Peaches Pit Party

Today's topics include - an outdoor fish tank in Brooklyn, a guy connected 444 video game consoles to one TV, Widower's Lawsuit May Be Thrown Out Due To Disney+ Trial, don't ever follow up a text with "hope you're having a great day," a lengthy conversation about documentaries and movies of the 2020's with Viktor! 

What is Peaches Pit Party?

A replay of Peaches Pit Party which you can hear on KBEAR 101 weekday afternoons 2pm - 7pm MST

It's Peaches here, and this is Peaches Pit Party, the podcast. A lot of puh sounds with that title. A replay of today's full show, which you can hear weekday afternoons live on k Bear 101. I hope you like what I have to say, and if not, well, then I'm sorry, not sorry. Enjoy.

Here we go. Pre Friday, AKA Thursday, August 15, 2024, 2 weeks away from my 28th birthday. But who's counting? Right? 208-535-1015 is the number to reach me.

I'm looking at the story here already. A, leaky fire hydrant in Bed Stewie, Brooklyn currently surrounded by goldfish, the neighborhood residents, after noticing the leak in the water pit it created Well, these neighborhood residents bought about a 100 fish in colorful colorful rocks and created this outdoor fish pond, but, of course, not everyone supports the idea. One poster even said online, at best, these, these fish might be swept up in a rainstorm down a storm drain. There's always that one person that's negative online no matter what. No matter what it is.

We talk about it all the time on, the Life in Idaho Falls Facebook group or even East Idaho News. Whenever there's a story about something, no matter how positive or negative the subject is, there's always that one person commenting how it just sucks. We had a listener send us a message, a screenshot of a comment on the train, this historic train passing through Idaho Falls. And one guy was in the comments saying he hopes it derails because Idaho only gets it for 30 minutes. Salt Lake City gets some the majority of it or something something like that.

I don't know. But hoping for a train derailment because Idaho doesn't really see it for as long as Utah does. Very weird. Very very weird. I do like this neighborhood outdoor fish tank.

I'm waiting for some, like, kid just to jump into it. Like, it's a Bass Pro Shop fish tank. Have you seen those videos online? Those are pretty funny to watch on Instagram. Kaver 1 01 Idaho's only rock station.

I don't know how I feel about this. This dude, Ibrahim Ibrahim al Nasir from, Saudi Arabia, he made history recently by connecting 444 video game consoles to one TV. Yeah. That's right. His video game setup, which ranges from the Magnavox Odyssey to the latest PlayStation 5 Slim, earned him a Guinness World Record.

He was able to wire everything together, somehow keep messy cables out of sight with over 30 RCA switchers and 12 HDMI switchers. Bravo to this guy. I bet that cable management was the most difficult thing he or anybody has ever seen. How do you own 444 video game consoles? Do you just collect them over this many years?

This dude must be rolling in the dough to own that many video game consoles. Is there a picture of him on this article? I wanna see what kind of TV he's using. It looks like a standard TV, but, yeah, I'm looking at a setup here. And he has all the systems just right there in front of the TV on the on the display case.

And it's funny because a couple of the systems are in the far back, like, on the second and the third shelf. I can't imagine wanting to go play those systems. You have to go all the way back there, turn those systems on. It'd be a nightmare. Did this guy I know Guinness World Records has to be on-site to watch you do the record in order for you to get the world record.

So I'm wondering if the the representative for Guinness World Records was just standing there watch him watching him mess with cables the entire time, you know, have some explicit words for one system not working and needing to fix it, that sort of thing. But congratulations to this guy. I don't know what you're gonna do with 444 systems on one TV, maybe play endless video games if you'd like. Sure. I mean, I really don't know what to think of this.

Like, 444 video game consoles. That's that's just absurd. I saw this in the news. I didn't read too much into it. I just saw the headline about this, widowers widowers lawsuit that may be thrown out due to a Disney plus trial, something like that.

This man is suing Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. He may have his case thrown out because he signed up for a 1 month trial of Disney Plus back in 2019. His name's Jeffrey Piccolo suing Disney for the wrongful death of his wife. The lawsuit states that in, October 2023, his wife passed away due to an allergic reaction she had while dining at, Raglan Road Irish Pub in Disney Springs. However, court documents show that Disney is trying to dismiss the case, claiming that since Piccolo signed up for a trial of Disney Plus in 2019, he is required to arbitrate all disputes with the company.

I I really that didn't make much sense to me. So this guy signed up for a free trial, and he's not supposed to be in association at all with Disney. Is that what I'm was that what I'm assuming here? Like, it's a weird story for sure. Just that's it's a very sad story.

His wife died eating at a Irish pub in Disney Springs. Was she allergic to one of the foods and ordered it and didn't realize it? And next thing you know how to go to the hospital, went into that shock and passed away. Really sucks, man. Food allergies are very weird, aren't they?

I I knew a kid well, my sister went to school with this kid that was allergic to a whole lot of different foods, and I mean a whole lot. There was a whole page outside the classroom saying, hey. Do not bring these foods in. And it was like mangoes, peanuts, frosting, all all all this stuff. And I feel bad for the poor mom that had to feed that kid because it's like, hey.

You could you could legitimately kill your son almost by giving him one wrong food. Food allergies, yeah, they suck, man. The Arizona Diamondbacks have had a hot streak of as of late on the field, outside the field as well. The team's play since the all star break has gotten them back in a wild card spot and with with within striking distance of the National League West lead, and Phoenix has set a new record with 80 consecutive days of at least a 100 degrees. And that's stressing out the air conditioning at Chase Field.

It's supposed to keep the temperature inside the field at 75 degrees, but with the heat wave, you know, there's there's that buzzword again. Heat wave. Heat wave. Heat wave. The system hasn't been able to keep up, and players have complained about cramping and, overly humid conditions.

Diamondbacks president Derek Hall said we are making the best of a system that is over 26 years old and has been regressing year after year. The HVAC system is a top priority for an overhaul. I'm sure that dude is in a suit, in a nice suite that's air conditioned, watching these players out there on the field. But, also, wouldn't you hate to play in Phoenix in Arizona, for an outdoor sport at least? Like, the Arizona coyotes back when they were in Arizona had it good.

You know? They're a ice hockey team. Get to have a nice cool practice. I'm sure they're in all that hockey gear, but at the same time, they're enjoying an ice rink. Meanwhile, you know, the baseball team is outside, the Phoenix Suns.

They have their own indoor facility. There's no need to play basketball outside in the professional professional league. So, yeah, sucks to suck. Maybe get traded to a different team and not be on the Arizona Diamondbacks. Anyway, in college football news, we've got some good news and some bad news for the University of Michigan, their football fans.

The good news, school officials have finally decided to serve beer in the big house. The bad news, well, the beer is expensive. Of course. Of course, it is. They're charging $12.25 for each 16 ounce domestic beer.

That's about the same for a Dodgers game. Any LA sporting event, you buy alcohol over there, It's about $12 per cup. Anyway, in pro football news to wrap things up here, CBS has announced that the Nickelodeon broadcast will will be making a comeback for the 2024 NFL season. This time, a wild card playoff game will get the full Nickelodeon treatment complete with slime cannons and animated, characters. Clearly, the NFL is making efforts to attract young fans, and this partnership with Nickelodeon seems to be working.

I think it's a whole lot of fun. It's unique. It's different, and I think it's better in a sense. That does it for your Shot Clock sports update right here on k Bear 101. Saw this on AskReddit.

Was thinking about asking it for it to peach their own at some point, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. This question, what's a social habit everyone seems to accept, but you find just really annoying? Some of the responses one of the top responses is not everything has to be videoed. I, for 1, like to make memories. Whenever I go back home, I'll take disposable cameras with me.

If I get a good shot of my friends, I'll make sure to take it. But I don't really wanna have my phone out and live through my phone. This could, definitely you know, I I agree with this when it comes to concerts. That's for sure. You don't need to record the whole concert.

Sit there with your phone out the entire time. Grab a little clip, and that's about it. Also here, people who talk loudly on speakerphone in public places for the longest time, my phone only did speaker calls, and I had to do it that way. I wasn't trying to be annoying. It's just for some reason, if I took it out of speakerphone, I couldn't hear the other person until I put them back into speakerphone, if that makes sense.

Well, another answer being expected to be constantly available via social media chat, text, call at any in all hours. My yeah. That's one of my least favorite things. I talk about it quite a lot. To when I sit when I get a text from somebody and I'll, you know, not answer because I'm very busy here.

Very, very busy here. And then that person says something like, hope, hope your day is going great. They'll just follow-up with another text, like or they'll they'll say, like, hope you're having a great day. Like, I'll answer when I can answer. Don't send another text to then, you know, try to grab my attention.

That sort of thing. I had somebody do that to me on Facebook. They sent me a message. I read it. And, I have I I have the I think I have that part of Facebook turned off where I read messages.

It doesn't show the other person that I read the message. And this person said, I just saw you were active. Have a great day. I'm like, you're stalking me now. You're seeing that I'm active on Facebook.

So I turned that part of Facebook off as well. I might need to ask this question for today. It seems, like a good question. What's a social habit everyone seems to accept but you find, really annoying? K Bear 101.

Victor, you posted this list this morning. I don't remember what I posted. What is it? The best movies of the, 20 twenties? Yeah.

Nobody interacted with it, so I figured I would talk about it with you again on the air. I think that, you know, how Facebook doesn't like if you post a link? They only want you to post memes and questions. Yeah. You try anything else, like, hey.

Check out this article. They don't like it. It takes you off of Facebook, and that's bad according to Mark Zuckizuck. Exactly. You must remain there even though it was posed as a question.

Like, have you what did I write? Have you heard of any of the victims? That's what that's true. Yeah. Yeah.

Check out this list. Have you heard of any I think did you write check out this list? Because Facebook also hates that. I I might have wrote that. I don't remember exactly what I put.

I just quickly threw it up there because it was an interesting list. You should write, Mark, please allow people to interact with this as the caption next time. Something like that. Hey. Tell me if you actually see this post.

Facebook does like it if you do that. Right. So, yeah, it was an interesting list. The movies I had heard of on there, I thought were good movies. The ones I'd seen were good.

The rest, I'm like, what is this? Yeah. There's a lot of, like, artsy fartsy films in this, list here. I was thinking, like, you know, this guy who wrote the article, Ross Johnson. He's one of those pretentious dudes.

I don't call it film. I call it cinema. It's an experience. I like those kind of movies. Like, I saw they had the movie I hadn't seen yet from to ask you about that one.

I know exactly which one you're talking about. Boat was afraid? Yeah. With Joaquin Phoenix who Yeah. Also seems very pretentious.

Well, you know, it's from Ari Aster, and I know we differ on our opinion of his movies. My brother's name was River. I'm Joaquin Phoenix. Listen. But, Hereditary, Midsommar, s tier quality films.

Horrible. And Actually, not Midsommar. I haven't seen that one because I was so not let down, but weirded out by Hereditary. It made me laugh more than anything. Alright.

Hereditary was not scary at all to me. It was just a funny, funny movie. Yeah. It's not scary. No.

It's more, Thought provoking. Like unsettling or just kinda dark and, depressing. I call it the triple IPA of, of movies where you have to you have to say it's an acquired taste. I'm guessing if you didn't like Hereditary, you would not like Midsommar either. Oh, I want a scary movie that's actually normal and not following the same old stereotypes of any horror movie out there.

But I would've thought you'd like I'd say by the monster. Hereditary is not like that at all. Or you see, like, you know, the couple, you know, being spicy. And next thing you know, the monster comes in and kills them both. Oh, dude.

I watched a great horror movie over the weekend. What was it called? It had a really generic name because it it was filmed in Argentina, and so the translated name, it was like when evil lives or something like that. What was it called? When evil When evil when evil lives here movie?

No. It's not it. It's not it. Where When evil lurks. When evil lurks.

A 2023 supernatural horror film written, directed by Damien Wigner or whatever. Yeah, dude. That movie was wild. The idea crazy. Of demonic possessions spreading like a virus is more terrifying than an illness or the undead.

Dude. That's a great concept. It, it had some of the most insane, like, gore scenes I'm telling you that. That I've seen in a movie. Like, they catch you off guard, but it I don't think it was so bothersome that, like, it wasn't, like, hostile where you're sitting there going, this is kind of all to be realistic.

It it? It was pretty realistic, and it was also there was just a few scenes. I I wouldn't wanna give any spoilers, but it okay. It it is pretty gross at times. Like Saving Private Ryan has the most realistic battle scene.

They've like, the most historically accurate one, and you do see the gore of war. Yeah. Which I think people should see. Because I hate these movies that just, like, you know, somebody gets shot and there's no blood or anything. It's just they fall to the floor in a dramatic way.

I don't think anybody who was shot in real life is, and then falls backwards. If you've talked to anybody who's actually been in combat and seen the reality of war, I mean, that's why it messes people up. That's why they get PTSD and, you know, it really messes up their lives and most movies don't show that because it's so horrifying. It's kind of funny. I was reading Reddit earlier when I was trying to find content for my show, and I saw that Elon Musk was saying that, like, oh, Hiroshima wasn't that bad.

She sounds like I was like, what? What are you talking about? Like, I listen to a podcast where they they in-depth describe Google that in case I'm losing my mind. But I was like, how could you say that the nuclear bomb, the atom bomb destroying the city was not that bad? Like, if you Oh, here here we go.

Elon Musk describes nuclear energy as not as scary as people think after referencing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Yeah. But okay. If you wanna talk about nuclear energy, that's completely different from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I I've read the one of the books about the bombing of Hiroshima.

When you read the descriptions And you see how people, like, were just burnt and, like, the outlines and, like, it's just whole whole it's a whole mess. It's crazy when you read about what it was actually like for the people there. And the aftermath of surviving that? Yeah. Yeah.

I mean, you're probably better off if the initial bomb just instantly killed you. Right. You know, being a little ways away and living for a few days. And seeing that yeah. You're like your family member's all messed up and Yeah.

Like, I don't know, man. It I I do think that even though people don't wanna see that kind of stuff, you should watch documentaries about, like, the horrors of war. See, I don't like her documentaries at all. I I don't I don't wanna, like, have it cut to some lady who's talking about the story or, like, this is just sitting there in front of a camera. I just don't like that for some reason.

It's like it's like a musical. Like, don't interrupt my story with breaking out into song. Yeah. I'm I'm just saying I think people should face the realities of the world. Kinda like, you know, watch watch a video about how hot dogs are made.

You know? Oh, no. You'll still Why would you wanna watch that? Just so you know. Just so you know.

That the supersize me movie, I I guess that guy, the one who just died recently, I think, he, was getting all this this health these health problems, not because of McDonald's, but because of his alcohol drinking. Well, yeah, if you're pounding down a bunch of booze. Like, he was like, oh, I'm getting liver failure from McDonald's. No. You're not.

It's that bottle of whiskey, bro. Dude. Yeah. I I think supersize me was, like, fairly well debunked because he I don't know. There was a lot of controversy at one point about that movie.

And I'll tell you, someone who's eating a lot of fast food in the last year. You know, I mean, I haven't felt wonderful, but, he was, like, dying by the end of that movie or something, and I think it was a little overboard. Yeah. I'm trying to find, like, the the some good documentaries here, and I see black fish number 1. You wanna be depressed?

Have you watched that? No. I mean, you should watch it. I'm afraid to, like, I'll just be, like, dude, it's horrible, man. SeaWorld.

You will be you'll be furious at SeaWorld and it goes beyond. You'll be furious at anybody who, like, captures dolphins and orcas. This sounds like, you know, Blackfish music or something. This is Spider Man the pizza delivery thing, though. Like out on the open sea.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'll switch it. We're gonna go ahead and snatch up up the baby dolphin. The people listening to the podcast with no music bed are are gonna be really confused. Have you seen exit through the gift shop?

Yes. I have. Isn't that a is that a Banksy? Yeah. It's talking about, the no.

Not just Banksy, but the most the world's most prolific street artist. Yeah. I've I've seen it. It was pretty good. But, dude, Peaches, I'm telling you, you should watch Blackfish.

It's so depressing. What's that one that, like, Josh was telling me to or that Gipsy Rose Blanchard? Like, that lady? Oh, yeah. He was telling us about that.

Because I was wondering who exactly she was. I just saw this not particularly, pretty woman popping up on my Facebook feed. I'm like, who is this lady? Why is she famous? Who's this Gipsy Rose Blanchard?

And then I I don't really know either, Peaches. And then, yeah, supposedly, she did some horrible stuff. And I guess it's, it's almost like, equivalent to Tiger King, like that type of thing. It's like, woah. What I'm not gonna know what I'm gonna see next.

Yeah. See, Tiger King, I'd say that's worth a watch too. That's another one that'll infuriate you as you watch. Have you seen the whole thing, Tiger King? No.

Nope? I watched the first couple of episodes, and then I stopped it. Oh, you gotta get into when it gets, you know, really depraved, and you're really mad at these people. Yeah. People around me were very mad at me for just because that's what that's a huge problem is that I just watch a couple episodes and then just stop.

Yeah. Yeah. Like, I watched the show Lucifer, and I got to, like, season 2, and I just stopped. I I didn't watch that one. My daughter was really into it.

Great show. Yeah. I I don't know. It, was just something I couldn't get into. I watched a couple episodes.

I'm sure you're into OJ made in America, the rise and fall of OJ Simpson. Seen that one. But back to that list we were talking about at the beginning. I'm sorry. Yeah.

We went, like, way off track again. I'm I plan to go through the movies on that list because the ones I had seen, like, Oppenheimer Everything Everywhere All at Once rant about. Have you watched that yet? No. Dude, it's excellent.

I've watched it. I think like 4 times. Candy man. I haven't seen that one. The movie's a candy man.

They actually did a really good job with it. The Barbie movie is really good. Have you seen that? The Barbie guy saw that. Yeah.

Barbie was good. That was It was fun. Overhyped to me. Because I watched them, like, oh, okay. That that was a a is it a cheeky movie or, like, a cheesy Yeah.

It's it's definitely cheesy and cheeky. It was I I wasn't all that, like, impressed. It was just kinda like, okay. This is, like, this is adorable, but at the same time, like Yeah. I I liked it.

I thought it was fun. It's a unique idea. And you know I love that Dua Lipa dance the night song, so couldn't get enough of that. I talk about these movies like I'm some sort of elitist, and, like, I'm I'm over here enjoying the movies, like, The Beekeeper with Jason Statham, like, he kicks everyone's butt. Yeah.

Exactly. I love those movies. Yeah. You're you're not a a cinema snob. That's for sure.

Expendables. I love that movie. Hey. There's a billionaire in the news that has a lawsuit against him because he was accused of stealing sand from Malibu's Broad Beach and bringing it back to his own property, not him driving the excavator itself. It looks like one of his one of his workers is doing so for him.

You really think a a billionaire is gonna be doing the dirty work? Of course not. He's, Mark Anattu Anadazio, a billionaire businessman and owner of the Milwaukee Brewers baseball team. For some reason, he has this house in Malibu, California. He doesn't wanna live anywhere near Milwaukee.

But I guess, yeah, he he is his team has been using excavators to dig up sand from Broad Beach and carry it back to his house as part of an ongoing construction project. The reason why people found out about this is because the suit was filed by Adonazio's next door neighbor, James Kohlberg, son of Jerome Kohlberg, who founded the global investment company Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts and Co. So, essentially, it's 2 billionaires fighting each other, and the next door neighbor's like, yeah. This dude's stealing sand, which makes me laugh because it's, like, just 2 people with a whole lot of money, and one guy is legitimately taking, like, what seems to be, you know, a giant machine shovel, a giant shovel machine, taking that sand and bringing it to his property. And for what?

To have it be a part of his front yard? Is he gonna make, like, his own mini beach? It's not necessarily a great big house either or a great big plot of land. He bought the plot of land for $23,000,000 in 2007. That's how expensive Malibu, California is.

And, I don't know. I still I'm so I'm baffled by what he's gonna do with the sand. Is he gonna make, like, a little beach? Like, why would you want sand on your property? You want sand far, far away from your house, or at least that's how I feel.

Like, I made my bedroom and my apartment beach themed. Am I gonna start taking sand from back home, bringing it on the airplane with me, and dumping it onto my bedroom floor? Because my my bedroom is beach themed. Why not? Why not put a a fish in a bowl somewhere in there too?

Make it really put put, like, one of those prop umbrellas up too while I'm at it. It really does suck not having, too many concert venues near you. Like, sure, we have shows here in the area, but they're they're sparse. They're very, sporadic. Salt Lake City and Boise have consistent shows year round, and it really sucks having to drive 3 hours south for a show in Salt Lake City.

I don't wanna spend money on a hotel, so I drive back the night of. I don't get back till about 3 o'clock in the morning, go to bed super late, wake up around noon, just exhausted from the night before. Same thing for Boise. Boise, I won't drive back the night of. Just that hour extra for some reason, I will definitely get a hotel in Boise, spend the night in Boise, then hit up a Trader Joe's the next day, and then make my way back to, here, of course, East Idaho.

And, I'm looking at all the shows coming to the area. I mean, this Sunday in Salt Lake City is the, Limp Bizkit Show at the Utah First Credit Union Amphitheater, formerly known as the USANA Amphitheater. A lot of our listeners are very excited for that show. I'm jealous. But, not next week, but the week after.

Of course, more and more shows. More and more of these shows come into the area. I mean, luckily, we got Ice Nine Kills in this moment coming to Idaho Falls. We got, what else is there? A Slipknot, Knocked Loose, and Vended in Boise.

There's so many different shows coming to the area now. It's very weird how it all of a sudden just activates. Like, concerts become there's there's 10 times more of them towards the end of the summer, especially in October. Once October hits, there's a show every weekend. And for me to go to all these shows that I wanna go, that I want I need to, you know, find not budget it.

I need to budget at it and make sure I save money. Only use money for gas. Don't necessarily go crazy with the merch. I wanna be able to go to these shows and experience these bands live before, you know, the Idaho winter gets here. You can check out our brand new concert calendar at

K barrel 1 zero one. Last year, I participated in fantasy football for the first time in a while. It was a whole lot of fun. It was cool just to adjust my lineup accordingly. I'm not that person that heavily gets into it.

Like, oh, they're playing at this stadium at this time. The weather is going to affect this player. I should sub out this player and blah blah blah blah blah and all this stuff. I just like to have fun with it. My friend Ryan, who's in charge of our league, he's wanting all of us to pitch in, like, $10 just to put money on the line, and I that takes the fun away that takes the fun away for it for sure.

I I don't wanna then all of a sudden compete big time to try to win all of that money. I don't want to. Last year, my dad won the entire league. We included him last year, and, he's actually surprisingly very good at drafting players, and he he, of course, owns a trophy store alongside my mom. And we jokingly said last year, whoever wins the league wins a trophy.

And my dad would have had to build himself a trophy. I don't think he he did that for himself. That just seems a little weird to me. Just for him to make himself a trophy and go, yay. I won the league against me and all my friends.

We'll see how I draft this year. Last year, I drafted Lamar Jackson. Of course, all the players that I draft, they end up sucking that season for whatever reason. Of course, you you can't predict football. There's so many injuries in football.

One wrong move, they're out for the season. It's a tough sport. So I'm not not all that I'm not all that invested into a fantasy football. Best of luck to those in what they're gonna be playing or doing it this season. I'll probably update more and more about my fantasy team during the shot clock sports update, once the football season starts.

Well, a Minnesota woman won't be, getting a gold star from her therapist this week since she ran over her significant other during a fight on the way to couples therapy. Yeah. That's right. Veronica Reline Gast is facing charges of second degree assault and criminal vehicular operation after the incident, which, sprang from the victim telling her he wanted to end their relationship. Now according to a court filing, the 30 year old ordered him out of the car, and when he walked in front of the vehicle, she accelerated and hit him.

The boyfriend rolled over the hood, smashed into the windshield, shattering it, sustaining minor injuries. Gast admitted hitting the man, but said it was an accident, of course. It was an accident and insisted it was at a low speed, which, of course, you know, obviously it wasn't if he flopped under the wind flopped under the hood of the car, went into the windshield. Oh, she also blamed the cracked windshield on the man punching the car. Well, the couple's now celebrate not celebrated.

Separated, had lived together for about a year. I feel like he had a he has dodged a bullet with this one. I'm hoping to get some sort of restraining order against her. I have a bad feeling she'll try coming back or spotting him with a new woman and, you know, try to cause problems in the future. Best to just get rid of her completely.

Gave Air 101 Idaho's only rock station I have, many posters. Many, many different posters, most of which are not even on the wall. I don't necessarily want to decorate my place to the fullest extent anymore because, well, I I know it's a temporary apartment. I don't wanna make more holes in the wall with all these nails going in and out and stuff like that. Well, I have a Woodstock poster is what I'm trying to get at.

It's, it's of all the artists in all 3 days, and it's funny looking at the ticket prices because back then, you know, $9 was a whole lot of money. Woodstock, the most famous music festival of all time, took place 55 years ago this week, August 15th to 18th 1969 in Bethel, New York, and I'm just imagining what that smell was like back then. You think metalheads don't put on deodorant now. Imagine these hippies back then who, for the most part, were probably just drugged out, I would say. Back then, I don't think they were necessarily at all picky compared to now.

Because, like, now you have all these people that say, well, I'll show up to this concert, only participate in, in watching the opener, and then I'll leave. I saw a lot of people leave after coheed in Cambria because they didn't wanna go see Primus, which I do not understand at all. Spending money on any show and then only going for, like, half of it. It's like buying a book, reading half the book, and then putting it away and never reading it again. Or thinking that, like, let's see.

I wanna compare it to a half marathon because running a half marathon just doesn't seem all that, you know, special. Just run the run the full marathon. If you're gonna run long distance, don't run 13.1 miles. Run 26.2. But back then, you know, you had all these legendary artists at Woodstock, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Sly and the Family Stone, The Who, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin.

You wonder if they, back then, they knew what they were witnessing, how historic of an event that was Woodstock, the original Woodstock. Not Woodstock 94 or even worse, Woodstock 99, which that's one of those documentaries I watched, like, the first episode of and then went done, and then that was it. Never finished it, just watched the first part. Peach's Pit Party on KBEAR 1 1 with Falling in Reverse right there, featuring Jelly Roll All My Life. I was talking to Victor because I forgot that the Falling in Reverse album comes out tomorrow, August 16th, and I'm, like, maybe we should do an album play through.

And I looked at the track listing. It's literally all songs we have been playing for quite some time. Yeah. Let me look at the track listing here. Falling in Reverse, Popular Monster, the album, his mugshot as the, as the picture there.

Where's the track listing? Come on. That's a type of track list. Okay. There's the prequel, which, of course, is probably just some, like, 40 second little track that, you know, builds up to then popular monster that plays.

Then All My Life, which we, of course, are playing heavily right now. It's the biggest song out there. Then Ronald, we've been playing quite a lot. Voices in My Head. And then a new one called Bad Guy featuring Sariah, formerly known as Paige from, WWE.

Watch the world burn. Trigger warning, the only other new track off of the album, then zombified oh, and I'm sorry. There's another new track called no fear, and then last resort reimagined. So, essentially, if we were to do an album playthrough of the new fallen in reverse album, there'd be 3 new songs and that's it. All the rest are songs we have been playing for quite some time.

That's how long it took for this album to come out, which is funny because initially, Ronnie was like, oh, we're only gonna release singles from here on out. That was the first time Victor interviewed him on Zoom. And then when Victor interviewed him when he was in town at the Mountain America Center, he's like, yeah, we're gonna be doing an album. So I'm assuming he just was like, yeah, let's just gather all these singles together, put them on one one album, and that's it. I I predict that in the future, they'll just put out a single here and there, continue this route of just single single single, like the like, craft singles.

Thanks for listening to Peach's Pit Party, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Peach's Pit Party is hosted by me, Peaches, and is production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit Until next time, Peach out.