Building The Future Show - Radio / TV / Podcast

Building The Future Show - Radio / TV / Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 569 Season 1

Ep. 551 w/ Feras Bashnak CEO & Founder at Ferla Bikes

Ep. 551 w/ Feras Bashnak CEO & Founder at Ferla BikesEp. 551 w/ Feras Bashnak CEO & Founder at Ferla Bikes

At Ferla Bikes we are changing the reality of Street Vending Business. Our revolutionary & innovative Mobile Electric Coffee Bikes, Cold Brew Bikes, Ice-Cream Bikes, and Promo Bikes are perfect for young entrepreneurs and experienced business moguls who want to grow and expand.

What is Building The Future Show - Radio / TV / Podcast?


Building the Future has quickly become one of the fastest rising nationally syndicated programs. With a focus on interviewing startups, entrepreneurs, investors, CEOs, and more, the show showcases individuals who are realizing their dreams and helping to make our world a better place through technology and innovation.

Kevin Horek: Welcome back to the show.

Today we have Ferris bna.

He's the c e o and Founder at
Furlough Bikes Ferris, welcome to the

Feras Bashnak: show.

Thank you so much, Kevin.

Good to be here.

Yeah, I'm

Kevin Horek: excited to
have you on the show.

I think what you're doing is actually
really innovative and cool and

enabling entrepreneurs, but maybe
before we get into all that, let's

get to know you a little bit better
and start off with where you grew up.

Feras Bashnak: Thank you, Kevin.

Well, I was born in a beautiful
city, Almaty, uh, Kazakhstan.

Um, oh, interesting.

I grew, yeah.

Um, I grew up with two loving parents.

Uh, they always supported
my abnormal ideas.

Um, that's key.


Uh, they always trusted me and my
capacity to make my own decision and.

I guess this why, uh, I'm here
and I'm doing, um, something new.

Um, I guess something innovative.

Um, yeah.

Kevin Horek: Very cool.

So walk us through, you went to
university, what did you take and why?

Feras Bashnak: So, um, I, I went to
the school and you'll be probably

surprised, uh, Kevin, but I didn't have
any favorite subjects at high school.

Okay, fair enough.

If it would, it would be probably
entrepreneurship studies.

Uh, since I was a kid, I was like
dreaming about having a business

and truly believe that every school
must have this program nowadays.

Um, I think it's more like a mindset
that helps to develop skills, uh, to

create and build what society wants.


Uh, but actually I got my
degree in hospital in restaurant

management in Switzerland.

And back in the days, uh, actually I
noticed my interest in the hospitality

business, so I pursued that.

So yes, I got my degree in
hospitality and restaurant management.

Kevin Horek: Okay.

So what got you passionate
about that at an early age?


Feras Bashnak: So, um, you know,
the hospitality is very unique.

Um, environment, uh, it's pretty much you
get to see all side of the business, um,

when it comes to F M B or when it comes to
accounting, uh, when it comes to events.

Um, so I think that's something
attracted me because I.

Don't like, uh, working in the
environment where everything is static.


I, I do like new things and I do, um,
see, I, I saw back then that that was

the best way to kind of see myself in
different, um, in different departments,

in different type of, um, structures.

And I think that's what made me,
um, You know, going that route.

Got it.

Kevin Horek: Okay.

So you get outta school.

Walk us through your
career up until founding

Feras Bashnak: furlough.


My first job was actually pretty funny.

One, it was pretty intense.

Um, I work in the two stores
with Michelin, uh, back then

Mountain Resort Restaurant.

Oh, interesting.

Um, Yeah, it was fun.

Uh, the hours were long and, uh,
the work was really demanding.

I was actually doing a cross
training in the kitchen department.

Um, I love cooking since then.

Um, and I do that pretty often.


Um, I was doing from peeling a bunch of
potatoes, uh, to preparing elegant dishes.

Uh, man, it wasn't easy, but sure, you
know, in the end, seeing happy faces, I.

Made it, it all worthwhile, I guess.

Um, and if I tell nowadays that
I work in the Michelin Star

restaurant, people say, wow.

So Totally.

That's, that's something.

It's a huge deal.

Absolutely, absolutely.

Back then it was.

It was something.

Kevin Horek: Okay, so walk us through
your, your, the rest of your journey

and then actually coming up with
the company idea and then what made

you actually decide to go for it?

You know,

Feras Bashnak: um, that's a
really good question, Kevin.

Um, I, um, launched couple business,
uh, projects here in United

States when I moved actually here.


And I was always looking to,
um, different avenues that can

actually change the society.

Um, help the society and actually
deliver something good for society.

That was my main goal.

Obviously, I tried many things
that, um, slowly lead to that.

Um, and, you know, that's how I guess
I created, uh, the Fer Bikes company.

It's, uh, if, if you want, I can
talk about our mission a bit.


Maybe that'll give you some idea.

Um, so our mission is
it's since day number one.

It still remains the same.

Um, we want to give every young
entrepreneur an opportunity to start their

own business at very affordable cost.

Um, imagine, um, when I came to United
States as an immigrant, uh, after.

Completing my education in
hospitality and restaurant.

Uh, my first dream was like,
okay, I'll open my own restaurant.


Um, and then I start facing,
Um, so many obstacles.

One was, in fact the main obstacle was
renting a brick and mortar location.

And not just renting, but actually
renovating and making sure it, uh, it goes

according their standards, um, standards,
health department standards, and that.

You know, I, I, I started doing
research and re and I realized

that, uh, man, it's expensive.

I like, what do I need to do to
afford that at the beginning?

So that's how I got first.

Um, depressed, I would say in a way,
or, uh, you know, disappointed that my

dream probably won't happen really soon.

So I start thinking, you know,
like how I can change this.

And nowadays, even though we are doing
business with many enterprises, companies,

uh, I, I still believe that, you know,
young entrepreneurs and the future of the

economy and they deserve that support.

So that support that.

Uh, was, you know, came as something that
I wanted for myself first, and then I

decided to distribute that to society.

Um, on another hand, our mission is to
reduce impact, uh, on the environment.

That's a big thing for me.

Um, very um, I'm very big about
this and, uh, we are doing our best

actually to reduce carbon footprint.

Um, as an example, our vending bikes and
cars are equipped, uh, with a solar power

energy instead of a gasoline generator.

So just picture yourself a bicycle
with a two wheels in the front,

one wheel in the back, and it
has pretty much a cafe equipment.

Um, On the bike and uh,
of course we need to.

Power this, um, this machine,
this bicycle vending cart.

Um, so we came up with different
solutions such as a solar power, energy

instead of gasoline generator, what
food trucks are using and nowadays.

And, uh, we have self-contained system.

Um, for the water system.

Um, and we have a refrigeration
unit that it's actually, uh,

based on our customer's feedback.

We design, we custom design our
refrigerator slash uh, freezer,

uh, that run out of the battery.

So you don't need again to carry
with you a source of power.

Uh, you have everything in one
place, so our bikes and cars run on.

On the sun and body power.

Very cool.

So, okay, keep going.


No, no, no.

Uh, I was just going to add
a bit, um, um, moving to a

consumer side, if you don't mind.



Uh, just so we started from the
commercial side, um, I believe.

It's time for my ability to be
innovative and accessible for people.

Um, and our main mission when
it comes to consumer side of the

business is to bring more people and
families on electric cargo bikes.

And our cargo bikes actually
more than just a bicycle.

Um, and I believe it's already
changed the way people think about

transportation for many of our clients.

Uh, we are getting a lot of calls
and lately, uh, especially when

they tell us, um, you know, we need
more, couple more days to sell our

second car so we can get your bike.

And I was like, wow,
imagine it's happening.

Um, so Kevin, imagine no gas and no
insurance, no parking tickets, right?

And again, most importantly,
reducing impact on the environment.

Getting back to shape
is not less important.

Kevin Horek: Yeah, no, fair enough.


Like if, cause I, I guess I can,
I'm looking at the picture right now

actually, but for people listening,
can you explain the cargo bike

without a visual representation?

And, and, and then maybe people
can go look at the website too.

Kevin, I,

Feras Bashnak: I hope you can help
me to identify that, um, uh, problem

to actually, um, explain people
what does cargo bike means, because

when I am, um, when I'm meeting
with someone or, uh, hosting an

event, they're like, what is this?

What are you talking about?


So it's, uh, I would say picture a
bike and try to convert into S SUV V.

This is how I would say so.

Again, it's a two wheel in the
front, one wheel in the back.

We call it tricycle.

You have two benches.

You have two seats where
it can fit up to four kids.

You have four seat belts.

It's pretty much.

A vehicle, um, on three wheels
and it's, uh, it's fully electric.

So, um, this is, I guess without
looking at the picture, the best

way, of course, we'll be going to our
website for a family to see,

uh, what we're talking about here.


Kevin Horek: Yeah.

Like it looks like a big kind
of basket which houses people

and has a seat or uh Right.

Like a big wagon type thing.


But Right.

So when you say electric on this cargo,
consumer bike is the, like, it's basically

like an electric bike to help me get up
the hills of San Francisco, for example?

Feras Bashnak: Yeah, it
will, certainly will.

Uh, some of our models are designed
to tackle San Francisco Hills.

We all know they're pretty steep.


Yes, it's actually an electric
motor that helps you to pedal.


Uh, it has three options.


You can just use a motor itself.

Uh, we call it a throttle, just, uh,
picture, uh, a moped or a motorcycle.

You have a throttle.

You just.

Crank it and you go, you
don't even have to pedal.

And the option that I personally prefer is
a pedal assist when you are still required

to pedal, but a motor actually helps you
to, um, to, to move, to move the bike.

Got it.

Kevin Horek: Very cool.

Can you maybe give some examples of
some of the commercial bikes because

they're quite versatile and you can do.

Probably a bunch of different things,
and you could probably even do a bunch

of custom stuff that maybe nobody's even
thought of yet with, with your bikes.

Is that fair to say?

Feras Bashnak: Kevin, you're
really familiar with our product.

I'm glad you asked this question.

Um, it's exactly one of our main challenge
was, especially back then, we actually,

I personally didn't know where to pursue.

At first.

I thought we'll be doing.

A coffee bike slash an ice cream bike.

And that's what will, our
focus will lean towards.


But then we start getting emails requests,
like, um, I'll give you a couple examples.


Uh, Tiffany and Cole reach out
to us and say, we need a cart, we

wanna, uh, put in Beverly Hills and
right in the front of our store.

And, uh, we will be serving,
uh, a cupcakes permit.

I'm not sure how interesting.


We'll do it.

We'll paint it in your collar.

And we did it.

Um, later on we got a call
from young entrepreneurs.

They had a beautiful startup,
uh, for a shoe company.

Um, and they were in New York.

Of course they could not afford
brick and mortar location and somehow

they needed to display these shoes.

Oh, interesting.

So what they did, they actually
took our grounded bike.

It's our largest, um, bike that we
carry, and it has so much potential in

storage wise, and they actually display
over 10 different models, including.

Stock that they can actually
sell right on the spot.

And they were in Manhattan, like, and
they could just afford, you know, just

to find any corner, get a license.

And it's allowed because you know,
you're just on the crosswalk.

And, um, they actually.

You know, um, we're able
to launch that company.

Otherwise, I don't see how, maybe yes,
online, but their focus was actually to

interfere with, uh, with the customers.

Um, another great example that I had, it's
actually the dream became true for them.

Um, It's a couple.

Um, he was from the it, uh, world,
and she, uh, she is a nurse.


So they, they're from San Diego.

They visit us and, uh, they wanted
to open their catering business.

Um, and they're doing very unique donuts.

Um, and you'll be surprised,
but right now they are.

So popular in the San Diego
district that every single

corporate event must have them.

I am seeing them right now serving
Verizon, T-Mobile car, like,

you know, all the big brands.

Yeah, big brands.

And it's so great to see that because this
bike is the main, um, it's like, it's,

it's the main feature of their business.

Because it's actually, um, you know,
it's, it's something new and people, they

don't wanna see tables, you know, anymore.

They want something innovative
like surprises and this

what we're we're doing here.

And I think the lastly, that actually like
surprised me to the point that I'm not.

Um, surprised anymore.

It's where we got a call, um,
and they ask us to build a bike

for, uh, covid testing facility.

So the bike actually will be
handling, uh, that procedure.

I was like, okay, we did everything.

Now we need to send the bike to the moon.


Kevin Horek: So the one thing.

That just again, I'm assuming the, the
shoe example you gave and you could do

it with fruit or other kind of things,
is you could basically have like

shelves on a bike to showcase products
and ideas and on your, on your website

you have it with different fruits on
different kind of levels of shelves.

I just, why I mention it is just because
I think that just to give people an.

Another idea of how they could leverage
your bikes or one of your bikes?

Feras Bashnak: Absolutely.

Nowadays we can do anything.

Um, it's uh, funny to say, but our
customers are truly our engineers and

we always hear them and we can do.

Any, anything right now?

Um, from the shelves to refrigeration
systems, solar power, um, different.

Branding options.

So pretty much it's applicable for
every industry you can think of.

Either it's a real estate or it's a mall
business, um, or it's a hospitality.

Uh, we work with many,
many, um, hotels, in fact.

So yeah, pretty much there
is no limitation on what

we can do with our product.

Kevin Horek: So it's actually a good segue
cuz I was gonna talk about just your cart.

So obviously you mentioned a mall.

I may or may not want or be allowed to
ride a bike around a mall, but I still

might want to, you know, maybe set up a
business inside or outside somewhere, um,

that I don't need to, you know, pedal.

So walk us through, how did you come up
with the cart idea and, and give us maybe

some use cases for that that you've seen.

Feras Bashnak: Kevin, I think it's
another brilliant question and I'm so

excited you asking this because it's
actually bringing my memories back.

Um, in fact, um, I'm so proud to
say that we do lease our customers.


I remember, uh, the lady came to our
showroom and she was looking at the

bike and she said, Ferris, to be honest,
I do really love your concept, but

I have a limited space and is there
is any way possible you can cut this

frame and just, just make me a cart?

I'm like, listen, but this is our concept.

I mean, we, we came to the concept
of having a bicycle cart, not

the cart itself, I don't think
so we can actually do that.

But you know, after like having
a conversation with her for

maybe 30 minutes, she convinced
me and I said, you know what?

I'll do it for you, but only one
requirement we have to leave.

A will, like a decorative will on the
cart because it has to remind people that

we came from a bicycle industry and we
are like, you know, this is our story.

She said, fair enough.

I love it.

Let's do it.

So we actually designed that for her.

And guess what, Kevin?

It became a top seller.

Um, it's hard right now to picture
what sells more, but I would say like

cars are, they became so popular,
so we probably sell 50% of the cars

and 50% of the bikes altogether.

So it's, this is, this is
a really, um, fun story.

Kevin Horek: Interesting.

Well, and I guess the reality is, is it's
the cost to entry is even cheaper than.

A food truck, right?

For somebody that's looking to get
into maybe the food space or, you know,

if you're just looking to launch a
physical product, then you know, you

could easily just pick up a cart, right?

It's so much cheaper than your example
earlier about like a storefront

or even selling online, right?

Like sometimes you need
something that Right.

It, it's in person, right?

And so, no, I, I think
that makes a lot of sense.

But I, I wanna get back to something.

That I, I was reading about
is the inspiration kind of a

whole behind the whole thing
was watching somebody struggle.

Is that correct?


Feras Bashnak: It is absolutely correct.

Uh, at the same time when I was
a little bit down, understanding

that it's not as easy as it
seems to open my own restaurant.

Um, it's so interesting how you
touch, uh, back on food tracks.

My second avenue was looking at the
food truck and I actually, uh, went.

To several manufacturers of the food
truck business, uh, here in Los Angeles.

And I realized, oh man, it's
like another hundred thousand.


Right up front just to get something used.

And yes, if you want something
brand new, then it's probably.

Another $300,000.

I was like, oh wow.

So I was just sitting in the park,
um, meditating, thinking about

what next they should do, and I
saw a woman struggling pushing this

old heavy metal car up the hill.

It made me feel so bad.

That she had to do that.

So I run away, I help her.

It was a, a standard fruit cart that
we used to see, uh, here in California.

Um, and I'm like, it has
to be something else.

I mean, why don't they make a motor?

Why they don't create one with the motor?

What can be done here?

It's just so.

Ugly, sorry to say that, but it's,
it's reality and, and it's heavy.

Um, so it's just stay in my head.

Um, I came home, I started researching,
uh, I found similar concept in, in Europe

and I'm like, okay, this is something
I should look into and this is how.

Everything started.

Our first model was
pretty much just a box.


And three wheels.

And then later on we implemented a
sync system because obviously you

need to, um, be able to wash things
and your hands, um, for the hygiene.

And that's where guess my
hospitality comes in, right?

And later on we start integrating.

Um, refrigeration system,
coffee system and and et cetera.

And, uh, the idea was to, to be
able to provide an electric motor,

um, so that it's easy to push,
it's easy to maneuver around.

Um, and that's what was,
we were able to accomplish.

As well.

Um, I, I think the society
wants new things, right?

All the time.

It's just you gotta to create and
they will be happy, uh, to get them.

And I, I think that's, that's what
we, that's what we tried to accomplish

here and I think we did very cool.

Kevin Horek: So, How did you build
early prototypes and then eventually

iterate on those prototypes and
come up with other products?

Did you hire an engineering firm?

How did you fund all this?

Like, walk us through actually
getting these things made.

Feras Bashnak: That's a good question.

Uh, as I mentioned previously, um, I
found, um, a similar concept in Europe.


We didn't create entirely the concept.

What we did, we took this concept and
we perfected, so we took an existing

design that was available back in.

Indonesia and actually in general
Asia, it's very common that

they sell out of the bikes.

Out of the tricycles.


And it was again, back then,
and still they producing again.

It's just a matter of frame.

Um, and what we did, we.

We, uh, focus on the design aspect Okay.

And functionality of it.

So the idea was, okay, we have this
concept already, but how we can make it,

um, appealing to customers, how we can
make it functional, and how we can add

all these features like electric systems.

So, um, I actually was able to find a
factory, um, that were specializing in.

Different frames for different
solutions, like, uh, push cards.

And, um, I took off, I, I went there
and, uh, with bunch of engineers,

we were like, okay, let's try it.

Let's try to create something.

And of course the first
model was a disaster.

You know, we pretty much receive
a frame with bunch of bolts nuts,

and we tried to put it together.

Um, it was a disaster, but didn't give up.

Um, it took us several years to develop
what we wanted to develop and, uh, what

we could proudly present to, to the crowd.

Um, it was a lot of hard
work and dedication.

I think back then it was
not about money at all.

It was just something about
doing great for community,

bringing a new, um, Concept.

You know, it, it was, uh, that was, I
guess moving forward if we will have

a chance talking about the challenges.

That was one of the, the thing
is proving, um, proving, uh, this

concept wasn't easy at the beginning.

Of course.


Kevin Horek: Well, yeah.

We can keep talking about
challenges and then do you wanna

work in how you funded this all?

Did you raise money?

Did you self fund?


Feras Bashnak: actually self-funded.


Um, till now.

Uh, so I saved a bit.

Um, I, as I mentioned, I
had a few ventures before.

I had my own catering company and I
was very preserved when it comes to

money and I knew that I would have to
use it for something big in the future.

And, uh, it was self-funded.

Um, and of course we started
very small, uh, had such a small

warehouse at the beginning.

Um, I remember it was a time
when I had to actually, uh, pay

my rent using my credit cards.

At some point, my credit cards
went like completely full because

that's, that's what it took me,
uh, to get where we are now.

And, uh, I just.

Had to pay the rent, had to pay.

Um, I didn't pay myself for so many years,
uh, just because we couldn't afford that.

Um, it was, um, a very
interesting journey.

Um, now I'm smiling, but back then,
um, yeah, doing something new.

It's, uh, It's not always
easy, but it's worth it.

For sure, for sure.

A hundred percent

Kevin Horek: agree.

I'm curious, what other
challenges, challenges did you

face and how did you overcome

Feras Bashnak: them?

So, um, you know, a, as I mentioned,
um, the challenge was to, um,

Proving the concept was the most
challenging part of the business fair.

It was a new idea in US market that, you
know, which society never seen before.

They never tried it.


And one of the biggest challenge was
finding their right target audience

and actual understanding their needs.

Uh, We had a many obstacles
throughout the time.

One of the obstacle was actually
dealing with the health department.


What that for?

The long period of time because,
um, the set of law, law were

designed for restaurants at first.

Oh, and then Exactly.

And then they slowly move.

And create exceptions for food trucks.

Um, so it took them probably, I
would say, 50 years to, you know, to

accept changes and to create those
exceptions for the food trucks.

So when I came.

Now to them, we had, uh, meetings
with the chief of house department.

I made several presentations.

Um, it was actually like a
full size presentation, um,

explaining, um, improving the
benefits of these CARSs and bikes.

And they were all looking at me.

They were happy that.

Um, I came to them, I knocked their door,
but unfortunately it was not so easy

to change those laws and regulations.

Um, they were telling me that they
need a certain amount of water.

They need three compartments, sink
plus one hand, worse sink, and that's

what is standard for the food truck.

And I told him, listen, I
understand that, but this is a bike.

Like let's, we can't actually make
the same rules and regulations

and transfer them to the bike.

Otherwise it will be just the bike station
with just the sinks and it won't have

any space for any equipment whatsoever.

Um, so it took me several years,
and again, I didn't give up.

It was decline after decline.

And finally we were able to prove
them that our bikes are much cleaner.

Uh, it's just a different
level to compare with.

Um, any street vending that
were available back then in,

in, in, in Los Angeles district.

We start from, uh, California
and then we got licensing,

uh, almost in every state now.

Um, so that was, that
was the main challenge.

Um, but as I mentioned, we truly
believe that our customers made us

successful, uh, the right, uh, direction.

They gave us the right
requirements that they provided us.

And yeah, they are our main engineers.

That's all I can say.

And I'm so, um, grateful.

To have customers like ours, uh, that gave
us a direction and gave us what they want.

And with those requirements, we went
and we never stop, um, pursuing,

um, our, um, concept to, uh,
government agencies and, uh, finally

we collaborating with them and to.

Uh, get our cars and bikes licensed.

Kevin Horek: Oh, very cool.

I, I'm curious because people have
to be thinking, how did you not

give up dealing with the government?

Because that's gotta be a

Feras Bashnak: nightmare, Kevin.

A hundred percent.

With you.

I'm a hundred percent.

And, and, and to be honest, I
don't wanna say that I never

had the thought of giving up.


Fair enough.

And I.

Had quite often.

And, uh, remember the time when my
dad came to help me, I was pretty down

and I had all these things line up.

The warehousing, the assembly
process, the, the customers, um,

marketing, everything was on me.

I was a solar person and I'm like, you
know, Since we're a very close family,

I said, dad, mom, I don't think so.

I can do it anymore.

Like, it's just not working, you know?


It's a nice concept.

It's a beautiful concept, but
like, it's so many obstacles.

And I remember the dad told me, uh,
Ferris son, you know, let's, let's,

let's have a, let's have a sleep and,
uh, let's, let's discuss this tomorrow.

Let's have another day.

Let's, let's overslept this.

And, uh, the next day it was just,
I was waking up and I was like,

you know, I have to push again.

Um, I have to try at least one more day.

And something was brining up.

Something was, um, you know,
giving me that, um, hope that.

Things will get better
and, and it's actually did.

But, uh, it was many, many times
when I was like, you know what?

I think I'm done.

I think I'm not gonna, um, proceed
that, proceed that further.

Um, and when it comes to house department,
at some point I told them, listen, um,

you won't let me stop selling these cards.

And there's two options for you.

Pretty much let's make them all
legal and people will pay the fees.

Um, and you will see a lot more cards,
a lot more revenue going towards you.

Um, and you will see happy faces.

Um, You'll give a lot opportunities
for young people, for any people

that wants to do the street food, um,
business, or I'll still sell them.

Um, and I'll still give
that opportunity for people.

But then you'll have so many people,
uh, without licenses on the street.


Because yeah, it, it,
it's, that's the reality.

And I tried to explain that.

Most of their people, even nowadays,
they don't have license uh, licenses.

And they are still selling because
that's all they, they, they, they do.

That's their life.

They have to feed the kids, they have to
feed the family, and you won't stop them.

I mean, they legalize the
street vending business.

Why don't make it accessible to anyone?

Let's just set a new parameters.

New set of regulations, we'll follow
them, but just give us an opportunity.

So interesting.


It, it just, the timing, I think
the time, uh, and being, um,

patience, uh, played a big role.

Kevin Horek: Sure.

So how did you get the word out?

Obviously you're in Southern California,
you know, you could probably just

go to the trendy spots, but how did
you get the word out and actually

get some interest in the product?

Feras Bashnak: Yeah, we actually
sell now nowadays, globally, and uh,

one of our main market is East Cost.

Oh, interesting.


You'll be surprised why, you know, the
weather isn't as nice as in California.

And, uh, but uh, the culture is there.

Ah, you know?

Ah, yeah.



And, uh, you know, um, actually people
were looking for, um, different solutions.

In fact, one of our main customer
base is actually marketing.

Agencies, um, experiential marketing,
uh, people are striving, they're so

hungry to find new concept that they
can, uh, present to their customers.

For example, uh, we did a campaign,
uh, for a very big company and they

were looking, uh, for a solution
to, so people can try their product.

Um, and they place in the Central Park,
um, our cards and they were able to

distribute, um, their, uh, their product.

So, In a very nice and appealing
way, and that was very important for

them, uh, to find that, uh, solution.

And we were the solution.

Uh, and we are the solution nowadays.

So, uh, we are able to create, uh,
different, uh, designs and, uh, we are

very strict on, uh, and we are very
open to place, uh, the customer's logo.

Uh, it's not required to have a furlough
logo on the cart if you wanna fully

brand your own, um, uh, cart or a bike.

So I think, uh, people are
looking and, uh, that's how they.

They find us, uh, on the internet.

Uh, we pretty strong on, uh, social media
and uh, um, like a search optimization.

Uh, so if you will type, uh, coffee cart,
I'm sure you'll see us, uh, organically,

uh, on the first page of the Google.

Um, and that's, We are
also working hard on this.

So yeah, we want to make sure that
people see us and, uh, young, uh,

entrepreneurs see this opportunity.


Kevin Horek: Uh, so obviously
there's a bit of a range, but can

you give us, um, some costs on a
couple of models or, or the range

of costs on, uh, getting, getting a

Feras Bashnak: bike?

Course Kevin.

Yeah, you'll be probably surprised,
uh, how affordable it is.

Um, our original price was in the
meat of 4,000, uh, to 5,000 ish.


But then we start getting, uh, emails
and requests if there is a way to

remove some equipment to make the
cart or bike even less expensive.

And I thought, okay, you know what?

Like that's our mission and we
have to fulfill this request.

So we actually created a
bike, it's called Alini.

It's right under $2,000.


Um, you can pretty much, um,
Get, you start your own business

investing, um, maybe right around
two, $3,000 and you are ready to go.

Uh, so we, that's, that's our inspiration
point was, and yet we don't have

much margin out of that product.

And it's actually same goes
for a Com consumer side.

We have one product that.

It's, it's solidly inspirational
and we want to keep that.

Um, and we, um, we don't mind if we're
not making, um, much profit out of this

specific product, but that's our mission.

Um, of, of course, our products on the
commercial side can go, um, as high as.

10,000 and more.

Uh, but that really depends on what
type of equipment you would like to

have on your cart or, uh, tricycle.

Kevin Horek: Sure.

But that's still very affordable,
especially for the big brands

that you guys work with.

Like 10 grand to Tiffany
of the World is nothing.


So yeah, it's a drop in the bucket.


Uh, very cool man.

So we're kind of coming to the end of the
show, but is there anything else that you

wanna mention or that you learned along
the way that you would like to pass along?

Feras Bashnak: Absolutely.

Um, I guess I would just wanted to, uh,
say about our next business venture.


Um, We became pioneers in, um,
food and beverage bikes and cards.

Uh, and we actually in 2019, uh,
launched our consumer product.

But I don't wanna stop there.

Um, we currently developing e cargo bike
solution for last mile delivery services.

And we truly believe that we can bring,
uh, significant benefits for both, um,

logistic companies and the customers.

Um, again, uh, eliminating carbon
footprint, uh, traffic congestion,

um, perhaps parking restrictions.

That remains our goal.

And, um, um, we, uh, open.

We considering avenue for raising funds.


Um, our company was, uh,
profitable since year one.


Um, yep.

And, but right now we are looking
forward to scale our business globally.

We have a huge demand from Europe
and, um, we're looking to expand.

So, um, I guess that's what I'm.

I wanted to add to our beautiful
conversation, um, and as an advice,

uh, for young entrepreneurs.

Um, I wanted to add, if
you don't mind, Kevin.


Yeah, go ahead.

Um, it's focus on your passion.

Uh, and I think as a young entrepreneur,
it's important to focus on something

that you're truly passionate about.

Uh, and this will give you the motivation.

And drive, uh, that you need to succeed
even during hard times that I experienced.

I think that that passion
is, is is the key.

If, if you don't like what
you do, um, it won't go far.

Uh, no, I think that's

Kevin Horek: actually really good advice.

And I want to add something
that you mentioned earlier.

Um, When you were talking to
your family and your father

about kind of giving up or not.

And it's something that I've
really helped me along my journey.

And it doesn't have to be family.

It could be a friend, it could be
a coworker, it could be whoever,

uh, just having somebody else to
bounce ideas off and almost like.

Talk you off of or out of quitting.


Unless like you actually should for
whatever reason, but sometimes you need

that extra person to say like, no, no, no.

Let's have a, let's talk about this
before you give up and actually decide.

Because in your case, if you
would've given up, you wouldn't

be where you were today.


Or you would be on a different path.


Feras Bashnak: I agree with you, Karen.

We attempt to overthink hundred
percent, you know, and this

is our brain and this is.

The way we are, all of us.

And for someone that calm you down and to
stop that overthinking is very crucial.

So I'm hundred percent with you, Kevin,
here, having that support girlfriend,

friend, um, boyfriend, it family.

It's, it's so important.

It's so important.

Kevin Horek: Yeah.

And I, I think a lot of people don't.

They don't wanna talk to other people
about them potentially failing.


And that's like, I, I don't, I, I get
that because I was in the same boat and

now that I've gotten over that fear, like
I, it's crazy to have that fear, but I

was in that place where I used to have
that fear and it just doesn't matter.

And you ought to obviously pick
somebody, have these conversations

with, that you trust and, and whatnot.

And I maybe don't tell everybody, but.

The reality is, is you could probably
find somebody that will, you know,

talk you off that cliff of quitting.

Feras Bashnak: Right?

I agree with you a hundred percent.

There is a people around us who will
always support and, um, always will be.

Um, both.

They will be happy when you are,
um, succeeding and they will be

there for you if you need support.

It's just, it's so important to express.

Any feelings that you're
experiencing throughout this time?


Kevin Horek: But we're, we're coming
to the end of the show, so how about

we close with mentioning where people
can get more information about yourself

and any other links you wanna mention?

Feras Bashnak: Thank you Kevin.

Yes, we're very actively,
um, Doing business online.

Um, you can find us on all
social media platforms.

Uh, Instagram will be one
off bit and you can find us.

Uh, for our commercial products, it
will be very simple furlough bikes.

Uh, and on our uh, consumer
side, our family bikes, it's

a furlough, family bikes.

Um, if you want to visit our website,
furlough bikes com for commercial

and furlough family bikes com for our
consumer products such as cargo bikes.

Um, thank you so much, Kevin.

It's been a pleasure.

Uh, yeah, and

Kevin Horek: just to, for the
url, it's F E R L A B I K E

Feras Bashnak:


Dot com.

Kevin Horek: Perfect, man.

Well, I really appreciate you taking the
time under your day to be on the show,

and I look forward to keeping in touch
with you and have a good rest of your day.

Feras Bashnak: Thank you so much, Kevin.

It's been a pleasure.

Thank, enjoyed it so much.

Thank you.

Kevin Horek: Thank me as well.

Thank you.

Okay, bye.

Thank you.