Talk Commerce

Join host Brent Peterson as he chats with Leandro Jesus, organizer of Meet Magento Brazil!

In this episode, Leandro shares his passion for Magento and his insights into the thriving Brazilian ecommerce scene. He discusses the highlights of the recent Meet Magento Brazil event, including its unique free-to-attend model and the exciting plans for next year.

Leandro also emphasizes the importance of the Magento Association in supporting and growing the Magento ecosystem. He encourages listeners to get involved and contribute to the platform's future.

This episode covers:
  • The growth of the Magento community in Brazil.
  • Insights into Meet Magento Brazil, including key takeaways and plans for the future.
  • The importance of the Magento Association and how to get involved.
  • A glimpse into the Brazilian ecommerce landscape.

Tune in for an engaging conversation about Magento, community, and the future of ecommerce in Brazil!

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If you are seeking new ways to increase your ROI on marketing with your commerce platform, or you may be an entrepreneur who wants to grow your team and be more efficient with your online business.

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Brent Peterson (00:02.466)
Welcome to this special Magento edition of Talk Commerce. Today I have Leonardo Jesus. He is the organizer of Meet Magento Brazil, and I am doing a series of podcasts about the Meet Magento events around the world. Leonardo, go ahead, do an introduction. Tell us your day -to -day role and one of your passions in life.

Leandro Jesus (00:26.118)
Okay, basically, my name is Leandro. I have been working with Magento until 2011. I have 12 years focused only in Magento projects here in Brazil. This sector are my passion. I very trust in the power of the Magento platform.

I always try to be a lead on the Brazilian market, including currently I am the administration of the major Magento developers groups in Brazil. We have more than 450 developers. And it's that.

Brent Peterson (01:18.712)
Awesome. Tell us a little bit about the company that you run. think you said Noble Commerce.

Leandro Jesus (01:23.748)
Yes, basically I decided to open my own agents here in Brazil. We are a small team, but focused on huge clients here in Brazil. We don't have plans to become the biggest agents or nothing like that. We are very focused to have good clients, help the clients to...

increase the revenue and have a good quality in terms of code, follow the good practice, all the things to have our operation running smooth.

Brent Peterson (02:01.198)
Perfect, and you just put on Meet Magenta Brazil a couple weeks ago. Tell us a little bit about the event.

Leandro Jesus (02:08.154)
Yes, the interesting point are because I guess in the last three editions of the Mitch Magento here in Brazil is the only one country in the world the tickets are completely free. We

are looking to make money with this event. The only interest we have is to share knowledge to the Brazilian community. The last edition was a years ago, and the end of June was a very successful event.

a small one, but very interesting in terms of the lectures and the talks. In this last edition, we have two simultaneous spaces, the mainly auditorium, with more focus in the business side, and the workshop, more focused in the technical guys. And this event is a...

very good because we had a chance to make this with a live stream too and we have more than 300 attendees and it was a very good event.

Brent Peterson (03:37.804)
And was the event in Portuguese and English or just Portuguese?

Leandro Jesus (03:42.615)
Just Portuguese, we have a few talks in English, but in general Portuguese.

Brent Peterson (03:55.744)
And what are the highlights that you saw from this year's event?

Leandro Jesus (04:01.094)
So I guess for this edition we have a very good lectures from the major wine stores here in Brazil, the case of Evino. That's a very popular store here in Brazil.

It's a very interesting case because it's a headless and use Adobe Commerce on -premise. Then the guys create a very smart environment to running Adobe Commerce Cloud on -premise.

I guess this is a very interesting lecture. And we had a B2B panel with two very biggest industries in different segments. And that was amazing too.

Brent Peterson (04:55.054)
Perfect. How about next year? Do you have plans on a date for next year already?

Leandro Jesus (05:01.508)
Yes, we are planning to make the next edition for the next year, in the first semester of the year.

And the news are because we are looking forward to make the initiative more vibrant and we have plans to make too many live streams around the year. Maybe one live stream in each month of the year.

And for the next year, we already have the Adobe Commerce crew here making bridge to

become new sponsorships, including the Santander. The Santander Bank have a gateway and are looking forward to a growth or base of a store using Magento. And we already start a conversation to have Santander like a sponsor for the next year. Probably the guys from Hoover are still with us. The three...

I set here for the three editions I have the guys from Hoover together like sponsor probably we still with the guys from New York the Bayman agents and we are answers for the next one

Brent Peterson (06:37.228)
Awesome, that's great. I can't wait. How is it for traveling to Brazil? country or which state, city would we go to? And tell us a little bit about the venue.

Leandro Jesus (06:53.008)
So basically the last edition was in São Paulo and for me are a little bit insane because I went in the meat magenta London. I go to London to met personally James. Then I returned to Brazil directly to make the meat magenta Brazil.

was two very intense weeks, but very grateful to have this opportunity to make this 30th edition here in Brazil.

Brent Peterson (07:32.238)
That's awesome. And how did you compare it to Meet Magento UK?

Leandro Jesus (07:37.2)
So the Mitch Magento UK are impressive. It's how I can say, a blow, totally blow mind because too many new ideas. I feel very grateful to can attend on this event. I met too many guys from the market. For example, the guys from the Elastic Suite.

The guys from Frestly, B -Max, too many others, good guys from Magento history.

Brent Peterson (08:17.196)
That's awesome. So the next event coming up is Meet Magento New York. What would you say to people that why they should attend Meet Magento New

Leandro Jesus (08:26.382)
So I am personally, seeing the proposed

I have to give a lecture in Mid -Magenta, New York. Anyway, I planning to go. For me is a more easy travel because I have parents living in New York, in Queens. And definitely I want to go. It's a good time to meet the owner of the Beamer. He's a very good guy. And I guess probably...

This event in New York will be awesome. New York is an avant -garde in terms of e -commerce. I guess it's a very good option to sell the new things and meet the relevant guys from the American market.

Brent Peterson (09:22.168)
That's great. Anything that you are looking forward to in the Magento community in general?

Leandro Jesus (09:30.596)
Yes, to be honest, I'm looking forward to have my own committee here in Brazil. I select the best guys I know from Magento developers here in Brazil. And we have plans to work together to open few models for community. We have a lot of models from Novo and...

These guys have another models too. In the end, we have a plans to create one organization into the GitHub and chart these models for Brazilian community and some case for the worldwide community.

Brent Peterson (10:17.73)
That's perfect. So I am on the membership committee for Magento Association. Tell us some reasons why people should join the Magento Association.

Leandro Jesus (10:29.008)
So basically we need to make this import to make the Magento alive and I personally trust Magento is a very strong and powerful tool.

in terms of e -commerce segment and we need to make Magento great again and we need to take a look and take care about the base and for new developers helping the guys to know how is the important points for have a

e -commerce project and I guess the most important and relevant company you need to get in is a magenta association.

Brent Peterson (11:19.832)
Perfect. Tell us in Portuguese why, tell us in Portuguese that as a Brazilian or as somebody from Portugal, what do they call them, Portuguese? As somebody from Brazil, they should be joining the Magento's association. us in Portuguese.

Leandro Jesus (11:35.674)
Yes, it's Portuguese.

Leandro Jesus (11:43.682)
Ok. Well, folks, believe it is very important for everyone who works with people who are part of the ecosystem.

that participate in the Magento Association, that are part of the membership, the agencies, we need to the ecosystem alive. And this will happen through people interested, contributing, being part of the ecosystem. A common here Brazil, to wear the Magento So believe it is very important to everyone. I have made my contribution.

I'm spreading it here in Brazil whenever I can. We even, at Meet Magento in London, long conversations with Matias, so he promoted a discount coupon for the Brazilian to be able enter with a small discount there in the association. So I this invitation to everyone who participates, help keep Magento alive.

And that's it. Thank you.

Brent Peterson (12:57.07)
Perfect. I'm assuming that you said that everybody should join the Magento Association and you weren't pitching Nobu Commerce that whole time. I'm making a joke. Speaking of jokes, would like to tell you a joke and all you have to do is rate the joke one through five. And I have a somewhat Brazilian joke to tell you today. Are you ready?

Leandro Jesus (13:27.143)
Okay, I guess I don't have one clear on my mind.

Brent Peterson (13:31.382)
No, no, I'll tell you the joke. Here we go. What is the cookie capital of Brazil Oreo de Janeiro?

Leandro Jesus (13:34.435)

Leandro Jesus (13:44.238)
I'm Kikaptor from the CEO.

Brent Peterson (13:46.164)
Oreo DeGeneres. Like the Oreo cookies.

Leandro Jesus (13:52.344)
Okay, gotcha. All your cookies.

Brent Peterson (13:52.427)
No, you get

Brent Peterson (13:56.766)

Leandro Jesus (14:00.077)
Rio Chichen Ito.

Brent Peterson (14:00.546)
Yeah, instead of Rio, it's Oreo.

No. It's the best I could do. What would you rate it 1 through 5?

Leandro Jesus (14:05.058)
Okay, I got

Leandro Jesus (14:12.068)
It's good.

Leandro Jesus (14:18.772)
I don't know.

Brent Peterson (14:19.606)
Sounds like a one. All right, we'll try one more. This is more of a soccer joke. Ready? I've been dating a soccer goalie. I think she's a keeper.

Leandro Jesus (14:27.182)
Okay, go ahead.

Leandro Jesus (14:37.03)
She's a keeper. I did get this one.

Brent Peterson (14:38.274)
Yeah, in English a football goalie is a keeper. The goalkeeper?

Leandro Jesus (14:44.226)
Okay, go keeper.

Brent Peterson (14:46.582)
She's a keeper. It's English. I apologize. We'll keep moving. right. Leandro, thanks for that. So as I close out the podcast, I give everybody a chance to do a shameless plug. I mean, you can promote anything you'd like. What would you like to promote today?

Leandro Jesus (15:04.87)
So, definitely I want to promote the Magento. I guess Magento needs to have more attention. I try my best to become an evangelist here in Brazil. And I trust we can beg to make this platform biggest again.

Brent Peterson (15:31.662)
Perfect. Thank you, Leandro Jesus. Thank you so much for being here today.

Leandro Jesus (15:39.61)
My pleasure. Thank you.

Leandro Jesus (15:45.092)
Obrigado. Tenho bom