Why NOT Me

Monica Barnard has a servant's heart and an entrepreneur's mind. You will love this episode. I know I did.

Show Notes

Monica Barnard has a servant's heart and an entrepreneur's mind.  You will love this episode.  I know I did.

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Peace to you

What is Why NOT Me?

Business owners, leaders, and entrepeneurs, turning trials into triumphs, seeking and embracing success. Balancing business, family, faith, health/fitness, and, aligning with values, purpose, and vision. To promote healthy leaders leading healthy organizations.

Todd Halls 0:00
Hello, welcome to Why NOT me. In life, we faced many trials and obstacles, many challenges in the thick of it, we can be tempted to think, Why me, but every obstacle presents an opportunity and every trial can bring trial. So I want to encourage you to adapt a mindset of why not me? When we're in the middle of it when things are tough look around and think, why not me? It's it's happening for a purpose. And then when success is at your doorstep, and all you have to do is open it. Let me find yourself hesitating questioning, is this for me? Do I deserve this? And I want to encourage you to adopt a mindset of why not me? Throw the door open wide shout to the world. Why not me? Embrace your success. I'm your coach Todd halls. I'm grateful to have you on this journey. Welcome to why not? Hello, hello. Welcome to why not me turning trials into triumphs seeking and embracing Success Series hosts here coach Todd halls. I'm super excited to be here today. And thank you for tuning in. I'm very excited for our guests to share with all of you today. Our guest is Monika Barnard, Monika and I met at a rotary meeting. She is a Rotarian, as well as a mom, a wife, a business owner, and a woman of faith and probably so much more than that. So with that, Monique, if you would just kind of give us some background and fill in the blanks a little bit for our listeners.

Monica Barnard 1:36
Okay, so I don't know really where to start. As Todd mentioned, we did meet at Rotary. And I had joined rotary about close to two years ago, I was real intrigued by the meetings were fun. But I was rolling triggered by the fact that rotary is a service organization I had joined or went to the first meeting thinking it was a networking event. And it was similar to other networking meetings I have been to, but really was struck by the service aspect. And the Rotary Club I belong to has several local and international projects that they work on on a regular basis. So that also was intriguing to me. And one of the things they support is the tech stock and Children Program, which is a mentorship program between students and adults in the community. And when wants the student works through that program, in middle school and high school, and made all of their requirements, then they get a scholarship to college. And a lot of these kids have not had a role model. As for going to college, their parents may not have graduated from even high school. So they do have to have good grades have to keep out of trouble and then have this mentor. So that was one of the organizations that Rotary, our rotary club supports. And I've been involved in that program for about 12 years. So that was important to me as well. What else?

Todd Halls 3:46
So, actually, if I could ask you a couple of questions around that. You've been involved in the mentorship program for 12 years. You said

Monica Barnard 3:53
yes, yes, I have done.

Todd Halls 3:56
So how many, how many mentees? How many students have you have you mentored for,

Monica Barnard 4:03
I've mentored for the first one that I mentored, mentored only for two years are junior and senior years in high school. And then the next student that I mentored, I started with her in seventh grade and went all the way through her graduating high school. She has since gotten her degree from the University of West Florida. So I'm real impressed with her. I picked another student up one year I had two students at the same time. And this young lady has also graduated from Pensacola State College. And she and I meet on a regular basis says that we keep in real good touch. And then my most recent Manti did not have parents who graduated from my school. So she was the first one in her family even to graduate from high school, and then she is pursuing her college education at this point. This year, I picked up a seventh grader, so I'm starting fresh this year with Unreal it

Todd Halls 5:31
is so, so cool that you do that I'm imagining they all. Like they all come from challenging backgrounds, like you just described the one that is the the first to graduate high school, what what type of backgrounds do they have? And then the follow up to that is, is there something that you've noticed in, in each of them certain characteristics or traits that set them apart and really kind of give them the tools they need to do this?

Monica Barnard 6:01
I'm all of them come from very different backgrounds. Certainly not advantaged backgrounds, but all different backgrounds. Two of the young ladies have come from single mother, families. To love them. Two different ones, we're only children. So that's a little different dynamic as well. The there there, I guess the commonality is they're all very hard workers, they were all very have all been very dedicated to getting through this program and continuing their education and just really working hard to get there. involved in community activities, as well as, in some cases, very active in their churches, but just very hard workers, just roll dedicated to getting through the program.

Todd Halls 7:13
Cool. So do you as a business woman, does that? Does that resonate with you too? I mean, do you do you feel there's a common bond they're good at imagine that some of those traits that make them successful, are traits that you've had to have to be successful in business?

Monica Barnard 7:33
Well, certainly, as business owners to make a business successful, we do have to work hard, and sometimes a lot harder than we ever dreamed that we needed to. So yes, I think in that respect, there is that, that common bond Okay, go ahead.

Todd Halls 8:05
I was just gonna ask, what are what would you say the most challenging part of that is for you, the mentor to? Um, okay. A, so as a mentor, yeah. Do you fit? Do you face challenges just just in that process? And maybe not outwardly, but even even in like, internal challenges, just curious if you'd unpack that a little bit, what it's like to be the mentor and challenges you might have with it.

Monica Barnard 8:41
Um, it time is always an issue. For me, personally, and I know for a lot of busy people, time is always an issue. For the girls, though. It's not necessarily the Courseload that's a challenge. Although, you know, a few times there are some struggles with that. But it's this social aspect and how hard it is to grow up. The social dynamics and in middle school, especially ninth grade, it's just a tough time for kids to get through. So, you know, a lot of what I have done is helped them work through some of those social interactions that they're having difficulties with.

Todd Halls 9:38
Yeah, so and being being that you've been part of that for 12 years. Have you noticed a difference, like from 10 years ago to now is it? Is it getting even harder? That amount of time are the struggle still the same?

Monica Barnard 9:54
I think the struggles are the same. They of course, the technology is starting My different the with the social media than everything's out there for the kids to to say. I know that cyber bullying or bullying has become a thing. When I first started in this program, I would not have had any idea what that meant that bullying has been around for beyond just a little different technology to deal with that. But I think the issues that the kids go through are pretty much the same.

Todd Halls 10:37
Sure, sure. Did you? Or do you have have you had mentors in your life? Or do you currently have a mentor still? What just wondering how that's been? how that's affected you?

Monica Barnard 10:56
Um, I have had, I've been involved in mastermind groups. So business coaching, and some groups at church who have helped me grow in my faith as well. So I guess you could call them mentors also, even though that wasn't the terminology used or has a plan. But I think we all have mentors in our life, even though we may not call them that may not even recognize that been a mentor until somewhere far down the road.

Todd Halls 11:43
So that's a good point. And I'm I got to the point where I believe that we should be intentional about seeking out mentors, because there's, there's so much we can learn from people that are a few steps, or maybe a lot of steps ahead of us. But you bring up a good point, as I think back to the people that God has placed in my life, I've had a lot of mentors that at the time, wouldn't have called themselves my mentor, and I wouldn't have probably identified them as that, either. But looking back, I definitely learn from them pick things up, they were showing the way just by by going the way without actually formalizing a mentor mentee relationship. So that's a good point. So you mentioned business coaching, how long have you been a business owner?

Monica Barnard 12:42
27 years.

Todd Halls 12:48
That's a good stretch. Yeah. So So So 27 years ago, you you stepped out on your own launch launched your business and for folks listening, what what is your business?

Monica Barnard 13:04
I am a third party administrator for businesses that have 401k plans for their employees. Oh, my job is to prepare, plan document, keep up with the legislation that maintains that document, provide reports and notices for the employees and reporting to IRS and Department of Labor. And it's an ever changing. area of work that I do there's rarely a day goes by where I don't have to deal with something that might be a little bit different from what I'm used to might have to do some research and try to figure out what's going on. It's like solving a puzzle.

Todd Halls 14:02
And is the changes is that due primarily to legislation, or is it primarily due to just dealing with different customers in situations?

Monica Barnard 14:13
A lot of the changes are legislative changes. Of course with customers you've always got customers who are different and have different needs but for the most part small businesses which is where my most of my clients fall into the small business area. Most of the small businesses I deal with out there wanting to take care of their employees. They also want to save for their own retirement and they want to save on tax power. So that's pretty basic need for most of my clients fall into them.

Todd Halls 14:59
Sure And are you? Are you I guess the term these days is a solopreneur?

Monica Barnard 15:05
Yes, absolutely. I have I have not tried to get into any other areas. I like what I do. And I've not been interested in branching out and doing different things.

Todd Halls 15:30
Yeah, I saw a friend the other day was self employed, said something to the effect of, you know, I get to be my own boss. Unfortunately, I'm not always a really good employee.

Monica Barnard 15:44
Yeah, I get that. Yeah. I'm not a good boss sometimes, either.

Todd Halls 15:53
So what are some of the given the top two challenges about that dynamic? When, when you're working by yourself for yourself? What would you say the two biggest challenges are,

Monica Barnard 16:05
um, I am focused on on a task long enough to get through it. There are so many interruptions, I know everybody deals with us. We've got you know, phone calls, text messages, emails coming at us all day long. But just being able to focus on a task is probably my biggest problem area. I have tried to do a little bit of scheduling like maybe an hour, an hour and a half at a time where I don't even you know, don't answer the phone, don't look at email, don't worry about all those other things going on, and just try to get a task done, or at least to a certain point where I can fail, like accomplish something?

Todd Halls 17:00
And do you find, obviously, if you've been is that successful? Is there like, is there a tip or trick if you were to be if you were to offer some, like your your number one mindset, or thing you do to be able to stay focused even for that 60 minutes or 90 minutes? Or whatever it is? What would you offer?

Monica Barnard 17:25
Um, well, I know a lot of people have been working from home lately in a you know, shutting your door, turning off your phone, or at least shutting the ringer off, and maybe setting a timer so that you can get that 60 minutes or 90 minutes, something like that done. And just having that focused on when there's no interruption?

Todd Halls 17:51
Sure, I'd imagine. Because I know it's true for me there there are certain tasks or things that I have to do as a business owner, that I can I can get into and focus on. And then there are some tasks that I tend to find reasons not to, I'm too, I'm too busy to do this or that, have you experienced that where there's just really not in your fun zone. Every,

Monica Barnard 18:17
every day. I don't, I've got to work on this project for this client. And I really am not looking forward to working on, you know, just as an example, as this particular project. Because I've got to dig back through some records for years and years and years to kind of try to figure out what going on, but I know it's important for the client, and I know I need to get it. But it's you know, there's just always says things that were, you know, a little put off and put off

Todd Halls 18:55
yes, so and we'll just keep running with your example. We know it's for a client when in you know what's important. And, and also, if you keep putting it off, if you put it off long enough, it's gonna cause probably undue stress, or some sort of stress or angst for you and potentially harm the client, depending on how long you put off. So and oftentimes I find that for myself, I know all those things, but that still doesn't always lead to just getting it done. So what do you do how do you overcome that and and just get through it?

Monica Barnard 19:37
Well, depending on the situation, I might just put it on my calendar as if it were an appointment. And then I know that you know, I've just got to I've just got to stick to it. I've just got to do it. Occasionally even those get pushed Okay, well, maybe I can wait another day or two and but if I put it as an appointment And I'm usually gonna get it done.

Todd Halls 20:06
Sure, so I got it. So having the mindset that it is an appointment no different than a doctor's appointment or an appointment with your attorney or an appointment with a new client even. It's just one of those appointments that you wouldn't miss. Right. And then I think that the next thing but even then sometimes you all use the word reschedule. Yeah, even with that, sometimes you reschedule that appointment?

Monica Barnard 20:33
Yes. And that might depend on you know, if something comes up that might be more urgent or more important, maybe even to me and not a client then that might get moved. rescheduled. Yeah, yeah.

Todd Halls 21:02
As a as a woman in business, do you you noticed that you face different challenges or bigger challenges? Have you felt disadvantaged ever? Because you're a woman in business versus a man in business?

Monica Barnard 21:21
Um, I haven't, really. When I first started in this business the majority of the people and this type of work or man, I do see more women, business owners having this type of business now. But it's not really been a determined as far as working with clients. Not that I'm saying. Okay,

Todd Halls 21:59
cool. What is? What is your ideal client? Who do you feel?

Monica Barnard 22:06
I'm a, my ideal client is as maybe 10 to 20 employees. Most of my clients are local, I do like to get face to face with them. And I try to do that with most of my clients at least once a year. So for bigger clients, but that sometimes not possible. But that that range of employees also lets me get to know the employees. So that I've got some some relationships with with a business owner and with their employee.

Todd Halls 22:50
Sure, sure. Sure. That makes sense. Shifting gears a little bit. I know and I don't think we've talked about this in the intro, I introduced you as a mom. So you have children? Yes,

Monica Barnard 23:03
yes. Yes, I do.

Todd Halls 23:06
And how old are they,

Monica Barnard 23:07
um, my daughter will be 36 next week. And my son will be 34 in December. So to two adult children.

Todd Halls 23:25
Wonderful. So they were nine and seven, about nine and seven when you launched this business?

Monica Barnard 23:31
Yes. And

Todd Halls 23:35
how do you go ahead?

Monica Barnard 23:38
I well, and that was a challenge in and of itself. Fortunately, they were in school. So that was helpful. So I would try to get as much work done as I could while they were in school.

Todd Halls 23:53
Sure, and I'm just going to ask a question along those lines you you've already shared with us that you use your calendar and set appointments just for doing tasks work sometimes or projects. But so then how do you balance being a business owner and a parent? What does that what does it look like for you are what did it look like? I don't know what yeah.

Monica Barnard 24:18
Um, well, like I said, I tried to get most of my work done while they were in school. I didn't have as big a client load as I have now. So that gave me a little more flexibility and I was able to participate with them in their after school activities and of course doing a lot of stuff on the weekend but just mainly working while they were in school and then having the time with them when I were out of school.

Todd Halls 24:56
So do you do you feel that bad Having a business of your own lended itself gave you more freedom to spend time with your children. And had you been working

Monica Barnard 25:08
for someone else? Absolutely. Awesome. Yeah, it certainly did give me give me more freedom to do a little more volunteer work at the school and things like that.

Todd Halls 25:26
Cool. And so a daughter and a son being raised by in an entrepreneurial family have did, do they have the entrepreneurial bug? Are they are they self employed, my

Monica Barnard 25:39
daughter is she has had her own business for six or seven years. And is getting ready to merge with another company similar to her. So she's excited about that. My son is not so much an honor entrepreneur, he's more mission driven, and is working with a mission right now on his wanting to get to Quebec, so he can teach.

And his wife, both our teachers, and both loan and French and love languages.

Todd Halls 26:33
Cool. So it's interesting. And there's I know, there's probably there's much more to both, but it seems that I'm talking to you, you definitely have a heart to serve. You've been, you know, being a mentor for for the last 12 years. And the service component was a big reason for joining Rotary. So you obviously have a heart to serve you and also have a heart to do to be an entrepreneur business owner. And it seems that your daughter, full dose of part of that, and your son got a full dose of the other part. And I'm sure there's there's a blend of both for both of them. But it's it's just interesting, it seems that some of the traits that we've talked to come out really strong about you. And she talked about what your children are up to those traits seem to have been passed along. Well, thank you. Welcome. So when you were talking about the businesses that you your ideal size, 10 to 20 employees, and you mentioned being able to get to know the employee. So I made the leap that you like to you have a good idea of what's going on in those businesses and what what they're, you know, kind of some of the, the struggles and the deal with the opportunities. So, as you in your opinion, what do you think the biggest challenges are facing those small businesses right now?

Monica Barnard 27:59
Again, I think legislation is the biggest challenge for small businesses, the business owners have so many things that they have to do that aren't even related to their business just because of the heavy legislative burden that they have to deal with. So if I may, you know, how? Go ahead. How

Todd Halls 28:39
are they to navigate that? What would you what would what would you offer to a business owner that's listening? And like, yeah, that is a challenge. How are they to go about navigating and keeping up with everything?

Monica Barnard 28:59
I guess that's a problem in and of itself is certainly one way would be to delegate some of those tasks to one of their employees or maybe hire an outside firm to handle those tasks forum. But you know, that that could be cost prohibitive. In some cases, it may require bringing an extra employee on that they don't really have the resources to bring on and train. So I think, you know, for a small business that that's what they're having to deal with. So, you know, a, either one of those situations or they just do it themselves, which unfortunately, a lot of them just do end up doing the majority of it themselves.

Todd Halls 29:50
Yeah, and then that's it. As you know, they've already got several hats on multiple hats and one more just spreads a little bit thinner, right? What are you most excited for in the coming year?

Monica Barnard 30:10
Oh my goodness my my business has grown this year and just continuing to to keep that that growth going don't really have much else, maybe do a little bit of traveling when my son gets to Quebec, go up there and visit some.

Todd Halls 30:47
Yeah. So excited for business growth and traveling. If you've been to Quebec before, I have

Monica Barnard 30:54
one time. And it is beautiful up there.

Todd Halls 31:03
Cool, cool. I've never been I've been to other parts of Canada, but have not been to that area yet. So Monica, as we as we get close to wrapping this up, wondering if you if you were to offer up a question that our listeners should be thinking about, like something that will what should what should we be asking ourselves? As we look ahead into 2022, what would that question be?

Monica Barnard 31:45
Um, I think, oh, that the past couple of years have been very stressful. And I think maybe looking at how we could better take care of ourselves and our families. So that things are not as stressful. And that may be just taken, taken a little bit of time for ourselves. So how, you know, how can we go into next year, and have a little less stress?

Todd Halls 32:23
That is that that is well worth thinking about. So that I hadn't anticipated asking another question, but what what do you what do you plan to do for you? In that in that self care, taking care of yourself area?

Monica Barnard 32:42
Um, I like to be outdoors. And I like to read. So getting outdoors with a book is going to be a big part of it, for sure.

Todd Halls 32:56
Sure, sure. And from what we said earlier, I know that you will be scheduling that in your calendar to make an appointment with you to make sure it happens.

Monica Barnard 33:05

Todd Halls 33:08
So Monica, for any of our listeners that would like to get in touch with you, maybe they've got a business question or a question on employee benefits. What's the what's the best way to reach you?

Monica Barnard 33:19
I'm email Monica at Barnard associates, 401 k.com. And I can respond answer questions. Be glad to talk with anybody.

Todd Halls 33:35
Awesome. Perfect, perfect. Thank you so much for being on today. I believe. Every year that goes by realize that time is truly truly precious. So thank you for the gift of yours. It's greatly appreciated. listeners. Thank you so much for the gift of your time and for tuning in. As always, remember whatever big dreams you have, whatever grand vision God has placed on your hearts. You can. Until next time, peace to you. Well, thank you so much for listening. For even more on turning trials into triumphs and seeking and embracing success. Go to Todd halls dot life. That's Todd halls, dot life. And I look forward to serving you. Until next time, be strong, be bold, be humble. Stay healthy, stay hopeful, peace to you.