We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.
What's going on, everybody?
Welcome to the Clydesdale
Media Roundtable.
We have this show every Thursday.
We have a couple people that
are out today.
Amy is celebrating the
holiday still with family,
and Charlie is on a cruise
ship somewhere.
We don't know where,
but he's out there floating somewhere.
And Kat has become a cowgirl.
Cowboy Kat.
I like it.
I did something terrible to my hair a
couple weeks ago.
I got bangs, and they're really short,
and I hate them, so
I'm doing everything I can
to camouflage them.
My hair grows really fast,
so that's good news.
Do I remember this happening previously?
I mean, why didn't you stop me this time?
Didn't know until after the fact.
Isn't it funny how women do
these things to their hair?
I feel like it's a transitional thing.
Like, okay,
you're making some changes in your life.
Now it's time to do something drastic.
So, yeah, here I am.
growing out my bangs yeah
the blonde the redhead the
bangs all the things uh
evening up instead of
layers and then going back
to layers and I got lots of
layers I try to layers yeah
you do you do a good job
we're back to layers and
this is like the color I
always say this is the
color god gave me so it
like matches yeah mine is
getting uh whiter and whiter and whiter
If I didn't have so much of it,
I would let it go.
Let it go.
if I had short hair and it was starting
to go gray, I would do that.
The problem with mine is
that I would look like the
Brad Frankenstein.
Corey that's redhead cat is
coming next for sure.
My daughter keeps saying like,
when are we going to do the
chocolate strawberry raspberry color?
So it's coming.
If you hang out with Kat long enough,
you'll get a version.
The version you want will
happen at some point.
At some point.
So true.
You just got to keep waiting.
Well, Scott,
you were almost by yourself
today because I had plans
to have Christmas morning with my kids.
Graydon and Eliana and my
mom were coming over at ten.
And then I was having lunch
with my dad and the kids.
before I drive him to the
airport tonight to go to
England to propose to his
forty nine year old girlfriend.
And Eliana got the flu.
I had to take her to I took
her to the walk in on
Christmas Eve.
And she had,
I'll preface this by saying
she's a hypochondriac for sure.
Like there's always
something wrong with her.
Like she thinks she's dying.
She's Google doctoring everything,
every little, you know,
indigestion twang that she has.
She thinks she's got an
ulcer or cancer or the
worst thing possible.
So she also has something
called medical anxiety.
Like she doesn't like to take medicine.
She gets anxious, you know,
when she takes medicine
because she'll like look at
the side effects and, you know,
assume she's going to get
all of them and everything else.
So it's really hard.
She actually tried to get
medicine for her anxiety
and it just made her more
anxious because she has medical anxiety.
Like it's crazy.
So anyway, so, you know,
she calls me and she's like,
I'm really sick, you know,
and sometimes I kind of
roll my eyes and I'm like, oh,
is she really sick?
Or is she just like, you know,
imagining things?
So drop my plans for the day.
was supposed to work, didn't work,
drove her there.
Sure enough,
the kid's got like a hundred
and two fever.
She's got like partially
collapsed lung from her chest x-ray.
Like she's a mess.
Um, so anyway, she's got that.
People have you thinking you
have lupus induced AIDS
within five minutes of being on there.
I know it's crazy, crazy.
So, but here's the kicker.
She did not,
she still wanted to see
everyone for Christmas.
So this is what happened.
My mom,
who did not get her flu shot and is,
you know, in her seventies,
came over last night around five.
My son Braden came over around six.
They exchanged gifts.
Eliana showed up around six thirty.
My mom,
like from the other side of the apartment,
watched Eliana open up her
gifts for my mom.
Then she left.
Brayden and Eliana stuck
around for a little while.
Brayden drove back to
Virginia because he needs
to go see his girlfriend
who lives in Georgia.
And Eliana stayed until midnight.
And she and I sat on the
couch this close to each
other all night with her
coughing and hacking and everything else.
And I'm pretty sure I'm
going to get the flu.
awesome so that's but you
know I wasn't gonna like
send her away like she's my
kid I don't care if I get
sick I'm fine what's funny
you said I might have been
alone I'm getting used to
that now I'm trying to like
get used to being on here
alone it's something I'm
not comfortable with and
I've been doing the lunch
shows and that's why jody's
saying is this the lunch
hour show or the media
round table every thursday
is the round table
But the lunch shows are
welcome to any of the crew
to come on whenever they feel like it,
as long as we have a show.
I think that would be on Monday.
I was, and there wasn't a show.
Or Tuesday, I think it was.
Because that's when I had a
lunch date with my daughter.
It'll happen.
It's funny, you know,
you got to spend time with
Eliana and the family.
We had the breakup,
and then we got a longer
time with Corey than we
thought we were going to get,
which was really nice.
the bad part was she had to
go to work today back in Pittsburgh.
And so, um, yesterday was Christmas.
She had to drive back
yesterday and like Christmas,
which was supposed to be
like the climax of the week
with spending time together
really was a sad moment
because she didn't really
want to go back to the
apartment she shares with her boyfriend,
her ex-boyfriend.
She didn't,
And yesterday we were
loading up her car with the
new mattress we bought with
all the stuff from Christmas.
And she just didn't want to leave.
And, you know,
mom didn't want her to leave.
I didn't want her to leave.
And it's officially a show now.
Yeah, sorry.
And so yesterday was kind of
melancholy on Christmas Day.
She left at like two o'clock
in the afternoon.
And then it was just Julie
and I for the rest of the day.
watching football and then
watching movies and all
that kind of stuff.
But, uh,
but it was nice cause we were only
supposed to get her from
like Saturday to Monday
morning and we got from a
till Wednesday afternoon.
Couple more days out of it.
That's nice.
I would have,
I would have liked to have
spent more time with, uh, Braden,
but you know,
he was supposed to leave tonight.
And then, of course,
once he heard his sister
was sick and that we might
not be doing today because she was sick,
he was, like,
scheming the whole day yesterday.
Like, what time can I come over?
How early can we do, you know, our thing?
Because he just wanted to
get his gifts from his
grandmother and then leave
because he already got my gift,
which is money.
So it was just a little bit, you know,
a little bit flat when that happened.
But it was nice to spend the
time with Els because she and I just,
like, cuddled on the couch and watched.
We watched this game show
called The Floor with Rob Lowe.
My favorite.
Yeah, I'm addicted now.
We're halfway through the first season.
It was really fun.
I love that it's just
pictures and you're just
trying to identify them.
It's fun to play along with.
I think season two came off better.
They changed a couple of the
rules and there's more
people on the floor to start.
Oh, wow.
It's a hundred people instead of eighty.
Eighty-one, yeah.
And then the
and you're not to the finale,
but the finale is eventually at the end,
you have two categories
left and you have to pick one of them.
So control gets to pick that
category and then it's over this year.
You had to play both categories.
And if it was a tie,
then you get like a third
category that is picked by a randomizer.
I like that.
So I think all the
categories should get covered.
So I like the ending better than year one.
we watched season one because she's
already seen season two, Eliana, that is.
But I don't know if you
remember in season one,
there's a category, dogs.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, are you kidding me?
Rapid fire.
I knew all of them.
It was great.
It's always fun when you
have a category that you're
very confident in.
That would be my category for sure.
So I have a game called Outsmarted,
and it is played.
It's like a board game,
but you can play it online.
So like we can play with my
mom in Pennsylvania.
We can play with Corey in Pennsylvania.
Oh, cool.
You just pull it up on your iPad,
and then we just move your
piece around the board.
But it's categories.
And one of the categories you can,
and you can buy categories.
So you can build the game to
whatever you want.
One of the categories is dogs.
I am not good at it.
I am not good at breeds.
I am not good at any of that stuff.
I just go cute, not cute.
I always,
I always impress people if I'm
like walking with someone
and we see a dog, I'll always say like,
oh, that's a such and such.
And then at some point in time,
we're talking to the owner, you know,
and they're like,
the other person will be like, oh,
what dog is that?
And they'll say exactly the
breed that I said, like,
how did you know that?
I just, I don't know.
I used to study your books of dogs,
before we get into all this WFP stuff
that came out with the
Talking Elite Fitness interview, and Will,
I believe, is on with Coffee, Pods,
and Wads at three o'clock
Eastern time this afternoon.
Hopefully, we'll learn more.
But before we get into it,
did you get any cool gifts yourself?
Or was there one you gave
that really hit home?
So I have not gotten my mom an actual...
like significant Christmas
gift in probably thirty years.
Like ever since I've been an adult,
you know,
out of the house and everything else.
I would always get her.
She has like a bird collection.
She has a Santa Claus tree.
I'll get her a little Santa
figurine or a little bird picture.
Nothing, you know, crazy.
This year,
I am taking her to see Swan Lake,
New York City Ballet in New
York City in February.
And she is over the moon.
about it because girl has
not been to new york in a
hot minute probably three
decades so yeah that is
really cool yeah yeah I
just noticed uh hamilton's
coming to columbus uh this
summer uh so that might be
something I do with core
julie says she doesn't like
musicals but then she goes
and loves everyone that she sees yeah
I don't know if she'll go with us,
but I think it's something
that would be fun to see live for sure.
My gift that I was so pumped
about is Julie is an
interior designer by trade, by degree.
But she left that field a
long time ago just to pay
the bills and really never
got back into it.
She loves art.
She loves doing art.
And with her going in for
surgery in January,
I got her a Potter's wheel.
oh and she loves to spin
clay loves loves loves it
always did as like growing
up and so I got her one for
her rehab like while she's
having to put her leg up
and whatever she can take
time to like spin some clay
yeah and I got it like I'm
picturing I'm picturing a
scene from ghosts the two
of you yeah yeah that's I'm
singing the song
Um, probably not.
Uh, but it's,
but she's been looking to get
back into like some hobbies
now that Corey's kind of
gone and off doing her own thing.
So I got her like a medium
grade Potter's wheel.
And if it goes well, like if we,
she gets back into it,
like we'll invest into like a great one.
But she's already got ideas
like I can put down old
shower curtains in the
garage and I can do all
this stuff to have a spot.
She's excited.
She's really excited.
That's great.
I love that.
I'm stoked with that.
You'll have to have her
watch Dax Newman or David
Newman's son on TikTok.
Oh, yeah.
He does all that pottery stuff too.
Very cool.
I love it.
Braden got toothpaste and hand soap
in his stocking because he
gave me zero ideas on what to get him.
So he got the essentials.
Good hygiene.
and Eliana's favorite gift was I got
her one of those off the TikTok shop,
one of those sealers,
like a portable sealer that
you can like instead of a chip clip bag.
She was super excited about that.
She said that was her favorite present.
Corey needed an iPad for her new job.
And, uh,
we did that a couple of months ago
and that was Christmas gifts.
So we didn't have anything
like big for her, um, at this,
at this Christmas,
but it was still a great day.
Sometimes the little bit, the little,
little gifts are fun too.
I know, uh,
my ex and I used to do this
thing where we would like
on Christmas Eve, we'd go through the,
as seen on TV, um,
aisle at the walgreens and
we just pick up stupid shit
and put it under the tree
uh well jody's with us now
we've got jay birch has
jumped in and jay birch and
I had a great chat
yesterday he finished tulsa
king um and we got to uh
bounce ideas theories back
and forth as to what season
three will bring us with
the tulsa king and uh and
it was great chatting with him yesterday
Is that like, uh, is that like Lion, the,
um, Tiger King or no?
No, no.
So it's another Taylor Sheridan show.
It's as a mob boss who gets
the boot from New York to go to Tulsa,
And he ends up creating his
own little like mob family in Tulsa,
And there's two full seasons
out on Paramount plus.
And, uh,
It's really, really good.
In the Taylor Sheridan shows,
I would rank probably third with Lioness.
And then I would put Landman number one,
Yellowstone number two,
and then Tulsa King and
Lioness in the three spot.
I got some shows to watch.
But Landman, man, that thing is so good.
Every week.
It's like Taylor Sheridan
practiced on all the other
ones and put everything he
learned into Landman, and it is so good.
So good.
But only my second best show of the year.
Number one is Shrinking,
which I just watched the
season finale last night,
and I gasped at the end of this.
It was so crazy.
But so crazy good.
if you've never seen that
shrinking is on apple plus
it is jason siegel and the
guy who um played roy kent
in ted lasso wrote it um
the two of them and roy kent is
So the guy who plays Roy
Kent in Ted Lasso gets
drunk and kills Jason Segel's wife.
And that is the premise of
the show as a drunk driver and,
and how Jason Segel kind of
comes out of that.
He is a therapist and he
works with Harrison Ford,
who's a therapist and
another woman who is a therapist and how,
They learned to and his
daughter sees Harrison Ford
as a therapist.
Jason Segel is totally off
the rails when the show
starts in season one.
And season one is all about
him kind of overcoming that grief.
And then season two is like,
can he get back to zero?
Like, can he get back to base level again?
And it's a phenomenal show.
My favorite best show on TV
in the last ten years, in my opinion.
is it only two seasons?
And then it's over season.
No, there's going to be a season three.
Oh, there is.
But it, it like season two just ended.
So you've got a year before
season three comes about.
I can catch up on that.
And it's ten episodes, season one,
twelve episodes, season two.
How about based on a true story?
I mean, that one,
I just finished season two
of that yesterday.
haven't started it.
I'm looking for something to start.
Most other than land, man,
all of my shows have pretty much ended.
This one.
It's not super sophisticated.
It's not like, like ultra drama.
It's more like, like campy horror comedy,
sort of.
That's the thing.
I'll give it a go.
I know I've, I've seen it.
I thought Julie would jump
into it because of the
content because she's a crime person,
but she hasn't jumped into it.
So maybe I'll have to force
her into it while we're off
for her rehab for a little bit.
Yeah, it's good.
It's good.
And the seasons are the, um, the episodes,
it's like, I think,
ten and ten and the
episodes are only like
twenty six minutes long.
You know, it's one of those half hour one.
So it's really you can get
through it quickly.
Yeah, those don't take long at all.
I had no plans for TV talk,
but I have a question
because I was watching
something where they were talking about,
do you prefer your TV in
the FX Netflix style where
they just dump all the
episodes of the season at one time?
Or do you like it like Apple Plus,
Paramount, HBO,
where you get one episode a week?
have so much going on in my
brain these days that if I
don't watch them in succession,
I will not be able to
remember what happened.
I mean,
literally if I go like four days in
between an episode,
even on the ones that I can binge watch,
I have to go back to the last episode,
at least the last like five
minutes to remind myself where I was.
So a week in between is not
happening for me.
No way.
Can't do it.
Not smart enough.
Um, I like to savor it.
I like the, the one episode a week drop.
Because then,
then it like stays in my life
for a while.
and I get to really get to know these
characters, um, where I don't have,
I am too impatient with the drop,
the big drop and I'll just binge it all.
And then it's over.
And like, like Tulsa King,
I ended and none of my
friends watched it.
So I had nobody to talk to
until Jay Birch finished it this week.
And then like, I just,
I vomited all over Jay
Birch and my theories and
what was going on.
Cause I had nobody to talk
to about it for a couple months.
So yeah.
I get the whole being able to savor
the plot line and the
characters and everything else.
But like I said,
if I'm not completely
immersed in it the whole week,
I will forget what happened.
It's unfortunate.
Jay Burgex,
do you think Taylor Sheridan is
bigger than Kurt Sutter?
I don't know who Kurt Sutter is.
So yes, your answer is yes.
In my mind, I guess, yeah.
Now, he may tell me that Kurt Sutter did X,
Y, and Z, and I'll be like, ooh,
those are all great.
Oh, wait.
So before we run out of time,
Will Morad and the head of the WFP,
I'm getting his name here in a second,
Jackson Terry.
we're on talking elite fitness and it
was released, I think early this morning.
and they talked about what the WFP is
doing, what it is all about.
and I want to save some of this for
like Carolyn,
because she's an actual
athlete and how it impacts her.
but I do want to talk about it because
I think there's some, what's that?
I'm a fake athlete.
true charlotte's an actual
athlete I mean I'm an
actual games master's
athlete there is a master's
division to this so I um I
want to get their opinion
because I think it's very I
think people have
misconceptions as to what
it is okay and the first thing is
It is not a direct
competitor to the CrossFit Games.
Will says in this interview
very plainly that they
designed the season to not
compete with the CrossFit Games.
They have made it so that
the elite athletes can do both.
And it should not affect their training.
Now, can one athlete maybe peak...
for one of them over the
other and make that choice.
But it's he,
and he said that we
specifically designed it
not to beat the athlete down.
Uh, when we looked at qualifying events,
we're trying to keep them
small so that they don't affect training.
When the tour events are
only going to be six events,
the finals are only nine events, uh,
And it's not going to be
like your fifteen event
CrossFit games where when you're done,
you're just completely beat
down and can't do anything else.
And not only did they avoid the games,
they avoided Rogue.
They avoided Wadapalooza.
Very respectful, very mindful.
So in no way is this a
direct competitor and the
contracts the athletes are
signing are not exclusive.
And they said they went into
this with the idea of not being exclusive,
that just being an option.
And so all the athletes can
do whatever events they
want across the season in
addition to signing this contract.
And wasn't it, I mean,
originally it was supposed
to be for those athletes,
like top four to go to the games,
the next ten do this, right?
Like initially it was...
supposed to be for that.
So yeah,
it's clearly not going to compete
with the season necessarily
because that's how they
were planning to get those folks anyway.
I think the ideas have evolved from, um,
from it being a,
a charitable event and a
place for kids to go.
And they're still doing that.
So this is the place of that.
But instead of building a
building in Nashville,
they're partnering with
people around the world for
the charitable aspect of it.
And then this pro season
initially started as they
were going to build a
building in Nashville and
they're going to hold an event that
post semifinals for those
people who just missed the games.
And it would be like in college basketball,
the NIT tournament.
So if you don't make the NCAA tournament,
you could then go to the
NIT tournament and compete
for that championship.
It was going to be very similar to that.
But as they talked and
opportunities arose and the
investments got bigger,
they were able to turn this
into like a full season.
And I think what's even
cooler is they're taking a
lot of like the lessons
learned from the CrossFit game season.
A lot of the things that
people have been clamoring
about on shows like this
and others across the space,
trying to fix those issues,
having a better media presence and,
doing a live stream that makes sense.
They talk about ramping up
media coverage the week
before an event to get to
know the athletes as people.
Like doing features on the
athletes that are
participating in the event
to ramp up the excitement
for that event as you get
to know those people.
Also that the event itself
be something that...
you can tune into and not
know the sport and still
understand who's in the
lead and who's not.
And maybe you don't
understand everything about it,
but you understand who's
winning and who's losing
and that they wanted to
take a different road than
assuming that the, the,
the niche market is all that's watching.
I like that.
Do they have a media
department necessarily?
Or do you think they're
going to be leaning on
people that they know in
the space to just sort of take on roles?
It sounds to me like they
are going to be hiring
people to do pieces and parts.
And they are hiring someone
to stream the events as they happen.
uh will talked about
programming and that the
hardest part of programming
is not making a cool
workout for everybody it's
fitting it in the timeline
of the broadcast it is
fitting it in so it makes
sense to people watching um
and they're in negotiations
with those people doing
those other aspects already
so they must have some
stuff signed but they're
not announcing all of that yet okay
The other thing is it
appears that all of the
events will be in the U S in year one,
and then they're looking to
expand to Europe and
Australia in year two.
And it, I think it's just what they could,
you know,
it's a big undertaking and it's
what they could handle as a
team in year one.
And they've hired two event
organizers to help them out.
Uh, the one is.
I have so many notes.
Jason Ainsley.
Is that right?
He does the monster games.
Ensley, Jason Ensley.
He's going to be in charge
of North America.
He does the monster games currently.
And then Roger Nelson or
Nielsen is going to be the
Europe individual.
And he is known for doing
the Norwegian throwdown.
So those people have been brought on.
Ryan Howard is a big partner.
The LRX guy.
He is a big partner in this.
They didn't really name a
lot of the partners and
they didn't name any of the investors.
They also said a lot of
stuff will be coming out,
rolling the rest of this
month and through January.
Just kind of social media
will be announcing more and
more of things as it goes.
Their events will be
completely new events.
They're not relying on a
partner event to hold the events.
And that is so that they can
standardize some stuff to
make the complete tour kind
of the same expectation across the board.
They are in talks with the
PFAA on standardized movements and safety,
but they're just talks.
There's no former...
there's no formal agreement
with the PFAA at this time.
And Judy Reed is correct.
Ryan husband is from a native of Columbus.
he used to tour all the local gyms when
he first started our LRX.
So I've met Ryan, uh, super nice guy.
Uh, but yeah,
initially I think at first
you said Ryan Howard and I
was thinking of the Phillies,
the Phillies, Ryan husband,
first baseman.
They've been stress testing
point systems for the entire tour,
doing fake leaderboards to
see how it affects things
to make sure they can get
the points down.
But basically,
it's if the twenty
contracted athletes will
participate in the tour event,
they will have a qualifier
where the top ten in that
qualifier will then also
compete in the pro division.
and earn points in that and
then eleven through thirty
will compete in a
challenger division at the
event and they can earn
points but it's on a lower
scale than the pro division okay
So you can go to event one
in the pro division,
earn X number of points,
go to event two and fall
into the challenger
division and get X number of points.
But together that may get
you in the top thirty,
which then go to the finals
to compete for double points.
And then if you're in the
top twenty after the finals,
you get your pro card for
the following season and
you become one of the twenty.
Um, and the other thing,
the last thing I'm just
going to point out,
cause there was a lot of
good stuff in it.
And I think that, uh,
it's actually not confusing Jody.
If you see it kind of out on paper.
I'm with you, Jody.
I was confused.
It makes a lot of sense.
I've just I've been thinking
about a lot I've read a lot
about it I think yeah for
me it makes sense and it
will to others once you see
it played out because it's
just like tennis it's just
like golf um done in the
same way but the last thing
I'm going to say is and I
think you you actually have
more control over this with
contracted athletes and
that is they want to have a
better connection with the community
And they want to make appearances.
They want to do things to
bring back that pro athlete
to community feel where
it's very accessible.
It may not happen on the day
of a tour event because, you know,
they're trying to make money,
but they want to do
activations at other events as well.
And every tour event is
going to have a community event.
And those community events are,
in addition to the challenger division,
a master's and what they're
calling next gen, which is a team.
So it will be fourteen to
sixteen and seventeen to nineteen.
So they are expanding the
team division out a little bit further.
um to give people more time
to uh adjust to the pro
elite division I like that
uh maybe just confusing
while I'm deep into a
kitchen design while trying
to compete I am sure I was
just I was just sitting
here listening and it
sounded confusing to me too
jody so you're good yeah
for this season there are
two tour events where you can earn points
You can earn points in the
pro division at the highest scale.
You can earn points in the
challenger division at a lower scale.
Your total combined points
from event one and event
two will be put together.
And the top thirty in points
go to the finals to compete
for points there, which will be doubled.
So the scale will double at the finals.
the top twenty in overall
points after the finals get
a contract for the next
season or a pro card.
Do your own individual
points ranked against each
other reset at the final so
that the final is just the
final or do you come in
with points and you earn
points in the final towards that thing?
Does that also determine the
winner of the thing?
So you can win each event
separately and it will have
its own prize money.
That's kind of what I meant.
So you're just talking about
points to earn status for
the next season or to get
your pro card or what level
you're going to be at.
But each event has its own
scoring system for who wins
and who gets second place and all that.
And then your points for the
tour are based on where you
finish overall in that event.
So if you win tour event one,
you get the max number of
points moving into tour event number two.
But it doesn't give you an
advantage to win the second event.
When you get to the second event,
like everybody's on.
That's where I was getting confused.
Paul Kane says,
I wish they would name the investors.
The money is the thing to make this legit.
All they're saying is they
have enough money to
sustain this for the foreseeable future.
And they even said, and it was very subtle,
that not only do they have
current investors,
they have investors waiting
to invest that they haven't
needed to tap into yet.
That's exciting.
But I don't know what that means.
So I hope that they,
I think an organization
like this has the ability
to be more innovative.
Because they're new.
They can try whatever they
want to try and see how it works, right?
You've heard all this stuff
coming out from the
different podcasts and the
different media types
criticizing CrossFit for X, Y, and Z,
They have the opportunity to
try to come up with a solution to that.
And if it fits,
there's nothing to say that
CrossFit can't go, okay,
they proved it can work in
that direction.
Let's pivot.
When is the first event?
When and where?
They have not named.
So all of that will be part
of these announcements that
are coming out over the next five weeks.
Got it.
Right now,
they're focused on naming all
the athletes that are signed.
And since I last was on on Tuesday,
they've signed Emma McQuaid,
Victor Hoffer, and Roman Krennikoff.
In addition to what was
previously announced, Travis Mayer,
Alexis Raptus, Yella Hosta,
Patrick Vellner, Brooke Wells,
Chandler Smith, and Alex Kazan.
But my thought is, if I'm an athlete,
you do both.
Your career is short.
Make the money where you can
make the money.
And any kind of publicity recognition,
anything that's done from
either organization,
you get to benefit from.
Just getting your name out there more.
Yeah, it's great for the athletes.
So, but again,
apparently the entire twenty
twenty five season will be
in North America.
And then twenty six, they look to expand.
I think that once they expand or if
they expand,
that's when it gets a little
more tricky with the two seasons.
Because it's going to be,
the more events you put out there,
the more events you put out there,
the harder it's going to be
to avoid another season.
there's only so many Saturdays and
Sundays in the year.
So I'm excited for it.
I think that one I've liked
will ever since I've met him,
I think that he can, um, I think he,
he has a lot of good people behind him.
And I think that he has put
a lot of thought into this,
especially with the community engagement.
I just, at the very least,
I hope that they show that
different innovations could
change the way we do things
and maybe have a consistent season.
so Corey makes this statement and I'm
going to back this up.
I feel like Travis happened
to be there the day they
signed Alexis and they felt
guilty for not asking him.
So they do go into how they
pick the athletes and it was,
they took the leaderboards
from rogue in the games
over the past two years,
combine them together and
came up with a top six team.
they have offered the top
sixteen athletes from that leaderboard,
both men and women.
Then they left four spots at
large to go grab people
they think will draw viewership,
that will be good for the sport.
Just arbitrary things that
they think meet a criteria.
I don't think Travis makes
the top-sixteen because he
was disqualified from Rogue
in the qualifier two years ago.
He missed the games due to
injury last year,
so I think he probably was
not in the top-sixteen.
But maybe they think he has
enough fans or support or
he's a good ambassador to
bring in for this first year.
I am more...
Intrigued at how they picked
Victor Hoffer.
Because he didn't,
he made the games last year
and withdrew before the first event.
And other than that.
Yeah, it's relatively.
So, and even Emma McQuaid.
has not been really
competitive in the last few years.
And I really like Emma.
Like she's like, we've talked,
I think she's a great person, but I,
I don't know what she just
has not been competitive in
the sport in the last couple of years.
but the only time we have to worry
about this is year one,
because after this year,
your top twenty will be
based on the points you
earn from the season prior.
There's no judgment.
There's no at-large bids.
The twenty highest scoring
athletes will be the people
with the pro card in the following year.
Judy Reed says,
maybe just trying to get
more European athletes.
Kenneth says,
Travis is the old reliable
vet to get people to watch.
I believe that.
It's almost like a lifetime
achievement award as opposed to like,
should they really be the people?
But again,
it only matters year one and
then year two will take
care of itself because
either you score the points or you don't.
but I'm anxious to see it
play out and it gives us
more to talk about on our show.
So, uh,
Really excited about that.
I'm excited for them to announce places.
Because at least with CrossFit now,
we know where the in-person semis are.
And I can already start to
plan on which ones I can
get to and which ones I can't.
And we met at the Mayhem Classic.
You going back for the second undertaking?
I would love to.
I would love to go back.
That would be so great.
That was the best
competition I've ever
witnessed in person.
Now they were supposed to announce,
they did on Monday,
they talked about what
theirs is going to be like,
and it's using the open as a qualifier.
It looks like it's going to
be just a twenty person field for theirs,
and they're going to try to
do some community
activations along with the
competition during the day.
Would that have been the
first time I talked to Colton Mertens?
Was that the classic?
Was he there?
I don't know.
I remember Jeff Adler being there.
I remember a tiny person being there,
and I'm pretty sure that's
when I became a Colton Mertens fan.
I'll have to look that up.
And Daniel Brandon,
that's the first time we
saw Daniel Brandon.
Like up close and personal.
I actually asked her to be on the show.
And she gave me an email to
use to contact her.
And then it took me like
another year to get her on.
That's funny.
But that's where I
interviewed Ben Smith and
my battery ran out after
four minutes and thirty seconds.
Good stuff.
That was awesome.
Um, but yeah, we had, it was a good time.
I love the intimate setting.
Um, and I, I,
it's like a boutique in person semifinal.
My favorite was when we had to,
when we judged the trail
run and I got to ride in a
Gator with a senior, just me,
me and senior.
It was fun.
He's a good dude.
And I got to use the bathroom.
I remember I used the bathroom in his, um,
the gym and at seniors house
the original barn that's
cool I didn't get to do any
of that stuff I just work
security at the finish line
I wasn't even a media
member I was security at
that event just doing in
the back extra media stuff
that I could get away with
that was great so
And then your guys from the
MAC are doing Syndicate Crown as well.
Love it.
And then your TFX folks are
doing an Oklahoma City version.
Yeah, that's interesting.
I wonder if it's going to be
like the same.
Is it Jeremy Teal and his
whole team doing it?
I guess.
It's their team.
They're just doing it in Oklahoma City.
If you go to their website,
they talk about how it was
years in the making that
they've always wanted to be
like an elite CrossFit event.
Because I think they're the
oldest CrossFit competition.
FX has been around longer
than any other major
competition in the space.
Prior to the games.
And finally,
they have made it to being a
part of the game season.
And they couldn't have held
it in where they hold it
outside of Austin.
They need something a little
more professional.
Corey says athlete control.
So athlete control is actually a group.
And you were security.
I was security.
And I was at the finish line
making sure that the
spectators didn't come down
and mob the athletes.
yeah you're like a bouncer
totally yeah lots of lots
of experience with bouncing um
But yeah, so that's the news of the day.
I'll be back tomorrow for
lunch with the Clydesdale.
If anybody wants to join on, they will.
And it'll probably be less
CrossFit talk tomorrow and
more of the other stuff we
do on lunch with the Clydesdale.
But I wanted to get that WFP stuff out.
I'll probably watch the
Coffee Pods and Wads today.
And if there's any update
from what we learned on TEF, because...
were some there were some
follow-up questions that
were left on the table for
sure in that first
interview and I'm hoping
peter knowing peter he'll
follow up much more than
they did so yeah I'll watch
both of them too in case I
pop on tomorrow we can I
can talk about it
intelligently so so that'll
be interesting um with that
guys thank you so much for
being here and yes kenneth
you know how I uh
I have an affinity for a
finish line that all events
at a CrossFit event should
have a finish line and the
athletes and a bouncer and
a bathroom and a bouncer.
Oh, and a bouncer.
So with that, um,
we will see you all
tomorrow and Kat has given
you all a yeehaw.
See you guys for that.
Bye guys.