore.

That would be good.

At least you got some answers.

They changed my allergy medicine,

which is helping.

So I'm on Zizel.

If you have never taken it,

take it at night before you

go to bed because you will be groggy,

groggy, groggy.

So exactly like Benadryl.


But, um,

nothing better than to get a

medicine that makes you

groggy right before you're

going to do a behind the

scene of a major event.

Um, so, um,

I'm hoping there's some coffee

tents down there and we,

I just jam on some caffeine, but, um,

yeah so but we have an

answer finally after three

years I finally felt like

someone cared about what I

was talking about and dug

deep enough to find out

what the issue was so yeah

so your guys's week how's it been

Busy, man.

Oh, my gosh.

You have something coming up, Jamie?

Yeah, something coming up.

Something coming up for sure.

Lucas had another tennis tournament,

so that was my Thursday.

We went to Chelsea,

which is like 50 minutes away.

So that was another quad, four teams.

We were there from like 9 to

– I think we got out of

there at like 4.30 to 5.

That's a long day.

I know.

Those quads are a long day.

Of course,

Jamie has a thing coming this week.

Yeah, small thing.

Small thing.

Yeah, for me, it was training on Monday.

Lex and I went to San Francisco.

We were just tourists for the day.

So we went at Pier 39 or something,

and there was a bunch of things going on.

that we did there so that

was really fun and yeah

other than that just

basically chipping away at

training and slowly getting

ready for norcal in a few

weeks so trying to enjoy

the last few days that I

have left in california so

I leave on wednesday all

right and jamie you leave

for birmingham tuesday morning

Tuesday morning.

And Julie and I are leaving

Tuesday evening.


Are you going to drive

straight through Tuesday evening?

No, no.


I'm just what I want to do is just at

least get south of

Cincinnati because traffic

there is really bad in the morning.

So just get through the

other side of Cincinnati,

wherever we stop in Kentucky is fine.

And then I'll just go the

rest of the way Wednesday morning.

I think we're going to stop in Kentucky to,

um, find a box,

some somewhere to stop and

move and then get dinner

and stay the night and then

get up in the morning and finish.

Well, speaking of Kentucky, kind of,

I got news today that my

gym is being sold.


Um, and they, my owners,

Christie and Patrick

O'Connell met in Louisville,

Kentucky and moved up to

Columbus where Christie's

parents owned a gym.

They bought into that gym

and now the four of them

are selling it off.

Um, but they said that September 1st,

they will no longer be owners,

but they will be members of the gym.

They will be attending

classes just like they always have.

They're going to continue to

be a part of the community,

but they're just in a

different phase of their

life and didn't want to own

the gym anymore.

So, um,

but two families from the gym

community are buying it.

So it's kind of staying in the family.


and they've just recently put in a ton of,

uh, work on it, repainted the building,

fixed everything, um,

invested in new equipment.

Um, like it is brand new flooring.

Um, it is a Mecca of fitness right now.


I'm assuming they're still going to

continue their IBEX program.

It looks like that's going

really well for them,

at least from the outside.

But best of luck to them.


It's kind of sad,

but they're still going to be there.


And, you know,

they've taught all the

people that are taking over.

So, you know,

I think it's going to have the same feel.

We'll see.

See how that goes.

So we're going to start with

the Masters stuff tonight,

and then we'll get into

some of the generic

CrossFit stuff at the end of the show.

But we wanted to start by

the Masters CrossFit Games is next week.

Well, this week, I guess,

if you count Sunday,

the start of the week.

It begins on Thursday and

goes through Sunday.

If you have not seen on her Instagram,

Holly Dugan,

the best stats and info

person in the business,

has put together schedules two ways.

She has like an overall

schedule of like days and times.

And then if you want to just

look at an age group,

she now has that out for men and women.

You just go up.

And if you're like Jamie and

you're a woman, 40 to 44,

you can go to that page,

see all of your heat times, bam,

on one page.

Amazing job that she's done with that.

It's super, super, super clear.

And yeah, great job.

Thank you.

Thank you for that.

So those are out there on

both mine and her Instagram page,

DataWad or Clydesdale Media,

if you want to check those out.

And give Holly a shout out.

She's the best there is.

And I know a lot of people

have already put hearts all over it,

saying that they love it.

It was the easiest way for

them to see their schedule.

So, yeah, super stoked for that.

She impresses me every time.

She just, like, sends me stuff.


She sent me that this morning and said,

Hey, do you like this?

And I'm like, Oh my gosh, I love this.

Get it out, get it out.

So yeah, that is the best.

The other thing that

happened just a couple of

days ago was that we got

the workouts for masters.

And so what I'm going to do

now is I'm going to pull

those up from their

Instagram post and then we

will go through those.

And have Carolyn kind of dissect them.

If Jamie wants to jump in, fine.

If she doesn't want to give away secrets,

she doesn't have to because

she's competing.

And she may want to keep

that stuff to herself.

I just got to say,

I'm kind of bummed that they... Like,

from our original heat schedule,

it was supposed to be 3-2-3-2.

So they essentially moved

the snatch ladder from

Sunday morning to...

friday um I don't know I'm

kind of bummed I don't like

I don't know what prompted

that whether it's like they

wanted didn't want to make

the cuts before yeah eight

events and we're like well

let's just put that

strength event in there

earlier in the week um or

floor wise or what it was

but like it is a little

weird like I mean I think

we always thought we were

getting done at like four

or five and now we're

getting done at like noon

and it's seems unnecessary


I did hear them say on the TEF

podcast that they are

cutting with just one workout to go.

And that will be Sunday.

And they've moved things around.

So there's only one workout on Sunday now.

So here we go.

I'm going to go ahead and share this up.

And bam, there we go.

So event one is,

now event one is not

necessarily event one for

everyone because there are

three floors and they are rotating.

One floor has a professional rig on it.

One floor has an A-frame rig on it.

And one floor has no rig on it.

and they will rotate through those floors.

So different age groups may

have a different event one,

but you'll do all these

workouts if you are 35 to 54.

55 and up will do eight of these workouts.

So here we go.

Event one,

we'll just do them in order as

they were released,

just so there's no confusion.

Event one, four rounds for time,

600 meter run, round one, five deadlifts,

round two, 10 deadlifts, round three,

15 deadlifts, round four, 20 deadlifts.

Time cap, 18 minutes.

Barbell weight is 255 for men,

180 for women.

And I know that actually

decreases as you go up in the age groups.

i think this will I think

this will be a good workout

obviously some posterior

chain lifting from the

floor uh the women are

doing 70 I think that's a

weight that a lot of people

can go unbroken for a lot

of it um I think the run

you'll start seeing some

separation but if you are

just doing quick sets on

the deadlift I think that

you're still in the game um for sure

And yeah,

I don't like that initial run out.

After you do those deadlifts, you'll,

you'll definitely feel your,

your hammies being a little bit, um,

sore and you get that high

heart rate coming off the barbell.

But I think this is a good test.

I like this one.

Um, I like this one a lot.


Carolyn would like this because it

has deadlifts.


Like for me,

it would be unbroken the whole way.

If I'm being honest,

it would be pretty easy at

that weight for me.

I'm broken the whole way.

Um, I, I think the way it's appropriate,


It's not like super light

where it becomes just a running workout.

But it's not to the point

where then people are stuck

on the barbell as well.

So I think the good runners

can break up the deadlifts

in small sets and still be in it.

Just like the strong people

can make up time on the

deadlifts by being unbroken.

So I think it's a good

somewhat balanced test.

So let me ask you this, Carolyn.

the first two sets of

deadlifts are meaningless.

Am I, am I right?

So it is just three 600 meter runs.

Bang, bang, bang.

When you get to the 15 and 20,

that's where like,

it may actually have a

little bit of interference.

Do you think that's enough

to catch the best runners?

I think it's going to come

down to a better runner.

If I'm being honest,

I think a better runner

will do with decent

strength should do better.


I think you can make up more time on

the run.

Denise Moore, would you use a belt?

Personally, no.

Or really loose where you

can just quickly tie it.

I wouldn't put it on the

ground and then re-put it on.

So I have a belt that's very

easy to do it loose.

And I use that quite often.

So if I do a belt, I would do that.

And then just as you're done,

loosen it up so you can breathe and run.


I like that.

It's really straightforward.


I think, I think for the top competitors,

it will be unbroken though.

Dex Hopkins,

35 to 39 year old competitor

says should be three 15

says a Clydesdale.



He wants interference before

that run is possible.

yeah he's got plenty of

things in his wheelhouse

this weekend this one

needed to be around this

weight all right let's go

to event two event two is

four rounds for time four

rope climbs to 15 feet six

sandbag cleans 150 and 100

40 foot handstand walk time

cap 12 minutes

A little bit more gymnastics here.

Another pulling movement

from the floor from the sandbag cleans.

I would like to see more handstand walk.

I don't think that that's

much for four rounds.

I would have liked to have

seen maybe more distance

there for the younger age groups.

But I like the SWAT.


posterior chain could be still tired

from the first one.

The sandbag cleans,

I'm assuming you can go touch and go,

or they might have sections for that.

Four rope climbs for the men

is different than four rope

climbs in a row for females.

I always find when we have

the same amount of rope climbs,

it's just much faster for

the men to get through that.

But the 150 to the 100 on the sandbag,

I think it's heavier for

the men than what it feels

normally for the women.

So maybe that

is a small difference there.

Um, yeah, this one's not bad.

I would have liked to have

seen more handstand walk

maybe in this one.

So my question on this one

is you have an upper body pulling,

you have a posterior chain to the top,

and then you're going inverted.

That's three very different tests in one.

Um, what about the transitions?

I mean,

I think the handstand walk for that

distance for most people is irrelevant.

And timing wise,

I don't think that that

will really matter.

I think the women can

separate themselves on those rope climbs.

And if they're able to go

kind of down and up right

away versus taking, let's say,

two reps or three reps

where you're going to touch

and go and then needing to

chalk for one more.

I think for the women,

it's more on the sandbag cleans and rope.

like somewhere there.

I don't think the handstand

walk is relevant for most of the field.

Although they had, I don't,

have you guys had handstand walks, Jamie,

so far in your season?

I don't think you guys had

anything in 25 feet, right?

We had no handstand walking.


So, I mean, it's not, it's not,

it's not a ridiculous amount.

I don't think that should be

an issue for anyone.

It's, it's really come down, I think,

to the rope climbs and just

maintaining high heart rate

during the workouts.


If it's going to be a grip test.

Yes, there's grip,

there's grip involved of the rope climb.

I mean,

if you can use your legs as much as

possible to save your grip,

but you're gripping there.

And then initially that grip

from the sandbag gets, um,

gets grippy for sure.

I think people underestimate

how much grip is fatigued

in either handstand pushups

or handstand walking.


I've tested this workout.

It's nasty.

I think people are going to

be shocked in round four.


I think this is one that

people can blow up, um,

early by pushing the pace too much.

And then after that are

needing to slow down significantly.

I mean,

Denise says she tested this one and, um,

she, they have a 75 pound bag.



it's way heavier than you think by

round three.

Like, thank God it's not the 200, 150.


I honestly don't even know what I would

do if it was a heavier bag.

Uh, Dex says,

I feel like it's courage in transition.

The, the sandbag is going to be gripper,




Oh my gosh.

Gripper Magoo too with the combo.


I need an English to Dex dictionary.


Is it going to be an Alabama

a shaped bag though?

I don't think we're going to

get that lucky to get

anything personalized for the masters.



I think all the floors are

20 foot just like,

because there's three

floors in this stadium.


I think all the floors are 20 feet,

which limits, right,

getting that 25 foot or

what you're used to.

I just think, unfortunately,

they don't have the distance.

All right.

We're ready to move to the next one.


Event three for time, 25 overhead squats,

80 foot dumbbell walking lunge,

25 overhead squats, time cap,

three little minutes.

Barbell is $75.55.

Dumbbell $50.35.

I think this is going to be a shit show,

if I'm being honest.

I think the weights are super light.

This is...

two movements that, um, can be, uh,

no rep very easily in one

lane and not in another

lane with the opening up of

the hips on the overhead

squats with the opening up

of the hips on the lunges.

And like some people going through, um,

you're going for speed on

these movements that are very light.

I think it's going to be, uh,

tough on the judges for sure.

It's going to be a fast wad.

It's, it's unbroken.


It's how fast can you lunge?

At least like lunging is

helping the taller athletes

and then the overhead

squats is better for the

smaller athletes.

So for that,

I like that if you're going to

do some sort of range of motion,

I like that it can even up

maybe a little bit with size there.

But I think this is going to

be hard to judge.


I would absolutely hate to

judge this event.


you know how I feel about workouts that

like basically come down to

a judge's call.

Um, it's just, it's unfortunate to see,

you see somebody in one lane,

just getting away with absolute murder.

And then the next lane is

getting no rep for probably

a better movement.

And you're like,

what is going on out there?

I mean, it's just, it,

and it completely ruined someone's really,

they're probably their entire weekend.

What kind of dumbbell lunges is it?

Is it farmer?

Is it front?

And, or one dump?

I mean, assuming it's two dumbbells.

Cause if it's two double overhead,

that's completely different.

There's no way it wouldn't be, but I don't,

I don't think it.



I think it's documents that are released.

If it's just farmer,

I'm betting it's same with front rack.

It's it's fast,

but the double overhead

would make a big difference.

But yeah, like I said,

Like you said,

I don't think the time would

make it a double overhead.

Cause that's, that's,

that would be really hard for,

I think most of the masters

mobility wise.


You would see some struggle in the 50.

Like they wouldn't finish

this workout if that's what it was.

Not for you.

I bet it's just a farmer.

You guys have a lot of

dumbbells this weekend too.

I noticed.


That's common.

What's the difference

between a dumbbell lunge

and a dumbbell walking lunge?

Well, dumbbell lunge, you can do in place.

A dumbbell walking lunge,

you must cover a distance.

And that's why this is 80

feet and not so many reps.

If it's just a lunge, it's for reps,

not distance.

Um, so yeah, so there's that one.

And I, I completely agree.

Like judging is going to be

just nuts on this and the older.

They're not doing this.

No, because,

because their overhead squat

mobility just is in,

in volume and for the,

for the overall weekend.

So, um,

Kenneth says tomato, tomato.


there is a little bit difference

because the opening of the

hips is different.

When you're walking the lunge,

there's a couple more

points that you have to hit

in the standard.

So it's a little bit more complicated.

Although I like moving

rather than stationary ones anyway.

I think those are a little

bit easier to judge.

So let's go event four for time.

This is the snatch speed ladder.

It is simply four at 135.95,

three at 165.115, two at 195.135,

and one at 225.155.

This immediately starts

dropping in weight even at

the 40 to 44-year-old division.

Time cap is two minutes.

So you got to move.

I think for a lot of people,

the top athletes,

I think it's going to be power snatches.

And it's going to be very fast.

There's going to be touch and go for some,

like the top, the top,

top athletes are going

touch and go on some of these weights.

It's, I w I would have thought it,

it would have been a little

tiny bit heavier,

but not with a two minute cap.

If they want to go two minute cap, it's,

I guess it's fine.

One thing that they did add

when they talked to TEF is

that there will be only two

bars and you'll have to

change weights twice.

I hate that.


I hate that changing weights

is a part of fitness.

People will be like,

that shouldn't be part of fitness.

How fast I can change whether the

thingy gets stuck on the barbell.

I don't think that should be

part of fitness.

I've always thought that.

Some people like it in competitions.

I hate it.

Is it the first and the

third barbell that have weight?

Probably just adding fives

or whatever it is.

It almost doesn't make sense

because mine is...

mine is 95 95 115 125 145

145 like because you're

gonna have 25s and fives

out there for the 95 bar so

I guess and then

then we're just throwing so

there's gonna be tens that

have to like be put on and

pulled off and put on I

don't know this doesn't I

don't think you have to

pull anything off I think

it's just you're gonna have

to add the new weight as

you move up like from one

125 to 145 you're gonna

have to put a 10 on each

side huh I just don't love

it I just think

I don't know.

I don't like the switching

of the weights being part

of such a fast test like this.

Some of the clips are just

stickier than others.

That shouldn't be a factor

whether someone wins the heat or not.

It should not be a factor.

That's not fitness.

This is probably where we

may dive off a minute,

but let's try not to.

They said that the reason

for it was for safety.

Now that everything has happened...

this is going to be an easy

out for people when they

don't want to do it a certain way.

They can say it's for safety reasons.

Why is it safer to stop and

load a bar before you go to the next one?

That, that makes no sense.

Less bars on the floor.

No, I understand the safety thing.

You don't, if you don't have the space,

you don't want four bars on, on there.

And then people are moving everywhere.

It's like, I get the space thing.

I guess I get, I get that.

I'm just saying,

I personally don't think

that that should,

play factor and if and if

you don't have the space

then I think you could do

another type of lift I mean

we're already pulling from

the floor this is now the

third time right um in four

workouts I mean the volume

is pretty low here compared

to um the rest but yeah you

just don't do this workout

if if safety you don't do a

snatch ladder if safety is

a concern that makes no sense I just like

I think it's different if

it's like a long ladder and

it's not necessarily like

two minutes long and you

can go through and you can

change your weights and

you're kind of using that as recovery.

But in something like this,

it's just so fast.

And I just think that people having, um,

those type of clips that

they're going to be using

in training and being able

to use those faster,

like in and out makes a difference.

What type of clips you train with.

If you're used to those ones

that they'll be using, um,


But I mean, I think it's fast.


If you're going to,

if you want to do a two

minute cap to work out,

either you make it so it it's,

it is for the two minute

cap or you make it.

So it's a three minute cap

and you change weights.

I think that the combination

of the two makes no sense.




I like this workout.

I just don't like the

bastardized version of it.

If you want a straight speed

ladder with a two-minute cap,

let them go.

Is it an elimination style

or is it just one time through?

One time through.

You mess up.

With 40 people, that's crazy.

There's going to be some

close times on this yeah so

you gotta you definitely

have to sprint to that

finish line if there is one

oh my gosh if there's no

finish line or is it or is

it judges um like do they

have the the ankle clips

like those will be factors

if we're if we will not have ankle

time bracelets we will not

so like going off the

judges reaction like is not

accurate I know especially

when people are going to be

coming to the finish line

very close I hope they can

find some sort of ankle

clip because 40 athletes

doing a sub two minute and

a sub three minute workout

is you want accuracy and I

don't think it's going to

be accurate how fast the

judge can click their button

Oh, my God.

If there's no finish line,

I may protest right in the

middle of the event.

If spectators can't see who wins,

there's no point in having a sport.

Was it Legends last year or

the Masters Collective when

they didn't have the finish line?



Oh, both.



Both stopped on the floor.

It was rough.


If you can't see who finishes first,

there's no point in watching.

It was, it's just dumb.

Not even for you.

The, I mean, yes, I agree.

Spectator wise,

but it was a struggle for us as athletes.

Like, I mean, Scott,

you were standing there

when we weren't sure if

Veronica was actually done.

She wasn't sure if she was done.

I know.

Cause she didn't have a mat

to run to and she didn't

know if her judge was confused.

Like it was, it was very confusing.

But if you're streaming this,

you're trying to make

people get eyes on this

sport for the first time ever.

So you have a really good stream.

You have a nice facility

with a lot of places for people to watch.

If you make it impossible

for them to see who wins,

you might as well just

chuck it all out the window.


I'm guessing all of the floors will

have a start mat and a finish mat.

They're pretty good about that,

about having the floor set.


having them and using them are two

different things.


Whether we use them will be the question.

Sad to say,

I can see them saying they

don't want to have anybody

jump that last bar and get

to the finish mat for safety purposes.

So they're just going to let

it finish at the... If you play sport,

there's an assumption of risk.

There just is.

I mean...

just is yeah there should be

a finish line you should

have to drop it forward a

lot of masters that don't

have the experience of an

in-person comp might put it

behind them and then get no

rep like those might be

some mistakes that you'll

see um if there's a finish

line with those rules just

knowing that um that's you

know details that as an

athlete like I know because

I have experience but you

don't know the experience of certain um

Athletes will be competing that weekend.

But yeah,

I hope there's a finish line

visually and everything.

All right, let's move on to event five.

Four times, 75 wall balls,

40 shoulder to overhead,

30 dumbbell stepovers, 40 dumbbell snatch,

75 wall balls.

So you have Karen on the outside,

like with a 150.

I don't know why there's two different...

dumbbell movements here um I

would have wanted the same

movement both shoulders

overhead probably because

you already have pulling

from the floor with the

deadlift the snatch well

what is the barbell the

shouldered overhead is

barbell then I would have

kept the barbell you don't

need it you don't need

another dumbbell or you

keep or you do a double

dumbbell if you wanted

shoulder to overhead but um

and have a little bit more

interference on the

upper body press.

You could have even put

handstand push-ups here

just because you haven't

had as much gymnastics.

Yeah, I don't know about... I mean,

I think it looks cleaner if

it's like a true pyramid,

like one movement, second movement, third,

and then go back that second movement.

I saw Ariel post on her

story that she was like 11

something on this one.

What's the time cap?

I can't see it.

15 minutes.

15 minutes.



I had to zoom in.


I mean,

what's the target height for the

wall ball?

Nothing said on that.




So I think even though it's

not a true pyramid,

do you think it's a good workout?

I think it's fine.

I mean, it's pure CrossFit.

Like it's trying to think

like what's the shoulder to

overhead weight on 1580.

single dumbbell step over or double?

I'm pretty sure that it's a

single dumbbell because

there's only the one

dumbbell on the floor for

the snatch in the box.

And I'm,

I'm assuming it's held any way you want.

A lot of people in the chat

are saying everybody's fine.

I don't,

I don't think you need to go on

broken for sure on the wall balls.

I think quick sets something

that's just like repeatable

that you're not like

hunched over at the ball.

Same thing for the shoulder to overhead,

the dumbbell stepovers.

If you're allowed to just

hold it behind your head or something,

I think you just kind of hold on to that.

Try to relax your grip a little bit.

You can just shake one arm out,

something like that.

Dumbbell snatch at that weight,

I would assume,

is you just kind of hold on

unbroken and then whatever

you have left on that 75 wall ball.

All right, let's go to event six.

Round one.

This one just is god-awful.

Round one, four minutes of work,

one minute of rest.

Round two, three minutes of work,

one minute of rest.

Round three, two minutes of work.

It's basically max echo bite calories,

trying to get to 105 and 80,

but there's a buy-in every

round of 75 double-unders

and 20 chest-to-bars.


have you done this one or any part of it?

He said he loves it.

That makes me think he has.

He's one of those guys that

can hammer a bike.

I know,

but it makes me think he hasn't done it.

He just loves the idea of, yeah,

hammer the bike.

I mean,

this is just how bad do you want to

hurt on the echo bike?

Yeah, I mean,

both of the movements up front,

are I think at this level,

mostly unbroken for, for people.


and then it's your power output on the


Like some people can just have like,

especially the men,

like their ability to

sprint on an echo bike is

not even comparable to, to the females.

If they have two and a half minutes,

let's say on the, on the bike,

on the first round, it's going to be,

it's a tough one to finish for sure.

I haven't tried it, but it looks nasty.

And I like the format of it that, you know,

the time decreases on the bike, um,

the further along you move.

I hate that.

I wish it was, I wish it was a three,

three, four personally.

Like then it's like, can you,

can you even get through that?


do you need all four minutes at the end?

Can you keep pushing at the

end of all this?

I think it still comes down

to just power output.

I think you're going to have

very few women finish this.

Are the cows different for your division?


Not through 40 to 44 for sure.

yeah if it changes I think

it was like 60 at like 55

plus or something like that

denise test said you tested

it denise what's your kales

to get through I i keep I

will be shocked I mean

there might be a dude dex

maybe can get through in in

two rounds I don't know oh

I bet you dex gets it with

two rounds oh he's just

that good on a bike like I'm

oh god yeah I mean if you're

tall or you weigh more it's

going to definitely help

here um I mean I i do like

that you have to earn your

echo bike power output by

at least having some sort

of gymnastics prior and

elevated heart rate that

you can't just be tall and

or bigger but um let me put

it this way if dex doesn't

finish it in two rounds he

ain't getting back to the

bike on round three

That's the other thing.


I mean, I watched you do this,

and I don't want to disclose anything.


this is way harder than people think

it is.

I think I need to take an

airline puke bag out on the

floor with me if I'm being 100% honest.

I don't know who thinks this

workout is easy.

This workout looks awful.


Dex, am I lying?

If you don't finish it in two,

you're not making it back for three.

I've seen you on the floor

way too many times, bub.

I was shocked.

Denise said right here,

the second round of double unders,

I tripped a million times.

I was shocked at how heavy

my legs felt when I went to jump rope.

And your arms are going to be feeling it.

That blood is just trying to

circulate and those chest

of arms are going to become

hard as the blood is just

looking to go somewhere

because you're just feeling it.

It's almost like that one

minute of rest is rude

because you all of a sudden feel worse.

Yeah, this is a nasty workout.

Lynn says, oh no,

this is the hardest workout ever.


I like me a bike though.

I, this looks awful.


Dex said the flow on chest

of bar got super weird.

I felt that I actually was like,

I just need to come down.

I like, I am doing some funky Kip here.

That doesn't even,

I don't even know what I'm

doing right now.

All right.

Let's move on off of this

thing and go to event seven,

which is the standard.

I love this one.

I don't think 12 minute time

cap is good for the woman at this level.

Like you had the games top

10 athletes for females

doing it in around 11

minutes a few years ago.

I think the 12 minute time

cap for the females like 40 to 44,

you have 12 minutes as well, right?


I think although I think for a few

divisions, it's a 12 minute time cap.

I I don't see too many

people women especially

finishing that the top from

the top from the 35 to 39

can do it but I think very

few women will finish it in

the in the 12 minute time cap.

This one according to our

original heat sheet was

supposed to be through 13 minutes.


I don't know why they think

12 minutes is appropriate for,

I just think that a lot of

people won't get to that point.

It's a ring muscle workout.

These are singles on the barbell,

just moving through it,

giving yourself time and

then figuring out what sets

you're able to do on the ring muscle ups.

Hopefully no, no,

no reps because those get

really costly and it's just

kind of executing clean, clean sets.

And then,

on the back end if you have

it in you to do a couple

touch and go towards the

very end of the snatches

but probably once you start

doing singles your body is

just in a single rhythm

that you just keep going in

singles um yeah this this

will be a ring muscle up

and how much rest you want

to take in between so I

have an important question

with since we're here and

the last couple we've said

you know this is a

completely different

workout from men to women

and that the caps are too

aggressive for one or the other,

or for the women as opposed to the men.


Bob and Joe said that the people

who tested these workouts

were themselves and Jared Enderton.

If you have no women testing

these workouts,

are you getting a true

picture as to what it is for women?

If that's the truth and

you've already tested it,

is that a mistake?

I think some of the women in

35 to 39 will be able to finish it,

but I think as you keep going along,

I just don't think in a field of 40,

you want still close to half to finish,

and you're not going to get that.

You're just not.

It's not on the female side anyways.

But even you say 35 to 39...

the top 10 women at the

games struggled to get 11.

Now you're talking 40, 35 to 39 year olds.

I get that's 2019 and we

we've definitely come a long way.

But I still think that this is a,

I haven't done this one in years,

but yeah, I think, I think at this level,

it's not, it's too fast a time cap.

That's my opinion, but I love the workout.

I personally like this workout.

I like brain muscle.

I would have been happier to

even to see the 13 minutes for the women,

like at least give some separate, like,

hopefully you get to the

snatch and can get some and like,

and who wants to like,

even try to hold onto it

for a couple of reps and

try to win there.


Like give a fighting chance

to a few people to make some separation,

not just one morning muscle

up separation.

So 45 to 54 do 25 instead of 30.


Just women or men too?

I think it's both.

Well, that's the thing.

Your 50-year-old women are

going to be stuck on ring muscle-ups.

It's going to be a ring muscle-up workout.

That's the separator.

Who can do them?

Who has that volume in them?

You guys had that ascending

rep scheme yesterday.

in semis this one's a big

chunk on the spot which is

different you know for

muscle stamina but yeah I

mean I just hope for the

viewership that you see

people finish on the

women's side there will be

a there will definitely be

a couple people in each I

think about like Andrea

Nisler and stuff like

Alethea Boone's gonna

finish in our age group for sure

Is she coming?

You know what?

I guess I didn't look at, like,

do we even have a leaderboard showing?


I don't know.

I don't think I saw her on the board.


That's why I asked.

I'll double check.

I have it up here, so I'll check again.

So next event is event eight,

eight rounds for time,

eight bar facing burpees,

eight toes to bar, one clean at 255, 180.

Time cap, eight minutes.

Not a lot of room for separation here.

I mean,

everyone can do eight toes to bars.

Everyone can do eight bar facing burpees.

How fast you're comfortable

doing a clean at 180.

If you can power it, you know, every time,

nice and sweet, you're good.

It's just going to come down

to transitions,

jogging between the

movements and pushing the pace.

If you don't have that one

80 in you that you're just

confidently jogging to the bar,

just getting it.

I think you'll struggle on this one.

It's basically what it's eight,

eight rounds, eight minute time.


It's an EMOM quicker than an EMOM.

This is a fast time cap.

Like I think they have a few

fast time caps here and

it's probably because of

the amount of divisions

they got to get through, but yeah,

But I don't want to see

every women's division not

finished and all the men finished.

That's a bad look to me.

I'm not saying that women

have a disadvantage at this one.

I don't think that this one

is one that with the women,

I just think it's a fast time cap.

If you start having to move

your barbell up and the

transitions get longer,

if they've only tested it

on the spot in person,

that's different than the

amount like that playing

field that they're going to

be doing it on.

which is why at the games

they have that demo team

testing workouts on the

field and progressing

forward because they're like, oh,

we didn't take this into consideration.

We've got to bump up the

time cap by a minute or

something like that.

But yeah,

this is a quick one between all

the movements.

Dex says women have it easier on this one.

I disagree, but...

Aletheia Boone is not on the roster.

Well, that's sort of a bummer.

Event nine,

five minutes to establish a one

rep max front squat.

I mean, this is just,

is it from the floor or from the rack?

I'm sure it's from the rack.

From the rack, okay.

I mean, this is raw strength here.

Lifting, I mean, in the previous workout,

I think,

the lift is the separator.

Like if you could just go to it, I mean,

yeah, it's a, it's a strength one.

I mean,

there's not really anything to it here.

Stronger people will win.



It is boring.

I don't think this was needed here.

I don't, I,

with all the power have like

power output feel of a lot

of these workouts.

I do not think they needed

this strength test.

You have the strength test

with your snatch ladder.

I think they could have done

some sort of gymnastics

with possibly another run here.

Like I think out of 10 events,

one event with running is, I mean,

they don't have any events

that's long and you have

another short workout.


I'd like to see something in

that 15 to 20 minute range.


Five minutes.

There we go.

All right, and then finally we end up with,

they will cut to half of

the participants at this point,

and then on Sunday,

the only event that is going is this one,

event 10, four-time, 8-12-16,

single-arm dumbbell

thrusters and bar muscle-ups,

time cap eight minutes,

the dumbbell weight is 70-50.

Smaller bodies.

I think the thruster with those reps is...

like no, no issue.

It's going to come down to

the bar muscle ups and

range of motion and transitions, I guess.

Another fast,

it's another eight minute workout,

like another fast one.

You have the ring muscle ups,

the bar muscle ups.

I don't know.

It is a little weird.

I love bar muscle ups, but yeah,

I don't know.

36 of these after doing

60 chest to bar that you're

trying to sprint.

Like the fatigue from that is going to,

is going to add up.

And then the next day you're

starting with 30 ring muscle ups.

And then the next day you're

starting with like,

it is back to back to back pulling.

What about all the squatting?

Max squat, overhead squat.

I don't think the wall ball

thruster shoulder to overhead.

I don't know.

I don't feel like there's dead squatting.

I mean, the wall balls,

that's a high volume.

I feel it more so in my arms

when I do wall balls.

Some of the squatting

numbers are still

relatively low or like

light for the overhead squat.

But like Dex said, that there's no...

long aerobic test.

Like that first one,

that's what 16 minute time cap.

Is that what it was?

16 or 18 minutes, 18 minute time cap.


but I'm betting that runners aren't

going to get anywhere near 18 minutes.

Like I would like to see a longer one.

That's not based off of weightlifting.

Um, and some sort of,

I see.

I would like to see probably

another run in there or you

could have put a row.

They don't have a row, right?

There's no rower.

There's the one power output

echo bike for like four power.

You could do a rower or

another run in one of them,

but like a longer time domain.

I think for the best athletes,

they're not going to see

the floor for more than 12

minutes this whole weekend.

I know there's an 18 minute

one and there's a 15 minute one,

but I don't think there's,

I think the best athletes

are going to be off the

floor in 12 minutes or less

on everything.


There's short workouts like that.

I don't think that front squat was needed.

Dex asks,

you guys think anything changed

after Fort Worth?

I am positive something

changed after Fort Worth,

but I'm betting we'll never

know what it is.


People are saying there

wasn't supposed to be swimming,

but I was under the

impression we were supposed

to swim in a pool or something.

Because I think they like

communicated with the teams

that they would not be swimming.

And I feel like that was

stated because we were swimming.

I feel like there was

another outdoor test.


And they brought it inside.

But I don't know what that

was to what it is.

Because on that podcast with TEF,

they talked a lot about

we're keeping everybody

inside except for this one

minimal run to keep

everybody out of the heat.



So I don't know what that is.

If I was a part of the leaks,

I could tell you probably,

but because I didn't get

any leak information, I can't tell you.

Yeah, I don't know.

I don't know.

You think it's well-rounded, Carolyn?

What do you think?

I think it's missing a long

time domain for sure.

I think that there's a lot of

I think there's enough gymnastics,

like you have 16 rope climbs,

30 ring muscle ups,

you have some bar muscle ups in there,

chest to bars.

I would have liked to have

seen inverted a little bit more,

so either handstand pushups

of some sort or more

handstand walk as a separator.

The weights,

I don't think there's anything

crazy heavy in any of the

workouts besides testing

your front squat.

which is just raw strength.

I'm okay with them.

I mean, I, I,

I like every like test basically.

I feel like that's what I see.

Like people are commenting on it.

They love it.

They love the tests.


but I feel like they love the tests

individually or they're

like seeing like six or

seven that they really like.

And they're like, Oh, those look fun.

But I,

I don't know that they're like

looking at the programming

in totality and realizing that,

I don't know.

I mean,

I'm really curious to see who comes

out at the top at the end of this week,

if it really is like the bigger,

stronger athlete or I don't know.

I think I think you need

some some good strength and gymnastics.

So I think where you're

lacking is where the games went,

which was all aerobic.


So I think if you're supposed to be,

I think this is going to be

your pure CrossFitter

inside the gym type athlete,

like your quarterfinal

semifinal type athlete that

is good with moving weights

at like moderate heavy

weights and some pulling and stuff.


Like I think those are the

type of athletes that will do well.

They don't need to go very, very long.

What's that?

Do you think that's where we're going?

After what happened in Fort Worth,

do you think we're going to

be more climate-controlled,

at least in the next few years?

I mean, I hope not.

I think aerobic capacity is

extremely important.

I don't think it should

always be machine-based

because I don't think that

power output is the same

thing as going for runs.

I don't want it to be just ski or grow,


And that's how we're testing

like monostructural.

Cause that it's still favoring the bigger,

taller, heavier athletes.

Like I want it to be, um,

more aerobic based, long, long workouts.

Um, cause either we had the outdoor run,

which everybody loved, right?

Like everybody loved that.

We actually got outside and

ran and not on a machine.

And like, I don't want,

I hope we don't go away

from that just because of what happened.


But I wanted to give a shout

out to Larry because last

week I forgot to put up his paid comment.

So I wanted to say you

finally got your one rep max, Larry.

So happy for you.

At least one person is out

there happy that you get to

do a one rep max front squat.

The other thing I wanted to

ask is because they changed

the schedule and now

there's only one event on Sunday,

that means you're doing nine

events in three days.

A lot of athletes are used to that,

but the masters have never

really done that amount of

volume in a day that many

days in a row at the games.

So that is a little bit different.

Do you think that that adds

to the aerobic test or at

least that you have to

recover multiple more times

in those first three days?

I would say yes, if they're for one,

if the time caps were correct.

Cause I think some people

are going to not get the

full volume of work on some

of these tests.

Um, and, and, and then like,

there's so many short ones,

eight minutes or less that

I don't know that, that,

that volume adds up even

for three in a day.

I don't know.


All right.

With that,

I want to give a shout-out to

the 70-plus division.

This is the first time

they're ever going to have

a division at the CrossFit Games.

I know people that qualified

in the 65-plus but were 70-plus

and are choosing to go in

the 70 plus to compete with

their own age group,

which is really cool.

So super, super stoked for them.

I know they,

Lana has been reaching out to

me about how excited they are.

Wanted to make sure we gave

them a quick shout out on

the show because this is

their opportunity to show

that they can bring some people and,

and show what they have to,

that they have some stuff

and to do it out there on the floor.

So super stoked for them.

How many people in that division?

So I think on the women's side,

it's close to 20.

And on the men's side,

I think it's like 12.

I do.

I do like the fact that the

older age groups aren't

doing like 10 events.


and certain movements were taken out

for consideration of, um,

what it would look like maybe,

and just the volume that I would,

it would take.

So I think that that's smart.

I like that, that, that was, um,

take it into account.


All right,

next up on the list is a couple

names to look for in the

different divisions.

And this is just me,

my thoughts of watching

Masters for so many years,

and my thoughts of who to watch out for.

So I just want to give you

guys some names since you

are going to be watching the stream.

And maybe you want to know

who you want to look for,

who might do well in the 35

to 39-year-old division.

I'll start with the women.

People I think you should

keep an eye on are Andrea Nistler,

Caroline Klutz,

Holly Henderson,

longtime semifinal athlete.

This is her opportunity to

do something big.

And then, of course, Kelly Kelly,

formerly known as Kelly Clark,

who just two short years

ago was one point away from

making the CrossFit Games.

And she'll be competing in the 35 to 39.

On the men's side,

I think your favorite is Will Morad.


Uh, but to compete with him,

you'll have Bronislaw Alinkowitz, uh,

right there with him.

Chase Smith,

who competed in the West

semifinal this year will be

competing in the 35 to 39.

And Mark Hutchinson always

comes to play in in-person events.


if he can hold on for the entire weekend,

he will be someone to watch

40 to 44 year old women, uh,

My favorite is Jamie Latimer.

I don't know if you've heard of her,

but whenever she gets into

an in-person competition, she is a savage,

straight-up savage,

and I can't wait to see her

finally at the CrossFit Games.

No one deserves it more than she does.

Thank you.


you got to keep an eye on Kelly

Jackson Essig.

Kelly Jackson's been around

the sport a real long time,

is going to be a fierce competitor.

Carleen Matthews podiumed at

the Masters CrossFit Games

in the 35- to 39-year-old division.

So she has a good shot at

doing so in the 40-44.

And then you have to look

out for legend Rebecca Voigt-Miller.

She's always there and

always in contention.

And finally, just kind of a wild card,

is Megan Apostolaris.

She was at Legends last year.

She's a really good athlete.

Top 10 all the time.

Made the games last year.

I think she will do well this year.

If we move to men 40-44...

Rudy Berger, my friend,

two-time CrossFit Games champion.

He's there defending for the

third year in a row.

Should be watching for him.

Guido Trinidad is competing

in that division.

If you don't know who he is,

he's the one who started

Wadapalooza many years ago

and is an OG CrossFitter

and will do well.

James St.

Ledger, we just interviewed him this week.

He is coming in in the top five.

He has a great shot at this.

Julian Cerna is the number

one seed coming in,

and he is from Brazil.

I'm always skeptical of

those South American athletes.

He's just from Brazil.

He trains at Training Think Tank.

Well, he's not always there,

but he's a longtime

Training Think Tank athlete.

And my wild card for this is Brett Owsley.

Comes in in the top 10 qualifying.

And I think he has a shot as well.

So watch out for him.

Then in the 45 to 49-year-old women,

can't beat Kelly Friel.

The woman has two silvers

and now three golds.

Back to back, she is defending her title.


someone came out of

retirement named val vobral

in that division who could

go up against her so that's

a great um that's a great

match up there and don't

forget about deanna posey

as well in that division

she'll do well um as well

then we go to the men uh

jason grubb gosh what four

time in a row champion

Got to put him first.

But Kane Hayes is a fierce competitor.

He could give him a run.

Mike Kern is always in that run as well.

But the dark horse is Chris Anderson,

the guy podiumed last year

at the CrossFit Games.

He does not look like he

belongs out on the floor

with the rest of the athletes,

but he has impeccable

technique and is so

efficient with all of his moves.

So make sure to watch out

for Chris Anderson.

And then we move to the 50 to 54.

Division women, Cheryl Brost,

you can never count her out.

Seven times Masters Games athlete,

plus three-time elite

athlete at the Games,

and she's won the Games three times.

So you have to have Cheryl Brost up there.

Jennifer Dieter, great athlete.

She won Legends last year.

And Dee Dee Hoffman,

the greatest athlete you

would never have seen

because she suffered a

severe knee injury right

before the CrossFit Games

when she qualified a couple years ago.

But I'm hoping she's back

from that knee injury,

and you'll see something

special from DeeDee Hoffman in the 50-54.

On the men's side,

Joel Hughes comes in as the

number one seed.

And if you don't know this,

he was the original

training partner of Ariel Lowen.

um, before Joel, she trained with Joel.

Um, he won the games in 2021 or 2019.

I'm sorry, 2019.

And is coming back five

years later now in his new division, uh,

to take a shot.

So he has a great shot.


but keep an eye on Justin LaSala as well.

And the women 55 to 59,

my favorite is Tia Vesser.

She comes in as the number two seed.

She is a phenomenal athlete.

I've known her for years.

She won the games in 2021.

So I think she has a good

shot at doing it.

She did that in 50 to 54.

She's now 55 to 59.

So check that out.

And Cherianne Benoit is also

competing that you need to

take a look at there.

And something just popped up.

There we go.

And then on the men's side,

I have Albert Police and Lon Allen.

Lon Allen is just, he's just an animal.

He's a really good grit guy

in that 55 to 59 range.

And just keep a look out for that.

60 to 64, Lynn Watt is always there.

Got to interview her after

she won Legends last year.

She's going to be a force to reckon with.

And Lori Mishnick.

I can never pronounce your name,

but I always see you're on

the leaderboard and I

always see you're out on

the floor doing well.

So take a look there.

And then men, 60, 64,

Patrick McCarty been around forever.

And Tony Tursky is just, I love that man.

And I'm always going to mention his name.

The guy is an emotional.

He's just a, he's like just real dude,

a real good guy.

And I'll always root for Tony Tursky.

65 plus women.

Who else would I root for but Denise Moore,

who's always in our chat

and always supporting the show.

And she was a top five games

athlete last year,

if I remember correctly.

And then Julie Holt is the

defending champ.

So got to give her her love as well.

And then on the men's side,

David Hippensteel and Matt Bell.

Matt Bell's another one of

those gritty athletes

that's just doing what he can to win.

So if anybody's going to

upset David Hippensteel,

I'm going with Matt Bell.

And that is my people to watch.

I went through that fast

because we are running late.

But I know that not

everybody watches the

Masters as much as I do.

So I just wanted to give you

some names to kind of look out for there.

We're going to do some coverage next week.

Carolyn and I will do some

wrap-up shows every night,

hopefully around 9 Eastern time,

8 Central,

because these games will be

held in the Central time zone.

so I will do that then um I

was going to ask who tried

these wads I know some

people in the chat have

tried the wads I know

jamie's tried the wads with

a week out is that plenty

of time to test as many uh

wads as you can or are you

are you guys just picking

the couple you want to kind

of feel and letting the

other ones ride you want to

know what I'm doing

I don't know.

I don't,

I don't know that it's enough time

to try to test these all.

Um, I don't know,

maybe pick the couple that

you want to figure out pacing strategy on,

pick a couple implements

from a couple of the

movements and throw them to

throw them together.

Um, like if I was in your position,

I got workouts a week

before I would maybe get

certain athletes to do the workouts.

And I just,

sometimes I just want to watch

them do it just so I can visually see

what they look like, look at their paces,

stuff like that.

So like that could be a good idea for,

for people to do is get

someone to do the workout

and get some feedback there.

If you don't have the time

to actually physically do, do the wads.

But I think that's a good idea.

Like you said, just doing parts of stuff,

playing around.

But I think the week before the games,

it's important to feel confident,

to feel as healthy as

possible and to not overdo it.

What I think is funny is

when your friend starts

texting you and saying, hey,

check this out on my YouTube channel.

And there's workout one.

And then 20 minutes later,

here comes workout two.

And then here comes workout three.

And I'm like, oh, my God.

If there's an actual event,

you'll get more rest than this.

Yeah, it'll be fine.

What is she doing?

I'm weird.

Nobody should listen to me.


That was funny.

That was really funny.

I don't want to like gloss over this,

but we're running late in

the show and I don't want

to be here all night.

The teens are going this weekend as well.

They are being live streamed.

Please show them some love as well.

We were going to go through

their workouts.

We're not going to do that tonight.

We, we took too long on the masters,

but that's where our focus is this year.

And I'm not going to

apologize for that either.

We have, before the season started,

our focus was going to be

on Masters athletes because

that's who we wanted to cover,

and that's what we're doing,

along with the elite athletes.

So cheer on those teen athletes.

We're going to try to keep...

Some of those stories going

where there's a teen

athlete and a master's

athlete family member

competing at the same time.

I'm going to try to get

footage of mom watching daughter.


some things like that for our behind

the scenes.

And so we can see how that

goes and follow those

stories through the weekend.


what a Palooza SoCal announced an

amended lineup and captain's picks, uh,

Because of the tragedy from

Fort Worth and the passing of Lazar,

they had to replace him on the team.

And then some other people

due to injury had to withdraw,

including Roman Krennikoff

and Ricky Gerard.

So they had to replace those people.

And then the captains were selected,

which ended up being Tia

Claire Toomey and Patrick

Vellner and Danielle Brandon and BKG.


so the final lineups are team world is

BKG, Guy Mejeros, uh, Enola Kai,

Brent Fikowski.

Many believe that even

though he is in North America,

that they were so short

because of the injuries

that Brent volunteered to

go on team world.

Um, but that's speculation at this point.

Uh, Tia Claire Toomey, Emma Tall,

Sahir Kaya, and Gracie Walton.

Gracie Walton was a captain's pick,

and I believe Brent

Fikowski was a captain's pick.

For Team North America,

it's Patrick Vellner, Jeffrey Adler,

Justin Medeiros, Dallin Pepper,

Danielle Brandon, Alexis Raptus,

Ariel Lowen, and Emily Rolfe.

Dallin Pepper and Emily

Rolfe being the captain's picks on that.

So, yeah.

Super fun there.

I've talked to eCaptures.

We're trying to get him

credentials to take

pictures for us again at that event.

And then Amanda Hari is

competing there in one of

the community events.

And she's going to come on

and share what she cites

and scenes from the event

during that weekend as well.

So we'll have some coverage from that.


nasty Nelson's thanks for sharing our

Birmingham pickleball

roundup on Instagram.


looking forward to having the games

downtown safe travels to

anyone headed down to the ham.

Uh, yeah, they, uh, they asked if I shared,

they're having a pickleball

event the weekend of the

CrossFit games in Birmingham.

So, uh, and,

and inviting people to come

over and hang out at their

pickleball tournament.

So make sure to go check

that out on Instagram.

We're going to finish up

with the PFAA makes a list of demands.

This has been covered a lot this week.

If you haven't heard,

I'm going to do this very succinctly.

They have asked for three things.

They put it as a demand.

I don't know if I love that word,

but the PFAA represents the

interest of the athletes

competing at the CrossFit Games.

they said that they would

demand an appropriate level

of transparency between

CrossFit and the PFA

regarding the third-party

investigation as to the

death of Lazar Jukic.

Then demand two was we

demand CrossFit create an

independent safety team to

liaise with the PFA on an ongoing basis.

Number three,

we demand that Dave Castro be

removed from his position

in the sport team.

These demands reflect the

immediate steps necessary

to begin to restore athlete

trust in CrossFit the sport.

And it goes on,

and it's signed by the

board members of the PFAA.

So I wanted to give you guys,

I have some thoughts on this,

but I wanted to give you

guys an opportunity to

share your thoughts on this as well.

I mean, for me, I'm a little confused.

That's like Brent and Pat,

and they're all willing to

go compete at Wadapalooza

SoCal without any... I mean,

that's a CrossFit-licensed event,


It's not.

Oh, did they remove their license?

Wadapalooza hasn't been

CrossFit-licensed in a while.


Well, then, okay.

I guess they can do what

they want if they aren't going to

step foot on a CrossFit event floor.

I don't think it says that.

It just says restore the

trust in the sport.

Yeah, but I mean, if you make the... Well,

if Dave doesn't get removed, to me,

that would mean they're not

participating in CrossFit

events until these... See,

I think that's the problem

with the way this was written.

They don't tell you what the

outcome is if they aren't met.

They just said their trust

wouldn't be there.

It doesn't say they wouldn't compete.

So, Carolyn, do you have any thoughts?

Well, the first two are pretty, to me,


I don't think anyone would

have anything to say on that.

I'm just curious for the Dave Castro part,

whether it was just those

athletes that signed and it

was just a group decision

between them or if there

was anything that was

reached out to the games

athletes from this year.

or a bigger pool of athletes

to generate more input behind,

behind that ask.

I still think it's early on

in the investigation to

pinpoint someone specifically.

I think that they could hold

off on maybe that part.

Oh, that was me.


It looks like your internet

cut out just for us right

in the middle of the great point.


I was saying that I feel they could

wait on the investigation

to be over to know whether it's him,

it's him and other people or, you know,

I think there's a lot more

to be known in this tragic incident.

And I'm just not sure if it

was also communicated

outside of that group that signed.

I mean, we all know what we saw,

and in my opinion,

was very preventable in

terms of the response factor to Lazar,

or lack of response, I should say.

And who is to blame,

I don't know right now.

And until that part is

specifically whether

It's the safety team that

was hired or the execution of that.

We just don't know enough

information to call for

someone's job yet.

Do I think someone will have

to pay for what happened?

I do believe so.

I just don't know who or how many people.

Can I ask you a question, Carolyn?

You're a three-time games athlete.

You've competed at the highest level.

Have you ever been asked by

the PFAA to become a member?


You have?


And is there a process to become a member?

I was a member the last few years.

I would just get information

sent by Grace through email,

and it was just what they're working on.

And if we have other input or questions,

just email them back type thing.

I believe I still get some of the PFA.

I don't know if it just gets

sent out to people in general,

but I didn't receive like a

specific survey or anything

in regards to the incident

at the games or anything

like that going forward.

So I'm not sure if I'm still a part of it.

I know I was part of the

group at some point.

So that's where my confusion is right now,

is who does the PFAA represent?

Because I don't know.

I didn't know that athletes

were invited to join.

I knew they had a meeting

after semifinals last year

in a couple locations.

And then after the games last year,

they had another meeting.

but never have I heard like

who they represent,

who is on the roster of membership.

I've belonged to

professional associations for my job.

And with that are like

bylaws of what you are,

of what it takes to become a member,

what the dues are to become a member.

And my fear is that the PFAA

is stepping ahead of the athletic,

the athlete body.

and not getting, like you said,

you don't know if they got

the input of anybody else,

but it just feels like it's

moving forward without that input.

And I don't even know who

that input would be from

because I've talked to a

lot of like semi-final athletes.

They've never been asked to join.

I've talked to Masters athletes.

They've never been asked to join.

I think they've kept it so far.

As far as I know,

the athletes that are

currently competing at the games are

Um, last year after the games,

I was sent an email, uh, by Brent.

If I wanted to stay with the

meeting that you're talking about,

like after the games,

and then if you couldn't stay,

cause you have to travel,

then we just got emailed

like the minutes of, of the meeting.


I think there was also a video on

YouTube that we could watch

of the discussions that

were had going forward,

but I didn't get anything this year.

So I don't know if it's just

cause I've been two years

now out removed and the

year that I was there last year, um,

I was closer to the last

time I competed there.

The first line of, of the,

the thing put out says the

PFA represents the interest

of athletes competing in

the CrossFit game season.

That is a CrossFit game

season is the open until the end.

That's a large number.

I compete in the open.

I've never got an invite to

be a part of the PFA.

And I don't think they'd

want me as a part of it.



I think they really mean the

CrossFit Games individual athletes.

Where would it stop?

People are in and out of the

sport too much.

I think they're looking for

people that are

consistently at the Games

and have maybe even more

and from different regions

of the world to get some

input on maybe what's going

on at their semifinals

versus another semifinals.

I think the people that are

on the list right now

represent different regions.

Here's my thing.

I'm going to say this one more time.


as a member of professional associations

at work, we have to pay dues.

We're on a roster.

That professional

association has to publish

the list of who is a member

of that association.

The PFAA has done none of

that to my recollection.

There's nowhere where I can

go and see a roster of

athletes that they represent.

I think that is an important

step that needs to be taken

before you make demands of

any kind so that we know

who it is that's saying this.

Because ultimately...

The games were, was the perfect,

and I have nothing against the PFA.

I think athletes do need a voice.

I think they do need representation.

I just wish they would be

more formal about it.

So we'd know who that voice is for.

they had the opportune time

at the games with what happened to say,

okay guys,

we need to get our ducks in a

row and we need to send out,

fill out this form to tell

me that you're going to be

a member of the PFAA and we

will represent our

interests as an athlete body whole.

And then you could say, this is the PFAA.

We represent 92% of CrossFit

games athletes.

And then that holds water.

Just saying you represent

the interests of athletes is very vague,

and it doesn't hold the

water that it could hold if

they just take another step.

For me, this is a personal opinion.


if you're saying that these are the

demands going forward,

I find that you would have

had way more ground had you had your –

put your foot down at the

games and not continue to compete.

Cause if you continue to

compete and then ask for

those demands after and say,

now we won't compete in anything else.

CrossFit related to me, it's like, okay,

you got, you know,

your money or whatever.

And now you're ready to,

To me, that part didn't look as good,

but what part of the weekend looked good?

Who am I to judge from my position?

But no one was on the same page.

And I don't think that still

right now people are on the

same page if you look at the comments.

So it would be good to have

more than those names sign

and say how much of the

athletes are being

represented like you said

um yeah it's it's a it's a

tough one I think we're

very divided right now in

our community it's uh it's

a lot of people are hurting

like it it's I've never

seen the community as divided as as it

And the issue is that I'm

sure the athletes are as

divided as everybody else.

And so to say that you

represent them all just

doesn't ring true unless

you guys took a vote that you did.

And here's my next piece of this.

Now PFAA is working with

Guadalupalooza SoCal.

They're working with the

NorCal Classic to ensure

safety and fair competition.

Now you're jumping into this

and we still don't know who

you represent.

And those aren't necessarily

games athletes now, right?

Like when you go to NorCal classic,

you compete there, you're a games athlete,

but the majority of the

people that compete there

are your semifinal athletes, right?

I think they need to like

come down to that level.


you're going to boost membership by a

hundred fold, um,

by including semifinal

athletes into your association and,

And they'd be willing to pay

dues to have protection in these cases.

But where I'm worried is now

PFA is putting their name

on the safety of these events.

That's a big step to take.

And if you don't even know

who your members are,

are you willing to make that jump?

Because now you're just as

liable as the event is.


like if something happens at an event,

for instance, Waterpalooza.

Waterpalooza had the PFAA with them prior,

and I'll be the first to

say I don't think

Waterpalooza's water safety was safe,


And there's been incidents

there of things being unsafe,

and the PFAA was behind that prior,

whether it was doing wall

walks with a wet platform

or handstand pushups on the

middle of the water somewhere, like

previous years like there's

been things prior so they

are taking a risk by

putting their name and

saying that they're going

to overlook all the safety

things because our sport is

just so unique that a lot

of times we don't know

something is like could

have been done um

differently until something

happens and it's like oh

this person fell from the

rope okay now let's put the

crash mats every time oh this um

this rope is too long for the rope climbs.


We need to cut.


it's almost like we're a very

reaction sports just

because it's still very new.

And I feel like we're

learning a lot as huge

mistakes are happening.

And obviously the worst of

them all happen at the games.

And it's just hard to know

what could happen with the PFA.

Even, even if they do look at the safety,

they may not think of

everything that could possibly happen.

And then it's like, Oh,

well, you signed your name on this.

This was safe.

Why didn't you think about this?

And it is difficult, right?


I don't think that we're all experts

in this.

I don't know who's an expert

on the PFAA that

can look at the safety of

everything and predict

everything that could happen.

Like it's just, it's tough.

Um, and some things,

some things just happen in sports too,

but it's, if I'm,

if I'm an elite athlete now

and I've got the,

the professional

organization representing

me saying that we have,

we feel this is safe because we,

the PFA have looked over

the workouts for what a

blues of SoCal and it's all good.

And they didn't,

they didn't consult me or

give me any say in that.

Like I,

that gets sticky and it's going to

get sticky, stickier.

The more they become

involved without a better

definition of who they are.

And like things,

the movements and stuff can

be safe in CrossFit.

Like in, in the case of Lazar, it was,

it's the,

lack of response, right?

It would be equivalent of like,

let's say Cara in 2020 or

2015 at the games, you know,

she's at the finish line

and we see her struggling

and we don't attend to her

until after the event.

And now we're going to

attend to her and it's too late.

Like that,

that's kind of like almost what

happened versus like the movements,

the swimming was not unsafe

or the movement of a snatch

is not unsafe.

It's like,

it's the waiting of the response

that went horribly wrong in,

in the case of, um,

what happened just the lack

of response right to get to

that point so well it's

it's the approval of the

safety plan I guess that's

that's where it would come

down to and I think a lot a

lot of the safety like the

medical people are scared

sometimes to intervene um

in the middle of a

competition right like

we've been told don't if

you touch the board you're

disqualified like you're

basically taking a minimum

work requirement so like

sometimes the people don't

want to interfere or

touch the athlete in fear

that you could be

disqualifying someone's season.


So it's that mentality that

we've had for years.

It's like the one girl with

her knee where it's like,

you're told as a medical

sometimes to not even go on the floor and,

and help until the event is over.

Like, it's just,

I think there needs to be

better communication with

the medical and having the

safety of the athlete prior

first before the race.

So the Rebecca Biddison

thing is very different

because that was the

facility's medical team,

not CrossFit's medical team

because of the rules of France.

I have been there and

watched the medical team drill.

Like they have hand signals

and they are really fast if

it's the CrossFit team.

And that team is like they

are first responders, doctors,

high level people in the

medical field that are doing that.

I want to talk about something Lynn said,

which is she disagrees with

me that they don't need to

go for more athletes and such.

The issue is, is me as a professional,

when I joined the

professional association for my work,

I pay dues because I want

them to represent me.

But I also get voting rights

with those dues.

I get voting rights into what they say,

what our bylaws say,

what we can and cannot do.

If the PFAA is skipping that step,

then it's going to hurt

them in the long run.

And again, I want them to exist.

I want the athletes to have a voice.

I just don't want them to

skip the necessary step to

actually be a professional association.

When you are part of a

professional association,

you are paying dues for a

set list of things, for your protection,

for your education,

and with that comes voting

rights on all of that.

Can I address this message

here from Larry that says,

I'll read it for the people

that listen versus watching.

This was the 18th year of

the CrossFit Games.

Everyone says it's still a new sport.

Sure, I agree.

But when are we expecting it to mature?

Just wondering.

It's hard because our sport

is unknown and unknowable

and things are constantly

getting added and it's

different combinations of movements.

And I just like because

there's just different

workouts all the time.

it's always new.

It's always something new

that you're seeing.

That's part of our sport.

It's hard to mature.

We have learned in some instances,

but then sometimes you

don't foresee a certain

piece of equipment doing

something in another way.

I don't know.

Do you agree with that?

I get what you're saying.

It's almost like a new sport every year.

It's a new program.

It's whatever we think is

the fittest on earth based

on this program.

From that year, sometimes it skews one way,

skews another.

Our sport's constantly changing.

I think we've all been

saying that we want it to

be more consistent of a sport,

that we know the rules from

year over year,

that we stick with the same

qualification process to

get to the CrossFit Games.

These are things we've been asking for,

but they keep changing

because leadership changes.

And because of that,

we have not been given the

opportunity to mature.

And we will not mature until

we can get a season

structure settled and

agreed upon and move forward.

And we can't learn about the

safety of a movement

because we can't ask about

the workout and what's

going to be programmed

because we're an athlete

and we're not supposed to

get any leaks anymore.


and that's where you need to have a

safety commission.

The NFL has a rules

committee that look at the

safety of things,

and they change the rules

every year based on that.


they don't do like we're changing it

from a 17-game season to a

32-game season.

They don't go way out of whack.

It's tweaking and modifying

things so everything becomes safer.

We basically need a sports

manual is what we talked

about this in our group

chat is it's like these are

the movements for the year.

This is the standard for the

movement when it's in competition.

And if certain things are

like are in different classes,

like lower risk, higher risk,

these are the higher risk movements.

These are the safety protocols.

protocols that you have to

follow if you want to

program this in your

competition and it's

universal and if that

movement's not in that

manual or whatever for the

year you have to wait until

it you know it appears and

we get to see it the

following year after it's

gone explain and there's

videos on it and but some

sort of manual like that

where it's there's some

sort of consistency and I

know that Brent worked on

like a movement list and

all of that so that plus

the safety of it and then

those are the movements you

can draw from for that year.

And it just becomes a little

bit more consistent.

Like you can still have

varied movements and workouts,

but at least there's a

little bit more of

consistency between events.

But again, some people will be like, well,

then you're the variance of

the movement is an adaptability.

You have to be able to adapt

to the movements.

And if you only practice one standard,

you don't, you know, you're not,

you're not getting fitter

because you're not,

adapting constantly.

So I don't know what the solution is.

But if I were king for a day

and I was the head of the PFAA,

I would want dues so that I

could hire somebody to write that manual.

It shouldn't be Brent who's

training all year and has

no time on his hands.

They should collect dues

from the athletes who want

to be a part of it,

who want representation,

and then hire someone out

to write that manual and

then approve it once it comes back,


Your voting members then

approve all these things.

That's how it should work.

The problem is Brent's

trying to do everything by

himself because they're

doing it on the cheap and they're not,

they are not formed as an

official association with

dues and board members and

elections and all the

things that come with that.

And with that,

that's enough for tonight on that.


I'm sure we'll keep talking about

that this entire freaking off season.


Julian Iford says,

did you guys see the TTT podcast?

Very informative.

I did.

I thought it was the closest

representation to what I

felt during the weekend of

any podcast I watched.

Yeah, I wondered how you felt about that.

They literally, it felt,

the way they explained it

for themselves is how I

felt that weekend.

And so I really did enjoy that.

I thought they did an amazing job.

Is that the two hour one?

It's Max and Perrin and Travis,

who are three different

people getting three

different messages the entire weekend.

I haven't listened to it.

I'll have to take a listen.

It's insane.

The other recommendation I'll have is,

if you have not watched

Bethany Flores' account of the games,

parts one and two,

some of the most beautiful...

content I've seen in years.

And being a Christian,

I really took hold of a lot of that.

And it helped me get over a

lot of what happened on the weekend.

And so thank you, Bethany,

for putting that together

because it's helped me move

on a little bit.

And speaking of moving on,

we have the Masters

CrossFit Games this weekend,

the first big major event

since the tragedy.

And I'm really hoping that

the CrossFit community

comes out for these Masters athletes.

It's a live stream.

It's something you can watch and enjoy.

These athletes are what CrossFit's about.

It's fighting off decrepitude.

It's fighting off old age.

These people are flipping age on its head,

and you need to watch them

and support what they're doing.

They are taking the

methodology to a new level.

These are the people we need

to root for right now.

And whether it's the teams or the masters,

go watch them, support them,

put some eyes on the streams.

They deserve a little bit of

love this weekend.

If you're in the area, go check it out.

The price point to get into

these events is way cheaper

than the CrossFit Games.

uh so go check them out um

you need to do that and

we'll be there doing our

part with behind the scenes

um and wrap up shows every

day from the masters

crossfit games and I cannot

wait to tell the stories of

these people they are just

amazing people um with that

don't forget to like

subscribe hit that notifier

tell your friends about us you know we're

We're here every Sunday night.

We give different

perspectives than some of

the other shows give,

and I hope you appreciate that.

With that, it's been a long night,

but we're super stoked.

In a couple days, we'll be in Birmingham.

We'll see you all next time on Thursday.

Sunday night CrossFit talk

here on Clydesdale Media.

Bye, guys.