Orchard People

In this radio show and podcast, fruit tree educator Susan Poizner usually interviews experts in fruit tree care. But in this episode, Harold Thornbro of The Modern Homesteading Podcast interviews her! Topics covered include easy-to-grow fruit trees, how to prune fruit trees and improving harvest quality.

Learn more about Harold and check out The Modern Homesteading Podcast here: https://redemptionpermaculture.com/category/podcast/

Sign up for Susan's courses on fruit tree pruning, pest and disease management, young tree care here: https://learn.orchardpeople.com/

For more videos, eBooks and podcasts about fruit tree care, visit https://orchardpeople.com/. Orchard People has made fruit tree care easier for thousands of home growers, gardeners and arborists in North America and beyond since 2013. 

Creators & Guests

Susan Poizner
Author, fruit tree educator, and Creator of the award-winning fruit tree care education website OrchardPeople.com.

What is Orchard People?

Learn how to grow and care for fruit trees with fruit tree care educator Susan Poizner of OrchardPeople.com. Discover how to create permaculture plantings, food forests, and forest gardens in both urban and rural settings. Meet experts on all aspects of comprehensive fruit tree care, including pruning, pest and disease prevention, fruit tree grafting and budding, and soil management.

Show host Susan Poizner, creator of the fruit tree education website OrchardPeople.com, is an award-winning author of three fruit tree care books and an ISA Certified Arborist. This podcast is the winner of the 2021 GardenComm Silver Award of Achievement for Broadcast Media: Radio Program Overall. Learn more and access archived episodes at https://podcast.orchardpeople.com/.

Learn more about Susan's books and courses at https://learn.orchardpeople.com/books.