Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 / Our daughter is no longer interested in asking questions because we over explain everything and she’s had enough of it, dirt clod eating people, Carebear belly badges, which movies are the most overrated, it’s voter registration day, there’s a new grab-n-go lunch option, we should have curtain calls at work, policemen are giving away free ice cream in Massachusetts, what do you do when someone knock on the bathroom door, that’ll be a table for one, and grasshoppers for dinner.

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Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Our daughter is no longer interested in asking questions because we over explain everything and she’s had enough of it, dirt clod eating people, Carebear belly badges, which movies are the most overrated, it’s voter registration day, there’s a new grab-n-go lunch option, we should have curtain calls at work, policemen are giving away free ice cream in Massachusetts, what do you do when someone knock on the bathroom door, that’ll be a table for one, and grasshoppers for dinner.

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel. Hi. How are you doing? Hey. Wake up, Classy 97.

The podcast is a replay of today's full show. It's Tuesday, September 17th. Today on the show, our daughter is no longer interested in asking questions because we over explain everything and she's had enough of it. Dirt clot eating people, Care Bear Belly Badges, which movies are the most overrated? It's voter registration day.

There's a new grab and go lunch option. We should have curtain calls at work. Policemen are giving away free ice cream in Massachusetts. What do you do when someone knocks on the bathroom door? That'll be a table for 1 and grasshoppers for dinner.

Thank you for listening to the show. You can hear it live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. I will.

You will? I will. Okay. Are you ready? I am high ever.

Yeah? No. Well, get ready because it's get ready day. I don't want to. It's get ready day.

I don't want to. It's get ready day. Get ready for what? Well, join together with your community family or simply yourself to figure out what to do in an emergency of any kind and be ready for whatever comes. It's get ready day.

Yeah. We should Get ready? Yeah. We should get ready. Let's see.

National Professional House Cleaners Day. Oh, I thought you were gonna say professional house clean cleanliness day. Clean. Clean day. Kinda.

But it's really about the professional house cleaners. I wish I had one of those. Do you? Yeah. Yeah.

It would be nice. Wouldn't it be nice? I can only dream. Alright. Manta day as in manta rays Oh.

Which are sort of like, stingrays, but bigger. Oh. Mhmm. International country music day. I'm not a fan of country music.

I Well, today is today is country music day. You're a fan of some older stuff that you liked. Yeah. I used to listen to country in the mid early to mid nineties Yeah. When there was, like, Tim McGraw Sure.

Clay Walker. Yeah. And then I just, stopped. I was like, I don't this isn't what I like anyway. Come home for a meal.

We're playing. But there's a lot of people that love country music, and good on you. Alright. Good. There's music for everyone.

There's music for all of us. That's right. It is National Pet Bird Day. I have no pet birds. No.

Me neither. It's table shuffleboard day. I like that. Shuffleboard is fun. I don't know what those little silica beads are made of, but they're kinda fun.

Surprise. I'm no good at it. Oh, it's because you you can't play, like, one time and be like, I'm a pro. You do. No.

I don't. I just have confidence, a willingness to drive. Shut up. Fuck, yeah. It's all you need.

It's all you need. It's patient safety day. It is Smithsonian day. Oh. Constitution day.

So you should learn about the true origins and content of the United States Constitution. It's Apple Dumpling Day. The Apple Dumpling Gang? Ampled no. Apple Apple Dumpling Day.

Not gang. Do you know that movie? We've I know we talked about this a year ago when we talked about this day. I guarantee it. I will pull the audio where I said it's apple dumpling day, and you said apple dumpling gang?

I guarantee it in exactly the same way this conversation. And, also, it's Montecristo day, so I might as well have one of those. I like that sandwich. That's what's up. That's what I know.

What do you know? It's raiding cats and dogs out side. It's kinda hard to see the lines this early in the morning as of that about you on the road. I there's one intersection you pull up to, and when you can't see the lines, you kinda just go all over. Fake it out.

I'm like, which line are you gonna be in? And you're both, I guess. I'll be in both today. I figured it out. It's fine.

Yeah. Once you saw the car to line up behind, if that car wasn't there, where would you have been? Who knows? Who knows? Be careful out there.

Yeah. It goes slow. Yeah. Yeah. The rain coming down makes it hard to see the line.

It does. What's that about? Uh-huh. Water on the road. And I was hydroplanning in a few spots over here at the sunny side.

Maybe he's up on the gas there, bud. No. No. No. There's just, like, big Puddles.

Pools of water that my little car is like, woah. It's a it's a noise you make when you want a horse to slow down. Good morning. There's a new health trend? There always is a new health trend.

Yeah. This one, they they're calling these people crunchers. Crunchers? The people who do this, they're calling crunchers. Do they do crunches?

Nope. They eat dirt. This is your kinda thing. This is not my kind of thing. Wanna eat dirt.

Dude, that was when I was pregnant, and it was because I was missing some nutrients. And it was because I was craving Not long ago, you were weeding and said, I love dirt. I love the smell of dirt. I wanna eat dirt. I never said I wanted to eat it.

You're like, put me a bowl out here so I can eat this dirt. Oh, I never Crunchers are eating dirt. Yeah. Yeah. But why?

They claim that it can help improve your gut health, that it can reduce wrinkles, and that it can cure acne. They think that it's loaded with all kinds of minerals that are good for you, but guess what? Experts say experts say it might be dangerous. Well, yeah, you're eating dirt. First of all, don't go scoop some dirt out of your yard and chow it down.

Yeah. Normal dirt is often loaded with chemicals, rocks, pesticides. This dirt's crunchy. Why they call them crunchers? So you have to buy special dirt Oh.

Called biodynamic soil. Do you know what? No. That's what? Most crunchers prefer it in the form of edible chunks of clay.

Yeah. There are sites that sell it, and they use flowery language to sell it. Saying that I bet. It has a medium hard crunch and a pleasant earthy taste. Yeah.

It's dirt. This tastes like the earth. You think? A lot of nutrition experts are like, yeah. This is not a great idea.

No. And you should definitely talk to your doctor first. Can you imagine? I think I'm gonna try to eat some, biodynamic soil. My doctor would say, what?

What? Yeah. I don't recommend that. Here's the deal. Here's the stuff you're gonna be able to get out of dirt.

Zinc, iron, calcium, nitrogen, magnesium, boron, sulfur, copper, potassium, phosphorus. These are all the things that are in the dirt. Okay. So just take supplements, buddy. This is also they also think that there could be mercury.

Mercury. Mercury. Mercury. No. Not Mercury.

I don't know why I said that. People will get mercury poisoning. And lead. And also lead poisoning, not mercury. No.

Not that. Back up. Delete. Delete. Not the whole stack.

This is live. I know. It's too early. For meerkury. Hey.

Let's all not eat dirt. Don't. No. Let's end the crunchers thing before it gets out of hand. I'm a cruncher.

I mean, look. I liked making mud pies as a kid too. Not once did I eat it. No. Meerkirry.

Come on. Volkswagen, they're saying is the the Boeing of the road. Who? Volkswagen. They're saying Volkswagen is the Boeing of the road.

Yeah. That's an interesting thing to say. I drive a Volkswagen. Yeah. Well, what's the story?

Why are they saying this? They have they have recalled nearly a 100,000 electric SUVs. I don't have an electric SUV, so I think I'm safe. No. You have the other thing they recalled and gotten a whole bunch of emissions trouble about.

Yeah. That I still am dealing with. Yeah. I know. I know.

Oh, no. So Volkswagen living up to the to the Boeing comparison in multiple ways. Go on. They are recalling these cars because the doors could fly open unexpectedly while driving. That's a problem.

This is yeah. The Boeing situation was that it was missing some bolts on the plane. Uh-huh. But the Volkswagen says we're not missing bolts. We just have faulty door handles.

That's it. What? The handles may allow water to get into the circuit board, which could then cause them to malfunction and then cause the doors to fly open unexpectedly while driving, which could cause a whole slew of problems. Yeah. Your door opens while you're driving, you could hit another car.

All of your stuff could fly out. You could fly out. Your kids could fly out. Yeah. There's many, many issues that arise from the doors not functioning as closed doors on the vehicle you intend to travel down the road in.

And so I can see they're making the door comparison because they're having an issue with some of their airplanes Yeah. Mid flight doors popping off. Big problem for an airplane going 100 of miles, thousands of miles up in the sky. Yeah. Thousands of miles, not thousands of miles.

Thousands of feet. Thousands of miles. Several miles. Well Well Good luck with that. These cars.

These are the the point 4 electric crossovers years 2021 to 2024. If you have one of those Volkswagens And you're and you're calling it the point 4? That's what it says. Okay. ID point 4 electric crossover.

4. Is that what it is? Yep. K. Do I need to get ticket to your dealership?

Get your doors checked out. Doesn't sound like there's been any actual accidents caused by this yet, so that's good. But, okay, here's what I wanna know. Don't cars have to go through all kinds of safety protocols Yes. And tests before they get sold to consumers?

Mhmm. How do these make it? Well, because it wasn't an issue when they did all the testing. The testing? And then over time, they have found that water gets into the hat latches and causes them to disengage, and that's a problem.

And so then they go, oh, we need to get that fixed. And then they determine whether it's, cost effective to put it under a recall or not. And then they say, yeah. We're gonna recall those vehicles and fix that part. Oh, no.

And then they, send everybody who has that vehicle, mail. And they go, you, need to bring your vehicle into a dealer pretty quick. Please get this taken care of. Right. That's how recalls work.

And then it's up to the, consumer to follow-up. But if a consumer doesn't follow-up, they can't sue. Is that correct? I don't know the answer to that. But I would assume you've been notified.

We sent you a mail. A mail? Yeah. A mail. Correct.

They send you a letter and say your vehicle needs to come in to get this thing fixed. That's what they do. Alright. And now you know. A representative from the Guinness World Records went to Japan to officially recognize 116 year old Tomiko Ituka.

Okay. The world's oldest living person. 116 years old. Is there a possibility that he could be lying? This is this is a woman.

Is there a possibility that she could be lying? Born May 23, 1908. Where's the where's the proof? The 23rd oldest person to ever live and receive the title after the death of Maria, Marrera who died last month at the age of 117. Tamiko outlived her husband by 45 years and became an avid mountain climber, an activity that she enjoyed up until she was 100 years old.

No way. So she's not climbed mountains in 16 years. The oldest person believed to have ever lived was, Jean Calment of France Gonna say Jean Simmons. Who reportedly lived to be the age of 122 years, 164 days. So almost 123 years old.

That's insane. I don't know. I don't I don't know. I don't know if I'd wanna live that long. To be a 123?

Yeah. K? I don't know what to say. I I'm impressed. A 116 years old is pretty remarkable.

What year did she say she was born? 1908. Okay. What does her birth certificate look like? Is it I have no idea.

Handwritten? She's in Japan. I don't know what stuff looks like over there. I don't know. That's what I'm saying.

We need some proof. The proof is she's got the world record. Yeah. But did they look at her birth certificate, or they just taken her word for it? Yeah.

A 116 year, mom. 116. Okay. We believe you. That's what I'm saying.

Where's the proof? I'm sure they certified it. She's got a certificate of authenticity or something. I guarantee it. She was born in 1908.

1908. She's seen a lot. Yeah. A lot. Airplanes didn't exist.

Cars didn't exist. That was before the Titanic sank. A lot of things. She has seen a lot of things. That is crazy.

Congratulations. She has a world record, and it's good news to get you going. Alright. I'm seeing this question online, and I've gotta ask. Let's go back in time to the Care Bears.

You remember the Care Bears? Love the Care Bears. Do you remember stare. Yeah. Where they'd all push their bellies out, and they would make a light come out.

Yeah. Do you know, like, the main villain that they were fighting against? Do you remember his name? Oh, no. It started with an s.

No? No? No? His name's Darkheart. Oh, yeah.

Darkheart. And he was, orange. He had orange hair. It was, he was like a redhead kid, but he could change shapes and stuff. He was a crazy crazy guy, a dark heart.

K. Anyway, I someone was asking, if you were a Care Bear, what would your, belly badge be? What would be your mark on your belly? I can't think of anything original because all that I can think about is everything that the Care Bears already have. Sure.

Well, let's run through a couple of them. Because you had, bedtime bear who had the, like, sleeping crescent moon with the hanging star. Yeah. I want that one. Right?

You had, Friend Bear had 2 yellow and orange smiling flowers. Oh. Tender Heart had the, red heart with a pink outline. Funshine Bear had the yellow smiling sun. Grumpy Bear had that rain cloud.

Yeah. I want that one. You want that one? Sometimes sometimes it feels like a grumpy bear. Sometimes.

You felt like a grumpy bear this morning. I don't know. Yeah. You had it. I don't know what you're talking about.

You had grumpy And then bear. There's Cheer Bear who has the arched rainbow. But if you could have anything, somebody on on this A cookie. A cookie? That's not bad.

Not a bad idea. With a bite taken out of chunky bear. Okay. Alright. That's me.

Somebody said I would have another Care Bear with another Care Bear with another Care Bear, an infinite number of Care Bears on my Care Bear belly badge. But why? I don't know. Oh, what would you have? I don't know.

This person said a question mark. This person said a chicken wing. Chicken wing? Yeah. Why not?

Somebody said they would be Wi Fi bare and have the Wi Fi symbol. Like, I got the Internet. Yeah. But then My thing. Everywhere he went, everybody would be like, yo, can I get your password?

No. Yo. Hook me up to the Wi Fi. Tacos. Oh.

Yeah. Taco Tuesday bear. He should have picked tacos instead of cookies. The recycle symbol. Light.

A red cross. Somebody said somebody said a pink glitter stiletto. No. That's that's pretty high fashion. That's never gonna be what I pick.

Probably a cheeseburger. But instead of light, I would shoot out cheeseburgers. See? That's what I would instead of light, I'd I'd shoot out cookies. Yeah.

I like your cookie thing. You can't be sad while you're eating a cookie. Chunky bear. I like I like the name. I think I think you got it.

Somebody said a comfy blanket. Somebody said a cup of coffee. Somebody, said mustard stains. You know, whatever. A book, an extra cheesy slice of pizza.

There's some good ones in here. Then nobody said cookie. I haven't seen cookie yet That's me. Here. Somebody said the Taco Bell logo.

It's that. That's just free marketing for Taco Bell. Yeah. No kidding. Nerd glasses.

I don't know. I mean, you could pick anything you want. I how do they get them? Because in, in, like, My Little Pony, the cutie mark, they kind of have to earn, don't they? I don't know.

Oh, you're not into the super My Little Pony lore? No. No. I took you for a my little pony, fan. I was.

Yeah? You 20 years ago. But you don't know 30 years ago. How they get their cutie marks? No.

I have no idea. Oh. Well, when I was a my little pony fan, they didn't have, I don't know. Did they have that kind of story? I don't know.

Did you know that Oopsie Bear doesn't have a badge? Who who's Oopsie Bear? It as a he's a Care Bear? Yeah. Oh, no.

He's a green one. Oh, no. But he just has a blank white circle, so he just draws one on. Oopsie. Just draw this on real quick.

Forgot. My bad. All is well. I like that because you can mix it up every day. That's a better one.

Dry erase belly. Today, I'm Abraham Lincoln. Whatever you want. What superpower am I today? Yeah.

Tacos, cookies, Abraham Lincoln. Whatever you want. And you just wipe it off and start tomorrow. I like that, mate. That's a good way to do it.

Like, whatever you're feeling that day. You wanna you wanna make little, chocolate pies? Cool. Cool. Those are delicious, by the way.

Pies. Oh, they're nice. Yes. Very good. If I ask you if there's an overrated movie, if there's a movie you think is overrated, what would you say?

Not in a way that's like, oh, that movie was rated PG. It should have been rated r. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

That that'd be underrated. Oh, there you go. Yeah. That movie was rated r, but should have been a PG. I don't think I've ever seen an overrated movie.

I would say I am not really, and I don't understand it. And I don't understand all the hype around it. I don't understand why it makes so much money. I just the Avatar movies. The Avatar movies make no sense.

That was big on the list. I just And you're gonna make a lot of people upset by saying that, but that's okay. Because it's all it's a side subjective. It makes no sense to me that that movie is look, I get it's beautiful, the technology, blah blah blah, James Cameron, it makes no sense that that movie is so highly regarded. I just don't get it.

I don't get it. I don't get it either. Get it. One of mine is The Incredibles. You don't like The Incredibles?

It's not that I don't like The Incredibles. But if you ask people what their favorite Pixar movie is Yeah. Everyone goes on and on about that movie, that and Ratatouille. And I go, I know, our daughter really likes Ratatouille. I know.

But, again, I go, I'm sorry. And it's a cool movie. Like, it's, again, it's it's a very pretty movie, and I like the story. I think that was fine. Is it one of the best?

I disagree. I disagree. Incredibles is really good. Somebody put up on this list and then As an overrated movie? Yeah.

Wow. And people were like, yeah. This is gonna make a lot of people mad, but the rest of the movie doesn't live up to the first brilliant, heart wrenching first 20 minutes. Okay. Okay.

The rest of the movie is just meh. The rest of the movie is an adventure with a kid and an old man. I mean, you know, it's a it's a coming of age story. Here's a list I found, that that I was trying to figure out, like, if I agree with any of these. Titanic made the list.

K. That's overrated. Yeah. Chicago made the list. The Notebook made the list.

The Notebook is on my this list that I'm reading too. Shakespeare in Love? I love that movie. Yeah. It's on the overrated list.

I'm just telling you. I don't even like Gwyneth Paltrow, and I love that movie. They just generically put Star Wars on the list. Like, not a specific movie. Star Wars?

Do you mean Star Wars? I love that movie, Star Wars. Stop it. Stop it. They also put the dark knight on here, which again is 3 movies.

Those are the Christopher Nolan Batman movies. Yeah. But isn't one of them called the dark knight? Well, there's so you've got I we we don't need to deep dive into Batman. Inception, another Christopher Nolan movie I'll sleep.

On the list. It's a good movie. I'll sleep. In the in the scary movie realm, Blair Witch Project also made the list. And I think if you are if you weren't there for the original Blair Witch and the stuff that went into that movie, you're not gonna get it.

Of the hype behind it. Not gonna get it. My favorite thing from that movie is there's a line there's a character named Josh. Yeah. And there's this line in that movie that's, tell me where you are, Josh.

Right. Because he got kinda lost. So he I couldn't find him. I like to use that. Tell me where you are.

Tell me where you are, Josh. It's just when you're walking around the house. I've heard that a lot. Because it's hilarious. Yeah.

So it's interesting. There's a couple of musicals on here. Yeah. Grease is on here. Oh, Grease made your list.

Yeah. Yep. Gravity made this one. Now Gravity is the George Clooney yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. It's a space movie with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. It was an interesting movie, but it got a lot of it it's you know? Again, I think overrated and overhyped are 2 different things. I think movies get like, this movie is the greatest movie I've ever seen.

Yeah. Overhyped by people, and if you're not into it or if you you know, if if it's not your taste, then you go, it's overrated. Absolutely. Because it's all relative. It's all just open to your personal taste.

Yeah. You like Star Wars. I don't care what's going on. It that. It's not called Star Wars.

Just one, isn't it? It's just one war. It's not multiple wars. Again, we'd similar to the Batman thing, we don't need to get into the Star Wars lore here to correct what you just said. A lot of Star Wars people are very much like, it's one war.

It's one war. I know. I'm Are you serious? It's real easy to upset a Star Wars fan. Stop it.

Today is voter registration day nationally, So I wanna encourage you to go to vote Idaho dot gov. Is it an election year? It is. You may not have heard. I have not.

Yeah. I didn't know. I have no idea. It is voter registration day. Caught me by surprise.

Yeah. Yeah. And so this is, this is a day because we've got, several just several weeks until, the election in November. It's, what, 50 days? Yeah, it's less than now.

Yeah. Yeah. Pretty wild. So voter registration day is today nationally, so it's a great day to get out. Make sure you're registered.

You can visit voteidaho.gov. I was just on there, double checking our registration, make sure everything's good. If you if you think you're registered to vote, go check. Go check. You can do that as well.

Voteidaho.gov. Now if you are currently, 17 but will be 18 November, what, 5th, make sure that you get registered now. That way, you're ready to vote. You can register at 17 so you're ready to vote if you're gonna be 18 by 5th. You don't have to, you know, hang out and wait.

Also, 49 days. That's what we're talking about. About. There you go. It is less than 50 days, fewer than 50, whatever the right one is.

That's the only time I exercise is when I exercise my right to vote. Good for you. Good for you. Yeah. So there you go.

And then, of course, as always, do your research. Figure out, you know, what's going on, local issues. Obviously, we know there's a a presidential race going on. So there's a lot of other stuff going on. Matter too.

Sometimes people just Yeah. Brush past those. Right. But those matter too. Big time.

You can also check your voting record. Again, vote Idaho dot gov is the website. You can check your voting record? You can. Yeah.

It'll tell you when you voted last and your party affiliation. You can also find out where to vote. If you're new to the area and you're not sure where you're supposed to go to vote or you're new to voting and you have no idea, that's a that's a great place to find out. Voteidaho.gov. You can also request absentee ballots there.

You can vote early. There's all that stuff. The guide to voting in person, it's all online. You can find out more about, how your votes are secured and all that stuff right there at voteidaho.gov. So go register to vote online.

Get yourself ready. November's election is less than 50 days away. The corner, which I you say November, and then I go, oh. I know. I know.

It's it's like 50 days away. Yeah. It's a ways away, but we're doing the preparation now on this today, national voter registration day. Winter. Winter.

Winter is Winter is coming. It's gonna happen. It happens every year. I know. But make sure you get yourself registered.

It's voter registration day. Emery wanted to ask Beck a question. Mhmm. But she said, I don't wanna ask him because he goes into long She doesn't wanna ask me anything either. Yeah.

And I said, ask dad, and she said, he's worse. She goes, I just want a simple answer, and the 2 of you go on and on and on. If you want a simple answer, don't ask a complex question. Her questions aren't that complex. No.

She'll ask about something that requires a more in-depth response. Yes. Except you don't have to give all of the explanation. You can give half of the explanation. She doesn't need all the complexities.

Give an example. I can't think of one right now. But there have been times when both you and Beck go on and on and on, and she and I look at each other like, this is gonna take all day. I see you. I see you guys.

We're not blind. We know. But don't ask a complex question But also and expect a simple answer. She doesn't like to ask me stuff either because I give unwanted advice. Right.

You're the mom train. The mom train. I don't need the mom train. And I get choo chooed at. So don't even that right.

Come at me. She'll say choo choo? Yeah. And then she'll walk away. And I go, hi.

Yeah. Well, I feel the same when it's like you're you're giving me a whole bunch of information, and all I wanted to know was, is the grass green? Yeah. She'll ask why is the grass green? Well, chloroform and the sunshine and the she doesn't need all that.

Just basic. Basic. But I don't know why you guys don't get it. Terrible example. That question has never been asked.

No. No. No. I can't think of anything she's asked. My point is she she will ask for, you know, an explanation of something, why is this this way or how does this work, and it takes a little bit more explanation than just that's this is it.

And so, you know, I don't know what to say. I don't either, but I know that she does she stopped asking any of us in our house Yeah. For advice or answers to questions because we all take too long to explain it. Maybe it's not a us issue. Maybe she needs to either rework her questions or, or say, hey.

I'm I only need to know this little bit of information, and here's the question? Because, I mean, honestly, the questions that were asked and I wish I had a great example. I know. They are complex questions. They are.

Like we're just rambling for the sake of talking. Well, she asked me something, and I said, well, dad will explain that better than I can. And you went on for 10 minutes, and she gave me this look like, are you serious right now? You could have done this in 2 minutes. Like, I Yeah.

I know. I thought he would've done a better job. I did. It was very detailed. I get choo chooed at.

So I get eye rolls. You get choo choos. Don't be the mom train. I think that's the like, that's it. We just need we need no mom trains.

We need short answers to make her life easier. I have good advice. She should listen. She should get on board. She didn't want it.

Get on board the choo choo train. Alright. Yeah. And, hey, while you're here, let me explain quantum physics in great detail because I'm the guy who knows quantum physics in great detail. I don't.

Buckle up. Yeah. Let's go. What is your favorite, not school lunch Oh. But your favorite packed for school field trip, I got a little cooler in my backpack lunch?

Well, there's only one thing you can pack, and that's a sandwich. Or? Or a sandwich. No. You go to the store.

A Lunchable. Yes. But I didn't ever really like those. You didn't? No.

The, the charcuterie for children? Thought the meat was always too thick. Even as a kid? Yeah. Even as a kid.

And then I always thought that it was a little bit slimy. Yeah. Okay. And it always smelled weird. So I just ate the cheese and crackers, and then I would always be hungry because I didn't have any protein.

I no. It's not for me. Okay. So that was not my favorite lunch. Well To the 5th sandwich.

You'll be excited to know that there's a new product. There's a competitor that is launched in the marketplace available right now. Time out. Time out. Before you get to this, I wanna say that I think it's hilarious that Uncrustables has a company company.

Yet called Crustoffs. Yeah. It's a terrible name. Uncrustables. Oh, we're gonna make one called Crust Offs.

And then they're gonna try and, like, pretend it's the like, this is not yeah. This is new. This is not different Crustables. We're Yeah. We're trying to circles, Not circles.

Okay. So Sorry. Let's jump back into this Lunchables thing. There's not been a, like, a big competitor for Lunchable. They've kind of owned that space.

But now they have to share the refrigerated shelf section, whatever. Because, there are 3 YouTubers who have gotten together and launched a new product called Lunchly. Are they gonna be better? Well, let me tell you about it. Tell me.

I will tell you. Mister Beast, Logan Paul Ew. And KSI. These guys are all not great people. Big YouTube people have all gone online.

These are online influencers, these 3, and your kids know them if you don't. They do. Your kids know all 3 of these guys. And they are, they've also created that prime drink. And they have candy bars.

And the candy bars. Yep. Which is the, the feastable snack bars Yeah. From mister Beast. Emery, our daughter, loved mister Beast for a really long time until he came under hot water recently, and she's kind of done with him.

She wrote him off. But she bought his candy bar recently, and she said His new one? Yeah. Yeah. She said, this is just a Hershey's bar, but worse.

Okay. So that's a review from a mister beast fan. But that's not mister beast fan. Alright. But that's not his feastable snack bar, which is a little different.

But anyway Sorry. You're fine. And then Logan Paul and KSI partnered to create the Prime hydration drink a couple of years ago that you see everywhere, the bottle of Prime. Yeah. So they they kinda said, hey.

Look. We've got a snack, a dessert. We've got a drink. Why don't we partner up? Let's make a lunch, and, we'll bring together these other products, and then we'll bring together, these assorted foods, or whatever they wanna call it.

And, and so they have 3 variations that are available in stores right now in East Idaho. You can go get this right now. So I kinda wanna try it, but they did a pizza. They have done a nachos Which those seem so gross to me. I've never eaten those.

But the pizza and the nachos, they're all just cold. Yeah. Ugh. Yeah? I don't know.

It's not for me. I'm not I'm not a fan. So they call it the pizza, then they have Turkey Stack 'ems, which is the crackers and turkey meat and cheese, and they have Fiesta Nachos. And each, lunchly box includes a Feastables bar and a bottle of Prime. So they're working their brands together into the lunch space, and they're calling the meals a healthier alternative It's not.

For the grab and go market. It's not. It's not? I'm kind of upset by these. Are you?

Yeah. Because Kitchener gonna go nuts for this. I know they are. And it this is not healthy food, and I'm not trying to take a high road here. I'm really not because I know that they're convenient and easy to grab.

But, also, all 2 of those 3 guys I know, and I've read stories about them that are not great. And so I just don't wanna give them more money because I don't know if they're upright standing role models. Okay. That's all. That's all.

Well, you can find them locally. You can get them. Your kids are gonna want them. They are. And, it's Lunchly, and it's available now.

I wanna try them. I don't. K. I think I've made my position pretty clear. I've heard about it.

I like that they they have on their website, a comparison chart so you can compare Lunchlee to what they call the leading brand. We all know that's Lunchables. Right? Yeah. They can't say it.

Lunchlee says they have flavorful combos, while the leading brand has standard picks. And Lunchly, by the way, is all, like, bright and yellow and red and pretty, and leading brand is gray on their website. Electrolytes somebody's idea. Listen. Electrolytes.

The prime in your, in your lunchly, 400 milligrams of electrolytes, while the Capri Sunpak that you're gonna get in the leading brand is only 55 milligrams of electrolytes. Plus, there's bold packaging that you're gonna throw away That's enough. Versus basic packaging. And they said it has big gestures while the leading brand has mid moments. How how about you come up with your own idea Okay.

Instead of stealing somebody else's. Mhmm. That's what I say. There's less sugar in the lunchly than the leading brand. 7 grams to 21 grams.

Yep. Same same amount of protein, a few more calorie or a few fewer calories, and way more electrolytes. So you're gonna feel super hydrated. Oh, good. Yeah.

Prime. Super hydration. No. I won't be buying this. I I know.

But, a lot of people are gonna hear about it from their kids, and that's why it's important to know. It's a it's a YouTube thing, and now you know. It's called Lunchly. And when your kids go, I want Lunchly, you're gonna go, what is that? Now you know.

It's a competitor Lunchable, and it's made by YouTube people. I just watched a video of a cast from a Broadway musical that was doing a curtain call. You know, where they come out bow. And they bow, and then they point to the people. Like, there was a a pair that came out.

I don't know what musical this was, but there was a pair that came out, and they both took a bow together and then the one, like, pointed to the other one and then the other one pointed to her and then they each took a bow and then they pointed to the orchestra and then they pointed to the lighting crew and Yeah. I go, okay. This is their job. Right? Every day they get out, they do their job, and then they bow to say, you're welcome for the performance.

Is that what it is? Is it a is it a you're welcome bow? A curtsey? Well, yeah. Because we're clapping.

We're like, well done. Good job. And they're like, you're welcome. I think it's you for coming. Yeah.

I think it's a thank you for I think it's a thank you. I think it's a thank you for applause. It's a thank you. More than a end of you're welcome. You're welcome for what I have given you today on this stage.

Okay. But listen. What I think would needs to start happening is curtain calls for a regular job. I am leaving for the day. At 5 o'clock.

Let's all light up. For my performance. I did a great job today. I answered those emails effectively. I returned the phone call.

Yeah. Let's give it up for the phone. About The computer. Congrats to you. My chair that supported me throughout the day.

To my cohosts. To the coworkers. Yeah. Yeah. Well done.

We did it. Another day. I don't know what you did daily curtain call. Why? I just it seems like after well, it seems like look.

There's typically a show as a shorter run. I mean, a Broadway is is the longer run, and you might be in that cast for months. But, like, if you were just in, like, a school play, you might get a handful of performances. Right? Think there's ever a a curtain call where they're like, this person did not perform.

She does not get to bow. She shouldn't be bowing right now. Yeah. You should be in the audience. Probably just stay behind the curtain tonight.

Don't come out. Yeah. We'll call you. And there's days as a at a job at a regular job where I'm like, yeah, that wasn't my best day. I I could probably stay behind the curtain.

I won't come out for my curtain call, but I'll try better tomorrow. You know? I do. I do know. I do know.

I just I what I mean to say is I need more accolades. You want more praise? Yeah. Yeah. I need I need I need somebody to say good job to me more often.

Good job, Chantel. Thank you, Bob. What did I read to you yesterday? I said, when I asked for critique Yeah. I only wanted positive.

Yeah. I only want when I asked for feedback, I only wanted positive. Just give me positive answers. Compliments. Yeah.

I I That's all. That's it. Yeah. No. Not none of this, constructive criticism.

I just want some affirmations. Right. Yeah. Just tell me I'm a I'm you're a good dog. You're a good dog.

Exactly. Yeah. And give me a treat. Right. That's it.

That's all it takes. That's all it takes to keep me happy. Good job, Chantel. My treat? Cops in Chicopee, Massachusetts have added you live there.

Chicopee? Yeah. Chicopee, Massachusetts. Mhmm. They have recently added a new car to their fleet.

What is it? It is an ice cream truck. No, kitten. What are they doing? Local businesses donate so that the cops can hand out ice cream for free.

A message on the side of the truck says their duty is to serve and protect sorry. To protect and serve ice cream. To serve and protect. Ice cream. To serve and protect and serve ice Ice cream.

No. Just to protect and serve ice cream. That's what it says. I messed it up. Okay.

So so they got an ice cream truck. Where'd they get it? Did they is it like one of those, like, we've got a new vehicle because we busted a drug dealer, and now we've got this car that says it used to be a drug dealers, but now it's a police car. I don't know. And they were like, we busted an ice cream drug ring, and now we have ice cream.

Van. Yeah? It's a ice cream van, and the wheels the rims Yeah? Are pink with sprinkles in them. Cute.

It is cute. And then they've they've what? Nothing. Why do you say cute? It's cute.

It's pink with sprinkles. Really screams police. Okay. So here's what they did. They borrowed an ice cream truck from another police department for a few community events and then decided to just buy their own.

They found a used truck on Facebook Marketplace, And using money seized through asset forfeiture There it is. There it is. We used your your drug money. We seized it. It wasn't drug money.

It was forfeit money. Sure. They were able to fix it up and get it ready for the road. They want to bridge the gap between police work, the department, and the community by passing out free ice cream. Look at that.

You know, this is not a new concept. I'm looking, and there are a lot of different vans out there. With ice cream? With, yeah. Like, one is called Operation Copsicle.

Get this. Get this. They go to parks, and they go to pools in the summertime. Yeah. And the kids come out because they love getting free ice cream.

You think? Break worthy news. Yeah. Did you hear what I said about operation Copsicle? I knew you didn't hear it.

I'm sorry. Because that's fantastic. That is fantastic. And that's another truck. I don't know where this one is at.

Oh, this is one this is probably the one they borrowed, because this one is also in Massachusetts. But, yeah, they I'm trying to see what it says here at the top. Something about freeze, which I think is funny. I don't know what that says right under it. I can't read it in these pictures.

But I yeah, it's pretty funny. Pretty funny. Yeah. There it is. It says freeze.

You have the right to remain frozen. Operation Copsicle. That's funny. That is funny. Yeah.

Kids like free ice cream. Yeah. So do adults. Yeah. Humans like free treats.

People like free things. Especially when they're cold, sweet, and delicious. Especially when it's for free. And for free. You and I were having a conversation the other day, and I and I have been thinking about it.

I clearly, you have been as well because it still makes no sense. I don't know what to do with the information. Nobody knows what to do. How to handle the situation. Here you are in a restroom.

There's one stall. Or it's a single restroom at a restaurant or something. You're having lunch, and you go, I am gonna go use the restroom. You leave your table, you go in the bathroom, and somebody comes knocking, whether it's immediately or it's, you know, within like a couple of seconds after you get in, whatever. Somebody's like, is anyone in here?

And you go, what? What do you say? I always panic. Panic is my first reaction no matter what step of the process I'm in. Oh, I'm in here.

Is that it? Panic. I don't know why. I don't know either, but if that's for real. What's your response?

Oh, yeah. You see, you have panic too. Like, it's an unexpected in here. Just occupied. Occupied?

Don't come in. I know. Like, what what use? Hold, please. Yeah.

No. Like, what? Maybe that's it. I should just yell, no. That's Like, oh, okay.

I can't go in. Take the opposite approach and be like, come in. Yeah. No. That's awful.

That would be terrifying. I'd be like, no. I don't think I will. This sounds like a trap. I think I think I'm gonna go to a different building now.

I'll see you later. Enter now. No. It's definitely not that. And then if if somebody knocks, do you hurry through your processes?

No. Do you speed through it all, or do you go normal pace? No. I'm I'm in here. Oh, no.

I speed through it. No. I go, okay. Now I gotta hurry. No.

How embarrassing. Somebody caught me in the bathroom. You were busted. How embarrassing. No.

I I will, continue at the regular rate. No. And then I I look at the ground, and I pass them, and I go, sorry about that. Sorry about sorry about sorry about that. Sorry.

You know, just doing a thing a human do. I know. I do this multiple times a day. It's just that that, like Yeah. And you're, I'm in trouble.

What? Maybe that's what you what? This rope's big enough for 2. No. Stop with the weird ones.

Do you remember it's been over a year ago. You were out of town somewhere, and you had the kids, And I was here by myself in town. Mhmm. And And you went to dinner by yourself. To dinner by myself.

Yeah. Do you remember, do you remember that? Yes. And I and I went and I had delicious food. Yes.

I I watched some, it was in March or something. I was watching some college basketball. March Madness. Uh-huh. And, the greatest part about the whole experience was that, that's for your wife and kids weren't around?

Listen. The greatest part about this whole experience, of eating at a restaurant by myself was that when they bring out, whether it's a a basket of bread or a loaf of bread or a salad for the table, whatever it is You have to share? You get it all to yourself. I got the whole loaf to myself. That's a lot of bread, bro.

Dude, I'm just I'm telling you, it's a good it's a good thing. That was kind of my favorite part. I went, I don't have to I don't have to worry about if there's enough for me or if there's enough for everybody else or I gotta just get this it's a special treat from me, which I was pretty excited about, and I've talked about that. But, apparently, going out and eating on your own is, like, on the rise right now. More and more people are doing it.

Have you done it? I have not gone to a restaurant and ate there by myself. No. Like, a sit down. Not like not a fast food.

No. Like, you gotta go to a real restaurant, and then when they walk in and they go, how many? And you go, just me tonight. Just me. Just little old me.

Myself on a date. I have not done that. I do know that some of the places will be like rather than take up a table with 1 person, a lot of restaurants will have, like, bar seating. And so they'll be like, do you mind sitting there? And I'm sure you could say no Rude.

But that's where they'll put you if you're a solo person, unless you're with somebody and you ask to sit there. But they they'll be like, we'll just set you up here. I feel like if I did that, if I went to a restaurant by myself and sat by myself, I would just be on my phone the whole time. And what's the point of that? I will say that I've been alone before, and I've gone out to eat, gone through the drive through, and brought it home or, you know, ordered it, gone to pick it up, and brought it home.

And then I get on my pajamas and then turn on a special show, and I sit in the living room on the couch, and I eat my dinner Which is equally special. Of my own home watching what I wanna watch Right. Without judgment of my family. Got you. And that is also magical.

Okay. Because your family isn't around. Because my family is not being like, you're watching this? This show is so dumb. Well, quit watching dumb shows.

It actually it says, from gourmet meals to a quick bite, dining alone is now seen as a form of self care and empowerment. I agree. And it is it definitely is. There's so many people who are like, I could never. I could never go into a restaurant and just get a table just for me.

Yes, you can, and it's awesome. It's not bad at all. You it's it's a slower paced thing. You're on your own schedule. It's it was really kinda cool.

And, again, I was there to watch basketball at the same time because I was like, I could watch at home. I could just grab something, but why not go out and have a nice meal and watch the game somewhere else? Did you get dressed up? No. To take yourself on your date?

Yes. I I put on a 3 piece suit. Did you open your own doors? I do open my own doors. Yeah.

Yeah. But it's it is pretty cool, and I would recommend it even if, you know, if the if the situation comes up. Like, for me, it was an opportunity Yeah. Where I was the only one around and I was like, hey. Like, I'll I go to lunch by myself all the time.

No big deal. Lunch is nothing. You know, I'll go grab a bite for lunch and sit there and eat and then go back to work. That just feels not the same. I'm talking about going out to, like, I it's it's 6:30, 7, 8, whatever.

I'm going to dinner. I'm gonna go sit down in a restaurant by myself. And I'll tell you, if you're a solo person, you get seated quicker too. Oh. Because you they're not trying to sit here at table for 4.

They're like, oh, we can put you pretty much anywhere. We put you at the bar. Yeah. Which, yeah, it is what it is. But you still get that sort of sit down experience, which is okay.

So, anyway, I recommend it. Give it a shot. Go do it. You should go do it. I maybe I will tonight.

Bye, family. Rude. We have a meeting. You can't. Dumb.

There is a 911 team in Delaware who just got nominated for an award. What kind of award? They were they got an emergency call about a month ago about a sinking ship off the coast of Dover. Okay. And they tried to get all the information.

Turns out, the sinking ship wasn't off of the coast of Dover, Delaware. It was off the coast of Dover, England. That's far away. Yeah. It's gonna it's gonna take some time to go help that boat.

They quickly got coordinates. They got the boat's coordinates off the English Channel, then they looped in the US Coast Guard, and then they looped in the French Coast Guard. And their quick acting, their quick channels and phone calls, and, hey. Let's do this. Let's do this.

Let's do this. Rescuers were on their way to help in just under 16 minutes after the call came in, and everybody is okay. Impressive. Yeah. I know.

Really you to figure out this is not in our ocean. This is across the Atlantic, and we need to get them help. Who do we contact? Let's Contact. Work through language barriers if you have to Exactly.

And get that information. Look. And I'm sure there's some standard Protocols. Some standard communication channels. Like, they're like Channels?

Yeah. Channels. English channels. No channel. Yes.

That I'm sure that they have established communication, but I think there's probably regulated, language for, like like, we have a mayday at these coordinates that would make sense universally. There'd have to be. Right? Oh, I would think because you'd wanna be able to to interpret a Mayday call no matter where you were. And quickly.

You'd have to act quickly. The globe. Yeah. So yeah. So the team was nominated for an award.

I don't know what the award was. Quick vote. Yeah. Quick vote award. Quick vote coordinate deciphering award.

Somebody recognized them and said thank you for reacting so quickly and for figuring this out. And, I think they need to correct me. These people. That's really cool. Yeah.

Well done. Wrong Dover. But especially if you're in an emergency situation and you call, you're not gonna do a lot of research to say, who am I gonna call? What's the correct number? You're gonna call the first number that comes to your mind.

So they called 911? Yeah. Yeah. And they said, help. There's a boat.

They did. Yeah. Yeah. Under 16 minutes. They did.

That's really good. Well done. You deserve an award, a quick boat award. Quick boat. Quick boat.

Whoever is in charge of trying to get everybody to eat bugs needs to stop. Why is is that happening? Yeah. Is that there's plenty of them. We could eat we could just eat the bugs.

That might end a lot of problems. Hunger, bug problem. I mean, what do they say? 2 birds, one stone? This is my face showing all the excitement I have for eating bugs.

You might like it. Have you tried it? Dude? Dude, just give it a whirl. No.

Who's trying to get us to eat bugs? More and more people. Researchers in Cameroon are the latest. Who's Cameroon? The country.

They found out that a diet of grasshoppers can help you with your sleep, improve your hair. No. We have a lot of grasshoppers. We'll get to eat. And I have not been sleeping well, and my hair is unhealthy.

So do you eat them live? Do you eat them cooked? How do you cook them? Do you eat the whole parts of them? Or do you or is it like a crab and you have to get the meat out of the legs?

This this is disgusting. This is disgusting. Okay. But if you think about it, honestly No. I have been.

It's gross. The first time somebody suggested, hey. You see that cow over there? What's inside? I wonder what we should probably try and eat that.

Yeah. What's inside that cow? People were like, what? That's disgusting. And then somebody said, look at that shrimp.

We should try that we should try that that food. I bet it's good. And somebody said, that's disgusting. And now look. We're eating cows and shrimp everywhere.

Let me tell you a little bit more. Here's what they did. They put rats on a grasshopper diet. Yeah. And here's they found out that the rats slept better.

Oh, see? Because the longer they sleep, the fewer the grasshoppers they have to eat. I'd sleep too. I'd pretend I was asleep, so they'd quit feeding me bugs. They slept better.

They had shinier hair. Hey. And they showed more romantic interest compared to those that were not on grasshopper diet. Hey. I'm not doing the grasshopper diet.

What we know. Increases sleep, helps improve hair, help Shining your hair. Makes makes your partner go crazy for you. Want it. Keep your grasshoppers.

I don't want it. Because praying mantis, they eat, grasshoppers. Yes. Just the inside. They suck it out like a straw.

Yes. It's disgusting. We've witnessed that. Horrifying to watch. Firsthand in the backyard.

And what happens Yes. Fascinating. What happens when they get romantic? Terrible, terrible thing because they're eating too many grasshoppers. You want a society run like that?

Grasshoppers. That away? No. It's a gateway bug. Grasshoppers are?

Yep. It's a gateway bug. I want nothing to do with it. I'd be willing to try. You'd be willing to try bugs.

Yeah. I know. That's weird. Right? Because I'm like, I hate meat.

Yeah. But you also wanna eat dirt. So I don't wanna eat dirt. I like dirt. It has minerals in it.

Oh, I never just went back. She need more bugs. But don't give me chicken. Ew. Because chicken is so close.

Yeah. You're right. Bugs and dirt. Yeah. Are you ready?

Are you ready, more like? It's would you rather this or that. You're gonna make Josh Desanto. This one. Oh, has it got bugs in it?

Yeah. It does. Would you rather pet a tarantula or a snake? See you tomorrow. I would rather pet a snake because You would?

Yes. I'm not afraid of snakes. Tarantulas freak me out. But I'm I'm not that afraid of snakes. I've touched a snake before.

You have? And I don't care for it. When? I don't know. A couple times.

I feel like in my life, I've touched a snake. Would like receipts. I don't think you have. How can I provide receipts? I'm sure I've touched a snake.

You're sure, but you can't provide examples when? In my life, I guarantee at some point at a zoo, at a at a some sort of reptile show What I know about you is that you don't wanna do things that you don't wanna do, and you don't give into peer pressure. So if somebody's like, Josh, do this thing you don't wanna do. You go, no. I'm good.

I got nothing to prove. I'm fine. So I disagree with you. I don't think you've ever touched a snake because you don't like snakes, and you never would, and nobody could ever convince you to do it. So I'm calling you out.

I don't think you've touched a snake. I guarantee I've touched a snake. Don't think that you have. 100%. I guarantee I know for a fact I have, in my life from birth to today, touched at least one snake.

I disagree. I don't think you have. I guarantee I've touched a snake. I'm positive there was some sort of time where there was a snake handler that was like, do you wanna feel what the snake's like? And I went, gross, and then left.

I know for a fact I've touched a snake and didn't like it, but I do it again before I touch a terrain. Me too. So there's that. To answer the question Okay. I would touch a snake again before I would touch the tarantula.

Gross. Would you rather this or that? Alright. Before we get out of here, we just wanna kinda recap what happened today because you invited me to hold, and touch animals, and we talked about how much you wanna eat bugs and dirt. I don't And it I I just don't know who I've married at this point.

You are spreading false information about me, and I don't appreciate it. I believe all of the information I have shared is true. No. You did say you craved the taste of dirt. Once when I was pregnant Yeah.

Years ago. Therefore, you want to eat dirt. Not a fallacy. Right? K?

Secondly, you said you would try eating bugs. I would try it. Right. I don't want to do that. Prepared by A bug chef?

A bug chef. Yeah. Okay. Like, that's a alright. I'd give it a try.

I really would. Alright. And then, you also then did, also say that I did not touch a snake. You didn't. I don't believe it.

But I believe I have, and you still don't believe me. Because you can't provide any proof. How would I prove that? I'm telling you You have no recollection of even a memory of dying. I do, but it's a traumatic experience that I have sort of foggy memories of.

But I'm telling you, I can feel it. I can feel that I touched a snake. I whatever. I disagree with you. I don't believe you.

I don't believe you. Maybe not since I've known you. I haven't touched a snake in over 20 years, but I've touched a snake. Disagree with you. I don't think you have.

Yeah. It's happened. Anyway It's happened. I have because we babysat for a snake. I did not care for that.

And I touched its head because he was trying to escape his cage. And I said, oh, now, buddy. No. And tapped him on his head. It's not that.

It is not that. I can't believe you brought that into our home. I didn't mind him. What else did we, find out today? We talked about what to say if people knock on the door to the back.

Don't know the answer to that. It's an awkward situation. It is voter registration day today. So, what's the website? Idaho gov.

It's voteidaho.gov. Yeah. Voteidaho.gov. Go check out that website. Make sure you are registered.

If you're not, you can register. If you, wanna find out your history of voting, you can also do that. You wanna find out where to go to vote. You can do that. If you want to know if, like, your family members are registered to vote and you know their birth year, you can do that too.

Yeah. Look them up and then you can contact the rally members and say, why aren't you registered to vote? Yeah. What's the deal? Go register to vote.

November 5th is the general election. There will be local taxing district candidates and measures, state legislature stuff, Idaho congressional offices, and, of course, we've got the US president, race happening. So November 5th is a a big election. Make sure you're registered to vote on this voter registration day today. Do wanna remind you that we have this show available as a podcast available everywhere, including as of yesterday.

I finally, after way too many days and days weeks of trying to figure out how to make it work, we have the podcast available on YouTube Music now. So you can listen to it, and you can pull up our YouTube channel, Classy 97, and you can listen to the podcast right there on YouTube. So if you watch YouTube on your phone or you watch it on your TV or whatever, you can now watch there as well. So we literally now I have no qualms with saying the podcast is available everywhere. Everywhere.

Yeah. Before I felt like, except YouTube needed to be in there, but now we're everywhere. So Check the fine print. We're everywhere. Except YouTube.

And now we're there now too. So worldwide, everywhere In Mexico and Canada. Wow. Yeah. You can listen anywhere in the whole wide world.

So thank you for listening. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. You can hear the show again. Or for the first time, you can share it with friends. You can, just, you know, laugh along with us whenever you Or roll your eyes and and talk about us and say, these 2 idiots.

Yeah. Which we won't hear. So thanks for telling us that in private later when you're on your own and listening. You know, what are they even talking about? Anyway, have a great rest of your Tuesday.

We'll be back tomorrow morning, bright and early, 6 to 10 right here on Classy 97. See you. Bye. Happy Tuesday. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast.

If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.